Reduction Programmes (reduction + programme)

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Selected Abstracts

Early multiple intervention: a view from On Track

CHILDREN & SOCIETY, Issue 2 2005
Jean Hine
On Track started life in 2000 as part of the Crime Reduction Programme in the Home Office, but was shifted to the Children and Young People's Unit less than a year later. This paper describes tensions that emerged during the first phase of the evaluation of this innovative programme, designed to provide interventions for four to twelve year olds at risk of becoming involved in crime. Analysis of interventions and multiple intervention is presented, together with reflections on the need for a different kind of evaluation and a more positive approach to services for children and young people. [source]

Preservation of sight in diabetes: developing a national risk reduction programme

L. Garvican
SUMMARY Background Early treatment for diabetic retinopathy is effective at saving sight, but dependent on pre-symptomatic detection. Although 60% of people with diabetes have their eyes examined annually, few UK health authorities have systematic programmes that meet the British Diabetic Association's standards for sensitivity (> 80%) and specificity (> 95%). Screening is generally performed by general practitioners and optometrists, with some camera-based schemes, operated by dedicated staff. The National Screening Committee commissioned a group to develop a model and cost estimates for a comprehensive national risk-reduction programme. Ophthalmoscopy Evidence indicates that direct ophthalmoscopy using a hand-held ophthalmoscope does not give adequate specificity and sensitivity, and should be abandoned as a systematic screening technique. Indirect ophthalmoscopy using a slit lamp is sensitive and specific enough to be viable, and widespread availability in high street optometrists is an advantage, but the method requires considerable skill. Photographic schemes The principal advantage of camera-based screening is the capturing of an image, for patient education, review of disease progression, and quality assurance. Digital cameras are becoming cheaper, and are now the preferred option. The image is satisfactory for screening and may be transmitted electronically. With appropriate training and equipment, different professional groups might participate in programme delivery, based on local decisions. Cost issues Considerable resources are already invested in ad hoc screening, with inevitable high referral rates incurring heavy outpatient costs. Treatment for advanced disease is expensive, but less likely to be effective. The costs of a new systematic screening and treatment programme appear similar to current expenditure, as a result of savings in treatment of late-presenting advanced retinopathy. Conclusion A systematic national programme based on digital photography is proposed. [source]

Limnological changes in a sub-tropical shallow hypertrophic lake during its restoration: two years of a whole-lake experiment

F. Scasso
Abstract 1.,Lake Rodó is a turbid system, a condition attributed to algal biomass. The proximal source of the eutrophication was stormwater discharges from an ill-defined urban area. This paper describes an attempt to restore the water quality of Lake Rodó, the first time this has been done in Uruguay. In spring 1996 it was drained, sediments were removed and stream inputs were diverted. Groundwater was used to re-fill the lake. Due to its high nutrient concentration a re-circulation system was designed, pumping water from associated pools covered with free-floating plants. 2.,After the lake was refilled, the system was characterized by oxygen saturation or over-saturation, neutral to basic pH, and high phosphorus, nitrogen and silicate concentrations. Ratios of total nitrogen (TN):total phosphorus (TP) and chlorophyll a (Chl a):TP indicated that phosphorus was the primary limiting nutrient during the period of groundwater supply. Once groundwater pumping had ceased, there was a decrease in TN:TP and Chl a:TP ratios, suggesting N-limiting conditions prevailed in some periods. 3.,Before restoration, the phytoplankton community was dominated year-round by Planktothrix agardhii; since restoration the community has been more diverse. This change has favoured grazing by mesozooplankton, and the onset of clear-water phases in spring. 4.,Abundant populations of small omnivorous fish maintained a high predation pressure on zooplankton, restricting the abundance of large-bodied herbivores, which, in turn, allowed an increase in phytoplanton biomass and a decrease in water transparency. Based on this observation, together with the phosphorus concentration and the low abundance of filamentous cyanobacteria compared with previous studies, we suggest that top-down control has played a key role in increasing transparency in Lake Rodó. 5.,A nutrient reduction programme, by the mechanical harvest of floating plants, and a removal of small omnivorous fishes and stocking strictly with piscivores, could be key factors in the achievement of a stable clear-water phase. However, if blooms of Microcystis or other similar genera occur in summer, additional measures (e.g. reduction of the hydraulic residence time) will be needed to improve water transparency. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Roads to Poverty Reduction?

Exploring Rural Roads' Impact on Mobility in Africa
Within current poverty reduction programmes, focus on the social-welfare millennium development goals is widening to embrace a concern with infrastructural investment, particularly for remote areas. The previously popular assumption that rural disadvantage can be remedied by road-building is resurfacing. Using survey data from Ethiopia, Zambia and Vietnam, this article explores how effective such investment is in addressing mobility and social-service accessibility in rural areas. The findings indicate that, in extremely remote areas, road improvements may catalyse the expansion of social-service provision, as evidenced in Ethiopia. However, given the poor's relative lack of motor vehicles and ability to pay for public transport, they are, by no means, a sufficient condition for enhancing the mobility of the rural poor. [source]

Cyclone disaster vulnerability and response experiences in coastal Bangladesh

DISASTERS, Issue 4 2010
Edris Alam
For generations, cyclones and tidal surges have frequently devastated lives and property in coastal and island Bangladesh. This study explores vulnerability to cyclone hazards using first-hand coping recollections from prior to, during and after these events. Qualitative field data suggest that, beyond extreme cyclone forces, localised vulnerability is defined in terms of response processes, infrastructure, socially uneven exposure, settlement development patterns, and livelihoods. Prior to cyclones, religious activities increase and people try to save food and valuable possessions. Those in dispersed settlements who fail to reach cyclone shelters take refuge in thatched-roof houses and big-branch trees. However, women and children are affected more despite the modification of traditional hierarchies during cyclone periods. Instinctive survival strategies and intra-community cooperation improve coping post cyclone. This study recommends that disaster reduction programmes encourage cyclone mitigation while being aware of localised realities, endogenous risk analyses, and coping and adaptation of affected communities (as active survivors rather than helpless victims). [source]

Harm reduction programmes in the Asia,Pacific Region

Abstract Introduction and Aims. This paper reports on the public health intervention of harm reduction to address drug use issues in the Asia , Pacific region. Design and Methods. It is based on the report ,Situational analysis of illicit drug issues and responses in Asia and the Pacific', commissioned by the Australian National Council on Drugs Asia Pacific Drug Issues Committee. A comprehensive desk-based review based on published and unpublished literature and key informant data. Results. Drug use in the Asia , Pacific region is widespread, resulting in serious adverse health consequences. Needle and syringe programmes are found in some parts of Asia, but not in the six Pacific Island countries reviewed. Outreach and peer education programmes are implemented, but overall appear minor in size and scope. Substitution therapy programmes appear to be entering a new era of acceptance in some parts of Asia. Primary health care specifically for drug users overall is limited. Discussion and Conclusions. Harm reduction programmes in the Asia , Pacific region are either small in scale or do not exist. Most programmes lack the technical capacity, human resources and a limited scope of operations to respond effectively to the needs of drug users. Governments in this region should be encouraged to endorse evidence-based harm reduction programmes. [source]