Population Size (population + size)

Distribution by Scientific Domains
Distribution within Life Sciences

Kinds of Population Size

  • census population size
  • current population size
  • different population size
  • effective population size
  • estimating population size
  • increased population size
  • increasing population size
  • large population size
  • local population size
  • long-term effective population size
  • minimum viable population size
  • plant population size
  • small effective population size
  • small population size
  • total population size
  • viable population size

  • Terms modified by Population Size

  • population size estimate
  • population size structure

  • Selected Abstracts


    First page of article [source]


    EVOLUTION, Issue 7 2009
    Rhonda R. Snook
    Experimental evolution, particularly experimental sexual selection in which sexual selection strength is manipulated by altering the mating system, is an increasingly popular method for testing evolutionary theory. Concerns have arisen regarding genetic diversity variation across experimental treatments: differences in the number and sex ratio of breeders (effective population size; Ne) and the potential for genetic hitchhiking, both of which may cause different levels of genetic variation between treatments. Such differences may affect the selection response and confound interpretation of results. Here we use both census-based estimators and molecular marker-based estimates to empirically test how experimental evolution of sexual selection in Drosophila pseudoobscura impacts Ne and autosomal genetic diversity. We also consider effects of treatment on X-linked Nes, which have previously been ignored. Molecular autosomal marker-based estimators indicate that neither Ne nor genetic diversity differs between treatments experiencing different sexual selection intensities; thus observed evolutionary responses reflect selection rather than any confounding effects of experimental design. Given the increasing number of studies on experimental sexual selection, we also review the census Nes of other experimental systems, calculate X-linked Ne, and compare how different studies have dealt with the issues of inbreeding, genetic drift, and genetic hitchhiking to help inform future designs. [source]


    EVOLUTION, Issue 2 2009
    Hans Ellegren
    First page of article [source]


    EVOLUTION, Issue 9 2005
    Joseph H. Rausch
    Abstract The minority cytotype exclusion principle describes how random mating between diploid and autotetraploid cytotypes hinders establishment of the rare cytotype. We present deterministic and stochastic models to ascertain how selfing, inbreeding depression, unreduced gamete production, and finite population size affect minority cytotype exclusion and the establishment of autotetraploids. Results demonstrate that higher selfing rates and lower inbreeding depression in autotetraploids facilitate establishment of autotetraploid populations. Stochastic effects due to finite population size increase the probability of polyploid establishment and decrease the mean time to tetraploid fixation. Our results extend the minority cytotype exclusion principle to include important features of plant reproduction and demonstrate that variation in mating system parameters significantly influences the conditions necessary for polyploid establishment. [source]


    EVOLUTION, Issue 9 2004
    Franclois Balloux
    Abstract It has been proposed that effective size could be estimated in small dioecious population by considering the heterozygote excess observed at neutral markers. When the number of breeders is small, allelic frequencies in males and females will slightly differ due to binomial sampling error. However, this excess of heterozygotes is not generated by dioecy but by the absence of individuals produced through selfing. Consequently, the approach can also be applied to self-incompatible monoecious species. Some inaccuracies in earlier equations expressing effective size as function of the heterozygote excess are also corrected in this paper. The approach is then extended to subdivided populations, where time of sampling becomes crucial. When adults are sampled, the effective size of the entire population can be estimated, whereas when juveniles are sampled, the average effective number of breeders per subpopulations can be estimated. The main limitation of the heterozygote excess method is that it will only perform satisfactorily for populations with a small number of reproducing individuals. While this situation is unlikely to happen frequently at the scale of the entire population, structured populations with small subpopulations are likely to be common. The estimation of the average number of breeders per subpopulations is thus expected to be applicable to many natural populations. The approach is straightforward to compute and independent of equilibrium assumptions. Applications to simulated data suggest the estimation of the number of breeders to be robust to mutation and migration rates, and to specificities of the mating system. [source]


    Daniel Goodman
    Abstract Critical conservation decisions often hinge on estimates of population size, population growth rate, and survival rates, but as a practical matter it is difficult to obtain enough data to provide precise estimates. Here we discuss Bayesian methods for simultaneously drawing on the information content from multiple sorts of data to get as much precision as possible for the estimates. The basic idea is that an underlying population model can connect the various sorts of observations, so this can be elaborated into a joint likelihood function for joint estimation of the respective parameters. The potential for improved estimates derives from the potentially greater effective sample size of the aggregate of data, even though some of the data types may only bear directly on a subset of the parameters. The achieved improvement depends on specifics of the interactions among parameters in the underlying model, and on the actual content of the data. Assuming the respective data sets are unbiased, notwithstanding the fact that they may be noisy, we may gauge the average improvement in the estimates of the parameters of interest from the reduction, if any, in the standard deviations of their posterior marginal distributions. Prospective designs may be evaluated from analysis of simulated data. Here this approach is illustrated with an assessment of the potential value in various ways of merging mark-resight and carcass-survey data for the Florida manatee, as could be made possible by various modifications in the data collection protocols in both programs. [source]


    Chang Xuan Mao
    Summary The problem of estimating population sizes has a wide range of applications. Although the size is non-identifiable when a population is heterogeneous, it is often useful to estimate the lower bounds and to construct lower confidence limits. A sequence of lower bounds, including the well-known Chao lower bound, is proposed. The bounds have closed-form expressions and are estimated by the method of moments or by maximum likelihood. Real examples from epidemiology, wildlife management and ecology are investigated. Simulation studies are used to assess the proposed estimators. [source]


    EVOLUTION, Issue 11 2004
    Eric A. Hoffman
    Abstract Although studies of population genetic structure are very common, whether genetic structure is stable over time has been assessed for very few taxa. The question of stability over time is particularly interesting for frogs because it is not clear to what extent frogs exist in dynamic metapopulations with frequent extinction and recolonization, or in stable patches at equilibrium between drift and gene flow. In this study we collected tissue samples from the same five populations of leopard frogs, Rana pipens, over a 22,30 year time interval (11,15 generations). Genetic structure among the populations was very stable, suggesting that these population were not undergoing frequent extinction and colonization. We also estimated the effective size of each population from the change in allele frequencies over time. There exist few estimates of effective size for frog populations, but the data available suggest that ranid frogs may have much larger ratios of effective size (Ne) to census size (Nc) that toads (bufonidae). Our results indicate that R. pipiens populations have effective sizes on the order of hundreds to at most a few thousand frogs, and Nee/Nc ratios in the range of 0.1,1.0. These estimates of Ne/Nc are consistent with those estimated for other Rana species. Finally, we compared the results of three temporal methods for estimating Ne. Moment and pseudolikelihood methods that assume a closed population gave the most similar point estimates, although the moment estimates were consistently two to four times larger. Wang and Whitlock's new method that jointly estimates Ne and the rate of immigration into a population (m) gave much smaller estimates of Ne and implausibly large estimates of m. This method requires knowing allele frequencies in the source of immigrants, but was thought to be insensitive to inexact estimates. In our case the method may have failed because we did not know the true source of immigrants for each population. The method may be more sensitive to choice of source frequencies than was previously appreciated, and so should be used with caution if the most likely source of immigrants cannot be identified clearly. [source]

    Population Size, Genetic Variation, and Reproductive Success in a Rapidly Declining, Self-Incompatible Perennial (Arnica montana) in The Netherlands

    Sheila H. Luijten
    In 26 populations in The Netherlands we investigated the relationship between population size and genetic variation using allozyme markers. Genetic variation was low in A. montana ( He = 0.088). There were positive correlations between population size and the proportion of polymorphic loci, the number of effective alleles, and expected heterozygosity, but not with observed heterozygosity. There was a significantly positive correlation between population size and the inbreeding coefficient. Generally, small populations showed heterozygote excess, which decreased with increasing population size. Possibly, the heterozygous individuals in small populations are survivors from the formerly larger populations with relatively high fitness. The F statistics showed a moderately high level of differentiation among populations ( FST = 0.140 ± 0.02), implying a low level of gene flow. For three out of four allozyme loci, we found significant inbreeding ( FIS = 0.104 ± 0.03). Only 14 of 26 populations were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium at all four polymorphic loci. In a subset of 14 populations of various size, we investigated natural seed production and offspring fitness. Population size was positively correlated with seed set, seedling size, number of flowering stems and flowerheads, adult survival, and total relative fitness, but not with the number of florets per flowerhead, germination rate, or the proportion of germination. Offspring performance in the greenhouse was not associated with genetic diversity measured on their mothers in the field. We conclude that the fitness of small populations is significantly reduced, but that there is as yet no evidence that this was caused by inbreeding. Possibly, the self-incompatibility system of A. montana has been effective in reducing selfing rates and inbreeding depression. Resumen:Arnica montana es una especie de planta rara, en declinación rápida y autoincompatible. En 26 poblaciones de los Países Bajos investigamos la relación entre el tamaño poblacional y la variación genética mediante el uso de alozimas marcadoras. La variación genética fue baja en A. montana ( He = 0.088). Existió una correlación positiva entre el tamaño poblacional y la proporción de emplazamientos polimórficos, el número de alelos efectivos y la heterocigocidad esperada, pero no con la heterocigocidad observada. Existió una correlación positiva significativa entre el tamaño poblacional y el coeficiente de endogamia. Generalmente, las poblaciones pequeñas mostraron una heterocigocidad excesiva con disminuciones en el tamaño poblacional. Posiblemente, los individuos heterocigóticos de poblaciones pequeñas son sobrevivientes de poblaciones anteriormente grandes con una adaptabilidad relativamente alta. Las pruebas de F mostraron un nivel de diferenciación moderadamente alto entre poblaciones ( FST = 0.140 ± 0.02) lo que implica un nivel bajo de flujo de genes. Para tres de cuatro de los emplazamientos de alozimas encontramos una endogamia significativa ( FIS = 0.104 ± 0.03). Solamente 14 de las 26 poblaciones estuvieron en equilibrio Hardy-Weinberg para los cuatro emplazamientos polimórficos. En un subconjunto de 14 poblaciones de varios tamaños, investigamos la producción natural de semillas y la adaptabilidad de la descendencia. El tamaño poblacional estuvo positivamente correlacionado con el juego de semillas, el tamaño del almácigo, el número de tallos en flor y de inflorescencias, la supervivencia de adultos y la adaptabilidad total relativa, pero no con el número de flores por inflorescencia, la tasa de germinación ni la proporción de la germinación. El rendimiento de la descendencia en invernaderos no estuvo asociado con la diversidad genética medida en sus madres en el campo. Concluimos que la adaptabilidad de poblaciones pequeñas está significativamente reducida, pero no existe aún evidencia de que esto sea ocasionado por endogamia. Es posible que el sistema de autoincompatibilidad de A. montana haya sido efectivo en la reducción de tasas de autofecundación y depresión de la endogamia. [source]

    Point and Interval Estimation of the Population Size Using a Zero-Truncated Negative Binomial Regression Model

    Maarten J. L. F. Cruyff
    Abstract This paper presents the zero-truncated negative binomial regression model to estimate the population size in the presence of a single registration file. The model is an alternative to the zero-truncated Poisson regression model and it may be useful if the data are overdispersed due to unobserved heterogeneity. Horvitz,Thompson point and interval estimates for the population size are derived, and the performance of these estimators is evaluated in a simulation study. To illustrate the model, the size of the population of opiate users in the city of Rotterdam is estimated. In comparison to the Poisson model, the zero-truncated negative binomial regression model fits these data better and yields a substantially higher population size estimate. (© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) [source]

    Estimating Population Size for a Continuous Time Frailty Model with Covariates in a Capture,Recapture Study

    BIOMETRICS, Issue 3 2007
    Ying Xu
    Summary A continuous time frailty capture,recapture model is proposed for estimating population size of a closed population with the use of observed covariates to explain individuals' heterogeneity in presence of a random effect. A conditional likelihood approach is used to derive the estimate of parameters, and the Horvitz,Thompson estimator is adopted to estimate the unknown population size. Asymptotic normality of the estimates is obtained. Simulation results and a real example show that the proposed method works satisfactorily. [source]

    Balancing Population Size and Genetic Information in Parentage Analysis Studies

    BIOMETRICS, Issue 3 2003
    Beatrix Jones
    Summary. In parentage analysis studies, the parameters of interest typically are not the parent assignments themselves, but population parameters such as variance in fertility, self-pollination rate, or average dispersal distances. The precision of parameter estimates is affected by two factors: the number of offspring under consideration, and the precision with which the offspring can be assigned to parents. When assignment of parents is based on genetic information, the confidence in assignments is affected by the number and polymorphism of the loci considered, and by the number of potential parents in the population. Studying larger populations may yield higher numbers of offspring, but since larger populations contain more potential parents, more (or more highly polymorphic) loci are necessary to attain a given level of confidence in the parent assignments. This article addresses how to relate the size of the population and the number of loci when designing a study. It is shown that the number of loci needed to assign all offspring unambiguously is proportional to the logarithm of the population size. In some cases, the constant of proportionality can be determined, eliminating the need for simulation-based projections. Population-wide measures of uncertainty in parent assignments are also introduced, and it is shown that holding uncertainty "steady" as the population size increases also requires increasing the number of loci proportional to the logarithm of the population size. Data from a study of self-pollination are used to illustrate the techniques suggested. [source]

    Population Size, Genetic Variation, and Reproductive Success in a Rapidly Declining, Self-Incompatible Perennial (Arnica montana) in The Netherlands

    Sheila H. Luijten
    In 26 populations in The Netherlands we investigated the relationship between population size and genetic variation using allozyme markers. Genetic variation was low in A. montana ( He = 0.088). There were positive correlations between population size and the proportion of polymorphic loci, the number of effective alleles, and expected heterozygosity, but not with observed heterozygosity. There was a significantly positive correlation between population size and the inbreeding coefficient. Generally, small populations showed heterozygote excess, which decreased with increasing population size. Possibly, the heterozygous individuals in small populations are survivors from the formerly larger populations with relatively high fitness. The F statistics showed a moderately high level of differentiation among populations ( FST = 0.140 ± 0.02), implying a low level of gene flow. For three out of four allozyme loci, we found significant inbreeding ( FIS = 0.104 ± 0.03). Only 14 of 26 populations were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium at all four polymorphic loci. In a subset of 14 populations of various size, we investigated natural seed production and offspring fitness. Population size was positively correlated with seed set, seedling size, number of flowering stems and flowerheads, adult survival, and total relative fitness, but not with the number of florets per flowerhead, germination rate, or the proportion of germination. Offspring performance in the greenhouse was not associated with genetic diversity measured on their mothers in the field. We conclude that the fitness of small populations is significantly reduced, but that there is as yet no evidence that this was caused by inbreeding. Possibly, the self-incompatibility system of A. montana has been effective in reducing selfing rates and inbreeding depression. Resumen:Arnica montana es una especie de planta rara, en declinación rápida y autoincompatible. En 26 poblaciones de los Países Bajos investigamos la relación entre el tamaño poblacional y la variación genética mediante el uso de alozimas marcadoras. La variación genética fue baja en A. montana ( He = 0.088). Existió una correlación positiva entre el tamaño poblacional y la proporción de emplazamientos polimórficos, el número de alelos efectivos y la heterocigocidad esperada, pero no con la heterocigocidad observada. Existió una correlación positiva significativa entre el tamaño poblacional y el coeficiente de endogamia. Generalmente, las poblaciones pequeñas mostraron una heterocigocidad excesiva con disminuciones en el tamaño poblacional. Posiblemente, los individuos heterocigóticos de poblaciones pequeñas son sobrevivientes de poblaciones anteriormente grandes con una adaptabilidad relativamente alta. Las pruebas de F mostraron un nivel de diferenciación moderadamente alto entre poblaciones ( FST = 0.140 ± 0.02) lo que implica un nivel bajo de flujo de genes. Para tres de cuatro de los emplazamientos de alozimas encontramos una endogamia significativa ( FIS = 0.104 ± 0.03). Solamente 14 de las 26 poblaciones estuvieron en equilibrio Hardy-Weinberg para los cuatro emplazamientos polimórficos. En un subconjunto de 14 poblaciones de varios tamaños, investigamos la producción natural de semillas y la adaptabilidad de la descendencia. El tamaño poblacional estuvo positivamente correlacionado con el juego de semillas, el tamaño del almácigo, el número de tallos en flor y de inflorescencias, la supervivencia de adultos y la adaptabilidad total relativa, pero no con el número de flores por inflorescencia, la tasa de germinación ni la proporción de la germinación. El rendimiento de la descendencia en invernaderos no estuvo asociado con la diversidad genética medida en sus madres en el campo. Concluimos que la adaptabilidad de poblaciones pequeñas está significativamente reducida, pero no existe aún evidencia de que esto sea ocasionado por endogamia. Es posible que el sistema de autoincompatibilidad de A. montana haya sido efectivo en la reducción de tasas de autofecundación y depresión de la endogamia. [source]

    Can intra-specific genetic variation in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus etunicatum) affect a mesophyll-feeding herbivore (Tupiocoris notatus Distant)?

    Abstract 1.,Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) infection can have negative, positive or neutral effects on insect herbivore populations, but patterns are difficult to predict. 2.,Intra-specific genetic variation in nutrient uptake ability between fungal isolates may also have indirect effects on insect herbivores due to changes in plant quality. In preliminary studies mirid (Tupiocoris notatus) populations were significantly reduced on tobacco (Nicotiana rustica) colonised by AMF but it was unknown if same-species fungal isolates differed in their effect. 3.,An experiment was performed as a first test of the effect of intra-specific genetic variation in the mycorrhizal fungus Glomus etunicatum on mirid nymphal population structure, dynamics, and growth rate. 4.,Mirid nymphal populations were lower on mycorrhizal fungal-infected plants. Population size, however, did not differ between the mycorrhizal isolates. While no statistical difference in population between isolates was found, one isolate consistently had 1.7,2.4 times lower mirid populations compared with the controls, indicating that the magnitude of effect is different between mycorrhizal isolates. 5.,The significantly negative effect of AMF on mirid populations likely resulted from AMF-induced changes in plant quality (e.g. increased defence). This study lends further support to recent demonstrations that below-ground symbionts significantly influence above-ground processes. In addition, mycorrhizal fungi can affect insect population structure, which may have consequences for future herbivory. [source]

    Population size, weight distribution and food in a persistent population of the rare medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis

    FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, Issue 8 2008
    Summary 1. It is important for species recovery and conservation management projects to know the minimum viable population size for rare and endangered species, such as the medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis. Therefore, using a catch-removal method, this study estimated every two years (1986, 1988, 1990, 1992) the total number of medicinal leeches in a tarn in the English Lake District, and the number of mature adults in the population. 2. Four samples were taken each year in June and July, when water temperatures exceeded 20 °C. Population size was estimated both by maximum likelihood and regression methods. All leeches were weighed alive and size groups were separated by polymodal frequency analysis. A small sample of the blood meal in each leech gut was taken before the leeches were returned to the tarn, and was used to estimate the proportion of mammalian and non-mammalian blood in the meals. 3. Both methods of estimation produced similar values, increasing confidence in the population estimates. Values for the total population in June and July varied among years from 248 to 288, the maximum value being only 16% higher than the minimum. Values for the number of mature leeches varied from 48 to 58 (19,20% of the total population), and this was an estimate of the effective population size. 4. There were four size groups. The largest mature leeches (live weight >5 g) in group IV formed only 1% of the population, and the smallest (0.02,0.5 g) in group I 14,17%. Most leeches were in two overlapping groups of immature (64,67% of population) and mature (18%) leeches with size ranges of 0.4,3.4 g and 2.5,5 g respectively. The percentage of leeches in each size group was very consistent among years. Blood meals were found in 38,44% of the leeches in group I, 45,50% in group II, 70,75% in group III, and 100% in group IV, but mammalian blood was present only in larger mature leeches (>3.5 g). 5. Medicinal leeches were first detected in the tarn in 1980 and are still present in 2007, so the population has persisted for at least 27 years. Compared with minimum viable population sizes for other species, including many endangered species, values for this medicinal leech population are extremely low, but may be typical of some rare freshwater invertebrates in isolated habitats. [source]

    Population dynamics and reproduction of Northern Lapwings Vanellus vanellus in a meadow restoration area in central Sweden

    IBIS, Issue 3 2002
    Åke Berg
    To investigate the effectiveness of a meadow restoration programme, we studied the relationships between population changes and environmental changes, return rates and hatching success in a population of Northern Lapwings Vanellus vanellus. The study was performed on mixed farmland (59 km2) in central Sweden, an area that underwent extensive meadow restoration between 1985 and 1994. The study included more than 2600 nests, supplemented with observations of 127 individually colour-ringed Northern Lapwings. The breeding population varied (2.7,5.3 pairs/km2), but showed no significant trend with time. The population increased in years with high spring flooding levels. Population size was unrelated to demographic factors (e.g. hatching success the previous year (14,50%), and return rate). Lapwings moved considerably between years and their nest site fidelity was unrelated to previous hatching success or other factors, suggesting that changes in habitat quality and migration between populations were important in regulating population size. Recent extensive meadow restoration did not seem to aid the Northern Lapwing population; birds continued nesting on tillage even though most nests were destroyed by farming activities. A relatively high relaying frequency improved hatching success, which was still lowest in the most preferred habitats (spring sown crops, total hatching success c. 30%). The few Northern Lapwings breeding in the least preferred habitats (meadows and cultivated grassland) had a better hatching success (> 70% total hatching success), suggesting that habitat selection was not determined by hatching success. From these results, recommendations are made for the management of Northern Lapwing (and associated species) populations on farmland. [source]

    Geographic distribution and population size of the mountain tapir (Tapirus pinchaque) in Colombia

    D. J. Lizcano
    Aim We conducted a study to estimate the past and present distribution and population size of T. pinchaque in Colombia. Location The study included all mountain ranges above 2000 m. Methods The past distribution was obtained by plotting on a map of past distribution of montane rain forests, the geographical locations with the name `danta' or `tapir' above 2000 m obtained from topographic maps, the locations cited in bibliographic references, and the results of interviews in the 530 Andean municipalities. The present distribution was obtained by plotting the present distribution of montane rain forests, the results of interviews and ground control. Population size was estimated by combining measurements of population density with maps of present distribution. Results In the past, the species occurred in the central and eastern Cordilleras, as well as in the Andean Massive where the three cordilleras merge in the south of the country. Currently, the species occurs in the central Andes south of Nevados National Park, and in the eastern Andes, south of Paramo de Sumapaz, Bogotá. According to our most optimistic estimates, there are about 2500 tapirs in the Andes of Colombia. Main conclusions These individuals occur in a total of thirty-five forest patches that range from 5 to 3700 km2. Only five to six fragments have the minimum necessary size (826 km2) to maintain at least 150 individuals, the estimated number to maintain viable population in the short term. The populations most threatened are those of the central Cordillera between P.N. Las Hermosas and P.N. Nevado del Huila where large tracts of mature montane forests are being converted to opium fields. [source]

    Can neighborhood associations be allies in health policy efforts?

    Political activity among neighborhood associations
    We examined organizational characteristics and types of political actions of neighborhood associations, and factors influencing the amount of political activity among the associations. We hypothesized that four neighborhood characteristics (population size, income, educational level, and percentage of owner-occupied households) and six organizational characteristics (budget, number of staff, size of board, newsletter publication, coalition involvement, and resident involvement) would influence the amount of political activity of the associations. We obtained data from the 1990 U.S. Census and a survey of neighborhood associations (n = 84) in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. We found that neighborhood associations engaged in numerous and diverse political activities. Results from multiple regression analyses revealed that median household income was negatively associated with amount of political activity. Population size of the neighborhood and intensity of involvement in multi-organization coalitions were both positively associated with political activity (all significant at p < .05). We conclude that neighborhood associations, particularly those in larger and poorer neighborhoods, can be key allies in health and social policy efforts. © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [source]

    Reduced reproductive success in small populations of the self-incompatible Primula vulgaris

    JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, Issue 1 2004
    Rein Brys
    Summary 1Habitat fragmentation and the resulting decline in population size can affect biotic interactions and reproductive success of plant species. We investigated the impact of habitat type, population size, morph type and frequency, plant density, floral display and predation on different reproductive components in 16 populations of the distylous self-incompatible perennial herb, Primula vulgaris , a rare, declining species in Belgium. 2Although habitat type accounted for significant variation in population size, we did not find any relation between habitat type and either reproductive and vegetative characteristics. Population size, however, strongly affected reproductive success, such that plants in small populations produced significantly fewer fruits per plant and seeds per fruit, and therefore fewer seeds per plant. 3No significant difference was found between morph types for any reproductive characteristic, nor an interaction with population size. However, when morph frequency was strongly biased (, 1 : 3), the proportion of flowers setting fruit and the number of seeds per fruit were significantly lower in individuals of the common morph type. 4Within populations, individual plants varied tremendously in size and floral display. Total number of fruits per plant significantly increased with floral display, but the highest fruit set per flower was found at intermediate flower number. 5The proportion of fruit suffering pre-dispersal predation per plant significantly increased with floral display, but this did not offset the potential fitness gains of producing a large display. Furthermore, the absolute number of predated fruits per plant was significantly and positively affected by the interaction of the total number of fruits per plant and the density of the population. [source]

    Effects of natural selection on patterns of DNA sequence variation at the transferrin, somatolactin, and p53 genes within and among chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) populations

    MOLECULAR ECOLOGY, Issue 7 2000
    Michael J. Ford
    Abstract This paper describes DNA sequence variation within and among four populations of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) at the transferrin, somatolactin and p53 genes. Patterns of variation among salmon species at the transferrin gene have been hypothesized to be shaped by positive natural selection for new alleles because the rate of nonsynonymous substitution is significantly greater than the rate of synonymous substitution. The twin goals of this study were to determine if the history of selection among salmon species at the transferrin gene is also reflected in patterns of intraspecific variation in chinook salmon, and to look for evidence of local adaptation at the transferrin gene by comparing patterns of nonsynonymous and synonymous variation among chinook salmon populations. The analyses presented here show that unlike patterns of variation between species, there is no evidence of greater differentiation among chinook salmon populations at nonsynonymous compared to synonymous sites. There is also no evidence of a reduction of within-species variation due to the hitchhiking effect at the transferrin gene, although in some populations nonsynonymous and synonymous derived mutations are both at higher frequencies than expected under a simple neutral model. Population size weighted selection coefficients (4Ns) that are consistent with both the inter and intraspecific data range from ~10 to ~235, and imply that between 1 and 40% of new nonsynonymous mutations at the transferrin gene have been beneficial. [source]

    Estimating population parameters in a threatened arctic fox population using molecular tracking and traditional field methods

    T. Meijer
    Abstract Comprehensive population parameter data are useful for assessing effective conservation actions. The Fennoscandian arctic fox Alopex lagopus is critically endangered and the population size is estimated at 120 individuals that are fragmented into four isolated populations. Here, we use molecular tracking and visual observations to estimate population size and survival in one of the populations on the Swedish mountain tundra during a year of low food availability. We collected 98 arctic fox faecal samples during the winter of 2006 and recorded visual observations of ear-tagged individuals during the summer of 2005 and 2006. The faecal samples were analysed for variation in nine microsatellite loci and matched to the genetic profiles of previously ear-tagged individuals from 2001 to 2005. During winter 2006, the minimum number alive was 12 individuals using visual observations, 30 using molecular tracking and 36 by combining the datasets. Population size was estimated through mark,recapture for the molecular tracking and visual observation datasets and through rarefaction analyses for molecular tracking data. The mark,recapture estimate for visual observations was uninformative due to the large confidence interval (CI) (i.e. 6,212 individuals). Based on the molecular tracking dataset combined with the minimum number alive for visual observations and molecular tracking, we concluded a consensus population size of 36,55 individuals. We also estimated the age-specific finite survival rate during 1 year (July 2005 to July 2006) by combining molecular tracking with visual observations. Juvenile survival on a yearly basis was 0.08 (95% CI 0.02,0.18) while adults had a survival of 0.59 (95% CI 0.39,0.82). Juveniles displayed a lower survival than the adults during autumn (P<0.01) whereas no age-specific survival difference during spring was found. The risk of negative effects due to the small population size and low juvenile survival is accordingly considerable. [source]

    Demographic monitoring of an entire species (the northern hairy-nosed wombat, Lasiorhinus krefftii) by genetic analysis of non-invasively collected material

    Sam C. Banks
    Successful management of endangered species may be greatly facilitated by the ability to monitor population trends. The Australian northern hairy-nosed wombat (Lasiorhinus krefftii) is one of the world's most endangered mammals, but precise abundance estimation by trapping surveys has proven exceedingly difficult. A mark-recapture study was conducted in the sole remaining L. krefftii population, based on microsatellite identification of individuals and their gender from DNA in remotely collected single hairs. Population size was estimated to be 113 (95% confidence interval of 96 to 150). This suggests an increase in population size over the previous estimate of 65 (95% CI 42,186) in 1993, although the estimates did not differ significantly. There was a significant male bias in the sex ratio (2.25 males:1 female), in agreement with recent trapping surveys. The non-invasive approach used here is vital for estimating population size and trends, and hence it is the most important recent advance in the conservation management of the northern hairy-nosed wombat. [source]

    A multi-scale test for dispersal filters in an island plant community

    ECOGRAPHY, Issue 4 2005
    Kevin C. Burns
    Constraints on plant distributions resulting from seed limitation (i.e. dispersal filters) were evaluated on two scales of ecological organization on islands off the coast of British Columbia, Canada. First, island plant communities were separated into groups based on fruit morphology, and patterns in species diversity were compared between fruit-type groups. Second, abundance patterns in several common fleshy-fruited, woody angiosperm species were compared to species-specific patterns in seed dispersal by birds. Results from community-level analyses showed evidence for dispersal filters. Dry-fruited species were rare on islands, despite being common on the mainland. Island plant communities were instead dominated by fleshy-fruited species. Patterns in seed dispersal were consistent with differences in diversity, as birds dispersed thousands of fleshy-fruited seeds out to islands, while dry fruited species showed no evidence of mainland-island dispersal. Results from population-level analyses showed no evidence for dispersal filters. Population sizes of common fleshy-fruited species were unrelated to island isolation, as were rates of seed dispersal. Therefore, island isolation distances were not large enough to impose constraints on species' distributions resulting from seed limitation. Rates of seed dispersal were also unrelated to island area. However, several species increased in abundance with island area, indicating post-dispersal processes also help to shape species distributions. Overall results suggest that seed dispersal processes play an important role in determining the diversity and distribution of plants on islands. At the community-level, dry-fruited species were seed limited and island communities were instead dominated by fleshy-fruited species. At the population-level, common fleshy-fruited species were not seed limited and showed few differences in distribution among islands. Therefore, although evidence for dispersal filters was observed, their effects on plant distributions were scale-dependent. [source]

    Quantitative analyses of the abundance and composition of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and ammonia-oxidizing archaea of a Chinese upland red soil under long-term fertilization practices

    Ji-zheng He
    Summary The abundance and composition of soil ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) were investigated by using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, cloning and sequencing approaches based on amoA genes. The soil, classified as agri-udic ferrosols with pH (H2O) ranging from 3.7 to 6.0, was sampled in summer and winter from long-term field experimental plots which had received 16 years continuous fertilization treatments, including fallow (CK0), control without fertilizers (CK) and those with combinations of fertilizer nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K): N, NP, NK, PK, NPK and NPK plus organic manure (OM). Population sizes of AOB and AOA changed greatly in response to the different fertilization treatments. The NPK + OM treatment had the highest copy numbers of AOB and AOA amoA genes among the treatments that received mineral fertilizers, whereas the lowest copy numbers were recorded in the N treatment. Ammonia-oxidizing archaea were more abundant than AOB in all the corresponding treatments, with AOA to AOB ratios ranging from 1.02 to 12.36. Significant positive correlations were observed among the population sizes of AOB and AOA, soil pH and potential nitrification rates, indicating that both AOB and AOA played an important role in ammonia oxidation in the soil. Phylogenetic analyses of the amoA gene fragments showed that all AOB sequences from different treatments were affiliated with Nitrosospira or Nitrosospira- like species and grouped into cluster 3, and little difference in AOB community composition was recorded among different treatments. All AOA sequences fell within cluster S (soil origin) and cluster M (marine and sediment origin). Cluster M dominated exclusively in the N, NP, NK and PK treatments, indicating a pronounced difference in the community composition of AOA in response to the long-term fertilization treatments. These findings could be fundamental to improve our understanding of the importance of both AOB and AOA in the cycling of nitrogen and other nutrients in terrestrial ecosystems. [source]

    Population estimation methods to quantify temporal variation in fish accumulations downstream of a weir

    Abstract, Temporal changes in the population sizes of seven migratory species were assessed over a 2-year period prior to the construction of a fishway on the Murrumbidgee River, Australia. Mark-recapture (Chapman,Petersen) and Jackknife removal methods were used at 3-month intervals to determine the composition and sizes of migratory fish populations. No difference in population size estimate was detected between the two methods. However, the Jackknife removal estimator generally provided less variable estimates for a greater number of species. Population sizes were greatest during summer and autumn when bony herring, Nematalosa erebi Günther, and common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., dominated the migratory community. Both estimators provided data essential to further the development of an appropriate fish passage facility and could be applied to other sites where the size of migratory fish populations is of interest. [source]

    Susceptibility of Common and Rare Plant Species to the Genetic Consequences of Habitat Fragmentation

    diversidad genética; endogamia; fragmentación de hábitat; sistema reproductivo; tamaño poblacional Abstract:,Small plant populations are more prone to extinction due to the loss of genetic variation through random genetic drift, increased selfing, and mating among related individuals. To date, most researchers dealing with genetic erosion in fragmented plant populations have focused on threatened or rare species. We raise the question whether common plant species are as susceptible to habitat fragmentation as rare species. We conducted a formal meta-analysis of habitat fragmentation studies that reported both population size and population genetic diversity. We estimated the overall weighted mean and variance of the correlation coefficients among four different measures of genetic diversity and plant population size. We then tested whether rarity, mating system, and plant longevity are potential moderators of the relationship between population size and genetic diversity. Mean gene diversity, percent polymorphic loci, and allelic richness across studies were positively and highly significantly correlated with population size, whereas no significant relationship was found between population size and the inbreeding coefficient. Genetic diversity of self-compatible species was less affected by decreasing population size than that of obligate outcrossing and self-compatible but mainly outcrossing species. Longevity did not affect the population genetic response to fragmentation. Our most important finding, however, was that common species were as, or more, susceptible to the population genetic consequences of habitat fragmentation than rare species, even when historically or naturally rare species were excluded from the analysis. These results are dramatic in that many more plant species than previously assumed may be vulnerable to genetic erosion and loss of genetic diversity as a result of ongoing fragmentation processes. This implies that many fragmented habitats have become unable to support plant populations that are large enough to maintain a mutation-drift balance and that occupied habitat fragments have become too isolated to allow sufficient gene flow to enable replenishment of lost alleles. Resumen:,Las poblaciones pequeñas de plantas son más propensas a la extinción debido a la pérdida de variación genética por medio de la deriva génica aleatoria, el incremento de autogamia y la reproducción entre individuos emparentados. A la fecha, la mayoría de los investigadores que trabajan con erosión genética en poblaciones fragmentadas de plantas se han enfocado en las especies amenazadas o raras. Cuestionamos si las especies de plantas comunes son tan susceptibles a la fragmentación del hábitat como las especies raras. Realizamos un meta análisis formal de estudios de fragmentación que reportaron tanto tamaño poblacional como diversidad genética. Estimamos la media general ponderada y la varianza de los coeficientes de correlación entre cuatro medidas de diversidad genética y de tamaño poblacional de las plantas. Posteriormente probamos si la rareza, el sistema reproductivo y la longevidad de la planta son moderadores potenciales de la relación entre el tamaño poblacional y la diversidad genética. La diversidad genética promedio, el porcentaje de loci polimórficos y la riqueza alélica en los estudios tuvieron una correlación positiva y altamente significativa con el tamaño poblacional, mientras que no encontramos relación significativa entre el tamaño poblacional y el coeficiente de endogamia. La diversidad genética de especies auto compatibles fue menos afectada por la reducción en el tamaño poblacional que la de especies exogámicas obligadas y especies auto compatibles, pero principalmente exogámicas. La longevidad no afectó la respuesta genética de la población a la fragmentación. Sin embargo, nuestro hallazgo más importante fue que las especies comunes fueron tan, o más, susceptibles a las consecuencias genéticas de la fragmentación del hábitat que las especies raras, aun cuando las especies histórica o naturalmente raras fueron excluidas del análisis. Estos resultados son dramáticos porque muchas especies más pueden ser vulnerables a la erosión genética y a la pérdida de diversidad genética como consecuencia de los procesos de fragmentación que lo se asumía previamente. Esto implica que muchos hábitats fragmentados han perdido la capacidad para soportar poblaciones de plantas lo suficientemente grandes para mantener un equilibrio mutación-deriva y que los fragmentos de hábitat ocupados están tan aislados que el flujo génico es insuficiente para permitir la reposición de alelos perdidos. [source]

    Adaptive Units for Conservation: Population Distinction and Historic Extinctions in the Island Scrub-Jay

    Aphelocoma; diversidad genética especie; endémica; genética de conservación; Islas Channel Abstract:,The Island Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma insularis) is found on Santa Cruz Island, California, and is the only insular bird species in the continental United States. We typed seven microsatellite loci and sequenced a portion of the mitochondrial DNA control region of Island Scrub-Jays and their closest mainland relative, the Western Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma californica), to assess levels of variability and effective population size and to examine the evolutionary relationship between the two species. The estimated female effective population size, Nef, of the Island Scrub-Jay was 1603 (90% confidence interval: 1481,1738) and was about 7.5% of the size of the mainland species. Island and Western Scrub-Jays have highly divergent control-region sequences, and the value of 3.14 ± 0.09% sequence divergence between the two species suggests a divergence time of approximately 151,000 years ago. Because the four northern Channel Islands were joined as one large island as recently as 11,000 years ago, extinctions must have occurred on the three other northern Channel islands, Santa Rosa, San Miguel, and Anacapa, highlighting the vulnerability of the remaining population. We assessed the evolutionary significance of four island endemics, including the Island Scrub-Jay, based on both genetic and adaptive divergence. Our results show that the Island Scrub-Jay is a distinct species of high conservation value whose history and adaptive potential is not well predicted by study of other island vertebrates. Resumen:, Aphelocoma insularis se encuentra en la Isla Santa Cruz, California, y es la única especie de ave insular en Estados Unidos continental. Clasificamos siete locus microsatelitales y secuenciamos una porción de la región control del ADN mitocondrial de A. insularis y su pariente continental más cercano A. californica para evaluar niveles de variabilidad y tamaño poblacional efectivo y examinar las relaciones evolutivas entre las dos especies. El tamaño poblacional efectivo de hembras, Neh, de A. insularis fue estimado en 1603 (90% CI: 1481-1738) y fue aproximadamente 7.5% del tamaño de la especie continental. Aphelocoma insularis y A. californica tienen secuencias muy divergentes en la región control, y el valor de divergencia secuencial de 3.14 ± 0.09% entre las dos especies sugiere un tiempo de divergencia de aproximadamente 151,000 años. Debido a que las cuatro Islas Channel estuvieron unidas en una sola isla tan recientemente como hace 11,000 años, deben haber ocurrido extinciones en las otras tres islas Channel, Santa Rosa, San Miguel y Anacapa, acentuando la vulnerabilidad de la población remanente. Evaluamos el significado evolutivo de cuatro especies insulares endémicas incluyendo A. insularis con base en la divergencia genética y adaptativa. Nuestros resultados muestran que A. insularis es una especie distinta de alto valor de conservación, cuya historia y potencial adaptativo no es pronosticado correctamente por el estudio de otros vertebrados insulares. [source]

    Introduction Strategies Put to the Test: Local Adaptation versus Heterosis

    exogamia; introducciones multi-fuente; introducciones uni-fuente; Succisa pratensis Abstract:,Plant biodiversity has declined seriously because of both habitat deterioration and habitat fragmentation. As a result, many species have been forced into small, fragmented, and isolated populations and are believed to suffer from higher extinction risks. Genetic reinforcement and the establishment of new populations are now widely used to prevent extinction. However, the genetic background of transplants may seriously affect the long-term success of these populations because increased genetic variation may reduce the risk of inbreeding or lead to better performance by restored heterozygosity levels (heterosis). Introduced transplants, however, may be poorly adapted to the new local conditions. We tested the initial success of alternative introduction strategies. We evaluated the potential for inbreeding, heterosis, and/or local adaptation after introduction of artificial populations of Succisa pratensis. We introduced individuals from local and distant artificial populations that were created from either small or large populations. We created the artificial populations with the same census population size but varying effective population sizes by adjusting the relatedness of individuals. We analyzed the demographic consequences of inbreeding, heterosis, and/or local adaptation of these artificial populations. Reduced performance after selfing was manifested by a reduction in seed production, seed weight, germination, and flowering percentage. Seed production, seed weight, flowering percentage, and number of flowerheads were negatively affected by small population size. Local adaptation increased biomass and flowering percentage for local individuals. Seed weight and seed production exhibited significant heterosis. Our results demonstrate that threatened populations can benefit from introduction and genetic reinforcement of individuals from related populations. Significant differences among the artificial populations for several measured performance components suggest that introduction or reinforcement is best achieved through material from a local population or, when unavailable, from several large populations. Resumen:,La biodiversidad de plantas ha declinado seriamente tanto por el deterioro como la fragmentación de hábitats. Como resultado, muchas especies han sido relegadas a poblaciones pequeñas, fragmentadas y aisladas cuyos riesgos de extinción se piensa que son mayores. El reforzamiento genético y el establecimiento de poblaciones nuevas se utilizan ampliamente en la actualidad para prevenir la extinción. Sin embargo, los antecedentes genéticos de transplantes pueden afectar seriamente el éxito de estas poblaciones a largo plazo debido a que el incremento en la variación genética puede reducir el riesgo de endogamia o puede conducir a un mejor rendimiento por lograr niveles de heterocigosidad restaurados (heterosis). No obstante, los trasplantes introducidos pueden adaptarse deficientemente a las nuevas condiciones locales. Probamos el éxito inicial de estrategias de introducción alternativas. Evaluamos el potencial de endogamia, heterosis y/o adaptación local después de la introducción de poblaciones artificiales de Succisa pratensis. Introdujimos individuos de poblaciones locales y de poblaciones artificiales distantes que fueron creadas a partir de poblaciones tanto pequeñas como grandes. Las poblaciones artificiales fueron creadas con el mismo tamaño poblacional censal pero variaron en tamaños poblacionales efectivos al ajustar la parentela de los individuos. Analizamos las consecuencias demográficas de la endogamia, heterosis y/o adaptación local de estas poblaciones artificiales. Después de la autofecundación se manifestó una reducción en el rendimiento por reducción en la producción y peso de semillas y en el porcentaje de germinación y floración. La producción y peso de semillas, el porcentaje de floración y el número de botones florales fueron afectados negativamente por el tamaño poblacional pequeño. La adaptación local incrementó la biomasa y el porcentaje de floración en individuos locales. El peso y producción de semillas mostró heterosis significativa. Nuestros resultados demuestran que las poblaciones amenazadas pueden beneficiarse de la introducción y del reforzamiento genético de individuos de poblaciones emparentadas. Las diferencias significativas entre las poblaciones artificiales en varios de los componentes de rendimiento medidos sugiere que la introducción o reforzamiento se logra mejor con material de una población local o, cuando no disponible, con material de varias poblaciones grandes. [source]

    Genetic Effects of Multiple Generations of Supportive Breeding

    Jinliang Wang
    This procedure is intended to increase population size without introducing exogenous genes into the managed population. Previous work examining the genetic effects of a single generation of supportive breeding has shown that although a successful program increases the census population size, it may reduce the genetically effective population size and thereby induce excessive inbreeding and loss of genetic variation. We expand and generalize previous analyses of supportive breeding and consider the effects of multiple generations of supportive breeding on rates of inbreeding and genetic drift. We derived recurrence equations for the inbreeding coefficient and coancestry, and thereby equations for inbreeding and variance effective sizes, under three models for selecting captive breeders: at random, preferentially among those born in captivity, and preferentially among those born in the wild. Numerical examples indicate that supportive breeding, when carried out successfully over multiple generations, may increase not only the census but also the effective size of the supported population as a whole. If supportive breeding does not result in a substantial and continuous increase of the census size of the breeding population, however, it might be genetically harmful because of elevated rates of inbreeding and genetic drift. Resumen: La práctica de apoyar poblaciones silvestres débiles mediante la captura de una fracción de los individuos silvestres, su cautiverio para la reproducción y la liberación a su descendencia en habitas naturales para que convivan con organismos silvestres se conoce como reproducción de apoyo y se ha empleado ampliamente en la biología de la conservación y en el manejo de pesca y vida silvestre. Este procedimiento tiene la intención de incrementar el tamaño de la población sin introducir genes exógenos en la población bajo manejo. Trabajos previos sobre los efectos genéticos de una sola generación de reproducción de apoyo muestran que, aunque un programa exitoso incrementa el tamaño poblacional, puede reducir la población genéticamente efectivae inducir así un exceso de consanguinidad y pérdida de variación genética. Expandimos y generalizamos análisis previos de la reproducción de apoyo y consideramos los efectos de múltiples generaciones de reproducción de soporte en las tasas de consanguinidad y de deriva génica. Derivamos ecuaciones de recurrencia para el coeficiente de consanguinidad y de coancestría, y por tanto ecuaciones de tamaños efectivos de consanguinidad y de varianza, para tres modelos de selección de reproductores en cautiverio : aleatoria, preferentemente entre los nacidos en cautiverio y preferentemente entre los nacidos en libertad. Los ejemplos numéricos indican que la reproducción de apoyo, cuando es exitosa en múltiples generaciones, puede ser favorable para el incremento no solo del tamaño, sino del tamaño efectivo de la población soportada en su conjunto. Sin embargo, si la reproducción de soporte no resulta en un incremento sustancial y continuo del tamaño de la población, puede ser genéticamente dañina debido a las altas tasas de consanguinidad y de deriva genética. [source]

    Population Size, Genetic Variation, and Reproductive Success in a Rapidly Declining, Self-Incompatible Perennial (Arnica montana) in The Netherlands

    Sheila H. Luijten
    In 26 populations in The Netherlands we investigated the relationship between population size and genetic variation using allozyme markers. Genetic variation was low in A. montana ( He = 0.088). There were positive correlations between population size and the proportion of polymorphic loci, the number of effective alleles, and expected heterozygosity, but not with observed heterozygosity. There was a significantly positive correlation between population size and the inbreeding coefficient. Generally, small populations showed heterozygote excess, which decreased with increasing population size. Possibly, the heterozygous individuals in small populations are survivors from the formerly larger populations with relatively high fitness. The F statistics showed a moderately high level of differentiation among populations ( FST = 0.140 ± 0.02), implying a low level of gene flow. For three out of four allozyme loci, we found significant inbreeding ( FIS = 0.104 ± 0.03). Only 14 of 26 populations were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium at all four polymorphic loci. In a subset of 14 populations of various size, we investigated natural seed production and offspring fitness. Population size was positively correlated with seed set, seedling size, number of flowering stems and flowerheads, adult survival, and total relative fitness, but not with the number of florets per flowerhead, germination rate, or the proportion of germination. Offspring performance in the greenhouse was not associated with genetic diversity measured on their mothers in the field. We conclude that the fitness of small populations is significantly reduced, but that there is as yet no evidence that this was caused by inbreeding. Possibly, the self-incompatibility system of A. montana has been effective in reducing selfing rates and inbreeding depression. Resumen:Arnica montana es una especie de planta rara, en declinación rápida y autoincompatible. En 26 poblaciones de los Países Bajos investigamos la relación entre el tamaño poblacional y la variación genética mediante el uso de alozimas marcadoras. La variación genética fue baja en A. montana ( He = 0.088). Existió una correlación positiva entre el tamaño poblacional y la proporción de emplazamientos polimórficos, el número de alelos efectivos y la heterocigocidad esperada, pero no con la heterocigocidad observada. Existió una correlación positiva significativa entre el tamaño poblacional y el coeficiente de endogamia. Generalmente, las poblaciones pequeñas mostraron una heterocigocidad excesiva con disminuciones en el tamaño poblacional. Posiblemente, los individuos heterocigóticos de poblaciones pequeñas son sobrevivientes de poblaciones anteriormente grandes con una adaptabilidad relativamente alta. Las pruebas de F mostraron un nivel de diferenciación moderadamente alto entre poblaciones ( FST = 0.140 ± 0.02) lo que implica un nivel bajo de flujo de genes. Para tres de cuatro de los emplazamientos de alozimas encontramos una endogamia significativa ( FIS = 0.104 ± 0.03). Solamente 14 de las 26 poblaciones estuvieron en equilibrio Hardy-Weinberg para los cuatro emplazamientos polimórficos. En un subconjunto de 14 poblaciones de varios tamaños, investigamos la producción natural de semillas y la adaptabilidad de la descendencia. El tamaño poblacional estuvo positivamente correlacionado con el juego de semillas, el tamaño del almácigo, el número de tallos en flor y de inflorescencias, la supervivencia de adultos y la adaptabilidad total relativa, pero no con el número de flores por inflorescencia, la tasa de germinación ni la proporción de la germinación. El rendimiento de la descendencia en invernaderos no estuvo asociado con la diversidad genética medida en sus madres en el campo. Concluimos que la adaptabilidad de poblaciones pequeñas está significativamente reducida, pero no existe aún evidencia de que esto sea ocasionado por endogamia. Es posible que el sistema de autoincompatibilidad de A. montana haya sido efectivo en la reducción de tasas de autofecundación y depresión de la endogamia. [source]