Seasonal Basis (seasonal + basis)

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Selected Abstracts

Water savings in mature deciduous forest trees under elevated CO2

Abstract Stomatal conductance of plants exposed to elevated CO2 is often reduced. Whether this leads to water savings in tall forest-trees under future CO2 concentrations is largely unknown but could have significant implications for climate and hydrology. We used three different sets of measurements (sap flow, soil moisture and canopy temperature) to quantify potential water savings under elevated CO2 in a ca. 35 m tall, ca. 100 years old mixed deciduous forest. Part of the forest canopy was exposed to 540 ppm CO2 during daylight hours using free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) and the Swiss Canopy Crane (SCC). Across species and a wide range of weather conditions, sap flow was reduced by 14% in trees subjected to elevated CO2, yielding ca. 10% reduction in evapotranspiration. This signal is likely to diminish as atmospheric feedback through reduced moistening of the air comes into play at landscape scale. Vapour pressure deficit (VPD)-sap flow response curves show that the CO2 effect is greatest at low VPD, and that sap flow saturation tends to occur at lower VPD in CO2 -treated trees. Matching stomatal response data, the CO2 effect was largely produced by Carpinus and Fagus, with Quercus contributing little. In line with these findings, soil moisture at 10 cm depth decreased at a slower rate under high-CO2 trees than under control trees during rainless periods, with a reversal of this trend during prolonged drought when CO2 -treated trees take advantage from initial water savings. High-resolution thermal images taken at different heights above the forest canopy did detect reduced water loss through altered energy balance only at <5 m distance (0.44 K leaf warming of CO2 -treated Fagus trees). Short discontinuations of CO2 supply during morning hours had no measurable canopy temperature effects, most likely because the stomatal effects were small compared with the aerodynamic constraints in these dense, broad-leaved canopies. Hence, on a seasonal basis, these data suggest a <10% reduction in water consumption in this type of forest when the atmosphere reaches 540% ppm CO2. [source]

The canopy conductance of a boreal aspen forest, Prince Albert National Park, Canada

P. D. Blanken
Abstract Annual fluxes of canopy-level heat, water vapour and carbon dioxide were measured using eddy covariance both above the aspen overstory (Populus tremuloides Michx.) and hazelnut understory (Corylus cornuta Marsh.) of a boreal aspen forest (53·629 °N 106·200 °W). Partitioning of the fluxes between overstory and understory components allowed the calculation of canopy conductance to water vapour for both species. On a seasonal basis, the canopy conductance of the aspen accounted for 70% of the surface conductance, with the latter a strong function of the forest's leaf area index. On a half-hour basis, the canopy conductance of both species decreased non-linearly as the leaf-surface saturation deficits increased, and was best parameterized and showed similar sensitivities to a modified form of the Ball,Berry,Woodrow index, where relative humidity was replaced with the reciprocal of the saturation deficit. The negative feedback between the forest evaporation and the saturation deficit in the convective boundary layer varied from weak when the forest was at full leaf to strong when the forest was developing or loosing leaves. The coupling between the air at the leaf surface and the convective boundary layer also varied seasonally, with coupling decreasing with increasing leaf area. Compared with coniferous boreal forests, the seasonal changes in leaf area had a unique impact on vegetation,atmosphere interactions. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Characteristics of wintertime daily and extreme minimum temperature over South Korea

Sang-Boom Ryoo
Abstract In South Korea, consecutive positive temperature anomalies have been observed since the mid-1980s. The objective of this study is to assess the recent trends in, and variability of, daily minimum temperature over South Korea with particular emphasis on its extremes. Temporal characteristics of wintertime daily and extreme minimum temperature-related variables were analysed on a seasonal basis for the period of 1958,59 to 2000,01. The results show continually fewer days with extreme low minimum temperature since the mid-1980s. However, no significant change in the 1 day temperature difference was observed during the same period, indicating little change in the frequency of cold surges. Also, during the period analysed, there is a significant positive trend in the seasonal mean temperature, a negative trend in the frequency of the extreme cold days, and no significant trend in the seasonal occurrence of cold surges. Northern Hemisphere geopotential height fields before and after 1986,87, i.e. the start of successive positive anomalies in the winter surface air temperature over South Korea, showed a substantial decrease throughout the troposphere over the polar region. In the upper levels the overall pattern becomes more wavelike, with eddies embedded between meanders. The differences in the lower troposphere are remarkably similar to the Arctic oscillation, although the centre in the North Atlantic is shifted toward western Europe and differences in the North Pacific are relatively weaker than those in the polar region. The recent positive phase of the Arctic oscillation may contribute to these abrupt changes in wintertime daily minimum temperatures over South Korea. El Niño,southern oscillation phenomena appear to contribute to the interannual variation of cold surge days in South Korea. Years with no cold surges were experienced during La Niña episodes. On the other hand, all years with more than four cases of cold surges were during El Niño episodes. Copyright © 2004 Royal Meteorological Society [source]

Qualities and antioxidant properties of bread as affected by the incorporation of yam flour in the formulation

Chin-Lin Hsu
Summary Yams (the tubers of Dioscorea spp.) are widely consumed but are also regarded as a medicinal food in China. Traditional Chinese herbal medicines using yams are only available on a seasonal basis, as yams quickly deteriorate during winter storage. Yam (Dioscorea purpurea, a major variety of yams in Taiwan) was freeze-dried and ground to obtain yam flour. Bread was made by replacing up to 25% of wheat flour with yam flour. Although the loaf volume decreased with the addition of yam flour, the results showed that up to 20% of yam flour could be included in bread formulation without altering the sensory acceptance of the blended bread. The incorporation of yam flour in bread markedly increased the antioxidant capacity of the bread as tested by both DPPH free radical scavenging and total antioxidation tests. Breads containing yam flour can broaden the utilization of yams and may be regarded as possible health-promoting foods. [source]

Experimental evidence for costs of parasitism for a threatened species, White Sands pupfish (Cyprinodon tularosa)

Summary 1We used field and experimental data to test if white grub parasites (Diplostomatidae) are costly to White Sands pupfish (Cyprinodon tularosa), a threatened species restricted to four sites in the Chihuahuan desert, New Mexico. 2Of the four populations of C. tularosa, two are native and two are introduced. The two native populations (Malpais Spring and Salt Creek) are genetically distinct and have been isolated historically in dissimilar aquatic habitats (brackish spring and saline river, respectively). Two populations were established c. 1970 from translocation of Salt Creek fish to another saline river (Lost River) and another brackish spring (Mound Spring). 3Physid snails (Physidae) occur in the two brackish spring habitats but not the saline river habitats. These snails are first intermediate hosts for white grubs (Diplostomatidae). Therefore, the two freshwater populations are infected by diplostomatids. For the Mound Spring population, the ecological relationship of C. tularosa and diplostomatids has only recently occurred. 4In 1995, a population crash occurred for C. tularosa at Mound Spring, associated with a parasite outbreak. Diplostomatids were the presumptive cause of this crash, but this was inferred from observation of infection in collected fish. 5Two years of seasonal sampling of the two populations revealed that all collected fish were infected. Parasite intensities were significantly lower in winter compared to summer, suggesting that heavily infected fish were lost from the population on a seasonal basis. 6We conducted an artificial infection experiment to assess the costs of parasitism for previously uninfected C. tularosa females for various life-history traits. Under experimental conditions, diplostomatid infection caused increases in C. tularosa mortality and decreases in growth and fat storage. Individual-level costs of parasitism may translate to population-level patterns of parasitism for C. tularosa populations. Results from this study suggest that parasites may impact host overwinter survival, which is consistent with lower parasite intensities found during winters in wild populations. [source]

Subseasonal extremes of precipitation and active-break cycles of the Indian summer monsoon in a climate-change scenario

A. G. Turner
Abstract Changes to the behaviour of subseasonal precipitation extremes and active-break cycles of the Indian summer monsoon are assessed in this study using pre-industrial and 2 × CO2 integrations of the Hadley Centre coupled model HadCM3, which is able to simulate the monsoon seasonal cycle reasonably. At 2 × CO2, mean summer rainfall increases slightly, especially over central and northern India. The mean intensity of daily precipitation during the monsoon is found to increase, consistent with fewer wet days, and there are increases to heavy rain events beyond changes in the mean alone. The chance of reaching particular thresholds of heavy rainfall is found to approximately double over northern India, increasing the likelihood of damaging floods on a seasonal basis. The local distribution of such projections is uncertain, however, given the large spread in mean monsoon rainfall change and associated extremes amongst even the most recent coupled climate models. The measured increase of the heaviest precipitation events over India is found to be broadly in line with the degree of atmospheric warming and associated increases in specific humidity, lending a degree of predictability to changes in rainfall extremes. Active-break cycles of the Indian summer monsoon, important particularly due to their effect on agricultural output, are shown to be reasonably represented in HadCM3, in particular with some degree of northward propagation. We note an intensification of both active and break events, particularly when measured against the annual cycle, although there is no suggestion of any change to the duration or likelihood of monsoon breaks. Copyright © 2009 Royal Meteorological Society [source]

ABA during reproductive development in non-irrigated grapevines (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Tempranillo)

Abstract In grapevines, stomatal aperture decreases after a mid-morning peak during summer days. Afternoon stomatal closure increases in non-irrigated plants as water limitation progresses, which suggests the involvement of abscisic acid (ABA) in the control of stomatal aperture. The objective of this work was to study the seasonal and diurnal time-courses of CO2 assimilation rate, leaf conductance, leaf water potential +, and ABA concentration in xylem sap, leaves, flowers and berries in non-irrigated field-grown Tempranillo grapevines throughout reproductive development. Leaf decreased throughout fruit development because water availability decreased towards the end of the reproductive cycle. CO2 assimilation rate, leaf conductance and xylem ABA concentration also decreased during the course of the growing season. Combining all measurements xylem ABA was either not correlated, or only slightly correlated, with leaf water status + and daily leaf conductance, respectively. This lack of relationship indicates that xylem ABA during fruit ripening had functions other than provision of a non-hydraulic signal. On a seasonal basis, xylem ABA concentration measured in non-irrigated grapevines was well related to berry ABA concentration, especially at the end of fruit development (veraison and harvest). [source]