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Root Production (root + production)
Selected AbstractsFine root dynamics in a loblolly pine forest are influenced by free-air-CO2 -enrichment: a six-year-minirhizotron studyGLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, Issue 3 2008SETH G. PRITCHARD Abstract Efforts to characterize carbon (C) cycling among atmosphere, forest canopy, and soil C pools are hindered by poorly quantified fine root dynamics. We characterized the influence of free-air-CO2 -enrichment (ambient +200 ppm) on fine roots for a period of 6 years (Autumn 1998 through Autumn 2004) in an 18-year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantation near Durham, NC, USA using minirhizotrons. Root production and mortality were synchronous processes that peaked most years during spring and early summer. Seasonality of fine root production and mortality was not influenced by atmospheric CO2 availability. Averaged over all 6 years of the study, CO2 enrichment increased average fine root standing crop (+23%), annual root length production (+25%), and annual root length mortality (+36%). Larger increase in mortality compared with production with CO2 enrichment is explained by shorter average fine root lifespans in elevated plots (500 days) compared with controls (574 days). The effects of CO2 -enrichment on fine root proliferation tended to shift from shallow (0,15 cm) to deeper soil depths (15,30) with increasing duration of the study. Diameters of fine roots were initially increased by CO2 -enrichment but this effect diminished over time. Averaged over 6 years, annual fine root NPP was estimated to be 163 g dw m,2 yr,1 in CO2 -enriched plots and 130 g dw m,2 yr,1 in control plots (P= 0.13) corresponding to an average annual additional input of fine root biomass to soil of 33 g m,2 yr,1 in CO2 -enriched plots. A lack of consistent CO2× year effects suggest that the positive effects of CO2 enrichment on fine root growth persisted 6 years following minirhizotron tube installation (8 years following initiation of the CO2 fumigation). Although CO2 -enrichment contributed to extra flow of C into soil in this experiment, the magnitude of the effect was small suggesting only modest potential for fine root processes to directly contribute to soil C storage in south-eastern pine forests. [source] Root production and demography in a california annual grassland under elevated atmospheric carbon dioxideGLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, Issue 9 2002Paul A. T. Higgins Abstract This study examined root production and turnover in a California grassland during the third year of a long-term experiment with ambient (LO) and twice-ambient atmospheric CO2 (HI), using harvests, ingrowth cores, and minirhizotrons. Based on one-time harvest data, root biomass was 32% greater in the HI treatment, comparable to the stimulation of aboveground production during the study year. However, the 30,70% increase in photosynthesis under elevated CO2 for the dominant species in our system is considerably larger than the combined increase in above and belowground biomass. One possible explanation is, increased root turnover, which could be a sink for the additional fixed carbon. Cumulative root production in ingrowth cores from both treatments harvested at four dates was 2,3 times that in the single harvested cores, suggesting substantial root turnover within the growing season. Minirhizotron data confirmed this result, demonstrating that production and mortality occurred simultaneously through much of the season. As a result, cumulative root production was 54%, 47% and 44% greater than peak standing root length for the no chamber (X), LO, and HI plots, respectively. Elevated CO2, however, had little effect on rates of turnover (i.e. rates of turnover were equal in the LO and HI plots throughout most of the year) and cumulative root production was unaffected by treatment. Elevated CO2 increased monthly production of new root length (59%) only at the end of the season (April,June) when root growth had largely ceased in the LO plots but continued in the HI plots. This end-of-season increase in production coincided with an 18% greater soil moisture content in the HI plots previously described. Total standing root length was not affected by CO2 treatment. Root mortality was unaffected by elevated CO2 in all months except April, in which plants grown in the HI plots had higher mortality rates. Together, these results demonstrate that root turnover is considerable in the grassland community and easily missed by destructive soil coring. However, increased fine root turnover under elevated CO2 is apparently not a major sink for extra photosynthate in this system. [source] Trophic control of grassland production and biomass by pathogensECOLOGY LETTERS, Issue 2 2003Charles E. Mitchell Abstract Current theories of trophic regulation of ecosystem net primary production and plant biomass incorporate herbivores, but not plant pathogens. Obstacles to the incorporation of pathogens include a lack of data on pathogen effects on primary production, especially outside agricultural and forest ecosystems, and an apparent inability to quantify pathogen biomass. Here, I report the results of an experiment factorially excluding foliar fungal pathogens and insect herbivores from an intact grassland ecosystem. At peak in control plots, 8.9% of community leaf area was infected by pathogens. Disease reduction treatment dramatically increased root production and biomass by increasing leaf longevity and photosynthetic capacity. In contrast, herbivory reduction had no detectable effects at the ecosystem or leaf scale. Additionally, biomass of foliar fungal pathogens in the ecosystem was comparable with that of insect herbivores. These results identify pathogens as potential regulators of ecosystem processes and promote the incorporation of pathogens into trophic theory. [source] Could rising aquatic carbon dioxide concentrations favour the invasion of elodeids in isoetid-dominated softwater lakes?FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, Issue 9 2009P. SPIERENBURG Summary 1. During the past century, isoetid vegetation types in softwater lakes have often been invaded by faster-growing elodeids. In these C-limited systems, this may be related to rising aquatic CO2 levels. 2. In a laboratory experiment we tested the growth response of two elodeid species, Myriophyllum alterniflorum and Callitriche hamulata, at four different CO2 levels, ranging from 20 to 230 ,mol L,1. In addition, we tested the effect of the nutrient status of the sediment on the growth of C. hamulata at the different CO2 levels. 3. Shoot and root growth increased with rising CO2 availability. Irrespective of sediment type, growth was minimal to negative at the lowest CO2 treatment level, while becoming positive at CO2 levels around 40,50 ,mol L,1. Substantial growth was only obtained when the macrophytes were growing on mesotrophic sediments. The plants reached close to maximal growth at CO2 levels of c. 100 ,mol L,1. 4. Within this experiment, the growth of C. hamulata at CO2 levels above 90 ,mol L,1 may have been limited by N and P availability in both sediment types. The growth rate of M. alterniflorum did not seem to be limited by N and P availability, most likely due to its much higher relative root production. 5. The experimental results show that neither M. alterniflorum nor C. hamulata is able to invade isoetid-dominated softwater lakes at very low aquatic CO2 concentrations. However, if the sediments contain enough nutrients, a rise in aquatic CO2 could allow the invasion of elodeid species leading to the subsequent disappearance of slow-growing isoetids. [source] Towards a predictive understanding of belowground process responses to climate change: have we moved any closer?FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, Issue 6 2008Elise Pendall Summary 1Belowground processes, including root production and exudation, microbial activity and community dynamics, and biogeochemical cycling interact to help regulate climate change. Feedbacks associated with these processes, such as warming-enhanced decomposition rates, give rise to major uncertainties in predictions of future climate. 2Uncertainties associated with these processes are more likely to be reduced if two key challenges can be met: increasing interdisciplinarity among researchers, and measuring belowground ecosystem structure and function at relevant spatial and temporal scales. For instance, recognizing the relationship between belowground primary production and soil respiration enhances modelling of global-scale C cycle temperature responses. At the opposite end of the spectrum, applying genomic techniques at the scale of microns improves mechanistic understanding of root,microbe interactions. 3Progress has been made in understanding interactions of belowground processes with climate change, although challenges remain. We highlight some of these advances and provide directions for key research needs in this Special Feature of Functional Ecology, which results from a symposium that was convened at the Soil Science Society of America National Meeting in November, 2006. [source] The effects of elevated CO2 on root respiration rates of two Mojave Desert shrubsGLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, Issue 5 2010NAOMI M. CLARK Abstract Although desert ecosystems are predicted to be the most responsive to elevated CO2, low nutrient availability may limit increases in productivity and cause plants in deserts to allocate more resources to root biomass or activity for increased nutrient acquisition. We measured root respiration of two Mojave Desert shrubs, Ambrosia dumosa and Larrea tridentata, grown under ambient (,375 ppm) and elevated (,517 ppm) CO2 concentrations at the Nevada Desert FACE Facility (NDFF) over five growing seasons. In addition, we grew L. tridentata seedlings in a greenhouse with similar CO2 treatments to determine responses of primary and lateral roots to an increase in CO2. In both field and greenhouse studies, root respiration was not significantly affected by elevated CO2. However, respiration of A. dumosa roots <1 month old was significantly greater than respiration of A. dumosa roots between 1 and 4 months old. For both shrub species, respiration rates of very fine (<1.0 mm diameter) roots were significantly greater than those of fine (1,2 mm diameter) roots, and root respiration decreased as soil water decreased. Because specific root length was not significantly affected by CO2 and because field minirhizotron measurements of root production were not significantly different, we infer that root growth at the NDFF has not increased with elevated CO2. Furthermore, other studies at the NDFF have shown increased nutrient availability under elevated CO2, which reduces the need for roots to increase scavenging for nutrients. Thus, we conclude that A. dumosa and L. tridentata root systems have not increased in size or activity, and increased shoot production observed under elevated CO2 for these species does not appear to be constrained by the plant's root growth or activity. [source] Increased temperature and precipitation interact to affect root production, mortality, and turnover in a temperate steppe: implications for ecosystem C cyclingGLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, Issue 4 2010WENMING BAI Abstract Fine root production and turnover play important roles in regulating carbon (C) cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. In order to examine effects of climate change on root production and turnover, a field experiment with increased temperature and precipitation had been conducted in a semiarid temperate steppe in northern China since April 2005. Experimental warming decreased annual root production, mortality, and mean standing crop by 10.3%, 12.1%, 7.0%, respectively, while root turnover was not affected in 2006 and 2007 by the warming. Annual root production and turnover was 5.9% and 10.3% greater in the elevated than ambient precipitation plots. Changes in root production and mortality in response to increased temperature and precipitation could be largely attributed to the changes in gross ecosystem productivity (GEP) and belowground/aboveground C allocation. There were significant interactive effects of warming and increased precipitation on root productivity, mortality, and standing crop. Experimental warming had positive and negative effects on the three root variables (root production, mortality, standing crop) under ambient and increased precipitation, respectively. Increased precipitation stimulated and suppressed the three root variables in the unwarmed and warmed subplots, respectively. The positive dependence of soil respiration and ecosystem respiration upon root productivity and mortality highlights the important role of root dynamics in ecosystem C cycling. The nonadditive effects of increased temperature and precipitation on root productivity, mortality, and standing crop observed in this study are critical for model projections of climate,ecosystem feedbacks. These findings indicate that carbon allocation is a focal point for future research and that results from single factor experiments should be treated with caution because of factor interactions. [source] Fine root dynamics in a loblolly pine forest are influenced by free-air-CO2 -enrichment: a six-year-minirhizotron studyGLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, Issue 3 2008SETH G. PRITCHARD Abstract Efforts to characterize carbon (C) cycling among atmosphere, forest canopy, and soil C pools are hindered by poorly quantified fine root dynamics. We characterized the influence of free-air-CO2 -enrichment (ambient +200 ppm) on fine roots for a period of 6 years (Autumn 1998 through Autumn 2004) in an 18-year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantation near Durham, NC, USA using minirhizotrons. Root production and mortality were synchronous processes that peaked most years during spring and early summer. Seasonality of fine root production and mortality was not influenced by atmospheric CO2 availability. Averaged over all 6 years of the study, CO2 enrichment increased average fine root standing crop (+23%), annual root length production (+25%), and annual root length mortality (+36%). Larger increase in mortality compared with production with CO2 enrichment is explained by shorter average fine root lifespans in elevated plots (500 days) compared with controls (574 days). The effects of CO2 -enrichment on fine root proliferation tended to shift from shallow (0,15 cm) to deeper soil depths (15,30) with increasing duration of the study. Diameters of fine roots were initially increased by CO2 -enrichment but this effect diminished over time. Averaged over 6 years, annual fine root NPP was estimated to be 163 g dw m,2 yr,1 in CO2 -enriched plots and 130 g dw m,2 yr,1 in control plots (P= 0.13) corresponding to an average annual additional input of fine root biomass to soil of 33 g m,2 yr,1 in CO2 -enriched plots. A lack of consistent CO2× year effects suggest that the positive effects of CO2 enrichment on fine root growth persisted 6 years following minirhizotron tube installation (8 years following initiation of the CO2 fumigation). Although CO2 -enrichment contributed to extra flow of C into soil in this experiment, the magnitude of the effect was small suggesting only modest potential for fine root processes to directly contribute to soil C storage in south-eastern pine forests. [source] Environmental control of fine root dynamics in a northern hardwood forestGLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, Issue 5 2003GERALDINE L. TIERNEY Abstract Understanding how exogenous and endogenous factors control the distribution, production and mortality of fine roots is fundamental to assessing the implications of global change, yet our knowledge of control over fine root dynamics remains rudimentary. To improve understanding of these processes, the present study developed regression relationships between environmental variables and fine root dynamics within a northern hardwood forest in New Hampshire, USA, which was experimentally manipulated with a snow removal treatment. Fine roots (< 1 mm diameter) were observed using minirhizotrons for 2 years in sugar maple and yellow birch stands and analyzed in relation to temperature, water and nutrient availability. Fine root dynamics at this site fluctuated seasonally, with growth and mortality peaking during warmer months. Monthly fine root production was strongly associated with mean monthly air temperature and neither soil moisture nor nutrient availability added additional predictive power to this relationship. This relationship exhibited a seasonal temperature hysteresis, which was altered by snow removal treatment. These results suggest that both exogenous and endogenous cues may be important in controlling fine root growth in this system. Proportional fine root mortality was directly associated with mean monthly soil temperature, and proportional fine root mortality during the over-winter interval was strongly related to whether the soil froze. The strong relationship between fine root production and air temperature reported herein contrasts with findings from some hardwood forest sites and indicates that controls on fine root dynamics vary geographically. Future research must more clearly distinguish between endogenous and exogenous control over fine root dynamics in various ecosystems. [source] Root production and demography in a california annual grassland under elevated atmospheric carbon dioxideGLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, Issue 9 2002Paul A. T. Higgins Abstract This study examined root production and turnover in a California grassland during the third year of a long-term experiment with ambient (LO) and twice-ambient atmospheric CO2 (HI), using harvests, ingrowth cores, and minirhizotrons. Based on one-time harvest data, root biomass was 32% greater in the HI treatment, comparable to the stimulation of aboveground production during the study year. However, the 30,70% increase in photosynthesis under elevated CO2 for the dominant species in our system is considerably larger than the combined increase in above and belowground biomass. One possible explanation is, increased root turnover, which could be a sink for the additional fixed carbon. Cumulative root production in ingrowth cores from both treatments harvested at four dates was 2,3 times that in the single harvested cores, suggesting substantial root turnover within the growing season. Minirhizotron data confirmed this result, demonstrating that production and mortality occurred simultaneously through much of the season. As a result, cumulative root production was 54%, 47% and 44% greater than peak standing root length for the no chamber (X), LO, and HI plots, respectively. Elevated CO2, however, had little effect on rates of turnover (i.e. rates of turnover were equal in the LO and HI plots throughout most of the year) and cumulative root production was unaffected by treatment. Elevated CO2 increased monthly production of new root length (59%) only at the end of the season (April,June) when root growth had largely ceased in the LO plots but continued in the HI plots. This end-of-season increase in production coincided with an 18% greater soil moisture content in the HI plots previously described. Total standing root length was not affected by CO2 treatment. Root mortality was unaffected by elevated CO2 in all months except April, in which plants grown in the HI plots had higher mortality rates. Together, these results demonstrate that root turnover is considerable in the grassland community and easily missed by destructive soil coring. However, increased fine root turnover under elevated CO2 is apparently not a major sink for extra photosynthate in this system. [source] Phenology of fine roots and leaves in forest and grasslandJOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, Issue 6 2008Diego F. Steinaker Summary 1The phenology of temperate vegetation is advancing in association with climate warming. Most phenology data, however, comes from flowers and tree leaves. We tested the generality of results from shoot phenology by expanding data collection in two new directions. We related forest leaf phenology to root phenology, and to phenology in a second habitat, grassland. 2We measured leaf and root phenology simultaneously in aspen forest and adjacent native grassland. Root growth accounts for 80,90% of productivity in these habitats. Seasonal variation in soil moisture and temperature were also measured. 3Forest leaf production was greatest about 45 days before peak root production, resulting in a significant negative correlation between leaf and root production in forest. Grassland leaf production was greatest about 15 days before peak root production, and grassland leaf and root production were significantly positively correlated. The duration of root production was 40% greater than that of shoot production. 4Forest leaf production increased significantly with increasing soil moisture, but not temperature. In contrast, the production of forest roots, grassland roots and grassland leaves increased significantly with soil temperature. 5Synthesis. The most commonly measured aspect of phenology, forest leaves, is out of step with the majority of production in forest, as well as phenology in grassland. The invasion of grassland by woody vegetation is characterized by a decoupling of root and shoot phenology, a result that has not been reported previously. Given the global nature of woody plant encroachment, this decoupling may influence our general understanding of productivity and carbon sequestration in response to warming. [source] Estimating net primary production of boreal forests in Finland and Sweden from field data and remote sensingJOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE, Issue 2 2004Daolan Zheng We calculated annual mean stem volume increment (AMSVI) and total litter fall to produce forest net primary production (NPP) maps at 1-km2 and half-degree resolutions in Finland and Sweden. We used a multi-scale methodology to link field inventory data reported at plot and forestry district levels through a remotely sensed total plant biomass map derived from 1-km2 AVHRR image. Total litter fall was estimated as function of elevation and latitude. Leaf litter fall, a surrogate for fine root production, was estimated from total litter fall by forest type. The gridded NPP estimates agreed well with previously reported NPP values, based on point measurements. Regional NPP increases from northeast to southwest. It is positively related to annual mean temperature and annual mean total precipitation (strongly correlated with temperature) and is negatively related to elevation at broad scale. Total NPP (TNPP) values for representative cells selected based on three criteria were highly correlated with simulated values from a process-based model (CEVSA) at 0.5° × 0.5° resolution. At 1-km2 resolution, mean above-ground NPP in the region was 408 g/m2/yr ranging from 172 to 1091 (standard deviation (SD) = 134). Mean TNPP was 563 (252 to 1426, SD = 176). Ranges and SD were reduced while the mean values of the estimated NPP stayed almost constant as cell size increased from 1-km2 to 0.5° × 0.5°, as expected. Nordic boreal forests seem to have lower productivity among the world boreal forests. [source] Combined effects of arbuscular mycorrhizas and light on water uptake of the neotropical understory shrubs, Piper and PsychotriaNEW PHYTOLOGIST, Issue 2 2003Damond A. Kyllo Summary ,,Root hydraulic conductance (Kr) was measured for five understory shrub species of the neotropical moist forest to determine the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) for both carbon-rich and carbon-limited host plants. ,,Kr was measured using a high pressure flow meter (HPFM) for potted plants grown in a factorial combination of AM fungi (presence/absence) and light (3.5 and 30% of full sun, low/high). ,,AM colonization improved Kr for the more shade-tolerant species plants when growing in low light. By contrast, water uptake efficiency of the light-demanding species was significantly decreased by AM fungi in high light. Regardless of AM colonization, light-demanding species had a lower capacity than shade-tolerant species to meet transpirational demands, and they allocated substantially more to fine root production relative to leaf area when colonized. ,,The differential effects of AM colonization and light on a species' root hydraulic conductance in relation to phylogeny and light adaptation demonstrate that AM fungi may be critical in determining early plant succession and community composition not only due to effects on nutrient uptake, but on water uptake as well. [source] Root dynamics and global change: seeking an ecosystem perspectiveNEW PHYTOLOGIST, Issue 1 2000RICHARD J. NORBY Changes in the production and turnover of roots in forests and grasslands in response to rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations, elevated temperatures, altered precipitation, or nitrogen deposition could be a key link between plant responses and longer-term changes in soil organic matter and ecosystem carbon balance. Here we summarize the experimental observations, ideas, and new hypotheses developed in this area in the rest of this volume. Three central questions are posed. Do elevated atmospheric CO2, nitrogen deposition, and climatic change alter the dynamics of root production and mortality? What are the consequences of root responses to plant physiological processes? What are the implications of root dynamics to soil microbial communities and the fate of carbon in soil? Ecosystem-level observations of root production and mortality in response to global change parameters are just starting to emerge. The challenge to root biologists is to overcome the profound methodological and analytical problems and assemble a more comprehensive data set with sufficient ancillary data that differences between ecosystems can be explained. The assemblage of information reported herein on global patterns of root turnover, basic root biology that controls responses to environmental variables, and new observations of root and associated microbial responses to atmospheric and climatic change helps to sharpen our questions and stimulate new research approaches. New hypotheses have been developed to explain why responses of root turnover might differ in contrasting systems, how carbon allocation to roots is controlled, and how species differences in root chemistry might explain the ultimate fate of carbon in soil. These hypotheses and the enthusiasm for pursuing them are based on the firm belief that a deeper understanding of root dynamics is critical to describing the integrated response of ecosystems to global change. [source] Effects of altered water regimes on forest root systemsNEW PHYTOLOGIST, Issue 1 2000J. D. JOSLIN How ecosystems adapt to climate changes depends in part on how individual trees allocate resources to their components. A review of research using tree seedlings provides some support for the hypothesis that some tree species respond to exposure to drought with increases in root,shoot ratios but little change in total root biomass. Limited research on mature trees over moderately long time periods (2,10 yr), has given mixed results with some studies also providing evidence for increases in root: shoot ratios. The Throughfall Displacement Experiment (TDE) was designed to simulate both an increase and a decrease of 33% in water inputs to a mature deciduous forest over a number of years. Belowground research on TDE was designed to examine four hypothesized responses to long-term decreases in water availability; (1) increases in fine-root biomass, (2) increases in fine root,foliage ratio, (3) altered rates of fine-root turnover (FRT), and (4) depth of rooting. Minirhizotron root elongation data from 1994 to 1998 were examined to evaluate the first three hypotheses. Differences across treatments in net fine-root production (using minirhizotron root elongation observations as indices of biomass production) were small and not significant. Periods of lower root production in the dry treatment were compensated for by higher growth during favorable periods. Although not statistically significant, both the highest production (20 to 60% higher) and mortality (18 to 34% higher) rates were found in the wet treatment, resulting in the highest index of FRT. After 5 yr, a clear picture of stand fine-root-system response to drought exposure has yet to emerge in this forest ecosystem. Our results provide little support for either an increase in net fine-root production or a shift towards an increasing root,shoot ratio with long-term drought exposure. One possible explanation for higher FRT rates in the wet treatment could be a positive relationship between FRT and nitrogen and other nutrient availability, as treatments have apparently resulted in increased immobilization of nutrients in the forest floor litter under drier conditions. Such hypotheses point to the continued need to study the interactions of water stress, nutrient availability and carbon-fixation efficiency in future long-term studies. [source] Patterns of Interaction between Populus Esch5 and Piriformospora indica: A Transition from Mutualism to AntagonismPLANT BIOLOGY, Issue 2 2005M. Kaldorf Abstract: Piriformospora indica (Sebacinaceae, Basidiomycota) is an axenically cultivable, plant growth promoting root endophyte with a wide host range, including Populus. Rooting of Populus Esch5 explants started within 6 days after transfer to WPM medium. If such plantlets with roots were inoculated with P. indica, there was an increase in root biomass, and the number of 2nd order roots was increased significantly. A totally different observation was recorded when the explants were placed into WPM with pre-grown P. indica. The interaction led to complete blocking of root production and severely inhibited plant growth. Additionally, branched aerial roots appeared which did not penetrate the medium. On contact with the fungal colony or the medium, the ends of the aerial roots became inflated. Prolonged incubation stimulated the fungus to colonize aerial parts of the plant (stem and leaves). Mycelium not only spread on the surface of the aerial parts, but also invaded the cortical tissues inter- and intracellularly. Detached Populus leaves remained vital for 4 - 5 weeks on sterile agar media or on AspM medium with pre-grown P. indica. When the fungus was pre-grown on culture media such as WPM, containing ammonium as the main source of nitrogen, leaves in contact with the cultures turned brownish within 4 - 12 h. Thereafter, the leaves bleached, and about one day later had become whitish. Thus, cultural conditions could alter the behaviour of the fungus drastically: the outcome of the interaction between plant and fungus can be directed from mutualistic to antagonistic, characterized by fungal toxin formation and extension of the colonization to Populus shoots. [source] Consequences of insect herbivory on grape fine root systems with different growth ratesPLANT CELL & ENVIRONMENT, Issue 7 2007T. L. BAUERLE ABSTRACT Herbivory tolerance has been linked to plant growth rate where plants with fast growth rates are hypothesized to be more tolerant of herbivory than slower-growing plants. Evidence supporting this theory has been taken primarily from observations of aboveground organs but rarely from roots. Grapevines differing in overall rates of new root production, were studied in Napa Valley, California over two growing seasons in an established vineyard infested with the sucking insect, grape phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae Fitch). The experimental vineyard allowed for the comparison of two root systems that differed in rates of new root tip production (a ,fast grower', Vitis berlandieri × Vitis rupestris cv. 1103P, and a slower-growing stock, Vitis riparia × Vitis rupestris cv. 101,14 Mgt). Each root system was grafted with a genetically identical shoot system (Vitis vinifera cv. Merlot). Using minirhizotrons, we did not observe any evidence of spatial or temporal avoidance of insect populations by root growth. Insect infestations were abundant throughout the soil profile, and seasonal peaks in phylloxera populations generally closely followed peaks in new root production. Our data supported the hypothesis that insect infestation was proportional to the number of growing tips, as indicated by similar per cent infestation in spite of a threefold difference in root tip production. In addition, infested roots of the fast-growing rootstock exhibited somewhat shorter median lifespans (60 d) than the slower-growing rootstock (85 d). Lifespans of uninfested roots were similar for the two rootstocks (200 d). As a consequence of greater root mortality of younger roots, infested root populations in the fast-growing rootstock had an older age structure. While there does not seem to be a trade-off between potential growth rate and relative rate of root infestation in these cultivars, our study indicates that a fast-growing root system may more readily shed infested roots that are presumably less effective in water and nutrient uptake. Thus, differences in root tip production may be linked to differences in the way plants cope with roots that are infested by sucking insects. [source] Biological and environmental factors controlling root dynamics and function: effects of root ageing and soil moistureAUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF GRAPE AND WINE RESEARCH, Issue 2010L.H. COMAS Abstract Understanding factors controlling root dynamics and functioning can lead to more efficient and profitable vineyard management. However, our current understanding of root dynamics and their regulation by plant and environmental factors is limited, particularly under field conditions. This paper presents current understanding of grape root dynamics, highlighting studies using minirhizotron cameras, which directly assess root dynamics, and experiments on roots of known age, which link root phenology and function. Data summarised here show timing of grape root production varies widely among different regions, as well as among rootstocks and canopy management systems in the same region. Timing of production can be responsive to differences in soil moisture. Lifespan of grape roots, however, appears less affected by soil moisture because of nocturnal hydraulic redistribution. Root function, such as capacity for P and N uptake, declines rapidly with root age. Differences in timing and spatial distribution of root production can effect above-ground growth and vineyard water-use efficiency. Improving our understanding of when roots grow and are functionally active in agricultural systems can lead to improved water and fertiliser applications, and more precise vineyard management. Because both environmental and biological factors affect root dynamics, simple predictions of timing of root production or standing populations with shoot development are unlikely to be achieved. However, with multi-year data on root dynamics, and environmental and biological factors, regionally specific models of root populations and their functioning may be possible to develop. [source] Genetic and phenotypic differences between thistle populations in response to habitat and weed management practicesBIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY, Issue 4 2010RICCARDO BOMMARCO Rapid evolutionary change is increasingly being recognized as commonplace, but the evolutionary consequences for species and ecosystems under human-induced selection regimes have not been explored in detail, although many species occur in such environments. In a common garden experiment and with amplified fragment length polymorphism markers, we examined whether genetic differentiation has taken place between spatially intermixed populations of creeping thistles Cirsium arvense (Asteraceae) collected from a natural habitat (maritime shores), a semi-natural habitat (road verges) and arable fields under two management regimes: conventional and organic farming. Populations of C. arvense have altered genetically and locally adapted their growth patterns with changed land use. Although plants from different habitats showed similar total biomass production, shoot and root production was higher for maritime populations, suggesting selection for increased competitive ability. Competitive ability then declined in the order semi-natural, conventional farms and organic farms. Thistles in arable fields may be more selected for tolerance against disturbances from herbicides and mechanical weed control. In addition, early shoot sprouting and genetic analysis showed differentiation between plants originating from conventional farms and farms that were converted to organic 9,30 years ago, suggesting some adaptation to altered crop cultivation practices. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99, 797,807. [source] |