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Selected Abstracts

Hydrogen Peroxide and Wound Healing: A Theoretical and Practical Review for Hair Transplant Surgeons

BACKGROUND In most hair restoration practices, hydrogen peroxide has been routinely used to remove blood during and after hair transplant surgery. In other specialties, hydrogen peroxide is also used in these ways: wound cleaning, prevention of infection, hemostasis, and removal of debris. Despite its widespread use, there are still concerns and controversy about the potential toxic effect of hydrogen peroxide. OBJECTIVE The objective was to review all available literature including in vivo and in vitro effects of hydrogen peroxide, as well as general wound healing research. MATERIAL AND METHODS Literature up to and including the past three decades was investigated. RESULTS Two pilot studies were found, and there are not enough data examining the real impact of using hydrogen peroxide in hair transplant surgery. In other specialties, H2O2 appears to have positive effects, such as stimulation of vascular endothelial growth factor, induction of fibroblast proliferation, and collagen, or negative effects, such as cytotoxicity, inhibition of keratinocyte migration, disruption of scarless fetal wound repair, and apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS There are not enough data in hair restoration surgery about the use of hydrogen peroxide, and it is unknown and unclear what the optimum dilution should be. Positive and negative effects were found in other specialties. Further studies are recommended. [source]

Do Developing Countries Need a Development Box?

EUROCHOICES, Issue 2 2003
Jonathan Brooks
Summary Do Developing Countries Need a Development Box? Developing country proposals for a Development Box focus on changes to WTO rules on agricultural trade that would enable them to address more effectively their objectives related to food security, poverty alleviation and economic development. Yet, there are few instances where developing countries have been constrained in the policies they can adopt. This does not mean that demands for a Development Box are pointless, for if the next WTO agreement is to have a real impact on rates of protection, there will be a need for tighter commitments in both developed and developing countries. Hence proposals for a Development Box can be seen as an insurance policy, given the prospect of deeper multilateral reforms. There is a strong case for easier access to safeguards, under which developing countries could temporarily apply higher tariffs on food security crops when world prices are depressed below threshold levels. There may be an economic justification for expanding the types of domestic support measures that developing countries can employ, in those rare cases where policies would otherwise be constrained. However, these demands should not constrain progress on the most important issue; namely, how OECD countries can do more for developing countries through improvements in market access, the elimination of explicit and implicit export subsidies, and reductions in trade-distorting domestic support. Faut-il une boite spéciale pour le développement ? Les propositions des pays en développement en vue ?établir une ,boîte pour le développement'à,OMC sont centrées sur ,idée qu'il convient de modifier les règies du commerce international agricole, afin de leur permettre ?aborder de façon plus efflcace leurs problèmes spécifiques de sécurité alimentaire, de réduction de la pauvreté et de développement économique. Pourtant, il existe peu ?exemples de situations dans lesquelles un pays en développement ait pu être gêné dans ,adoption ?une politique particulière. Cela ne veut pas dire qu'une boîte pour le développement soit inutile: si le prochain accord à,OMC doit avoir un effet réel sur les taux de protection, des engagements encore plus stricts seront nécessaires de la part, aussi bien des pays en développement que des pays développés. II en résulte que les propositions en vue ?une ,boîte pour le développement' peuvent être considérées comme une politique ?assurance, dans ,optique de réformes multilatérales plus approfondies. II y a des raisons sérieuses pour faciliter le recours aux clauses de sauvegarde, grâce auxquelles les pays en développement pourraient imposer temporairement des droits plus élevés sur les denrées importantes pour leur sécurité alimentaire lorsque les cours mondiaux descendent en deçà?un certain seuil. Il peut exister une justification économique à,extension des catégories de soutien que les pays en développement peuvent employer, dans les cas peu fréquents où les engagements pris seraient contraignants à cet égard. Mais surtout, il faut que les pays en développement prennent garde à ne pas entraver les progrès dans les domaines vraiment importants, à savoir ce que les pays de ,OCDE peuvent faire pour eux en améliorant ,accès aux marchés, en eliminant les subventions implicites et explicites aux exportations, et en réduisant les mesures de soutien intérieures qui affectent les échanges. Benötigen Entwicklungsländer eine Development Box? Die Vorschläge der Entwicklungsländer für eine Development Box zielen auf Änderungen in den Agrarhandelsvorschriften der WTO ab; es soil ihnen ermöglicht werden, ihre Zdele hinsichtlich der Nahrungsmt-telsicherheit, Armutsbekämpfung und Wirtschaftsentwicklung wirkungsvoller zu verfolgen. Bis heute jedoch wurden die Entwicklungsländer nur in wenigen Fällen bei der Ausgestaltung bestimmter Politikmaßnahmen eingeschränkt. Damit ist nicht gesagt, dass Forderungen nach einer Development Box zwecklos sind, denn wenn sich das kommende WTO-Abkommen tatsächlich auf die Protektionsraten auswirken soil, werden sowohl den entwickelten Ländern als auch den Entwicklungsländern mehr Verpflichtungen abverlangt werden. Daher können Vorschläge für eine Development Box als eine Versicherungspolirik vor dem Hintergrund der Aussicht auf tiefergreifende multilaterale Reformen angesehen werden. Es spricht vieles für einen einfacheren Zugang zu Schutzmaßnahmen, unter denen Entwicklungsländer vorübergehend höhere Zölle auf pflanzliche Erzeugnisse mit Bedeutung für die Nahrungsmittelsicherheit erheben könnten, wenn die Weltpreise unterhalb von Schwellenwerten liegen. Es mag aus ökonomischer Sicht eine Rechtfertigung für die Ausdehnung der inlandischen marktstützenden Maßnahmen geben, welche Entwicklungsländer anwenden dürfen; dies kann sinnvoll sein, wenn andernfalls, allerdings in seltenen Fällen, Politikmaßnahmen eingeschränkt werden müssten. Diese Forderungen sollten den Fortschritt bei den allerwichtigsten Themen jedoch nicht behindern; OECD-Länder können mehr für Entwicklungsländer tun, und zwar durch Verbesserung des Marktzugangs, durch die Abschaffung von expliziten und impliziten Exportsubventionen und durch Kürzungen bei den handelsverzerrenden Inlandssubventionen. [source]

How to measure non-consistency of medical practices with available evidence in therapeutics: a methodological framework

Jean-Pierre Boissel
Abstract Since the early 1980s many studies showed a gap between available evidence and medical practice. They were designed to assess the real impact of randomized clinical trials on the practice of medicine. Their results substantiated a knowledge translation problem. However, they were qualitative findings, i.e. a gap exists or not, although the problem is quantitative (how large is the gap?) and has several components that should be documented according to the objective of the study. In this article, we explored the components and the various contexts in which the measure of the distance between practice and knowledge is considered. All these features should be taken into account for a more accurate and relevant assessment of the distance. [source]

MDR1 polymorphisms and response to azathioprine therapy in patients with Crohn's disease

Juan L. Mendoza MD
Abstract Background: To investigate the contribution of multidrug resistance 1 (MDR1) gene pharmacogenetics (G2677T/A and C3435T) to the efficacy of azathioprine in inducing remission in patients with Crohn's disease (CD). Methods: A cohort of 327 unrelated Spanish patients with CD recruited from a single center was studied. All patients were rigorously followed up for at least 2 years (mean time, 11.5 years). A case-control analysis of MDR1 G2677T/A and C3435T SNPs and 2 loci haplotypes in 112 steroid-dependent CD patients treated with azathioprine was performed. Patients were classified on the basis of response to azathioprine. Results: A total 76 patients treated with azathioprine for longer than 3 months were included. Remission was achieved in 42 CD patients (55.3%). A higher frequency of the 2677TT genotype was found in nonresponders than in responders (17.65% versus 7.14%; OR = 2.8; 95% CI; 0.6,12.1; P = 0.11). Nonresponders to azathioprine were found to have a higher frequency of the 3435TT genotype than did CD patients who had achieved clinical remission (17.64% versus 4.76%; OR = 4.3; 95% CI, 0.8,22.8; P = 0.06). The 2677T/3435T haplotype was also more abundant in nonresponders (29.4% versus 20.2%), whereas the 2677G/3435C haplotype was more frequent in responders (58.3% versus 47.1%). Lack of response to azathioprine therapy in CD patients was 1.8-fold greater in carriers of the 2677T/3435T haplotype than in carriers of the 2677G/3435C haplotype (OR = 1.8; 95% CI, 0.82,3.9; P = 0.14). Conclusions: The results of our study indicate higher frequencies of the 2677TT and 3435TT genotypes and the 2677T/3435T haplotype in CD patients who did not respond to azathioprine. Additional replications in independent populations would confirm the real impact of these polymorphisms in response to azathioprine therapy. (Inflamm Bowel Dis 2007) [source]

The European Science Foundation Promotes Excellence in Materials Science Research

ADVANCED MATERIALS, Issue 10-11 2009
Antonella di Trapani
The European Science Foundation (ESF) with its 34,year history in funding scientific networking activities that span across European borders has been the instigator of several programs within the field of materials science. The main results of these programs have made a real impact in the field, and are contributing to a new class of researchers that will be the leaders of the European Research Area. [source]

Future Directions for the Teaching and Learning of Statistics at the Tertiary Level

Des F. Nicholl
Summary Significant advances in, and the resultant impact of, Information Technology (IT) during the last fifteen years has resulted in a much more data based society, a trend that can be expected to continue into the foreseeable future. This phenomenon has had a real impact on the Statistics discipline and will continue to result in changes in both content and course delivery. Major research directions have also evolved during the last ten years directly as a result of advances in IT. The impact of these advances has started to flow into course content, at least for advanced courses. One question which arises relates to what impact will this have on the future training of statisticians, both with respect to course content and mode of delivery. At the tertiary level the last 40 years has seen significant advances in theoretical aspects of the Statistics discipline. Universities have been outstanding at producing scholars with a strong theoretical background but questions have been asked as to whether this has, to some degree, been at the expense of appropriate training of the users of statistics (the ,tradespersons'). Future directions in the teaching and learning of Statistics must take into account the impact of IT together with the competing need to produce scholars as well as competent users of statistics to meet the future needs of the market place. For Statistics to survive as a recognizable discipline the need to be able to train statisticians with an ability to communicate is also seen as an areà of crucial importance. Satisfying the needs of society as well as meeting the needs of the profession are considered as the basic determinants which will derive the future teaching and training of statisticians at the tertiary level and will form the basis of this presentation. [source]

Handwriting: what do we know and what do we need to know?

LITERACY, Issue 1 2007
Jane Medwell
Abstract Handwriting has a low status and profile in literacy education in England and in recent years has attracted little attention from teachers, policy-makers or researchers into mainstream educational processes. This article identifies a substantial programme of research into handwriting, including studies located in the domains of special needs education and psychology, suggesting that it is time to re-evaluate the importance of handwriting in the teaching of literacy. Explorations of the way handwriting affects composing have opened up new avenues for research, screening and intervention, which have the potential to make a significant contribution to children's progress in learning to write. In particular, the role of orthographic motor integration and automaticity in handwriting is now seen as of key importance in composing. Evidence from existing studies suggests that handwriting intervention programmes may have a real impact on the composing skills of young writers. In particular, they could positively affect the progress of the many boys who struggle with writing throughout the primary school years. [source]

Exploring the perceived effect of an undergraduate multiprofessional educational intervention

Article first published online: 25 DEC 200
Context Improved teamwork and greater collaboration between professions are important factors in effective health care. These goals may be achieved by including interprofessional learning in the undergraduate medical curriculum. The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Liverpool organized a pilot two-day multiprofessional course involving all the health care related disciplines. Objective The present study examined the perceived effect of the multiprofessional course on the work practice of these newly qualified health care professionals. Method The views of former students who took part in the pilot course were collected using a semi-structured interview schedule and analysed using a qualitative data analysis software package QSR NU*DIST. Results Two main themes emerged. These centred around role knowledge and interprofessional attitudes. Data indicated that participants perceived the course to have increased their knowledge of the other professions and that this effect had persisted. Reported benefits to their working practice included facilitating appropriate referrals, increasing professional empathy and awareness of other professionals' skills, raising confidence and heightening awareness of the holistic nature of patient treatment. Participants reported forming negative attitudes towards other professions during their undergraduate education. They believed these had been partly encouraged by course tutors. The pilot course was perceived to have had had little effect on these attitudes. Changes occurred once the newly qualified professionals started work. Conclusions The results support the idea that interprofessional educational interventions must be tailored to specific learning goals to be implemented successfully, and that interprofessional education should be prolonged and widespread to have a real impact. [source]

The Rituals of Public Meetings

Katherine McComas
Public meetings are often referred to as "rituals" to denote a largely symbolic activity with little concrete meaning. This essay explores how public meeting rituals may produce very real impacts on participants and pragmatic outcomes. Whereas tangible outputs of rituals are not always evident, ritual theory suggests that participants can derive latent meaning and significant comfort from their application. Although rituals serve to reify certain norms or control behaviors, they may also reaffirm civic values and encourage group cohesion. A deeper appreciation of public meeting rituals will enable participants and officials to respond more effectively to restructured or nontraditional formats as well as better deal with the challenges of maintaining participation when rituals lose their meaning. [source]