Polymorphic Loci (polymorphic + locus)

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Selected Abstracts

An Exact Test for the Association Between the Disease and Alleles at Highly Polymorphic Loci with Particular Interest in the Haplotype Analysis

BIOMETRICS, Issue 3 2001
Chihiro Hirotsu
Summary. The association analysis between the disease and genetic alleles is one of the simple methods for localizing the susceptibility locus in the genes. For revealing the association, several statistical tests have been proposed without discussing explicitly the alternative hypotheses. We therefore specify two types of alternative hypotheses (i.e., there is only one susceptibility allele in the locus, and there is an extension or shortening of alleles associated with the disease) and derive exact tests for the respective hypotheses. We also propose to combine these two tests when the prior knowledge is not sufficient enough to specify one of these two hypotheses. In particular, these ideas are extended to the haplotype analysis of three-way association between the disease and bivariate allele frequencies at two closely linked loci. As a by-product, a factorization of the probability distribution of the three-way cell frequencies under the null hypothesis of no three-way interaction is obtained. [source]

Susceptibility of Common and Rare Plant Species to the Genetic Consequences of Habitat Fragmentation

diversidad genética; endogamia; fragmentación de hábitat; sistema reproductivo; tamaño poblacional Abstract:,Small plant populations are more prone to extinction due to the loss of genetic variation through random genetic drift, increased selfing, and mating among related individuals. To date, most researchers dealing with genetic erosion in fragmented plant populations have focused on threatened or rare species. We raise the question whether common plant species are as susceptible to habitat fragmentation as rare species. We conducted a formal meta-analysis of habitat fragmentation studies that reported both population size and population genetic diversity. We estimated the overall weighted mean and variance of the correlation coefficients among four different measures of genetic diversity and plant population size. We then tested whether rarity, mating system, and plant longevity are potential moderators of the relationship between population size and genetic diversity. Mean gene diversity, percent polymorphic loci, and allelic richness across studies were positively and highly significantly correlated with population size, whereas no significant relationship was found between population size and the inbreeding coefficient. Genetic diversity of self-compatible species was less affected by decreasing population size than that of obligate outcrossing and self-compatible but mainly outcrossing species. Longevity did not affect the population genetic response to fragmentation. Our most important finding, however, was that common species were as, or more, susceptible to the population genetic consequences of habitat fragmentation than rare species, even when historically or naturally rare species were excluded from the analysis. These results are dramatic in that many more plant species than previously assumed may be vulnerable to genetic erosion and loss of genetic diversity as a result of ongoing fragmentation processes. This implies that many fragmented habitats have become unable to support plant populations that are large enough to maintain a mutation-drift balance and that occupied habitat fragments have become too isolated to allow sufficient gene flow to enable replenishment of lost alleles. Resumen:,Las poblaciones pequeñas de plantas son más propensas a la extinción debido a la pérdida de variación genética por medio de la deriva génica aleatoria, el incremento de autogamia y la reproducción entre individuos emparentados. A la fecha, la mayoría de los investigadores que trabajan con erosión genética en poblaciones fragmentadas de plantas se han enfocado en las especies amenazadas o raras. Cuestionamos si las especies de plantas comunes son tan susceptibles a la fragmentación del hábitat como las especies raras. Realizamos un meta análisis formal de estudios de fragmentación que reportaron tanto tamaño poblacional como diversidad genética. Estimamos la media general ponderada y la varianza de los coeficientes de correlación entre cuatro medidas de diversidad genética y de tamaño poblacional de las plantas. Posteriormente probamos si la rareza, el sistema reproductivo y la longevidad de la planta son moderadores potenciales de la relación entre el tamaño poblacional y la diversidad genética. La diversidad genética promedio, el porcentaje de loci polimórficos y la riqueza alélica en los estudios tuvieron una correlación positiva y altamente significativa con el tamaño poblacional, mientras que no encontramos relación significativa entre el tamaño poblacional y el coeficiente de endogamia. La diversidad genética de especies auto compatibles fue menos afectada por la reducción en el tamaño poblacional que la de especies exogámicas obligadas y especies auto compatibles, pero principalmente exogámicas. La longevidad no afectó la respuesta genética de la población a la fragmentación. Sin embargo, nuestro hallazgo más importante fue que las especies comunes fueron tan, o más, susceptibles a las consecuencias genéticas de la fragmentación del hábitat que las especies raras, aun cuando las especies histórica o naturalmente raras fueron excluidas del análisis. Estos resultados son dramáticos porque muchas especies más pueden ser vulnerables a la erosión genética y a la pérdida de diversidad genética como consecuencia de los procesos de fragmentación que lo se asumía previamente. Esto implica que muchos hábitats fragmentados han perdido la capacidad para soportar poblaciones de plantas lo suficientemente grandes para mantener un equilibrio mutación-deriva y que los fragmentos de hábitat ocupados están tan aislados que el flujo génico es insuficiente para permitir la reposición de alelos perdidos. [source]

Population Size, Genetic Variation, and Reproductive Success in a Rapidly Declining, Self-Incompatible Perennial (Arnica montana) in The Netherlands

Sheila H. Luijten
In 26 populations in The Netherlands we investigated the relationship between population size and genetic variation using allozyme markers. Genetic variation was low in A. montana ( He = 0.088). There were positive correlations between population size and the proportion of polymorphic loci, the number of effective alleles, and expected heterozygosity, but not with observed heterozygosity. There was a significantly positive correlation between population size and the inbreeding coefficient. Generally, small populations showed heterozygote excess, which decreased with increasing population size. Possibly, the heterozygous individuals in small populations are survivors from the formerly larger populations with relatively high fitness. The F statistics showed a moderately high level of differentiation among populations ( FST = 0.140 ± 0.02), implying a low level of gene flow. For three out of four allozyme loci, we found significant inbreeding ( FIS = 0.104 ± 0.03). Only 14 of 26 populations were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium at all four polymorphic loci. In a subset of 14 populations of various size, we investigated natural seed production and offspring fitness. Population size was positively correlated with seed set, seedling size, number of flowering stems and flowerheads, adult survival, and total relative fitness, but not with the number of florets per flowerhead, germination rate, or the proportion of germination. Offspring performance in the greenhouse was not associated with genetic diversity measured on their mothers in the field. We conclude that the fitness of small populations is significantly reduced, but that there is as yet no evidence that this was caused by inbreeding. Possibly, the self-incompatibility system of A. montana has been effective in reducing selfing rates and inbreeding depression. Resumen:Arnica montana es una especie de planta rara, en declinación rápida y autoincompatible. En 26 poblaciones de los Países Bajos investigamos la relación entre el tamaño poblacional y la variación genética mediante el uso de alozimas marcadoras. La variación genética fue baja en A. montana ( He = 0.088). Existió una correlación positiva entre el tamaño poblacional y la proporción de emplazamientos polimórficos, el número de alelos efectivos y la heterocigocidad esperada, pero no con la heterocigocidad observada. Existió una correlación positiva significativa entre el tamaño poblacional y el coeficiente de endogamia. Generalmente, las poblaciones pequeñas mostraron una heterocigocidad excesiva con disminuciones en el tamaño poblacional. Posiblemente, los individuos heterocigóticos de poblaciones pequeñas son sobrevivientes de poblaciones anteriormente grandes con una adaptabilidad relativamente alta. Las pruebas de F mostraron un nivel de diferenciación moderadamente alto entre poblaciones ( FST = 0.140 ± 0.02) lo que implica un nivel bajo de flujo de genes. Para tres de cuatro de los emplazamientos de alozimas encontramos una endogamia significativa ( FIS = 0.104 ± 0.03). Solamente 14 de las 26 poblaciones estuvieron en equilibrio Hardy-Weinberg para los cuatro emplazamientos polimórficos. En un subconjunto de 14 poblaciones de varios tamaños, investigamos la producción natural de semillas y la adaptabilidad de la descendencia. El tamaño poblacional estuvo positivamente correlacionado con el juego de semillas, el tamaño del almácigo, el número de tallos en flor y de inflorescencias, la supervivencia de adultos y la adaptabilidad total relativa, pero no con el número de flores por inflorescencia, la tasa de germinación ni la proporción de la germinación. El rendimiento de la descendencia en invernaderos no estuvo asociado con la diversidad genética medida en sus madres en el campo. Concluimos que la adaptabilidad de poblaciones pequeñas está significativamente reducida, pero no existe aún evidencia de que esto sea ocasionado por endogamia. Es posible que el sistema de autoincompatibilidad de A. montana haya sido efectivo en la reducción de tasas de autofecundación y depresión de la endogamia. [source]

Direct genotyping of the poplar leaf rust fungus, Melampsora medusae f. sp. deltoidae, using codominant PCR-SSCP markers

M. Bourassa
Summary Two anonymous DNA markers that are revealed by single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis were developed for detection of polymorphisms in Melampsora medusae f. sp. deltoidae (Mmd). Mono-uredinial isolates of Mmd were first obtained, DNA was extracted from urediniospores and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) products of eight mono-uredinial isolates were separated on a SSCP gel to identify differences among them. Bands representing putative polymorphic loci among the eight isolates tested were excised from the SSCP gel and re-amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and then cloned and sequenced. A primer pair was designed to amplify a DNA fragment of a size suitable for SSCP analysis (<600 bp) for two out of three DNA fragments sequenced. Each set of primers amplified a PCR product for all eight isolates that were initially used to generate them and the resulting PCR products were analysed by SSCP. Polymorphisms among isolates were identified for both putative loci. The two primer pairs amplified a PCR product of the expected size on an additional 32 mono-uredinial isolates of Mmd tested. From the overall 40 mono-uredinial isolates tested, 5 and 11 alleles were detected, and 12 and 34 isolates showed to be heterozygous, as indicated by the presence of more than two bands on the SSCP gel, at loci A and B, respectively. The primer pairs were tested for specificity against 106 fungal isolates belonging to various taxa, including other rusts, and against DNA extracted from greenhouse-grown healthy poplar leaves. DNA amplification products of the expected size were obtained only when Mmd DNA was present. Optimization of PCR conditions with these two primer pairs allowed genotyping directly from single uredinia extracted from infected leaves, thus alleviating the need to culture the fungus to characterize individuals, hence making it possible to process large numbers of samples for population studies. Résumé Deux marqueurs génétiques anonymes, révélés par analyse SSCP (Single-Strand Conformational Polymorphism) ont été développés afin de détecter des polymorphismes génétiques chez le Melampsora medusae f. sp. deltoidae (Mmd). Dans un premier temps, des isolats mono-urédiniaux ont été obtenus, puis l'ADN a été extrait à partir des urédiniospores, les produits d'amplification RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) ont été générés à partir de huit de ces isolats mono-urédiniaux et les résultats d'amplification ont par la suite été séparés sur gel SSCP afin d'identifier des polymorphismes entre les isolats. Les bandes sur gel SSCP représentant des loci polymorphiques putatifs entre les isolats ont été prélevées du gel, ré-amplifiées par la technique d'amplification PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), clonées, puis séquencées. Pour deux fragments d'ADN séquencés sur un total de trois, une paire d'amorces a été développée afin de permettre l'amplification d'un fragment de taille adéquate pour analyse SSCP (<600 pb). Chaque paire d'amorces a produit un signal d'amplification positif pour chacun des huit isolats à l'origine de ces nouvelles amorces; les produits PCR ont ensuite été analysés par la technique SSCP. Les deux loci putatifs ont révélé des polymorphismes génétiques entre les isolats. Les deux paires d'amorces ont produit un fragment d'amplification de la taille attendue pour chacun des 32 isolats mono-urédiniaux supplémentaires testés. Des 40 isolats testés, 5 et 11 allèles ont été détectés, alors que 12 et 34 isolats se sont révélés hétérozygotes (tel qu'indiqué par la présence de plus de deux bandes sur gel SSCP) pour les loci A et B, respectivement. La spécificité des deux paires d'amorces a été testée à partir de 106 isolats fongiques appartenant à différents groupes taxonomiques, incluant d'autres rouilles, de même qu'à partir de l'ADN extrait de feuilles de peupliers cultivés en serre. Un signal d'amplification positif n'a été obtenu qu'en présence d'ADN du Mmd. Les conditions d'amplification PCR ont été optimisées pour les deux paires d'amorces développées afin de permettre le génotypage directement à partir d'urédinies individuelles prélevées sur des feuilles de peuplier infectées. La possibilité de génotyper directement des urédinies individuelles permet d'éviter l'obligation de cultiver le champignon pour génotyper les individus, ce qui représente un avantage important des marqueurs génétiques développés ici, puisqu'il devient dès lors possible de traiter un grand nombre d'échantillons lors de la réalisation d'études de populations. Zusammenfassung Zum Nachweis von Polymorphismen bei Melampsora medusae f. sp. deltoidae wurden zwei anonyme DNA Marker aus einer SSCP-Analyse entwickelt. Zunächst wurden Isolate aus einzelnen Uredinien gewonnen, die DNA wurde aus den Uredosporen extrahiert und polymorphe RAPD, Amplifikationsprodukte von acht Mono-Uredinium-Isolaten wurden auf einem SSCP-Gel getrennt, um Unterschiede zwischen ihnen nachzuweisen. Banden, die bei den acht geprüften Isolaten mögliche polymorphe Loci darstellten, wurden aus dem SSCP-Gel ausgeschnitten und mit PCR reamplifiziert, dann geklont und sequenziert. Für zwei von insgesamt drei sequenzierten DNA-Fragmenten wurde ein Primerpaar entwickelt, um ein in der Grösse für die SSCP-Analyse (<600 bp) geeignetes DNA-Fragment zu amplifizieren. Jedes Primerpaar amplifizierte bei allen acht ursprünglich für ihre Entwicklung verwendeten Isolaten ein PCR-Produkt, und diese wurden anschliessend mit SSCP analysiert. Für beide putativen Loci wurden bei den Isolaten Polymorphismen festgestellt. Die beiden Primerpaare amplifizierten ein PCR-Produkt der erwarteten Grösse bei allen 32 zusätzlich geprüften Mono-Uredinium-Isolaten des Pilzes. Bei den insgesamt 40 geprüften Mono-Uredinium-Isolaten wurden für die Loci A und B 5 bzw. 11 Allele gefunden, und 12 bzw. 34 Isolate erwiesen sich als heterozygot, was durch mehr als zwei Banden auf den SSCP-Gelen angezeigt wurde. Die Spezifität der Primerpaare wurden mit 106 Pilzisolaten aus verschiedenen Taxa geprüft, darunter andere Roste sowie DNA aus gesunden Pappelblättern aus Gewächshauskulturen. DNA-Amplifikationsprodukte der erwarteten Grösse wurden nur erhalten, wenn DNA von Melampsora medusae f. sp. deltoidae präsent war. Die PCR-Amplifikations-Bedingungen mit diesen beiden Primerpaaren wurde so optimiert, dass ein Genotyping direkt bei einzelnen von infizierten Blättern entnommenen Uredinien erfolgen kann und somit eine Pilzkultur zur Charakterisierung von Individuen entfällt. Dies ermöglicht grosse Probenzahlen in Populationsstudien. [source]

Finding starting points for Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis of genetic data from large and complex pedigrees

Yuqun Luo
Abstract Genetic data from founder populations are advantageous for studies of complex traits that are often plagued by the problem of genetic heterogeneity. However, the desire to analyze large and complex pedigrees that often arise from such populations, coupled with the need to handle many linked and highly polymorphic loci simultaneously, poses challenges to current standard approaches. A viable alternative to solving such problems is via Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) procedures, where a Markov chain, defined on the state space of a latent variable (e.g., genotypic configuration or inheritance vector), is constructed. However, finding starting points for the Markov chains is a difficult problem when the pedigree is not single-locus peelable; methods proposed in the literature have not yielded completely satisfactory solutions. We propose a generalization of the heated Gibbs sampler with relaxed penetrances (HGRP) of Lin et al., ([1993] IMA J. Math. Appl. Med. Biol. 10:1,17) to search for starting points. HGRP guarantees that a starting point will be found if there is no error in the data, but the chain usually needs to be run for a long time if the pedigree is extremely large and complex. By introducing a forcing step, the current algorithm substantially reduces the state space, and hence effectively speeds up the process of finding a starting point. Our algorithm also has a built-in preprocessing procedure for Mendelian error detection. The algorithm has been applied to both simulated and real data on two large and complex Hutterite pedigrees under many settings, and good results are obtained. The algorithm has been implemented in a user-friendly package called START. Genet Epidemiol 25:14,24, 2003. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

A T3 allele in the CFTR gene exacerbates exon 9 skipping in vas deferens and epididymal cell lines and is associated with Congenital Bilateral Absence of Vas Deferens (CBAVD),

HUMAN MUTATION, Issue 1 2005
Antoine Disset
Abstract The different alleles at the (TG)m(T)n polymorphic loci at the 3, end of the human CFTR intron 8 determine the efficiency by which exon 9 is spliced. We identified a novel TG12T3 allele in a congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens (CBAVD) patient who carries a [TG11T7; p.Phe508Cys; p.Met470Val] haplotype on the other chromosome. To better understand the complex regulation of exon 9 splicing, we analyzed the levels of correctly spliced CFTR transcripts in six CFTR-expressing epithelial cell lines derived from lung, colon, testis, vas deferens, and epididymis transiently transfected with four CFTR minigenes (pTG11T7, pTG12T7, pTG12T5, and pTG12T3). In this work, we show that a decrease in the Ts at the polymorphic locus in a TG12 background determines a cell-type dependent reduction in exon 9+ transcripts that is not related to the basal splicing efficiency in the cell line. These data emphasize the role of the T5 allele in CBAVD and identify the T3 allele as a severe cystic fibrosis (CF) disease-causing mutation. Finally, UV cross-linking experiments demonstrated that tissue-specific trans -acting splicing factors do not contribute to the different patterns of exon 9 splicing found between the cell lines. However, we observed that lower numbers of Ts can alter the binding of TDP-43 (TDP43 or TARDBP) to its specific target ug12 in a tissue-specific manner. Our results support the idea that the ratio of general splicing factors plays a role in the tissue variability of exon 9 alternative splicing. Hum Mutat 25:72,81, 2005. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Infrequent microsatellite instability in liver fluke infection-associated intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas from Thailand

Upama Liengswangwong
Abstract The liver fluke infection-associated intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) is a major liver cancer in Northeast Thailand. The molecular basis of this ICC is poorly understood. To address possible roles of the DNA mismatch repair (MMR) system in ICC carcinogenesis, a fluorescence-labeling PCR/laser scanning technique with high sensitivity was employed to analyze genomic instability in the nuclear DNA (nDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in 24 fresh and 13 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues of ICC and their corresponding normal parts. Microsatellite instability (MSI) was assessed in nDNA, using 12 highly polymorphic loci including 5 Bethesda markers. These loci were mainly related to major MMR genes, hMSH2 and hMLH1. Also 3 (C)n and/or (C)n(A)n repeat instability at 1 noncoding region in the displacement-loop (D-loop) and 2 coding sequences in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and subunit 5 gene in mtDNA were analyzed. MSI was only detected in 1 (2.7%), 6 (16.7%), 1 (2.9%), 1 (2.9%) or 2 (6.3%) out of 37, 36, 35, 35 or 32 cases at BAT-25, D2S123, D3S1611, D11S904 or D17S250, respectively. LOH was found at D3S1298, D3S1561, D5S346 and TP53 in 4 (18.2%) out of 22, 2 (18.2%) out of 11, 6 (33.3%) out of 18 and 3 (12.5%) out of 24 informative cases, respectively. In mtDNA, none except a single case out of the 37 (2.7%) exhibited repeat sequence instability in the D-loop. We conclude that the liver fluke infection-associated ICC in Thailand is classified as low frequency MSI or microsatellite stable type and that DNA MMR system, through hMSH2 and hMLH1 gene mutations, does not play a major role in its carcinogenesis. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

The analysis of JAK2 and MPL mutations and JAK2 single nucleotide polymorphisms in MPN patients by MassARRAY assay

Summary Recent studies have shown that JAK2 V617F, MPL W515L/K and JAK2 exon 12 mutations underlie the major molecular pathogenesis of myeloproliferative disorders (MPN). Allele-Specific Polymerase Chain Reaction (AS-PCR), direct sequencing and MassARRAY assay were used to ascertain the real prevalence of these mutations and the influence of genetic susceptibility in Chinese MPN patients. The positive rate of JAK2 V617F in polycythaemia vera (PV), essential thrombocythaemia (ET) and primary myelofibrosis (PMF) was 82.0%, 36.6% and 51.1% respectively. One ET patient and two PMF patients harboured the MPL W515L mutation and three PV patients harboured JAK2 exon 12 mutations. All of these patients were confirmed as JAK2 V617F negative. Clinical data demonstrated that PV patients with JAK2 exon 12 mutations were younger, had higher haemoglobin levels and white blood cell counts than PV patients with JAK2 V617F. In addition, through analysis of 4 polymorphic loci of JAK2 gene, no significant difference of distribution frequency was found among PV, ET and PMF patients. Distribution frequency of haplotype also was not significantly different among PV, ET and PMF patients. We conclude that JAK2 V617F is a major molecular pathogenesis in Chinese MPN patients. MPL W515L mutation and JAK2 exon 12 mutations can also be found in JAK2 V617F negative MPN patients. [source]

Can low densities of carnivores result in genetic depletion?

An investigation within French polecat populations
Summary Carnivores as top predators are commonly found in relatively low densities even in optimal habitats. Despite a lack of empirical studies, it could be suspected that long-term low density could result in genetic depletion. The genetic structure of European polecat Mustela putorius natural populations was investigated by allozyme electrophoresis in five distinct areas. Density estimates significantly differed among sites from 0.17 to 0.83 individuals/km2 with an average of 0.56 individuals per km2, resulting in a scattered distribution. Genetic structure varied among distinct populations both in number of polymorphic loci and heterozygosity. Polecats from Brittany revealed a very low observed heterozygosity (HO = 0.028) whereas mean heterozygosity reached HO = 0.072 in Brière. That the lowest heterozygosity levels and highest inbreeding coefficient FIS were significantly associated with the lowest densities suggests that low densities may affect populations of carnivores. Both the loss of polymorphic loci and the reduction in heterozygosity rates suggest a density-dependent effect and population density can be arguably regarded as a factor affecting genetic diversity in top carnivores. [source]

Amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis to identify the genetic structure of the Gymnocypris przewalskii (Kessler, 1876) population from the Qinghai Basin, China

D. Chen
Summary Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was used to analyse the genetic structure of 45 individuals of Gymnocypris przewalskii (Kessler, 1876), an endangered and state-protected rare fish species, from three areas [the Heima (HM), Buha (BH) and Shaliu rivers (SL), all draining into Qinghai Lake]. A total of 563 polymorphic loci were detected. The HM, BH and SL populations have 435, 433 and 391 loci, respectively (Zhu and Wu, 1975), which account for 77.26%, 76.91% and 69.45% of the total number of polymorphic loci of each population, respectively. The Nei indices of genetic diversities (H) of the three populations were calculated to be 0.2869 (HM), 0.2884 (BH) and 0.2663 (SL), respectively. Their Shannon informative indices are 0.4244, 0.4251 and 0.3915, respectively. Research results show that the mean genetic distance between HM and BH is the smallest (0.0511), between BH and SL is the second shortest (0.0608), and between HM and SL is the largest (0.0713), with the mean genetic distance among the three populations being over 0.05. Data mentioned above indicate that the three populations have a certain genetic differentiation. The total genetic diversity (Ht = 0.3045) and the mean value of genetic diversity within the population (Hs = 0.2786) indicate that the variations have mainly come from within the population. [source]

Identification of microsatellite DNA markers for population structure analysis in Indian major carp, Cirrhinus mrigala (Hamilton-Buchanan, 1882)

K. K. Lal
Summary Forty-four primer sequences available for four cyprinid fishes were tested to amplify microsatellite loci in Indian major carp, Cirrhinus mrigala. A total of 12 loci were successfully amplified with clear scorable patterns and five thereof were polymorphic. Suitability of the identified polymorphic loci in population structure analysis of C. mrigala was assessed. Genetic variation was examined in 76 specimens collected from five different rivers. The mean observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.247 to 0.333. Significant heterogeneity in allele frequencies was detected, indicating that the samples analysed did not belong to homogenous populations. The identified microsatellite markers are promising for the analysis of intraspecific divergence in C. mrigala across its distribution range. [source]

Genetic structure of Hypochaeris uniflora (Asteraceae) suggests vicariance in the Carpathians and rapid post-glacial colonization of the Alps from an eastern Alpine refugium

Patrik Mráz
Abstract Aim, The range of the subalpine species Hypochaeris uniflora covers the Alps, Carpathians and Sudetes Mountains. Whilst the genetic structure and post-glacial history of many high-mountain plant taxa of the Alps is relatively well documented, the Carpathian populations have often been neglected in phylogeographical studies. The aim of the present study is to compare the genetic variation of the species in two major European mountain systems , the Alps and the Carpathians. Location, Alps and Carpathians. Methods, The genetic variation of 77 populations, each consisting of three plants, was studied using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Results, Neighbour joining and principal coordinate analyses revealed three well-supported phylogeographical groups of populations corresponding to three disjunct geographical regions , the Alps and the western and south-eastern Carpathians. Moreover, two further clusters could be distinguished within the latter mountain range, one consisting of populations from the eastern Carpathians and the second consisting of populations from the southern Carpathians. Populations from the Apuseni Mountains had an intermediate position between the eastern and southern Carpathians. The genetic clustering of populations into four groups was also supported by an analysis of molecular variance, which showed that most genetic variation (almost 46%) was found among these four groups. By far the highest within-population variation was found in the eastern Carpathians, followed by populations from the southern and western Carpathians. Generally, the populations from the Alps were considerably less variable and displayed substantially fewer region-diagnostic markers than those from the south-eastern Carpathians. Although no clear geographical structure was found within the Alps, based on neighbour joining or principal coordinate analyses, some trends were obvious: populations from the easternmost part were genetically more variable and, together with those from the south-western part, exhibited a higher proportion of rare AFLP fragments than populations in other areas. Moreover, the total number of AFLP fragments per population, the percentage of polymorphic loci and the proportion of rare AFLP fragments significantly decreased from east to west. Main conclusions, Deep infraspecific phylogeographical gaps between the populations from the Alps and the western and south-eastern Carpathians suggest the survival of H. uniflora in three separate refugia during the last glaciation. Our AFLP data provide molecular evidence for a long-term geographical disjunction between the eastern and western Carpathians, previously suggested from the floristic composition at the end of 19th century. It is likely that Alpine populations survived the Last Glacial in the eastern part of the Alps, from where they rapidly colonized the rest of the Alps after the ice sheet retreated. Multiple founder effects may explain a gradual loss of genetic variation during westward colonization of the Alps. [source]

Genetic Diversity of Landraces in Gossypium arboreum L. Race sinense Assessed with Simple Sequence Repeat Markers

Wang-Zhen Guo
Abstract Asiatic cotton (Gossypium arboreum L.) is an "Old World" cultivated cotton species, the sinense race of which is planted extensively in China. This species is still used in the current tetraploid cotton breeding program as an elite germplasm line, and is also used as a model for genomic research in Gossypium. In the present study, 60 cotton microsatellite markers, averaging 4.6 markers for each A-genome chromosome, were chosen to assess the genetic diversity of 109 accessions. These included 106 G. arboreum landraces, collected from 18 provinces throughout four Asiatic cotton-growing regions in China. A total of 128 alleles were detected, with an average of 2.13 alleles per locus. The largest number of alleles, as well as the maximum number of polymorphic loci, was detected in the A03 linkage group. No polymorphic alleles were detected on chromosome 10. The polymorphism information content for the 22 polymorphic microsatellite loci varied from 0.52 to 0.98, with an average of 0.89. Genetic diversity analysis revealed that the landraces in the Southern region had more genetic variability than those from the other two regions, and no significant difference was detected between landraces in the Yangtze and the Yellow River Valley regions. These findings are consistent with the history of sinense introduction, with the Southern region being the presumed center of origin for Chinese Asiatic cotton, and with subsequent northeastward extension to the Yangtze and Yellow River Valleys. Cluster analysis, based on simple sequence repeat data for 60 microsatellite loci, clearly differentiated Vietnamese and G. herbaceum landraces from the sinense landrace. No relationship between inter-variety similarity and geographical ecological region was observed. The present findings indicate that the Southern region landraces may have been directly introduced into the provinces in the middle and lower Yangtze River Valley, where Asiatic cotton was most extensively grown, and further race sinense crops were subsequently produced. (Managing editor: Ya-Qin Han) [source]

Differentiation and Genetic Structure of Sclerophoma pythiophila Strains on Pinus sylvestris in Poland

Wojciech Kraj
Abstract Between 1996 and 2006, 97 strains of Sclerophoma pythiophila were isolated from 3 to 10-year-old trees of Pinus sylvestris from three regions of Poland differing by climatic conditions and geographic location. On the basis of 56 random amplified microsatellites (RAMS) markers obtained with the use of five primers, very high level of genetic variability of strains (mean Jaccard's coefficient 0.56) was ascertained. Among the analysed markers only one was completely monomorphic, whereas six were monomorphic in 90%. Greater genetic similarity was ascertained for strains in southern Poland (0.58) in comparison with strains deriving from northern Poland (0.52). Correlation between the percentage share of polymorphic loci and the average annual temperature of places of strain isolation (r = 0.62) were shown, as well as the number of days with snow cover (r = 0.79). On the basis of the amova analysis, it was ascertained that 11.6% of genetic variability was located between regions of the strains origin and 88.4% within the regions. [source]

Origins and colonization history of pandemic Vibrio parahaemolyticus in South America

Abstract The dynamics of dissemination of the environmental human pathogen Vibrio parahaemolyticus are uncertain. The O3:K6 clone was restricted to Asia until its detection along the Peruvian coasts and in northern Chile in 1997 in phase with the arrival of El Niño waters. A subsequent emergence of O3:K6 strains was detected in austral Chile in 2004. The origin of these 1997 and 2004 population radiations has not yet been conclusively determined. Multiple loci VNTR analysis using seven polymorphic loci was carried out with a number of representative strains from Asia, Peru and Chile to determine their genetic characteristics and population structure. Asian and Chilean subpopulations were the most genetically distant groups with an intermediate subpopulation in Peru. Population structure inferred from a minimum-spanning tree and Bayesian analysis divided the populations into two genetically distinct groups, consistent with the epidemic dynamics of the O3:K6 clone in South America. One group comprised strains from the original Asiatic population and strains arriving in Peru and Chile in 1997. The second group included the remaining Peruvian Strains and Chilean strains obtained from Puerto Montt in 2004. The analysis of the arrival of the O3:K6 clone at the Pacific coasts of South America has provided novel insights linking the origin of the invasion in 1997 to Asian populations and describing the successful establishment of the O3:K6 populations, first in Peru and subsequently in the South of Chile owing to a possible radiation of Peruvian populations. [source]

Inferring ancient Agave cultivation practices from contemporary genetic patterns

Abstract Several Agave species have played an important ethnobotanical role since prehistory in Mesoamerica and semiarid areas to the north, including central Arizona. We examined genetic variation in relict Agave parryi populations northeast of the Mogollon Rim in Arizona, remnants from anthropogenic manipulation over 600 years ago. We used both allozymes and microsatellites to compare genetic variability and structure in anthropogenically manipulated populations with putative wild populations, to assess whether they were actively cultivated or the result of inadvertent manipulation, and to determine probable source locations for anthropogenic populations. Wild populations were more genetically diverse than anthropogenic populations, with greater expected heterozygosity, polymorphic loci, effective number of alleles and allelic richness. Anthropogenic populations exhibited many traits indicative of past active cultivation: fixed heterozygosity for several loci in all populations (nonexistent in wild populations); fewer multilocus genotypes, which differed by fewer alleles; and greater differentiation among populations than was characteristic of wild populations. Furthermore, manipulated populations date from a period when changes in the cultural context may have favoured active cultivation near dwellings. Patterns of genetic similarity among populations suggest a complex anthropogenic history. Anthropogenic populations were not simply derived from the closest wild A. parryi stock; instead they evidently came from more distant, often more diverse, wild populations, perhaps obtained through trade networks in existence at the time of cultivation. [source]

Pinpointing a selective sweep to the chimpanzee MHC class I region by comparative genomics

Abstract Chimpanzees experienced a reduction of the allelic repertoire at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I A and B loci, which may have been caused by a retrovirus belonging to the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) family. Extended MHC haplotypes were defined in a pedigreed chimpanzee colony. Comparison of genetic variation at microsatellite markers mapping inside and outside the Mhc region was carried out in humans and chimpanzees to investigate the genomic extent of the repertoire reduction. Multilocus demographic analyses underscored that chimpanzees indeed experienced a selective sweep that mainly targeted the chromosomal segment carrying the Mhc class I region. Probably due to genetic linkage, the sweep also affected other polymorphic loci, mapping in the close vicinity of the Mhc class I region genes. Nevertheless, although the allelic repertoire at particular Mhc class I and II loci appears to be limited, naturally occurring recombination events allowed the establishment of haplotype diversity after the sweep. However, recombination did not have sufficient time to erase the signal of the selective sweep. [source]

Inferring colonization history from analyses of spatial genetic structure within populations of Pinus strobus and Quercus rubra

Abstract Many factors interact to determine genetic structure within populations including adult density, the mating system, colonization history, natural selection, and the mechanism and spatial patterns of gene dispersal. We examined spatial genetic structure within colonizing populations of Quercus rubra seedlings and Pinus strobus juveniles and adults in an aspen,white pine forest in northern Michigan, USA. A 20-year spatially explicit demographic study of the forest enables us to interpret the results in light of recent colonization of the site for both species. We assayed 217 Q. rubra seedlings and 171 P. strobus individuals at 11 polymorphic loci using nine allozyme systems. Plant genotypes and locations were used in an analysis of spatial genetic structure. Q. rubra and P. strobus showed similar observed levels of heterozygosity, but Q. rubra seedlings have less heterozygosity than expected. Q. rubra seedlings show spatial genetic clumping of individuals on a scale to 25 m and levels of genetic relatedness expected from the clumped dispersion of half-siblings. In contrast, P. strobus has low levels of genetic relatedness at the smallest distance class and positive spatial genetic structure at scales < 10 m within the plot. The low density of adult Q. rubra outside the study plot and limited, spatially clumped rodent dispersal of acorns is likely responsible for the observed pattern of spatial genetic structure and the observed heterozygote deficit (i.e. a Wahlund effect). We attribute weaker patterns observed in P. strobus to the longer dispersal distance of seeds and the historical overlap of seed shadows from adults outside of the plot coupled with the overlap of seed shadows from younger, more recently established reproductive adults. The study demonstrates the utility of long-term demographic data in interpreting mechanisms responsible for generating contemporary patterns of genetic structure within populations. [source]

Population structure of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.): a range-wide perspective from microsatellite DNA variation

T. L. King
Abstract Atlantic salmon (n = 1682) from 27 anadromous river populations and two nonanadromous strains ranging from south-central Maine, USA to northern Spain were genotyped at 12 microsatellite DNA loci. This suite of moderate to highly polymorphic loci revealed 266 alleles (5,37/locus) range-wide. Statistically significant allelic and genotypic heterogeneity was observed across loci between all but one pairwise comparison. Significant isolation by distance was found within and between North American and European populations, indicating reduced gene flow at all geographical scales examined. North American Atlantic salmon populations had fewer alleles, fewer unique alleles (though at a higher frequency) and a shallower phylogenetic structure than European Atlantic salmon populations. We believe these characteristics result from the differing glacial histories of the two continents, as the North American range of Atlantic salmon was glaciated more recently and more uniformly than the European range. Genotypic assignment tests based on maximum-likelihood provided 100% correct classification to continent of origin and averaged nearly 83% correct classification to province of origin across continents. This multilocus method, which may be enhanced with additional polymorphic loci, provides fishery managers the highest degree of correct assignment to management unit of any technique currently available. [source]

Isolation, characterization and chromosome locations of polymorphic black-billed magpie Pica pica (Corvidae, AVES) microsatellite loci

Abstract One-hundred and two unique loci were isolated from a microsatellite-enriched black-billed magpie Pica pica genomic library. Sixteen of these new loci, along with 148 existing microsatellite passerine loci, were tested for polymorphism in four unrelated black-billed magpies. We identified a total of 43 unique polymorphic loci (10 and 33 respectively) that we characterized in 24 unrelated individuals from a population in Guadix, Spain. The putative chromosomal locations of loci polymorphic in black-billed magpie were assigned based on the location of their orthologues in the assembled zebra finch and chicken genomes. [source]

Microsatellite markers characterized in the barn owl (Tyto alba) and of high utility in other owls (Strigiformes: AVES)

Abstract We have identified 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci for the barn owl (Tyto alba), five from testing published owl loci and 10 from testing non-owl loci, including loci known to be of high utility in passerines and shorebirds. All 15 loci were sequenced in barn owl, and new primer sets were designed for eight loci. The 15 polymorphic loci displayed two to 26 alleles in 56,58 barn owls. When tested in 10 other owl species (n = 1,6 individuals), between four and nine loci were polymorphic per species. These loci are suitable for studies of population structure and parentage in owls. [source]

Eighteen microsatellite loci in Salix arbutifolia (Salicaceae) and cross-species amplification in Salix and Populus species

Abstract Salix arbutifolia is a riparian dioecious tree species that is of conservation concern in Japan because of its highly restricted distribution. Eighteen polymorphic loci of dinucleotide microsatellites were isolated and characterized. Among these, estimates of the expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.350 to 0.879. Cross-species amplification was successful at 9,13 loci among six Salix species and at three loci in one Populus species. [source]

Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in the freshwater fishes Telestes souffia and Telestes muticellus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)

Abstract Ten novel polymorphic microsatellites (seven with perfect motifs) were isolated from vairone species (Telestes souffia and Telestes muticellus), which are endangered European cyprinid species. Together with 11 previously published cyprinid-specific loci, five multiplex sets were optimized, allowing the genotyping of 21 polymorphic loci. The level of genetic diversity was assessed in 97 individuals from the two species T. souffia and T. muticellus. We also successfully applied the 21 microsatellites to nine related species. These primers will thus be useful in assessing population structure of the vairone and other cyprinid species, with application for conservation issues and phylogeographical approaches. [source]

Sixteen EST-linked microsatellite markers in Günther's walking catfish, Clarias macrocephalus

Abstract Twenty-seven new microsatellite sequences were identified by screening 2029 expressed sequence tags from Günther's walking catfish, Clarias macrocephalus. Sixteen loci were polymorphic with the number of alleles ranging from two to 16 per locus and the observed and expected heterozygosities ranging from 0.4667 to 0.9333 and from 0.427 to 0.8819 per locus, respectively. Cross-species amplifications of all 16 primer pairs were tested in four other species of catfish including Clarias gariepinus, Pangasius hypophthalmus, Pangasius larnaudii and Pangasianodon gigas. Eleven loci were found to amplify in other species, with the number of polymorphic loci ranging from one in P. larnaudii to nine in C. gariepinus. [source]

Cross-species testing of 27 pre-existing microsatellites in Podarcis gaigeae and Podarcis hispanica (Squamata: Lacertidae)

Abstract We tested 27 microsatellite loci for cross-species amplification in the lacertids Podarcis gaigeae and Podarcis hispanica. We detected 11 and 15 polymorphic loci in the former and the latter species, respectively. In a larger sample of individuals from a single population of each species, the number of alleles ranged from five to 23 in 10 of the polymorphic loci in P. gaigeae, and between four and 13 in nine of polymorphic loci in P. hispanica. Two locus deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in P. hispanica. Between 11 and 16 of the 27 loci also amplified successfully in three other Podarcis species. [source]

Development of microsatellite markers in Cordia bifurcata (Boraginaceae) and cross-species amplification in Cordia inermis and Cordia pringlei

Abstract We developed 16 microsatellite markers in Cordia bifurcata, a Central and South American shrub. The markers show low polymorphism in C. bifurcata, a species suspected of self-fertilization or apomixis. Of four polymorphic loci, three had only two alleles. However, current research indicates that these markers hold value for interpopulational comparisons of C. bifurcata and for analyses of congeners. In Cordia inermis, a dioecious or subdioecious shrub, seven of the markers produced interpretable amplification products of which five showed polymorphism. In Cordia pringlei, a distylous shrub, nine of the markers produced interpretable amplification products of which six showed polymorphism. [source]

Ten microsatellite loci from Solms-laubachia eurycarpa (Brassicaceae)

Abstract Solms-laubachia eurycarpa is a medicinal herb endemic to the Hengduan Mountains region of south-central China. We screened a partial genomic library enriched for microsatellites and characterized 10 polymorphic loci for S. eurycarpa. The number of alleles per locus ranged from five to 15, with an average of 9.6. The observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.2 to 0.725 and from 0.585 to 0.871, respectively. Amplification in closely related taxa was successful for most loci. The results indicate significant potential for the utility of these markers in studying the population genetics of S. eurycarpa and related species. [source]

Fourteen microsatellite loci for the Chinese medicinal plant Epimedium sagittatum and cross-species application in other medicinal species

Abstract Epimedium sagittatum is a well-known medicinal plant as well as potential ground cover and ornamental plant. A total of 14 polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed for use in taxonomy, phylogenetics and conservation genetics. Markers were presented between two and eight alleles per locus. The observed heterozygosity (HO) and expected heterozygosity (HE) ranged from 0.03 to 0.81 and from 0.05 to 0.81, respectively. Cross-amplification among other four medicinal species revealed promising results in three to six polymorphic loci. These microsatellite loci contributed to the limited number of useful markers currently available for E. sagittatum. [source]

PERMANENT GENETIC RESOURCES: Microsatellite markers for the threatened Bliss Rapids snail (Taylorconcha serpenticola) and cross-amplification in its congener, T. insperata

H. -P.
Abstract We developed and tested microsatellite markers to investigate population structure of a threatened North American freshwater gastropod, Taylorconcha serpenticola. Of the 21 primer pairs that were evaluated, 11 were readily optimized and scored, providing amplification of 12 loci that were screened for 820 specimens from 29 populations. The number of alleles across 11 of these polymorphic loci ranged from three to 20 and the observed heterozygosity varied from 0.0061 to 0.7561. All loci yielded suitable amplification products in the second species of Taylorconcha (T. insperata) and three proved to be diagnostic for these congeners, demonstrating that these markers are also useful for species identification studies. [source]

Microsatellite markers for Sclerotinia subarctica nom. prov., a new vegetable pathogen of the High North

Abstract Eight polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated from the ascomycete fungus Sclerotinia subarctica nom. prov. In Alaska, this pathogen causes white mold vegetable diseases sympatrically with the cosmopolitan and closely related Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Eighteen alleles were observed across the 41 isolates tested and ranged from two to three alleles per locus. Together, the alleles from the eight polymorphic loci yielded only four haploid multilocus genotypes and exhibited significant linkage disequilibrium, reflecting extreme selfing and clonal vegetative reproduction. [source]