
Distribution by Scientific Domains
Distribution within Life Sciences

Kinds of Reserves

  • bank reserve
  • beza mahafaly special reserve
  • biosphere reserve
  • body reserve
  • budongo forest reserve
  • carbon reserve
  • cognitive reserve
  • conservation reserve
  • contractile reserve
  • coronary flow reserve
  • coronary flow velocity reserve
  • energy reserve
  • exchange reserve
  • fat reserve
  • federal reserve
  • fenced reserve
  • flow reserve
  • flow velocity reserve
  • foreign exchange reserve
  • foreign reserve
  • forest reserve
  • fractional flow reserve
  • functional reserve
  • game reserve
  • gas reserve
  • hepatic functional reserve
  • international reserve
  • lipid reserve
  • mahafaly special reserve
  • mara national reserve
  • marine nature reserve
  • marine reserve
  • national reserve
  • nature reserve
  • no-take marine reserve
  • oil reserve
  • ovarian reserve
  • private game reserve
  • receptor reserve
  • repolarization reserve
  • river reserve
  • seed reserve
  • special reserve
  • tiger reserve
  • velocity reserve

  • Terms modified by Reserves

  • reserve area
  • reserve bank
  • reserve boundary
  • reserve capacity
  • reserve carbohydrate
  • reserve design
  • reserve network
  • reserve price
  • reserve requirement
  • reserve selection
  • reserve system

  • Selected Abstracts


    ECONOMICS & POLITICS, Issue 3 2005
    Jac C. Heckelman
    The theory of opportunistic political business cycles predicts incumbent politicians will alter their economic policies to spur short-run growth to attract additional votes for the upcoming election. There has not been much emphasis on the possibility of historical political business cycles prior to the Keynesian Revolution. No study has yet undertaken a systematic approach to testing for policy cycles during this period. Our study will bridge this gap by considering cycles in monetary policy for the periods of 1879,1914 until the start of Fed operations, and 1914,1932 until abandonment of the gold standard. To properly test for political cycles, it is necessary to develop reaction functions for the Treasury and compare against the reaction function later held by the Fed. This also reveals that creation of an independent monetary authority to be insulated from political pressures changed the manner in which policy was directed, aside from political issues. The evidence is not consistent, however, with monetary cycles closely tied to electoral concerns. [source]


    STEVE S. W. XU
    ABSTRACT. The Shimentai Nature Reserve in Yingde County, Guangdong Province, China, established recently in a subtropical upland forest area, has served for ages as an essential and customary source of livelihood for local people. Assessment of forest usage indicates heavy reliance by villagers on its diversified biotic resources. This forest dependence, associated with socioeconomic factors such as distance from village, ethnic origin, out-migration of rural youngsters, and a local tradition of conservation, is unlikely to decline in the near future. The reserve management recognizes the need to address the livelihood issues of local people and to win local support. A pragmatic adherence to provincial and higher-level policies that exclude forest-tapping activities could lead to more people-versus-park conflicts, which would dilute fundamental conservation objectives. A more enlightened and localized approach that nurtures a synergy between limited forest use and conservation while helping to develop new income sources could furnish workable alternatives. [source]


    ABSTRACT. This paper investigates some economic consequences of creating a marine reserve on both fishing and ecotourism, when the range of controllability of fishing effort is limited and the impact of the reserve on ecosystem is considered. The issue is illustrated by the example of creating a no-take zone in part of a region where fishing is managed through a limited entry license system, and which is inhabited by two interacting stocks: a stock of prey (fish) and a stock of predators (seals). While the former is targeted by commercial fishing, the latter is not subject to harvest but is a potential basis for a commercial non-extractive activity (seal watching). Analysis is conducted with the help of a bioeconomic model combining the features of marine reserve modeling and of multispecies modeling. Following a description of the model, results of several simulation runs are presented. These show that creating a marine reserve has more complex economic implications than predicted in studies focused exclusively on one stock and/or commercial fisheries. More specifically, the model shows that the dynamics of the two interacting stocks reduces the benefits of the no-take zone for the fishing industry, while it makes the creation of this zone provide an opportunity for the development of ecotourism. Due to this dynamics, the model suggests that the optimal size of the reserve is larger when ecotourism is taken into account along with fishing activities. [source]


    Abstract Despite a number of benefits, marine reserves provide neither incentives for fishermen to protect biodiversity nor compensation for financial loss due to the designation of the reserves. To obtain fishermen's support for marine reserves, some politicians have suggested that managers of new marine reserves should consider subsidizing or compensating those fishermen affected by the new operations. The objective of this paper is to apply principal,agent theory, which is still infrequently applied to fisheries, to define the optimal reserve area, fishing effort, and transfer payments in the context of symmetric and asymmetric information between managers and fishermen. The expected optimal reserve size under asymmetric information is smaller than that under symmetric information. Fishing efforts encouraged with a transfer payment are always less compared to those without payment. This reflects the fact that as the manager induces the fishermen to participate in the conservation program, the fishermen will take into account their effects on fish stock by decreasing their effort. Examples are also supplied to demonstrate these concepts. [source]


    ABSTRACT. This paper investigates theoretically to what extent a nature reserve may protect a uniformly distributed population of fish or wildlife against negative effects of harvesting. Two objectives of this protection are considered: avoidance of population extinction and maintenance of population, at or above a given precautionary population level. The pre-reserve population is assumed to follow the logistic growth law and two models for post-reserve population dynamics are formulated and discussed. For Model A by assumption the logistic growth law with a common carrying capacity is valid also for the post-reserve population growth. In Model B, it is assumed that each sub-population has its own carrying capacity proportionate to its distribution area. For both models, migration from the high-density area to the low-density area is proportional to the density difference. For both models there are two possible outcomes, either a unique globally stable equilibrium, or extinction. The latter may occur when the exploitation effort is above a threshold that is derived explicitly for both models. However, when the migration rate is less than the growth rate both models imply that the reserve can be chosen so that extinction cannot occur. For the opposite case, when migration is large compared to natural growth, a reserve as the only management tool cannot assure survival of the population, but the specific way it increases critical effort is discussed. [source]


    ABSTRACT. Marine reserves can be a useful supplement to other methods of fisheries management, but marine reserves alone are not likely to achieve a great deal in economic terms andperhaps not even in terms of conservation. The effects of marine reserves with open access elsewhere are analyzed, using a logistic model for a population with a patchy distribution. It is assumedthat a marine reserve is establishedfor the territory of one of two sub-populations which interact through migrations. The total population increases while the total catch declines for the most part. A high rate of migration would, however, dilute the conservation effect. Examining a stochastic variant of the model shows that the variability (sum of squareddeviations) of catches may decrease as a result of protecting one of the sub-populations. Even if all rents disappear by assumption, it is possible to identify this as an economic benefit, particularly when the average catch increases. The variability of the catch falls for a range of values of the population migration parameter and variability of growth, both when the stochastic disturbances are independent and when they are perfectly correlated for the two sub-populations, andalso when the growth variability parameter differs between the sub-populations. [source]


    ABSTRACT. We utilize a spatial bioeconomic model to investigate the impacts of creating reserves on limited-entry fisheries. We find that reserve creation can produce win-win situations where aggregate biomass and the common license (lease) price increase. These situations arise in biological systems where dispersal processes are prevalent and the fishery prior to reserve creation is operating at effort levels in a neighborhood of open-access levels. We also illustrate that using strictly biological criteria for siting reserves (e.g., setting aside the most biological productive areas) will likely induce the most vociferous objections from the fishing industry. In general, we find that the dispersal rate and the degree the patches are connected play a significant role on the net impacts on the fishing sector. [source]

    Biological Sustainability of Live Shearing of Vicuña in Peru

    Andes; conservación basada en comunidades; Vicugna vicugna Abstract:,The vicuña's (Vicugna vicugna) fiber is highly valued as an export product that is made into luxury fabric and clothing. The price of fiber in 2004 was $566/kg, which makes the fiber a potentially important source of income for Andean agropastoral communities and serves as an incentive to allow vicuña grazing on high-elevation Andean landscapes. It is presumed that a shorn vicuña has little value for poachers, so shearing vicuñas could serve as a disincentive to poaching. Thus, the supply of vicuña fiber may be sustainable if it is procured through live shearing, which should serve as a powerful conservation tool. We evaluated the effects of capture and shearing on the demography of vicuña in one site located in the Salinas Aguada Blanca Reserve, Arequipa, Peru, where vicuñas were captured and shorn in spring and then returned to the wild. We conducted fixed-width line-transect censuses from 1997 to 2003 of this population. We compared the proportion of young born to females that were shorn versus females that were unshorn for the 3 years in which shearing occurred. We evaluated the effect of capture and shearing on proportion of young born to shorn and unshorn females at a second site, Picotani, Puno. The wild population in Arequipa that underwent capture and shearing showed a steady increase in total population and average density between 1997 and 2003. No significant difference was found between the proportion of young per female for shorn and unshorn females at either site. We conclude that in spring, capture and live shearing of vicuñas can be biologically sustainable. Further research is needed to determine whether shearing during winter months is biologically sustainable. Resumen:,La fibra de vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) tiene gran valor como un producto de exportación que es transformado en tela y ropa de lujo. El precio de la fibra en 2004 era de $566/kg, lo que hace que la fibra sea una fuente de ingreso potencialmente importante para comunidades agropastoriles Andinas y servir como un incentivo para permitir el pastoreo de vicuñas en paisajes Andinos elevados. Se presume que una vicuña trasquilada tiene poco valor para cazadores furtivos, por lo que el trasquilado de vicuñas pudiera servir como un desincentivo para la caza furtiva. Por lo tanto, el abastecimiento de fibra de vicuña puede ser sustentable si se obtiene del trasquilado de animales vivos, y el trasquilado de animales vivos debería ser una poderosa herramienta de conservación. Evaluamos los efectos de la captura y trasquilado sobre la demografía de vicuñas en un sitio localizado en la Reserva Salinas Aguada Blanca, Arequipa, Perú, donde las vicuñas fueron capturadas y trasquiladas en primavera y liberadas. Realizamos censos de esta población en transectos lineales de ancho fijo de 1997 a 2003. Comparamos la proporción de crías de hembras trasquiladas con las de hembras no trasquiladas durante los 3 años en que ocurrió el trasquilado. Evaluamos el efecto de la captura y trasquilado sobre la proporción de crías de hembras trasquiladas y no trasquiladas en un segundo sitio, Picotani, Puno. La población silvestre en Arequipa que fue capturada y trasquilada mostró un incremento constante en la población total y la densidad promedio entre 1997 y 2003. No se encontró diferencia significativa entre la proporción de crías por hembra para hembras trasquiladas y no trasquiladas en ningún sitio. Concluimos que en la primavera, la captura y trasquilado de vicuñas vivas puede ser biológicamente sostenible. Se requiere más investigación para determinar si el trasquilado durante el invierno es biológicamente sostenible. [source]

    Zoning Marine Protected Areas through Spatial Multiple-Criteria Analysis: the Case of the Asinara Island National Marine Reserve of Italy

    Ferdinando Villa
    Systematic, objective approaches to site selection and design can help reconcile conflicting interests, represent stakeholders' viewpoints fairly and evenly, and extend the scope of planning studies from single reserves to networks. We illustrate the use of spatial multiple-criteria analysis for determining the suitability of marine areas for different uses and levels of protection. This technique couples geographic information systems (GIS) for land assessment and evaluation with a formal statement of the design priorities as seen from the different viewpoints of all involved stakeholders. The planning process, while staying focused on the main purposes of conservation and feasibility, involves all the main interest groups in the definition of priorities so that conflicts and tensions are kept under control. We used multiple-criteria analysis to integrate objective data with the contrasting priorities of different stakeholders in the planning of a marine protected area. The results of the analysis can be used to define an optimal spatial arrangement of different protection levels. As a case study, we developed a zoning plan for one of the first marine protected areas in Italy, the Asinara Island National Marine Reserve. Resumen: Puesto que el papel de las áreas marinas protegidas está siendo mejor entendido y se está volviendo más sofisticado, la planeación para abordar eficientemente estas áreas se está volviendo más complicada para las personas que toman decisiones. Las metodologías sistemáticas y objetivas para la selección de sitios y el diseño de reservas pueden ayudar a reconciliar los conflictos de intereses, representar los puntos de vista de los usuarios de manera equitativa y balanceada y extender la dimensión de los estudios de planeación para reservas individuales o en redes. Ilustramos el uso de un análisis de criterios espaciales múltiples para determinar la viabilidad de áreas marinas para diferentes usos y niveles de protección. Esta técnica une sistemas de información geográfica (GIS) para estimación y evaluación de suelos con una declaración de prioridades de diseño tal y como es percibida por los diferentes usuarios involucrados. El proceso de planeación, al mismo tiempo que se enfoca en los propósitos principales de la conservación y en su viabilidad, involucra a los principales grupos interesados en la definición de prioridades de tal manera que los conflictos y tensiones pueden ser manejadas. Utilizamos el análisis de criterios espaciales múltiples para integrar datos objetivos con las prioridades contrastantes de los diferentes usuarios en la planeación de un área marina protegida. Los resultados del análisis pueden ser usados como una guía para definir arreglos espaciales óptimos con diferentes niveles de protección. Como caso de estudio desarrollamos un plan de desarrollo de zonificación para una de las áreas marinas protegidas de Italia, la Reserva Nacional Marina de la Isla Asinara. [source]

    Conservation Biology Framework for the Release of Wild-Born Orphaned Chimpanzees into the Conkouati Reserve, Congo

    Caroline E. G. Tutin
    Release of captive individuals is complex and controversial, however, particularly when risks are potentially high, as in the case of orphaned apes. We describe the decision-making process that led to the successive release of 20 wild-born orphan chimpanzees ( Pan troglodytes troglodytes) into the Conkouati Reserve in the Republic of Congo. Recommendations of the Reintroduction Specialist Group of the World Conservation Union's Species Survival Commission were followed closely. The conservation status, ecology, and behavior of wild chimpanzees; the biological, social, economic and political context of the release site; and the health and genetic status of the candidates for release were all taken into account in the planning and execution of the project. Rigorous post-release monitoring of behavior and health allowed documentation of the outcome. The project was of benefit to the chimpanzees that were released but also brought broad benefits to the site through effective protection from poaching and deforestation, and direct and indirect benefits to local people. The genetic and behavioral diversity of chimpanzees require a variety of conservation strategies to reduce threats and maintain as many viable wild populations as possible. Resumen: El retorno de animales confiscados a sus hábitats nativos es deseable cuando ocasiona una contribución positiva para la conservación de la especie. Sin embargo, la liberación de individuos cautivos es compleja y controversial, particularmente cuando los riesgos son potencialmente altos, como es el caso de los monos huérfanos. Describimos el proceso de toma de decisiones que condujo a la liberación de exitosa de 20 chimpancés silvestres huérfanos ( Pan troglodytes troglodytes) dentro de la Reserva Conkouati de la República de Congo. Las recomendaciones del Grupo de especialistas en reintroducción de la UICN-SSC fueron seguidas de cerca. El estatus de conservación, ecología y conducta de los chimpancés silvestres; el contexto biológico, social, económico y político del sitio de liberación y la salud y estatus genético de los candidatos a ser liberados fueron también tomados en consideración en la planeación y ejecución del proyecto. El monitoreo riguroso post-liberación de la conducta y salud permitió la documentación de los resultados. El proyecto fue benéfico para los chimpancés liberados pero también trajo beneficios amplios al sitio mediante la protección efectiva de la caza fortuita y la deforestación y beneficios directos e indirectos para la población humana local. La diversidad genética y conductual de los chimpancés requiere de una variedad de estrategias de conservación para reducir las amenazas y mantener cuantas poblaciones silvestres viables sean posibles. [source]

    Tests of a Deferred Tax Explanation of the Negative Association between the LIFO Reserve and Firm Value,

    Guenther and Trombley (1994) and Jennings, Simko, and Thompson (1996) document a negative association between a firm's last-in, first-out (LIFO) reserve and the market value of its equity. In this paper, we test a deferred tax explanation of this negative association. Specifically, we argue that investors, conditional on adjusting inventory to as-if first-in, first-out (FIFO), estimate a firm's future LIFO liquidation tax burden as its LIFO reserve multiplied by the appropriate corporate tax rate and include this tax-adjusted LIFO reserve in the valuation of a LIFO firm's net assets. On the basis of this argument, the tax-adjusted LIFO reserve is in effect an estimate of an off-balance-sheet deferred tax liability and, as a result, we predict a negative association between the tax-adjusted LIFO reserve and market value of equity. We test our deferred tax explanation by estimating a valuation model in which a firm's market value of equity is expressed as a function of the firm's assets, liabilities, deferred tax liability, and tax-adjusted LIFO reserve; the model is estimated separately in years preceding and following the reduction of tax rates mandated by the US Tax Reform Act of 1986. Test results provide strong support for the deferred tax explanation of the negative association between a firm's LIFO reserve and the market value of its equity. [source]

    The distribution and prevalence of sponges in relation to environmental gradients within a temperate sea lough: vertical cliff surfaces

    James J. Bell
    Abstract. The prevalence and distribution of sponges was surveyed on vertical cliff surfaces at Lough Hyne Marine Nature Reserve, Co. Cork, Ireland. The number of sponge species was recorded at 6-metre depth intervals at four sites within Lough Hyne, and at one site on the adjacent Atlantic coastline to examine differences in abundance and zonation patterns. Sites ranged from an exposed turbulent regime to sheltered, sedimented environments. Individual species showed different distributions and prevalence between sites and with increasing depth. Greatest differences were observed between the most- and least-disturbed sites. Distinct sponge zonation patterns were evident at all sites sampled. Twenty-five species were considered dominant at all five sites with the remaining 48 species considered rare. Only four of the 25 most-dominant species occurred at the site experiencing the most turbulent flow conditions, whereas 12 species were found at the site of unidirectional fast flow. At sites of moderate to slight water movement and high sedimentation, between 18 and 24 of the most dominant species were present. Encrusting forms constituted high proportions of sponge communities at all five sites sampled (although consisting of different species). At sites of turbulent and unidirectional fast flow massive forms also dominated whereas at the least turbulent sites, where sedimentation was high, arborescent sponges were abundant. Few species showed exclusive distribution to a single depth and site, but there was some degree of correlation between species distributions and abiotic factors such as sedimentation rate and flow regimes. Sponge distributions and densities are discussed with respect to the suitability of species' morphologies to particular environments, intra-specific and inter-specific competition and physiological adaptations that enable them to survive in different habitats. [source]

    The distribution and prevalence of sponges in relation to environmental gradients within a temperate sea lough: inclined cliff surfaces

    James J. Bell
    Abstract. Sponge communities on inclined cliff surfaces (40°) at Lough Hyne Marine Nature Reserve, Co. Cork, Ireland were sampled at five sites (four inside the lough and one on the adjacent Atlantic coast). Each site varied in sedimentation rate and flow regime. Sites ranged from turbulent (with negligible sedimentation) to very low flow (< 3 cm,1) and highly sedimented regimes. Sponge species showed variation between sites and depth. The greatest difference in sponge communities was observed between the most turbulent and most sedimented sites. The distinct zonation patterns, present at all sites, were most pronounced at the highly sedimented sites. Encrusting forms constituted a high proportion of the sponges at all sites. However encrusting species found at the turbulent site were different to those at the sedimented sites. Arborescent species were common, mainly at the sedimented sites within Lough Hyne. Distributions of sponge species are considered with respect to morphological adaptation, competition and physiological adaptation. The distributions of sponge species on inclined surfaces are also compared with those on vertical cliff faces. [source]

    Relationship between Strain Rate Imaging and Coronary Flow Reserve in Assessing Myocardial Viability after Acute Myocardial Infarction

    ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, Issue 8 2010
    Ph.D., Seong-Mi Park M.D.
    Objectives: To evaluate the relationship between strain rate (SR) imaging and coronary flow reserve (CFR) in assessing viability of akinetic myocardium after acute myocardial infarction (MI). Methods: Forty patients with acute first ST-elevation MI were analyzed. SR imaging and CFR by intracoronary flow measurement were obtained on the same day, 3,5 days after primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Viability of the akinetic myocardium was determined on 6-week echocardiography. Results: Systolic SR (SRs, ,0.42 ± 0.10 vs. ,0.35 ± 0.11 per second, P = 0.03), early diastolic SR (SRe, 0.68 ± 0.31 vs. 0.41 ± 0.22 per second, P = 0.003), and systolic strain (Ss, ,5.9 ± 3.4 vs. ,2.5 ± 4.0%, P = 0.04) were greater in akinetic, but viable myocardium of 21 patients than in akinetic and nonviable myocardium of 19 patients. CFR was also higher in patients with akinetic, but viable myocardium (2.0 ± 0.5 vs. 1.5 ± 0.5, P < 0.001). SRs, SRe, and Ss were significantly related to CFR (r =,0.50, r = 0.58, r =,0.56, respectively, all P , 0.001) and SRe was most related to CFR (P < 0.001). The sensitivity and specificity to predict myocardial viability were 85.7% and 68.4% for CFR (cutoff = 1.75), and 90.5% and 57.9% for SRe (cutoff = 0.37 per second), respectively. Conclusions: The degree of myocardial deformation determined by SR imaging was related to the degree of microvascular integrity determined by CFR, and can be used as a noninvasive method to predict myocardial viability after acute MI. (Echocardiography 2010;27:977-984) [source]

    Contractile Reserve Assessed Using Dobutamine Echocardiography Predicts Left Ventricular Reverse Remodeling after Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: Prospective Validation in Patients with Left Ventricular Dyssynchrony

    ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, Issue 6 2010
    F.R.C.P.C., Mario Sénéchal M.D.
    Background: The presence of viable myocardium may predict response to cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). The aim of this study is to evaluate in patients with left ventricular (LV) dyssynchrony whether response to CRT is related to myocardial viability in the region of the pacing lead. Methods: Forty-nine consecutive patients with advanced heart failure, LV ejection fraction < 35%, QRS duration > 120 ms and intraventricular asynchronism , 50 ms were included. Dobutamine stress echocardiography was performed within the week before CRT implantation. Resting echocardiography was performed 6 months after CRT implantation. Viability in the region of LV pacing lead was defined as the presence of viability in two contiguous segments. Response to CRT was defined by evidence of reverse LV remodeling (,15% reduction in LV end-systolic volume). Results: Thirty-one patients (63%) were identified as responders at follow-up. The average of viable segments was 5.9 ± 2 in responders and 3.2 ± 3 in nonresponders (P = 0.0003). Viability in the region of the pacing lead had a sensitivity of 94%, a specificity of 67%, a positive predictive value of 83%, and a negative predictive value of 86% for the prediction of response to CRT. Conclusions: In patients with LV dyssynchrony, reverse remodeling after CRT requires viability in the region of the pacing lead. This simple method using echocardiography dobutamine for the evaluation of local viability (i.e., viability in two contiguous segments) may be useful to the clinician in choosing the best LV lead positioning. (Echocardiography 2010;27:668-676) [source]

    Noninvasive Assessment of Coronary Flow Reserve in the Left Anterior Descending Artery by Transthoracic Echocardiography before and after Stenting

    ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, Issue 8 2007
    Elie Chammas M.D., F.E.S.C.
    Background: Noninvasive assessment of coronary flow reserve in the left anterior descending artery (LAD) by transthoracic Doppler echocardiography (TTDE) has been already validated as a new method for determining the degree of stenosis over the proximal flow. Objectives: The aim of the study is to determine, by TTDE, the feasibility and the value of the coronary flow reserve (CFR) (defined as the maximal increase in coronary blood flow above its basal pressure for a given perfusion pressure when coronary circulation is maximally dilated) in the mid-to-distal LAD before and after percutaneous angioplasty and to demonstrate the early recovery of microvascular tone immediately after stenting. Methods: The study population consisted of 36 patients with significant isolated LAD stenosis (70,90%) identified by coronary angiography. CFR was recorded in the mid-to-distal LAD at rest and during hyperemia obtained after adenosine intravenous infusion before and after stenting. Results: Adequate visualization of the LAD was obtained in 25 out of 36 patients (70%). At rest the mean CFR was 1.5132 ± 0.33 (1.1,2.58). However, after stenting the mean CFR was significantly higher: 2.18 ± 0.55 (1.3,3.8), with P <0.01. Conclusions: CFR can be easily determined by TTE in approximately 70% of patients. Noninvasive Doppler echocardiography shows impaired CFR in patients with LAD disease. After stenting CFR is restored, demonstrating early recovery of microvascular tone. These results are comparable to those published in the same conditions. Larger series with a long-term follow-up may allow identifying patients at high risk for restenosis after stenting. [source]

    Noninvasive Assessment of Significant Right Coronary Artery Stenosis Based on Coronary Flow Velocity Reserve in the Right Coronary Artery by Transthoracic Doppler Echocardiography

    ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, Issue 6 2003
    M.D., Yoshiki Ueno
    Background: Coronary flow velocity reserve (CFVR) measured by transthoracic Doppler echocardiography (TTDE) has been reported to be useful for the noninvasive assessment of coronary stenosis in the left anterior descending artery. However, the measurement of CFVR in the right coronary artery by TTDE has not yet been validated in a clinical study. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate whether CFVR by TTDE can detect significant stenosis in the right coronary artery. Methods: We studied 50 patients who underwent coronary angiography. Coronary flow velocity in the posterior descending branch of the right coronary artery (PD) was measured by TTDE both at baseline and during hyperemia induced by the intravenous infusion of adenosine triphosphate. CFVR was calculated as the hyperemia/baseline (average diastolic peak velocity). Results: Adequate spectral Doppler recordings in the PD were obtained in 36 patients including 26 patients who were given an echocardiographic contrast agent to improve Doppler spectral signals. The study population was divided into 2 groups with (Group A;n = 11) and without (Group B;n = 25) significant stenosis in the right coronary artery. CFVR in Group A was significantly smaller than that in Group B (1.6±0.3versus2.5±0.4; P < 0.0001). The sensitivity of a CFVR of <2.0 for predicting the presence of significant stenosis in the right coronary artery was 91%, and the specificity was 88%. Conclusions: The measurement of CFVR in the PD by TTDE is useful for the noninvasive assessment of significant stenosis in the right coronary artery. (ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, Volume 20, August 2003) [source]

    High local species richness of parasitic wasps (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae; Pimplinae and Rhyssinae) from the lowland rainforests of Peruvian Amazonia

    Ilari E. Sääksjärvi
    Abstract., 1. The parasitic wasp family Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) is of great interest because it has been claimed that its species richness does not increase with decreasing latitude. 2. No extensive studies of the family have been conducted in South American localities. 3. Arthropods were sampled using 27 Malaise traps in the Allpahuayo,Mishana National Reserve (56 000 ha) in the north-eastern Peruvian Amazonian lowland rainforest. The total duration of the sampling programme was 185 Malaise trap months. 4. Altogether, 88 species were collected. This is one of the highest local pimpline and rhyssine species numbers ever recorded. A comparison with results from Mesoamerica revealed that at equal numbers of individuals sampled, the number of Pimplinae and Rhyssinae species in Peruvian Amazonia is at least twofold compared with lowland locations in Mesoamerica and somewhat higher than in the most species-rich Costa Rican higher altitude localities. 5. Non-parametric methods of estimating species richness were applied. These suggest that additional sampling would yield a considerable number of new Pimplinae and/or Rhyssinae species. [source]

    Bush regeneration at Paddy Pallin Reserve: A comment on the importance of reliability and flexibility of funding to deliver ecological outcomes

    Rymill Abell
    First page of article [source]

    The International Financial Crisis Viewed by Experts

    ECONOMIC NOTES, Issue 1-2 2009
    Antonio Forte
    The occurrence of the international financial crisis and the spread out of its effects on the global economy prompted experts around the world to think about how to manage the crisis and which measures to implement in order to restore normal economic and financial conditions. In this paper, we present and discuss the results of an international expert survey. We use these experts' perceptions to pursue a twofold target to understand their perceptions about the causes of the crisis, and of the policies to solve it. Interestingly, experts seem to broadly concur on what caused the crisis but their perceptions diverge regarding the policies. Furthermore, substantial differences in perceptions emerge between the Euro Area and the United States. We also find that the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank monetary policies during the crisis are judged barely adequate. Finally, different views distinguish academicians from other experts. [source]

    Using spatial models and kriging techniques to optimize long-term ground-water monitoring networks: a case study

    ENVIRONMETRICS, Issue 5-6 2002
    Kirk Cameron
    Abstract In a pilot project, a spatial and temporal algorithm (geostatistical temporal,spatial or GTS) was developed for optimizing long-term monitoring (LTM) networks. Data from two monitored ground-water plumes were used to test the algorithm. The primary objective was to determine the degree to which sampling, laboratory analysis, and/or well construction resources could be pared without losing key statistical information concerning the plumes. Optimization of an LTM network requires an accurate assessment of both ground-water quality over time and trends or other changes in individual monitoring wells. Changes in interpolated concentration maps over time indicate whether ground-water quality has improved or declined. GTS separately identifies temporal and spatial redundancies. Temporal redundancy may be reduced by lengthening the time between sample collection. Spatial redundancy may be reduced by removing wells from the network which do not significantly impact assessment of ground-water quality. Part of the temporal algorithm in GTS involves computation of a composite temporal variogram to determine the least redundant overall sampling interval. Under this measure of autocorrelation between sampling events, the lag time at which the variogram reaches a sill is the sampling interval at which same-well measurements lack correlation and are therefore non-redundant. The spatial algorithm assumes that well locations are redundant if nearby wells offer nearly the same statistical information about the underlying plume. A well was considered redundant if its removal did not significantly change: (i) an interpolated map of the plume; (ii) the local kriging variances in that section of the plume; and (iii) the average global kriging variance. To identify well redundancy, local kriging weights were accumulated into global weights and used to gauge each well's relative contribution to the interpolated plume map. By temporarily removing that subset of wells with the lowest global kriging weights and re-mapping the plume, it was possible to determine how many wells could be removed without losing critical information. Test results from the Massachusetts Military Reserve (MMR) indicated that substantial savings in sampling, analysis and operational costs could be realized by utilizing GTS. Annual budgetary savings that would accrue were estimated at between 35 per cent and 5 per cent for both LTM networks under study.Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Natal Attraction in Adult Female Baboons (Papio cynocephalus ursinus) in the Moremi Reserve, Botswana

    ETHOLOGY, Issue 8 2003
    Joan B. Silk
    Mammalian females are strongly attracted to infants and interact regularly with them. Female baboons make persistent attempts to touch, nuzzle, smell and inspect other females' infants, but do not hold them for long periods, carry them, or provide other kinds of care for them. Mothers generally tolerate these interactions, but never initiate them. The function of these brief alloparental interactions is not well understood. Infant handling might be a form of reproductive competition if females' interest in infants causes distress to mothers or harm to their infants. Alternatively, infant handling might be the product of selection for appropriate maternal care if females who are highly responsive to infants are the most successful mothers. We test several predictions derived from these hypotheses with data collected in a free-ranging group of baboons (Papio cynocephalus ursinus) in the Moremi Reserve of Botswana. Infants were most attractive when they were very young. Mothers of young infants were approached by other adult females on average once every 6 min, and other females attempted to handle their infants approximately once every 9 min. By the time infants were a year old, their mothers were being approached only once every 30 min and infants were being handled only once every 5 h. Females were more strongly attracted to other females' infants when they had young infants of their own, and their interest in other females' infants declined as their own infants matured. Females seemed to be equally attracted to all infants, but had greater access to offspring of their relatives and subordinate females. Females nearly always grunted as they handled infants. As in other contexts grunts are a reliable predictive signal that non-aggressive behavior will follow, the use of grunts before handling suggests that these interactions were not a form of deliberate harassment. [source]

    Locomotion and Escape Modes in Rodents of the Monte Desert (Argentina)

    ETHOLOGY, Issue 6 2003
    Paula Taraborelli
    Modes of locomotion and escape tactics are attributes that affect the structure of animal communities, promoting exploitation of different microhabitats and the coexistence of different species. Bipedal locomotion is considered to be more effective than a quadrupedal gait in escaping attacks by predators because it allows for higher speed, a faster response to attack, sudden changes of direction and better detection of aerial raptors. The aim of this study was to determine the type of locomotion used at the moment of escape by three rodent species of the Monte desert ,Eligmodontia typus, Akodon molinae and Graomys griseoflavus. The study was carried out in three plant communities of the Ñacuñán Reserve (Mendoza). All three species showed differences in both mode of escape and locomotory pattern. Graomys griseoflavus exhibited the highest proportion of escapes using quadrupedal saltation. The mode of locomotion employed by E. typus varied according to the type of plant communities it inhabited. Those occurring at open sites (Medanal community) exhibited a greater propensity to jump during escapes than those from more sheltered habitats (Algarrobal community). Akodon molinae relied primarily on a quadrupedal gait when fleeing from predators, which would explain its greater dependence on plant cover. Therefore, the morphological and behavioural characteristics of these species are related to their mode of locomotion and the strategies they employ to diminish the risk of predation. [source]

    Vocalizations of Amazon River Dolphins, Inia geoffrensis: Insights into the Evolutionary Origins of Delphinid Whistles

    ETHOLOGY, Issue 7 2002
    Jeffrey Podos
    Oceanic dolphins (Odontoceti: Delphinidae) produce tonal whistles, the structure and function of which have been fairly well characterized. Less is known about the evolutionary origins of delphinid whistles, including basic information about vocal structure in sister taxa such as the Platanistidae river dolphins. Here we characterize vocalizations of the Amazon River dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), for which whistles have been reported but not well documented. We studied Inia at the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve in central Brazilian Amazônia. During 480 5-min blocks (over 5 weeks) we monitored and recorded vocalizations, noted group size and activity, and tallied frequencies of breathing and pre-diving surfaces. Overall, Inia vocal output correlated positively with pre-diving surfaces, suggesting that vocalizations are associated with feeding. Acoustic analyses revealed Inia vocalizations to be structurally distinct from typical delphinid whistles, including those of the delphinid Sotalia fluviatilis recorded at our field site. These data support the hypothesis that whistles are a recently derived vocalization unique to the Delphinidae. [source]

    Acoustic Features of Female Chacma Baboon Barks

    ETHOLOGY, Issue 1 2001
    Julia Fischer
    We studied variation in the loud barks of free-ranging female chacma baboons (Papio cynocephalus ursinus) with respect to context, predator type, and individuality over an 18-month period in the Moremi Game Reserve, Botswana. To examine acoustic differences in relation to these variables, we extracted a suite of acoustic parameters from digitized calls and applied discriminant function analyses. The barks constitute a graded continuum, ranging from a tonal, harmonically rich call into a call with a more noisy, harsh structure. Tonal barks are typically given when the signaler is at risk of losing contact with the group or when a mother and infant have become separated (contact barks). The harsher variants are given in response to large predators (alarm barks). However, there are also intermediate forms between the two subtypes which may occur in both situations. This finding is not due to an overlap of individuals' distinct distributions but can be replicated within individuals. Within the alarm bark category, there are significant differences between calls given in response to mammalian carnivores and those given in response to crocodiles. Again, there are intermediate variants. Both alarm call types are equally different from contact barks, indicating that the calls vary along different dimensions. Finally, there are consistent, significant differences among different individuals' calls. However, individual identity in one call type cannot directly be inferred from knowledge of the individuals' call characteristics in the other. In sum, the barks of female baboons potentially provide rich information to the recipients of these signals. The extent to which baboons discriminate between alarm and contact barks, and classify calls according to context and/or acoustic similarity will be described in a subsequent paper. [source]

    Vaccinia virus impairs directional migration and chemokine receptor switch of human dendritic cells


    Abstract A crucial event for the induction of an anti-viral immune response is the coordinated, phenotype-dependent migration of dendritic cells (DC) to sites of infection and secondary lymphoid organs. Here we show that the vaccinia virus (VV) strains Western Reserve (WR) and modified virus Ankara (MVA) inhibit directional migration of mature DC toward the lymphoid chemokines CCL19 and CXCL12 without affecting surface expression of the respective chemokine receptors or impairing undirected cellular locomotion. Instead, infection with VV results in a deficiency of extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1 and a disturbance of intracellular calcium mobilization, indicating a viral interference with signaling events downstream of the surface chemokine receptors. In immature DC, apart from inhibiting chemokine-induced migration of infected DC, infection with both VV strains increases expression of the inflammatory chemokine receptors CCR1 and CXCR1 on non-infected bystander DC, which depends on the activity of IFN-,. Although functional, these chemokine receptors are resistant to lipopolysaccharide-induced down-regulation. In addition, VV-infected and non-infected bystander DC fail to up-regulate the lymphoid chemokine receptor CCR7 upon activation, together pointing to a disability to undergo the chemokine receptor switch. This study shows that VV targets directional migration of professional antigen-presenting cells at multiple functional levels, revealing a potent viral strategy of immune escape. See accompanying commentary: [source]

    Three new species of Philodendron (Araceae) from the Ducke Forest Reserve, central Amazonas, Brazil

    FEDDES REPERTORIUM, Issue 1 2001
    Dr. M. L. Soares
    Three new species of Philodendron from the Reserva Florestal Ducke near Manaus, Brazil are described and illustrated: Philodendron toshibai, Ph. hopkinsianum and Ph. tortum. Drei neue Philodendron -Arten (Araceae) aus der Reserva Florestal Ducke, Zentral-Amazonas, Brasilien Drei neue Arten der Gattung Philodendron aus der Reserva Florestal Ducke, Manaus, Brasilien, werden beschrieben und abgebildet: Philodendron toshibai, Ph. hopkinsianum und Ph. tortum. [source]

    Tree growth is related to light interception and wood density in two mixed dipterocarp forests of Malaysia

    FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, Issue 3 2005
    D. A. KING
    Summary 1The development of simple predictors of tree growth is important in understanding forest dynamics. For this purpose, tree height, crown width in two perpendicular directions, trunk diameter at 1·3 m height (d.b.h.) and crown illumination index (CI) were determined for 727 pole-sized trees (8,20 cm d.b.h.) of 21 species, on forest dynamics plots at Pasoh Forest Reserve, Peninsular Malaysia and Lambir Hills National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia. A light-interception index (LI = AcrCI2, where Acr is crown area) was calculated for each tree, and wood density (stem wood dry mass/fresh volume) was estimated for each species from reported values. 2Diameter growth rates were linearly correlated with LI (mean per species r2 = 0·45, excluding substantially damaged and vine-covered trees). 3Among trees of all species, diameter growth rate was highly correlated with LI/wood density. 4Mean growth rate per species varied 10-fold among the study species, but increased linearly with mean LI/wood density ratio (r2 = 0·78), consistent with the previous pattern. 5Thus much of the variability in tree growth rates, both within and among species, can be accounted for by the simple mechanistic assumption that, within a given size class, growth is proportional to light interception/wood density. [source]


    ABSTRACT. Landscapes bear witness to past and present natural and societal processes influencing the environment and human livelihoods. By analysing landscape change at different spatial scales over time the effects on the environment and human livelihoods of various external and internal driving forces of change can be studied. This paper presents such an analysis of miombo woodland surrounding the Mkata plains in central Tanzania. The rich natural landscape diversity of the study area in combination with its historical and political development makes it an ideal observation ground for this kind of study. The paper focuses on long-term physical and biological changes, mainly based on satellite information but also on field studies and a review of documents and literature. The miombo woodlands are highly dynamic semi-arid ecosystems found on a number of nutrient-poor soil groups. Most of the woodlands are related to an old, low-relief geomorphology of erosion surfaces with relatively deep and leached soils, or to a lesser extent also on escarpments and steep Inselberg slopes with poor soils. Each period in the past has cast its footprints on the landscape development and its potential for a sustainable future use. On a regional level there has been a continual decrease in forest area over time. Expansion of agriculture around planned villages, implemented during the 1970s, in some cases equals the loss of forest area (Mikumi-Ulaya), whilst in other areas (Kitulangalo), the pre-independence loss of woodland was small; the agricultural area was almost the same during the period 1975,1999, despite the fact that forests have been lost at an almost constant rate over the same period. Illegal logging and charcoal production are likely causes because of the proximity to the main highway running through the area. Contrasting to the general regional pattern are the conditions in a traditional village (Ihombwe), with low immigration of people and a maintained knowledge of the resource potential of the forest with regards to edible plants and animals. In this area the local community has control of the forest resources in a Forest Reserve, within which the woody vegetation has increased in spite of an expansion of agriculture on other types of village land. The mapping procedure has shown that factors such as access to transport and lack of local control have caused greater deforestation of certain areas than during the colonial period. Planned villages have furthermore continued to expand over forest areas well after their implementation, rapidly increasing the landscape fragmentation. One possible way to maintain landscape and biodiversity values is by the sustainable use of traditional resources, based on local knowledge of their management as illustrated by the little change observed in the traditionally used area. [source]

    Soil-atmospheric exchange of CO2, CH4, and N2O in three subtropical forest ecosystems in southern China

    Abstract The magnitude, temporal, and spatial patterns of soil-atmospheric greenhouse gas (hereafter referred to as GHG) exchanges in forests near the Tropic of Cancer are still highly uncertain. To contribute towards an improvement of actual estimates, soil-atmospheric CO2, CH4, and N2O fluxes were measured in three successional subtropical forests at the Dinghushan Nature Reserve (hereafter referred to as DNR) in southern China. Soils in DNR forests behaved as N2O sources and CH4 sinks. Annual mean CO2, N2O, and CH4 fluxes (mean±SD) were 7.7±4.6 Mg CO2 -C ha,1 yr,1, 3.2±1.2 kg N2O-N ha,1 yr,1, and 3.4±0.9 kg CH4 -C ha,1 yr,1, respectively. The climate was warm and wet from April through September 2003 (the hot-humid season) and became cool and dry from October 2003 through March 2004 (the cool-dry season). The seasonality of soil CO2 emission coincided with the seasonal climate pattern, with high CO2 emission rates in the hot-humid season and low rates in the cool-dry season. In contrast, seasonal patterns of CH4 and N2O fluxes were not clear, although higher CH4 uptake rates were often observed in the cool-dry season and higher N2O emission rates were often observed in the hot-humid season. GHG fluxes measured at these three sites showed a clear increasing trend with the progressive succession. If this trend is representative at the regional scale, CO2 and N2O emissions and CH4 uptake in southern China may increase in the future in light of the projected change in forest age structure. Removal of surface litter reduced soil CO2 effluxes by 17,44% in the three forests but had no significant effect on CH4 absorption and N2O emission rates. This suggests that microbial CH4 uptake and N2O production was mainly related to the mineral soil rather than in the surface litter layer. [source]