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Kinds of Ribs

  • first rib

  • Terms modified by Ribs

  • rib cage
  • rib fracture
  • rib fractures

  • Selected Abstracts


    EVOLUTION, Issue 4 2005
    Kai M. A. Chan
    Abstract Accurate phylogenies are crucial for understanding evolutionary processes, especially species diversification. It is commonly assumed that "good" species are sufficiently isolated genetically that gene genealogies represent accurate phylogenies. However, it is increasingly clear that good species may continue to exchange genetic material through hybridization (introgression). Many studies of closely related species reveal introgression of some genes without others, often with more rapid introgression of maternally inherited chloroplast or mitochondrial DNA (cpDNA, mtDNA). We seek a general explanation for this biased introgression using simple models of common reproductive isolating barriers (RIBs). We compare empirically informed models of prezygotic isolation (for pre- and postinsemination mechanisms of both female choice and male competition) with postzygotic isolation and demonstrate that rate of introgression depends critically upon type of RIB and mode of genetic inheritance (maternal versus biparental versus paternal). Our frequency-dependent prezygotic RIBs allow much more rapid introgression of biparentally and maternally inherited genes than do commonly modeled postzygotic RIBs (especially maternally inherited DNA). After considering the specific predictions in the context of empirical observations, we conclude that our model of prezygotic RIBs is a general explanation for biased introgression of maternally inherited genomic components. These findings suggest that we should use extreme caution when interpreting single gene genealogies as species phylogenies, especially for cpDNA and mtDNA. [source]

    Effect of nondepleting anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody (Rib 5/2) plus donor antigen pretreatment in peripheral nerve allotransplantation

    MICROSURGERY, Issue 8 2002
    Vaishali B. Doolabh M.D.
    Peripheral nerve allotransplantation allows the reconstruction of injuries with long nerve gaps that are otherwise unsalvageable. In this study, the efficacy of anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody (mAb) combined with donor antigen pretreatment in prolonging the survival of short peripheral nerve allografts was investigated in a rodent model. Such an approach could potentially avoid the need for systemic immunosuppression and its concomitant morbidities. Buffalo rats received either nerve isografts or nerve allografts from Lewis rats. Untreated isograft and allograft groups were used as controls. Allograft recipients received either a single dose of RIB 5/2, a nondepleting anti-CD4 mAb, a single dose of Lewis splenocytes, or both antigen and RIB 5/2, 7 days prior to transplantation. Flow cytometric analysis verified that the T-lymphocyte population was maintained, while CD4 expression was downregulated by RIB 5/2. Histologic evaluation demonstrated better regeneration in the allograft recipients receiving both donor antigen and antibody, compared to recipients of untreated allografts or treatment with antigen or antibody alone. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. MICROSURGERY 22:329,334 2002 [source]

    Analysis of the mRNA expression of the TGF-Beta family in testicular cells and localization of the splice variant TGF-,2B in testis

    Lutz Konrad
    Abstract The transforming growth factors (TGF)-,, TGF-,1, TGF-,2, and TGF-,3, and their receptors [T,RI, T,RII, T,RIII (betaglycan)] elicit many functions in the testis, for example, they perturb the blood testis barrier (BTB). Although expression of the ligands and receptors have been investigated, the alternative splice variants are incompletely examined. We therefore have analyzed all ligands, the receptors, and the splice variants T,RIB, T,RIIB, and TGF-,2B in testicular cells from rat and mouse. In mouse, the novel transcript variant TGF-,2B was identified and was found in Leydig cells, spermatogonia, pachytene spermatocytes, and in the apical regions of the Sertoli cells in adult testis. Even though expression of the splice variant T,RIB could be shown in mouse and rat, we never found the isoform T,RIIB in the rat cell lines studied. Whereas in all testicular cells expression of all TGF-, ligands could be shown, receptor mRNA expression was slightly more diverse. Furthermore, expression pattern of the splice variants was more heterogeneous, for example, T,RIB was not detectable in adult Sertoli cells, primary peritubular cells, and immortalized peritubular cells. The heterogeneous expression of the receptors and especially of the splice variants might provide possible clues for the different functions of the TGF-, ligands in testicular cells. Mol. Reprod. Dev. © 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Rat Cytomegalovirus Infection Interferes with Anti-CD4 mAb-(RIB 5/2) Mediated Tolerance and Induces Chronic Allograft Damage

    A. Pascher
    In order to assess the role of heterologous immunity on tolerance induction (TI) by signal 1 modification, the influence of rat cytomegalovirus infection (RCMVI) on TI by a non-depleting monoclonal anti-CD4 mAb (monoclonal antibody) (RIB 5/2) in a rat kidney transplant (KTx) model was investigated. Orthotopic rat KTx (Dark Agouty (DA) , Lewis (LEW)) was performed after TI with RIB 5/2 [10 mg/kg body weight (BW); day ,1, 0, 1, 2, 3; i.p. (intraperitoneal route)]. RCMVI (5 × 10E5 Plaque forming units [PFU] i.p.) was simultaneously conducted to KTx, 50 days after KTx, and 14 days before and after KTx. RIB 5/2 induced robust allograft tolerance even across the high-responder strain barrier. RCMVI broke RIB 5/2-induced tolerance regardless of the time of RCMVI but did not induce acute graft failure during the 120 days follow-up. RCMVI induced a significant chronic deterioration of allograft function (p < 0.01) and enhanced morphological signs of chronic allograft damage (p < 0.05). Cellular infiltrates and major histo-compatibility complex (MHC)-expression were more pronounced (p < 0.05) in the infected groups. RCMVI induced not only RCMV-specific T-cell response but also enhanced the frequency of alloreactive T cells. RCMV interferes with anti-CD4 mAb-induced tolerance and leads to chronic allograft damage. The data we presented suggest a potentially important role of viral infections and their prophylaxis in clinical TI protocols. [source]


    EVOLUTION, Issue 4 2005
    Kai M. A. Chan
    Abstract Accurate phylogenies are crucial for understanding evolutionary processes, especially species diversification. It is commonly assumed that "good" species are sufficiently isolated genetically that gene genealogies represent accurate phylogenies. However, it is increasingly clear that good species may continue to exchange genetic material through hybridization (introgression). Many studies of closely related species reveal introgression of some genes without others, often with more rapid introgression of maternally inherited chloroplast or mitochondrial DNA (cpDNA, mtDNA). We seek a general explanation for this biased introgression using simple models of common reproductive isolating barriers (RIBs). We compare empirically informed models of prezygotic isolation (for pre- and postinsemination mechanisms of both female choice and male competition) with postzygotic isolation and demonstrate that rate of introgression depends critically upon type of RIB and mode of genetic inheritance (maternal versus biparental versus paternal). Our frequency-dependent prezygotic RIBs allow much more rapid introgression of biparentally and maternally inherited genes than do commonly modeled postzygotic RIBs (especially maternally inherited DNA). After considering the specific predictions in the context of empirical observations, we conclude that our model of prezygotic RIBs is a general explanation for biased introgression of maternally inherited genomic components. These findings suggest that we should use extreme caution when interpreting single gene genealogies as species phylogenies, especially for cpDNA and mtDNA. [source]

    Nitrosyl Ruthenium Diolato Complexes

    Michael Barth
    Abstract [mer -(dien)(NO)Ru(AnErytH,2)]BPh4·2,H2O (1), [mer -(dien)(NO)Ru(R,R -ChxdH,2)]BPh4 (2), [mer -(dien)(NO)Ru(EthdH,2)]BPh4 (3), and [mer -(dien)(NO)Ru(Me-,- D -Ribf2,3H,2)]BPh4·5.5,H2O (4) have been synthesized in the form of light pink crystals by the reaction of [mer -(dien)(NO)RuCl2]X with the respective diol in aqueous sodium hydroxide solution (dien = diethylenetriamine, AnEryt = anhydroerythritol, Chxd = cyclohexane-1,2-diol, Ethd = ethanediol, Rib = ribose; X = BPh4 or PF6). The nitrosyl ligand exhibits a strong trans influence which causes the trans -bonded oxygen atom of the diolato ligand to form a shorter bond with the Ru centre. Mean values are 2.038 for cis and 1.946 Å for transO -binding. Back donation is strongly supported by the diolato ligand resulting in low energies for the N,O stretch which can be observed as low as 1805 cm,1. trans -Oxygen atoms do not act as hydrogen-bond acceptors in any of the cases. (© Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2005) [source]

    Suppressed Bone Turnover by Bisphosphonates Increases Microdamage Accumulation and Reduces Some Biomechanical Properties in Dog Rib

    Tasuku Mashiba
    Abstract It has been hypothesized that suppression of bone remodeling allows microdamage to accumulate, leading to increased bone fragility. This study evaluated the effects of reduced bone turnover produced by bisphosphonates on microdamage accumulation and biomechanical properties of cortical bone in the dog rib. Thirty-six female beagles, 1,2 years old, were divided into three groups. The control group (CNT) was treated daily for 12 months with saline vehicle. The remaining two groups were treated daily with risedronate (RIS) at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg per day or alendronate (ALN) at 1.0 mg/kg per day orally. After sacrifice, the right ninth rib was assigned to cortical histomorphometry or microdamage analysis. The left ninth rib was tested to failure in three-point bending. Total cross-sectional bone area was significantly increased in both RIS and ALN compared with CNT, whereas cortical area did not differ significantly among groups. One-year treatment with RIS or ALN significantly suppressed intracortical remodeling (RIS, 53%; ALN, 68%) without impairment of mineralization and significantly increased microdamage accumulation in both RIS (155%) and ALN (322%) compared with CNT. Although bone strength and stiffness were not significantly affected by the treatments, bone toughness declined significantly in ALN (20%). Regression analysis showed a significant nonlinear relationship between suppressed intracortical bone remodeling and microdamage accumulation as well as a significant linear relationship between microdamage accumulation and reduced toughness. This study showed that suppression of bone turnover by high doses of bisphosphonates is associated with microdamage accumulation and reduced some mechanical properties of bone. [source]

    Multislice Computed Tomography of the First Rib: A Useful Technique for Bone Age Assessment

    Guillaume Moskovitch M.S.
    Abstract:, Macroscopic study of the first rib has been described by Kunos et al. as an efficient method of age estimation. We retrospectively reviewed a test sample of 160 first right ribs obtained from multislice computed tomography (MSCT) clinical investigations of living individuals aged 15,30 years old. Based on the descriptions of Kunos et al., we analyzed the morphological appearance of the sternal end of the first rib on two- and three-dimensional MSCT reconstructions and defined changes in appearance in stages (from 2 to 5). We also studied the calcification and ossification of the costal cartilage as an independent feature. By statistical analysis (ANOVA), we determined for each gender the correlation between the estimated stage of the costal face, the appearance of the costal cartilage, and the documented age of the subjects. We demonstrated that MSCT of the first rib appears to be an efficient noninvasive modality for bone age estimation. [source]

    Assessment of Histomorphological Features of the Sternal End of the Fourth Rib for Age Estimation in Koreans,

    M.S., Yi-Suk Kim M.D.
    Abstract:, The aim of this study was to assess the histomorphological features of the fourth rib and to develop age-predicting equations for Koreans. Sixty-four rib samples (36 males and 28 females) obtained from forensic cases were used for developing equations. Two thin sections (<100-,m thick) per sample were prepared by manual grinding. Multivariate analysis of covariance revealed statistically significant differences in age-adjusted histomorphological variables between sexes. Using stepwise regression analysis, osteon population density and average osteon area were correlated with unknown sex (r2 = 0.826), and sex plus two histomorphological variables provided the best results for an age-predicting equation given the assumption of knowing the sex of a specimen (r2 = 0.839). Average Haversian canal area had little influence on age estimation for male or female samples, and relative cortical area was not significantly related to age for any specimen. [source]

    Effect of nondepleting anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody (Rib 5/2) plus donor antigen pretreatment in peripheral nerve allotransplantation

    MICROSURGERY, Issue 8 2002
    Vaishali B. Doolabh M.D.
    Peripheral nerve allotransplantation allows the reconstruction of injuries with long nerve gaps that are otherwise unsalvageable. In this study, the efficacy of anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody (mAb) combined with donor antigen pretreatment in prolonging the survival of short peripheral nerve allografts was investigated in a rodent model. Such an approach could potentially avoid the need for systemic immunosuppression and its concomitant morbidities. Buffalo rats received either nerve isografts or nerve allografts from Lewis rats. Untreated isograft and allograft groups were used as controls. Allograft recipients received either a single dose of RIB 5/2, a nondepleting anti-CD4 mAb, a single dose of Lewis splenocytes, or both antigen and RIB 5/2, 7 days prior to transplantation. Flow cytometric analysis verified that the T-lymphocyte population was maintained, while CD4 expression was downregulated by RIB 5/2. Histologic evaluation demonstrated better regeneration in the allograft recipients receiving both donor antigen and antibody, compared to recipients of untreated allografts or treatment with antigen or antibody alone. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. MICROSURGERY 22:329,334 2002 [source]

    Evolution of the Respiratory System in Nonavian Theropods: Evidence From Rib and Vertebral Morphology

    Emma R. Schachner
    Abstract Recent reports of region-specific vertebral pneumaticity in nonavian theropod dinosaurs have brought attention to the hypothesis that these animals possessed an avian-style respiratory system with flow-through ventilation. This study explores the thoracic rib and vertebral anatomy of Sinraptor, Allosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, and Deinonychus; four nonavian theropods that all show well-preserved thoracic vertebrae and ribs. Comparisons to the osteology and soft tissue anatomy of extant saurians provide new evidence supporting the hypothesis of flow-through ventilation in nonavian theropods. Analyses of diapophyseal and parapophyseal position and thoracic rib morphology suggest that most nonavian theropods possessed lungs that were deeply incised by the adjacent bicapitate thoracic ribs. This functionally constrains the lungs as rigid nonexpansive organs that were likely ventilated by accessory nonvascularized air sacs. The axial anatomy of this group also reveals that a crocodilian-like hepatic-piston lung would be functionally and biomechanically untenable. Taken together with the evidence that avian-like air sacs were present in basal theropods, these data lead us to conclude that an avian-style pulmonary system was likely a universal theropod trait. Anat Rec, 292:1501,1513, 2009. 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Thoracic trauma in foals: post mortem findings

    Summary Reasons for performing study: Thoracic trauma occurs in newborn foals and may cause associated clinical signs; this condition remains poorly documented. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to describe the pathological features of thoracic trauma in newborn foals presented for necropsy examination between 1990 and 2000. Methods: Necropsy reports of foals with thoracic trauma from 1990,2000 were reviewed. Subject details, clinical signs, thoracic and abdominal lesions were noted and analysed statistically. Results: Sixty-seven (9%) of 760 necropsied foals had thoracic trauma. In 19 foals, fractured ribs were considered to be the cause of death (Group A). The remaining foals had fractured ribs (Group B, n = 20) or rib contusions (Group C, n = 28) that were incidental findings. Ribs 3 to 8 accounted for 86% of the traumatised bones. The most common site of injury was the costochondral junction and an area immediately above it (94%). In Group A, all but 2 foals died within the first 8 days post partum. Haemothorax and subsequent pulmonary collapse was cited most commonly as the cause of death (53%). Diaphragmatic rupture and hernia (n = 2) also occurred. Conclusions: The focal site, consistent location and presence of lesions during the first week post partum, all suggest that thoracic trauma in newborn foals probably occurs during parturition. Potential relevance: The description of lesions and site of occurrence of thoracic trauma in foals will increase awareness and improve the diagnosis and treatment of this life threatening condition. [source]

    Abdominal Pain in an Elderly Osteoporotic Patient: Ribs on Pelvis Syndrome

    Crystal Simpson MD
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    Microtransfer Molding of Gelcasting Suspensions to Fabricate Barrier Ribs for Plasma Display Panel

    Jooho Moon
    We have developed a new fabrication technique for the barrier ribs of a plasma display panel (PDP). The rib structure was formed on a glass plate by microtransfer molding a gelcasting suspension with a flexible soft mold. A well,dispersed gelcasting suspension of the glass frit was placed on the photolithographically patterned mold, followed by gelation and drying while pressed with a top glass plate. The rib structure replicated by micromolding was significantly influenced by the gelation kinetics, the green strength of the gelled body, and the mold release process. It was demonstrated that the box,type array of 1176 wells in the patterned area of 6.5 cm × 6.5 cm could be produced using the current method. [source]

    Life Threatening Hemorrhage From Osteoradionecrosis of the Ribs and Clavicle

    THE LARYNGOSCOPE, Issue 9 2007
    MRCS, Mohammed Iqbal Syed MD
    Osteoradionecrosis (ORN) is a familiar complication of radiotherapy. ORN of the clavicle and ribs is well documented after radiation therapy for breast and pulmonary malignancy. ORN of the clavicle after radiation therapy to the neck is very rare. We report the first case in which both clavicles and first ribs underwent ORN 14 years after neck irradiation and surgery for laryngeal malignancy. The presentation was atypical; erosion of the right internal mammary artery causing life-threatening hemorrhage. Otolaryngologists should be aware that ORN can occur at an unusual site and can have an atypical presentation. [source]

    Cytodiagnosis of benign fibrous histiocytoma of rib and diagnostic dilemma: A case report

    Santosh Kumar Mondal M.D.
    Abstract Benign fibrous histiocytoma (BFH) of bone is rare in occurrence, and rib is an unusual site. There are limited case reports of this entity in the literature, and cytodiagnosis of this tumor is not described. A 24-year-old man presented with a firm mass and pain in the right lateral chest wall. Radiological investigations (plain radiograph and computed tomography) revealed a lytic bone lesion involving the 5th rib. Radiologically, giant cell tumor (GCT), BFH, and plasmacytoma were suspected. In fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC), admixture of benign stromal cells and scattered osteoclast type giant cells were found in the smears. Differential diagnoses of BFH, GCT (non-epiphyseal type), fibrous dysplasia, and aneurysmal bone cyst were made on cytology. Subsequent histologic examination confirmed the diagnosis of BFH. Cytologic diagnosis of BFH of rib is difficult as this tumor may mimic other giant cell containing tumors of bone in FNAC. The final diagnosis should always be made after correlation with histological, radiological, and clinical features. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2010. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    Surgical repair of rib fractures in 14 neonatal foals: case selection, surgical technique and results

    Summary Reasons for performing study: Fractured ribs are encountered quite frequently in newborn Thoroughbred foals, often with fatal outcome. Surgical repair of fractures therefore requires consideration as a means of reducing mortality. Objectives: To evaluate the repair of rib fractures using internal fixation techniques in foals at 2 different equine hospitals following similar diagnostics and case selection. Methods: The records of 14 foals that underwent internal fixation of fracture ribs were reviewed. Subject details, clinical presentation, diagnosis, surgical technique, post operative care and complications were recorded. Follow-up information was obtained in 7 foals. Results: The fractured ribs were reduced and stabilised using reconstruction plate(s), self-tapping cortical screws and cerclage wire in 12 cases, Steinmann pins and cerclage wires in 1 case and both techniques in 1 case. Not every rib was reduced on each case. Surgical reduction was performed on an average of 2 ribs, range 1,3 ribs in each foal. At the time of writing, 4 foals had been sold, one age 2 years was in training and 2 others died from unrelated causes. Conclusions: Our data support the use of surgical stabilisation utilising reconstruction plates, self-tapping cortical screws and cerclage wire for selected cases of thoracic trauma in neonatal foals. The use of Steinmann pins may be suboptimal due to cyclic failure, implant migration and the potential for iatrogenic internal thoracic trauma. Potential relevance: Foals with existing extensive internal thoracic trauma resulting from rib fracture(s), or the potential for such trauma, previously considered to have a guarded to poor prognosis for survival, may be successfully managed with internal fixation of selected fracture sites. [source]

    Modelling Approach for Planar Self-Breathing PEMFC and Comparison with Experimental Results,

    FUEL CELLS, Issue 4 2004
    A. Schmitz
    Abstract This paper presents a model-based analysis of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell,(PEMFC) with a planar design as the power supply for portable applications. The cell is operated with hydrogen and consists of an open cathode side allowing for passive, self-breathing, operation. This planar fuel cell is fabricated using printed circuit board,(PCB) technology. Long-term stability of this type of fuel cell has been demonstrated. A stationary, two-dimensional, isothermal, mathematical model of the planar fuel cell is developed. Fickian diffusion of the gaseous components,(O2, H2, H2O) in the gas diffusion layers and the catalyst layers is accounted for. The transport of water is considered in the gaseous phase only. The electrochemical reactions are described by the Tafel equation. The potential and current balance equations are solved separately for protons and electrons. The resulting system of partial differential equations is solved by a finite element method using FEMLAB,(COMSOL Inc.) software. Three different cathode opening ratios are realized and the corresponding polarization curves are measured. The measurements are compared to numerical simulation results. The model reproduces the shape of the measured polarization curves and comparable limiting current density values, due to mass transport limitation, are obtained. The simulated distribution of gaseous water shows that an increase of the water concentration under the rib occurs. It is concluded that liquid water may condense under the rib leading to a reduction of the open pore space accessible for gas transport. Thus, a broad rib not only hinders the oxygen supply itself, but may also cause additional mass transport problems due to the condensation of water. [source]

    Fractures and avascular necrosis before and after orthotopic liver transplantation: Long-term follow-up and predictive factors,

    HEPATOLOGY, Issue 4 2007
    Maureen M. J. Guichelaar
    With early posttransplant bone loss, orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) recipients experience a high rate of fracturing and some avascular necrosis (AVN), but little is known about the incidence of and predictive factors for these skeletal complications. We studied 360 consecutive patients who underwent transplantation for primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) and assessed both vertebral and nonvertebral (rib, pelvic, and femur) fractures in a protocolized fashion. Before OLT, 20% of the patients had experienced fracturing, and 1.4% of the patients had experienced AVN. Following OLT, there was a sharp increase in fracturing, with a 30% cumulative incidence of fractures at 1 year and 46% at 8 years after transplantation. In contrast to previous studies, there was a similar incidence of posttransplant vertebral and nonvertebral fractures. The greatest risk factors for posttransplant fracturing were pretransplant fracturing and the severity of osteopenia and posttransplant glucocorticoids. Nine percent of the liver recipients experienced AVN after OLT, and this correlated with pretransplant and posttransplant lipid metabolism, bone disease (bone mineral density and fracturing), and posttransplant glucocorticoids. A novel association between cholestasis and AVN was also identified, the mechanism for which is not known. Conclusion: Fortunately, recent years have seen an increase in the bone mass of liver recipients and, along with this, less fracturing and less AVN. Nonetheless, 25% of patients undergoing OLT for chronic cholestatic liver disease still develop de novo fractures after OLT; this situation demands an ongoing search for effective therapeutic agents for these patients. (HEPATOLOGY 2007.) [source]

    Use of the first rib for adult age estimation: a test of one method

    H. Kurki
    Abstract The human first rib is relatively easy to identify and is often preserved, in comparison with elements such as the fourth rib and pubic symphysis. Therefore it is potentially a valuable skeletal element for estimating age in forensic and archaeological contexts. A method of adult age estimation using the first rib (Kunos et al., 1999) is tested on a sample of known age skeletons from the J.C.B. Grant Collection (n,=,29, mean age,=,55.7 years). The high correlation coefficient (r,=,0.69) and moderate coefficient of determination (r2,=,0.47) demonstrate agreement between the known and estimated ages, suggesting that the first rib demonstates morphological changes with age. The inaccuracy and bias are high (all ages inaccuracy,=,10.4 years, bias,=,4.7 years) but comparable to several other age estimation methods in common use. Although the results are not as good for younger age categories (<,50 years: inaccuracy and bias rank ninth of nine age estimation methods), the inaccuracy and bias for the older age categories are relatively low (60,+ years inaccuracy,=,8.9 years, ranks third out of nine; bias,=,,,5.8 years, ranks first out of nine) compared with other age estimation methods. The first rib method is reasonably precise (93% of individuals fall within the limits of agreement of the mean difference between two trials). The first rib method is therefore a useful addition to the methods available for biological profile reconstructions from skeletal remains, especially if it is suspected that the remains represent an older individual. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Safety of supracostal punctures for percutaneous renal surgery

    Aim: Supracostal superior calyceal access has been shown to be the most suitable approach for staghorn calculi, calculi in the upper ureter and complex inferior calyceal calculi, as well as for antegrade endopyelotomy. However, many urologists hesitate in using this approach because of the potential for chest complications. The aim of this study was to analyze one institution's data regarding the safety and efficacy of this approach for percutaneous renal surgery. Methods: A total of 890 renal units (762 patients) were treated with percutaneous renal surgery (849 percutaneous nephrolithotomy, 41 antegrade endopyelotomy) from July 1998 to July 2004. Supracostal access was obtained in 332 (37.3%) patients. The indications for a supracostal approach were ureteropelvic junction obstruction, staghorn and complex inferior calyceal calculi, and stones in the upper calyx or the upper ureter. All punctures were made by the urologist under C-arm fluoroscopic guidance in the prone position. Results: The interspace between 11th and 12th rib was used in all except four patients in whom the puncture was made above the 11th rib. Eleven patients (3.31%) had a pleural breach presenting with fluid in the chest. Insertion of a chest tube was required in seven patients, while other four were managed conservatively. No patient had injury to the lung or other viscera. Hospital stay was not significantly prolonged as a result of the pleural breach in any patient. Except for staghorn calculi where multiple tracts were a necessity for maximal clearance, a single supracostal superior or middle posterior calyceal access served the purpose in 86% (177/205) of patients who underwent percutaneous surgery for renal or upper ureteric calculi. Conclusions: The supracostal superior calyceal approach was found to be effective as well as safe, with an acceptably low risk of chest complications. [source]

    Physical Rehabilitation Alters Body Composition in Chronically Obese Cat

    Sarah K. Abood
    Successful weight loss in obese dogs and cats is difficult, and even more so in pets who don't exercise regularly or are inactive. Over the past 10 years, physical rehabilitation (or physio-therapy) as a treatment or wellness modality has been gaining popularity in small animal veterinary practice. This case report describes the use of physical rehabilitation to achieve weight loss and a decreased body condition score in a chronically obese cat. A 7-year old, female-spayed domestic, short-haired cat, weighing 15 lbs, was evaluated by the Nutrition Support Service at Michigan State University's Veterinary Teaching Hospital for a weight management consultation. The cat had a history of chronic obesity and the owner reported feeding a variety of reduced or restricted-calorie foods, both canned and dry versions, over the previous 5 years. The home environment included three other cats, none of which were overweight. All cats were fed once daily in the evening; separate food bowls were provided for each cat, but multiple water bowls and litter boxes were shared. A course of 8 weeks of physio-therapy was recommended, with a target weight of 12 lbs identified, to which the owner agreed. Body weight, body condition score and circumference measures of axillary, rib and flank areas were taken at the initial visit, and at 3 weeks and 8 weeks. At the beginning of the 8th week, the cat's body weight had dropped from 15 lbs to 14.2 lbs, and the body condition score shifted down from 9 to 8 out of 9. More dramatically, however, were changes measured in body circumference: from 43 cm to 38.6 cm in the axilla (11% decrease); 50.3 cm to 42.5 cm in the ribs (15.5% decrease); 46 cm to 41 cm in the flank (11% decrease). To the author's knowledge, this is the first report confirming weight loss, reduced body condition score, and altered body composition in a cat as a direct result of physical rehabilitation. [source]

    Factors affecting the formation of fingering in water-assisted injection-molded thermoplastics

    Shih-Jung Liu
    Abstract Water-assisted injection-molding technology has received extensive attention in recent years, due to the lightweight of plastic parts, relatively low-resin cost per part, faster cycle time, and flexibility in the design and manufacture. However, there are still some unsolved problems that confound the overall success of this technology. One of these is the water "fingering" phenomenon, in which the water bubbles penetrate outside designed water channels and form finger-shape branches. This study has investigated the effects of various processing parameters on the formation of fingering in water-assisted injection-molded thermoplastic parts. Both amorphous and semicrystalline polymers were used to mold the parts. The influence of water channel geometry, including aspect ratio and fillet geometry, on the fingering was also investigated. It was found that water-assisted injection-molded amorphous materials gave less fingering, while molded semicrystalline parts gave more fingering when compared to those molded by gas-assisted injection molding. For the water channels used in this study, the channels with a rib on the top produced parts with the least water fingering. Water fingering in molded parts decreases with the height-to-thickness ratio of the channels. The water pressure, water injection delay time and short-shot size were found to be the principal parameters affecting the formation of water fingering. In addition, a numerical simulation based on the transient heat conduction model was also carried out to help better explain the mechanism for the formation of fingering in water-assisted injection-molded thermoplastics. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Adv Polym Techn 25: 98,108, 2006; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/adv.20062 [source]

    Minimizing the sinkmarks in injection-molded thermoplastics

    Shih-Jung Liu
    Injection molding is one of the most important methods for the manufacture of plastic products; however, there are several unresolved problems that confound the overall success of this technique. Sinkmarks occurring on the surface of molded parts caused by inappropriate mold design and processing conditions is one problem. In this report, an L'18 orthogonal array design based on the Taguchi method was conducted to minimize the sinkmarks of injection-molded thermoplastic parts. The polymeric materials used were general-purpose polystyrene and low-density polyethylene. A plate cavity with various ribs was used for molding. Experiments were carried out on an 80-ton reciprocating injection-molding machine. After molding, the sinkmarks on the surface of molded parts were characterized by a profile meter. For the factors selected in the main experiments, the corner geometry and the width of the rib were found to be the principal factors affecting sinkmark formation in injection-molded thermoplastics. A rib of an undercut geometry and a small width produces parts with the least sinkmark. Experimental investigation of an injection-molding problem can help illuminate the formation mechanism of sinkmarks so that steps can be taken to optimize the surface quality of molded parts. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Adv Polym Techn 20: 202,215, 2001 [source]

    Impact of Recent Fracture on Health-Related Quality of Life in Postmenopausal Women,,

    Susan K Brenneman PT
    Abstract The effect of fractures other than hip and spine on HRQoL in younger and older women has not been extensively studied. In a cohort of 86,128 postmenopausal women, we found the impact of recent osteoporosis-related fractures on HRQoL to be similar between women <65 compared with those ,65 years of age. The impact of spine, hip, or rib fractures was greater than that of wrist fractures in both age groups. Introduction: Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) after vertebral and hip fractures has been well studied. Less is known about HRQoL after fractures at other sites. We studied the effect of recent clinical fractures on HRQoL, using Short Form-12 (SF-12). Materials and Methods: This study included 86,128 postmenopausal participants in the National Osteoporosis Risk Assessment (NORA) who responded to two follow-up surveys during a 2-year interval. At each survey, they completed the SF-12 HRQoL questionnaire and reported new fractures of the hip, spine, wrist, and rib. The effect of recent fracture on HRQoL was assessed by comparing Physical Component Score (PCS) and Mental Component Score (MCS) means for women with and without new fractures at the second survey. Analyses were by fracture type and by age group (50,64 and 65,99) and were adjusted for PCS and MCS at the first survey. Results: New fractures (320 hip, 445 vertebral, 657 rib, 835 wrist) occurring during the interval between the first and second follow-up surveys were reported by 2257 women. The PCS was poorer in both older and younger women who had fractured the hip, spine, or rib (p , 0.001). Wrist fractures had an impact on PCS in women ,65 years of age (p < 0.001), but not older women (p > 0.10). These differences in PCS by fracture status were similar to those reported for other chronic diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and osteoarthritis. MCS was less consistently changed by fracture status, but younger and older women with vertebral fracture (p < 0.004), older women with hip fracture (p < 0.004), and younger women with rib fracture (p < 0.004) had poorer MCS compared with those who did not fracture within their age cohort. Conclusions: Recent osteoporosis-related fractures have significant impact on HRQoL as measured by SF-12. The impact of recent fracture on HRQoL was similar for older and younger postmenopausal women. Fracture prevention and postfracture interventions that target the subsequent symptoms are needed for postmenopausal women of any age. [source]

    Hyperkyphotic Posture and Risk of Future Osteoporotic Fractures: The Rancho Bernardo Study,

    Mei-Hua Huang
    Abstract It is unknown whether kyphosis of the thoracic spine is an independent risk factor for future osteoporotic fractures. In 596 community-dwelling women, we found that with increasing kyphosis, there was a significant trend of increasing fracture risk that was independent of previous history of fractures or BMD. Introduction: It is unknown whether kyphosis of the thoracic spine is an independent risk factor for future osteoporotic fractures. Materials and Methods: We conducted a prospective cohort study of 596 community-dwelling women, 47-92 years of age. Between 1988 and 1991, BMD of the hip and spine and kyphosis were measured. Kyphosis was measured by counting the number of 1.7-cm blocks necessary to place under the occiput so participants could lie flat without neck hyperextension. New fractures were reported over an average follow-up of 4 years. Results: Using a cut-off of at least one block, 18% of the participants had hyperkyphotic posture (range, one to nine blocks). There were 107 women who reported at least one new fracture (hip, spine, wrist, clavicle, shoulder, arm, hand, rib, pelvis, leg, or ankle). In logistic regression analyses, older women with hyperkyphotic posture (defined as at least one block) had a 1.7-fold increased risk of having a future fracture independent of age, prior fracture, and spine or hip BMD (95% CI: 1.00-2.97; p = 0.049). There was a significant trend of increasing fracture risk with increasing number of blocks, with ORs ranging from 1.5 to 2.6 as the number of blocks increased from one to at least three blocks compared with those with zero blocks (trend p = 0.03; models adjusted for age, baseline fracture, spine or hip BMD). Stratification by baseline fracture status and controlling for other possible confounders or past year falls did not change the results. Conclusions: Whereas hyperkyphosis may often result from vertebral fractures, our study findings suggest that hyperkyphotic posture itself may be an important risk factor for future fractures, independent of low BMD or fracture history. [source]

    Osteoporosis and Fracture Risk in Women of Different Ethnic Groups

    Elizabeth Barrett-Connor MD
    Abstract Osteoporosis and 1-year fracture risk were studied in 197,848 postmenopausal American women from five ethnic groups. Weight explained differences in BMD, except among blacks, who had the highest BMD. One SD decrease in BMD predicted a 50% increased fracture risk in each group. Despite similar relative risks, absolute fracture rates differed. Introduction: Most information about osteoporosis comes from studies of white women. This study describes the frequency of osteoporosis and the association between BMD and fracture in women from five ethnic groups. Materials and Methods: This study was made up of a cohort of 197,848 community-dwelling postmenopausal women (7784 blacks, 1912 Asians, 6973 Hispanics, and 1708 Native Americans) from the United States, without known osteoporosis or a recent BMD test. Heel, forearm, or finger BMD was measured, and risk factor information was obtained; 82% were followed for 1 year for new fractures. BMD and fracture rates were compared, adjusting for differences in covariates. Results: By age 80, more than one-fifth of women in each ethnic group had peripheral BMD T scores <,2.5. Black women had the highest BMD; Asian women had the lowest. Only the BMD differences for blacks were not explained by differences in weight. After 1 year, 2414 new fractures of the spine, hip, forearm, wrist, or rib were reported. BMD at each site predicted fractures equally well within each ethnic group. After adjusting for BMD, weight, and other covariates, white and Hispanic women had the highest risk for fracture (relative risk ,RR' 1.0 ,referent group' and 0.95, 95% CI, 0.76, 1.20, respectively), followed by Native Americans (RR, 0.87; 95% CI, 0.57, 1.32), blacks (RR, 0.52; 95% CI, 0.38, 0.70), and Asian Americans (RR, 0.32; 95% CI, 0.15, 0.66). In age- and weight-adjusted models, each SD decrease in peripheral BMD predicted a 1.54 times increased risk of fracture in each ethnic group (95% CI, 1.48-1.61). Excluding wrist fractures, the most common fracture, did not materially change associations. Conclusions: Ethnic differences in BMD are strongly influenced by body weight; fracture risk is strongly influenced by BMD in each group. Ethnic differences in absolute fracture risk remain, which may warrant ethnic-specific clinical recommendations. [source]

    Hormonal and Biochemical Parameters and Osteoporotic Fractures in Elderly Men

    Dr. Jacqueline R. Center
    Abstract Low testosterone has been associated with hip fracture in men in some studies. However, data on other hormonal parameters and fracture outcome in men is minimal. This study examined the association between free testosterone (free T) estradiol (E2), sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D], parathyroid hormone (PTH), insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), and fracture in 437 elderly community-dwelling men. Age, height, weight, quadriceps strength, femoral neck bone mineral density (FN BMD), and fracture data (1989,1997) also were obtained. Fractures were classified as major (hip, pelvis, proximal tibia, multiple rib, vertebral, and proximal humerus) or minor (remaining distal upper and lower limb fractures). Fifty-four subjects had a fracture (24 major and 30 minor). There was no association between minor fractures and any hormonal parameter. Risk of major fracture was increased 2-fold for each SD increase in age, decrease in weight and height, and increase in SHBG, and risk of major fracture was increased 3-fold for each SD decrease in quadriceps strength, FN BMD, and 25(OH)D (univariate logistic regression). Independent predictors of major fracture were FN BMD, 2.7 (1.5,4.7; odds ratio [OR]) and 95% confidence interval [CI]); 25(OH)D, 2.8 (1.5,5.3); and SHBG, 1.7 (1.2,2.4). An abnormal value for three factors resulted in a 30-fold increase in risk but only affected 2% of the population. It is not immediately apparent how 25(OH)D and SHBG, largely independently of BMD, may contribute to fracture risk. They may be markers for biological age or health status not measured by methods that are more traditional and as such may be useful in identifying those at high risk of fracture. [source]

    Suppressed Bone Turnover by Bisphosphonates Increases Microdamage Accumulation and Reduces Some Biomechanical Properties in Dog Rib

    Tasuku Mashiba
    Abstract It has been hypothesized that suppression of bone remodeling allows microdamage to accumulate, leading to increased bone fragility. This study evaluated the effects of reduced bone turnover produced by bisphosphonates on microdamage accumulation and biomechanical properties of cortical bone in the dog rib. Thirty-six female beagles, 1,2 years old, were divided into three groups. The control group (CNT) was treated daily for 12 months with saline vehicle. The remaining two groups were treated daily with risedronate (RIS) at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg per day or alendronate (ALN) at 1.0 mg/kg per day orally. After sacrifice, the right ninth rib was assigned to cortical histomorphometry or microdamage analysis. The left ninth rib was tested to failure in three-point bending. Total cross-sectional bone area was significantly increased in both RIS and ALN compared with CNT, whereas cortical area did not differ significantly among groups. One-year treatment with RIS or ALN significantly suppressed intracortical remodeling (RIS, 53%; ALN, 68%) without impairment of mineralization and significantly increased microdamage accumulation in both RIS (155%) and ALN (322%) compared with CNT. Although bone strength and stiffness were not significantly affected by the treatments, bone toughness declined significantly in ALN (20%). Regression analysis showed a significant nonlinear relationship between suppressed intracortical bone remodeling and microdamage accumulation as well as a significant linear relationship between microdamage accumulation and reduced toughness. This study showed that suppression of bone turnover by high doses of bisphosphonates is associated with microdamage accumulation and reduced some mechanical properties of bone. [source]

    Sexual dimorphism of the Weberian apparatus and pectoral girdle in Sundadanio axelrodi (Ostariophysi: Cyprinidae)

    K. W. Conway
    The miniature cyprinid fish, Sundadanio axelrodi, exhibits extreme sexual dimorphism in the skeleton of the Weberian apparatus, the fifth rib and pectoral girdle. Musculature associated with the fifth rib and Weberian apparatus also shows a high degree of sexual dimorphism. It is suggested that these modifications are responsible for the production of a croaking sound that seems to be restricted to males of the species, based on the lack of any corresponding anatomical specializations in females. [source]