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Plant Quality (plant + quality)
Kinds of Plant Quality Selected AbstractsCombined Effects of Host Plant Quality and Predation on a Tropical Lepidopteran: A Comparison between Treefall Gaps and the Understory in PanamaBIOTROPICA, Issue 6 2008Lora A. Richards ABSTRACT In tropical forests, light-gaps created from treefalls are a frequent source of habitat heterogeneity. The increase in productivity, through gap formation, can alter food quality, predation and their impact on insect herbivores. We hypothesized that in gaps, herbivores would be less resource-limited and more predator limited, whereas in the understory, we predicted the reverse. In this study, we investigate the combined effects of food quality and predation on the lepidopteran larva Zunacetha annulata feeding on its host plant Hybanthus prunifolius in two habitats; sunny treefall gaps and the shaded understory in Panama. In bioassays, Z. annulata feeding on sun leaves ate 22 percent less leaf area, grew 25 percent faster, and had higher pupal weights than larvae feeding on shade leaves. However, shade leaves had higher nitrogen content and specific leaf area. In gaps, predation was 26.4 percent compared to 13.8 percent in the understory. Larvae on understory plants traveled greater distances and spent more time searching and traveling than larvae on gap plants. These differences in behavior are consistent with lower predation risk and lower quality food in the understory. Using data from bioassays and field experiments we calculated 0.22 percent and 1.02 percent survival to adulthood for larvae in gaps and the understory, respectively. In conclusion, although these habitats were in close proximity, we found that larvae in the understory are more resource-limited and larvae in gaps are more predator limited. [source] Networks and dominance hierarchies: does interspecific aggression explain flower partitioning among stingless bees?ECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY, Issue 2 2010KAI DWORSCHAK 1. The distribution of consumers among resources (trophic interaction network) may be shaped by asymmetric competition. Dominance hierarchy models predict that asymmetric interference competition leads to a domination of high quality resources by hierarchically superior species. 2. In order to determine the competitive dominance hierarchy and its effect on flower partitioning in a local stingless bee community in Borneo, interspecific aggressions were tested among eight species in arena experiments. 3. All species tested were strongly mutually aggressive in the arena, and the observed interactions were often lethal for one or both opponents. Aggression significantly increased with body size differences between fighting pairs and was asymmetric: larger aggressors were superior over smaller species. Additional aggression tests involved dummies with surface extracts, and results suggest that species- and colony-specific surface profiles are important in triggering the aggressive behaviour. 4. Sixteen stingless bee species were observed foraging on 41 species of flowering plants. The resulting bee,flower interaction network showed a high degree of generalisation (network-level specialisation H2' = 0.11), corresponding to a random, opportunistic distribution of bee species among available flower species. 5. Aggressions on flowers were rare and only occurred at a low level. The dominance hierarchy obtained in the arena experiments did not correlate significantly with plant quality, estimated as the number of flowers per plant or as total bee visitation rate. 6. Our findings suggest that asymmetries in interference competition do not necessarily translate into actual resource partitioning in the context of complex interacting communities. [source] Diamondback moth females oviposit more on plants infested by non-parasitised than by parasitised conspecificsECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY, Issue 5 2008YASUYUKI CHOH Abstract 1.,When offered a choice, female diamondback moths (Plutella xylostella) oviposited more eggs on plants with non-parasitised conspecific larvae than on plants with parasitised larvae. 2.,The leaf area consumed by parasitised larvae was significantly lower than that by non-parasitised larvae. However, this quantitative difference in larval damage did not explain the female's ability to discriminate between plants with parasitised and non-parasitised larvae, as females showed an equal oviposition preference for plants infested by higher or lower densities of non-parasitised larvae. 3.,Pupal weight and duration of the larval stage of P. xylostella were independent of whether larvae were reared on plants that were previously infested by either non-parasitised or parasitised larvae. 4.,The larval parasitoid Cotesia vestalis did not distinguish between plants infested by non-parasitised larvae and plants infested by larvae that had already been parasitised by conspecific wasps. 5.,Based on these data, it can be concluded that the moth oviposition preference for plants infested by non-parasitised conspecifics relative to plants infested by parasitised conspecifics was not explained by plant quality or by the attractiveness of plants towards wasps. It is hypothesised that one of the reasons for this preference is avoidance of plants where a relatively high risk of parasitism is expected due to the emergence of parasitoids from the parasitised host larvae. [source] Can intra-specific genetic variation in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus etunicatum) affect a mesophyll-feeding herbivore (Tupiocoris notatus Distant)?ECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY, Issue 4 2007STUART C. WOOLEY Abstract 1.,Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) infection can have negative, positive or neutral effects on insect herbivore populations, but patterns are difficult to predict. 2.,Intra-specific genetic variation in nutrient uptake ability between fungal isolates may also have indirect effects on insect herbivores due to changes in plant quality. In preliminary studies mirid (Tupiocoris notatus) populations were significantly reduced on tobacco (Nicotiana rustica) colonised by AMF but it was unknown if same-species fungal isolates differed in their effect. 3.,An experiment was performed as a first test of the effect of intra-specific genetic variation in the mycorrhizal fungus Glomus etunicatum on mirid nymphal population structure, dynamics, and growth rate. 4.,Mirid nymphal populations were lower on mycorrhizal fungal-infected plants. Population size, however, did not differ between the mycorrhizal isolates. While no statistical difference in population between isolates was found, one isolate consistently had 1.7,2.4 times lower mirid populations compared with the controls, indicating that the magnitude of effect is different between mycorrhizal isolates. 5.,The significantly negative effect of AMF on mirid populations likely resulted from AMF-induced changes in plant quality (e.g. increased defence). This study lends further support to recent demonstrations that below-ground symbionts significantly influence above-ground processes. In addition, mycorrhizal fungi can affect insect population structure, which may have consequences for future herbivory. [source] Interactions between cottonwood and beavers positively affect sawfly abundanceECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY, Issue 4 2006JOSEPH K. BAILEY Abstract 1.,Cottonwood (Populus spp.) are the dominant tree type in riparian forests of the western U.S.A. In these riparian forests, the beaver (Castor canadensis) is a major ecosystem engineer that commonly browses cottonwood, resulting in distinct changes to plant architecture. Here the hypothesis that beaver herbivory indirectly affects the distribution of a keystone leaf-galling sawfly through architectural changes in cottonwood was examined. 2.,It was found that: (a) beaver herbivory of cottonwood results in an increase in average shoot length over unbrowsed cottonwood; (b) sawfly galls were up to 7,14 times more abundant on browsed cottonwood than unbrowsed cottonwood; and (c) sawfly gall abundance was correlated positively with changes in shoot length after beaver herbivory. Together these data show that the individual and combined effects of cottonwood and beaver herbivory increase shoot length, positively affecting sawfly abundance. 3.,Because herbivores are a ubiquitous component of most ecosystems, we argue that the indirect effects of herbivory on plant quality, and subsequently other herbivores, may be as important as environmental variation. [source] Cascading effects of variation in plant vigour on the relative performance of insect herbivores and their parasitoidsECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY, Issue 1 2002Tiit Teder Abstract 1. Consequences of variation in food plant quality were estimated for a system consisting of two monophagous noctuid herbivores and three ichneumonid parasitoids. 2. In a natural population, pupal weights of the herbivores in this system, Nonagria typhae and Archanara sparganii, were found to be highly variable. Pupal weights increased strongly and consistently with the increase in the vigour of the host plant, Typha latifolia, providing support for the plant vigour hypothesis. Correspondingly, as the moths do not feed as adults, a strong, positive correlation between host vigour and fecundity of the herbivores would be expected. 3. There were strong and positive relationships between adult body sizes of the parasitoids and the sizes of their lepidopteran hosts. Moreover, a direct, positive link between plant quality and parasitoid size was documented. 4. For all three parasitoids, cascading effects of plant quality on body size were weaker than for the herbivores. Differences in the importance of adult feeding and oviposition behaviour suggest that dependence of fitness on body size is also weaker in the parasitoids than in the moths. It is therefore concluded that the numerical response of the herbivore population to a change in plant quality should exceed the corresponding response in the parasitoids. 5. The results of this work imply that variation in plant variables may affect performance of different trophic levels to a different extent. It is suggested that the importance of adult feeding for the reproductive success (capital vs. income breeding strategies) in both herbivores and parasitoids is an essential aspect to consider when predicting responses of such a system to changes in plant quality. [source] Stoichiometric relations in an ant-treehopper mutualismECOLOGY LETTERS, Issue 11 2004Adam D. Kay Abstract Carbon : nitrogen : phosphorus (C : N : P) stoichiometry can underlie physiological and life history characteristics that shape ecological interactions. Despite its potential importance, there is much to learn about the causes and consequences of stoichiometric variation in terrestrial consumers. Here we show that treehoppers (Publilia modesta) tended by ants (Formica obscuripes) contained lower N concentrations than treehoppers on plants from which ants were excluded. Ant presence also affected nutrient concentrations in host plants: on plants with ants, leaves contained uniformly low concentrations of N; on plants without ants, N concentrations were low only in the few leaves fed upon by treehoppers at the time of collection. We suggest treehopper feeding reduces leaf nutrient levels and ants positively affect treehopper abundance, producing a top,down effect on plant quality. Determining the causes of these stoichiometric changes should help elucidate factors guiding the dynamics of conditional mutualisms between ants and homopterans. [source] Climatic effects on the breeding phenology and reproductive success of an arctic-nesting goose speciesGLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, Issue 9 2008MARIE-HÉLČNE DICKEY Abstract Climate warming is pronounced in the Arctic and migratory birds are expected to be among the most affected species. We examined the effects of local and regional climatic variations on the breeding phenology and reproductive success of greater snow geese (Chen caerulescens atlantica), a migratory species nesting in the Canadian Arctic. We used a long-term dataset based on the monitoring of 5447 nests and the measurements of 19 234 goslings over 16 years (1989,2004) on Bylot Island. About 50% of variation in the reproductive phenology of individuals was explained by spring climatic factors. High mean temperatures and, to a lesser extent, low snow cover in spring were associated with an increase in nest density and early egg-laying and hatching dates. High temperature in spring and high early summer rainfall were positively related to nesting success. These effects may result from a reduction in egg predation rate when the density of nesting geese is high and when increased water availability allows females to stay close to their nest during incubation recesses. Summer brood loss and production of young at the end of the summer increased when values of the summer Arctic Oscillation (AO) index were either very positive (low temperatures) or very negative (high temperatures), indicating that these components of the breeding success were most influenced by the regional summer climate. Gosling mass and size near fledging were reduced in years with high spring temperatures. This effect is likely due to a reduced availability of high quality food in years with early spring, either due to food depletion resulting from high brood density or a mismatch between hatching date of goslings and the timing of the peak of plant quality. Our analysis suggests that climate warming should advance the reproductive phenology of geese, but that high spring temperatures and extreme values of the summer AO index may decrease their reproductive success up to fledging. [source] Climate change and cereal aphids: the relative effects of increasing CO2 and temperature on aphid population dynamicsGLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, Issue 1 2004Jonathan A. Newman Abstract Experimental evidence regarding the responses of cereal aphids to rising atmospheric CO2 has been ambiguous. Some studies suggest increased population sizes under future CO2 levels, others suggest decreased population sizes, and still others suggest little or no difference. Recently, Newman et al. (2003) constructed a general mathematical model of the aphid,grass interaction to investigate whether or not we should, in fact, expect a general aphid response to rising CO2. They concluded that aphid populations are likely to be larger under future CO2 concentrations if soil N levels are high, the aphid species' nitrogen requirement is low and the aphid species' density-dependent response in winged morph production is weak. In that model, and in field experiments, CO2 concentration influences aphid population dynamics through the effect it has on plant quality. However, future CO2 concentrations are also likely to be accompanied by higher ambient temperatures, a combination that has received little focus to date. In the present paper, the Newman et al. model is used to consider the combined effects of increased CO2 concentrations and temperature on aphid population sizes. It is concluded that, when both factors are elevated, aphid population dynamics will be more similar to current ambient conditions than expected from the results of experiments studying either factor alone. This result has important implications for future experimentation. [source] Effect of genetic variance in plant quality on the population dynamics of a herbivorous insectJOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY, Issue 4 2009Nora Underwood Summary 1Species diversity can affect many ecological processes; much less is known about the importance of population genetic diversity, particularly for the population dynamics of associated species. Genetic diversity within a host species can create habitat diversity; when associated species move among hosts, this variation could affect populations additively (an effect of average habitat) or non-additively (an effect of habitat variance). Mathematical theory suggests that non-additive effects of variance among patches should influence population size, but this theory has not been tested. 2This prediction was tested in the field by asking whether aphid population dynamics parameters on strawberry plant genotype mixtures were additive or non-additive functions of parameters on individual plant genotypes in monoculture using model fitting. 3Results show that variance in quality among plant genotypes can have non-additive effects on aphid populations, and that the form of this effect depends on the particular plant genotypes involved. 4Genetic variation among plants also influenced the spatial distribution of aphids within plant populations, but the number of plant genotypes per population did not affect aphid populations. 5These results suggest that predicting the behaviour of populations in heterogeneous environments can require knowledge of both average habitat quality and variance in quality. [source] Spatial abundance structures in an assemblage of gall-forming sawfliesJOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY, Issue 3 2004M. A. McGeoch Summary 1Examination of the fine-scale internal structure of species geographical ranges, and interspecific variation therein across landscapes, contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of the structure of geographical ranges. Two components of this internal structure that require further examination are the occurrence, extent and position of spatial autocorrelation, and relationships between the spatial abundance structures of closely related, ecologically similar species. 2Here we compare the abundance structures of an assemblage of gall-forming sawflies (Tenthredinidae) across a landscape. We identify the relative roles of spatial and non-spatial factors in explaining their abundance structures and test the hypothesis that sawfly density is explained by host plant quality, as has been demonstrated repeatedly at finer scales. We use these results to distinguish between alternative sets of mechanisms that may be operating at the landscape scale. 3Species densities were mainly multimodal across the landscape and significantly spatially structured, with patch, periodic and trend components. The abundance structures thus mimic those found generally for species across the full extent of their geographical ranges. 4Many abundance structure characteristics were unique to species, with differences in their correlogram profiles, distances over which densities were positively autocorrelated, and the absence of significant spatial structure in one species. 5In contrast to previous, fine-scale studies, host plant quality explained little of the variation in sawfly gall density across the landscape, whereas unexplained spatial structure contributed between 30% and 50%. Based on knowledge of the biology of these species and the absence of competitive interactions, species dispersal characteristics and the Moran effect are suggested as probable alternative hypotheses at this scale. 6Therefore, a spatial approach has identified the hierarchical nature of mechanisms underlying the population dynamics of this sawfly assemblage for the first time. Furthermore, it has highlighted the importance of spatial processes in explaining the densities of species at the landscape scale, as well as the individualistic nature of their abundance structures. [source] Poor host plant quality causes omnivore to consume predator eggsJOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY, Issue 3 2003Arne Janssen Summary 1Omnivorous arthropods are known to change their diet when host plant quality is low. Consequently, it has been suggested that decreased plant quality has a twofold negative effect on herbivore populations: (1) a decrease in growth rate of herbivores; (2) omnivores include more herbivores in their diet. We hypothesized that decreased host plant quality may also cause omnivores to feed on predators, including their own enemies. 2We tested this hypothesis, using the omnivorous western flower thrips. This species is known to feed on many plant species, but also on the eggs of another herbivore, the two-spotted spider mite. Previous research has shown that a decrease in plant quality leads to increased feeding on spider mite eggs by western flower thrips. Western flower thrips also kill the eggs of various predatory mites, including those of the specialist predator of spider mites and those of a predatory mite that attacks western flower thrips itself. 3In this paper we investigate whether thrips larvae kill predator eggs to feed on them and whether this predation depends on host plant quality. 4Larval survival as well as developmental rate increased when plant tissue of low quality (sweet pepper) was supplemented with eggs of two predatory mite species or when it was supplemented with pollen, a high-quality food type. 5Supplementing high quality leaf tissue (cucumber) with predator eggs did not lead to increased survival and developmental rate. Thrips larvae fed significantly less on predatory mite eggs when pollen was available. 6Thus, thrips larvae indeed feed on predator eggs, including those of their predator, and they feed more on predator eggs when host plants are of low quality. [source] Individual growth rates do not predict aphid population densities under altered atmospheric conditionsAGRICULTURAL AND FOREST ENTOMOLOGY, Issue 3 2010Edward B. Mondor 1Altered atmospheric composition, associated with climate change, can modify herbivore population dynamics through CO2 and/or O3 -mediated changes in plant quality. 2Although pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum genotypes exhibit intraspecific variation in population growth in response to atmospheric composition, the proximate mechanisms underlying this variation are largely unknown. 3By rearing single (green, pink) and mixed (green + pink) pea aphid genotypes on red clover Trifolium pratense at the Aspen Free Air CO2 and O3 Enrichment (Aspen FACE) site, we assessed whether: (i) elevated CO2 and/or O3 concentrations alter aphid growth and development and (ii) individual aphid growth rates predict aphid population densities. 4We showed that growth and development of individual green and pink aphids were not influenced by CO2 and/or O3 concentrations when reared as individual or mixed genotypes. Individual growth rates, however, did not predict population densities. 5Reared as a single genotype, green pea aphid populations decreased in response to elevated CO2 concentrations, but not in response to elevated CO2 + O3 concentrations. Pink pea aphid populations reared as a single genotype were unaffected by augmented CO2 or O3. Populations of mixed genotypes, however, were reduced under elevated CO2 concentrations, irrespective of O3 concentrations. 6Herbivore population sizes may not readily be predicted from growth rates of individual organisms under atmospheric conditions associated with global climate change. [source] Fruit quality of mini-watermelon as affected by grafting and irrigation regimesJOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE, Issue 6 2008Simona Proietti Abstract BACKGROUND: The Mediterranean region suffers water deficit that affects fruit yield and quality. Grafting improves crop tolerance to disease and drought, but the taste and quality of fruit may be negatively affected. The aim of the present work was to determine the quality parameters of mini-watermelon, ungrafted or grafted onto a squash hybrid rootstock, and grown under different irrigation regimes: 1.0, 0.75, and 0.5 of evapotranspiration (ET) rates. RESULTS: The interaction between grafting and irrigation rate was not significant for the variables tested. The highest fruit yields were recorded at 1.0 ET and at 0.75 ET with respect to 0.5 ET, and they were obtained in grafted plants. Fruit quality was slightly affected by drought, with an increase in K, Mg and spermine concentrations, especially with 0.5 ET. Nitrate concentration in the watermelon pulp was very low (average 10 mg kg,1 fresh weight). Fruit quality parameters were similar in grafted and ungrafted plants, whereas the titratable acidity (TA), juice electrical conductivity, TSS/TA ratio, K and Mg concentrations were improved in the grafted one. Lycopene, dehydroascorbate (DAscA) and total vitamin C contents for grafted plants were higher by 40.5%, 13% and 7.3%, respectively, than those from ungrafted plants. Spermidine and putrescine concentrations were reduced by grafting (by 24% and 59%, respectively). CONCLUSION: Grafting of mini-watermelon under irrigation deficit did not modify crop response to water availability, but increased productivity and induced small positive changes in plant quality and nutritional value. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry [source] Host plant quality and defence against parasitoids: no relationship between levels of parasitism and a geometrid defoliator immunoassayOIKOS, Issue 6 2008Netta Klemola Host plant quality has a major influence on the performance, and ultimately on the fitness of an herbivorous insect, but may also have indirect effects on the third trophic level by affecting an herbivore's defensive ability against natural enemies. In a three-year field study, we examined the effects of natural food quality on the ability of autumnal moths, Epirrita autumnata (Lepidoptera, Geometridae), to defend themselves against parasitoids. In each year, we confirmed the variation in quality of host trees (mountain birch, Betulapubescens ssp. czerepanovii) by determining the mass of pupae reared in mesh bags attached to the trees and the water content of leaves. Individuals grown on high quality trees possessed significantly higher encapsulation rate of a foreign antigen as pupae compared to those on low quality trees during the first and third study years; a parallel trend was also found in the second study year, although this difference was not statistically significant. However, in spite of observed differences in encapsulation rates, individuals reared on high and low quality trees did not differ in their levels of parasitisation when exposed to hymenopteran parasioids in the wild and thus were equally vulnerable. Accordingly, the encapsulation response seems not to play a major role on the population ecology scale in the studied system. Our findings also stress the importance of direct resistance tests, which should be conducted along with tests of insect immune function. [source] Influence of plant quality on pine sawfly population dynamicsOIKOS, Issue 3 2000Stig Larsson The contribution of plant quality to the population dynamics of herbivorous insects has been an issue of much controversy. Many studies have documented how variable plant quality differentially influences the survival and fecundity of insect individuals. Whether or not such effects can be translated to the level of insect populations is, however, not clear. In order to test this hypothesis one needs to combine processes at both the level of the individual and the population. This is difficult with an empirical approach, but could be achieved by means of modeling given that appropriate data exist for both levels of organization. In this paper we report on a model developed to analyze whether altered Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) quality can contribute to the build-up of populations of the European pine sawfly (Neodiprion sertifer). Experimental data on responses of sawfly larvae to variable plant quality, i.e. needle concentrations of resin acids, were used to parameterize the model. Larval survival and sawfly fecundity are reduced at high resin acid concentrations. However, high resin acid concentrations are, at the same time, beneficial because larval defense against predators is enhanced. In the model, data on individual responses were combined with literature data at the population level; a type III functional response related to cocoon predation was presumed to be the density-dependent process regulating sawfly populations. The analysis showed that the risk for an outbreak is high when needle resin acid concentration (r) or larval predation pressure (p) is low. When r or p is high there is no risk. By analyzing different scenarios it was found that small changes in r and p can result in the sawfly population moving from low to high outbreak risk. Changes of the same, or larger, magnitude in r have been observed in empirical studies. The role of tritrophic interactions was also considered. This was done by removing the positive effects of resin acids on larval performance in the model. It was found that the anti-predator defense of N.sertifer makes it prone to outbreak under wider combinations of r and p than an insect without the defense. We conclude that small changes in a density-independent factor, such as needle chemistry, can have significant effects on herbivore population dynamics because increased fecundity and survival caused by needle quality may allow the population to escape the control of density-dependent factors, such as cocoon predation. [source] Discriminating tastes: self-selection of macronutrients in two populations of grasshoppersPHYSIOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY, Issue 3 2008DENNIS J. FIELDING Abstract The capacity to self-select an optimal balance of macronutrients (protein and carbohydrate) is studied in two populations of Melanoplus sanguinipes F. (Orthoptera: Acrididae). One population derives from the subarctic (interior of Alaska) and the other from the temperate zone (Idaho, U.S.A.). Over the duration of the fourth and fifth stadia, Alaskan grasshoppers consistently self-select a diet centred on a 0.90 ratio of protein : carbohydrate, whereas protein and carbohydrate intake by the Idaho grasshoppers is contingent on the particular food choices presented to them. When restricted to imbalanced diets, the Alaskan grasshoppers develop more rapidly than the Idaho grasshoppers, regardless of diet composition. The Idaho grasshoppers also have a greater amount of lipid than the Alaskan grasshoppers across all diets. Performance measures (body mass, survival, developmental times) are more sensitive to dietary imbalances in the Alaskan grasshoppers than in the Idaho grasshoppers. When fed diets with low, but balanced, proportions of protein and carbohydrate, grasshoppers of both populations are able to increase consumption to compensate for the low concentration of nutrients. The results suggest that demographic responses of insects to changes in host plant quality, such as may result from climate change, may differ among populations within a species. [source] Quantitative variability of cyanogenesis in Cathariostachys madagascariensis,the main food plant of bamboo lemurs in Southeastern MadagascarAMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY, Issue 4 2009Daniel J. Ballhorn Abstract Giant bamboo (Cathariostachys madagascariensis) is a major food plant for three sympatric species of bamboo-eating lemurs (Hapalemur aureus, H. griseus, and Prolemur simus) in the rain forests of southeastern Madagascar. This plant species is strongly cyanogenic. However, quantitative data on cyanide concentration in C. madagascariensis are scarce. Previous studies reported 15,mg cyanide per 100,g fresh shoot material (corresponding to approx. 57,µmol cyanide per gram dry weight). However, we found mean concentrations (±SE) ranging from 139.3±19.32 in ground shoots to 217.7±16.80,µmol cyanide per gram dry weight in branch shoots. Thus, cyanogenesis of C. madagascariensis was up to four times higher than reported before. In contrast to the strongly cyanogenic shoots no cyanide could be detected in differently aged leaves of C. madagascariensis confirming earlier studies. Within individual shoots fine-scaled analysis revealed a characteristic ontogenetic pattern of cyanide accumulation. Highest concentrations were found in youngest parts near the apical meristem, whereas concentrations decreased in older shoot parts. Beyond the general intra-individual variability of cyanogenic features analyses indicated site-specific variability of both, the ontogenetic pattern of cyanide concentration as well as the total amount of cyanide accumulated in shoots. Additionally, analyses of soluble proteins,one important nutritive measure affecting food plant quality,demonstrated a converse quantitative relation of protein concentrations in leaves to cyanide concentration in shoots at the site-specific level. We, thus, suggest integrative analyses on quantitative variation of cyanogenesis together with nutritive plant parameters in future studies. This approach would allow obtaining more detailed insights into spatial variability of giant bamboo's overall browse quality and its impact on lemur herbivores. Am. J. Primatol. 71:305,315, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source] The influence of ultraviolet radiation on growth, photosynthesis and phenolic levels of green and red lettuce: potential for exploiting effects of ultraviolet radiation in a production systemANNALS OF APPLIED BIOLOGY, Issue 3 2010E. Tsormpatsidis Studies have shown that natural ultraviolet (UV) radiation increases secondary products such as phenolics but can significantly inhibit biomass accumulation in lettuce plants. In the work presented here, the effect of UV radiation on phenolic concentration and biomass accumulation was assessed in relation to photosynthetic performance in red and green lettuce types. Lettuce plants in polythene clad tunnels were exposed to either ambient (UV transparent film) or UV-free conditions (UV blocking film). The study tested whether growth reduction in lettuce plants exposed to natural UV radiation is because of inhibition of photosynthesis by direct damage to the photosynthetic apparatus or by internal shading by anthocyanins. Ambient levels of UV radiation did not limit the efficiency of photosynthesis suggesting that phenolic compounds may effectively protect the photosynthetic apparatus. Growth inhibition does, however, occur in red lettuce and could be explained by the high metabolic cost of phenolic compounds for UV protection. From a commercial perspective, UV transparent and UV blocking films offer opportunities because, in combination, they could increase plant quality as well as productivity. Growing plants continuously under a UV blocking film, and then 6 days before the final harvest transferring them to a UV transparent film, showed that high yields and high phytochemical content can be achieved complementarily. [source] Host plant effects on the development and survivorship of the galling insect Neopelma baccharidis (Homoptera: Psyllidae)AUSTRAL ECOLOGY, Issue 3 2002M. M. Espírito-Santo Abstract In this study, the mortality factors acting upon the galling psyllid Neopelma baccharidis Burckhardt (Homoptera) caused by its host plant, Baccharis dracunculifolia De Candole (Asteraceae) were analysed. In March 1999, 982 galls of the same cohort were randomly marked on 109 individuals of B. dracunculifolia in the field. Galls were censused each month during their development, from April to August, and dead galls were collected and analysed for mortality factors. Gall dehiscence rates were calculated for each month. The major mortality source of N. baccharidis was gall dropping (13.2% of the original cohort), which is probably a normal outcome of previous mortality caused by the other factors observed in this study. Unknown factors killed 11.7% of this gall population and were ascribed to plant resistance during gall development. Empty galls represented 7.7% of the observed mortality and may be a consequence of egg retention or egg mortality/abortion related to variations in plant quality. Shoot mortality was high during the dry season and killed 7.5% of the galls, but this impact was minimized after the third month from gall formation due to the ability of nymphs to accelerate development and emerge from galls on dying shoots. However, the size of dehisced galls on dead shoots tended to be smaller, possibly affecting adult performance. Mortality of N. baccharidis attributed to B. dracunculifolia strongly controlled the galling insect population, killing 40.7% of the original cohort of galls. Plant-mediated mortality was caused by often neglected factors acting predominantly during the first 3 months of development, which are critical to gall survivorship. These results reinforce the importance of bottom-up forces in plant-insect systems. [source] |