Rapid Inhibition (rapid + inhibition)

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Selected Abstracts

Phototropins and Their LOV Domains: Versatile Plant Blue-Light Receptors

Winslow R. Briggs
Abstract The phototropins phot1 and phot2 are plant blue-light receptors that mediate phototropism, chloroplast movements, stomatal opening, leaf expansion, the rapid inhibition of hypocotyl growth in etiolated seedlings, and possibly solar tracking by leaves in those species in which it occurs. The phototropins are plasma membrane-associated hydrophilic proteins with two chromophore domains (designated LOV1 and LOV2 for their resemblance to domains in other signaling proteins that detect light, oxygen, or voltage) in their N-terminal half and a classic serine/threonine kinase domain in their C-terminal half. Both chromophore domains bind flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and both undergo light-activated formation of a covalent bond between a nearby cysteine and the C(4a) carbon of the FMN to form the signaling state. LOV2-cysteinyl adduct formation leads to the release downstream of a tightly bound amphipathic ,-helix, a step required for activation of the kinase function. This cysteinyl adduct then slowly decays over a matter of seconds or minutes to return the photoreceptor chromophore modules to their ground state. Functional LOV2 is required for light-activated phosphorylation and for various blue-light responses mediated by the phototropins. The function of LOV1 is still unknown, although it may serve to modulate the signal generated by LOV2. The LOV domain is an ancient chromophore module found in a wide range of otherwise unrelated proteins in fungi and prokaryotes, the latter including cyanobacteria, eubacteria, and archaea. Further general reviews on the phototropins are those by Celaya and Liscum (2005) and Christie and Briggs (2005). [source]

Action Mechanisms of the Secondary Metabolite Euplotin C: Signaling and Functional Role in Euplotes

ABSTRACT. Among secondary metabolites, the acetylated hemiacetal sesquiterpene euplotin C has been isolated from the marine, ciliated protist Euplotes crassus, and provides an effective mechanism for reducing populations of potential competitors through its cytotoxic properties. However, intracellular signaling mechanisms and their functional correlates mediating the ecological role of euplotin C are largely unknown. We report here that, in E. vannus (an Euplotes morphospecies that does not produce euplotin C and shares with E. crasssus the same interstitial habitat), euplotin C rapidly increases the intracellular concentration of both Ca2+ and Na+, suggesting a generalized effect of this metabolite on cation transport systems. In addition, euplotin C does not induce oxidative stress, but modulates the electrical properties of E. vannus through an increase of the amplitude of graded action potentials. These events parallel the disassembling of the ciliary structures, the inhibition of cell motility, the occurrence of aberrant cytoplasmic vacuoles, and the rapid inhibition of phagocytic activity. Euplotin C also increases lysosomal pH and decreases lysosomal membrane stability of E. vannus. These results suggest that euplotin C exerts a marked disruption of those homeostatic mechanisms whose efficiency represents the essential prerequisite to face the challenges of the interstitial environment. [source]

Unexpected roles for cryptochrome 2 and phototropin revealed by high-resolution analysis of blue light-mediated hypocotyl growth inhibition

Kevin M. Folta
Summary Blue light (BL) rapidly and strongly inhibits hypocotyl elongation during the photomorphogenic response known as de-etiolation, the transformation of a dark-grown seedling into a pigmented, photoautotrophic organism. In Arabidopsis thaliana, high-resolution studies of hypocotyl growth accomplished by computer-assisted electronic image capture and analysis revealed that inhibition occurs in two genetically independent phases, the first beginning within 30 sec of illumination. The present work demonstrates that phototropin (nph1), the photoreceptor responsible for phototropism, is largely responsible for the initial, rapid inhibition. Signaling from phototropin during the curvature response is dependent upon interaction with NPH3, but the results presented here demonstrate that NPH3 is not necessary for phototropin-dependent growth inhibition. Activation of anion channels, which transiently depolarizes the plasma membrane within seconds of BL, is an early event in the cryptochrome signaling pathway leading to a phase of growth inhibition that replaces the transient phototropin-dependent phase after approximately 30 min of BL. Surprisingly, cry1 and cry2 were found to contribute equally and non-redundantly to anion-channel activation and to growth inhibition between 30 and 120 min of BL. Inspection of the inhibition kinetics displayed by nph1 and nph1cry1 mutants revealed that the cryptochrome phase of inhibition is delayed in seedlings lacking phototropin. This result indicates that BL-activation of phototropin influences cryptochrome signaling leading to growth inhibition. Mutations in the NPQ1 gene, which inhibit BL-induced stomatal opening, do not affect any aspect of the growth inhibition within the first 120 min examined here, and NPQ1 does not affect the activation of anion channels. [source]

Voltage-dependent inhibition of the muscarinic cationic current in guinea-pig ileal cells by SK&F 96365

A V Zholos
The effects of SK&F 96365 on cationic current evoked either by activating muscarinic receptors with carbachol or by intracellularly applied GTP,S (in the absence of carbachol) were studied using patch-clamp recording techniques in single guinea-pig ileal smooth muscle cells. SK&F 96365 reversibly inhibited the muscarinic receptor cationic current in a concentration-, time- and voltage-dependent manner producing concomitant alteration of the steady-state I-V relationship shape which could be explained by assuming that increasing membrane positivity increased the affinity of the blocker. The inhibition was similar for both carbachol- and GTP,S-evoked currents suggesting that the cationic channel rather than the muscarinic receptor was the primary site of the SK&F 96365 action. Increased membrane positivity induced additional rapid inhibition of the cationic current by SK&F 96365 which was more slowly relieved during membrane repolarization. Both the inhibition and disinhibition time course could be well fitted by a single exponential function with the time constants decreasing with increasing positivity for the inhibition (e -fold per about 12 mV) and approximately linearly decreasing with increasing negativity for the disinhibition. At a constant SK&F 96365 concentration, the degree of cationic current inhibition was a sigmoidal function of the membrane potential with a potential of half-maximal increase positive to about +30 mV and a slope factor of about ,13 mV. Increasing the duration of voltage steps at ,80 or at 80 mV, increased the percentage inhibition; the degree of inhibition was almost identical at both potentials providing evidence that the same cationic channel was responsible for the cationic current both at negative and at positive potentials. It is concluded that the distinctive and unique mode of SK&F 96365 action on the muscarinic receptor cationic channel is a valuable tool in future molecular biology studies of this channel. British Journal of Pharmacology (2000) 129, 695,702; doi:10.1038/sj.bjp.0703115 [source]