Predator Removal (predator + removal)

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Selected Abstracts

Bottom-up, top-down, and within-trophic level pressures on a cactus-feeding insect

Abstract 1.,The relative importance of host-plants and predators in the population dynamics of herbivorous insects, and the frequency and intensity of inter-specific competition among herbivores, have both been intensively studied and debated. The joint effects of bottom-up, top-down, and within-trophic level interactions, however, have rarely been integrated in a single system. 2.,I studied the dynamics of the cactus bug (Narnia pallidicornis), a specialist feeder on tree cholla cactus (Opuntia imbricata), in response to variable host-plant quality, spider predation, and interactions with cactus-feeding beetles (Moneilema appressum). Previous work suggests that cactus reproductive effort (the proportion of meristems allocated to reproduction) is an important component of host-plant quality for Narnia. I conducted a 2-year field experiment to test the hypotheses that Narnia abundance is positively related to host-plant reproductive effort, and that interactions with predators and putative competitors alter the shape of this relationship. 3.,I found strong support for the first prediction (positive Narnia,plant quality relationship) in both years, but neither predator removal nor beetle exclusion had detectable effects on this relationship in either year. I conclude that the dynamics of this insect herbivore are driven predominantly from the bottom-up, and that available data from this work and from previous studies are too variable to permit broad generalisations for the combined effects of host-plants, predation, and competition on herbivore dynamics. [source]

Keeping the herds healthy and alert: implications of predator control for infectious disease

Craig Packer
Abstract Predator control programmes are generally implemented in an attempt to increase prey population sizes. However, predator removal could prove harmful to prey populations that are regulated primarily by parasitic infections rather than by predation. We develop models for microparasitic and macroparasitic infection that specify the conditions where predator removal will (a) increase the incidence of parasitic infection, (b) reduce the number of healthy individuals in the prey population and (c) decrease the overall size of the prey population. In general, predator removal is more likely to be harmful when the parasite is highly virulent, macroparasites are highly aggregated in their prey, hosts are long-lived and the predators select infected prey. [source]

The potential for interactions between predation and habitat change to cause population declines of farmland birds

IBIS, Issue 1 2004
K. L. Evans
Population declines are often attributed to either habitat change or increased predation rates, without a full consideration of the potential for these two factors to interact. This may lead to an inaccurate diagnosis of the causes of population decline and thus the selection of inappropriate management solutions. Here mechanisms through which habitat change and predation could interact are reviewed. Examples of how these may have contributed to population declines are provided, focusing on European farmland birds. However, very few appropriate studies have been conducted that allow the role of such interactions to be assessed accurately. To remedy this situation experimental designs that could detect the presence of interactive mechanisms are described. When habitat change and predation interact, conservation managers are provided with the opportunity to control predation impacts through habitat management rather than predator removal, which may provide a more cost-effective management strategy. [source]

Complex interactions among mammalian carnivores in Australia, and their implications for wildlife management

Alistair S. Glen
ABSTRACT Mammalian carnivore populations are often intensively managed, either because the carnivore in question is endangered, or because it is viewed as a pest and is subjected to control measures, or both. Most management programmes treat carnivore species in isolation. However, there is a large and emerging body of evidence to demonstrate that populations of different carnivores interact with each other in a variety of complex ways. Thus, the removal or introduction of predators to or from a system can often affect other species in ways that are difficult to predict. Wildlife managers must consider such interactions when planning predator control programmes. Integrated predator control will require a greater understanding of the complex relationships between species. In many parts of the world, sympatric species of carnivores have coexisted over an evolutionary time scale so that niche differentiation has occurred, and competition is difficult to observe. Australia has experienced numerous introductions during the past 200 years, including those of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and the feral cat (Felis catus). These species now exist in sympatry with native mammalian predators, providing ecologists with the opportunity to study their interactions without the confounding effects of coevolution. Despite an increasing body of observational evidence for complex interactions among native and introduced predators in Australia, few studies have attempted to clarify these relationships experimentally, and the interactions remain largely unacknowledged. A greater understanding of these interactions would provide ecologists and wildlife managers world-wide with the ability to construct robust predictive models of carnivore communities, and to identify their broader effects on ecosystem functioning. We suggest that future research should focus on controlled and replicated predator removal or addition experiments. The dingo (Canis lupus dingo), as a likely keystone species, should be a particular focus of attention. [source]