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Robust Generalizations (robust + generalization)
Selected AbstractsAssemblage structure, but not diversity or density, change with depth on a northeast Pacific seamountMARINE ECOLOGY, Issue 2010Craig R. McClain Abstract Although depth-related patterns in assemblage structure are documented in several deep-sea systems, variation in diversity, assemblage structure, and abundance with depth on individual seamounts remains unexplored. Knowledge of alpha- and beta-diversity on single seamounts is needed for any robust generalization about large-scale biodiversity patterns on seamounts. Here, we explore bathymetric variation in benthic megafauna, based on ROV video transects, on Davidson seamount (1246,3656 m) in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. We found that substantial change in assemblage structure can occur over vertical scales on an individual seamount. Changes of 50% in assemblage composition (beta-diversity, faunal turnover) were observed over as little as a ,1500 m depth interval down the flanks of the seamount, although bathymetric clines in composition were not uniform across major taxa. Diversity and density exhibit no consistent bathymetric pattern and can vary greatly on a single isobath. Our findings suggest that ecological and evolutionary processes may vary considerably on a single seamount. As such, seamounts should be viewed as patchworks of habitats where high beta-diversity may ultimately increase total biodiversity. [source] Assessment of demographic risk factors and management priorities: impacts on juveniles substantially affect population viability of a long-lived seabirdANIMAL CONSERVATION, Issue 2 2010M. E. Finkelstein Abstract Predicting population-level effects from changes in demographic rates of different life stages is critical to prioritize conservation efforts. Demographic modeling and sensitivity analysis in particular, has become a standard tool to evaluate how management actions influence species' survival. Demographic analyses have resulted in the robust generalization that, for long-lived species with delayed reproduction, population growth rates will be most sensitive to changes in survivorship of older-aged individuals. Although useful in guiding management, this simple maxim may limit options for conservation by causing managers to overlook actions that, although possibly not the most effective in terms of increasing a population's growth rate in an ideal world, can nonetheless more feasibly and rapidly slow a population's decline. We examine the population-level benefits of increasing chick survival in a long-lived seabird, the Laysan albatross Phoebastria immutabilis. Specifically, we use a simple deterministic modeling approach to evaluate the impact of chick mortality (from ingestion of lead-based paint) on the population growth rate (,) for Laysan albatross that breed on Sand Island, Midway Atoll (part of the Hawaiian Archipelago). We estimate that up to 7% of chicks on Sand Island fail to fledge as a result of lead poisoning, which will create a 16% reduction in the Laysan albatross population size (,190 000 less birds) at 50 years into the future. We demonstrate how straightforward management actions that increase juvenile survivorship (e.g. removal of lead-based paint) can help slow population declines while efforts are underway to reduce politically and logistically challenging threats to adult survivorship (e.g. mortality from international fisheries bycatch). Our work exemplifies a situation where overgeneralizations about demography can stifle useful conservation actions and highlights the need to consider the population-level benefits from multiple management strategies. [source] Residence time and potential range: crucial considerations in modelling plant invasionsDIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS, Issue 1 2007John R. U. Wilson ABSTRACT A prime aim of invasion biology is to predict which species will become invasive, but retrospective analyses have so far failed to develop robust generalizations. This is because many biological, environmental, and anthropogenic factors interact to determine the distribution of invasive species. However, in this paper we also argue that many analyses of invasiveness have been flawed by not considering several fundamental issues: (1) the range size of an invasive species depends on how much time it has had to spread (its residence time); (2) the range size and spread rate are mediated by the total extent of suitable (i.e. potentially invasible) habitat; and (3) the range size and spread rate depend on the frequency and intensity of introductions (propagule pressure), the position of founder populations in relation to the potential range, and the spatial distribution of the potential range. We explored these considerations using a large set of invasive alien plant species in South Africa for which accurate distribution data and other relevant information were available. Species introduced earlier and those with larger potential ranges had larger current range sizes, but we found no significant effect of the spatial distribution of potential ranges on current range sizes, and data on propagule pressure were largely unavailable. However, crucially, we showed that: (1) including residence time and potential range always significantly increases the explanatory power of the models; and (2) residence time and potential range can affect which factors emerge as significant determinants of invasiveness. Therefore, analyses not including potential range and residence time can come to misleading conclusions. When these factors were taken into account, we found that nitrogen-fixing plants and plants invading arid regions have spread faster than other species, but these results were phylogenetically constrained. We also show that, when analysed in the context of residence time and potential range, variation in range size among invasive species is implicitly due to variation in spread rates, and, that by explicitly assuming a particular model of spread, it is possible to estimate changes in the rates of plant invasions through time. We believe that invasion biology can develop generalizations that are useful for management, but only in the context of a suitable null model. [source] Naturalization and invasion of alien plants: concepts and definitionsDIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS, Issue 2 2000David M. Richardson Abstract., Much confusion exists in the English-language literature on plant invasions concerning the terms ,naturalized' and ,invasive' and their associated concepts. Several authors have used these terms in proposing schemes for conceptualizing the sequence of events from introduction to invasion, but often imprecisely, erroneously or in contradictory ways. This greatly complicates the formulation of robust generalizations in invasion ecology. Based on an extensive and critical survey of the literature we defined a minimum set of key terms related to a graphic scheme which conceptualizes the naturalization/invasion process. Introduction means that the plant (or its propagule) has been transported by humans across a major geographical barrier. Naturalization starts when abiotic and biotic barriers to survival are surmounted and when various barriers to regular reproduction are overcome. Invasion further requires that introduced plants produce reproductive offspring in areas distant from sites of introduction (approximate scales: > 100 m over < 50 years for taxa spreading by seeds and other propagules; > 6 m/3 years for taxa spreading by roots, rhizomes, stolons or creeping stems). Taxa that can cope with the abiotic environment and biota in the general area may invade disturbed, seminatural communities. Invasion of successionally mature, undisturbed communities usually requires that the alien taxon overcomes a different category of barriers. We propose that the term ,invasive' should be used without any inference to environmental or economic impact. Terms like ,pests' and ,weeds' are suitable labels for the 50,80% of invaders that have harmful effects. About 10% of invasive plants that change the character, condition, form, or nature of ecosystems over substantial areas may be termed ,transformers'. [source] Conundrums in mixed woody,herbaceous plant systemsJOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY, Issue 11 2003Joanna I. House Abstract Aims To identify approaches to improve our understanding of, and predictive capability for, mixed tree,grass systems. Elucidation of the interactions, dynamics and determinants, and identification of robust generalizations that can be broadly applied to tree,grass systems would benefit ecological theory, modelling and land management. Methods A series of workshops brought together scientific expertise to review theory, data availability, modelling approaches and key questions. Location Ecosystems characterized by mixtures of herbaceous and woody plant life-forms, often termed ,savannas', range from open grasslands with few woody plants, to woodlands or forests with a grass layer. These ecosystems represent a substantial portion of the terrestrial biosphere, an important wildlife habitat, and a major resource for provision of livestock, fuel wood and other products. Results Although many concepts and principles developed for grassland and forest systems are relevant to these dual life-form communities, the novel, complex, nonlinear behaviour of mixed tree,grass systems cannot be accounted for by simply studying or modelling woody and herbaceous components independently. A more robust understanding requires addressing three fundamental conundrums: (1) The ,treeness' conundrum. What controls the relative abundance of woody and herbaceous plants for a given set of conditions at given site? (2) The coexistence conundrum. How do the life-forms interact with each other? Is a given woody,herbaceous ratio dynamically stable and persistent under a particular set of conditions? (3) The net primary productivity (NPP) conundrum. How does NPP of the woody vegetation, the herbaceous vegetation, and the total ecosystem (woody + herbaceous) change with changes in the tree,grass ratio? Tests of the theory and conceptual models of determinants of mixed woody,herbaceous systems have been largely site- or region-specific and have seldom been broadly or quantitatively evaluated. Cross-site syntheses based on data and modelling are required to address the conundrums and identify emerging patterns, yet, there are very few data sets for which either biomass or NPP have been quantified for both the woody and the herbaceous components of tree,grass systems. Furthermore, there are few cross-site comparisons spanning the diverse array of woody,herbaceous mixtures. Hence, initial synthesis studies should focus on compiling and standardizing a global data base which could be (1) explored to ascertain if robust generalizations and consistent patterns exist; and (2) used to evaluate the performance of savanna simulation models over a range of woody,herbaceous mixtures. Savanna structure and productivity are the result of complex and dynamic interactions between climate, soils and disturbances, notably fire and herbivory. Such factors are difficult to isolate or experimentally manipulate in order to evaluate their impacts at spatial and temporal scales appropriate for assessing ecosystem dynamics. These factors can, however, be evaluated with simulation models. Existing savanna models vary markedly with respect to their conceptual approach, their data requirements and the extent to which they incorporate mechanistic processes. Model intercomparisons can elucidate those approaches most suitable for various research questions and management applications. Conclusion Theoretical and conceptual advances could be achieved by considering a broad continuum of grass,shrub,tree combinations using data meta-analysis techniques and modelling. [source] Extinction risk scales better to generations than to yearsANIMAL CONSERVATION, Issue 5 2008J. J. O'Grady Abstract It is critical to search for, and to apply, robust generalizations in conservation biology as species-specific data on endangered species are often limited. While generalizations are common in conservation genetics, where processes are treated on the scale of generations, the unique population dynamics of species are often stressed in ecology and conservation management. Is the apparent uniqueness of population attributes partly an artefact of measurement scale? One facet of this debate is the question of whether extinction risk scales better to years or to generations. To resolve this issue, the extinction risk of 100 well-studied vertebrate taxa was estimated using stochastic computer projections and analyses conducted to determine whether risk related better to years or generations. Relative strengths of evidence for alternative hypotheses were assessed using information theory. Extinction risk, assessed as the population size required for a 90% probability of persistence for 100 years, was strongly related to generation length. Conversely, when extinction risk was assessed for a fixed number of generations, there was no support for a relationship between risk and years. This finding has ramifications for assessing and reporting extinction risk because it shows that (1) crucial signals for the effective management of threatened species may not be detected when risk is measured on a scale of years alone; (2) correcting for generation length will allow data from a wider range of species to be used as defaults for species with limited data; (3) generational-scale tests of factors affecting extinction risk are more powerful than year-based ones. We recommend that extinction risk be routinely reported on a generational scale, with results on a year scale added where warranted. [source] |