Pollinating Wasp (pollinating + wasp)

Distribution by Scientific Domains

Selected Abstracts

Different Stimuli Reduce Attraction to Pollinators in Male and Female Figs in the Dioecious Fig Ficus hispida

BIOTROPICA, Issue 6 2009
Hao-Yuan Hu
ABSTRACT Fig trees (Ficus) and their obligate pollinating wasps (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Agaonidae) are a classic example of a coevolved mutualism. Pollinating wasps are attracted to figs only when figs are receptive. It has been shown that figs will lose their attraction to pollinators sooner in monoecious and male dioecious figs when multiple pollinators have entered the enclosed inflorescence. However, little is known about the nature of the stimulus inducing the loss of attraction. By conducting experiments on the functionally dioecious fig, Ficus hispida, we show that (1) different stimuli induce the loss of attraction in each sex, pollination in female figs, and oviposition in male figs; and (2) foundress number affects the loss of attraction in both sexes only when the prerequisites (i.e., pollination in female figs and oviposition in male figs) have been satisfied. In general, the more foundresses that enter, the earlier the fig will lose its receptivity. We argue that the stimuli in male and female figs are adaptations to the fulfillment of its respective reproduction. [source]

Permeability of receptive fig fruits and its effects on the re-emergence behaviour of pollinators

1. Figs and pollinating fig wasps provide a model system for studying mutualism. The permeability of the syconium changes during receptivity or between seasons, which may affect the behaviour of pollinators. Fig fruits are permeable during receptivity, and in some species, pollinators can enter and re-emerge after oviposition/pollination. We studied the relationship between fig permeability and pollinator re-emergence behaviour with a functional dioecious fig, Ficus hispida and the obligate pollinator Ceratosolen solmsi marchali. 2. The relationship reflects the interaction of figs and pollinators in the mutualism and also the conflicts of interests between the two partners: figs benefit from the enclosed fig fruits which have low permeability, but pollinators benefit from their re-emergence behaviour, which requires high fig permeability. 3. The results showed that at the end of receptivity, the permeability of fig fruits lowered rapidly with changes to the ostiole structures, and re-emergence rate was low, with more re-emerging pollinators trapped in the ostiolar bracts. Our results also showed that in the rainy season, the length of receptivity was shorter and fig permeability was lower. The re-emergence rates were also lower than those in the dry season. The results elucidated that figs' interests dominated in the conflicts between fig and pollinating wasp. 4. Based on a new criteria which employed the classification of pollinators found dead in the ostiolar bracts and which involved a survey of 6 monoecious and 12 dioecious fig species, we found that re-emergence behaviour was prevalent among fig species, and was more prevalent in functional dioecious figs than monoecious ones. [source]

Isolation and characterization of microsatellite primers for Ceratosolen fusciceps, the fig-pollinating wasp of Ficus racemosa, and amplification in two populations

Abstract Ten microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized for Ceratosolen fusciceps, the pollinating wasp of Ficus racemosa, based on individuals from Xishuangbanna (China) and Chiangmai (Thailand). High levels of variation were found among loci for both populations; allelic number varied from two to 18 (respectively from two to 22), expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.362 to 0.890 (respectively from 0.430 to 0.930). [source]

Host-specificity and coevolution among pollinating and nonpollinating New World fig wasps

Abstract Figs (Ficus spp., Moraceae) and their pollinating wasps (Hymenoptera, Agaonidae, Chalcidoidea) constitute a classic example of an obligate plant-pollinator mutualism, and have become an ideal system for addressing questions on coevolution, speciation, and the maintenance of mutualisms. In addition to pollinating wasps, figs host several types of nonpollinating, parasitic wasps from a diverse array of Chalcid subfamilies with varied natural histories and ecological strategies (e.g. competitors, gallers, and parasitoids). Although a few recent studies have addressed the question of codivergence between specific genera of pollinating and nonpollinating fig wasps, no study has addressed the history of divergence of a fig wasp community comprised of multiple genera of wasps associated with a large number of sympatric fig hosts. Here, we conduct phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial DNA sequences (COI) using 411 individuals from 69 pollinating and nonpollinating fig wasp species to assess relationships within and between five genera of fig wasps (Pegoscapus, Idarnes, Heterandrium, Aepocerus, Physothorax) associated with 17 species of New World Urostigma figs from section Americana. We show that host-switching and multiple wasp species per host are ubiquitous across Neotropical nonpollinating wasp genera. In spite of these findings, cophylogenetic analyses (treemap 1.0, treemap 2.02,, and parafit) reveal evidence of codivergence among fig wasps from different ecological guilds. Our findings further challenge the classical notion of strict-sense coevolution between figs and their associated wasps, and mirror conclusions from detailed molecular studies of other mutualisms that have revealed common patterns of diffuse coevolution and asymmetric specialization among the participants. [source]

Different Stimuli Reduce Attraction to Pollinators in Male and Female Figs in the Dioecious Fig Ficus hispida

BIOTROPICA, Issue 6 2009
Hao-Yuan Hu
ABSTRACT Fig trees (Ficus) and their obligate pollinating wasps (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Agaonidae) are a classic example of a coevolved mutualism. Pollinating wasps are attracted to figs only when figs are receptive. It has been shown that figs will lose their attraction to pollinators sooner in monoecious and male dioecious figs when multiple pollinators have entered the enclosed inflorescence. However, little is known about the nature of the stimulus inducing the loss of attraction. By conducting experiments on the functionally dioecious fig, Ficus hispida, we show that (1) different stimuli induce the loss of attraction in each sex, pollination in female figs, and oviposition in male figs; and (2) foundress number affects the loss of attraction in both sexes only when the prerequisites (i.e., pollination in female figs and oviposition in male figs) have been satisfied. In general, the more foundresses that enter, the earlier the fig will lose its receptivity. We argue that the stimuli in male and female figs are adaptations to the fulfillment of its respective reproduction. [source]