Asian Mainland (asian + mainland)

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Selected Abstracts

Contrasting phylogeographical patterns of two closely related species, Machilus thunbergii and Machilus kusanoi (Lauraceae), in Taiwan

Su-Hwa Wu
Abstract Aim, The purpose of this paper was to study the patterns of genetic variation, demographic history, haplotype relationships and potential location of diversity centres of two closely related species, Machilus thunbergii and Machilus kusanoi. Location, The phylogeography of M. thunbergii and M. kusanoi was examined by sampling 110 and 106 individuals from 25 and 16 sampling sites, respectively, across their distributional range in Taiwan. Machilus thunbergii is distributed on the Asian mainland, South Korea, southern Japan, the Ryukyus, Taiwan and the Philippines, whereas M. kusanoi is endemic to Taiwan. These two species are closely related, and both are widely distributed in Taiwan but occupy different altitudinal zones and habitats. Methods, The range-wide variation of M. thunbergii and M. kusanoi in Taiwan was studied using chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variations. A haplotype network was constructed with the computer program tcs. Nested clade analysis was conducted with the computer program ceodis, and various parameters of genetic diversity were calculated and neutrality tested by the computer program DnaSP. Population differentiation was estimated using the programs arlequin and hapstep. The contribution of the populations to gene diversity and to allelic richness was calculated using the software contrib. The level of divergence for each population from the remaining populations was calculated as the mean value of pairwise FST for each population against the rest of the populations. Results, Extremely low levels of genetic differentiation were found for both species. This result suggested that these two species probably survived in multiple relict refugia with different population sizes throughout the island during low-temperature periods of the Pleistocene. In addition, nested clade analysis (NCA) of cpDNA haplotypes indicated that restricted gene flow with isolation-by-distance characterized the recolonization after the Pleistocene by Tashueshan and Shiouhluan populations of M. thunbergii in the north-central area west of the Central Mountain Range (CMR). In contrast, NCA analysis indicated that a major diversity centre on the southern tip of the island (Kending population) and contiguous range expansion characterized the recolonization by M. kusanoi of northern areas along the east side of the CMR. The major diversity centres found for the two species examined were further supported by the results of the mean FST for individual populations in comparison with other populations, and of the contribution of the divergence component to the total diversity. Main conclusions, This research supports the multiple relict refugia hypothesis for both species investigated. Populations of M. thunbergii at Shiouhluan and Tashueshan in the north-central area west of the CMR represent a diversity centre currently expanding its size. A diversity centre at the southern-edge population of M. kusanoi, and a contiguous range expansion from Kending, were found. These results indicate that the M. thunbergii populations at Tashueshan and Shiouhluan and the M. kusanoi population at Kending, and even Soukar, are evolutionarily significant units for conservation programmes. [source]

Biodiversity and biogeography of the islands of the Kuril Archipelago

Theodore W. Pietsch
Abstract Aim Based on seven consecutive seasons of biotic survey and inventory of the terrestrial and freshwater plants and animals of the 30 major islands of the Kuril Archipelago, a description of the biodiversity and an analysis of the biogeography of this previously little known part of the world are provided. Location The Kuril Archipelago, a natural laboratory for investigations into the origin, subsequent evolution, and long-term maintenance of insular populations, forms the eastern boundary of the Okhotsk Sea, extending 1200 km between Hokkaido, Japan, and the Kamchatka Peninsula of Russia. A chain of more than 56 islands, the system is only slightly smaller than the Hawaiian Islands, covering an area of 15,600 km2 and providing 2409 km of coastline. Methods Collections of whole specimens of plants and animals, as well as tissue samples for future molecular studies, were made by teams of scientists from Russia, Japan, and the USA, averaging 34 people for each of the seven annual summer expeditions (1994,2000). Floral and faunal similarities between islands were evaluated by using Sorensen's coefficient of similarity. The similarity matrix resulting from pair-wise calculations was then subjected to UPGMA cluster analysis. Results Despite the relatively small geographical area of all islands combined, the Kuril Island biota is characterized by unusually high taxonomic diversity, yet endemism is very low. An example of a non-relict biota, it originated from two primary sources: a southern source, the Asian mainland by way of Sakhalin and Hokkaido, and a northern source by way of Kamchatka. The contribution of the southern source biota to the species diversity of the Kurils was considerably greater than the northern one. Main conclusion The Bussol Strait, lying between Urup and Simushir in the central Kurils, is the most significant biogeographical boundary within the Archipelago. Of lesser importance are two transitional zones, the De Vries Strait or ,Miyabe Line', which passes between Iturup and Urup in the southern Kurils, and the fourth Kuril Strait, between Onekotan and Paramushir in the northern Kurils. [source]

Ficus racemosa is pollinated by a single population of a single agaonid wasp species in continental South-East Asia

Abstract High specificity in the Ficus -agaonid wasp mutualism has lead to the assumption of a mostly ,one-to-one' relationship, albeit with some exceptions. This view has been challenged by new molecular data in recent years, but surprisingly little is known about local and spatial genetic structuring of agaonid wasp populations. Using microsatellite markers, we analysed genetic structuring of Ceratosolen fusciceps, the fig wasp pollinating Ficus racemosa, a fig tree species widely distributed from India to Australia. In sampling stretching from the south of China to the south of Thailand we found evidence for only a single pollinating wasp species in continental South-East Asian mainland. We found no evidence for the co-occurrence of cryptic species within our subcontinent sampling zone. We observed no spatial genetic structure within sites and only limited structuring over the whole sampling zone, suggesting that F. racemosa is pollinated by a single population of a single agaonid wasp species all over continental South-East Asia. An additional sample of wasps collected on F. racemosa in Australia showed clear-cut genetic differentiation from the Asian continent, suggesting allopatric divergence into subspecies or species. We propose that the frequent local co-occurrence of sister species found in the literature mainly stems from contact zones between biogeographic regions, and that a single pollinator species over wide areas might be the more common situation everywhere else. [source]

Phylogenetic Age is Positively Correlated with Sensitivity to Timber Harvest in Bornean Mammals

BIOTROPICA, Issue 1 2008
Erik Meijaard
ABSTRACT The reasons that forest vertebrates differ in their response to selective timber extraction in tropical forests remain poorly characterized. Understanding what determines response and sensitivity can indicate how forest management might yield greater conservation benefits, and help us identify which lesser-known species may be especially vulnerable. We assessed the response of 41 Bornean mammals to selective timber harvest and tested eight hypotheses regarding the correlation between those responses and a range of species characteristics. Multivariate analyses show that phylogenetic species age is a key variable determining sensitivity. Older species are less able to cope with the effects of selective timber harvest. Most of these species are endemic to insular southeast Asia, and do not occur on the Asian mainland. These species are more specialized, and appear less able to cope with habitat change. In contrast, species tolerant to logging evolved more recently. This group tends to be omnivorous or herbivorous, to use all vegetation strata, and to be regionally widespread. This finding allows the sensitivity to habitat disturbance of lesser-known species to be predicted, and therefore has important conservation implications. These new insights also help in the design of large-scale forest landscapes that combine sustainable forest management and species conservation requirements. We recognize that these functions can be compatible, but that some species still need completely protected areas for their survival. RINGKASAN Hingga saat ini belum banyak penelitian mengungkapkan bagaimana berbagai vertebrata hutan akan bereaksi ketika dilakukan pembalakan hutan secara selektif. Dengan mempelajari tingkat reaksi dan kepekaan vertebrata, maka dapat diketahui bagaimana pengelolaan hutan dapat memberikan manfaat konservasi yang lebih besar. Penelitian demikian dapat membantu kami mengidentifikasi spesies mana saja yang biologinya sedikit diketahui namun termasuk rentan kepunahan. Kami mengevaluasi tanggapan 41 spesies mamalia Kalimantan/Borneo terhadap pemanenan kayu secara selektif, dan selanjutnya menguji 8 hipotesa berkaitan dengan hubungan atau korelasi antara tanggapan yang terjadi dengan berbagai karakteristik dari masing-masing spesies yang diteliti. Berdasarkan analisis multivarian disimpulkan bahwa umur filogenetik dari masing-masing spesies merupakan penentu kelentingan masing-masing spesies tersebut terhadap dampak pemanenan selektif. Spesies yang berumur lebih tua cenderung kurang dapat mentolerir dampak pemanenan kayu. Kebanyakan spesies ini merupakan endemik kepulauan di Asia Tenggara. Spesies ini cenderung merupakan spesialis (memiliki niche yang lebih sempit), serta tampaknya tidak seberapa kuat menerima dampak perubahan habitat. Sebaliknya spesies yang lebih toleran terhadap pembalakan cenderung baru berevolusi belakangan ini. Kelompok ini cenderung bersifat omnivora atau herbivora, serta mampu menggunakan seluruh lapisan vegetasi yang ada, serta tersebar meluas. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, dimungkinkan dilakukan prakiraan terhadap kepekaan dan dengan demikian terdapat berbagai manfaat praktis dalam hal metodologi. Analisis ini juga dapat membantu perancangan lanskap hutan berskala besar, dengan menggabungkan pengelolaan hutan berkelanjutan serta kebutuhan konservasi spesies. Kami melihat bahwa kedua kebutuhan pengelolaan tersebut dapat dipadu-serasikan, namun untuk beberapa spesies akan mutlak dibutuhkan kawasan yang dilindungi penuh demi kelanjutan spesies-spesies tersebut. [source]