Range Expansion (range + expansion)

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Distribution within Life Sciences

Kinds of Range Expansion

  • rapid range expansion
  • recent range expansion

  • Selected Abstracts


    EVOLUTION, Issue 1 2010
    Maren Wellenreuther
    Prolonged periods of allopatry might result in loss of the ability to discriminate against other formerly sympatric species, and can lead to heterospecific matings and hybridization upon secondary contact. Loss of premating isolation during prolonged allopatry can operate in the opposite direction of reinforcement, but has until now been little explored. We investigated how premating isolation between two closely related damselfly species, Calopteryx splendens and C. virgo, might be affected by the expected future northward range expansion of C. splendens into the allopatric zone of C. virgo in northern Scandinavia. We simulated the expected secondary contact by presenting C. splendens females to C. virgo males in the northern allopatric populations in Finland. Premating isolation toward C. splendens in northern allopatric populations was compared to sympatric populations in southern Finland and southern Sweden. Male courtship responses of C. virgo toward conspecific females showed limited geographic variation, however, courtship attempts toward heterospecific C. splendens females increased significantly from sympatry to allopatry. Our results suggest that allopatric C. virgo males have partly lost their ability to discriminate against heterospecific females. Reduced premating isolation in allopatry might lead to increased heterospecific matings between taxa that are currently expanding and shifting their ranges in response to climate change. [source]


    EVOLUTION, Issue 5 2006
    C. P. Burridge
    Abstract River capture is potentially a key geomorphological driver of range expansion and cladogenesis in freshwater-limited taxa. While previous studies of freshwater fish, in particular, have indicated strong relationships between historical river connections and phylogeographic pattern, their analyses have been restricted to single taxa and geological hypotheses were typically constructed a posteriori. Here we assess the broader significance of river capture among taxa by testing multiple species for the genetic signature of a recent river capture event in New Zealand. During the Quaternary an upper tributary of the Clarence River system was diverted into the headwaters of the Wairau River catchment. Mitochondrial DNA (control region and cytochrome b) sequencing of two native galaxiid fishes (Galaxias vulgaris and Galaxias divergens) supports headwater exchange: populations from the Clarence and Wairau Rivers are closely related sister-groups, whereas samples from the geographically intermediate Awatere River are genetically divergent. The upland bully Gobiomorphus breviceps (Eleotridae), in contrast, lacks a genetic signature of the capture event. We hypothesize that there is an increased likelihood of observing genetic signatures from river capture events when they facilitate range expansion, as is inferred for the two galaxiid taxa studied here. When river capture merely translocates genetic lineages among established populations, by contrast, we suggest that the genetic signature of capture is less likely to be retained, as might be inferred for G. breviceps. Rates of molecular evolution calibrated against this recent event were elevated relative to traditional estimates, consistent with the contribution of polymorphisms to branch lengths at shallow phylogenetic levels prior to fixation by purifying selection and drift. [source]

    INFERRING PROCESSES DURING INTRODUCTION AND RANGE EXPANSION: Detecting strong positive selection in the genome

    Abstract New statistical tests have been developed in the past decade that enable us to infer evidence of recent strong positive selection from genome-wide data on single-nucleotide polymorphism and to localize the targets of selection in the genome. Based on these tests, past demographic events that led to distortions of the site-frequency spectrum of variation can be distinguished from selection, in particular if linkage disequilibrium is taken into account. These methods have been successfully applied to species from which complete sequence information and polymorphism data are available, including Drosophila melanogaster, humans, and several plant species. To make full use of the available data, however, the tests that were primarily designed for panmictic populations need to be extended to spatially structured populations. [source]

    Range expansion of the globally Vulnerable Karamoja apalis Apalis karamojae in the Serengeti ecosystem

    Philip Shaw
    Abstract The underlying causes of change in geographic range size are less well understood in African birds than in north temperate species. Here, we examine factors associated with range expansion in the Karamoja apalis (Apalis karamojae), a globally Vulnerable warbler confined to north-east Uganda, north-central Tanzania and southern Kenya. In Tanzania, it was originally known only from the Wembere Steppe, but since 1993 (and possibly as early as 1983) has extended its range into the Serengeti ecosystem, c. 140 km to the north, reaching southern Kenya by 2004. Changes in the warbler's range within the Serengeti have broadly reflected a cyclical change in the density of its main habitat, Acacia drepanolobium woodland, which was low in the 1970s, high during the 1980s and 1990s, and declined in the early 2000s. Karamoja apalis records in the Serengeti showed a 5 year time lag behind A. drepanolobium density, which was in turn negatively correlated with the area of grassland burnt 10 years earlier. Previous studies in the Serengeti have also linked Acacia regeneration to changes in grazing pressure, as increasing wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) numbers have reduced the volume of combustible material present, and hence the frequency of damaging ,hot burns'. We conclude that this globally threatened warbler appears to have benefited from changes in ungulate populations in the Serengeti, which have influenced burning intensity and hence tree regeneration. The warbler's range now appears to be declining, however, following a recent reduction in the density and annual survival of A. drepanolobium in the northern Serengeti. Résumé Les causes sous-jacentes du changement de la taille d'une distribution géographique sont moins bien connues pour les oiseaux africains que pour les espèces du nord tempéré. Nous examinons ici des facteurs liés à l'expansion de l'aire de répartition de l'apalis de Karamoja Apalis karamojae, un sylviidé classé comme Vulnérable au niveau mondial, confiné au NE de l'Ouganda, au centre-nord de la Tanzanie et au sud du Kenya. En Tanzanie, on ne le connaissait à l'origine que dans la steppe de Wembere mais depuis 1993, et peut-être même dès 1983, il a étendu son aire de répartition dans l'écosystème du Serengeti, environ 140 km plus au nord, et atteint le sud du Kenya en 2004. Les changements de l'aire de répartition de ce sylviidé dans le Serengeti reflètent largement un changement cyclique de la densité de son habitat principal, la forêt d'Acacia drepanolobium, qui était faible dans les années 1970, forte pendant les années 1980 et 1990, et qui a diminué au début des années 2000. Les rapports sur l'apalis de Karamoja au Serengeti montrent un retard de cinq ans par rapport à l'évolution de la densité d'A. drepanolobium, elle-même étant négativement liée à la zone de prairie brûlée 10 ans plus tôt. Des études antérieures faites au Serengeti lient aussi la régénération des acacias aux changements de la pression du pâturage, étant donné que le nombre croissant de gnous, Connochaetes taurinus, a réduit le volume des matières combustibles restantes et donc la fréquence des feux trop chauds qui causent beaucoup de dégâts. Nous concluons que cet oiseau menacé au niveau mondial semble avoir bénéficié des changements des populations d'ongulés au Serengeti, qui ont influencé l'intensité des feux et donc la régénération des arbres. L'aire de répartition de ce sylviidé semble pourtant en train de se réduire suite à une récente réduction de la densité et de la survie annuelle d'A. drepanolobium dans le nord du Serengeti. [source]

    Range expansions in the flightless longhorn cactus beetles, Moneilema gigas and Moneilema armatum, in response to Pleistocene climate changes

    MOLECULAR ECOLOGY, Issue 4 2005
    Abstract Pollen cores and plant and animal fossils suggest that global climate changes at the end of the last glacial period caused range expansions in organisms indigenous to the North American desert regions, but this suggestion has rarely been investigated from a population genetic perspective. In order to investigate the impact of Pleistocene climate changes and glacial/interglacial cycling on the distribution and population structure of animals in North American desert communities, biogeographical patterns in the flightless, warm-desert cactus beetles, Moneilema gigas and Moneilema armatum, were examined using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence data from the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene. Gene tree relationships between haplotypes were inferred using parsimony, maximum-likelihood, and Bayesian analysis. Nested clade analysis and coalescent modelling using the programs mdiv and fluctuate were used to identify demographically independent populations, and to test the hypothesis that Pleistocene climate changes caused recent range expansions in these species. A sign test was used to evaluate the probability of observing concerted population growth across multiple, independent populations. The phylogeographical and nested clade analyses reveal a history of northward expansion in both of these species, as well as a history of past range fragmentation, followed by expansion from refugia. The coalescent analyses provide highly significant evidence for independent range expansions from multiple refugia, but also identify biogeographical patterns that predate the most recent glacial period. The results indicate that widespread desert environments are more ancient than has been suggested in the past. [source]

    Large Allele Frequency Differences between Human Continental Groups are more Likely to have Occurred by Drift During range Expansions than by Selection

    T. Hofer
    Summary Several studies have found strikingly different allele frequencies between continents. This has been mainly interpreted as being due to local adaptation. However, demographic factors can generate similar patterns. Namely, allelic surfing during a population range expansion may increase the frequency of alleles in newly colonised areas. In this study, we examined 772 STRs, 210 diallelic indels, and 2834 SNPs typed in 53 human populations worldwide under the HGDP-CEPH Diversity Panel to determine to which extent allele frequency differs among four regions (Africa, Eurasia, East Asia, and America). We find that large allele frequency differences between continents are surprisingly common, and that Africa and America show the largest number of loci with extreme frequency differences. Moreover, more STR alleles have increased rather than decreased in frequency outside Africa, as expected under allelic surfing. Finally, there is no relationship between the extent of allele frequency differences and proximity to genes, as would be expected under selection. We therefore conclude that most of the observed large allele frequency differences between continents result from demography rather than from positive selection. [source]

    Dynamic range expansion of receiver by using optimized gain adjustment for high-field MRI

    C.H. Oh
    Abstract In high-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system, the signal-to-noise ratio of MR signal is so high that the receiver frequently cannot cover the full dynamic range of the MR signal. Although this problem can be overcome by using a compander (compressor and expander) composed of logarithmic amplifiers and a ROM table to retrieve the nonlinearity of the logarithmic amplifiers or by simply increasing the number of bits of analog-to-digital converter, the methods can be costly and complex or even impossible for most commercial systems. In addition, the spectrometer has to be specifically designed to operate in those modes. In this article, we developed a simple dynamic range improvement method using a receiver with optimized variable gain control in which function can be implemented without any hardware modification to the spectrometer, if the spectrometer can do gain control during a scan. Simulations as well as experiments for the brain and resolution phantom have been performed, and the results demonstrate the utility of the proposed method. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Concepts Magn Reson Part A 36A: 243,254, 2010. [source]

    Limited phylogeographic structure in the flightless ground beetle, Calathus ruficollis, in southern California

    Stylianos Chatzimanolis
    ABSTRACT The California Floristic Province is home to more than 8000 species of beetles, yet their geographical patterns of supra- and infraspecific diversity remain largely unexplored. In this paper, we investigate the phylogeography and population demographics of a flightless ground beetle, Calathus ruficollis (Coleoptera: Carabidae), in southern California. We sampled 136 specimens from 25 localities divided into 10 populations using a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene. We tested several hypotheses, including the association of geography with particular clades and populations, the degree of differentiation among regions, and the expansion of populations. Parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses along with nested clade analysis and amova indicate a deep split between the southern Sierra Nevada population and populations south and west. This split corresponds closely to the split between subspecies C. ruficollis ignicollis (southern Sierra Nevada) and C. ruficollis ruficollis. Populations otherwise exhibit limited geographical structure, though Fst values indicate some local differentiation. Mismatch distributions and Fu's Fs indicate range expansion of several populations, suggesting that some structure may have been obscured by recent exchange. The population of C. ruficollis on Santa Cruz Island, which might have been expected to be isolated, shares several haplotypes with mainland populations, appearing to represent multiple colonizations. [source]

    A model for range expansion of an introduced species: the common waxbill Estrilda astrild in Portugal

    Tiago Silva
    Abstract. The common waxbill Estrilda astrild was first introduced to Portugal from Africa in 1964, and has spread across much of the country and into Spain. We modelled the expansion of the common waxbill on a 20 × 20 km UTM grid in 4-year periods from 1964 to 1999. The time variation of the square root of the occupied area shows that this expansion process is stabilizing in Portugal, and reasons for this are discussed. Several methods used to model biological expansions are not appropriate for the present case, because little quantitative data are available on the species ecology and because this expansion has been spatially heterogeneous. Instead, colonization on a grid was modelled as a function of several biophysical and spatio-temporal variables through the fitting of a multivariate autologistic equation. This approach allows examination of the underlying factors affecting the colonization process. In the case of the common waxbill it was associated positively with its occurrence in adjacent cells, and affected negatively by altitude and higher levels of solar radiation. [source]

    Integrating physiology, population dynamics and climate to make multi-scale predictions for the spread of an invasive insect: the Argentine ant at Haleakala National Park, Hawaii

    ECOGRAPHY, Issue 1 2010
    Stephen Hartley
    Mechanistic models for predicting species' distribution patterns present particular advantages and challenges relative to models developed from statistical correlations between distribution and climate. They can be especially useful for predicting the range of invasive species whose distribution has not yet reached equilibrium. Here, we illustrate how a physiological model of development for the invasive Argentine ant can be connected to differences in micro-site suitability, population dynamics and climatic gradients; processes operating at quite different spatial scales. Our study is located in the subalpine shrubland of Haleakala National Park, Hawaii, where the spread of Argentine ants Linepithema humile has been documented for the past twenty-five years. We report four main results. First, at a microsite level, the accumulation of degree-days recorded in potential ant nest sites under bare ground or rocks was significantly greater than under a groundcover of grassy vegetation. Second, annual degree-days measured where population boundaries have not expanded (456,521,degree-days), were just above the developmental requirements identified from earlier laboratory studies (445,degree-days above 15.9°C). Third, rates of population expansion showed a strong linear relationship with annual degree-days. Finally, an empirical relationship between soil degree-days and climate variables mapped at a broader scale predicts the potential for future range expansion of Argentine ants at Haleakala, particularly to the west of the lower colony and the east of the upper colony. Variation in the availability of suitable microsites, driven by changes in vegetation cover and ultimately climate, provide a hierarchical understanding of the distribution of Argentine ants close to their cold-wet limit of climatic tolerances. We conclude that the integration of physiology, population dynamics and climate mapping holds much promise for making more robust predictions about the potential spread of invasive species. [source]

    Modelling species distributions without using species distributions: the cane toad in Australia under current and future climates

    ECOGRAPHY, Issue 4 2008
    Michael Kearney
    Accurate predictions of the potential distribution of range-shifting species are required for effective management of invasive species, and for assessments of the impact of climate change on native species. Range-shifting species pose a challenge for traditional correlative approaches to range prediction, often requiring the extrapolation of complex statistical associations into novel environmental space. Here we take an alternative approach that does not use species occurrence data, but instead captures the fundamental niche of a species by mechanistically linking key organismal traits with spatial data using biophysical models. We demonstrate this approach with a major invasive species, the cane toad Bufo marinus in Australia, assessing the direct climatic constraints on its ability to move, survive, and reproduce. We show that the current range can be explained by thermal constraints on the locomotor potential of the adult stage together with limitations on the availability of water for the larval stage. Our analysis provides a framework for biologically grounded predictions of the potential for cane toads to expand their range under current and future climate scenarios. More generally, by quantifying spatial variation in physiological constraints on an organism, trait-based approaches can be used to investigate the range-limits of any species. Assessments of spatial variation in the physiological constraints on an organism may also provide a mechanistic basis for forecasting the rate of range expansion and for understanding a species' potential to evolve at range-edges. Mechanistic approaches thus have broad application to process-based ecological and evolutionary models of range-shift. [source]

    Escape from natural enemies during climate-driven range expansion: a case study

    Abstract 1.,A major, and largely unexplored, uncertainty in projecting the impact of climate change on biodiversity is the consequence of altered interspecific interactions, for example between parasitoids and their hosts. The present study investigated parasitism in the Brown Argus butterfly, Aricia agestis; a species that has expanded northward in Britain during the last 30 years in association with climate warming. 2.,Aricia agestis larvae suffered lower mortality from parasitoids in newly colonised areas compared with long-established populations. This result was consistent over four consecutive generations (2 years) when comparing one population of each type, and also when several populations within the historical and recently colonised range of the species were compared within a single year. Thus, A. agestis appears to be partially escaping from parasitism as it expands northwards. 3.,Reduced parasitism occurred despite the fact that several of the parasitoid species associated with A. agestis were already present in the newly colonised areas, supported predominantly by an alternative host species, the Common Blue butterfly, Polyommatus icarus. 4.,As the species expand their distributions into areas of increased climatic suitability, invasion fronts may escape from natural enemies, enhancing rates of range expansion. The results suggest that the decoupling of interspecific interactions may allow some species to exploit a wider range of environments and to do so more rapidly than previously thought possible. [source]

    Modelling and analysing evolution of dispersal in populations at expanding range boundaries

    Abstract 1.,Species would be expected to shift northwards in response to current climate warming, but many are failing to do so because of fragmentation of breeding habitats. Dispersal is important for colonisation and an individual-based spatially explicit model was developed to investigate impacts of habitat availability on the evolution of dispersal in expanding populations. Model output was compared with field data from the speckled wood butterfly Pararge aegeria, which currently is expanding its range in Britain. 2.,During range expansion, models simulated positive linear relationships between dispersal and distance from the seed location. This pattern was observed regardless of quantity (100% to 10% habitat availability) or distribution (random vs. gradient distribution) of habitat, although higher dispersal evolved at expanding range margins in landscapes with greater quantity of habitat and in gradient landscapes. Increased dispersal was no longer evident in any landscape once populations had reached equilibrium; dispersal values returned to those of seed populations. However, in landscapes with the least quantity of habitat, reduced dispersal (below that of seed populations) was observed at equilibrium. 3.,Evolutionary changes in adult flight morphology were examined in six populations of P. aegeria along a transect from the distribution core to an expanding range margin in England (spanning a latitudinal distance of >200 km). Empirical data were in agreement with model output and showed increased dispersal ability (larger and broader thoraxes, smaller abdomens, higher wing aspect ratios) with increasing distance from the distribution core. Increased dispersal ability was evident in populations from areas colonised >30 years previously, although dispersal changes were generally evident only in females. 4.,Evolutionary increases in dispersal ability in expanding populations may help species track future climate changes and counteract impacts of habitat fragmentation by promoting colonisation. However, at the highest levels of habitat loss, increased dispersal was less evident during expansion and reduced dispersal was observed at equilibrium indicating that, for many species, continued habitat fragmentation is likely to outweigh any benefits from dispersal. [source]

    Trade-offs and the evolution of life-histories during range expansion

    ECOLOGY LETTERS, Issue 10 2010
    Olivia J. Burton
    Ecology Letters (2010) Abstract During range-advance, individuals on the expanding edge of the population face a unique selective environment. In this study, we use a three-trait trade-off model to explore the evolution of dispersal, reproduction and competitive ability during range expansion. We show that range expansion greatly affects the evolution of life-history traits due to differing selection pressures at the front of the range compared with those found in stationary and core populations. During range expansion, dispersal and reproduction are selected for on the expanding population front, whereas traits associated with fitness at equilibrium density (competitive ability) show dramatic declines. Additionally, we demonstrate that the presence of a competing species can considerably reduce the extent to which dispersal is selected upwards at an expanding front. These findings have important implications for understanding both the rate of spread of invasive species and the range-shifting dynamics of native species in response to climate change. [source]

    Plant invaders and their novel natural enemies: who is naïve?

    ECOLOGY LETTERS, Issue 2 2009
    Koen J. F. Verhoeven
    Abstract Introduced exotic species encounter a wide range of non-coevolved enemies and competitors in their new range. Evolutionary novelty is a key aspect of these interactions, but who benefits from novelty: the exotic species or their new antagonists? Paradoxically, the novelty argument has been used to explain both the release from and the suppression by natural enemies. We argue that this paradox can be solved by considering underlying interaction mechanisms. Using plant defenses as a model, we argue that mismatches between plant and enemy interaction traits can enhance plant invasiveness in the case of toxin-based defenses, whereas invasiveness is counteracted by mismatches in recognition-based defenses and selective foraging of generalist herbivores on plants with rare toxins. We propose that a mechanistic understanding of ecological mismatches can help to explain and predict when evolutionary novelty will enhance or suppress exotic plant invasiveness. This knowledge may also enhance our understanding of plant abundance following range expansion, or during species replacements along successional stages. [source]

    The spatial spread of invasions: new developments in theory and evidence

    ECOLOGY LETTERS, Issue 1 2005
    Alan Hastings
    Abstract We review and synthesize recent developments in the study of the spread of invasive species, emphasizing both empirical and theoretical approaches. Recent theoretical work has shown that invasive species spread is a much more complex process than the classical models suggested, as long range dispersal events can have a large influence on the rate of range expansion through time. Empirical work goes even further, emphasizing the role of spatial heterogeneity, temporal variability, other species, and evolution. As in some of the classic work on spread, the study of range expansion of invasive species provides unique opportunities to use differences between theory and data to determine the important underlying processes that control spread rates. [source]

    A novel host shift and invaded range of a seed predator, Acanthoscelides macrophthalmus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae), of an invasive weed, Leucaena leucocephala

    Midori TUDA
    Abstract An endophagous seed predator, Acanthoscelides macrophthalmus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae), utilizes Neotropical Leucaena (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae). One of its hosts, Leucaena leucocephala, is a fast-growing nitrogen-fixing tree that serves as a multipurpose beneficial plant but eventually becomes an aggressive invader where it was introduced. Herein, we report A. macrophthalmus invasion of the Far East, South Asian tropics and subtropics (Japanese Pacific Islands, Taiwan, Southern China, Northern Thailand and Southern India). Of other field-collected mimosoid legumes, an introduced tree, Falcataria moluccana, in Taiwan was found to be used by the seed predator. Conversely, our published work review revealed that the seed predator had retained high host specificity to Leucaena species in its native and introduced regions. Acanthoscelides macrophthalmus was able to utilize aphagously postharvest mature seeds for oviposition and larval development, which is a trait of post-dispersal seed predators. We confirmed that A. macrophthalmus that was reared on L. leucocephala was able to utilize F. moluccana as well. Although the relatively high host specificity of the oligophagous beetle is suitable for controlling the weedy L. leucocephala, the potential host range expansion confirmed by this study must be cautioned. [source]

    Phylogeography of the leaf beetle Chrysolina virgata in wetlands of Japan inferred from the distribution of mitochondrial haplotypes

    Teiji SOTA
    Abstract The genetic differentiation among populations of the leaf beetle Chrysolina virgata living in wetlands of Japan was studied based on the sequence data of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene region (750 bp). Two distinct lineages of mitochondrial haplotypes were found: one (clade A) consisted of 26 haplotypes distributed over the distribution range of C. virgata between north-east Honshu and Kyushu, whereas the other (clade B) was monotypic and confined to a small region in north-east Honshu where it coexisted with clade A. Nested clade analysis for these haplotypes suggested that range expansion and following differentiation due to isolation by distance might have resulted in the present distribution pattern of the haplotypes in clade A. We discuss the evolutionary process leading to the occurrence of two distinct haplotype clades in Japan in terms of repeated colonization from the continent and range expansion and contraction during climatic changes. [source]


    EVOLUTION, Issue 8 2010
    David W. Pfennig
    Character displacement occurs when two species compete, and those individuals most dissimilar from the average resource-use phenotypes of the other species are selectively favored. Few studies have explored the sequence of events by which such divergence comes about. We addressed this issue by studying two species of spadefoot toads that have undergone ecological character displacement with each other. Previous research revealed that phenotypic shifts between sympatric and allopatric populations of one species, Spea multiplicata, reflect a condition-dependent maternal effect. Here, we show that analogous shifts in the other species, S. bombifrons, cannot similarly be explained by such a maternal effect, and that these shifts instead appear to be underlain by allelic differences. We hypothesize that these two species have evolved different mechanisms of character displacement because they differ in duration in sympatry. Specifically, because they occur at the edge of a range expansion, populations of S. bombifrons have been exposed to S. multiplicata for a longer period. Consequently, S. bombifrons have likely had more time to accumulate genetic changes that promote character displacement. Generally, character displacement may often progress through an initial phase in which trait differences are environmentally induced to one in which they are constitutively expressed. [source]


    EVOLUTION, Issue 1 2010
    Maren Wellenreuther
    Prolonged periods of allopatry might result in loss of the ability to discriminate against other formerly sympatric species, and can lead to heterospecific matings and hybridization upon secondary contact. Loss of premating isolation during prolonged allopatry can operate in the opposite direction of reinforcement, but has until now been little explored. We investigated how premating isolation between two closely related damselfly species, Calopteryx splendens and C. virgo, might be affected by the expected future northward range expansion of C. splendens into the allopatric zone of C. virgo in northern Scandinavia. We simulated the expected secondary contact by presenting C. splendens females to C. virgo males in the northern allopatric populations in Finland. Premating isolation toward C. splendens in northern allopatric populations was compared to sympatric populations in southern Finland and southern Sweden. Male courtship responses of C. virgo toward conspecific females showed limited geographic variation, however, courtship attempts toward heterospecific C. splendens females increased significantly from sympatry to allopatry. Our results suggest that allopatric C. virgo males have partly lost their ability to discriminate against heterospecific females. Reduced premating isolation in allopatry might lead to increased heterospecific matings between taxa that are currently expanding and shifting their ranges in response to climate change. [source]


    EVOLUTION, Issue 5 2006
    C. P. Burridge
    Abstract River capture is potentially a key geomorphological driver of range expansion and cladogenesis in freshwater-limited taxa. While previous studies of freshwater fish, in particular, have indicated strong relationships between historical river connections and phylogeographic pattern, their analyses have been restricted to single taxa and geological hypotheses were typically constructed a posteriori. Here we assess the broader significance of river capture among taxa by testing multiple species for the genetic signature of a recent river capture event in New Zealand. During the Quaternary an upper tributary of the Clarence River system was diverted into the headwaters of the Wairau River catchment. Mitochondrial DNA (control region and cytochrome b) sequencing of two native galaxiid fishes (Galaxias vulgaris and Galaxias divergens) supports headwater exchange: populations from the Clarence and Wairau Rivers are closely related sister-groups, whereas samples from the geographically intermediate Awatere River are genetically divergent. The upland bully Gobiomorphus breviceps (Eleotridae), in contrast, lacks a genetic signature of the capture event. We hypothesize that there is an increased likelihood of observing genetic signatures from river capture events when they facilitate range expansion, as is inferred for the two galaxiid taxa studied here. When river capture merely translocates genetic lineages among established populations, by contrast, we suggest that the genetic signature of capture is less likely to be retained, as might be inferred for G. breviceps. Rates of molecular evolution calibrated against this recent event were elevated relative to traditional estimates, consistent with the contribution of polymorphisms to branch lengths at shallow phylogenetic levels prior to fixation by purifying selection and drift. [source]


    EVOLUTION, Issue 5 2003
    James A. Fordyce
    Abstract We examined mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in pipevine swallowtail butterflies (Battus philenor) from throughout its extant range to provide a historical, phylogeographical context for ecological studies of the disjunct population in California. We evaluate current hypotheses regarding host plant use, behavior, and mimetic relationships of B. philenor populations and generate alternative hypotheses. Compared to populations throughout the rest of the species' range, California populations are ecologically distinct in that they lack mimics, lay significantly larger clutches of eggs, and exclusively use a unique, endemic larval host plant. Analysis of molecular variance, tests of population differentiation, and nested clade analysis of mtDNA variation indicate that, despite low levels of population genetic structure across the species' range, there is evidence of recent range expansion from presumed Pleistocene refuge(s) in southeastern North America. Colonization of California appears to have been a recent event. This phylogeographic investigation also suggests that the evolution of life-history adaptations to a novel larval host has occurred rapidly in California and the lack of mimics in California may be attributable to the recency of colonization. [source]


    EVOLUTION, Issue 3 2002
    Neil Davies
    Abstract Mitochondrial DNA and allozyme variation was examined in populations of two Neotropical butterflies, Heliconius charithonia and Dryas iulia. On the mainland, both species showed evidence of considerable gene flow over huge distances. The island populations, however, revealed significant genetic divergence across some, but not all, ocean passages. Despite the phylogenetic relatedness and broadly similar ecologies of these two butterflies, their intraspecific biogeography clearly differed. Phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial DNA sequences revealed that populations of D. iulia north of St. Vincent are monophyletic and were probably derived from South America. By contrast, the Jamaican subspecies of H. charithonia rendered West Indian H. charithonia polyphyletic with respect to the mainland populations; thus, H. charithonia seems to have colonized the Greater Antilles on at least two separate occasions from Central America. Colonization velocity does not correlate with subsequent levels of gene flow in either species. Even where range expansion seems to have been instantaneous on a geological timescale, significant allele frequency differences at allozyme loci demonstrate that gene flow is severely curtailed across narrow ocean passages. Stochastic extinction, rapid (re)colonization, but low gene flow probably explain why, in the same species, some islands support genetically distinct and nonexpanding populations, while nearby a single lineage is distributed across several islands. Despite the differences, some common biogeographic patterns were evident between these butterflies and other West Indian taxa; such congruence suggests that intraspecific evolution in the West Indies has been somewhat constrained by earth history events, such as changes in sea level. [source]

    Chenopodium probstii and Chenopodium missouriense: two North American plant species in the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and neighbouring countries

    FEDDES REPERTORIUM, Issue 5-6 2004
    J. Dostálek Ing.
    This paper presents the results of a floristic-taxonomic survey of two North American invasive species, Chenopodium probstiiAellen and Ch. missourienseAellen, in the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and neighbouring countries. It is based mainly on the results of a re-analysis of the authors' herbarium material collected from 1957 to 2003, deposited mainly in the PRA Herbarium (herbarium of the Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Pr,honice near Prague). Also, the chorology and ecology of both species in Czechian and Slovakian are discussed. In addition, a summary of data on the occurrence of both species throughout their distribution is presented, with emphasis on European records. On the basis of this analysis, the hypothetical origin of Ch. probstii in North America is confirmed. First-time records of this species are presented for Egypt, North Korea, Poland, Slovenia, Croatia and Romania. The second species, Ch. missouriense, is reported for the first time from Slovakia and Austria. Sources of further dissemination of both species in their secondary European area of distribution are described. In Europe, both these invasive species are in the pro- cess of naturalisation (ephemerophyte , epoecophyte), approximately in the resting-phase lag; significant range expansion can be expected in the near future, especially for Ch. probstii. Chenopodium probstii und Chenopodium missouriense, zwei nordamerikanische Arten in der Tschechischen Republik, der Slowakischen Republik und benachbarten Ländern Diese Arbeit präsentiert Ergebnisse einer floristisch-taxonomischen Untersuchung von zwei nordamerikanischen Invasionsarten, und zwar Chenopodium probstiiAellen und Ch. missourienseAellen in der Tschechischen Republik, in der Slowakischen Republik und in benachbarten Ländern. Sie stützt sich vorwiegend auf Resultate des eigenen Herbarmaterials der Jahre 1957,2003, das vorwiegend im Herbarium PRA (= Herbarsammlung des Botanischen Instituts der Akademie der Wissenschaften der Tschechischen Republik in Pr,honice bei Praha) deponiert ist. Auch wurden Chorologie und Ökologie beider Arten in Tschechien und in der Slowakei analysiert. Gleichzeitig wurden die Angaben über das Vorkommen beider Arten im gesamten Areal unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Geschichte ihrer Ausbreitung im sekundären Teil ihrer Areale, vor allem in Europa zusammengefasst. Durch diese Analyse wurde der Ursprung von Ch. probstii in Nordamerika bestätigt. Chenopodium probstii wurde als neue adventive Art auch in Ägypten und Nordkorea, in Europa zum ersten Mal in Polen, Slowenien, Kroatien und Rumänien beobachtet. Eine weitere Art, Ch. missouriense, wurde zum ersten Mal in der Slowakei und in Österreich erwähnt. Diasporenquellen beider Arten im sekundären europäischen Areal werden ebenfalls angeführt. In Europa sind beide invasive Arten im Prozess der Einbürgerung (Ephemerophyt , Epoökophyt), die vermutlich in der Ruhephase abläuft. Eine expansive Ausbreitung können wir in der nächsten Zeit vor allem von Ch. probstii erwarten. Bisher gehören beide Arten zu den potentiellen Unkräutern. [source]

    Carp (Cyprinus carpio) as a powerful invader in Australian waterways

    FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, Issue 7 2004
    John D. Koehn
    Summary 1. The invasion of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) in Australia illustrates how quickly an introduced fish species can spread and dominate fish communities. This species has become the most abundant large freshwater fish in south-east Australia, now distributed over more than 1 million km2. 2. Carp exhibit most of the traits predicted for a successful invasive fish species. In addition, degradation of aquatic environments in south-east Australia has given them a relative advantage over native species. 3. Derivation of relative measures of 13 species-specific attributes allowed a quantitative comparison between carp and abundant native fish species across five major Australian drainage divisions. In four of six geographical regions analysed, carp differed clearly from native species in their behaviour, resource use and population dynamics. 4. Climate matching was used to predict future range expansion of carp in Australia. All Australian surface waters appear to be climatically suitable for carp. 5. This assessment strongly reinforces the need for immediate management of carp in Australia to include targeted control of human-assisted dispersal, such as use of carp as bait by anglers, distribution to new locations by anglers and the use of the ,Koi' strain in the aquarium industry. 6. Given their historical spread, dispersal mechanisms and ecological requirements, the expansion of carp across most of the remainder of Australia is to be expected. [source]

    Climate change and plant invasions: restoration opportunities ahead?

    Abstract Rather than simply enhancing invasion risk, climate change may also reduce invasive plant competitiveness if conditions become climatically unsuitable. Using bioclimatic envelope modeling, we show that climate change could result in both range expansion and contraction for five widespread and dominant invasive plants in the western United States. Yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) and tamarisk (Tamarix spp.) are likely to expand with climate change. Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) and spotted knapweed (Centaurea biebersteinii) are likely to shift in range, leading to both expansion and contraction. Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) is likely to contract. The retreat of once-intractable invasive species could create restoration opportunities across millions of hectares. Identifying and establishing native or novel species in places where invasive species contract will pose a considerable challenge for ecologists and land managers. This challenge must be addressed before other undesirable species invade and eliminate restoration opportunities. [source]

    Climate change causes rapid changes in the distribution and site abundance of birds in winter

    GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, Issue 11 2008
    Abstract Detecting coherent signals of climate change is best achieved by conducting expansive, long-term studies. Here, using counts of waders (Charadrii) collected from ca. 3500 sites over 30 years and covering a major portion of western Europe, we present the largest-scale study to show that faunal abundance is influenced by climate in winter. We demonstrate that the ,weighted centroids' of populations of seven species of wader occurring in internationally important numbers have undergone substantial shifts of up to 115 km, generally in a northeasterly direction. To our knowledge, this shift is greater than that recorded in any other study, but closer to what would be expected as a result of the spatial distribution of ecological zones. We establish that year-to-year changes in site abundance have been positively correlated with concurrent changes in temperature, but that this relationship is most marked towards the colder extremities of the birds' range, suggesting that shifts have occurred as a result of range expansion and that responses to climate change are temperature dependent. Many attempts to model the future impacts of climate change on the distribution of organisms, assume uniform responses or shifts throughout a species' range or with temperature, but our results suggest that this may not be a valid approach. We propose that, with warming temperatures, hitherto unsuitable sites in northeastern Europe will host increasingly important wader numbers, but that this may not be matched by declines elsewhere within the study area. The need to establish that such changes are occurring is accentuated by the statutory importance of this taxon in the designation of protected areas. [source]

    Will northern fish populations be in hot water because of climate change?

    GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, Issue 10 2007
    Abstract Predicted increases in water temperature in response to climate change will have large implications for aquatic ecosystems, such as altering thermal habitat and potential range expansion of fish species. Warmwater fish species, such as smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieu, may have access to additional favourable thermal habitat under increased surface-water temperatures, thereby shifting the northern limit of the distribution of the species further north in Canada and potentially negatively impacting native fish communities. We assembled a database of summer surface-water temperatures for over 13 000 lakes across Canada. The database consists of lakes with a variety of physical, chemical and biological properties. We used general linear models to develop a nation-wide maximum lake surface-water temperature model. The model was extended to predict surface-water temperatures suitable to smallmouth bass and under climate-change scenarios. Air temperature, latitude, longitude and sampling time were good predictors of present-day maximum surface-water temperature. We predicted lake surface-water temperatures for July 2100 using three climate-change scenarios. Water temperatures were predicted to increase by as much as 18 °C by 2100, with the greatest increase in northern Canada. Lakes with maximum surface-water temperatures suitable for smallmouth bass populations were spatially identified. Under several climate-change scenarios, we were able to identify lakes that will contain suitable thermal habitat and, therefore, are vulnerable to invasion by smallmouth bass in 2100. This included lakes in the Arctic that were predicted to have suitable thermal habitat by 2100. [source]

    Insects in a warmer world: ecological, physiological and life-history responses of true bugs (Heteroptera) to climate change

    Abstract Focusing on the southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula (Pentatomidae), in central Japan the effects of climate change on true bugs (Insecta: Heteroptera) are reviewed. In the early 1960s, the northern edge of the species's distribution was in Wakayama Prefecture (34.1°N) and distribution was limited by the +5°C coldest month (January) mean temperature isothermal line. By 2000, N. viridula was recorded 70 km further north (in Osaka, 34.7°N). Historical climate data were used to reveal possible causes of the northward range expansion. The increase of mean and lowest winter month temperatures by 1,2°C in Osaka from the 1950s to the 1990s improved potential overwintering conditions for N. viridula. This promoted northward range expansion of the species. In Osaka, adult diapause in N. viridula is induced after mid-September, much later than in other local seed-feeding heteropterans. This late diapause induction results in late-season ineffective reproduction: some females start oviposition in autumn when the progeny have no chance of attaining adulthood and surviving winter. Both reproductive adults and the progeny die. A period from mid-September to early November represents a phenological mismatch: diapause is not yet induced in all adults, but it is already too late to start reproduction. Females that do not start reproduction but enter diapause in September have reduced postdiapause reproductive performance: they live for a shorter period, have a shorter period of oviposition and produce fewer eggs in smaller egg masses compared with females that emerge and enter diapause later in autumn. To some extent, N. viridula remains maladapted to Osaka environmental conditions. Ecological perspectives on establishment in recently colonized areas are discussed. A review of available data suggests that terrestrial and aquatic Heteroptera species respond to climate change by shifting their distribution ranges, changing abundance, phenology, voltinism, physiology, behaviour, and community structure. Expected responses of Heteroptera to further climate warming are discussed under scenarios of slight (<2°C) and substantial (>2°C) temperature increase. [source]

    Differential effects of past climate warming on mountain and flatland species distributions: a multispecies North American mammal assessment

    GLOBAL ECOLOGY, Issue 1 2007
    Robert Guralnick
    ABSTRACT Aim, The magnitude of predicted range shifts during climate change is likely to be different for species living in mountainous environments compared with those living in flatland environments. The southern edges of ranges in mountain species may not shift northwards during warming as populations instead migrate up available elevational gradients; overall latitudinal range appears therefore to expand. In contrast, flatland species should shift range centroids northwards but not expand or contract their latitudinal range extent. These hypotheses were tested utilizing Late Pleistocene and modern occurrence data. Location, North America. Methods, The location and elevation of modern and Late Pleistocene species occurrences were collected from data bases for 26 species living in mountain or flatland environments. Regressions of elevation change over latitude, and southern and northern range edges were calculated for each species for modern and fossil data sets. A combination of regressions and anovas were used to test whether flatland species shift range edges and latitudinal extents more than mountain species do. Results, Flatland species had significantly larger northward shifts at southern range edges than did mountain-dwelling species from the Late Pleistocene to the present. There was also a significant negative correlation between the amount of change in the latitude of the southern edge of the range and the amount of elevational shifting from the Late Pleistocene to the present. Although significant, only c. 25% of the variance could be explained by this relationship. In addition, there was a weak indication that overall range expansion was less in flatland-dwelling than in mountain-dwelling species. Main conclusions, The approach used here was to examine past species' range responses to warming that occurred after the last ice ages as a means to better predict potential future responses to continued warming. The results confirm predictions of differential southern edge and overall range shifts for species occupying mountain and flatland regions in North America. The findings may be broadly applicable in other regions, thus allowing better modelling of future range and distribution related responses. [source]