Quality Of Service (quality + of_service)

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Kinds of Quality Of Service

  • end-to-end quality of service

  • Terms modified by Quality Of Service

  • quality of service provision

  • Selected Abstracts

    Specification, planning, and execution of QoS-aware Grid workflows within the Amadeus environment

    Ivona Brandic
    Abstract Commonly, at a high level of abstraction Grid applications are specified based on the workflow paradigm. However, majority of Grid workflow systems either do not support Quality of Service (QoS), or provide only partial QoS support for certain phases of the workflow lifecycle. In this paper we present Amadeus, which is a holistic service-oriented environment for QoS-aware Grid workflows. Amadeus considers user requirements, in terms of QoS constraints, during workflow specification, planning, and execution. Within the Amadeus environment workflows and the associated QoS constraints are specified at a high level using an intuitive graphical notation. A distinguishing feature of our system is the support of a comprehensive set of QoS requirements, which considers in addition to performance and economical aspects also legal and security aspects. A set of QoS-aware service-oriented components is provided for workflow planning to support automatic constraint-based service negotiation and workflow optimization. For improving the efficiency of workflow planning we introduce a QoS-aware workflow reduction technique. Furthermore, we present our static and dynamic planning strategies for workflow execution in accordance with user-specified requirements. For each phase of the workflow lifecycle we experimentally evaluate the corresponding Amadeus components. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Threshold-based admission control for a multimedia Grid: analysis and performance evaluation

    Yang Zhang
    Abstract In a Grid-based services system facing a large number of requests with different services and profits significance, there is always a trade-off between the system profits and the Quality of Service (QoS). In such systems, admission control plays an important role: the system has to employ a proper strategy to make admission control decisions and reserve resources for the coming requests thus to achieve greater profits without violating the QoS of the requests already admitted. In this paper, we introduce three essential admission control strategies with threshold on resource reservation and a newly proposed strategy with layered threshold. Through comprehensive theoretical analyses and extensive simulations, we demonstrate that the strategy with layered threshold is more efficient and flexible than the existing strategies for Grid-based multimedia services systems. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    HLA real-time extension

    Hui Zhao
    Abstract The IEEE 1516 Standard ,High Level Architecture (HLA)' and its implementation ,Run-Time Infra-structure (RTI)' defines a general-purpose network communication mechanism for Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS). However, it does not address real-time requirements of DIS. Current operating system technologies can provide real-time processing through some real-time operating systems (RTOSs) and the Internet is also moving to an age of Quality of Service (QoS), providing delay and jitter bounded services. With the availability of RTOSs and IP QoS, it is possible for HLA to be extended to take advantage of these technologies in order to construct an architecture for Real-Time DIS (RT-DIS). This extension will be a critical aspect of applications in virtual medicine, distributed virtual environments, weapon simulation, aerospace simulation and others. This paper outlines the current real-time technology with respect to operating systems and at the network infrastructure level. After summarizing the requirements and our experiences with RT-DIS, we present a proposal for HLA real-time extension and architecture for real-time RTI. Similar to the growth of real-time CORBA (Common Object Request Broker) after the mature based CORBA standard suite, Real-Time HLA is a natural extension following the standardization of HLA into IEEE 1516 in September 2000. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    IntServ6: an approach to support QoS over IPv6 wired and wireless networks

    Jhon J. Padilla
    In this paper we propose a new approach for Quality of Service (QoS) support on Internet. This approach, named IntServ6, is based on the Integrated Services Architecture (ISA). It takes advantage of the IPv6 header flow label field to improve a set of the standard ISA properties such as reservations within tunnels, flows aggregation and interconnection with MPLS transport networks. IntServ6 can be used for QoS support in IPv6 wired and wireless networks. This paper describes the IntServ6 operation and performance evaluation over both environments. Evaluation results show that this approach has a better router performance with respect to the standard IntServ. Thus, IntServ6 reduces the mean packet delay and reduces the packet delay dependence with the mobility. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    QoS in IntServ-based IP networks: the peak rate policing

    Lorenzo Battaglia
    In the last few years, IP has moved towards resource reservation, with the task to guarantee in the future Quality of Service (QoS). This has led to flow admission control algorithms based on the negotiation of standardised traffic parameters. QoS can be guaranteed in any network, a priori from the used technology, only if the used admission control algorithm wisely shares the network's resources among the users. Any admission control algorithm on its turn can do so, only if every user respects the negotiated traffic parameters. Since any user could, maliciously or not, send at a higher rate than negotiated, i.e. use a higher share of resources than the negotiated one, in every network in which admission control is performed, a policing algorithm is used. An ideal policer should guarantee to reject no packet of a well-behaved user and police contract violation as rigidly as possible. All this independently of the characteristics of the monitored stream and of the background traffic. This holds also for Integrated Services (IS) based IP networks. In these networks, every user negotiates a peak and an average rate. In this paper we present the solution to the peak rate policing issue. We adapt the Generic Cell Rate Algorithm (GCRA), well-known policer used in ATM networks, to police the peak rate of flows of packets with variable length. We intuitively call this modified GCRA Generic Packet Rate Algorithm (GPRA) and dimension its parameters so that independently of the characteristics of the policed flow and of the background traffic, no packets of a well-behaved user are rejected and that the flows of any misbehaving user are rigidly policed. Copyright © 2003 AEI. [source]

    Online end-to-end quality of service monitoring for service level agreement management

    Xiaoyuan Ta
    Abstract A major challenge in network and service level agreement (SLA) management is to provide Quality of Service (QoS) demanded by heterogeneous network applications. Online QoS monitoring plays an important role in the process by providing objective measurements that can be used for improving network design, troubleshooting and management. Online QoS monitoring becomes increasingly difficult and complex due to the rapid expansion of the Internet and the dramatic increase in the speed of network. Sampling techniques have been explored as a means to reduce the difficulty and complexity of measurement. In this paper, we investigate several major sampling techniques, i.e. systematic sampling, simple random sampling and stratified sampling. Performance analysis is conducted on these techniques. It is shown that stratified sampling with optimum allocation has the best performance. However, stratified sampling with optimum allocation requires additional statistics usually not available for real-time applications. An adaptive stratified sampling algorithm is proposed to solve the problem. Both theoretical analysis and simulation show that the proposed adaptive stratified sampling algorithm outperforms other sampling techniques and achieves a performance comparable to stratified sampling with optimum allocation. A QoS monitoring software using the aforementioned sampling techniques is designed and tested in various real networks. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Performance of delay-sensitive traffic in multi-layered satellite IP networks with on-board processing capability

    Suzan Bayhan
    Abstract In this article, performance of delay-sensitive traffic in multi-layered satellite Internet Protocol (IP) networks with on-board processing (OBP) capability is investigated. With OBP, a satellite can process the received data, and according to the nature of application, it can decide on the transmission properties. First, we present a concise overview of relevant aspects of satellite networks to delay-sensitive traffic and routing. Then, in order to improve the system performance for delay-sensitive traffic, specifically Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), a novel adaptive routing mechanism in two-layered satellite network considering the network's real-time information is introduced and evaluated. Adaptive Routing Protocol for Quality of Service (ARPQ) utilizes OBP and avoids congestion by distributing traffic load between medium-Earth orbit and low-Earth orbit layers. We utilize a prioritized queueing policy to satisfy quality-of-service (QoS) requirements of delay-sensitive applications while evading non-real-time traffic suffer low performance level. The simulation results verify that multi-layered satellite networks with OBP capabilities and QoS mechanisms are essential for feasibility of packet-based high-quality delay-sensitive services which are expected to be the vital components of next-generation communications networks. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Neural bandwidth allocation function (NBAF) control scheme at WiMAX MAC layer interface

    Mario Marchese
    Abstract The paper proposes a bandwidth allocation scheme to be applied at the interface between upper layers (IP, in this paper) and Medium Access Control (MAC) layer over IEEE 802.16 protocol stack. The aim is to optimally tune the resource allocation to match objective QoS (Quality of Service) requirements. Traffic flows characterized by different performance requirements at the IP layer are conveyed to the IEEE 802.16 MAC layer. This process leads to the need for providing the necessary bandwidth at the MAC layer so that the traffic flow can receive the requested QoS. The proposed control algorithm is based on real measures processed by a neural network and it is studied within the framework of optimal bandwidth allocation and Call Admission Control in the presence of statistically heterogeneous flows. Specific implementation details are provided to match the application of the control algorithm by using the existing features of 802.16 request,grant protocol acting at MAC layer. The performance evaluation reported in the paper shows the quick reaction of the bandwidth allocation scheme to traffic variations and the advantage provided in the number of accepted calls. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Evaluating the expedited forwarding of voice traffic in a differentiated services network

    Artur Ziviani
    Abstract The Differentiated Services architecture offers a scalable alternative to provide Quality of Service (QoS) to the new multimedia applications in the Internet. This paper aims at evaluating the delay and jitter experienced by voice traffic when handled by the Expedited Forwarding (EF) scheme. The analysis includes the effects of different packet scheduling mechanisms implementing EF and of the voice packet size. We also evaluate how efficiently each type of traffic uses an extra allocated bandwidth and the impact of traffic shaping. The results show that increasing the service rate share allocated to the EF aggregate does not significantly affect the competing best effort (BE) traffic. This holds as long as the BE traffic can use the bandwidth left unused by the EF traffic in idle periods. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    QoS experiences in native IPv6 networks

    Athanassios Liakopoulos
    Deployment of IPv6 technology in research and commercial networks has accelerated in the last few years. Inevitably, as more advanced services take advantage of the new technology, IPv6 traffic gradually increases. Today, there is limited experience in the deployment of Quality of Service (QoS) for IPv6 traffic in backbone networks that support the Differentiated Services framework. As available software and hardware are designed to handle IPv4 packets, there is a need to accurately measure and validate performance of QoS mechanisms in an IPv6 environment. This paper discusses tests and technical challenges in the deployment of IPv6 QoS in core networks, namely the production dual stack gigabit-speed Greek Research and Education Network (GRNET) and the IPv6-only 6NET European test network, using both hardware and software platforms. In either case, we succeeded in delivering advanced transport services to IPv6 traffic and provided different performance guarantees to portions of traffic. The deployed QoS schema was common to IPv6 and IPv4; in most cases both v4 and v6 traffic exhibited comparable performance per class, while imposing no significantly different overhead on network elements. A major conclusion of our tests is that the IPv6 QoS mechanisms are efficiently supported with state-of-the-art router cards at gigabit speeds. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    End-to-end QoS and global mobility management in an integrated satellite/terrestrial network

    P. Conforto
    Abstract For decades, the development of the Internet was driven by the purpose of providing applications to non-mobile users. No specific Quality of Service (QoS) requirement is necessary, other than ensuring reliability in the end-to-end data transfers. As such, best effort service model was deemed more than appropriate to satisfy the users' needs. Nevertheless, the scenario has changed in the last few years. A new population of nomadic users, who requires access to Internet services regardless of their location and mode of transportation is growing, while new typologies of Internet applications are being continuously developed, in which best effort service level may no longer be adequate. The SUITED project has been devised to address the emerging issues generated by this new and challenging scenario. SUITED aims at contributing towards the design and deployment of the Global Mobile Broadband System (GMBS), a unique satellite/terrestrial infrastructure, which will ensure that nomadic users have access to Internet services with a negotiated QoS. An overview of the main results achieved in the SUITED project is provided in this article. Some of the most innovative solutions developed by the SUITED team for the joint management of global mobility and end-to-end QoS support are presented. The SUITED demonstrator platform, which was developed to validate the system specifications, is also described. Finally, the results of the experimental measurement campaigns carried out with this platform are reported. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Hierarchical multiobjective routing in Multiprotocol Label Switching networks with two service classes: a heuristic solution

    Rita Girão-Silva
    Abstract Modern multiservice network routing functionalities have to deal with multiple, heterogeneous and multifaceted Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. A heuristic approach devised to find "good" solutions to a hierarchical multiobjective alternative routing optimization problem in Multiprotocol Label Switching networks with two service classes (and different types of traffic flows in each class), namely QoS and Best Effort services, formulated within a hierarchical network-wide optimization framework, is presented. This heuristic solution is based on a bi-objective constrained shortest path model and is applied to a test network used in a benchmarking case study. An experimental study based on analytic and discrete event simulation results is presented, allowing for an assessment of the quality of results obtained with this new heuristic solution for various traffic matrices. A dynamic version of the routing method is formulated and its performance with the same case study network is analysed. [source]

    The impact of cognitive styles on perceptual distributed multimedia quality

    Gheorghita Ghinea
    Multimedia technology has been widely used in web-based instruction, but previous studies have indicated that individual differences, especially cognitive styles, have significant effects on users' preferences with respect to presentation of multimedia content. However, such research has thus far neglected to examine the effect of cognitive styles on users' subjective perceptions of multimedia quality. This study aims to examine the relationships among users' cognitive styles, the multimedia Quality of Service (QoS) delivered by the underlying network, and Quality of Perception (QoP), which encompasses user levels of enjoyment and understanding of the informational content provided by multimedia material. Accordingly, 132 users took part in an experiment in which they were shown multimedia video clips presented with different values of two QoS parameters (frame rate and colour depth). Results show that, whilst the two QoS parameters do not impact user QoP, multimedia content and dynamism levels significantly influence the user understanding and enjoyment component of QoP. [source]

    A formalized approach for designing a P2P-based dynamic load balancing scheme

    Hengheng Xie
    Abstract Quality of service (QoS) is attracting more and more attention in many areas, including entertainment, emergency services, transaction services, and so on. Therefore, the study of QoS-aware systems is becoming an important research topic in the area of distributed systems. In terms of load balancing, most of the existing QoS-related load balancing algorithms focus on Routing Mechanism and Traffic Engineering. However, research on QoS-aware task scheduling and service migration is very limited. In this paper, we propose a task scheduling algorithm using dynamic QoS properties, and we develop a Genetic Algorithm-based Services Migration scheme aiming to optimize the performance of our proposed QoS-aware distributed service-based system. In order to verify the efficiency of our scheme, we implement a prototype of our algorithm using a P2P-based JXTA technique, and do an emulation test and a simulation test in order to analyze our proposed solution. We compare our service-migration-based algorithm with non-migration and non-load-balancing approaches, and find that our solution is much better than the other two in terms of QoS success rate. Furthermore, in order to provide more solid proofs of our research, we use DEVS to validate our system design. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    QoS routing through alternate paths in wireless ad hoc networks

    Baoxian Zhang
    Abstract Quality of service (QoS) routing plays an important role in QoS provisioning for mobile ad hoc networks. This work studies the issue of route selection subject to QoS constraint(s). Our method searches for alternate routes with satisfied QoS requirement(s) to accommodate each communication request when the shortest path connecting the source,destination pair of the request is not qualified. In order to effectively reduce protocol overhead, a directed search mechanism is designed to limit the breadth of the searching scope, which aims at achieving a graceful tradeoff between the success probability in QoS route acquisition and communication overhead. Efficient hop-by-hop routing protocols are designed for route selection subject to delay and bandwidth constraint, respectively. Simulation results show that the designed protocols can achieve high performance in acquiring QoS paths and in efficient resource utilization with low control overhead. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Quality of service for satellite IP networks: a survey

    Sastri Kota
    Abstract The future media rich applications such as media streaming, content delivery distribution and broadband access require a network infrastructure that offers greater bandwidth and service level guarantees. As the demand for new applications increases, ,best effort' service is inadequate and results in lack of user satisfaction. End-to-end quality of service (QoS) requires the functional co-operation of all network layers. To meet future application requirements, satellite is an excellent candidate due to features such as global coverage, bandwidth flexibility, broadcast, multicast and reliability. At each layer, the user performance requirements should be achieved by implementation of efficient bandwidth allocation algorithms and satellite link impairment mitigation techniques. In this paper, a QoS framework for satellite IP networks including requirements, objectives and mechanisms are described. To fully understand end-to-end QoS at each layer, QoS parameters and the current research are surveyed. For example at physical layer (modulation, adaptive coding), link layer (bandwidth allocation), network layer (IntServ/DiffServ, MPLS traffic engineering), transport layer (TCP enhancements, and alternative transport protocols) and security issues are discussed. Some planned system examples, QoS simulations and experimental results are provided. The paper also includes the current status of the standardization of satellite IP by ETSI, ITU and IETF organizations. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Quality of service in UMTS wireless networks

    Suresh Kumar
    This paper presents the realization of quality of service (QoS) in the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) network. The paper introduces an overview of the UMTS network structure that is an evolution of the Global System for Mobile Communications/General Packet Radio Service (GSM/GPRS) along with the motivation for providing QoS, as well as the QoS model in UMTS. Additionally, relevant considerations in delivering successful end-to-end QoS across a UMTS network are discussed. We also discuss trends toward QoS along with core concepts of QoS. The paper concludes with an outline of ongoing exploration of potential areas for future work. © 2002 Lucent Technologies Inc. [source]

    An approach for quality of service adaptation in service-oriented Grids

    Rashid Al-Ali
    Abstract Some applications utilizing Grid computing infrastructure require the simultaneous allocation of resources, such as compute servers, networks, memory, disk storage and other specialized resources. Collaborative working and visualization is one example of such applications. In this context, quality of service (QoS) is related to Grid services, and not just to the network connecting these services. With the emerging interest in service-oriented Grids, resources may be advertised and traded as services based on a service level agreement (SLA). Such a SLA must include both general and technical specifications, including pricing policy and properties of the resources required to execute the service, to ensure QoS requirements are satisfied. An approach for QoS adaptation is presented to enable the dynamic adjustment of behavior of an application based on changes in the pre-defined SLA. The approach is particularly useful if workload or network traffic changes in unpredictable ways during an active session. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    A quality-of-service-based framework for creating distributed heterogeneous software components

    Rajeev R. Raje
    Abstract Component-based software development offers a promising solution for taming the complexity found in today's distributed applications. Today's and future distributed software systems will certainly require combining heterogeneous software components that are geographically dispersed. For the successful deployment of such a software system, it is necessary that its realization, based on assembling heterogeneous components, not only meets the functional requirements, but also satisfies the non-functional criteria such as the desired quality of service (QoS). In this paper, a framework based on the notions of a meta-component model, a generative domain model and QoS parameters is described. A formal specification based on two-level grammar is used to represent these notions in a tightly integrated way so that QoS becomes a part of the generative domain model. A simple case study is described in the context of this framework. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Performance analysis of a cellular mobile network with retrials and guard channels using waiting and first passage time measures

    A. Economou
    Most studies of modern cellular mobile networks concern performance measures directly computable from the stationary state probabilities such as the blocking probability and the mean traffic rates of the various kinds of calls. In this paper, we consider a cellular mobile system with retrials and guard channels for the handover calls, but we concentrate on performance measures related to the waiting and first passage times of the system. More concretely, we first build a Markovian model representing a station of the network and then we study the waiting time of a customer, the idle times of the guard channels and the time between successive lost calls. These measures shed light on the behaviour of the system and quantify the quality of service from both points of view of the customer and the administrator. Several numerical results illustrate the effect of the system parameters in its performance. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Novel DLC model for QoS enhancement of bursty VBR traffic in wireless ATM networks

    Hosam El-Ocla
    Several data-link control (DLC) protocol procedures have been proposed in order to provide reliable data transmission over powerless radio links. However, many quality of service (QoS) issues still need to be achieved such as balance between cell transfer delay (CTD) and cell loss rate (CLR), absence of cell delay variation (CDV) and network traffic utilisation. The main problem with wireless ATM is how to overcome the unreliability of the wireless link in order to maintain QoS requirements especially for variable bit rate (VBR) application. Here, we propose a model that provides QoS support for ATM virtual connections (VC) and solves the unreliability problem of the wireless ATM through an efficient DLC protocol for bursty VBR traffic. This model mainly concerns with enhancing QoS to gain error-free wireless transmission and regulating VBR Traffic. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Comparison between objective and subjective measurements of quality of service over an Optical Wide Area network

    Francesco Matera
    The introduction of intelligence for management and control of the quality of service (QoS) are key issues for the evolution of the next generation IP optical network based on Ethernet technology. A test bed of a core-access network was implemented to investigate such issues and in this paper, the authors report measurements concerning the QoS of multimedia services for different traffic conditions. The network was implemented with a differentiated service over Multi-Protocol Label Switch (MPLS) architecture; it consists of a real optical network based on core routers with optical Gigabit Ethernet (GBE) interfaces connected by means of long single mode fibres (about 50\,km), contained in an installed cable between Rome and Pomezia. The network is based on different access devices, but in this paper we only refer to an access based on Fibre To The building (FTTB) architecture. The QoS was investigated both in terms of network (or objective) tests that include packet loss, jitter, one way delay and throughput measurements and perceptive (or subjective) tests that conversely are based on the evaluation of user perception. The services under test mainly consisted of video streams that circulated in the network according to the switching operations based in the IP differentiated service over MPLS technique that allowed us to guarantee the QoS for some class of service, also in the presence of network overload. Particular attention was given to the correlation between objective and subjective measurements. Furthermore, in order to have a complete analysis about QoS of real networks, measurements were performed also in the presence of restoration operations for link failures; in particular we compare the results in the case of conventional IP network restoration with a procedure proposed by us and based on a link switching activated by the loss of signal command coming from the routers. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    CAC and routing for multi-service networks with blocked wide-band calls delayed, Part II: approximative link MDP framework

    Ernst Nordström
    In this paper, we study the call admission control (CAC) and routing issue in multi-service networks. Two categories of calls are considered: a narrow-band with blocked calls cleared and a wide-band with blocked calls delayed. The optimisation is subject to several quality of service (QoS) constraints, either on the packet or call level. The objective function is formulated as reward maximisation with penalty for delay. A suboptimal solution is achieved by applying Markov decision process (MDP) theory together with a three-level approximation. First, the network is decomposed into a set of links assumed to have independent Markov and reward processes respectively. Second, the dimensions of the link Markov and reward processes are reduced by aggregation of the call classes into call categories. Third, by applying decomposition of the link Markov process, the link MDP tasks are simplified considerably. The CAC and routing policy is computed by the policy iteration algorithm from MDP theory. The numerical results show that the proposed CAC and routing method, based on the approximate link MDP framework, is able to find an efficient trade-off between reward loss and average call set-up delay, outperforming conventional methods such as least loaded routing (LLR). Copyright © 2006 AEIT. [source]

    CAC and routing for multi-service networks with blocked wide-band calls delayed, part I: exact link MDP framework

    Ernst Nordström
    In this paper, we study the call admission control (CAC) and routing issue in multi-service networks. Two categories of calls are considered: a narrow-band (NB) with blocked calls cleared and a wide-band (WB) with blocked calls delayed. The objective function is formulated as reward maximisation with penalty for delay. The optimisation is subject to quality of service (QoS) constraints and, possibly, grade of service (GoS) constraints. A suboptimal solution is achieved by applying Markov decision process (MDP) theory together with a two-level approximation. First, the network is decomposed into a set of links assumed to have independent Markov and reward processes respectively. Second, the dimensions of the link Markov and reward processes are reduced by aggregation of the call classes into call categories. The CAC and routing policy is computed by the policy iteration algorithm from MDP theory. The numerical results show that the proposed CAC and routing method, based on the exact link MDP framework, is able to find an efficient trade-off between reward loss and average call set-up delay, outperforming conventional methods such as the least loaded routing (LLR). Copyright © 2005 AEIT. [source]

    End-to-end network delay model for heavy-tailed environments

    David Muñoz-Rodríguez
    Adequate quality of Internet Protocol (IP) services demand low transmission delays. However, packets traveling in a network are subject to a variety of delays that degrade severely the quality of service in real-time applications. This paper presents a general packet jitter-assessment methodology for a multi-node path in the presence of heavy-tailed traffic. Using the extreme-value theory, it is shown that delay performance is governed by a proposed networking-processing factor |T|lambda dependent on the traffic characteristics, the processing time along the path segments and the number of nodes in a route. |T|lambda allows the establishment of design constraints and the definition of a feasibility space for a routing algorithm in order to guarantee a quality of service (QoS). Copyright © 2003 AEI. [source]

    TCP-friendly transmission of voice over IP

    F. Beritelli
    In the last few years an increasing amount of attention has been paid to technologies for the transmission of voice over IP (VoIP). At present, the UDP transport protocol is used to provide this service. However, when the same bottleneck link is shared with TCP flows, and in the presence of a high network load and congestion, UDP sources capture most of the bandwidth, strongly penalizing TCP sources. To solve this problem some congestion control should be introduced for UDP traffic as well, in such a way that this traffic becomes TCP-friendly. In this perspective, several TCP-friendly algorithms have been proposed in the literature. Among them, the most promising candidates for the immediate future are RAP and TFRC. However, although these algorithms were introduced to support real-time applications on the Internet, up to now the only target in optimizing them has been that of achieving fairness with TCP flows in the network. No attention has been paid to the applications using them, and in particular, to the quality of service (QoS) perceived by their users. The target of this paper is to analyze the problem of transmitting voice over IP when voice sources use one of these TCP-friendly algorithms. With this aim, a VoIP system architecture is introduced and the characteristics of each its elements are discussed. To optimize the system, a multirate voice encoder is used so as to be feasible to work over a TCP layer, and a modification of both RAP and TFRC is proposed. Finally, in order to analyze the performance of the proposed system architecture and to compare the modified RAP and TFRC with the original algorithms, the sources have been modeled with an arrival process modulated by a Markov chain, and the model has been used to generate traffic in a simulation study performed with the ns-2 network simulator. Copyright © 2003 AEI. [source]

    A fuzzy approach to active usage parameter control in IEEE 802.11b wireless networks

    EXPERT SYSTEMS, Issue 5 2004
    David Soud
    Abstract: Usage parameter control (UPC) provides support for quality of service across heterogeneous networks. For the network operator UPC assists in limiting network usage through traffic shaping, to prevent unacceptable delay. Traditional methods to apply UPC involve the generic cell rate algorithm or ,leaky bucket' algorithm, now commonly implemented in asynchronous transmission mode networks. This paper proposes a novel form of UPC for 802.11b wireless networks. The method proposed measures the rate of individual network flows to actively manage link utilization using a fuzzy logic controller (FLC). The FLC monitors the flow rate and adjusts the sending transmissions to stabilize flows as close to the optimum desired rate as possible. Imposing UPC and using the FLC within a packet switched TCP network enforces cooperation between competing streams of traffic. After carrying out experiments within a wireless network, the results obtained significantly improve upon a ,best effort' service. [source]

    Precision enhancement in ETSI-Hata propagation model tuning using experimental data in a dense urban area

    Mehran Atamanesh
    Abstract In this paper an enhanced ETSI-Hata propagation model tuning is presented. The three-dimensional (3D) digital terrain map (DTM) was included in the simulation process. For the enhancement of the model tuning process and precision verification of ETSI-Hata model, the real 3D map of the buildings of the simulated area was incorporated over the DTM. Multiple knife edge diffraction method and the antenna effective height method were used to calculate the diffraction loss. This method was applied for a real urban scenario. For every sector in the coverage area, a tuned model was exploited. Using a genetic algorithm, frequency planning for the entire urban area was performed, which resulted in an improvement in the quality of service. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Security and delay issues in SIP systems

    Christian Callegari
    Abstract The deployment of multimedia over IP (MoIP), and in particular voice over IP services, requires to solve new security issues they introduce, before completely exploiting the great opportunities they offer to telecommunication market. Furthermore, the implementation of various security measures can cause a marked deterioration in quality of service, which is fundamental to the operation of an MoIP network that meets users' quality expectations. In particular, because of the time-critical nature of MoIP and its low tolerance for disruption and packet loss, many security measures implemented in traditional data networks are simply not applicable in their current form. This paper presents an analysis of the security options of Session Initiation Protocol- (SIP)-based MoIP architecture aimed at evaluating their impact on delay. In particular, each security option is analyzed in terms of clock cycles needed to perform the related operations. This parameter could be used to estimate the delay introduced by the security mechanisms. Moreover the paper proposes a rigorous definition of five security profiles, which provide different levels of security to a MoIP system. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    A terminal-controlled vertical handover decision scheme in IEEE 802.21-enabled heterogeneous wireless networks

    Jung-Shyr Wu
    Abstract The seamless internetworking among heterogeneous networks is in great demand to provide ,always-on' connectivity services with quality of service (QoS) provision, anywhere at anytime. The integration of wireless-fidelity (Wi-Fi) and wireless metropolitan area networks (WiMAX) networks can combine their best features to provide ubiquitous access, while mediating the weakness of both networks. While it is challenging to obtain optimized handover decision-based dynamic QoS information, users can improve their perceived QoS by using the terminal-controlled handover decision in a single device equipped with multiple radio interfaces. The IEEE 802.21 aims at providing a framework that defines media-independent handover (MIH) mechanism that supports seamless handover across heterogeneous networks. In this paper, an multiple attributes decision making-based terminal-controlled vertical handover decision scheme using MIH services is proposed in the integrated Wi-Fi and WiMAX networks to provide ,always-on' connectivity QoS services. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme provides smaller handover times and lower dropping rate than the RSS-based and cost function-based vertical handover schemes. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]