
Distribution by Scientific Domains
Distribution within Life Sciences

Kinds of Savanna

  • african savanna
  • eucalypt savanna
  • oak savanna
  • pine savanna
  • semi-arid savanna
  • tropical savanna
  • woodland savanna

  • Terms modified by Savanna

  • savanna biome
  • savanna ecosystem
  • savanna elephant
  • savanna habitat
  • savanna site
  • savanna species
  • savanna tree
  • savanna tree species
  • savanna vegetation
  • savanna woodland

  • Selected Abstracts

    Productivity and carbon fluxes of tropical savannas

    John Grace
    Abstract Aim, (1) To estimate the local and global magnitude of carbon fluxes between savanna and the atmosphere, and to suggest the significance of savannas in the global carbon cycle. (2) To suggest the extent to which protection of savannas could contribute to a global carbon sequestration initiative. Location, Tropical savanna ecosystems in Africa, Australia, India and South America. Methods, A literature search was carried out using the ISI Web of Knowledge, and a compilation of extra data was obtained from other literature, including national reports accessed through the personal collections of the authors. Savanna is here defined as any tropical ecosystem containing grasses, including woodland and grassland types. From these data it was possible to estimate the fluxes of carbon dioxide between the entire savanna biome on a global scale. Results, Tropical savannas can be remarkably productive, with a net primary productivity that ranges from 1 to 12 t C ha,1 year,1. The lower values are found in the arid and semi-arid savannas occurring in extensive regions of Africa, Australia and South America. The global average of the cases reviewed here was 7.2 t C ha,1 year,1. The carbon sequestration rate (net ecosystem productivity) may average 0.14 t C ha,1 year,1 or 0.39 Gt C year,1. If savannas were to be protected from fire and grazing, most of them would accumulate substantial carbon and the sink would be larger. Savannas are under anthropogenic pressure, but this has been much less publicized than deforestation in the rain forest biome. The rate of loss is not well established, but may exceed 1% per year, approximately twice as fast as that of rain forests. Globally, this is likely to constitute a flux to the atmosphere that is at least as large as that arising from deforestation of the rain forest. Main conclusions, The current rate of loss impacts appreciably on the global carbon balance. There is considerable scope for using many of the savannas as sites for carbon sequestration, by simply protecting them from burning and grazing, and permitting them to increase in stature and carbon content over periods of several decades. [source]

    Long-Term Variation in Small Mammal Abundance in Forest and Savanna of Bolivian Cerrado

    BIOTROPICA, Issue 4 2009
    Article first published online: 9 MAR 200, Louise H. Emmons
    ABSTRACT Small mammals were trapped annually in two savanna and two forest plots in cerrado habitats of Noel Kempff Mercado National Park, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, for 5,10 yr. Eighteen species were captured in forest and seven species in savanna. Species numbers and total number of individuals captured were tightly correlated. In forest, species and abundance varied interannually by up to fourfold in one plot and to 100-fold in the other, and showed alternating highs and lows as is typical for small mammals. The largest faunal differences were due not to site differences, but to year differences, with markedly different patterns in forests and savannas. Abundance was not correlated with rainfall overall, but showed correlation in exceptional years of rainfall and ENSO drought. In savanna, species and overall abundance declined without recovery during 3 yr after reaching minimum numbers in 2004. One species, Cavia aperea, became extinct on both plots, and subsequently, apparently on the entire savanna. Both herbivorous and insectivorous species declined together. Rainfall, fire, and flooding do not seem to account for savanna rodent declines. I propose the novel hypothesis that smoke from anthropogenic burning raises nocturnal temperatures and prevents dew formation, and that a decrease in nightly dry season dewfall has been instrumental in rodent declines. Anecdotal and climatic data are consistent with this hypothesis, but it cannot yet be tested. [source]

    Cost-efficiency of Subsampling Protocols to Evaluate Oribatid-Mite Communities in an Amazonian Savanna

    BIOTROPICA, Issue 6 2008
    Evanira M. R. Santos
    ABSTRACT Sampling oribatid mites in large areas using conventional methods is expensive, time-consuming, and this constrains their use in environmental monitoring programs. We used samples collected in 38 plots of 3.75 ha spread over 30,000 ha in an Amazonian savanna to evaluate the reduction in costs and person-hours in sampling and sorting and to elaborate cost-effective protocols. Ten samples per plot were collected and extracted using a Berlese-Tullgren apparatus. In the laboratory, samples were reduced to 50, 25, 12.5, and 6.25 percent of the initial content. Field-effort reduction was estimated by reducing the number of subsamples per plot. Dissimilarity matrices were generated using Bray,Curtis, Sørensen, and Chao,Sørensen indices. Correlations between each reduced-effort dissimilarity matrix and 100 or 50 percent sorting were used as an index of how much information was retained in reduced-effort sampling, and could still be used in multivariate analyses. The effects of most predictor variables on mite composition were detected in data based on every level of sample reduction. The intensive sampling was insufficient to reveal the full oribatid-mite fauna in the savanna; as more plots were sampled, more species were recorded. Our data indicate subsampling protocols for biodiversity assessment of oribatid mites in savanna that increase field and laboratory efficiency, and optimize both taxonomic and ecological aspects of the investigation. RESUMO A coleta de ácaros oribatídeos em grandes áreas usando métodos convencionais é dispendiosa e demorada, limitando o uso desses animais em programas de monitoramento ambiental. Foram coletados ácaros oribatídeos em 38 parcelas de 3.75 ha distribuídas sobre uma área de 30.000 ha em uma savana amazônica. Com o objetivo de elaborar protocolos simples e eficientes, foi avaliada a redução dos custos e do tempo para a coleta e a triagem desses animais. Em cada parcela foram coletadas 10 subamostras compostas, que foram extraídas com aparato de Berlese-Tullgren e reduzidas em porcentagens de 50, 25, 12.5 e 6.25 do conteúdo inicial. A diminuição do esforço do campo foi estimada pela redução do número de amostras por parcela. Análise de ordenação multidimensional foi usada para gerar matrizes de dissimilaridade. Correlações entre cada matriz de dissimilaridade do esforço reduzido e triagem de 100 ou 50 por cento foram usadas como um índice da informação mantida e que ainda poderia ser usada nas análises multivariadas. Houve o efeito da presença de arbustos sobre a composição de ácaros em dados baseados em cada nível de redução das amostras. A coleta intensiva não foi suficiente para observar a riqueza completa de espécies na savana; quanto mais parcelas eram coletadas, mais espécies foram registradas. Os dados indicam protocolos de subamostragem para inventários da biodiversidade de ácaros oribatídeos em savanas, que podem aumentar a eficiência no campo e no laboratório, além de aperfeiçoar o aspecto taxonômico e ecológico da investigação. [source]

    Nutrient Limitation to Primary Productivity in a Secondary Savanna in Venezuela1

    BIOTROPICA, Issue 4 2002
    Nichole N. Barger
    ABSTRACT We examined nutrient limitation to primary productivity in a secondary savanna in the interior branch of the Coastal Range of Venezuela, which was converted from forest to savanna more than 100 years ago. We manipulated soil nutrients by adding nitrogen (+N), phosphorus and potassium (+PK), and nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (+NPK) to intact savanna. Eleven months after fertilization, we measured aboveground biomass and belowground biomass as live fine roots in the top 20 cm of soil, and species and functional group composition in response to nutrient additions. Aboveground biomass was highest in the NPK treatment ([mean g/m2]; control = 402, +N = 718, +PK = 490, +NPK = 949). Aboveground production, however, appeared to be limited primarily by N. Aboveground biomass increased 78 percent when N was added alone but did not significantly respond to PK additions when compared to controls. In contrast to aboveground biomass, belowground biomass increased with PK additions but showed no significant increase with N (depth 0,20 cm; [mean g/m2]; control = 685, +N = 443, +PK = 827, +NPK = 832). There was also a 36 percent increase in root length with PK additions when compared to controls. Whole savanna shoot:root ratios were similar for control and +PK (0.6), while those for +N or +NPK fertilization were significantly higher (1.7 and 1.2, respectively). Total biomass response (above + belowground) to nutrient additions showed a strong N and PK co-limitation ([mean g/m2]; control = 1073, +N = 1111, +PK = 1258, +NPK = 1713). Aboveground biomass of all monocots increased with N additions, whereas dicots showed no response to nutrient additions. Trachypogon spp. (T. plumosus+T. vestitus) and Axonopus canescens, the two dominant grasses, made up more than 89 percent of the total aboveground biomass in these sites. Trachypogon spp. responded to NPK, whereas A. canescens, sedges, and the remaining monocots only responded to N. Even though nutrient additions resulted in higher aboveground biomass in N and NPK fertilized plots, this had little effect on plant community composition. With the exception of sedges, which responded positively to N additions and increased from 4 to 8 percent of die plant community, no changes were observed in plant community composition after 11 months. RESUMEN En este estudio se examinaron las limitaciones nutricionales en la productividad primatia de una sabana secundaria de más de 100 años localizada en el brazo interior de la Cordillera de la Costa de Venezuela. Se manipularon los nutrientes del suelo mediante la adición de nitrógeno (+N), fósforo y potasio (+PK), y nitrógeno, fósforo, y potasio (+NPK) al suelo de la sabana. Después de once meses de iniciarse los experimentos se midió la respuesta a la adición de nutrientes en términos de producción de biomasa aérea, biomasa de raíces finas vivas en los primeros 20 cm de suelo, y cambios en la composición de especies y grupos funcionales. La biomasa aérea fue mayor en las parcelas fertilizadas con N o en combinación de NPK ([promedio g/m2]; control = 402, +N = 718, +PK = 490, +NPK = 949) indicando que la producción aéiea está limitada principalmente por N. No hubo respuesta estadísticamente significativa a la adición de PK con respecto a los controles. La biomasa de raíces finas aumentó con la adición de PK y NPK mientras que no hubo aumento significativo con N (Profundidad 0,20 cm; [promedio g/m2]; control=685, +N=443, +PK=827, +NPK=832). La adición de PK modificó la arquitectura radical con un anmento de 36 por ciento en la longitud de las raíces con respecto al control. La relación vástago/raíz fue similar en los tratmientos controly + PK (0.6), pero significativamente mayor en +N (1.7)y +NPK(1.2) indicando nuevamente una limitación principal por N. La respuesta de la biomasa total (vástago +raíces vivas) a la adición de nutrientes refleja una colimitación de N y PK ([promedio g/m2]; control=1073, +N=1111, +PK+1258,+NPK=1713). La biomasa aérea de las monocotiledóneas aumentó de N, mientras que no hubo respuesta significativa a la adición de nutrientes en las dicotiledóneas. Trachypogon spp (T. Plumosus+T. vestitus) and Axonopus canescens, las dos gramíneas dominantes, representaron más del 89 por ciento de la biomasa total en las parcelas. Trachypogon spp respondieron a NPK, mientras que A. canescens, cuoeráceas, y las otras monocotiledóneas sólo respondieron a N. No hubo cambios significativos en la composición de especies como respuesta a la adición de nutrientes, con la excepción de las ciperáceas que respondieron significativamente a la adición de N con un aumento de 4 a 8 por ciento. [source]

    Tracking Fragmentation of Natural Communities and Changes in Land Cover: Applications of Landsat Data for Conservation in an Urban Landscape (Chicago Wilderness)

    Yeqiao Wang
    Within the metropolis survive some of the world's best remaining examples of eastern tallgrass prairie, oak savanna, open oak woodland, and prairie wetland. Chicago Wilderness is more than 81,000 ha of protected areas in the urban and suburban matrix. It also is the name of the coalition of more than 110 organizations committed to the survival of these natural lands. The long-term health of these imperiled communities depends on proper management of the more extensive, restorable lands that surround and connect the patches of high-quality habitat. Information critical to the success of conservation efforts in the region includes (1) a current vegetation map of Chicago Wilderness in sufficient detail to allow quantitative goal setting for the region's biodiversity recovery plan; (2) quantified fragmentation status of the natural communities; and (3) patterns of land-cover change and their effects on the vitality of communities under threat. We used multispectral data from the Landsat thematic mapper (October 1997) and associated ground truthing to produce a current vegetation map. With multitemporal remote-sensing data (acquired in 1972, 1985, and 1997), we derived land-cover maps of the region at roughly equivalent intervals over the past 25 years. Analyses with geographic information system models reveal rapid acceleration of urban and suburban sprawl over the past 12 years. Satellite images provide striking visual comparisons of land use and health. They also provide banks of geographically referenced data that make quantitative tracking of trends possible. The data on habitat degradation and fragmentation are the biological foundation of quantitative goals for regional restoration. Resumen: En Chicago hay una concentración de comunidades naturales globalmente significativas sorprendentemente alta. En la metrópolis sobreviven algunos de los mejores ejemplos mundiales remanentes de praderas de pastos orientales, sabanas de roble, bosques abiertos de roble y humedales de pradera. Chicago Wilderness es más de 81,000 ha de áreas protegidas en la matriz urbana y suburbana. También es el nombre de una coalición de más de 110 organizaciones dedicadas a la supervivencia de esas tierras naturales. La salud a largo plazo de estas comunidades amenazadas depende del manejo adecuado de las tierras, más extensas y restaurables, que rodean y conectan a los fragmentos de hábitat de alta calidad. La información crítica para el éxito de los esfuerzos de conservación en la región incluye: (1) un mapa actualizado de la vegetación de Chicago Wilderness con suficiente detalle para que la definición de metas cuantitativas para el plan de recuperación de la región sea posible; (2) cuantificación de la fragmentación de las comunidades naturales y (3) patrones de cambio de cobertura de suelo y sus efectos sobre la vitalidad de las comunidades amenazadas. Utilizamos datos multiespectrales del mapeador temático Landsat (octubre 1997) y verificaciones de campo asociadas para producir el mapa actualizado de vegetación. Con datos de percepción remota multitemporales (obtenidos en 1972, 1985 y 1997), derivamos los mapas de cobertura de suelo en la región en intervalos equivalentes en los últimos 25 años. El análisis de los modelos SIG revela una rápida aceleramiento del crecimiento urbano y suburbano en los últimos 12 años. Las imágenes de satélite proporcionan comparaciones visuales notables del uso y condición del suelo. También proporcionan bancos de datos referenciados geográficamente que hacen posible el rastreo de tendencias cuantitativas. Los datos de degradación y fragmentación del hábitat son la base biológica de metas cuantitativas para la restauración regional. [source]

    Browsing in a heterogeneons savanna

    ECOGRAPHY, Issue 5 2000
    C. Skarpe
    Large herbivores generally depend on and interact with a food resource that is heterogeneous at different spatial scales. Plants allocate resources to rapid growth or to defence mechanisms depending on the availability of resources relative to loss of resources from herbivory. Herbivores select food and feeding habitats in order to maximize intake rate of nutrients and digestible energy, while avoiding chemical and structural deterrents. To optimize foraging, herbivores select habitats and food items in a hierarchical way, and different attracting and deterring factors may govern selection at different scales. We studied the impact of twig biting by a guild of indigenous browsers in three vegetation types in a semi-arid savanna in Botswana. The heaviest browsing pressure was in the vegetation type richest in preferred plant species, although that type was also richest in defended species. There were large differences in relative utilization between plant species, and ranking of species was roughly similar in the different vegetation types. Browsing pressure varied between species from almost 0-30%. Overall, spinescent trees were less browsed than non-spinescent ones, and evergreen species were less browsed than deciduous ones. In two of the three vegetation types there was a negative correlation between browsing pressure on a species and its frequency. There was a high incidence of rebrowsing, and once a tree had been browsed, the probability that it would be browsed again increased. The results largely agree with predictions based on the resource availability hypothesis, the scarcity accessibility hypothesis and recent theories on the significance of plant defences and on plant's response to browsing and the subsequent response by herbivores on the plant's responses. [source]

    Woody plants modulate the temporal dynamics of soil moisture in a semi-arid mesquite savanna,

    ECOHYDROLOGY, Issue 1 2010
    Daniel L. Potts
    Abstract Climate variability and human activities interact to increase the abundance of woody plants in arid and semi-arid ecosystems worldwide. How woody plants interact with rainfall to influence patterns of soil moisture through time, at different depths in the soil profile and between neighboring landscape patches is poorly known. In a semi-arid mesquite savanna, we deployed a paired array of sensors beneath a mesquite canopy and in an adjacent open area to measure volumetric soil water content (,) every 30 min at several depths between 2004 and 2007. In addition, to quantify temporally dynamic variation in soil moisture between the two microsites and across soil depths we analysed , time-series using fast Fourier transforms (FFT). FFT analyses were consistent with the prediction that by reducing evaporative losses through shade and reducing rainfall inputs through canopy interception of small rainfall events, the mesquite canopy was associated with a decline in high-frequency (hour-to-hour and day-to-day) variation in shallow ,. Finally, we found that, in both microsites, high-frequency , variation declined with increasing soil depth as the influence of evaporative losses and inputs associated with smaller rainfall events declined. In this case, we argue that the buffering of shallow soil moisture against high-frequency variations can enhance nutrient cycling and alter the carbon cycle in dryland ecosystems. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Patterns of abundance of fire ants and native ants in a native ecosystem

    Abstract 1.,This correlational study examines the relationship between the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) and native ants in a longleaf pine savanna. Fire ants are frequently associated with a decline in native ants throughout the invaded range, but fire ant invasion is often coupled with habitat disturbance. Invasion of fire ants into the longleaf pine savanna provides an opportunity to examine the structure of the ant community in the absence of habitat disturbance. 2.,Pitfall trapping was conducted within the longleaf pine savanna as well as across a naturally occurring soil moisture gradient, in plots that had been artificially watered. 3.,Species richness did not vary as a function of fire ant density. There was an inverse relationship between native ant density and fire ant density, but this abundance pattern does not necessarily imply a causal link between fire ant invasion and native ant decline. For individual species, fire ant densities were negatively correlated with the densities of only two native ant species, including Solenopsis carolinensis, a native species that potentially limits the invasion of fire ants. Additionally, fire ants and native ants respond differently to soil moisture, with native ants favouring drier conditions than fire ants. 4.,The possible exclusion of fire ants by some native ants, as well as differences in habitat preferences, provide alternative explanations for the frequently observed negative correlation between fire ants and native ants. [source]

    Modelling approach to analyse the effects of nitrification inhibition on primary production

    FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, Issue 1 2009
    S. Boudsocq
    Summary 1Wet tropical savannas have high grass productivity despite the fact that nitrogen is generally limiting for primary production and soil nutrient content is typically very low. Nitrogen recycling, and especially nitrification, is supposed to be a strong determinant of the balance between conservation and loss of nutrients at the ecosystem level. The important primary production observed in wet tropical savannas might be due to a tight nutrient cycling and the fact that some grass species inhibit soil nitrification. 2Using a general theoretical ecosystem model taking both nitrate and ammonium into account, we investigate analytically, using a four,compartment-differential-equation system the general conditions under which nitrification inhibition enhances primary production. We then estimate the quantitative impact of such a mechanism on the dynamics and budget of nitrogen in a well-documented ecosystem, the Lamto savanna (Ivory Coast). This ecosystem is dominated by the grass Hyparrhenia diplandra, which drastically reduces nitrification in the whole savanna except for a small zone. While this small zone supports a lower grass primary production, nitrification is higher, most likely due to the presence of another genotype of H. diplandra, which has no effect on nitrification processes. Ultimately, we test whether differences in nitrification fluxes can alone explain this variation in primary production. 3Model analysis shows that nitrification inhibition enhances primary production only if the recycling efficiency , that is, the fraction of nitrogen passing through a compartment that stays inside the ecosystem , of ammonium is higher than the recycling efficiency of nitrate. This condition probably manifests itself in most soils as ammonium is less mobile than nitrate and is not touched by denitrification. It also depends partially on the relative affinity of plants for ammonium or nitrate. The numerical predictions for this model in the Lamto savanna show that variations in nitrification inhibition capacity may explain observed differences in primary production. 4In conclusion we find that nitrification inhibition is a process which probably enhances ecosystem fertility in a sustainable way, particularly in situations of high nitrate leaching and denitrification fluxes. This mechanism could explain the ecological advantage exhibited by native African grasses over indigenous grasses in South-American pastures. [source]

    Effects of fire on surface carbon, energy and water vapour fluxes over campo sujo savanna in central Brazil

    FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, Issue 6 2003
    A. J. B. Santos
    Summary 1Tower-based eddy covariance measurements were used to quantify the effect of fire on subsequent carbon dioxide fluxes and water and surface energy balance characteristics for campo sujo savanna located near Brasília in Central Brazil (15°56, S, 47°51, W). Campo sujo is a xeromorphic, open shrub savanna with very scattered but definitely visible shrubs and tree-like shrub elements. We studied two areas, one exposed to a prescribed fire late in the dry season, and a second that had not been burned for the previous 4 years. 2The fire on 22 September 1998 consumed an estimated 26 mol C m,2. Immediately after the fire, evapotranspiration rates decreased and the savanna became a stronger net source of CO2 to the atmosphere. This was attributed to the removal of the still slightly physiologically active grass layer and higher soil CO2 efflux rates as a consequence of elevated surface soil temperatures post-burning. 3On the commencement of the first rains in early October 1998, this situation was reversed, with the burned area rapidly becoming a stronger sink for CO2 and with higher evapotranspiration rates than a nearby unburned (control) area. This difference persisted throughout the wet season (until at least June 1999) and was attributable to greater physiological activity of the regrowing vegetation in the burned area. Early in the growing season, higher soil evaporation rates may also have contributed to faster water use by the previously burned area. 4Overall, we estimate an annual gross primary productivity for the burned area of 135 mol C m,2 year,1, with that for the unburned area being 106 mol C m,2 year,1. Estimated ecosystem respiration rates were more similar on an annual basis (96 and 82 mol C m,2 year,1 for the burned and unburned areas, respectively), giving rise to a substantially higher net ecosystem productivity for the previously burned area (38 vs 24 mol C m,2 year,1). 5Stimulation of photosynthetic activity in the rapid post-fire growth phase means that the negative effects of fire on the ecosystem carbon balance were more or less neutralized after only 12 months. [source]

    Comparative fire ecology of tropical savanna and forest trees

    FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, Issue 6 2003
    William A. Hoffmann
    Summary 1Fire is important in the dynamics of savanna,forest boundaries, often maintaining a balance between forest advance and retreat. 2We performed a comparative ecological study to understand how savanna and forest species differ in traits related to fire tolerance. We compared bark thickness, root and stem carbohydrates, and height of reproductive individuals within 10 congeneric pairs, each containing one savanna and one forest species. 3Bark thickness of savanna species averaged nearly three times that of forest species, thereby reducing the risk of stem death during fire. The allometric relationship between bark thickness and stem diameter differed between these two tree types, with forest species tending to have a larger allometric coefficient. 4The height of reproductive individuals of forest species averaged twice that of congeneric savanna species. This should increase the time necessary for forest species to reach reproductive size, thereby reducing their capacity to reach maturity in the time between consecutive fires. 5There was no difference in total non-structural carbohydrate content of stems or roots between savanna and forest species, though greater allocation to total root biomass by savanna species probably confers greater capacity to resprout following fire. 6These differences in fire-related traits may largely explain the greater capacity of savanna species to persist in the savanna environment. [source]

    Hydraulic lift in a neotropical savanna

    FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, Issue 5 2003
    M. Z. Moreira
    Summary 1We report hydraulic lift in the savanna vegetation of central Brazil (Cerrado). Both heat-pulse measurements and isotopic (deuterium) labelling were used to determine whether hydraulic lift occurred in two common species, and whether neighbouring small shrubs and trees were utilizing this water. 2Both techniques showed water uptake by tap-roots and reverse flow of water in lateral roots. Roots transferred hydraulically lifted water to the soil, and small shrubs and trees neighbouring the labelled individuals were labelled by deuterated water. 3Isotopic mass-balance equations and sap-flow measurements showed that water taken up by the central tap-root in each individual constituted only a small percentage of total flux of water through the treated plants. Mass-balance equations also indicated that small shrubs and trees neighbouring the treated plants utilized only a few thousandths of a per cent of the label. 4The small proportion of water uptake by the tap-root of these two species may be limiting hydraulic lift in this system, unless sinker roots descending from lateral roots contribute to hydraulic lift. [source]

    Endemic species and ecosystem sensitivity to climate change in Namibia

    Abstract We present a first assessment of the potential impacts of anthropogenic climate change on the endemic flora of Namibia, and on its vegetation structure and function, for a projected climate in ,2050 and ,2080. We used both niche-based models (NBM) to evaluate the sensitivity of 159 endemic species to climate change (of an original 1020 plant species modeled) and a dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM) to assess the impacts of climate change on vegetation structure and ecosystem functioning. Endemic species modeled by NBM are moderately sensitive to projected climate change. Fewer than 5% are predicted to experience complete range loss by 2080, although more than 47% of the species are expected to be vulnerable (range reduction >30%) by 2080 if they are assumed unable to migrate. Disaggregation of results by life-form showed distinct patterns. Endemic species of perennial herb, geophyte and tree life-formsare predicted to be negatively impacted in Namibia, whereas annual herb and succulent endemic species remain relatively stable by 2050 and 2080. Endemic annual herb species are even predicted to extend their range north-eastward into the tree and shrub savanna with migration, and tolerance of novel substrates. The current protected area network is predicted to meet its mandate by protecting most of the current endemicity in Namibia into the future. Vegetation simulated by DGVM is projected to experience a reduction in cover, net primary productivity and leaf area index throughout much of the country by 2050, with important implications for the faunal component of Namibia's ecosystems, and the agricultural sector. The plant functional type (PFT) composition of the major biomes may be substantially affected by climate change and rising atmospheric CO2, currently widespread deciduous broad leaved trees and C4 PFTs decline, with the C4 PFT particularly negatively affected by rising atmospheric CO2 impacts by ,2080 and deciduous broad leaved trees more likely directly impacted by drying and warming. The C3 PFT may increase in prominence in the northwestern quadrant of the country by ,2080 as CO2 concentrations increase. These results suggest that substantial changes in species diversity, vegetation structure and ecosystem functioning can be expected in Namibia with anticipated climate change, although endemic plant richness may persist in the topographically diverse central escarpment region. [source]

    Diversity and species composition of West African ungulate assemblages: effects of fire, climate and soil

    GLOBAL ECOLOGY, Issue 6 2008
    Erik Klop
    ABSTRACT Aim, Anthropogenic fires are a major component of the ecology of rangelands throughout the world. To assess the effects of these fires on the diversity patterns of herbivores, we related gradients in fire occurrence, climate and soil fertility to patterns in alpha and beta diversity of African ungulates. Location, West Africa. Methods, We used a survey-based approach for ungulates in 37 protected areas in desert, savanna and rain forest habitats throughout West Africa, combined with satellite images of fire occurrence and digital maps of actual evapotranspiration and soil fertility. Alpha diversity was related to the environmental variables using conventional and spatial regression models. We investigated beta diversity using partial Mantel tests and ordination techniques, and by partitioning the variance in assemblage composition into environmental and spatial components. Results, The species richness of grazers showed a quadratic relationship with actual evapotranspiration, whereas that of browsers and frugivores showed a linear relationship. However, in the multiple regression models fire occurrence was the only variable that significantly correlated with the species richness of grazers. Soil fertility was weakly related to overall beta diversity and the species richness of browsers, but was non-significant in the multiple regression models. Fire occurrence was the most important variable explaining species composition of the overall species set and of grazers, whereas the assemblage composition of browsers and frugivores was explained mostly by actual evapotranspiration. Main conclusions, In contrast to previous studies, our analyses show that moisture and nutrients alone fail to adequately predict the diversity patterns of grazing ungulates. Rather, the species richness and assemblage composition of grazers are largely governed by anthropogenic fires that modify the quality and structure of the grass sward. Diversity patterns of browsers and frugivores are markedly different from grazers and depend mainly on the availability of moisture, which is positively correlated with the availability of foliage and fruits. Our study highlights the importance of incorporating major human-induced disturbances or habitat alterations into analyses of diversity patterns. [source]

    Climate change and grasslands through the ages: an overview

    GRASS & FORAGE SCIENCE, Issue 2 2007
    L. 't Mannetje
    Summary Change from cool to warm temperatures and vice versa have occurred throughout geological time. During the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods (206,65 million years ago, Ma) the climate was more uniformly warm and moist than at present and tropical rainforests were widespread. Grasses evolved during the Jurassic period and they expanded greatly as the climate differentiated with reduced rainfall and temperatures. C4 -grasses probably arose during the Oligocene period (24,35 Ma). During the Miocene period (23·8,5·3 Ma) grasslands expanded into huge areas (e.g. prairies in the USA, steppe in Eurasia, and pampas and llanos in South America). During the Quaternary period (1·8 Ma till now) some twenty-two different ice ages with periodicities of about 100 000 years occurred. Eighteen-thousand years ago, north-western Europe had a polar climate with tundra vegetation and the Mediterranean region was covered by steppe. During that time Amazonia was so dry that it was covered in extensive areas of savanna and the Sahara expanded rapidly. Only in the last 10 000 years has a closed rainforest covered the Amazonian region again. However, 9000 years ago a brief period of global warming caused excessive rains, which caused the sea and river levels to rise in north-western Europe with tremendous loss of life. The present period of extreme dryness in the Sahara only started some 5000 years ago and then the desert expanded rapidly into the Sahel. Before that the Sahara was covered by steppe. Global warming took place between about ad 900 and about ad 1200 or 1300 just before the Little Ice Age (1550,1700 ad). The article concludes with a description of temperature and vegetation changes that are occurring in Europe at present. It is predicted that C4 -grasses, which are already present in southern Europe, will further expand but that, in the short term, land abandonment will have much more deleterious effects than temperature change due to increased wild fires, loss of biodiversity and desertification. [source]

    Water uptake and nutrient concentrations under a floodplain oak savanna during a non-flood period, lower Cedar River, Iowa,

    Keith E. Schilling
    Abstract Floodplains during non-flood periods are less well documented than when flooding occurs, but non-flood periods offer opportunities to investigate vegetation controls on water and nutrient cycling. In this study, we characterized water uptake and nutrient concentration patterns from 2005 to 2007 under an oak savanna located on the floodplain of the Cedar River in Muscatine County, Iowa. The water table ranged from 0·5 to 2·5 m below ground surface and fluctuated in response to stream stage, plant water demand and rainfall inputs. Applying the White method to diurnal water table fluctuations, daily ET from groundwater averaged more than 3·5 mm/day in June and July and approximately 2 mm/day in May and August. Total annual ET averaged 404 mm for a growing season from mid-May to mid-October. Savanna groundwater concentrations of nitrate-N, ammonium-N, and phosphate-P were very low (mean <0·18, <0·14, <0·08 mg/l, respectively), whereas DOC concentrations were high (7·1 mg/l). Low concentrations of N and P were in contrast to high nutrient concentrations in the nearby Cedar River, where N and P averaged 7·5 mg/l and 0·13, respectively. In regions dominated by intensive agriculture, study results document valuable ecosystem services for native floodplain ecosystems in reducing watershed-scale nutrient losses and providing an oasis for biological complexity. Improved understanding of the environmental conditions of regionally significant habitats, including major controls on water table elevations and water quality, offers promise for better management aimed at preserving the ecology of these important habitats. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Large predators and their prey in a southern African savanna: a predator's size determines its prey size range

    Frans G. T. Radloff
    Summary 1A long-term (13-year) data set, based on > 4000 kills, was used to test whether a sympatric group of large predators adheres to the theoretical predictions that (1) mean prey body size and (2) prey diversity increase as functions of predator body size. 2All kills observed by safari guides are documented routinely in Mala Mala Private Game Reserve, South Africa. We analysed these records for lion (Panthera leo, Linnaeus), leopard (Panthera pardus, Linnaeus), cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus, Schreber) and African wild dog (Lycaon pictus, Temminck). Males and females of the sexually dimorphic felid species were treated as functionally distinct predator types. Prey types were classified by species, sex and age class. 3Prey profiles were compared among predator types in terms of richness and evenness to consider how both the range of prey types used and the dominance of particular prey types within each range may be influenced by predator size. No significant size-dependent relationships were found, so factors separate from or additional to body size must explain variation in prey diversity across sympatric predators. 4A statistically strong relationship was found between mean prey mass and predator mass (r2 = 0·86, P= 0·002), although pairwise comparisons showed that most predators killed similar prey despite wide differences in predator size. Also, minimum prey mass was independent of predator mass while maximum prey mass was strongly dependent on predator mass (r2 = 0·71, P= 0·017). The ecological significance is that larger predators do not specialize on larger prey, but exploit a wider range of prey sizes. [source]

    The impact of cattle ranching on large-scale vegetation patterns in a coastal savanna in Tanzania

    M. W. Tobler
    Summary 1The success of large-scale cattle ranching in African savanna vegetation has often been limited by problems of bush encroachment and disease (in particular trypanosomiasis spread by tsetse flies). Mkwaja Ranch, occupying an area of 462 km2 on the coast of Tanzania, is a recent example of a large ranching enterprise that failed within the savanna environment. It was closed in 2000 after 48 years of operation. In this paper we describe the main vegetation types of the area (excluding closed forest vegetation) and relate their patterns of distribution to the former use of the ranch for cattle. 2The study area comprised the former ranch and parts of the adjacent Saadani Game Reserve, which had not been grazed by cattle for many years and had never been used for large-scale ranching. Following field surveys, 15 distinct types of grassland and bush vegetation were defined and a vegetation map was created using a Landsat TM satellite image. A multispectral classification using the maximum likelihood algorithm gave good results and enabled all 15 vegetation types to be distinguished on the map. 3Two main spatial trends were detected in the vegetation. One was a large-scale decrease in the cover of bushland from the most intensively used parts of the ranch through more extensively used areas to the game reserve; this trend was attributed to differences in management history as well as to climatic and topographic factors. A second trend was a radial vegetation pattern associated with the enclosures where cattle were herded at night. High amounts of three bushland types [dominated by (i) Acacia zanzibarica, (ii) Dichrostachys cinerea, Acacia nilotica or Acacia mellifera and (iii) Terminalia spinosa] occurred in a zone between 300 and 2500 m from the paddocks, with a peak in bush density at about 900 m (mean value for 18 paddocks). In contrast, bushland dominated by Hyphaene compressa was scarce close to the paddocks and became more abundant with distance. There was also a radial trend in the grassland communities: close to the paddocks there was short grass vegetation containing many ruderals and invasive weedy species, while the tall grassland types with species such as Hyperthelia dissoluta and Cymbopogon caesius occurred further away in the areas less affected by cattle. 4Synthesis and applications. The intensive modern livestock ranching as practised on Mkwaja Ranch proved to be unsustainable both economically and ecologically. In the end, the biggest problem faced by the ranch managers was not controlling disease, as had originally been feared, but preventing the spread of bush on pasture land. The results of our study demonstrate just how severe the problem of bush encroachment was, especially in areas close to paddocks. An important lesson for management is that grazing patterns need to be taken into consideration when determining the sustainable stocking rate for an area. To reduce the risk of bush encroachment in grazing systems with focal points such as paddocks or watering points, stocking rates need to be lower than in systems with a more uniform grazing distribution. [source]

    The uptake of applied ecology

    S. J. Ormerod
    Summary 1We asked 229 authors who have published recently in the Journal of Applied Ecology (1999,2001) whether their papers made management or policy recommendations and whether they had evidence of consequent uptake. 2A total of 108 respondents working in the UK (34%), Europe (30%), the Americas (12%), Australasia (11%), Asia (7%) and Africa (6%) reported on 110 papers. They represented agro-ecosystems (35%), temperate forests or woodlands (16%), savanna, grass or arid lands (11%), rivers or wetlands (10%), estuaries or marine systems (7%) and tropical forests (5%). The major organisms were invertebrates (27%), birds (24%), mammals (21%) and higher plants (21%). Topics apparently under-represented in recent coverage include ecosystem science, urban areas, soils, mountain systems, fish, amphibians and lower organisms such as algae. 3Almost all papers (99%) carried recommendations and for 57% there was evidence of uptake in the broad categories of ,environmental management or models', ,information, training and education' and ,monitoring and assessment'. Most uptake involved large geographical scales through habitat or species management plans (32% of cases), effects on reserve design or designation (6%), and effects on agri-environmental policy (5%). The development of further research (11%), the communication of methods to other ecologists (9%), the dissemination of recommendations to practitioners or agencies (7%), and uptake in training or education (5%) were important uses of information. 4Prestige from publication in the Journal of Applied Ecology aided several authors in convincing end-users of research value. User involvement in research as participants or funders was widespread (> 42% of papers), a fact which almost certainly promotes uptake along with the parallel dissemination of management messages. We view applied issues as an important interface between end-users and ecologists of value to ,both' communities but suggest that improved communication will further benefit the sponsorship and application of ecological science. 5The major reason offered for lack of uptake was that it was still too soon after publication (21% of respondents). Costs, difficulty of implementation, the scale of the problem, and ,challenges to existing thinking' each figured in more than one response. 6For some respondents, papers were led by curiosity rather than the need for direct application. Several authors published in the Journal to share ideas internationally, or said that recommendations were general, conceptual or long-term rather than specific. The editors of the Journal of Applied Ecology recognize the seminal importance of contributions that affect policy incrementally and conceptually as much as those with specific application. 7These data provide evidence that ecological science is aiding environmental management and policy across a wide range of regions, ecosystems and types of organisms; rather than merely detecting problems, applied ecology is offering solutions both directly and more diffusely through conceptual advance. We invite the user community to offer their own perspectives about the value of research-led publications such as this Journal, about how links between researchers and users might be strengthened, and about how the uptake of applied ecology might be further advanced. [source]

    Anthropogenic disturbance and the formation of oak savanna in central Kentucky, USA

    Ryan W. McEwan
    Abstract Aim, To deepen understanding of the factors that influenced the formation of oak savanna in central Kentucky, USA. Particular attention was focused on the link between historical disturbance and the formation of savanna ecosystem structure. Location, Central Kentucky, USA. Methods, We used dendrochronological analysis of tree-ring samples to understand the historical growth environment of remnant savanna stems. We used release detection and branch-establishment dates to evaluate changes in tree growth and the establishment of savanna physiognomy. We contrasted our growth chronology with reference chronologies for regional tree growth, climate and human population dynamics. Results, Trees growing in Kentucky Inner Bluegrass Region (IBR) savanna remnants exhibited a period of suppression, extending from the establishment date of the tree to release events that occurred c. 1800. This release resulted in a tripling of the annual radial growth rate from levels typical of oaks suppressed under a forest canopy (< 1 mm year,1) to levels typical of open-grown stems (3 mm year,1). The growth releases in savanna trees coincided with low branch establishment. Over the release period, climatic conditions remained relatively constant and growth in regional forest trees was even; however, the growth increase in savanna stems was strongly correlated with a marked increase in Euro-American population density in the region. Main conclusions, Our data suggest that trees growing in savanna remnants originated in the understorey of a closed canopy forest. We hypothesize that Euro-American land clearing to create pasturelands released these trees from light competition and resulted in the savanna physiognomy that is apparent in remnant stands in the IBR. Although our data suggest that savanna trees originated in a forest understorey, this system structure itself may have been a result of an unprecedented lack of Native American activity in the region due to population loss associated with pandemics brought to North America by Euro-Americans. We present a hypothetical model that links human population dynamics, land-use activities and ecosystem structure. Our model focuses on the following three land-use eras: Native American habitation/utilization; land abandonment; and Euro-American land clearance. Ecological understanding of historical dynamics in other ecosystems of eastern North America may be enhanced through recognition of these eras. [source]

    Productivity and carbon fluxes of tropical savannas

    John Grace
    Abstract Aim, (1) To estimate the local and global magnitude of carbon fluxes between savanna and the atmosphere, and to suggest the significance of savannas in the global carbon cycle. (2) To suggest the extent to which protection of savannas could contribute to a global carbon sequestration initiative. Location, Tropical savanna ecosystems in Africa, Australia, India and South America. Methods, A literature search was carried out using the ISI Web of Knowledge, and a compilation of extra data was obtained from other literature, including national reports accessed through the personal collections of the authors. Savanna is here defined as any tropical ecosystem containing grasses, including woodland and grassland types. From these data it was possible to estimate the fluxes of carbon dioxide between the entire savanna biome on a global scale. Results, Tropical savannas can be remarkably productive, with a net primary productivity that ranges from 1 to 12 t C ha,1 year,1. The lower values are found in the arid and semi-arid savannas occurring in extensive regions of Africa, Australia and South America. The global average of the cases reviewed here was 7.2 t C ha,1 year,1. The carbon sequestration rate (net ecosystem productivity) may average 0.14 t C ha,1 year,1 or 0.39 Gt C year,1. If savannas were to be protected from fire and grazing, most of them would accumulate substantial carbon and the sink would be larger. Savannas are under anthropogenic pressure, but this has been much less publicized than deforestation in the rain forest biome. The rate of loss is not well established, but may exceed 1% per year, approximately twice as fast as that of rain forests. Globally, this is likely to constitute a flux to the atmosphere that is at least as large as that arising from deforestation of the rain forest. Main conclusions, The current rate of loss impacts appreciably on the global carbon balance. There is considerable scope for using many of the savannas as sites for carbon sequestration, by simply protecting them from burning and grazing, and permitting them to increase in stature and carbon content over periods of several decades. [source]

    Forest progression modes in littoral Congo, Central Atlantic Africa

    Charly Favier
    Abstract Aim, To understand the persistence of a forest,savanna mosaic in places where rainfall data suggest that forest take-over should take place. To study the various modes of forest encroachment, and the role of human activities to hamper it. Location, Data were collected on several forest,savanna ecotones in the coastal region of the Republic of Congo. The sites were chosen to illustrate the differing principal modes of forest expansion, corresponding to different levels of anthropic pressure. Methods, The study sites were situated on five transects perpendicular to the ecotone (total sampled area: 1.7 ha) and 10 forest clumps in savanna (with diameters from 3 to 20 m). Along the transects botanical identification, diameter measurement and cartography were performed, while leaf area index was measured at a high resolution (every metre) along two of them. Collected data were analysed using a continuous quantification approach, which is much more useful than classical quadrat analysis. Time calibration of progression rates was performed using a simple model of the growth of the characteristic pioneer species, Aucoumea klaineana. Results, The two main different modes are reflected in different successional patterns. The edge diffusion is slow (its rate is evaluated to c. 1 m year,1) and is characterized by a progressive increase in large-diameter tree density and shade-tolerant tree density away from the ecotone. Conversely, savanna to forest phase transition by coalescence of clumps exhibits high tree density remnants distributed in established forest. The composition of these remnants is compatible with that of the forest clumps in savannas. Main conclusions, Three functional groups of pioneer trees are distinguished: some occupy the edge (edge pioneer), others establish clumps of forest in savanna (clump pioneers) and the longer-living A. klaineana ensures the transition to ,mature' forest. The two different observed patterns (linear edge progression and clump coalescence) can be understood with the use of a model of forest,savanna dynamics, ,FORSAT'. The two control parameters are the annual rainfall and the frequency of man-made fires in each savanna. In particular, an increase in the fire frequency can lead to a shift from the coalescence regime to the edge progression one. [source]

    Rain forest invasion of eucalypt-dominated woodland savanna, Iron Range, north-eastern Australia: II.

    Rates of landscape change
    Abstract Aim, To explore rates of rain forest expansion and associated ecological correlates in Eucalyptus -dominated woodland savanna vegetation in north-eastern Australia, over the period 1943,91. Location, Iron Range National Park and environs, north-east Queensland, Australia. This remote region supports probably the largest extent of lowland (< 300 m) rain forest extant in Australia. Rainfall (c. 1700 mm p.a.) occurs mostly between November and June, with some rain typically occurring even in the driest months July,October. Methods, Interpretation of change in lowland rain forest vegetation cover was undertaken for a 140 km2 area comprising complex vegetation, geology and physiography using available air photos (1943, 1970 and 1991). A GIS database was assembled comprising rain forest extent for the three time periods, geology, elevation, slope, aspect, proximity to streams and roads. Using standard GIS procedures, a sample of 6996 10 × 10 m cells (0.5% of study area) was selected randomly and attributed for vegetation structure (rain forest and non-rain forest), and landscape features. Associations of rain forest expansion with landscape features were examined with logistic regression using the subset of cells that had changed from other vegetation types to rain forest, and remained rain forest over the assessment period, and comparing them with cells that showed no change from their original, non-rain forest condition. Results, Rain forest in the air photo study area increased from 45 km2 in 1943 to 78.1 km2 by 1970, and to 82.6 km2 by 1991. Rainfall (and atmospheric CO2 concentration) was markedly lower in the first assessment period (1943,70). Modelled rates of rain forest invasion differed predominantly with respect to substrate type, occurring faster on substrates possessing better moisture retention properties, and across all elevation classes. Greatest expansion, at least in the first assessment period, occurred on the most inherently infertile substrates. Expansion was little constrained by slope, aspect and proximity to streams and roads. On schist substrates, probability of invasion remained high (> 60%) over distances up to 1500 m from mature rain forest margins; on less favourable substrates (diorite, granites), probability of expansion was negligible at sites more than 400 m from mature margins. Main conclusions, (i) Rain forest expansion was associated primarily with release from burning pressure from c. the 1920s, following major disruption of customary Aboriginal lifestyles including hunting and burning practices. (ii) Decadal-scale expansion of rain forest at Iron Range supports extensive observations from the palaeoecological literature concerning rapid rain forest invasion under conducive environmental conditions. (iii) The generality of these substrate-mediated observations requires further testing, especially given that landscape-scale rain forest invasion of sclerophyll-dominated communities is reported from other regions of north-eastern Australia. [source]

    Effects of climate and local aridity on the latitudinal and habitat distribution of Arvicanthis niloticus and Arvicanthis ansorgei (Rodentia, Murinae) in Mali

    B. Sicard
    Abstract Introduction, The genus Arvicanthis (Lesson 1842) (Rodentia: Murinae), usually referred to as the unstriped grass rat, is mainly distributed in savanna and grassland habitats of Sub-Saharan Africa. Among the four chromosomal forms of Arvicanthis recently differentiated in Western and Central Africa, the one with a diploid chromosomal number (2n) of 62 and an autosomal fundamental number (NFa) of 62 or 64 is ascribed to Arvicanthis niloticus (Demarest 1822), while the one with 2n = 62 and a NFa between 74 and 76 is referred to A. ansorgei (Thomas 1910). Despite the broad area of sympatry recently uncovered along the inner delta of the Niger river in Mali [details in Volobouev et al. (2002) Cytogenetics and Genome Research, 96, 250,260], the distribution of the two species is largely parapatric and follows the latitudinal patterns of the West-African biogeographical domains, which are related to the latitudinal patterns of annual rainfall in this region. Here, we analyse the suggestion that the two species show specific adaptations to differences in climate aridity. Methods, Karyologically screened animals were sampled in 19 localities in seasonally flooded regions located along the ,Niger' river in Mali and extending from 1100 to 200 mm of mean annual rainfall. The analysis of trapping success (TS) data allowed us to investigate the respective effects of climate (i.e. annual rainfall) and local (i.e. duration of the green herbaceous vegetation) aridity on the latitudinal and habitat distribution of the two species. Conclusions, The broad zone of sympatry was found to correspond to a northward expansion of the recognized distribution area of A. ansorgei. TS values indicated that the two species responded very differently to climatic and local conditions of aridity. Arvicanthis ansorgei decreased in TS as regional conditions became more arid; a similar trend was also observed within regions where habitat occupancy decreased with local aridity. The higher TS observed in the most humid habitat relative to the others persisted throughout the latitudinal rainfall gradient. In contrast, TS of A. niloticus increased with latitudinal aridity. This species was present in more arid habitats than A. ansorgei from 1000 mm down to 400 mm of mean annual rainfall where a shift to the most humid habitat occurred. These opposite trends in TS distribution between species suggest that A. ansorgei is less adapted than A. niloticus to arid environments at both a regional and habitat level; thus, A. ansorgei would be able to invade dry regions only along the extensive floodplains bordering the inner delta of the ,Niger' river. Several biological traits that may be involved in limiting the southward distribution of A. niloticus are discussed. [source]

    The irreversible cattle-driven transformation of a seasonally flooded Australian savanna

    Ben R. Sharp
    Abstract Aim ,Anecdotal historical and photographic evidence suggests that woody vegetation is increasing dramatically in some northern Australian savanna habitats. Vegetation change in savannas has important implications for pastoral land-use, conservation management, and landscape-scale carbon storage, and informs theoretical debates about ecosystem function. This study seeks to determine the nature, extent and cause(s) of woody vegetation change in a seasonally flooded alluvial savanna habitat. Location ,The study area is located within the seasonally inundated alluvial zone of the tidal portion of the Victoria River, Northern Territory, Australia. The study area has been grazed by domestic stock since c. 1900, prior to which the area was inhabited and more likely regularly burnt by Aboriginal people for thousands of years. Methods ,Digital georeferenced aerial photographic coverages were used to examine and quantify woody vegetation change between 1948 and 1993. Transect surveys of woody and herbaceous vegetation were carried out to ground-truth air-photo results and determine the nature and causes of observed vegetation changes. Results ,There has been a dramatic increase in woody vegetation cover throughout the study area. Vegetation change patterns are roughly uniform across the full range of edaphic habitat variation and are unrelated to the depositional age of fluvial sediments. Two woody species, Eucalyptus microtheca and Excoecaria parvifolia, are predominantly responsible for observed increases. Demographic analyses reveal that woody invasions have been episodic and indicate that in most locations peak woody species establishment occurred in the mid-1970s. Grasses are almost absent in a majority of habitats within the study area. Instead, large areas are covered by scalded soil, dense invasive weed populations, and unpalatable forbs and sedges. What grasses do occur are predominantly of very low value for grazing. The condition of the herbaceous layer renders most of the study area almost completely non-flammable; what fires do burn are small and of low intensity. Main conclusions ,Multiple working hypotheses explaining observed patterns of woody vegetation increase were considered and rejected in turn. The only hypothesis consistent with the evidence is as follows: (1) observed changes are a direct consequence of extreme overgrazing by cattle, most likely when stocking rates peaked in the mid-1970s; (2) prolonged heavy grazing effected the complete transformation of much of the herbaceous vegetation to a new state that is not flammable; and (3) in the absence of regular fire mortality, woody vegetation increased rapidly. The relatively treeless system that existed in 1948 was apparently stable and resilient to moderate grazing levels, and perhaps also to episodic heavy grazing events. However, grazing intensity in excess of a sustainable threshold has forced a transition that is irreversible in the foreseeable future. Stable-state transitions such as this one inform debates at the heart of ecological theory, such as the nature of stability, resilience, equilibrium and carrying capacity in dynamic savanna ecosystems. [source]

    Acacia species turnover in space and time in an African savanna

    William J. Bond
    Aim Patterns of species turnover along environmental gradients are better studied than their causes. Competitive interactions, or physiological tolerance are most often cited as determinants of turnover. Here we investigate differential tree species response to disturbance by fire and mammal browsing as causes of changing dominance of species within and among sites along an altitudinal gradient. Methods We documented the distribution of two Acacia species using maps and sample transects. We explored possible causes of species turnover by studying differences between the species in tolerance to grass competition using pot experiments, to browsers by observing patterns of shoot damage, and to fire by comparing the size structure of populations burnt at different frequencies and intensities. Results Acacia karroo woodlands were rare and occur at higher elevations than the much more common A. nilotica woodlands. Woodland composition seems set to change in future since the pattern of dominance was reversed in juvenile stages. A. karroo juveniles were very widespread and far more abundant than A. nilotica juveniles. A. karroo juveniles were most abundant in tall fire-prone grasslands and were rare on grazing lawns whereas A. nilotica showed the reverse pattern. In the pot experiments, growth of both species was suppressed by grasses but there were no significant differences in response between the two species. Juveniles of A. karroo were more heavily browsed than those of A. nilotica. However juveniles of A. nilotica were less tolerant of frequent intense burns than juvenile A. karroo. Main conclusions Disturbance gradients, from high fire frequency and low herbivore density at high altitudes, to lower fire frequency and higher herbivore density at low altitudes, are responsible for the shift in community structure along the spatial gradient. Differential responses to browsing and fire may also explain temporal turnover from A. nilotica in the past to A. karroo in the present. Changes in the area burnt annually, and in faunal composition, suggest a landscape-scale shift from grazing-dominated short-grass landscapes in the 1960s, favouring A. nilotica, to fire-dominated tall grasslands in the 1990s favouring A. karroo. We suggest that species turnover due to differential responses along disturbance gradients may be much more widespread than the current paucity of studies suggests. [source]

    Response of Faidherbia albida (Del.) A. Chev., Acacia nigrescens Oliver. and Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd ex Del. seedlings to simulated cotyledon and shoot herbivory in a semi-arid savanna in Zimbabwe

    Sijabulile Dube
    Abstract Woody plant seedling establishment is constrained by herbivory in many semi-arid savannas. We clipped shoots and cotyledons of three woody species 5-day (=,early') or 28-day (= ,late') post-emergence to simulate herbivory. Seedlings had shoot apex, one or two cotyledon(s) removed, or were retained intact. Survival rates were ,80%, ,40% and ,20% for Acacia nilotica, Acacia nigrescens and Faidherbia albida respectively. F. albida mobilized stored cotyledon reserves faster and consequently shed the cotyledons earlier than the two Acacia species. Cotyledons were shed off as late as 70 days post-emergence with 5-day shedding earlier than 28-day and cotyledon life-span decreasing with intensity of defoliation. Shoot apex removal 28-day resulted in higher compensatory growth than 5-day in all three species. Cotyledon removal had no effect on shoot length, while shoot apex removal reduced shoot length. In F. albida root growth was stimulated by shoot apex removal. We conclude that potential tolerance to herbivory in terms of seedling survival was of the order A. nilotica > A. nigrescens > F. albida, timing of shoot apex and cotyledon removal influenced seedling growth in terms of biomass and that shoot apex removal stimulated compensatory growth which is critical to seedling survival. Résumé L'établissement de jeunes plants ligneux est contrarié par l'herbivorie dans de nombreuses savanes semi arides. Nous avons coupé les pousses et les cotylédons de trois espèces ligneuses à 5-j (= tôt) ou à 28 j (= tard) après leur émergence pour simuler l'herbivorie. On coupait l'apex de la tige et un ou deux cotylédons, ou on les laissait intacts. Le taux de survie était , 80%, , 40% et , 20% pour Acacia nilotica, Acacia nigrescensetFaidherbia albida respectivement. F. albida mobilisait plus rapidement les réserves stockées dans les cotylédons et par conséquent perdait les cotylédons plus tôt que les deux espèces d'acacia. Les cotylédons étaient perdus jusqu'à 70 jours après leur apparition, les 5-j les perdant plus tôt que les 28-j, et la durée de vie des cotylédons diminuait avec l'intensité de la défoliation. L'enlèvement des cotylédons n'avait pas d'effet sur la longueur de la pousse, tandis que celui de l'apex la réduisait. Chez F. albida, la croissance des racines était stimulée par l'enlèvement de l'apex. Nous concluons que la tolérance potentielle à l'herbivorie, en termes de survie des jeunes plants, suit cet ordre-ci : A. nilotica > A. nigrescens > F. albida; que le moment de l'enlèvement du bourgeon apical et des cotylédons influence la croissance des jeunes plants en termes de biomasse; et que l'enlèvement du bourgeon apical stimule une croissance compensatoire qui est critique pour la survie du jeune plant. [source]

    The importance of post-fire regrowth for sable antelope in a Southern African savanna

    Francesca Parrini
    Abstract Burning is commonly used in savannas to stimulate grass regrowth for grazing ungulates. We recorded the relative use of burns occurring at different stages in the seasonal cycle, as well as in different regions of the landscape by two herds of sable. We also recorded behavioural measures of foraging efficiency and faecal nutrient contents as an indication of nutrient gains. Sable consistently concentrated their grazing on burned areas provided there was sufficient green regrowth during the dry season. In these circumstances they grazed for longer per feeding station, showed a slower step rate while foraging, and shorter between-patch moves, and a higher probability of encountering acceptable food per step taken while foraging than on unburnt areas. In the year when only a burn with insufficient regrowth was available, sable continued to forage in the area that had been burned during the previous year. Faecal crude protein was substantially higher at the end of the dry season in the year when burned areas were utilized. Accordingly early dry season fires can be important in helping sable bridge the nutritional limitations posed by the dry season, provided sufficient soil moisture remains to promote adequate grass regrowth. Résumé Les feux sont fréquemment utilisés dans les savanes pour stimuler la repousse des herbes consommées par les ongulés herbivores. Nous avons enregistré l'utilisation relative des aires brûlées à différents stades du cycle saisonnier, et dans différentes régions du paysage, par deux hardes d'antilopes sable. Nous avons aussi enregistré des mesures comportementales de l'efficacité du nourrissage et le contenu en nutriments des matières fécales pour avoir une indication du gain en nutriments. Les antilopes sable concentraient leur pâturage de façon continue sur les aires brûlées pour autant que la repousse de verdure fût suffisante au cours de la saison sèche. Dans ce cas-là, elles paissaient plus longtemps par station de nourrissage, présentaient un nombre de pas plus faible en mangeant et se déplaçaient moins entre les arrêts, et la probabilité qu'elles rencontrent une nourriture acceptable par pas franchi en cherchant leur nourriture était plus grande que dans les zones non brûlées. L'année où ne fut disponible qu'une zone brûlée où la repousse était insuffisante, les antilopes ont continuéà brouter dans la zone qui avait été brûlée l'année précédente. Le taux de protéines brutes des matières fécales était substantiellement plus haut à la fin de la saison sèche l'année où les zones brûlées ont été utilisées. En fonction de cela, on peut dire que les feux du début de la saison sèche peuvent être importants pour aider les antilopes sable à passer le cap des limites nutritionnelles imposées par la saison sèche, à condition qu'il reste suffisamment d'humidité dans le sol pour favoriser une repousse d'herbes adéquate. [source]

    Performance of seedlings of the invasive alien tree Schinus molle L. under indigenous and alien host trees in semi-arid savanna

    Donald M. Iponga
    Abstract We assessed the importance of host trees in influencing invasion patterns of the alien tree Schinus molle L. (Anacardiaceae) in semi-arid savanna in South Africa. Recruitment of S. molle is dependent on trees in its invaded habitat, particularly Acacia tortilis Hayne. Another leguminous tree, the invasive alien mesquite (Prosopis sp.), has become common in the area recently, but S. molle rarely recruits under canopies of this species. Understanding of the association between these species is needed to predict invasion dynamics in the region. We conducted experiments to test whether: (i) seedling survival of S. molle is better beneath A. tortilis than beneath mesquite canopies; (ii) growth rates of S. molle seedlings are higher beneath A. tortilis than beneath mesquite. Results showed that growth and survival of S. molle did not differ significantly beneath the native A. tortilis and the alien Prosopis species. This suggests that microsites provided by canopies of mesquite are as good for S. molle establishment as those provided by the native acacia. Other factors, such as the failure of propagules to arrive beneath mesquite trees, must be sought to explain the lack of recruitment beneath mesquite. Résumé Nous avons évalué l'importance des arbres hôtes dans les facteurs qui influencent les schémas d'envahissement de l'arbre exotique Scinus molle L. (Anacardiaceae) dans une savane semi aride d'Afrique du Sud. Le recrutement de S. molle dépend des arbres de l'habitat qu'il envahit, et particulièrement de l'Acacia tortilis Hayne. Un autre arbre de la famille des légumineuses, l'envahissant « mesquite » (Prosopis sp.), est devenu commun dernièrement dans la région, mais S. molle recrute rarement sous la canopée de cette espèce. Il est nécessaire de bien comprendre l'association entre ces espèces pour prévoir la dynamique des envahissements dans la région. Nous avons réalisé des expériences pour tester si : i) la survie des jeunes plants de S. molle est meilleure sous une canopée d'Acacia tortilis que de « mesquite »; ii) le taux de croissance des jeunes plants de S. molle est supérieur sous les A. tortilis que sous les « mesquite ». Les résultats montrent que la croissance et la survie de S. molle ne sont pas significativement différentes sous les espèces natives Acacia tortilis natifs et sous les espèces exotiques de Prosopis. Ceci suggère que les microsites constitués par les canopées de « mesquite » sont aussi bons pour l'établissement de S. molle que ceux qu'offrent les acacias natifs. D'autres facteurs, tels que le fait que les propagules ne parviennent pas à arriver jusque sous les « mesquite », pourraient être invoqués pour expliquer le manque de recrutement sous ces arbres. [source]

    Growth responses of Grewia flavescens Juss. (Sandpaper Raisin) and Grewia monticola Sond. (Grey Grewia) (Tiliaceae) to shoot clipping in a semi-arid Southern African savanna

    Allan Sebata
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]