Recommendation System (recommendation + system)

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Selected Abstracts

MCORE: a context-sensitive recommendation system for the mobile Web

EXPERT SYSTEMS, Issue 1 2007
Joon Yeon Choi
Abstract: Recommendation systems for the mobile Web have focused on endorsing particular types of content to users. Today, mobile service providers have a more direct recommendation channel, namely the short messaging service. Therefore, mobile service providers should consider both the timing and context of recommendation messages (push messages) that are sent to users. Mobile service providers can learn context-specific user preferences by analysing mobile Web use logs and user responses to push messages. In this paper, we present a context-sensitive recommendation system that can be used to select the optimal context in which to send recommendation messages. We call this system the mobile context recommender system (MCORE). We compared user responses to push messages delivered in and out of suitable contexts as determined by MCORE. The precision of push messages delivered within a suitable context was higher than that of messages delivered outside of one. [source]

A multigranular linguistic content-based recommendation model

Luis Martínez
Recommendation systems are a clear example of an e-service that helps the users to find the most suitable products they are looking for, according to their preferences, among a vast quantity of information. These preferences are usually related to human perceptions because the customers express their needs, taste, and so forth to find a suitable product. The perceptions are better modeled by means of linguistic information due to the uncertainty involved in this type of information. In this article, we propose a content-based recommendation model that will offer a more flexible context to improve the final recommendations where the preferences provided by the sources will be modeled by means of linguistic variables assessed in different linguistic term sets. The proposal consists of offering a multigranular linguistic context for expressing the preferences instead of forcing users to use a unique scale. Then the content-based recommendation model will look for the most suitable product(s), comparing them with the customer(s) information according to its resemblance. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Int Syst 22: 419,434, 2007. [source]

MCORE: a context-sensitive recommendation system for the mobile Web

EXPERT SYSTEMS, Issue 1 2007
Joon Yeon Choi
Abstract: Recommendation systems for the mobile Web have focused on endorsing particular types of content to users. Today, mobile service providers have a more direct recommendation channel, namely the short messaging service. Therefore, mobile service providers should consider both the timing and context of recommendation messages (push messages) that are sent to users. Mobile service providers can learn context-specific user preferences by analysing mobile Web use logs and user responses to push messages. In this paper, we present a context-sensitive recommendation system that can be used to select the optimal context in which to send recommendation messages. We call this system the mobile context recommender system (MCORE). We compared user responses to push messages delivered in and out of suitable contexts as determined by MCORE. The precision of push messages delivered within a suitable context was higher than that of messages delivered outside of one. [source]

Using the moving average rule in a dynamic web recommendation system

Yi-Jen Su
In this, the Information Age, most people are accustomed to gleaning information from the World Wide Web. To survive and prosper, a Web site has to constantly enliven its content while providing various and extensive information services to attract users. The Web Recommendation System, a personalized information filter, prompts users to visit a Web site and browse at a deeper level. In general, most of the recommendation systems use large browsing logs to identify and predict users' surfing habits. The process of pattern discovery is time-consuming, and the result is static. Such systems do not satisfy the end users' goal-oriented and dynamic demands. Accordingly, a pressing need for an adaptive recommendation system comes into play. This article proposes a novel Web recommendation system framework, based on the Moving Average Rule, which can respond to new navigation trends and dynamically adapts recommendations for users with suitable suggestions through hyperlinks. The framework provides Web site administrators with various methods to generate recommendations. It also responds to new Web trends, including Web pages that have been updated but have not yet been integrated into regular browsing patterns. Ultimately, this research enables Web sites with dynamic intelligence to effectively tailor users' needs. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Int Syst 22: 621,639, 2007. [source]

Personalized recommendation with adaptive mixture of markov models

Yang Liu
With more and more information available on the Internet, the task of making personalized recommendations to assist the user's navigation has become increasingly important. Considering there might be millions of users with different backgrounds accessing a Web site everyday, it is infeasible to build a separate recommendation system for each user. To address this problem, clustering techniques can first be employed to discover user groups. Then, user navigation patterns for each group can be discovered, to allow the adaptation of a Web site to the interest of each individual group. In this paper, we propose to model user access sequences as stochastic processes, and a mixture of Markov models based approach is taken to cluster users and to capture the sequential relationships inherent in user access histories. Several important issues that arise in constructing the Markov models are also addressed. The first issue lies in the complexity of the mixture of Markov models. To improve the efficiency of building/maintaining the mixture of Markov models, we develop a lightweight adapt-ive algorithm to update the model parameters without recomputing model parameters from scratch. The second issue concerns the proper selection of training data for building the mixture of Markov models. We investigate two different training data selection strategies and perform extensive experiments to compare their effectiveness on a real dataset that is generated by a Web-based knowledge management system, Livelink. [source]

Using the moving average rule in a dynamic web recommendation system

Yi-Jen Su
In this, the Information Age, most people are accustomed to gleaning information from the World Wide Web. To survive and prosper, a Web site has to constantly enliven its content while providing various and extensive information services to attract users. The Web Recommendation System, a personalized information filter, prompts users to visit a Web site and browse at a deeper level. In general, most of the recommendation systems use large browsing logs to identify and predict users' surfing habits. The process of pattern discovery is time-consuming, and the result is static. Such systems do not satisfy the end users' goal-oriented and dynamic demands. Accordingly, a pressing need for an adaptive recommendation system comes into play. This article proposes a novel Web recommendation system framework, based on the Moving Average Rule, which can respond to new navigation trends and dynamically adapts recommendations for users with suitable suggestions through hyperlinks. The framework provides Web site administrators with various methods to generate recommendations. It also responds to new Web trends, including Web pages that have been updated but have not yet been integrated into regular browsing patterns. Ultimately, this research enables Web sites with dynamic intelligence to effectively tailor users' needs. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Int Syst 22: 621,639, 2007. [source]

Potential role of phosphate buffering capacity of soils in fertilizer management strategies fitted to environmental goals,

Phillip Ehlert
Abstract Sorption behavior and buffering of phosphorus (P) are important, both from an agricultural and an environmental point of view. The objectives of this study were to investigate: (1) the kinetics of the transfer of P from soil to soil solution and assessing P buffering capacity of soils (PBC), as a function of soil solution P; (2) the effect of PBC on soil P status fitted to environmental targets for water quality; (3) the effect of PBC on crop response. PBC was derived from the non-linear Q-I curve describing the time-dependent relationship between plant-available reserve of soil P (Q) versus soil solution P (I). The Q-I curve was determined in soil suspension using sorption and isotopic dilution methods for soil samples from French, Swedish, and Dutch field trials. Soils with low PBC values were more sensitive to the loss of P to the environment, required higher critical value in soil solution P to comply with P demand of maize, and had higher change in soil solution P per unit of P budget. In different soils, both the critical soil solution P for maize and the change in soil solution P per unit of P balance varied inversely with PBC. It is concluded that (1) PBC plays a key role in determining the agronomic and environmental threshold levels of available P content in the soils, and (2) PBC is a prerequisite for the development of more environmentally oriented fertilization recommendation systems. Potenzielle Bedeutung der Phosphat-Pufferkapazität des Bodens für umweltgerechte Düngungsstategien Bindungsverhalten und Pufferkapazität des Phosphors (P) im Boden ist wichtig, sowohl aus Sicht der Landwirtschaft als auch des Umweltschutzes. In dieser Untersuchung sollten folgende Probleme untersucht werden: (1) Kinetik des P-Transfers von der Festphase in die Bodenlösung und Abschätzung der P-Pufferkapazität (PBC) als Funktion der P-Konzentration in der Bodenlösung; (2) die Wirkung der PBC auf den Boden-P-Status im Hinblick auf Qualitätsziele für Wasser; (3) Wirkung der PBC auf die P-Aufnahme der Pflanze. Die PBC wurde abgeleitet aus der nichtlinearen Q-I-Kurve, die die zeitabhängige Beziehung zwischen dem Gehalt an pflanzenverfügbarem Boden-P (Q) und der P-Konzentration in der Bodenlösung (I) beschreibt. Die Q-I-Kurve wurde in Bodensupensionen mit Sorptions- und Isotopen-Verdünnungsmethoden an Bodenproben aus Feldversuchen in Frankreich, Schweden und den Niederlanden bestimmt. Böden mit niedriger PBC waren sensitiver für P-Austräge in die Umwelt, erforderten höhere Grenzkonzentrationen in der Bodenlösung zur Bedarfsdeckung bei Mais und zeigten größere Konzentrationsveränderungen in der Bodenlösung je Einheit der P-Bilanz. Die Grenzkonzentrationen in der Bodenlösung zur Bedarfsdeckung bei Mais und Konzentrationsveränderungen in der Bodenlösung je Einheit der P-Bilanz variierten in unterschiedlichen Böden invers mit Variation der PBC. Aus den Untersuchungen folgte, dass (1) die PBC ein Schlüssel-Parameter zur Bestimmung agronomischer und umweltrelevanter Grenzwerte der Gehalte an verfügbarem P im Boden ist und (2) somit eine Voraussetzung für die Entwicklung mehr umweltorientierter Systeme der Düngungsempfehlungen. [source]