Reserve Network (reserve + network)

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Selected Abstracts

Combining Strategies to Select Reserves in Fragmented Landscapes

These criteria are assumed to be reasonable surrogates for the true network objectives. Caution is warranted, however, because the relationships between the selection criteria and the reserve-network objectives may be inconsistent. Conflicts are also likely to arise because no single reserve network will be optimal with respect to multiple objectives (or selection criteria) simultaneously. Instead, reserve planners must compromise between conflicting demands. We field tested the relationships between a variety of selection criteria and the objectives of a reserve network for the sandplain natural communities on Martha's Vineyard Island, Massachusetts (U.S.A.). Selection criteria that correlated with the reserve-network objectives were used in a multi-objective integer program to identify the 10-patch reserve networks that were optimal with each objective independently and those that offered optimal tradeoffs between the reserve-network objectives. From these 10-patch networks, one can select a final reserve network that provides the preferred compromise between the objectives. Resumen:,La utilización de criterios de selección, como el tamaño de parche, para clasificar el valor de conservación de los parches de hábitat y evaluar redes de reservas alternativas es un método para identificar redes de reservas en paisajes fragmentados con datos especie-específicos limitados,. Se asume que estos criterios son sustitutos razonables de los verdaderos objetivos de la red. Sin embargo, se requiere cuidado porque las relaciones entre los criterios de selección y los objetivos de la red de reservas pueden ser inconsistentes. Es probable que surjan conflictos porque ninguna red de reservas seráóptima con respecto a objetivos (o criterios de selección) múltiples simultáneamente. Más bien, los planificadores de reservas deben transigir entre demandas conflictivas. Probamos las relaciones entre una variedad de criterios de selección y los objetivos de una red de reservas para comunidades arenícolas naturales en la Isla Martha's Vineyard, Massachussets (E.U.A.). Los criterios de selección que se correlacionaron con los objetivos de la red de reservas fueron utilizados en un programa multi-objetivo integral para identificar las 10 redes de reservas de fragmentos óptimas con cada objetivo independientemente y las que ofrecían compensaciones óptimas entre los objetivos de la red de reservas. De estas 10 redes de reservas de fragmentos, se puede seleccionar una red de reservas final que proporcione el compromiso preferido entre los objetivos. [source]

BIODIVERSITY RESEARCH: Conserving macroinvertebrate diversity in headwater streams: the importance of knowing the relative contributions of , and , diversity

Amber Clarke
Abstract Aim, We investigated partitioning of aquatic macroinvertebrate diversity in eight headwater streams to determine the relative contributions of , and , diversity to , diversity, and the scale dependence of , and , components. Location, Great Dividing Range, Victoria, Australia. Methods, We used the method of Jost (Ecology, 2007, 88, 2427,2439) to partition , diversity into its , and , components. We undertook the analyses at both reach and catchment scales to explore whether inferences depended on scale of observation. Results, We hypothesized that , diversity would make a large contribution to the , diversity of macroinvertebrates in our dendritic riverine landscape, particularly at the larger spatial scale (among catchments) because of limited dispersal among sites and especially among catchments. However, reaches each had relatively high taxon richness and high , diversity, while , diversity made only a small contribution to , diversity at both the reach and catchment scales. Main conclusions, Dendritic riverine landscapes have been thought to generate high , diversity as a consequence of limited dispersal and high heterogeneity among individual streams, but this may not hold for all headwater stream systems. Here, , diversity was high and , diversity low, with individual headwater stream reaches each containing a large portion of , diversity. Thus, each stream could be considered to have low irreplaceability since losing the option to use one of these sites in a representative reserve network does not greatly diminish the options available for completing the reserve network. Where limited information on individual taxonomic distributions is available, or time and money for modelling approaches are limited, diversity partitioning may provide a useful ,first-cut' for obtaining information about the irreplaceability of individual streams or subcatchments when establishing representative freshwater reserves. [source]

Evaluating reserves for species richness and representation in northern California

Jeffrey R. Dunk
ABSTRACT The Klamath-Siskiyou forests of northern California and southern Oregon are recognized as an area of globally outstanding biological distinctiveness. When evaluated at a national or global level, this region is often, necessarily, considered to be uniformly diverse. Due to large variation in biotic and abiotic variables throughout this region, however, it is unlikely that biological diversity is uniformly distributed. Furthermore, land management decisions nearly always occur at spatial scales smaller than this entire region. Therefore, we used field data from a random sampling design to map the distribution of local and regional richness of terrestrial molluscs and salamanders within northern California's portion of the Klamath-Siskiyou region. We also evaluated the protection afforded by reserves established for varying reasons (e.g. for inspiration and recreation for people vs. species conservation) to hotspots of species richness and species representation of these taxa. No existing reserves were created with these taxa in mind, yet it was assumed that reserves established largely around considerations for the northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) would afford adequate protection for many lesser-known species. Species of terrestrial molluscs and salamanders share two general features: (1) they have extremely low vagility, and (2) they are often associated with moist, cool microclimates. Existing reserves disproportionately included areas of hotspots of species richness for both taxa, when hotspots included the richest c. 25% of the area, whereas non-reserved lands contained greater than expected areas with lower species richness. However, when a more strict definition of hotspot was used (i.e. the richest c.10% of areas), local hotspots for both taxa were not disproportionately found in reserves. Reserves set aside largely for human aesthetics and recreation and those set aside for biodiversity both contributed to the protection of areas with high (greatest 25%) species richness. Existing biodiversity reserves represented 68% of mollusc species and 73% of salamander species, corresponding to the 99th and 93rd percentiles, respectively, of species representation achieved by simulating a random distribution of the same total area of reservation. Cumulatively, however, reserves set aside for inspiration and biodiversity represented 83% of mollusc species and 91% of salamander species. The existing reserves provide conservation value for terrestrial molluscs and salamanders. This reserve network, however, should not be considered optimal for either taxa. [source]

Complementary representation and zones of ecological transition

K.J. Gaston
Minimum complementary sets of sites that represent each species at least once have been argued to provide a nominal core reserve network and the starting point for regional conservation programs. However, this approach may be inadequate if there is a tendency to represent several species at marginal areas within their ranges, which may occur if high efficiency results from preferential selection of sites in areas of ecological transition. Here we use data on the distributions of birds in South Africa and Lesotho to explore this idea. We found that for five measures that are expected to reflect the location of areas of ecological transition, complementary sets tend to select higher values of these measures than expected by chance. We recommend that methods for the identification of priority areas for conservation that incorporate viability concerns be preferred to minimum representation sets, even if this results in more costly reserve networks. [source]

Fading of the last giants: an assessment of habitat availability of the Sunda gharial Tomistoma schlegelii and coverage with protected areas

Dennis Rödder
Abstract 1.The Sunda gharial Tomistoma schlegelii is, with 2500,3000 remaining specimens, one of the least studied and at the same time most endangered crocodile species. Inhabiting peat swamps in Southeast Asia, threats affecting the species are mainly associated with habitat loss and illegal hunting. 2.The effectiveness of the existing reserve network in Southeast Asia for the protection of the Sunda garial was assessed by combining spatially explicit habitat analyses derived from land cover information with species distribution modelling. Subsequently, possible improvements of the existing reserve network are derived from the habitat availability analyses. 3.The results of the spatially explicit analyses indicate that suitable habitats for the Sunda gharial in Southeast Asia, i.e. peat swamps and riverine forests, are highly fragmented. Spatial coverage of remaining habitats with protected areas fulfilling IUCN standards generally varies among regions and is best in Indonesia. However, large, currently unprotected suitable areas remain in Sumatra. Establishment of 10 additional, already proposed reserves may improve the protection of major parts of the remaining suitable habitats of the Sunda gharial. 4.According to the results of this study, the reserve network protecting this species could be significantly improved by expanding it to include seven national reserves not currently listed by the IUCN and an additional 10 reserves that have recently been proposed. Improvements and extensions of the existing reserve networks in Southeast Asia are pivotal to guarantee the long-term survival of the Sunda gharial. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Assessing the Effectiveness of Reserve Acquisition Programs in Protecting Rare and Threatened Species

Lake Wales Ridge (Florida); especies en peligro; índice de protección; Lista Roja IUCN; matorral Abstract:,Measuring the effectiveness of reserve networks is essential to ensure that conservation objectives such as species persistence are being met. We devised a new approach for measuring the effectiveness of land conservation in protecting rare and threatened species and applied it to an ecosystem of global significance. We compiled detailed global distributional data for 36 rare and threatened plants and animals found in the Lake Wales Ridge ecosystem in central Florida (U.S.A.). For each species, we developed a set of protection indices based in part on criteria used to categorize species for the World Conservation Union's Red List. We calculated protection indexes under three different conservation scenarios: a past scenario, which assumed recent, major land-acquisition efforts never occurred; a current scenario, which assumed no additional areas are saved beyond what is currently protected; and a targeted scenario, which assumed all of the remaining areas targeted for protection are eventually acquired. This approach enabled us to quantify the progress, in terms of reduced risk of extinction, that conservationists have made in protecting target species. It also revealed the limited success these land-acquisition efforts have had in reducing those extinction risks associated with loss of habitat or small geographic ranges. Many species of the Lake Wales Ridge will remain at high risk of extinction even if planned land-acquisition efforts are completely successful. By calculating protection indexes with and without each site for all imperiled species, we also quantified the contribution of each protected area to the conservation of each species, enabling local conservation decisions to be made in the context of a larger (global) perspective. The protection index approach can be adapted readily to other ecosystems with multiple rare and threatened species. Resumen:,La cuantificación de la efectividad de las redes de reservas es esencial para asegurar que objetivos, como la persistencia de especies, se cumplan. Diseñamos un nuevo método para medir la efectividad de la conservación de tierras en la protección de especies raras y amenazadas y lo aplicamos a un ecosistema de importancia global. Compilamos datos detallados de la distribución global de 36 especies raras y amenazadas de plantas y animales que se encuentran en el ecosistema de la Lake Wales Ridge en el centro de Florida (E.U.A.). Para cada especie desarrollamos un conjunto de índices de protección basado parcialmente en criterios utilizados para clasificar especies para la Lista Roja de la Unión Mundial para la Naturaleza. Calculamos los índices de protección bajo tres escenarios de conservación distintos: un escenario pasado, que asumía que los esfuerzos recientes de adquisición de tierras nunca ocurrieron; un escenario actual, que asumía que no se protegen áreas adicionales a las ya conservadas; y un escenario deseado, que asumía que todas las áreas consideradas para ser protegidas son adquiridas eventualmente. Este método nos permitió cuantificar el progreso, en términos de la reducción del riesgo de extinción, en la protección de las especies obtenido por conservacionistas. También reveló el éxito limitado de los esfuerzos de adquisición de tierras en la disminución de los riesgos de extinción asociados con la pérdida de hábitat o con rangos geográficos pequeños. Se pronosticó que muchas especies de la Lake Wales Ridge permanecerán en alto riesgo aun si los esfuerzos de adquisición de tierra planificados son completamente exitosos. Al calcular los índices de protección con y sin cada sitio para todas las especies en peligro, también cuantificamos la contribución de cada área protegida a la conservación de cada especie, lo que permite que las decisiones de conservación se tomen en el contexto de una perspectiva mayor (global). El método del índice de protección se puede adaptar fácilmente a otros ecosistemas con múltiples especies raras y amenazadas. [source]

Combining Strategies to Select Reserves in Fragmented Landscapes

These criteria are assumed to be reasonable surrogates for the true network objectives. Caution is warranted, however, because the relationships between the selection criteria and the reserve-network objectives may be inconsistent. Conflicts are also likely to arise because no single reserve network will be optimal with respect to multiple objectives (or selection criteria) simultaneously. Instead, reserve planners must compromise between conflicting demands. We field tested the relationships between a variety of selection criteria and the objectives of a reserve network for the sandplain natural communities on Martha's Vineyard Island, Massachusetts (U.S.A.). Selection criteria that correlated with the reserve-network objectives were used in a multi-objective integer program to identify the 10-patch reserve networks that were optimal with each objective independently and those that offered optimal tradeoffs between the reserve-network objectives. From these 10-patch networks, one can select a final reserve network that provides the preferred compromise between the objectives. Resumen:,La utilización de criterios de selección, como el tamaño de parche, para clasificar el valor de conservación de los parches de hábitat y evaluar redes de reservas alternativas es un método para identificar redes de reservas en paisajes fragmentados con datos especie-específicos limitados,. Se asume que estos criterios son sustitutos razonables de los verdaderos objetivos de la red. Sin embargo, se requiere cuidado porque las relaciones entre los criterios de selección y los objetivos de la red de reservas pueden ser inconsistentes. Es probable que surjan conflictos porque ninguna red de reservas seráóptima con respecto a objetivos (o criterios de selección) múltiples simultáneamente. Más bien, los planificadores de reservas deben transigir entre demandas conflictivas. Probamos las relaciones entre una variedad de criterios de selección y los objetivos de una red de reservas para comunidades arenícolas naturales en la Isla Martha's Vineyard, Massachussets (E.U.A.). Los criterios de selección que se correlacionaron con los objetivos de la red de reservas fueron utilizados en un programa multi-objetivo integral para identificar las 10 redes de reservas de fragmentos óptimas con cada objetivo independientemente y las que ofrecían compensaciones óptimas entre los objetivos de la red de reservas. De estas 10 redes de reservas de fragmentos, se puede seleccionar una red de reservas final que proporcione el compromiso preferido entre los objetivos. [source]

Temperate marine reserves: global ecological effects and guidelines for future networks

Gavin B. Stewart
Abstract Marine reserves, areas closed to all fishing and other extractive activities, provide a refuge for species of commercial and conservation importance. Given the considerable resources committed to designing temperate reserve networks, we synthesized data from temperate reserves worldwide to determine their ecological effects. In common with other studies, we found higher density, biomass, and species richness in temperate marine reserves compared to adjacent exploited areas. However, there was considerable heterogeneity in magnitude of effect among reserves, variability which was largely unexplained by species or reserve characteristics. Our analytical approach allowed for formal power analyses, indicating that detection of large reserve effects in temperate systems globally requires monitoring at least 37 reserves. These results must be qualified by the limitations of data available and will undoubtedly vary at different spatio-temporal scales and for different focal species, but provide guidance for the design and monitoring of future marine conservations plans. International commitments toward establishment of multiple reserves offer a unique opportunity to assess reserve effectiveness; this opportunity can only be realized if reserves are designed to achieve clear and quantifiable objectives and are adequately monitored before and after establishment, based on appropriate power analyses, to assess how well those objectives are achieved. [source]

Does conservation planning matter in a dynamic and uncertain world?

Eli Meir
Abstract Loss of biodiversity is one of the world's overriding environmental challenges. Reducing those losses by creating reserve networks is a cornerstone of global conservation and resource management. Historically, assembly of reserve networks has been ad hoc, but recently the focus has shifted to identifying optimal reserve networks. We show that while comprehensive reserve network design is best when the entire network can be implemented immediately, when conservation investments must be staged over years, such solutions actually may be sub-optimal in the context of biodiversity loss and uncertainty. Simple decision rules, such as protecting the available site with the highest irreplaceability or with the highest species richness, may be more effective when implementation occurs over many years. [source]

Complementary representation and zones of ecological transition

K.J. Gaston
Minimum complementary sets of sites that represent each species at least once have been argued to provide a nominal core reserve network and the starting point for regional conservation programs. However, this approach may be inadequate if there is a tendency to represent several species at marginal areas within their ranges, which may occur if high efficiency results from preferential selection of sites in areas of ecological transition. Here we use data on the distributions of birds in South Africa and Lesotho to explore this idea. We found that for five measures that are expected to reflect the location of areas of ecological transition, complementary sets tend to select higher values of these measures than expected by chance. We recommend that methods for the identification of priority areas for conservation that incorporate viability concerns be preferred to minimum representation sets, even if this results in more costly reserve networks. [source]

Representing species in reserves from patterns of assemblage diversity

M. B. Araújo
Abstract Aim, A positive relationship between assemblage diversity (AD) , equivalent to the biotic version of the environment diversity, ED, method , and species diversity has been reported. This being true, reserve networks with many different assemblages would be expected to represent more species than reserve networks including fewer and less different assemblages. This idea was tested using European species atlas distributions of terrestrial vertebrates and plants. It is asked whether: (1) maximizing AD within one group would represent species diversity of this group better than expected by chance; and (2) maximizing AD within one group would represent species diversity of other groups better than expected by chance. Location, Europe. Methods, Three ordination techniques (non-metric multidimensional scaling, detrended correspondence analysis and correspondence analysis) are used to summarize patterns of compositional turnover within assemblages. p -Median location-allocation models are then calculated from ordination space to measure the degree of expected species representation within the group being sampled as well as the expected representation within other groups. Results are compared with near-optimal solutions obtained with complementarity-based algorithms and to a null model obtained by simulating selection of areas at random. Matrix correlation analysis was also performed to investigate broad patterns of covariation in compositional turnover of assemblages of species belonging to different taxonomic groups and these values were compared with correlation in species richness scores between groups. Results, The AD model did not always represent more species of the group being sampled than expected by chance (P < 0.05). Results were independent of the method and taxonomic group considered. Effectiveness of AD within one group to represent species of other groups varied, but in most cases it was worse than using complementarity-based algorithms as a surrogate strategy. Even when correlations indicated high coincidence between assemblages, taxonomic-based surrogates did not always recover more species than expected by chance (P < 0.05). Main conclusions, Results are discussed in the light of two possible explanations: (1) the AD model is based on unrealistic assumptions, namely that species have equal probability of having the centre of their distributions anywhere in ordination space and that species display unimodal, symmetrical, bell-shaped response curves to gradients; (2) particular implementation of methods may be inadequate to summarize useful complementarity among assemblages, especially for restricted-range species. We conclude that both arguments are likely to play a role in explaining results, but that opportunities exist to improve performance of existing surrogate strategies. [source]

Fading of the last giants: an assessment of habitat availability of the Sunda gharial Tomistoma schlegelii and coverage with protected areas

Dennis Rödder
Abstract 1.The Sunda gharial Tomistoma schlegelii is, with 2500,3000 remaining specimens, one of the least studied and at the same time most endangered crocodile species. Inhabiting peat swamps in Southeast Asia, threats affecting the species are mainly associated with habitat loss and illegal hunting. 2.The effectiveness of the existing reserve network in Southeast Asia for the protection of the Sunda garial was assessed by combining spatially explicit habitat analyses derived from land cover information with species distribution modelling. Subsequently, possible improvements of the existing reserve network are derived from the habitat availability analyses. 3.The results of the spatially explicit analyses indicate that suitable habitats for the Sunda gharial in Southeast Asia, i.e. peat swamps and riverine forests, are highly fragmented. Spatial coverage of remaining habitats with protected areas fulfilling IUCN standards generally varies among regions and is best in Indonesia. However, large, currently unprotected suitable areas remain in Sumatra. Establishment of 10 additional, already proposed reserves may improve the protection of major parts of the remaining suitable habitats of the Sunda gharial. 4.According to the results of this study, the reserve network protecting this species could be significantly improved by expanding it to include seven national reserves not currently listed by the IUCN and an additional 10 reserves that have recently been proposed. Improvements and extensions of the existing reserve networks in Southeast Asia are pivotal to guarantee the long-term survival of the Sunda gharial. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]