Riverine Systems (riverine + system)

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Selected Abstracts

Assessing the impact of riparian processes on streambank stability,

ECOHYDROLOGY, Issue 3 2009
Eddy J. Langendoen
Abstract The series of biennial United States (US) National Water Quality Inventory surveys shows no reduction in the percentage of degraded miles of streams since the early 1990s despite an exponential increase in river restoration projects to improve water quality, enhance in-stream habitat and manage the riparian zone. This may suggest that many river restoration projects fail to achieve their objectives. This is partly due to a lack of understanding of the dynamics of the degraded riverine system and its interaction with the riparian zone. These projects could, therefore, benefit from using proven models of stream and riparian processes to guide restoration design and to evaluate indicators of ecological integrity. The US Department of Agriculture has developed two such models: the channel evolution computer model CONCEPTS and the riparian ecosystem model REMM. These models have been integrated to evaluate the impact of edge-of-field and riparian conservation measures on stream morphology and water quality. Vegetative riparian conservation measures are commonly used to stabilize failing streambanks. The shear strength of bank soils is greatly affected by the degree of saturation of the soils and root reinforcement provided by riparian vegetation. The integrated model was used to study the effectiveness of woody and herbaceous riparian buffers in controlling streambank erosion of an incised stream in northern Mississippi. Comparison of model results with observations showed that pore-water pressures are accurately predicted in the upper part of the streambank, away from the groundwater table. Simulated pore-water pressures deviate from those observed lower in the streambank near the phreatic surface. These discrepancies are mainly caused by differences in the simulated location of the phreatic surface and simulated evapotranspiration in case of the woody buffer. The modelling exercise further showed that a coarse rooting system, e.g. as provided by trees, significantly reduced bank erosion rates for this deeply incised stream. Published in 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Stream mosses as chemically-defended refugia for freshwater macroinvertebrates

OIKOS, Issue 2 2007
John D. Parker
Marine and terrestrial studies show that small, sedentary herbivores that utilize plants as both food and habitat can gain enemy-free space by living on hosts that are chemically defended from larger, generalist consumers. Although large herbivores are increasingly recognized as important consumers of macrophytes in freshwater communities, the potential indirect effects of herbivory on plant-associated macroinvertebrates have rarely been studied. Here, we show that the large, generalist consumers in a riverine system, Canada geese, Branta canadensis, and crayfish, Procambarus spiculifer, both selectively consumed riverweed, Podostemum ceratophyllum, over an aquatic moss, Fontinalis novae-angliae, even though moss comprised 89% of the total plant biomass on riverine rocky shoals. Moss supported twice as many plant-associated macroinvertebrates as riverweed, suggesting that it might provide a spatial refuge from consumption by these larger consumers. Bioassay-guided fractionation of moss extracts led to the isolation of a C18 acetylenic acid, octadeca-9,12-dien-6-ynoic acid, that deterred crayfish feeding. In contrast to results with Canada geese and crayfish, both the amphipod Crangonyx gracilis and the isopod Asellus aquaticus consumed significant amounts of moss but rejected riverweed in laboratory feeding assays. Moreover, neither amphipod nor isopod feeding was deterred by the crude organic extract of Fontinalis, suggesting that these mesograzers tolerate or circumvent the chemical defenses that deterred larger consumers. Thus, herbivory by large, generalist herbivores may drive freshwater plant community structure towards chemically defended plants and favor the ecological specialization of smaller, less mobile herbivores on unpalatable hosts that represent enemy-free space. [source]

A new optimal foraging model predicts habitat use by drift-feeding stream minnows

G. D. Grossman
Abstract , There is substantial need for models that accurately predict habitat selection by fishes for purposes ranging from the elaboration of ecological theory to the preservation of biodiversity. We have developed a new and highly tractable optimal foraging model for drift-feeding fishes that is based on the profitability of occupying varying focal-point velocities in a stream. The basic model can be written as: Ix = (Ex * Px) = {(D * A * V) * [1/(1 + e(b + cV))]} , Sx, where: (1) Ix is the net energy intake at velocity x; (2) E is prey encounter rate; (3) P is prey capture success rate which can be modelled as 1/(1 + e(b + cV)) where b and c are fitting constants from the prey capture success curve; (4) D is the energy content of prey (J/m3) in the drift; (5) A is the visual reactive area of the fish; (6) V is velocity (cm/s); and (7) S is the cost of maintaining position (J/s). Given that D, A and S can be considered constant over the range of velocities occupied by these fishes, the model reduces to e(b + cV) = 1/(cV , 1) which we solved iteratively to yield an optimal focal-point velocity for species in each sample. We tested the model by comparing its predictions to the mean focal-point velocities (i.e. microhabitats) occupied by four species of drift-feeding minnows in two sites in a stream in North Carolina, USA. The model successfully predicted focal-point velocities occupied by these species (11 out of 14 cases) in three seasonal samples collected over 2 years at two sites. The unsuccessful predictions still were within 2 cm/s of the 95% confidence intervals of mean velocities occupied by fishes, whereas the overall mean deviation between optimal velocities and mean fish velocities was small (range = 0.9 and 3.3 cm/s for the warpaint shiner and the Tennessee shiner, respectively). Available focal-point velocities ranged from 0,76 to 0,128 cm/s depending on site and season. Our findings represent one of the more rigorous field tests of an optimal foraging/habitat selection model for aquatic organisms because they encompass multiple species and years, and for one species, multiple sites. Because of the ease of parameterization of our model, it should be readily testable in a range of lotic habitats. If validated in other systems, the model should provide critical habitat information that will aid in the management of riverine systems and improve the performance of a variety of currently used management models (e.g. instream flow incremental methodology (IFIM) and total maximum daily load calculations (TMDL)). Resumen 1. Existe una grave necesidad de modelos que predigan con precisión la selección de hábitat por parte de los peces con fines que van del desarrollo de la teoría ecológica a la conservación de la biodiversidad. Nosotros hemos desarrollado un modelo nuevo y de fácil manejo de alimentación óptima para peces que se alimentan de la deriva que se fundamenta en los diferentes beneficios energéticos derivados de ocupar velocidades focales distintas en un río. 2. El modelo básico puede formularse como: Ix = (Ex * Px) = {(D * A * V) * [1/(1 + e(b + cV))]} , Sx, donde: (1) Ix es el energía neta obtenida a la velocidad, x; (2) V es la velocidad (cm/s); (3) A es el area visual de reacción del pez; (4) D es la energía contenida en las presas (J/m3) en la deriva; (5) E es la tasa de encuentro de presas; (6) P es la probabilidad de captura de la presa, que puede representarse como 1/(1 + e(b + cV)) donde b y c son constantes; y (7) S es el coste de nadar para mantener la posición en la corriente (J/s). Puesto que D, A y S pueden considerarse constantes en el rango de velocidades que ocupan estos peces, el modelo se reduce a e(b + cV) = 1/(cV , 1) que resolvimos iterativamente para obtener una velocidad focal óptima para cada especie en cada muestreo. 3. Probamos el modelo comparando su predicciones con la velocidades focales medias (i.e. microhabitats) ocupadas por cuatro especies de ciprínidos que se alimentan de la deriva en un río de Carolina del Norte. El modelo predijo con éxito las velocidades focales ocupadas por estas especies (11/14 casos) en tres muestreos estacionales llevados a cabo a lo largo de dos años en dos estaciones. Incluso las predicciones fallidas se diferenciaron en menos de 2 cm/s del límite de confianza al 95% CIs de las velocidades medias ocupadas, y la diferencia media entre predicciones y observaciones fue pequeña (rango = 0.9 cm/s warpaint shiner, a 3.3-cm/s Tennessee shiner). El rango de las velocidades focales medias disponibles fue de 0,76 cm/s a 0,128 cm/s dependiendo de la localidad y estación del año. 4. Nuestros resultados son una de las pruebas de campo más rigurosas de un modelo de alimentación óptima/selección de hábitat para organismos acuáticos puesto que incluyen diversas especies, años y, para una de las especies, localidades. La facilidad de la estima de los parámetros del modelo hace que sea fácil probarlo en diversos hábitats lóticos. Si es validado en ellos, el modelo debería proporcionar información valiosa que ayudará a la gestión de los sistemas fluviales y mejorará los resultados obtenidos a través de varios modelos usados actualmente para la gestión (p.e. IFIM y cálculos TMDL). [source]

Diel interactions between prey behaviour and feeding in an invasive fish, the round goby, in a North American river

Summary 1. We studied the diet of the invasive round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) on a diel basis in the Flint River, a warmwater stream in Michigan, U.S.A. Diet and available prey samples were collected seven times over a 24 h period in four consecutive months. The section of river studied lacked zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha), the primary prey of adult round gobies elsewhere in the Great Lakes region. 2. Diet changed on a diel basis with hydropsychid caddisfly and chironomid larvae predominating during the day, chironomid pupae dominating in the evening and heptageniid mayflies dominating at night. Simultaneous study of macroinvertebrate drift suggested that caddisfly and chironomid larvae were most likely picked from submerged rocks, chironomid pupae were most likely taken during their emergent ascent and mayflies were either captured from the drift or picked from rocks. 3. The Flint River lacks a diverse darter (Family: Percidae) and sculpin (Family: Cottidae) fauna and it appears that the round goby has occupied a generalised darter/sculpin niche. Our results indicate that round gobies have the potential to invade successfully riverine systems, particularly those lacking a diverse benthic fish assemblage. [source]

Riverine landscapes: taking landscape ecology into the water

1.,Landscape ecology deals with the influence of spatial pattern on ecological processes. It considers the ecological consequences of where things are located in space, where they are relative to other things, and how these relationships and their consequences are contingent on the characteristics of the surrounding landscape mosaic at multiple scales in time and space. Traditionally, landscape ecologists have focused their attention on terrestrial ecosystems, and rivers and streams have been considered either as elements of landscape mosaics or as units that are linked to the terrestrial landscape by flows across boundaries or ecotones. Less often, the heterogeneity that exists within a river or stream has been viewed as a `riverscape' in its own right. 2.,Landscape ecology can be unified about six central themes: (1) patches differ in quality (2) patch boundaries affect flows, (3) patch context matters, (4) connectivity is critical, (5) organisms are important, and (6) the importance of scale. Although riverine systems differ from terrestrial systems by virtue of the strong physical force of hydrology and the inherent connectivity provided by water flow, all of these themes apply equally to aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, and to the linkages between the two. 3.,Landscape ecology therefore has important insights to offer to the study of riverine ecosystems, but these systems may also provide excellent opportunities for developing and testing landscape ecological theory. The principles and approaches of landscape ecology should be extended to include freshwater systems; it is time to take the `land' out of landscape ecology. [source]

Dendritic network structure constrains metacommunity properties in riverine ecosystems

B. L. Brown
Summary 1.,Increasingly, ecologists conceptualize local communities as connected to a regional species pool rather than as isolated entities. By this paradigm, community structure is determined through the relative strengths of dispersal-driven regional effects and local environmental factors. However, despite explicit incorporation of dispersal, metacommunity models and frameworks often fail to capture the realities of natural systems by not accounting for the configuration of space within which organisms disperse. This shortcoming may be of particular consequence in riverine networks which consist of linearly -arranged, hierarchical, branching habitat elements. Our goal was to understand how constraints of network connectivity in riverine systems change the relative importance of local vs. regional factors in structuring communities. 2.,We hypothesized that communities in more isolated headwaters of riverine networks would be structured by local forces, while mainstem sections would be structured by both local and regional processes. We examined these hypotheses using a spatially explicit regional analysis of riverine macroinvertebrate communities, focusing on change in community similarity with distance between local communities [i.e., distance-decay relationships; (DDRs)], and the change in environmental similarity with distance. Strong DDRs frequently indicate dispersal-driven dynamics. 3.,There was no evidence of a DDR in headwater communities, supporting our hypothesis that dispersal is a weak structuring force. Furthermore, a positive relationship between community similarity and environmental similarity supported dynamics driven by local environmental factors (i.e., species sorting). In mainstem habitats, significant DDRs and community × environment similarity relationships suggested both dispersal-driven and environmental constraints on local community structure (i.e., mass effects). 4.,We used species traits to compare communities characterized by low vs. high dispersal taxa. In headwaters, neither strength nor mode (in-network vs. out of network) of dispersal changed our results. However, outcomes in mainstems changed substantially with both dispersal mode and strength, further supporting the hypothesis that regional forces drive community dynamics in mainstems. 5.,Our findings demonstrate that the balance of local and regional effects changes depending on location within riverine network with local (environmental) factors dictating community structure in headwaters, and regional (dispersal driven) forces dominating in mainstems. [source]