Planktonic Foraminifera (planktonic + foraminifera)

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Selected Abstracts

Late Quaternary upwelling off tropical NW Africa: new micropalaeontological evidence from ODP Hole 658C,

Simon K. Haslett
Abstract Planktonic foraminifera and radiolaria have been analysed in a Late Quaternary (40,0,ka) sediment sequence from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 658C located under a coastal upwelling system near Cap Blanc, offshore northwest Africa, in order to document the palaeoceanographic history of the area. Temporal variations in species abundance and faunal assemblage analysis reveal a tripartite phased sequence of palaeoceanographic change through the Late Quaternary. Phase 1 spans 40,14.5,ka and is characterised by moderate upwelling, but Heinrich event 2 is distinguished as a brief episode of strengthened upwelling. Phase 2 begins with a change in a number of variables at ca. 14.5,ka and extends to ca. 5.5,ka. This phase is characterised by a general strengthening of upwelling, but may be subdivided into three minor phases including (a) the recognition of the Younger Dryas, marked by a temporary reduction in upwelling strength, followed by (b) an intensification of upwelling, and (c) upwelling and high productivity between 8 and 5.5,ka. This phase of upwelling corresponds with maximum Holocene cooling, possibly triggered by the collapse of the Laurentide ice sheet. Phase 3 extends from 5.5 to 0,ka and is characterised by weak upwelling and significant calcite dissolution. These phases are related to climatic events, particularly the African Humid Period (AHP), which is coincident with Phase 2. The AHP is characterised by increased precipitation, linked to an intensification of the African monsoon that enhances North East Trade Wind-driven coastal upwelling and is associated with the expansion of continental vegetation across North Africa. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Sea-surface temperature and salinity changes in the northwest Pacific since the Last Glacial Maximum

Tadamichi Oba
Abstract The oxygen isotope records of both benthic and planktonic Foraminifera in five piston cores, collected from the region between the Oyashio and Kuroshio Currents near Japan, clearly show the marked latitudinal shifts of these two currents during the past 25,kyr. Under the present hydrographic condition, a clear relationship between the sea-surface temperature (SST) and oxygen isotope differences from benthic to planktonic Foraminifera is observed in this region. Using this relationship, we find decreased SSTs of 12,13°C (maximum 15°C) in the southernmost core site at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), indicating the Oyashio Current shifted southward. The SSTs at the southern two core sites abruptly increased more than 10°C at 10,11,ka, suggesting the Kuroshio Current shifted northward over these sites at 10,11,ka. In contrast, the northern two core sites have remained under the influence of the cold Oyashio Current for the past 25,kyr. With the reasonable estimate of bottom-water temperature decrease of 2.5°C at the LGM, the SSTs estimated by this new method give exactly the same SST values calculated from Mg/Ca ratio of planktonic Foraminifera, allowing palaeosea-surface salinities to be reconstructed. The result suggests that the ice volume effect was 1.0,±,0.1, at the LGM. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Changing marine productivity off northern Chile during the past 19,000 years: a multivariable approach

M. Mohtadi
Abstract A multivariable approach utilising bulk sediment, planktonic Foraminifera and siliceous phytoplankton has been used to reconstruct rapid variations in palaeoproductivity in the Peru,Chile Current System off northern Chile for the past 19,000,cal.,yr. During the early deglaciation (19,000,16,000,cal.,yr,BP), our data point to strongest upwelling intensity and highest productivity of the past 19,000,cal.,yr. The late deglaciation (16,000,13,000,cal.,yr,BP) is characterised by a major change in the oceanographic setting, warmer water masses and weaker upwelling at the study site. Lowest productivity and weakest upwelling intensity are observed from the early to the middle Holocene (13,000,4000,cal.,yr,BP), and the beginning of the late Holocene (<4000,cal.,yr,BP) is marked by increasing productivity, mainly driven by silicate-producing organisms. Changes in the productivity and upwelling intensity in our record may have resulted from a large-scale compression and/or displacement of the South Pacific subtropical gyre during more productive periods, in line with a northward extension of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and increased advection of Antarctic water masses with the Peru,Chile Current. The corresponding increase in hemispheric thermal gradient and wind stress induced stronger upwelling. During the periods of lower productivity, this scenario probably reversed. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Latitudinal gradient of taxonomic richness: combined outcome of temperature and geographic mid-domains effects?

A. Brayard
Abstract For several decades, the origin and ecological consequences of large-scale continental and marine Latitudinal Gradients of Taxonomic Richness (LGTR) have been intensively debated. Among the various hypotheses, it has been proposed that a LGTR is the by-product of a geographic mid-domain effect, i.e. the result of a random distribution of ranges of taxa between physical hard boundaries such as the continent/ocean interface. In order to more realistically evaluate the role of the mid-domain effect on the origin and evolution of the LGTR of marine planktonic organisms, we present a 2D model based on a cellular-automaton approach in which sea surface temperatures (SST) and currents are forced in the biogeographic dispersal of a randomly generated clade (a 2D ,geophyletic' model). Sensitivity experiments allow to evaluate the effects of currents, SST and the geographical origin of a clade on the formation and shape of a LGTR for planktonic organisms when coupled with a geographic mid-domain effect. Results are discussed in the light of the empirical LGTR of extant planktonic Foraminifera in the Atlantic Ocean. Independently of any other biotic or abiotic parameter, inclusive of the surface currents and origination/extinction absolute and relative rates, our simulations show that the coupling of the mid-domain effect with two critical parameters, namely the shape and intensity of the SST gradient and the geographic origin of a clade, produces realistic patterns of diversity when compared with the observed LGTR of extant atlantic planktonic foraminifera. The results illustrate a non-linear relation between a unimodal latitudinal SST gradient and a resulting bimodal LGTR characterized by a drop in species richness near the equator. This relation indicates that the SST gradient exerts a mid-domain effect on the LGTR. The latitudinal positions of the modal values of the LGTR are also found to be influenced by the geographic origin of the simulated clade. Résumé Depuis plusieurs décennies, l'origine et l'interprétation écologique des Gradients Latitudinaux de Richesse Taxonomique (LGTR) marins ou continentaux, ont été intensivement débattues. Parmi de nombreuses hypothèses, il a été proposé qu'un LGTR puisse être le sous-produit d'un effet de milieu de domaine géographique, i.e. le résultat d'une distribution aléatoire des répartitions des taxa entre deux limites physiques telles que l'interface continent/océan. Afin d'évaluer plus efficacement le rôle de cet effet sur l'origine et l'évolution des LGTR des organismes planctoniques marins, nous proposons un modèle 2D basé sur une approche de type automate cellulaire dans laquelle les températures des eaux de surface (SST) et les courants régulent la dispersion biogéographique d'une phylogénie générée aléatoirement (un modèle «géophylétique»). Ce modèle permet d'évaluer les effets des courants, des SST et de la dépendance thermique des espèces sur la mise en place et la forme d'un LGTR impliquant des organismes planctoniques. Il permet aussi de discuter des influences respectives de ces paramètres quand ils sont superposés à l'effet de milieu de domaine géographique. Les résultats sont discutés à partir du LGTR empirique des foraminifères planctoniques atlantiques actuels. Indépendamment de tout autre paramètre biotique ou abiotique, y compris les courants ainsi que les taux relatifs et absolus d'apparition et d'extinction, les simulations font apparaître que le couplage de l'effet de milieu de domaine à deux contraintes principales, la forme et l'intensité du gradient de SST ainsi que la localisation géographique de l'origine du clade, produit des représentations réalistes de la diversité comparées au LGTR observé pour les foraminifères planctoniques actuels de l'océan atlantique. Nos résultats indiquent une relation non-linéaire entre la structure globale d'un gradient unimodal de SST et le LGTR bimodal correspondant, montrant une baisse de richesse spécifique au niveau de l'équateur. Cette relation suggère que le gradient de SST exerce un effet de milieu de domaine thermique sur le LGTR. Les positions latitudinales des modes du LGTR sont aussi influencées par le lieu d'origine du clade simulé. [source]

Setting the absolute tempo of biodiversity dynamics

Andrew P. Allen
Abstract Neutral biodiversity theory has the potential to contribute to our understanding of how macroevolutionary dynamics influence contemporary biodiversity, but there are issues regarding its dynamical predictions that must first be resolved. Here we address these issues by extending the theory in two ways using a novel analytical approach: (1) we set the absolute tempo of biodiversity dynamics by explicitly incorporating population-level stochasticity in abundance; (2) we allow new species to arise with more than one individual. Setting the absolute tempo yields quantitative predictions on biodiversity dynamics that can be tested using contemporary and fossil data. Allowing incipient-species abundances greater than one individual yields predictions on how these dynamics, and the form of the species-abundance distribution, are affected by multiple speciation modes. We apply this new model to contemporary and fossil data that encompass 30 Myr of macroevolution for planktonic foraminifera. By synthesizing the model with these empirical data, we present evidence that dynamical issues with neutral biodiversity theory may be resolved by incorporating the effects of environmental stochasticity and incipient-species abundance on biodiversity dynamics. [source]

Constraints on the glacial operation of the atlantic ocean's conveyor circulation

Wallace S. BroeckerArticle first published online: 8 MAR 2010
Circulation in the Atlantic Ocean is currently dominated by a northward flow of upper waters balanced by a return flow of deep water (i.e., the conveyor). Paleoproxies tell us that, unlike today, during the glacial age the deep Atlantic was stratified. Rather than being flooded with one nearly homogeneous water mass, there were two distinctly different ones. In this paper, the paleoproxy results are analyzed in an attempt to constrain the sources and ventilation rate of the deeper of these two glacial Atlantic water masses. Taken together, the cadmium and carbon isotope measurements on benthic foraminifera and the radiocarbon measurements on coexisting benthic and planktonic foraminifera appear to require a conveyor-like circulation no weaker than half of today's. This conclusion is at odds with geostrophic reconstructions. This seeming disagreement could be eliminated if, as suggested by Keigwin and Schlegel, the radiocarbon measurements by Broecker et al. significantly underestimate the difference between the 14C to C ratio for glacialage surface water and deep water in the equatorial Atlantic. [source]


A. G. Büyükutku
Lower-middle Miocene limestones in East Anatolia (eastern Turkey) assigned to the Adilcevaz Formation were studied using core and cuttings data from eight wells in the Tertiary Askale and Hinis-Mus-Van sub-basins. Their depositional environment, diagenetic characteristics and reservoir quality are reviewed. The Adilcevaz Formation carbonates are up to 225m thick. Abundant bioclasts are dominated by corals, encrusting red algae, bryozoans, and benthonic and planktonic foraminifera. Reef-core, fore-reef and back-reef facies were recognized. The preservation of primary porosity is generally poor as a result of late calcite cementation. Porosity is mainly present as moulds, vugs and interparticle types, which are best developed in the fore-reef and reef-core facies. However these pores are poorly connected and permeability is generally less than 0.1 mD. In contrast to coeval limestones of similiar facies in Iran, Iraq and other parts of the Middle East, the Adilcevaz Formation has little reservoir potential. [source]

Seeking a Holocene drift ice proxy: non-clay mineral variations from the SW to N-central Iceland shelf: trends, regime shifts, and periodicities,

John T. Andrews
Abstract Quantitative X-ray diffraction analysis of the <2,mm sediment fraction was carried out on 1257 samples (from the seafloor and 16 cores) from the Iceland shelf west of 18° W. All but one core (B997-347PC) were from transects along troughs on the NW to N-central shelf, an area that in modern and historic times has been affected by drift ice. The paper focuses on the non-clay mineralogy of the sediments (excluding calcite and volcanic glass). Quartz and potassium feldspars occupy similar positions in an R-mode principal component analysis, and oligoclase feldspar tracks quartz; these minerals are used as a proxy for ice-rafted detritus (IRD). Accordingly, the sum of these largely foreign minerals (Q&K) (to Icelandic bedrock) is used as a proxy for drift ice. A stacked, equi-spaced 100 a record is developed which shows both low-frequency trends and higher-frequency events. The detrended stacked record compares well with the flux of quartz (mg,cm,2,a,1) at MD99-2269 off N Iceland. The multi-taper method indicated that there are three significant frequencies at the 95% confidence level with periods of ca. 2500, 445 and 304 a. Regime shift analysis pinpoints intervals when there was a statistically significant shift in the average Q&K weight %, and identifies four IRD-rich events separated by intervals with lower inputs. There is some association between peaks of IRD input, less dense surface waters (from ,18O data on planktonic foraminifera) and intervals of moraine building. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Latitudinal gradient of taxonomic richness: combined outcome of temperature and geographic mid-domains effects?

A. Brayard
Abstract For several decades, the origin and ecological consequences of large-scale continental and marine Latitudinal Gradients of Taxonomic Richness (LGTR) have been intensively debated. Among the various hypotheses, it has been proposed that a LGTR is the by-product of a geographic mid-domain effect, i.e. the result of a random distribution of ranges of taxa between physical hard boundaries such as the continent/ocean interface. In order to more realistically evaluate the role of the mid-domain effect on the origin and evolution of the LGTR of marine planktonic organisms, we present a 2D model based on a cellular-automaton approach in which sea surface temperatures (SST) and currents are forced in the biogeographic dispersal of a randomly generated clade (a 2D ,geophyletic' model). Sensitivity experiments allow to evaluate the effects of currents, SST and the geographical origin of a clade on the formation and shape of a LGTR for planktonic organisms when coupled with a geographic mid-domain effect. Results are discussed in the light of the empirical LGTR of extant planktonic Foraminifera in the Atlantic Ocean. Independently of any other biotic or abiotic parameter, inclusive of the surface currents and origination/extinction absolute and relative rates, our simulations show that the coupling of the mid-domain effect with two critical parameters, namely the shape and intensity of the SST gradient and the geographic origin of a clade, produces realistic patterns of diversity when compared with the observed LGTR of extant atlantic planktonic foraminifera. The results illustrate a non-linear relation between a unimodal latitudinal SST gradient and a resulting bimodal LGTR characterized by a drop in species richness near the equator. This relation indicates that the SST gradient exerts a mid-domain effect on the LGTR. The latitudinal positions of the modal values of the LGTR are also found to be influenced by the geographic origin of the simulated clade. Résumé Depuis plusieurs décennies, l'origine et l'interprétation écologique des Gradients Latitudinaux de Richesse Taxonomique (LGTR) marins ou continentaux, ont été intensivement débattues. Parmi de nombreuses hypothèses, il a été proposé qu'un LGTR puisse être le sous-produit d'un effet de milieu de domaine géographique, i.e. le résultat d'une distribution aléatoire des répartitions des taxa entre deux limites physiques telles que l'interface continent/océan. Afin d'évaluer plus efficacement le rôle de cet effet sur l'origine et l'évolution des LGTR des organismes planctoniques marins, nous proposons un modèle 2D basé sur une approche de type automate cellulaire dans laquelle les températures des eaux de surface (SST) et les courants régulent la dispersion biogéographique d'une phylogénie générée aléatoirement (un modèle «géophylétique»). Ce modèle permet d'évaluer les effets des courants, des SST et de la dépendance thermique des espèces sur la mise en place et la forme d'un LGTR impliquant des organismes planctoniques. Il permet aussi de discuter des influences respectives de ces paramètres quand ils sont superposés à l'effet de milieu de domaine géographique. Les résultats sont discutés à partir du LGTR empirique des foraminifères planctoniques atlantiques actuels. Indépendamment de tout autre paramètre biotique ou abiotique, y compris les courants ainsi que les taux relatifs et absolus d'apparition et d'extinction, les simulations font apparaître que le couplage de l'effet de milieu de domaine à deux contraintes principales, la forme et l'intensité du gradient de SST ainsi que la localisation géographique de l'origine du clade, produit des représentations réalistes de la diversité comparées au LGTR observé pour les foraminifères planctoniques actuels de l'océan atlantique. Nos résultats indiquent une relation non-linéaire entre la structure globale d'un gradient unimodal de SST et le LGTR bimodal correspondant, montrant une baisse de richesse spécifique au niveau de l'équateur. Cette relation suggère que le gradient de SST exerce un effet de milieu de domaine thermique sur le LGTR. Les positions latitudinales des modes du LGTR sont aussi influencées par le lieu d'origine du clade simulé. [source]

Deglacial and Holocene conditions in northernmost Baffin Bay: sediments, foraminifera, diatoms and stable isotopes

BOREAS, Issue 3 2008
A multiproxy study of palaeoceanographic and climatic changes in northernmost Baffin Bay shows that major environmental changes have occurred since the deglaciation of the area at about 12 500 cal. yr BP. The interpretation is based on sedimentology, benthic and planktonic foraminifera and their isotopic composition, as well as diatom assemblages in the sedimentary records at two core sites, one located in the deeper central part of northernmost Baffin Bay and one in a separate trough closer to the Greenland coast. A revised chronology for the two records is established on the basis of 15 previously published AMS 14C age determinations. A basal diamicton is overlain by laminated, fossil-free sediments. Our data from the early part of the fossiliferous record (12 300,11 300 cal. yr BP), which is also initially laminated, indicate extensive seasonal sea-ice cover and brine release. There is indication of a cooling event between 11 300 and 10 900 cal. yr BP, and maximum Atlantic Water influence occurred between 10 900 and 8200 cal. yr BP (no sediment recovery between 8200 and 7300 cal. yr BP). A gradual, but fluctuating, increase in sea-ice cover is seen after 7300 cal. yr BP. Sea-ice diatoms were particularly abundant in the central part of northernmost Baffin Bay, presumably due to the inflow of Polar waters from the Arctic Ocean, and less sea ice occurred at the near-coastal site, which was under continuous influence of the West Greenland Current. Our data from the deep, central part show a fluctuating degree of upwelling after c. 7300 cal. yr BP, culminating between 4000 and 3050 cal. yr BP. There was a gradual increase in the influence of cold bottom waters from the Arctic Ocean after about 3050 cal. yr BP, when agglutinated foraminifera became abundant. A superimposed short-term change in the sea-surface proxies is correlated with the Little Ice Age cooling. [source]