Reproductive Success (reproductive + success)

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Kinds of Reproductive Success

  • annual reproductive success
  • female reproductive success
  • future reproductive success
  • high reproductive success
  • individual reproductive success
  • lifetime reproductive success
  • lower reproductive success
  • male reproductive success
  • seasonal reproductive success

  • Selected Abstracts


    EVOLUTION, Issue 6 2000
    Manfred Ayasse
    Abstract The orchid Ophrys sphegodes Miller is pollinated by sexually excited males of the solitary bee Andrena nigroaenea, which are lured to the flowers by visual cues and volatile semiochemicals. In O. sphegodes, visits by pollinators are rare. Because of this low frequency of pollination, one would expect the evolution of strategies that increase the chance that males will visit more than one flower on the same plant; this would increase the number of pollination events on a plant and therefore the number of seeds produced. Using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses, we identified more than 100 compounds in the odor bouquets of labellum extracts from O. sphegodes; 24 compounds were found to be biologically active in male olfactory receptors based on gas chromatography with electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD). Gas chromatography (GC) analyses of odors from individual flowers showed less intraspecific variation in the odor bouquets of the biologically active compounds as compared to nonactive compounds. This can be explained by a higher selective pressure on the pollinator-attracting communication signal. Furthermore, we found a characteristic variation in the GC-EAD active esters and aldehydes among flowers of different stem positions within an inflorescence and in the n-alkanes and n-alkenes among plants from different populations. In our behavioral field tests, we showed that male bees learn the odor bouquets of individual flowers during mating attempts and recognize them in later encounters. Bees thereby avoid trying to mate with flowers they have visited previously, but do not avoid other flowers either of a different or the same plant. By varying the relative proportions of saturated esters and aldehydes between flowers of different stem positions, we demonstrated that a plant may take advantage of the learning abilities of the pollinators and influence flower visitation behavior. Sixty-seven percent of the males that visited one flower in an inflorescence returned to visit a second flower of the same inflorescence. However, geitonogamy is prevented and the likelihood of cross-fertilization is enhanced by the time required for the pollinium deposited on the pollinator to complete its bending movement, which is necessary for pollination to occur. Cross-fertilization is furthermore enhanced by the high degree of odor variation between plants. This variation minimizes learned avoidance of the flowers and increases the likelihood that a given pollinator would visit several to many different plants within a population. [source]

    Population Size, Genetic Variation, and Reproductive Success in a Rapidly Declining, Self-Incompatible Perennial (Arnica montana) in The Netherlands

    Sheila H. Luijten
    In 26 populations in The Netherlands we investigated the relationship between population size and genetic variation using allozyme markers. Genetic variation was low in A. montana ( He = 0.088). There were positive correlations between population size and the proportion of polymorphic loci, the number of effective alleles, and expected heterozygosity, but not with observed heterozygosity. There was a significantly positive correlation between population size and the inbreeding coefficient. Generally, small populations showed heterozygote excess, which decreased with increasing population size. Possibly, the heterozygous individuals in small populations are survivors from the formerly larger populations with relatively high fitness. The F statistics showed a moderately high level of differentiation among populations ( FST = 0.140 ± 0.02), implying a low level of gene flow. For three out of four allozyme loci, we found significant inbreeding ( FIS = 0.104 ± 0.03). Only 14 of 26 populations were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium at all four polymorphic loci. In a subset of 14 populations of various size, we investigated natural seed production and offspring fitness. Population size was positively correlated with seed set, seedling size, number of flowering stems and flowerheads, adult survival, and total relative fitness, but not with the number of florets per flowerhead, germination rate, or the proportion of germination. Offspring performance in the greenhouse was not associated with genetic diversity measured on their mothers in the field. We conclude that the fitness of small populations is significantly reduced, but that there is as yet no evidence that this was caused by inbreeding. Possibly, the self-incompatibility system of A. montana has been effective in reducing selfing rates and inbreeding depression. Resumen:Arnica montana es una especie de planta rara, en declinación rápida y autoincompatible. En 26 poblaciones de los Países Bajos investigamos la relación entre el tamaño poblacional y la variación genética mediante el uso de alozimas marcadoras. La variación genética fue baja en A. montana ( He = 0.088). Existió una correlación positiva entre el tamaño poblacional y la proporción de emplazamientos polimórficos, el número de alelos efectivos y la heterocigocidad esperada, pero no con la heterocigocidad observada. Existió una correlación positiva significativa entre el tamaño poblacional y el coeficiente de endogamia. Generalmente, las poblaciones pequeñas mostraron una heterocigocidad excesiva con disminuciones en el tamaño poblacional. Posiblemente, los individuos heterocigóticos de poblaciones pequeñas son sobrevivientes de poblaciones anteriormente grandes con una adaptabilidad relativamente alta. Las pruebas de F mostraron un nivel de diferenciación moderadamente alto entre poblaciones ( FST = 0.140 ± 0.02) lo que implica un nivel bajo de flujo de genes. Para tres de cuatro de los emplazamientos de alozimas encontramos una endogamia significativa ( FIS = 0.104 ± 0.03). Solamente 14 de las 26 poblaciones estuvieron en equilibrio Hardy-Weinberg para los cuatro emplazamientos polimórficos. En un subconjunto de 14 poblaciones de varios tamaños, investigamos la producción natural de semillas y la adaptabilidad de la descendencia. El tamaño poblacional estuvo positivamente correlacionado con el juego de semillas, el tamaño del almácigo, el número de tallos en flor y de inflorescencias, la supervivencia de adultos y la adaptabilidad total relativa, pero no con el número de flores por inflorescencia, la tasa de germinación ni la proporción de la germinación. El rendimiento de la descendencia en invernaderos no estuvo asociado con la diversidad genética medida en sus madres en el campo. Concluimos que la adaptabilidad de poblaciones pequeñas está significativamente reducida, pero no existe aún evidencia de que esto sea ocasionado por endogamia. Es posible que el sistema de autoincompatibilidad de A. montana haya sido efectivo en la reducción de tasas de autofecundación y depresión de la endogamia. [source]

    Social Dominance among Male Meadow Voles is Inversely Related to Reproductive Success

    ETHOLOGY, Issue 10 2006
    Mark D. Spritzer
    Intrasexual selection can occur through direct aggressive interactions between males for access to females. We tested the relationship between social dominance and male reproductive success among meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus. Dominance ranks of wild-caught males were determined using neutral arena trials, with the winner of two of three trials considered dominant. These males were then released into field enclosures and allowed to visit females housed in nestboxes for 8 wk, and males' home range sizes were determined using weekly grid trapping. Male reproductive success was determined using molecular paternity analysis (six microsatellite primers) for all pups born during the field experiment. Males with higher dominance ranks had larger home ranges. However, male dominance rank was not predictive of the number of total visits to females' nestboxes or the number of visits to each male's most frequently visited nestbox. Males that made more visits to nestboxes sired more litters. Males that had higher dominance ranks sired fewer litters. These results suggest that there is a reproductive disadvantage to having higher dominance rank among male meadow voles. [source]

    Sex and the Single Vole: Effects of Social Grouping on Prairie Vole Reproductive Success

    ETHOLOGY, Issue 10 2002
    Karen E. Hodges
    Prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) have a mating system that is primarily monogamous with paired males and females together defending breeding space against intruders of either sex. Breeding success may be affected when other adults intrude on the territorial space of pairs. We conducted an experiment to determine the impact of additional members of either sex on reproductive success of pairs. In laboratory arenas, we formed pairs (1F:1M) and two kinds of triad (2F:1M, 1F:2M). Females in pairs had the highest conception rates, litter sizes and survival of litters. Females in 1F:2M groups had slightly reduced litter sizes and reduced numbers of weanlings, and some females had litters sired by both males. Females in 2F:1M groups had low conception rates and the smallest litters, and >35% of their litters suffered infanticide; in no case did both females become pregnant. Throughout the trials, individuals of the sex doubly represented in triads were more likely to die than were individuals of the sex singly represented. We conclude that there may be fitness costs associated with the presence of unrelated supernumerary adults during gestation and lactation. [source]

    Multiple Paternity and Similar Variance in Reproductive Success of Male and Female Wood Mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) Housed in an Enclosure

    ETHOLOGY, Issue 10 2001
    Susan Bartmann
    The mating system and variance in individual reproductive success in wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) were analysed genetically and using observational studies within a large cage system in an outdoor enclosure. Four experimental groups contained four males and four females, each individually marked with a transponder (small computer chips injected under the skin) allowing individual detection of animals underground or within nest boxes without disturbance. The probability of paternity was analysed by comparing frequencies of cohabitation of males and females. In addition, DNA microsatellite analysis revealed reproductive success of each individual. Multiple paternity was found in 85% of all litters, which were sired by up to all four males. Males with a greater body mass, possibly indicative of a higher rank, sired more offspring than those with lower body mass. Interestingly, variance in the reproductive success of males and females did not differ. There was no indication that paternity could be assessed by the time males resided with a female shortly before she became pregnant. Our results indicate wood mice probably have a promiscuous mating system. [source]

    Analyses of Sexual Reproductive Success in Transgenic and/or Mutant Plants

    Cristiane P. G. Calixto
    The pistil, the female reproductive organ of plants, is a key player in the success of sexual plant reproduction. Ultimately, the production of fruits and seeds depends on the proper pistil development and function. Therefore, the identification and characterization of pistil expressed genes is essential for a better understanding and manipulation of the plant reproduction process. For studying the function of pistil expressed genes, transgenic and/or mutant plants for the genes of interest are used. The present article provides a review of methods already exploited to analyze sexual reproductive success. We intend to supply useful information and to guide future experiments in the study of genes affecting pistil development and function. [source]

    Variation in Floral Sex Allocation and Reproductive Success in Sequentially Flowering Inflorescence of Corydalis remota var. lineariloba (Fumariaceae)

    Yan-Fei Zeng
    Abstract In hermaphroditic plants, female reproductive success often varies among different positions within an inflorescence. However, few studies have evaluated the relative importance of underlying causes such as pollen limitation, resource limitation or architectural effect, and few have compared male allocation. During a 2-year investigation, we found that female reproductive success of an acropetally flowering species, Corydalis remota Fisch. ex Maxim. var. lineariloba Maxim. was significantly lower in the upper late developing flowers when compared with the lower early flowers. Supplementation with outcross pollen did not improve female reproductive success of the upper flowers, while removal of the lower developing fruits significantly increased female reproductive success of the upper flowers in both years, evidencing resource limitation of the upper flowers. Female production in upper flowers was greatly improved by simultaneous pollen supplementation of the upper flowers and removal of the lower fruits, suggesting that, when resources are abundant, pollen may limit the female reproductive success of the upper flowers. The less seed mass in the upper flowers didn't increase in all treatments due to architecture. In the upper flowers, ovule production was significantly lower and the pollen : ovule ratio was significantly higher. These results suggest that male-biased sex allocation in the upper flowers may lead to increased male reproductive success, whereas the lower flowers have higher female reproductive success. [source]

    Influence of Compatibility System and Life Form on Plant Reproductive Success

    PLANT BIOLOGY, Issue 5 2003
    C. L. Morales
    Abstract: We studied the compatibility system and the autonomous selfing capacity of 32 native species from the Chaco Serrano forests (central Argentina), and compared fruit set, considering plant life form and compatibility status to evaluate: (i) the extent of the association between life form and compatibility system, (ii) the influence of the life form and/or of the compatibility system on natural fruit set, and (iii) the preemergent reproductive advantages provided by self-compatibility and autonomous self-pollination. Ca. 60 % of the species were self-compatible (SC). Natural fruit set of SC species triplicate those of self-incompatible (SI) species. Almost all SC species have autonomous selfing capacity. Nevertheless, on average, SC species produce more than twice as many fruits through natural pollination in comparison to autonomous selfing, and fruit set obtained after autonomous selfing was significantly lower than hand-selfed fruit set. Most SC species received insufficient pollen from themselves via autonomous selfing, and natural fruit set was mostly pollinator-mediated. Thus, the reproductive assurance provided by autonomous selfing is relatively low in comparison with that provided by pollinators. We supplemented our data with published results from different sites in South America, to assess how general are the associations between life form and compatibility system and between natural fruit production and the self compatibility index. There is a differential distribution of SC and SI species according to life form, with a skew towards incompatibility among woody plants and towards compatibility in herbs. On the other hand, regression analysis showed there is a general positive trend between natural fruit set and the self compatibility index of the species. [source]

    Pollinators and Reproductive Success of the Wild Cucurbit Cucurbita maxima ssp. andreana (Cucurbitaceae)

    PLANT BIOLOGY, Issue 4 2001
    L. Ashworth
    Abstract: We studied the reproductive success and pollinators of Cucurbita maxima ssp. andreana in different disturbed habitats where it grows naturally. Data were obtained from three populations. One grew within a soybean crop, the other within a corn crop, and the third in an abandoned crop field. Cucurbita maxima ssp. andreana is an annual vine with a flowering period from December to April. Male flowers appear first, thereafter female and male flowers appear together. Flower lifetime (9 h) was similar in male and female flowers. The pollinator guild was comparable for the three populations but some differences in the frequency of the insect species were observed. Native bees were the main pollinators in the population in the abandoned field, while beetles pollinated the populations in crop fields. These differences were not linked with the pre-emergent reproductive success, fruit and seed set, or fruit quality. This is a self-compatible plant. Fruit and seed set and fruit traits (total mass, width and length of fruits, number of seeds per fruit, and seed mass) did not show significant differences between hand-cross and hand-self pollinated flowers. This wild cucurbit is a generalist with respect to pollinator guild, and flower visitors seem to be highly efficient in pollen transference. Cucurbita maxima ssp. andreana is well adapted to disturbed habitats because plants ripened fruits successfully, regardless of the group of insects visiting flowers. [source]

    Effects of Forest Fragmentation on Pollinator Activity and Consequences for Plant Reproductive Success and Mating Patterns in Bat-pollinated Bombacaceous Trees,

    BIOTROPICA, Issue 2 2004
    Mauricio Quesada
    ABSTRACT Forest fragmentation and the resulting spatial isolation of tree species can modify the activity of pollinators and may have important implications for the reproductive success and mating systems of the plants they pollinate. The objectives of this study were to (1) evaluate the effect of forest fragmentation on pollinator activity in bat-pollinated bombacaceous trees and (2) determine the effects of forest fragmentation on reproductive success and mating systems of bombacaceous trees. We studied these parameters in three bombacaceous tree species in tropical seasonal forest of Chamela, Jalisco, Mexico, and Osa and Guanacaste, Costa Rica. For Ceiba aesculifolia, more visits were observed in fragments by both Glossophaga soricina and Leptonycteris curasoae. For Ceiba grandiflora, Musonycteris harrisoni visited flowers exclusively in forest and G. soricina visited more flowers in forest than in fragments; no difference was shown by L. curasoae. For Ceiba pentandra in Chamela, no differences were found in visitation by G. soricina between forest and fragments; L. curasoae visited significantly more flowers in forest. Ceiba pentandra received more visits by Phyllostomus discolor than G. soricina in Guanacaste, whereas no bat visitors were observed in Osa. Total mean flower production was greater in fragments than forest for C. aesculifolia, whereas no difference was observed for C. grandiflora. Fruit set was greater in forest than in fragments for C. grandiflora, whereas no difference was observed for C. aesculifolia. Outcrossing rates were high for C. aesculifolia and C. grandiflora in Chamela, and for C. pentandra in Guanacaste, independent of tree habitat, while C. pentandra in Osa showed a mixed-mating system. The effects of forest fragmentation on bat pollinators, plant reproductive success, and mating patterns varied depending upon the bombacaceous species. This variability was associated with the effects that forest fragmentation may have on differences in flowering patterns, bat foraging behavior, and plant self-incompatibility systems. RESUMEN La fragmentatión de bosques y el aislamiento espacial, producto de este fenómeno, pueden modificar la actividad de los polinizadores y pueden tener implicaciones importantes sobre el éxito reproductivo y los sistemas de apareamiento de las plantas que polinizan. Los objetivos de este estudio consisten en: (1) evaluar los efectos de la fragmentatión de bosque sobre la actividad de los polinizadores de árboles de Bombacaceas, y (2) determinar los efectos de la fragmentación sobre el éxito reproductivo y el sistema de apareamiento de árboles de Bombacaceas. Evaluamos estos parámetros en 3 especies de árboles de esta familia en bosques estacionales en Jalisco, México y Guanacaste y Osa, Costa Rica. Las flores de Ceiba aesculifolia fueron mas visitadas en fragmentos por Glossophaga soricina y Leptonycteris curasoae. En Ceiba grandiflora, Musonycteris harrisoni visitó flores exclusivamente en el bosque y G. soricina visitó mas flores en el bosque que en los fragmentos mientras que no hubo diferencias para L. curasoae. En Chamela, no hubo diferencias en la tasa de visitas de flores entre bosque y fragmentos para G. soricina en Ceiba pentandra mientras que L, curasoae visitó más flores en el bosque. En Guanacaste, C, pentandra recibio mas visitas de Phyllostomus discolor que de G. soricina mientras que no hubo visitas por murcielagos en Osa. La produccion total promedio de flores fue mayor en los fragmentos que en el bosque para C. aesculifolia mientras que no hubo diferencias para C. grandiflora. La proba-bilidad de que una flor produzca fruto fué mayor en el bosque que en los fragmentos para C. grandiflora pero no hubo diferencias en C. aesculifolia. La tasa de exocruzamiento fue aha para C. aesculifolia y C. grandiflora en Chamela, y para C. pentandra en Guanacaste, mientras que C. pentandra en Osa mostró un sistema de apareamiento mixto. Los efectos de la fragmentación de bosques sobre la polinización por murciélagos, la reproducción de plantas y sus patrones de apareamiento varían dependiendo de la especie de Bombacaceae. Esta variabilidad está asociada a los efectos que la fragmentación de bosques puede tener sobre diferencias en los patrones de floración, el comportamiento de forrajeo de los polinizadores, y los sistemas de incompatibilidad de las plantas. [source]

    Lipid and Fatty Acid Composition of Diatoms Revisited: Rapid Wound-Activated Change of Food Quality Parameters Influences Herbivorous Copepod Reproductive Success

    CHEMBIOCHEM, Issue 10 2007
    Thomas Wichard Dr.
    Abstract Lipid and fatty acid composition are considered to be key parameters that determine the nutritive quality of phytoplankton diets for zooplanktonic herbivores. The fitness, reproduction and physiology of the grazers are influenced by these factors. The trophic transfer of lipids and fatty acids from algal cells has been typically studied by using simple extraction and quantification approaches, which, as we argue here, do not reflect the actual situation in the plankton. We show that cell disruption, as it occurs during a predator's grazing on diatoms can drastically change the lipid and fatty acid content of the food. In some algae, a rapid depletion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) is observed within the first minutes after cell disruption. This fatty acid depletion is directly linked to the production of PUFA-derived polyunsaturated aldehydes (PUA); these are molecules that are thought to be involved in the chemical defence of the algae. PUA-releasing diatoms are even capable of transforming lipids from other sources if these are available in the vicinity of the wounded cells. Fluorescent staining reveals that the enzymes involved in lipid transformation are active in the foregut of copepods, and therefore link the depletion processes directly to food uptake. Incubation experiments with the calanoid copepod Temora longicornis showed that PUFA depletion in PUA-producing diatoms is correlated to reduced hatching success, and can be compensated for by externally added single fatty acids. [source]

    Multi-generational effects of polybrominated diphenylethers exposure: Embryonic exposure of male American kestrels (Falco sparverius) to DE-71 alters reproductive success and behaviors

    Sarah C. Marteinson
    Abstract Polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs) are additive flame-retardants that are environmentally persistent and bioaccumulative compounds of particular concern to species at high trophic levels, including predatory birds. The developmental effects of in ovo exposure to male birds at environmentally relevant levels of the PBDE technical mixture, DE-71, on reproductive success and behaviors using captive American kestrels (Falco sparverius) were determined. Males were exposed in ovo by direct maternal transfer to DE-71 and unintentionally to low concentrations of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) at three mean,±,standard error DE-71 concentrations of 288.60,±,33.35,ng/g wet weight (low-exposure), 1130.59,±,95.34,ng/g wet weight (high-exposure), or background levels of 3.01,±,0.46,ng/g wet weight (control). One year following exposure, males were paired with unexposed females. Reproductive success was lower in the high exposure pairs: 43% failed to lay eggs while all other pairs laid complete clutches; they also laid smaller clutches and produced smaller eggs with reduced fertility, parameters that were negatively correlated with paternal in ovo concentrations of all PBDEs, as well as individual congeners and HBCD. Throughout courtship, there were fewer copulations by all in ovo exposed males, fewer mate-calls made by high-exposure males, and decreasing trends in pair-bonding and nest-box behaviors across treatments that continued during brood rearing. The reductions in clutch size and fertility were associated with the reduced frequencies of male courtship behaviors, and were associated with increasing concentrations of the PBDE congeners BDE-47, -99, -100, -53, -138, and HBCD. The results of the present study confirm effects noted in the F0 generation and demonstrate that exposure to DE-71 affects multiple generations of this predatory avian species at environmentally relevant levels of exposure. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 2010; 29:1740,1747. © 2010 SETAC [source]


    EVOLUTION, Issue 5 2008
    Charlie K. Cornwallis
    Reproductive success is determined by a complex interplay between multiple sexual traits that promote mate acquisition and, following copulation, provide control over paternity. The intensity of sexual competition that individuals experience often fluctuates, and here we investigate how this influences the expression of reproductive traits and their relationships. We show in the fowl, Gallus gallus, that males of different social status, which experience different intensities of sexual competition, before and after copulation, have different reproductive phenotypes. Dominant males are more vigilant, feed less, and have larger sexual ornaments than subordinate males. Experimentally manipulating social status revealed that these differences were phenotypically plastic, indicating multiple sexual traits were dependent on the social environment. We integrated these data with previous published findings on changes in sperm numbers and velocity to show that relationships between traits were different for males when they were dominant and when they were subordinate. Furthermore, when males switched status a complex array of negative and positive correlations between the degree traits changed was observed. Our results suggest that variation in the intensity of sexual competition generates reversible plasticity in reproductive phenotypes and that relationships between sexual traits may be variable and influence the evolution of reproductive strategies. [source]

    Reproductive success of the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus feeding on ciliates and flagellates of different trophic modes

    FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, Issue 10 2002
    Silvia Mohr
    SUMMARY 1. The nutritional value of the bacterivorous ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis and the algivorous ciliate Coleps sp., as well as the heterotrophic flagellate Chilomonas paramecium and the autotrophic flagellate Cryptomonas ovata, were investigated in population growth experiments using the rotifer B. calyciflorus. The two ciliates, both flagellates, which were of similar size, shape and mobility, were each offered as a sole diet and as a supplement to the alga Monoraphidium minutum, known to support reproduction of B. calyciflorus. 2. To further test nutritional differences between the prey organisms, prey selection experiments were conducted in which B. calyciflorus was able to select between the bacterivorous and algivorous ciliate, and between the heterotrophic and autotrophic flagellate. 3. The results demonstrated that both ciliates and the heterotrophic flagellate were not sufficient to support reproduction of B. calyciflorus when offered as a sole diet. They were, however, a good supplement to algal prey (except for the bacterivorous ciliate T. pyriformis). In the prey selection experiments, B. calyciflorus positively selected for the algivorous Coleps sp. and the autotrophic C. ovata. 4. Overall, ciliates and heterotrophic flagellates may enhance survival of B. calyciflorus, but reproduction of the rotifer is likely to rely on algal prey. Both higher population growth of B. calyciflorus when fed the algivorous Coleps and the autotrophic Cryptomonas, along with their positive selection, give evidence for prey specific differences in nutrition, with algivorous or autotrophic prey species tending to be of higher nutritional value. [source]

    Host,parasite interactions and vectors in the barn swallow in relation to climate change

    A. P. MØLLER
    Abstract Recent climate change has affected the phenology of numerous species, and such differential changes may affect host,parasite interactions. Using information on vectors (louseflies, mosquitoes, blackflies) and parasites (tropical fowl mite Ornithonyssus bursa, the lousefly Ornithomyia avicularia, a chewing louse Brueelia sp., two species of feather mites Trouessartia crucifera and Trouessartia appendiculata, and two species of blood parasites Leucozytozoon whitworthi and Haemoproteus prognei) of the barn swallow Hirundo rustica collected during 1971,2008, I analyzed temporal changes in emergence and abundance, relationships with climatic conditions, and changes in the fitness impact of parasites on their hosts. Temperature and rainfall during the summer breeding season of the host increased during the study. The intensity of infestation by mites decreased, but increased for the lousefly during 1982,2008. The prevalence of two species of blood parasites increased during 1988,2008. The timing of first mass emergence of mosquitoes and blackflies advanced. These temporal changes in phenology and abundance of parasites and vectors could be linked to changes in temperature, but less so to changes in precipitation. Parasites had fitness consequences for hosts because intensity of the mite and the chewing louse was significantly associated with delayed breeding of the host, while a greater abundance of feather mites was associated with earlier breeding. Reproductive success of the host decreased with increasing abundance of the chewing louse. The temporal decrease in mite abundance was associated with advanced breeding of the host, while the increase in abundance of the lousefly was associated with earlier breeding. Virulence by the tropical fowl mite decreased with increasing temperature, independent of confounding factors. These findings suggest that climate change affects parasite species differently, hence altering the composition of the parasite community, and that climate change causes changes in the virulence of parasites. Because the changing phenology of different species of parasites had both positive and negative effects on their hosts, and because the abundance of some parasites increased, while that of other decreased, there was no consistent temporal change in host fitness during 1971,2008. [source]

    Breeding biology and breeding success of the Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor in a stable and dense population

    IBIS, Issue 2 2000
    The Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor is highly endangered throughout Europe, having declined markedly in abundance and range. Long-term changes in climate and agricultural practices have been identified as the main reasons for its decline. To determine which factors influence short-term changes in breeding success, we examined several aspects of its breeding biology. Our investigation revealed that our study area bears a large and stable population of this species. In 1996 and 1997, we recorded 84 and 77 breeding pairs in an area of 20 km2, with an average of 4.20 and 3.85 pairs/km2 respectively. Data on breeding density, clutch size and fledging success from 1989 to 1997 (excluding 1992) indicate a stable breeding population with a constant high breeding success. Reproductive success declined through the season, mainly through seasonal variation in clutch size rather than chick mortality. However, breeding success was generally high (69% and 79% of the nests produced chicks], with low hatching failure and few nest losses. The main cause of breeding failure was nest predation (at least 50% of nest losses), mainly by magpies (at least 66% of depredated nests). Although in this population the Lesser Grey Shrike tends to aggregate in clusters, breeding density had no obvious effect on breeding success and nest predation. [source]

    Breeding habitat selection in cliff swallows: the effect of conspecific reproductive success on colony choice

    Charles R. Brown
    Summary 1.,One way that animals may select breeding sites is by assessing the reproductive success of conspecifics in one season and settling the next year in those habitat patches where success collectively had been greatest. This sort of habitat assessment may promote the formation of colonies at high quality sites. 2.,We examined whether cliff swallows, Petrochelidon pyrrhonota, in south-western Nebraska used conspecific breeding performance to choose colony sites. 3.,Reproductive success at colony sites varied spatially within seasons and between seasons, and was autocorrelated at a site from one year to the next, but not over longer time intervals. Cliff swallows thus met the conditions for potential use of information on conspecific breeding performance. 4.,Among sites re-used in consecutive years, those with highest collective success in one season showed the greatest rates in colony growth the next season, including the greatest influx of immigrants. 5.,The probability of colony-site re-use in successive years increased with collective reproductive success and average breeder body mass (a measure of individual condition) the previous season. 6.,Cliff swallows probably use conspecific breeding performance in selecting colonies. This mechanism is one component of habitat selection that also includes attraction to conspecifics and assessment of an individual's own success. [source]

    Climate change and range expansion of an aggressive bark beetle: evidence of higher beetle reproduction in naïve host tree populations

    Timothy J. Cudmore
    Summary 1.,Hosts may evolve defences that make them less susceptible and suitable to herbivores impacting their fitness. Due to climate change-driven range expansion, herbivores are encountering naïve host populations with increasing frequency. 2.,Aggressive bark beetles are among the most important agents of disturbance in coniferous forest ecosystems. The presence of bark beetle outbreaks in areas with a historically unsuitable climate, in part a consequence of climate change, provided an opportunity to assess the hypothesis that the mountain pine beetle Dendroctonus ponderosae has higher reproductive success in lodgepole pine Pinus contorta trees growing in areas that have not previously experienced frequent outbreaks. 3.,We felled and sampled mountain pine beetle-killed trees from historically climatically suitable and unsuitable areas, i.e. areas with and without a historical probability of frequent outbreaks. Reproductive success was determined from a total of 166 trees from 14 stands. 4.,Brood productivity was significantly affected by climatic suitability class, such that mean brood production per female increased as historical climatic suitability decreased. 5.,Synthesis and applications. The current study demonstrates that the mountain pine beetle has higher reproductive success in areas where its host trees have not experienced frequent beetle epidemics, which includes much of the current outbreak area in north central British Columbia. This increased productivity of mountain pine beetle is likely to have been a key reason for the rapid population buildup that resulted in unprecedented host tree mortality over huge areas in western Canada. The outbreak thus provides an example of how climate change-driven range expansion of native forest insects can have potentially disastrous consequences. Since an increased reproductive success is likely to accelerate the progression of outbreaks, it is particularly critical to manage forests for the maintenance of a mosaic of species and age classes at the landscape level in areas where host tree populations are naïve to eruptive herbivores. [source]

    The influence of age on reproductive performance in the Brown Thornbill

    David J. Green
    I examined age effects on reproduction in the Brown Thornbill Acanthiza pusilla in Canberra, Australia. I found that the reproductive performance of both males and females improved with age, although only age-related improvement in male performance had a significant effect on annual reproductive success. Reproductive success improved with male age as a result of improved performance during two stages of the breeding cycle: first-year males were less likely to fledge young than those aged two or more, while both first and second-year males were less successful at raising fledglings to independence than males of three or more. Male performance appears to improve over three years as they gain experience at provisioning nestlings and caring for fledglings without attracting predators, rather than as a direct result of improved foraging skills. In contrast, reproductive success only improved slightly with female age, although females of two or more years initiated their first clutch earlier in the season than one-year-old females, and tended to be more likely to re-nest if a breeding attempt failed. The poor performance of young females appears unlikely to be related to their foraging ability but may be associated with costs imposed by dispersing to a breeding vacancy earlier in the year. Although the reproductive performance of Brown Thornbills improves considerably with age I found no evidence that performance improved as a result of repeated breeding attempts with the same partner. [source]

    Opposites attract: MHC-associated mate choice in a polygynous primate

    Abstract We investigated reproduction in a semi-free-ranging population of a polygynous primate, the mandrill, in relation to genetic relatedness and male genetic characteristics, using neutral microsatellite and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genotyping. We compared genetic dissimilarity to the mother and genetic characteristics of the sire with all other potential sires present at the conception of each offspring (193 offspring for microsatellite genetics, 180 for MHC). The probability that a given male sired increased as pedigree relatedness with the mother decreased, and overall genetic dissimilarity and MHC dissimilarity with the mother increased. Reproductive success also increased with male microsatellite heterozygosity and MHC diversity. These effects were apparent despite the strong influence of dominance rank on male reproductive success. The closed nature of our study population is comparable to human populations for which MHC-associated mate choice has been reported, suggesting that such mate choice may be especially important in relatively isolated populations with little migration to introduce genetic variation. [source]

    Reproductive success and helper effects in the cooperatively breeding grey-crowned babbler

    JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, Issue 3 2007
    C. J. Blackmore
    Abstract Cooperative breeding, where some individuals help to raise offspring that are not their own, is a relatively rare social system in birds. We studied the breeding biology of a declining cooperative breeder, the grey-crowned babbler Pomatostomus temporalis, with the aim of isolating the social factors that affect its reproductive success. Most breeding pairs were assisted by philopatric offspring, although pairs could breed successfully without helpers. Females laid up to four clutches (usually three eggs per clutch) per season. Male (but not female) helpers increased the number of young fledged from individual nests and the likelihood of re-nesting, resulting in higher seasonal fledgling production. Helper effects on brood size and fledgling production were greater in the second year of the study, which was also characterized by higher nest failure. This suggests that helpers enhance reproduction more in poor conditions. Our study demonstrates the interacting effects of social and ecological factors on reproductive success, and that retention of offspring is not always beneficial for the breeders in cooperative species. [source]

    Association of MACE-based insecticide resistance in Myzus persicae with reproductive rate, response to alarm pheromone and vulnerability to attack by Aphidius colemani

    Stephen P Foster
    Abstract Reproductive success and response to alarm pheromone, both potentially important components of fitness, were assessed using clones of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) to establish associations with insecticide resistance conferred by insensitive modified acetylcholinesterase (MACE). Both traits showed significant trends that were apparently related to this mechanism. MACE forms appeared to reproduce at slower rates than non-MACE forms expressing moderate (R1) levels of another resistance mechanism based on elevated carboxylesterase. However, MACE forms were more responsive to alarm pheromone than their non-MACE counterparts. The potential implications for parasitoid performance were tested using two clones showing clear differences in alarm response. The level of parasitism of M persicae by the parasitoid Aphidius colemani (Viereck) was significantly lower in MACE forms on pepper crops compared to non-MACE forms. In addition, the distribution of MACE and non-MACE forms differed on the pepper plants, with more MACE forms being found on the growing points. The presence of the parasitoid A colemani did not alter this change in distribution. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry [source]

    REVIEW ARTICLE: Uterine NK Cells, Spiral Artery Modification and the Regulation of Blood Pressure During Mouse Pregnancy

    Suzanne D. Burke
    Citation Burke SD, Barrette VF, Gravel J, Carter ALI, Hatta K, Zhang J, Chen Z, Leno-Durán E, Bianco J, Leonard S, Murrant C, Adams MA, Anne Croy B. Uterine NK cells, spiral artery modification and the regulation of blood pressure during mouse pregnancy. Am J Reprod Immunol 2010 Reproductive success in mammals involves coordinated changes in the immune and cardiovascular as well as in the neuroendocrine and reproductive systems. This review addresses studies that identify potential links for NK cells and T cells with the local and systemic cardiovascular adaptations of pregnancy. The studies reviewed have utilized immunohistochemisty and in vivo analyses of vascular parameters by ultrasound, chronic monitoring of hemodynamics via radiotelemetric recording and intravital microscopy. At the uterine level, functional subsets of uterine natural killer cells were identified. These included subsets expressing molecules important for vasoregulation, in addition to those previously identified for angiogenesis. Spiral arteries showed conducted responses that could account for conceptus control of vasoactivity and mouse gestational blood pressure 5-phase pattern. Vascular immunology is an emerging transdisciplinary field, critical for both reproductive immunology and cardiovascular disease. [source]

    Mating success of the endemic Des Murs' Wiretail (Sylviorthorhynchus desmursii, Furnariidae) in fragmented Chilean rainforests

    AUSTRAL ECOLOGY, Issue 1 2006
    Abstract: We studied the effects of fragment size, vegetation structure and presence of habitat corridors on the reproductive success of the Des Murs' Wiretail (Sylviorthorhynchus desmursii Des Murs, Furnariidae), a small (10 g) understorey bird, endemic to South American forests. In a rural landscape of Chiloé Island, southern Chile (42°S; 70°W), we determined the mating and nesting success of wiretails in 28 territories distributed in seven small (1,20 ha) and two large (>300 ha) forest fragments during the 1997,1998 breeding season. Wiretails inhabited dense bamboo thickets in the understorey of forest patches, dense shrublands covering old fields, and dense early successional forest vegetation. Wiretails avoided open pastures. Reproductive success depended solely on the probability of finding mates, and the main factor affecting mating success was the presence of corridors. Mated individuals occupied 72% of the territories in forest patches <20 ha connected by corridors, 73% of the territories in large (>300 ha) fragments, but only 20% of territories in isolated fragments surrounded by pastures. Because of the rapid expansion of pastures in southern Chile, the conservation of wiretails and other understorey birds will depend on the maintenance of travel corridors with dense understorey vegetation between forest fragments. [source]

    Effects of Human Exclusion on Parasitism in Intertidal Food Webs of Central Chile

    Fissurella crassa; intermareal rocoso; parasitismo; Proctoeces lintoni; reservas marinas Abstract:,Numerous ecological studies have demonstrated the dramatic effects that humans have on coastal marine ecosystems. Consequently, marine reserves have been established to preserve biodiversity. Recent reviews show that this strategy has paid off because inside reserves, most species have rapidly increased in size and abundance. Even though these studies focused on free-living organisms and paid little attention to parasite populations, numerous authors support the hypothesis that parasitism levels could be good indicators of ecosystem stability. We examined harvesting effects on the dynamics of a parasitic trematode ( Proctoeces lintoni) that completes its life cycle in intertidal mussels ( Perumytilus purpuratus), keyhole limpets (Fissurella crassa), and clingfish ( Sicyases sanguineus). All of these species are directly or indirectly affected by humans. Prevalence and abundance of the trematode P. lintoni in the three host species were compared in four study sites that differed in the intensity of human harvest. Parasitism infection in limpets and mussels was significantly higher in areas protected from human harvesting than in open-access areas, which suggests a significant change in parasite dynamics inside reserves. Yet the average parasitic biomass found in the gonads of F. crassa did not differ between protected and open-access areas. These results show, then, that the parasite system responded by increasing infection rates in marine protected areas without implication for reproductive success of the intermediate host. Our findings show that the indirect effects of harvesting by humans on the embedded parasite communities of littoral ecosystems require further scientific investigation. Resumen:,Numerosos estudios ecológicos han demostrado los efectos dramáticos de la actividad humana sobre ecosistemas marinos costeros. Consecuentemente, se han establecido las reservas marinas para preservar la biodiversidad. Revisiones recientes muestran que esta estrategia es adecuada porque la mayoría de las especies dentro de las reservas han incrementado en tamaño y abundancia rápidamente. Aunque, estos estudios se han concentrado en organismos de vida libre y han puesto poca atención a poblaciones de parásitos, numerosos autores apoyan la hipótesis de que los niveles de parasitismo pueden ser buenos indicadores de la estabilidad del ecosistema. Examinamos los efectos de pesquería artesanal sobre la dinámica de un trematodo parásito ( Proctoeces lintoni) que completa su ciclo de vida en mitíldos intermareales ( Perumytilus purpuratus), lapas ( Fissurella crassa) y Sicyases sanguineus, los cuales son afectados por humanos directa o indirectamente. La prevalencia y abundancia del trematodo P. lintoni en las tres especies de hospedadores fueron comparadas en cuatro sitios de estudio que difieren en la intensidad de recolecta por humanos. La infección parasitaria en lapas y mitíldos fue significativamente mayor en áreas protegidas que en áreas de libre acceso, lo que sugiere un cambio significativo en la dinámica del parásito dentro de las reservas, pero, la biomasa promedio de parásitos en gónadas de F. crassa no fue diferente entre áreas protegidas y de libre acceso. Por lo tanto, los resultados muestran que el sistema parásito respondió incrementando tasas de infección en áreas marinas protegidas sin consecuencias sobre el éxito reproductivo del ho spedador intermediario. Nuestros hallazgos muestran que se requiere más investigación científica de los efectos indirectos de los humanos sobre las comunidades de parásitos en ecosistemas litorales. [source]

    Social experience organizes parallel networks in sensory and limbic forebrain

    Eun-Jin Yang
    Abstract Successful social behavior can directly influence an individual's reproductive success. Therefore, many organisms readily modify social behavior based on past experience. The neural changes induced by social experience, however, remain to be fully elucidated. We hypothesize that social modulation of neural systems not only occurs at the level of individual nuclei, but also of functional networks, and their relationships with behavior. We used the green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis), which displays stereotyped, visually triggered social behaviors particularly suitable for comparisons of multiple functional networks in a social context, to test whether repeated aggressive interactions modify behavior and metabolic activity in limbic,hypothalamic and sensory forebrain regions, assessed by quantitative cytochrome oxidase (a slowly accumulating endogenous metabolic marker) histochemistry. We found that aggressive interactions potentiate aggressive behavior, induce changes in activities of individual nuclei, and organize context-specific functional neural networks. Surprisingly, this experiential effect is not only present in a limbic,hypothalamic network, but also extends to a sensory forebrain network directly relevant to the behavioral expression. Our results suggest that social experience modulates organisms' social behavior via modifying sensory and limbic neural systems in parallel both at the levels of individual regions and networks, potentially biasing perceptual as well as limbic processing. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2007 [source]

    The hippocampus and caudomedial neostriatum show selective responsiveness to conspecific song in the female zebra finch

    David J. Bailey
    Abstract The perception of song is vital to the reproductive success of both male and female songbirds. Several neural structures underlying this perception have been identified by examining expression of immediate early genes (IEGs) following the presentation of conspecific or heterospecific song. In the few avian species investigated, areas outside of the circuit for song production contain neurons that are active following song presentation, specifically the caudal hyperstriatum ventrale (cHV) and caudomedial neostriatum (NCM). While studied in detail in the male zebra finch, IEG responses in these neural substrates involved in song perception have not been quantified in females. Therefore, adult female zebra finches were presented with zebra finch song, nonzebra finch song, randomly generated tones, or silence for 30 min. One hour later they were sacrificed, and their brains removed, sectioned, and immunocytochemically processed for FOS expression. Animals exposed to zebra finch song had a significantly higher density of FOS-immunoreactive cells in the NCM than those presented with other songs, tones, or silence. Neuronal activation in the cHV was equivalent in birds that heard zebra finch and non-zebra finch song, expression that was higher than that observed in the groups that heard no song. Interestingly, the hippocampus (HP) and adjacent parahippocampal area (AHP) were activated in a manner comparable to the NCM. These results suggest a general role for the cHV in song perception and a more specific role for the NCM and HP/AHP in facilitating recognition of and responsiveness to species-specific song in female zebra finches. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 52: 43,51, 2002 [source]

    Foregut ossicles morphology and feeding of the freshwater anomuran crab Aegla uruguayana (Decapoda, Aeglidae)

    ACTA ZOOLOGICA, Issue 4 2010
    Veronica Williner
    Abstract Williner, V. 2009. Foregut ossicles morphology and feeding of the freshwater anomuran crab Aegla uruguayana (Decapoda, Aeglidae). ,Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 91: 408,415. The acquisition and processing of food is critical to animal survival and reproductive success. This work describes the foregut ossicles of Aegla uruguayana, which have been proposed to impart trophic characteristics. In addition, stomach contents were analysed using Index of Relative Importance and Weighted Result Index to characterize the diet. The Pearre index was applied to analyse trophic selectivity. We found A. uruguayana has a morphological foregut typical of macrophage organisms. Stomach contents included items typical of omnivorous, generalist and opportunistic feeding modes. Vegetal remains included algae (filamentous, unicellular and colonial morphotypes), insect larvae, oligochaetes, microcrustaceans (copepods and cladocerans), mites, tardigrades, juveniles of A. uruguayana and rotifers. Morphological descriptions of the foregut can reveal feeding habits and provide data on the possible trophic profile of a species, while guiding the selection of appropriate methodology for subsequent analysis. Our stomach content data corroborated the foregut description, but the presence of small prey suggested A. uruguayana utilizes both predation and detritivory trophic strategies. [source]

    Analysis of nest occupancy and nest reproduction in two sympatric raptors: common buzzard Buteo buteo and goshawk Accipiter gentilis

    ECOGRAPHY, Issue 5 2002
    Oliver Krüger
    Nest site selection can have important fitness consequences in birds. I analysed the habitat characteristics of 392 nests of two sympatric raptor species (common buzzard Buteo buteo and goshawk Accipiter gentilis) in Germany and their relation to nest occupation rate and nest reproductive success. For common buzzard, multivariate models explained only small proportions of the variance in nest occupation rate and nest reproductive success (13,19%). Important variables related to nest occupation rate were human disturbances, intra- and interspecific neighbour density, the amount of forested area and nest tree crown cover. Variables related to nest site reproductive success also included human disturbance, intra- and interspecific neighbour density and nest tree crown cover as well as nest distance to the nearest forest edge. In contrast, models for the goshawk explained a much higher proportion of the variation in nest occupation rate and nest reproductive success (41,43%). Important variables related to nest occupation rate were the remoteness of the nest site and direct human disturbance. Variables related to nest site reproductive success were remoteness of the nest site and good hunting habitat. Goshawks seem to be more sensitive to human disturbance than buzzards. A multiple discriminant analysis showed that nest site characteristics substantially overlapped between the species and there is a good evidence that competition for optimal nest sites occurs. Thus, buzzards might be constrained by the dominant goshawk in their nest site selection. [source]

    Effect of abiotic factors on reproduction in the centre and periphery of breeding ranges: a comparative analysis in sympatric harriers

    ECOGRAPHY, Issue 4 2001
    J. T. García
    Variables such as weather or other abiotic factors should have a higher influence on demographic rates in border areas than in central areas, given that climatic adaptation might be important in determining range borders. Similarly, for a given area, the relationship between weather and reproduction should be dissimilar for species which are in the centre of their breeding range and those that are near the edge. We tested this hypothesis on two sympatric ground-nesting raptors, the hen harrier Circus cyaneus and the Montagu's harrier Circus pygargus in Madrid, central Spain, where the hen harrier is at the southern edge of its breeding range in the western Palearctic and the Montagu's harrier is central in its distribution. We examined the reproductive success of both species during an 8-yr period, and looked at the influence of the most stressful abiotic factors in the study area (between-year variation in rainfall and within-year variation in temperature) on reproductive parameters. In the hen harrier, low levels of rainfall during the breeding season had a negative influence on annual fledging success and thus on population fledgling production. The relationship between rainfall and reproduction was probably mediated through food abundance, which in Mediterranean habitat depends directly on rainfall levels. In the Montagu's harrier, no negative effect of dry seasons on productivity was found. Additionally, in the hen harrier, the proportion of eggs that did not hatch in each clutch increased with higher temperatures during the incubation period. No such relationship was found in the Montagu's harrier. We interpret these between-species differences in terms of differences of breeding range and adaptations to the average conditions existing there. Hen harriers, commonest at northern latitudes, are probably best adapted to the most typical conditions at those latitudes, and have probably not developed thermoregulatory or behavioural mechanisms to cope with drought and high temperatures in Mediterranean habitats, in contrast to Montagu's harrier. Thus hen harrier distribution might be constrained by these variables, due to lower reproductive success or higher reproductive costs. Accordingly, a logistic regression analysis of the presence or absence of both species in 289 random points throughout the western Palearctic showed that the distribution of both species was related to temperature, but the relationship was in opposite directions for the two species: hen harriers had lower probability of breeding in areas with higher temperature (as expected in a species with a more northerly distribution). [source]