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Kinds of Peru Selected AbstractsTHE FOUNDING ABYSS OF COLONIAL HISTORY: OR "THE ORIGIN AND PRINCIPLE OF THE NAME OF PERU"HISTORY AND THEORY, Issue 1 2009MARK THURNER ABSTRACT The name of "Peru" and the entities and beings it names first appeared "in an abyss of history" on "the edge of the world" in the early 1500s. In this essay I ask what hermeneutical truths or meanings the strange event that made the name of Peru both famous and historical holds for,and withholds from,any understanding of the meaning of colonial history. By way of a reading of Inca garcilaso de la Vega's rendering, in Los Comentarios Reales de los Incas (1609) of "the origin and principle of the name of Peru," I suggest that Peru's name is itself an inaugural event that marks the founding void or abyss of colonial and postcolonial history, which is to say, of modern global history. This événemential void is not unoccupied, however. It is inhabited by another founding, mythopoetic figure of history: "the barbarian" whose speech is registered in the historian's text. [source] IX CONGRESS OF THE LATIN AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR SEXUAL MEDICINE NOVEMBER 29-DECEMBER 1, 2007, LIMA, PERUTHE JOURNAL OF SEXUAL MEDICINE, Issue 2008Article first published online: 5 DEC 200 First page of article [source] Biological Sustainability of Live Shearing of Vicuña in PeruCONSERVATION BIOLOGY, Issue 1 2007CATHERINE TERESA SAHLEY Andes; conservación basada en comunidades; Vicugna vicugna Abstract:,The vicuña's (Vicugna vicugna) fiber is highly valued as an export product that is made into luxury fabric and clothing. The price of fiber in 2004 was $566/kg, which makes the fiber a potentially important source of income for Andean agropastoral communities and serves as an incentive to allow vicuña grazing on high-elevation Andean landscapes. It is presumed that a shorn vicuña has little value for poachers, so shearing vicuñas could serve as a disincentive to poaching. Thus, the supply of vicuña fiber may be sustainable if it is procured through live shearing, which should serve as a powerful conservation tool. We evaluated the effects of capture and shearing on the demography of vicuña in one site located in the Salinas Aguada Blanca Reserve, Arequipa, Peru, where vicuñas were captured and shorn in spring and then returned to the wild. We conducted fixed-width line-transect censuses from 1997 to 2003 of this population. We compared the proportion of young born to females that were shorn versus females that were unshorn for the 3 years in which shearing occurred. We evaluated the effect of capture and shearing on proportion of young born to shorn and unshorn females at a second site, Picotani, Puno. The wild population in Arequipa that underwent capture and shearing showed a steady increase in total population and average density between 1997 and 2003. No significant difference was found between the proportion of young per female for shorn and unshorn females at either site. We conclude that in spring, capture and live shearing of vicuñas can be biologically sustainable. Further research is needed to determine whether shearing during winter months is biologically sustainable. Resumen:,La fibra de vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) tiene gran valor como un producto de exportación que es transformado en tela y ropa de lujo. El precio de la fibra en 2004 era de $566/kg, lo que hace que la fibra sea una fuente de ingreso potencialmente importante para comunidades agropastoriles Andinas y servir como un incentivo para permitir el pastoreo de vicuñas en paisajes Andinos elevados. Se presume que una vicuña trasquilada tiene poco valor para cazadores furtivos, por lo que el trasquilado de vicuñas pudiera servir como un desincentivo para la caza furtiva. Por lo tanto, el abastecimiento de fibra de vicuña puede ser sustentable si se obtiene del trasquilado de animales vivos, y el trasquilado de animales vivos debería ser una poderosa herramienta de conservación. Evaluamos los efectos de la captura y trasquilado sobre la demografía de vicuñas en un sitio localizado en la Reserva Salinas Aguada Blanca, Arequipa, Perú, donde las vicuñas fueron capturadas y trasquiladas en primavera y liberadas. Realizamos censos de esta población en transectos lineales de ancho fijo de 1997 a 2003. Comparamos la proporción de crías de hembras trasquiladas con las de hembras no trasquiladas durante los 3 años en que ocurrió el trasquilado. Evaluamos el efecto de la captura y trasquilado sobre la proporción de crías de hembras trasquiladas y no trasquiladas en un segundo sitio, Picotani, Puno. La población silvestre en Arequipa que fue capturada y trasquilada mostró un incremento constante en la población total y la densidad promedio entre 1997 y 2003. No se encontró diferencia significativa entre la proporción de crías por hembra para hembras trasquiladas y no trasquiladas en ningún sitio. Concluimos que en la primavera, la captura y trasquilado de vicuñas vivas puede ser biológicamente sostenible. Se requiere más investigación para determinar si el trasquilado durante el invierno es biológicamente sostenible. [source] European Standard Series patch test results from a contact dermatitis clinic in Israel during the 7-year period from 1998 to 2004CONTACT DERMATITIS, Issue 2 2006Aneta Lazarov The results of a 7-year retrospective study (1998,2004) from patch testing with the European Standard Series (ESS) establishing the frequency of sensitization in a contact dermatitis clinic in Israel are presented. 23 allergens were patch tested on 2156 patients, 1462 females (67.8%) and 694 males (32.2%). Atopy and asthma were present in 21.9% of the patients. One or more allergic reactions were observed in 937 patients (43.5%). The highest yield of patch test positives from the 1076 positive reactions were obtained from nickel sulfate (13.9%), fragrance mix (7.1%), potassium dichromate (3.8%), Balsam of Peru (3.6%), CL + Me-isothiazolinone (3.4%) and cobalt chloride (3.4%). Allergens which produced the least amount of positive results were primin and clioquinol. Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) was established in 32.8%, whereas occupationally related allergic (8.0) and irritant contact dermatitis (5.6%) affected a total of 13.6% of the cases studied. The most common clinical forms of dermatitis were chronic dermatitis (47.7%) followed by acute dermatitis (22.8%), and lichenification and hyperkeratosis (7.9%). The hands (30.7%), face and neck (23.9%) and extremities (11.3%) were the most frequently affected areas. Four allergens in our study differed from the top 10 allergens in Europe namely: Cl + Me-isothiazolinone, formaldehyde, 4-tert-butylphenol formaldehyde resin and sesquiterpene lactone mix reflecting an existing difference in environmental exposure. Our study is the first to provide data on the frequency of sensitization and important allergens in the aetiology of ACD in Israel. In spite of the existing differences with Europe, we conclude that ESS is an appropriate screening system for the diagnosis of ACD in Israel. [source] Sensitivity to Myroxylon pereirae resin (balsam of Peru).CONTACT DERMATITIS, Issue 6 2005A study of 50 cases The Myroxylon pereirae resin (MP; balsam of Peru) is a natural resin used in the local treatment of burns and wounds. M. pereirae extracts and distillates are very often contained in a wide range of cosmetic products and causes frequently allergic contact dermatitis , to the extent of being considered an allergy marker to perfumes. We have carried out a retrospective study of 863 patients who have been submitted to patch tests from January 2002 to June 2004. A total of 50 patients were positive to MP. Thus, the prevalence was 5.79%, slightly higher in men (7.32%) than in women (4.91%). The positive patch tests were relevant in 64%. Over the last years, it appears that there is a clear increase of the prevalence of the sensitization to MP in all the studies published. We observe an increase of the prevalence especially in aged patients, where the sensitization is linked with the use of topical medications secondary to stasis dermatitis. The high frequency of allergy to MP in our area might be associated with manipulation of citrus fruits. The increasing use of cosmetic products by the male population can also be held responsible for the higher sensitization rate in this group of patients. [source] Contact allergy to farnesol in 2021 consecutively patch tested patients.CONTACT DERMATITIS, Issue 3 2004Results of the IVDK Farnesol is one of the fragrances considered to be a significant contact allergen. Therefore, it was decided by the European Union to label products containing farnesol. Farnesol was tested [5% petrolatum (pet.)] together with the standard series between 1 January 2003 and 30 June 2003 in 2021 consecutive patients, 1243 females and 778 males. Of these, 22 [1.1%, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.7,1.6%] had a positive reaction to farnesol. 147 (8.1%) of those 1825 tested to Myroxylon pereirae resin (balsam of Peru, 25% pet.) at the same time reacted positively, 143 (7.8%) of those 1823 tested to the fragrance mix (FM) (8% pet.) and 34 (1.9%) of 1831 tested to propolis (10% pet.). With regard to concomitant reactions in farnesol-positive patients, 5 of 22 reacted additionally to the FM [odds ratio (OR): 4.3; CI: 1.53,12.15] and 2 (of these 5) additionally to M. pereirae resin (OR: 1.27; CI: 0.29,5.54). The strongest association was seen to propolis (OR: 6.2; 95% CI: 1.4,27.7). Compared to those with negative reactions to farnesol, the group of patients allergic to farnesol was characterized by a higher proportion of young females and office workers, and the hand and the face were more often affected. In conclusion, farnesol is an important allergen. We recommend that farnesol should be included in a fragrance patch-test preparation and that its use should be regulated for consumer safety reasons. Furthermore, the extent of exposure to farnesol should be further studied. [source] P72 Pigmented patch-test substance and laser Doppler perfusion imagingCONTACT DERMATITIS, Issue 3 2004Bolli Bjarnason Objective:, To investigate if pigment of a dark patch-test substance may affect assessment of perfusion with the laser Doppler imaging technique. Materials:, 13 subjects who previously patch-tested positive with 25% balsam of Peru in petrolatum were re-tested with the same test substance and petrolatum controls applied directly by transparent foils and with much weaker and less pigmented serial doses tested with polyester squares. Readings of perfusion were performed through the test substances and the transparent foils at time intervals up to 4 days while tests were applied and for 5 days following detachment of tests. The instrument set-up of the LDPI was the same as we have suggested for non-pigmented patch-test substances tested on white skin. Results:, Results show that pigment remnants following detachment of the dark pigmented and pasty test substance containing the petrolatum vehicle were prone to affect perfusion assessments by masking detection of perfusion of parts of test sites. A real masking effect is supported by a similar effect with readings of the same tests while they were applied and by no such observable effect with the petrolatum controls or the non-pasty and much less pigmented squares. Conclusion:, The results show that pigment of patch-test substances may affect perfusion assessments with the instrument set-up suggested for non-pigmented substances. [source] Effect of dark test-substance pigmentation on skin perfusion assessments and effect of test technique on balsam of Peru patch-test resultsCONTACT DERMATITIS, Issue 6 2000Bolli Bjarnason 13 balsam of Peru (Myroxylon Pereirae) patch-test-positive subjects are re-tested with 25% balsam of Peru in petrolatum and with serial doses printed on polyester squares. All substances are applied with tape strips for 3, 6, 24 (1 day [D]), 48 (2D), 72 (3D) and 96 h (4D) on each subject and for 96 h (4D) with plastic foils. Tests are followed visually and with perfusion assessments from 3 h to 9 days. Results show that pigment remnants following detachment of patches affect perfusion assessments. Such effect due to pigment is supported by readings of patch tests through the petrolatum test substance while applied with transparent foils. For most reactions, good agreement is observed between the assessment techniques when peak assessment values of reactions are compared. There is inter-individual variation in perfusion with identical tests. With the petrolatum test substance, increased visible reactivity was observed when the application time was extended up to 24 h (1D), while extension of application time increased perfusion in most cases except for an extension from 24 (2D) to 48 h (4D) where decreased perfusion resulted in most cases. Dose and application time did not affect the timing of highest reactivity of reactions in most cases. [source] Assessment of balsam of Peru patch testsCONTACT DERMATITIS, Issue 6 2000Bolli Bjarnason To find an ideal test technique for as low a dose of balsam of Peru (Myroxylon Pereirae) as possible, subjects testing positive to balsam of Peru are re-tested with a 25% concentration of balsam of Peru in petrolatum. Applications are with Finn Chambers® for 6 different application times, and directly by foils for 96 h (4 days (D)). The goals are to confirm which subjects are positive and which are not, and, using that information, to see if it is possible to distinguish between these 2 groups, tested concomitantly at much lower serial dose levels, in terms of perfusion or by visual assessments. 5 different serial doses are applied with strips for 3,96 h (4D) and with foils for 96 h (4D). The Finn Chamber® tests allow a distinction between visually positive and negative subjects supported by perfusion assessments. With the foils, a 24× lower serial dose level than with the 25% test substance is sufficient to distinguish between positive and negative subjects in terms of perfusion values. This approach requires readings up to 9 days. With this test, the visual approach yields only 3 of 10 positive subjects. This study demonstrates that a lower test dose is possible with perfusion assessments compared to visual ones. [source] NGOs, Local Government, and Agrarian Civil Society: A Case of Evolving Collaboration from Southern PeruCULTURE, AGRICULTURE, FOOD & ENVIRONMENT, Issue 1 2001Assistant Professor Lisa Markowitz First page of article [source] Fujimori's Peru: Deception in the Public Sphere by Catherine M. ConaghanDEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE, Issue 5 2008Liisa L. North No abstract is available for this article. [source] A Strategic Approach to Rights: Lessons from Clientelism in Rural PeruDEVELOPMENT POLICY REVIEW, Issue 5 2005Aaron Schneider International norms of social, economic and political rights are presented as a means of transforming social relations in developing countries. Yet, when rights norms are introduced into domestic practice, they do not always produce liberal, democratic results. Instead, rights and local practices of clientelism mix. This article examines this political process in rural Peru. Alternatives to clientelism emerge when NGOs and international development agencies forge strategic and selective coalitions between urban middle-class sectors and the rural poor. This calls for an explicit politics of advancing rights by any means necessary: accepting hybrid forms when inevitable, incorporating excluded groups when possible, and striking alliances that displace traditional elites. [source] Effects of seismic intensity and socioeconomic status on injury and displacement after the 2007 Peru earthquakeDISASTERS, Issue 4 2010Karen Milch Earthquakes are a major cause of displacement, particularly in developing countries. Models of injury and displacement can be applied to assist governments and aid organisations in effectively targeting preparedness and relief efforts. A stratified cluster survey was conducted in January 2008 to evaluate risk factors for injury and displacement following the 15 August 2007 earthquake in southern Peru. In statistical modelling, seismic intensity, distance to rupture, living conditions, and educational attainment collectively explained 54.9 per cent of the variability in displacement rates across clusters. Living conditions was a particularly significant predictor of injury and displacement, indicating a strong relationship between risk and socioeconomic status. Contrary to expectations, urban, periurban, and rural clusters did not exhibit significantly different injury and displacement rates. Proxies of socioeconomic status, particularly the living conditions index score, proved relevant in explaining displacement, likely due to unmeasured aspects of housing construction practices and building materials. [source] Impact of a rock avalanche on a moraine-dammed proglacial lake: Laguna Safuna Alta, Cordillera Blanca, PeruEARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS, Issue 10 2005Bryn Hubbard Abstract Moraines that dam proglacial lakes pose an increasing hazard to communities in the Andes and other mountain ranges. The moraines are prone to failure through collapse, overtopping by lake waters or the effect of displacement waves resulting from ice and rock avalanches. Resulting floods have led to the loss of thousands of lives in the Cordillera Blanca mountains of Peru alone in the last 100 years. On 22 April 2002 a rock avalanche occurred immediately to the south-west of Laguna Safuna Alta, in the Cordillera Blanca. The geomorphic evidence for the nature, magnitude and consequences of this event was investigated in August 2002. Field mapping indicated that the avalanche deposited 8,20 × 106 m3 of rock into the lake and onto the surface of the frontal region of Glaciar Pucajirca, which flows into the lake. Repeated bathymetric surveying indicated that ,5 × 106 m3 of this material was deposited directly into the lake. The immediate effect of this event was to create a displacement wave that gained in height as it travelled along the lake basin, overtopping the impounding moraine at the lake's northern end. To achieve overtopping, the maximum wave height must have been greater than 100 m. This, and subsequent seiche waves, caused extensive erosion of both the proximal and distal faces of the impounding terminal moraine. Further deep gullying of the distal face of this moraine resulted from the supply of pressurized water to the face via a relief overflow tunnel constructed in 1978. Two-dimensional, steady-state analysis of the stability of the post-avalanche moraine rampart indicates that its proximal face remains susceptible to major large-scale rotational failure. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source] Edaphic niche differentiation among Polybotrya ferns in western Amazonia: implications for coexistence and speciationECOGRAPHY, Issue 3 2006Hanna TuomistoArticle first published online: 22 FEB 200 To study the degree of edaphic specialization in Amazonian plants, the distribution patterns of seven species of Polybotrya ferns were studied in 109 sites in a climatically uniform area of northwestern Amazonia (Colombia, Ecuador and northern Peru). The two most abundant species of Polybotrya were found in about two-thirds of the sites with almost 7000 individuals each, the rarest species occurred in just one site with 40 individuals. Each of the seven species appeared to have a unique realised niche, when niche dimensions were defined by gradients in soil texture, soil cation content, and inundation. The species also differed in how broadly or narrowly they were distributed along each gradient. Some species were practically never found in the same sites, whereas others co-occurred with a high frequency, in spite of showing clearly different abundance patterns among sites. A single site only contains a small part of the edaphic variation present in the landscape, and a small proportion of any species' niche space, so broad-scale studies are needed to adequately describe and compare species' niches and to assess to what degree niche differences promote species coexistence. The distribution patterns in Polybotrya are consistent with, but do not prove, that ecological speciation may have been important in the radiation of the genus. If such a pattern is found to be common in other Amazonian plants, this would indicate that each evolutionary lineage has adapted to the available habitats largely independently of the others. [source] The value of georeferenced collection records for predicting patterns of mosquito species richness and endemism in the NeotropicsECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY, Issue 1 2008DESMOND H. FOLEY Abstract 1.,Determining large-scale distribution patterns for mosquitoes could advance knowledge of global mosquito biogeography and inform decisions about where mosquito inventory needs are greatest. 2.,Over 43 000 georeferenced records are presented of identified and vouchered mosquitoes from collections undertaken between 1899 and 1982, from 1853 locations in 42 countries throughout the Neotropics. Of 492 species in the data set, 23% were only recorded from one location, and Anopheles albimanus Wiedemann is the most common species. 3.,A linear log,log species,area relationship was found for mosquito species number and country area. Chile had the lowest relative density of species and Trinidad-Tobago the highest, followed by Panama and French Guiana. 4.,The potential distribution of species was predicted using an Ecological Niche Modelling (ENM) approach. Anopheles species had the largest predicted species ranges, whereas species of Deinocerites and Wyeomyia had the smallest. 5.,Species richness was estimated for 1° grids and by summing predicted presence of species from ENM. These methods both showed areas of high species richness in French Guiana, Panama, Trinidad-Tobago, and Colombia. Potential hotspots in endemicity included unsampled areas in Panama, French Guiana, Colombia, Belize, Venezuela, and Brazil. 6.,Argentina, The Bahamas, Bermuda, Bolivia, Cuba, and Peru were the most under-represented countries in the database compared with known country species occurrence data. Analysis of species accumulation curves suggested patchiness in the distribution of data points, which may affect estimates of species richness. 7.,The data set is a first step towards the development of a global-scale repository of georeferenced mosquito collection records. [source] Access to Telephone Services and Household Income in Poor Rural Areas Using a Quasi-natural Experiment for PeruECONOMICA, Issue 304 2009ALBERTO CHONG We take advantage of a quasi-natural experiment in Peru in which a privatized telecommunications company was required by the government to randomly install and operate public pay phones in small rural towns throughout the country. Using an especially designed household survey for a representative sample of rural towns, we are able to link access to telephone services with household income. We find that, regardless of income measurement, most characteristics of public telephone use are positively linked with income. Remarkably, the benefits are given at both non-farm and farm income levels. The findings hold when using propensity score matching methods. [source] Characterization of a Vibrio cholerae phage isolated from the coastal water of PeruENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, Issue 5 2003Miguel Talledo Summary A Vibrio cholerae bacteriophage, family Myoviridae, was isolated from seawater collected from the coastal water of Lima, Peru. Genome size was estimated to be 29 kbp. The temperate phage was specific to V. cholerae and infected 12/13 V. cholerae O1 strains and half of the four non-O1/non-O139 strains tested in this study. Vibrio cholerae O139 strains were resistant to infection and highest infection rates were obtained in low nutrient media amended with NaCl or prepared using seawater as diluent. [source] A Space of Vulnerability in Poverty and Health: Political-Ecology and Biocultural AnalysisETHOS, Issue 1 2005THOMAS LEATHERMAN In this article I present a political-ecological approach for biocultural analyses that attempts to synthesize perspectives from anthropological political economy and those from ecological anthropology and human adaptability approaches. The approach is used to examine contexts and consequences of vulnerability among Andean peoples in southern Peru, and specifically the ongoing and dialectical relationships between poverty, illness, and household production. Household demographic composition, class position, economic status, and interpersonal relations are all important in shaping their experience with illness, and coping capacity in dealing with the consequences of illness on household livelihood. I suggest that the contexts and consequences of vulnerability among rural producers in southern Peru contributed in part to the spread of the Sendero Luminoso revolutionary movement into the region in the late 1980s and early 1990s. [source] Teaching and Learning with Therapists Who Work with Street Children and Their FamiliesFAMILY PROCESS, Issue 3 2010JANINE ROBERTS ED.D. Providing training for people working with some of the most marginalized families in Guatemala and Peru meant establishing credibility as a facilitator; entering organizations as a learner; cocreating training agendas; and working in a format that paralleled a strength-based, resilience focus in therapy. Strategies used for different phases of the work are detailed: multiple ways to gather information, shadowing staff, delivering topics on demand, and creating learning environments with a focus on families as teachers. Key processes included moving in and out of the role of facilitator and participant, entering into the trainings from different vantage points within the organizations, and designing activities with an eye to how they would impact work relationships of staff and clients. RESUMEN Brindar capacitación a personas que trabajan con algunas de las familias más marginadas de Guatemala y Perú implicó establecer credibilidad como facilitador; ingresar en organizaciones como alumno; co-crear agendas de capacitación y trabajar en un formato análogo a un enfoque basado en las virtudes y la resiliencia en terapia. Se detallan las estrategias utilizadas en las diferentes fases del trabajo: distintas maneras de reunir información, observación del personal, charlas a pedido, y creación de ambientes de aprendizaje haciendo hincapié en las familias como maestras. Los procesos clave consistieron en asumir y abandonar el rol de facilitador y participante, iniciar las capacitaciones desde diferentes posiciones de ventaja dentro de las organizaciones y diseñar actividades con miras a cómo repercutirían sobre las relaciones laborales del personal y los clientes. Palabras clave: capacitación colaborativa, niños que trabajan en la calle, terapia familiar en Latinoamérica [source] Notes on South American Valerianaceae I,FEDDES REPERTORIUM, Issue 7-8 2003F. Weberling Professor Dr. A new species of Belonanthus, Belonanthus theodorici sp. nova, is described. It is characterized by spathulate foliage leaves, the ovate blades of which are rather distinctly contracted into a long and narrow sheathing petiole and bear a dense covering with long hairs, giving the surface of the rosette a silvery sheen. In the monothyrsoid inflorescence the peduncles (hypopodia) of the lower partial inflorescences are considerably elongated. , Valeriana micropterinaWedd., V. poterioidesGraebn., V. thalictroidesGraebn. and V.aspleniifoliaKillip are included into Valeriana microptera. , For Valeriana fonkiiPhil. and V. radicalisClos reliable distinctive characters are named. , For Valeriana decussataRuiz & Pav. virescent calices with green sepals are described and illustrated. Anmerkungen zu südamerikanischen Valerianaceae I Es wird eine neue Belonanthus -Art aus Peru, Belonanthus theodorici sp. nova beschrieben. Diese ist gekennzeichnet durch ihre silberhaarigen Laubblätter und den Bau ihrer Infloreszenzen, deren cymöse Partialinfloreszenzen teilweise mit langgestreckten Hypopodien ausgestattet sind. Valeriana micropterinaWedd., V. poterioidesGraebn., V. thalictro-idesGraebn. und V. aspleniifoliaKillip sind unter dem Namen der erstgenannten vereinigt. Für Valeriana fonkiiPhil. und V. radicalisClos werden verlässliche Unterscheidungsmerkmale genannt. Vergrünte, mit sepaloiden Kelchblättern ausgestattete Kelche werden für Valeriana decussataRuiz & Pav. beschrieben und abgebildet. [source] Revision of the subgenus Wichuraea (M.Roemer) Baker of BomareaMirbel (Alstroemeriaceae)FEDDES REPERTORIUM, Issue 3-4 2003A. Hofreiter The subgenus Wichuraea of Bomarea (Alstroemeriaceae) was last revised by Baker (1888) as part of his revision of the genus Bomarea. Since then the number of validly published names has increased from seven to recently 50, indicating an urgent need for further revision. Extensive field studies in Peru (A. Hofreiter) and depth investigation of herbarium material have led to new insights into the subgenus. As a result a number of Bomarea species formerly placed under Wichuraea are relocated to another subgenus, a large number of names are placed into synonymy and one species, Bomarea vargasiiHofreiter sp. nova, and one subspecies, Bomareaandimarcana subsp. andimarcanaHofreiter comb. nov. und B. andimarcana subsp. densifoliaHofreiter comb. nov., are newly described. A key to the 16 species is given. Field studies revealed that even taxonomically valuable characters can be remarkably variable, even within a single population. This has demonstrably resulted in a high degree of taxa instability in the group. The typical habit and its variability, preferred habitats and the geographical distribution of each species is presented. Revision der Untergattung Wichuraea (M.Roemer) Baker der Gattung BomareaMirbel (Alstroemeriaceae) Die Untergattung Wichuraea wurde zuletzt von Baker (1888) als Teil der Revision von Bomarea (Alstroemeriaceae) revidiert. Seit dieser Zeit hat die Zahl gültig veröffentlichter Namen von sieben auf 50 zugenommen. Eine Revision erscheint deshalb dringend erforderlich. Die Grundlage für diese Arbeit wurde bei ausführlichen Feldstudien in Peru (A. Hofreiter) und umfangreichen Analysen von Herbarmaterial gelegt. Durch die vorliegende Revision wird die Anzahl der Arten auf 16 reduziert. Ein Teil der bisher zu Wichuraea gestellten Arten gehört zu einer anderen Untergattung, ein weiterer Teil der Namen muss in die Synonymie verwiesen werden. Eine Art, Bomarea vargasiiHofreiter sp. nova, und eine Unterart, Bomarea andimarcana subsp. andimarcanaHofreiter comb. nov. und B. andimarcana subsp. densifoliaHofreiter comb. nov., werden neu beschrieben. Feldstudien ergaben eine hohe Variabilität der Merkmale, selbst innerhalb einer Population. Dies hat z. B. allein bei Bomarea dulcis zu 14 Synonymen geführt. Für jede Art werden die typische Wuchsform und deren Variabilität, die bevorzugten Standorte und die geographische Verbreitung dargestellt. [source] From small-scale habitat loopholes to decadal cycles: a habitat-based hypothesis explaining fluctuation in pelagic fish populations off PeruFISH AND FISHERIES, Issue 4 2004Arnaud Bertrand Abstract The Peru-Humboldt Current system (HCS) supports the world's largest pelagic fisheries. Among the world's eastern boundary current systems, it is the most exposed to high climatic stress and is directly affected by El Niño and La Niña events. In this volatile ecosystem, fish have been led to develop adaptive strategies in space and time. In this paper, we attempt to understand the mechanisms underlying such strategies, focusing on the El Niño 1997,98 in Peru from which an extensive set of hydrographic, capture and acoustic survey data are available. An integrated analysis of the data is crucial, as each has substantial shortcomings individually; for example, both catch data and acoustic surveys may easily lead to wrong conclusions. Existing hypotheses on anchovy and sardine alternations lead us to a ,habitat-based' synthetic hypothesis. Using our data, an integrated approach evaluated how fish responded to habitat variation, and determined the consequences in terms of fish-population variability. Various factors occurring at a range of different spatio-temporal scales were considered: interdecadal regime (warm ,El Viejo'/cool ,La Vieja' decadal scale); strength and the duration of the El Niño Southern Oscillation event (interannual scale); population condition before the event (interannual scale); fishing pressure and other predation (annual scale); changes in reproductive behaviour (intra-annual scale); presence of local upwelling (local scale). During El Niño 1997,98, anchovy was able to exploit a small-scale temporal and spatial ,loophole' inside the general unfavourable conditions. Moreover, sardine did not do better than anchovy during this El Niño and was not able to take advantage of the ,loophole' opened by this short-term event. Our results question the traditional view that El Niño is bad for anchovy and good for sardine. [source] Environmental ,loopholes' and fish population dynamics: comparative pattern recognition with focus on El Niño effects in the PacificFISHERIES OCEANOGRAPHY, Issue 4-5 2003Andrew Bakun Abstract A process of comparative pattern recognition is undertaken for the purpose of garnering insights into the mechanisms underlying some currently puzzling conundrums in fishery resource ecology. These include (a) out-of-phase oscillations between anchovies and sardines, (b) the remarkable fish productivity of the Peru,Humboldt marine ecosystem, (c) sardine population increases in the eastern Pacific during El Niños, (d) basin-wide synchronies in large-amplitude abundance variations, (e) characteristic spawning of large tuna species in poorly productive areas, (f) contrary trends in Pacific tropical tuna abundance during the 1970s and early 1980s. It is found that each of the items appears to become less enigmatic when the conceptual focus shifts from conventional trophodynamics to the idea that ,loopholes' in the fields of biological controls (i.e. of predators of early life stages), produced by poor ocean productivity or by disruptive environmental perturbations, may in fact lead to remarkable reproductive success. Implications include the following: (1) El Niño, rather than being an unmitigated disaster for Peruvian fisheries, may in the long run be a prime reason for the remarkable fishery productivity of the Peru,Humboldt large marine ecosystem. (2) Globally-teleconnected climatic trends or shifts might produce globally-coherent population expansions even when local environmental expressions may be quite different. (3) It may be unreasonable to expect any management methodologies to be able to keep the fish populations of highly climatically-perturbed systems such as the Peruvian LME always at stable high levels; an alternative approach, for example, might be to take optimal advantage of the transient opportunities afforded by the high fish productivity of such inherently erratic systems. [source] Does contact dermatitis to fragrances influence the quality of life?FLAVOUR AND FRAGRANCE JOURNAL, Issue 4 2009A descriptive study measuring, comparing the quality of life, skin involvement in patients with contact dermatitis to fragrances Abstract The study of the impact of diseases on individuals' quality of life is an important and useful tool for clinicians, particularly for an efficient follow-up and for the good management of patients suffering from chronic diseases. Contact dermatitis is a common condition in dermatological patients. However, despite efficient screening, the understanding and acceptance of contact allergy remain difficult and avoidance of these allergens is not always possible. The aim of this study was to determine whether contact dermatitis to fragrances affects quality of life and to define whether there is a relationship between the severity of skin involvement and quality of life. To measure the quality of life, we chose the VQ-Dermato (VQ-d) questionnaire, the only valid and reliable questionnaire in French, to which we added 10 non-validated specific questions regarding fragrances. We included patients with pertinent positive patch test reactions to fragrances attending the contact clinic between 1 January 1998 and 30 September 2004. During this time, 2814 patients were patch tested and 310 had positive reactions to the fragrance mix 8% (FM) of the standard series. We recruited non-atopic individuals, exclusively allergic to fragrance mix, with patch test reactions scored ++ and +++; the only additional positive reactions accepted were to balsam of Peru and the patient's own perfumes; 52 patients met these criteria, but only 33 participated. To evaluate the severity of skin involvement, we used the severity scoring of atopic dermatitis (SCORAD index). The quality of life of individuals allergic to fragrances was mostly moderately affected. Patients were more affected psychologically during the first year after the diagnosis of fragrance allergy. Skin reaction during the acute stage of contact allergy to fragrances can be severe. No correlation between VQ-d and SCORAD could be established. It was concluded that there was no severe impact on quality of life because of fragrance contact allergy, but that psychological issues and depression may play an important role in determining the way skin disease affects people. Patch testing improves the quality of life. Lack of correlation between VQ-d and SCORAD demonstrates that an objective measure such as SCORAD may not fully capture the impact of the disease. These results cannot be generalized because of the low response rate and limited sample size. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source] Late prehistoric soil fertility, irrigation management, and agricultural production in northwest coastal PeruGEOARCHAEOLOGY: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, Issue 1 2004Lee Nordt The Pampa de Chaparrí (Pampa) in hyperarid northwest coastal Peru is an ideal area to study late prehispanic agricultural technology and production because irrigation canals and furrowed fields have been preserved since abandonment approximately 500 years ago. We collected 55 samples for soil characterization, fertility, and micromorphic analyses and compared these results to a noncultivated control soil previously sampled in an adjacent valley. Natural soil fertility levels for maize, cotton, and bean production were generally high during late prehispanic cultivation in the Pampa. Maintaining adequate nitrogren levels for production, however, would have required external inputs from livestock manure, guano, or leguminous plants. The management of low soil salinity levels was possible because of rapidly permeable soils and irrigation waters low in salt. Based on available water capacity and climate conditions, the Blaney-Criddle Equation yields evapotranspiration rates indicating that irrigation frequency was necessary in a range of every 10,16 days during the growing season. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. [source] Geoarchaeological insights gained from surficial geologic mapping, middle Moche Valley, PeruGEOARCHAEOLOGY: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, Issue 5 2003Gary Huckleberry We present the results of detailed surficial geologic mapping for a 10 km2 area of alluvial (quebrada) deposits located in the middle Moche Valley of Peru, where archaeological features and deposits provide cross-cutting relationships and numerical age control for late Holocene erosion and deposition associated with El Niño. Despite surfaces containing clasts that are heavily pitted and cracked due to salt weathering, archaeological and 14C dates indicate that most quebrada landforms in the study area are late Holocene in age and may reflect enhanced alluviation associated with increased El Niño activity beginning ca. 6000 cal yr B.P. Our study provides criteria for correlative dating of other Holocene landforms in the Moche Valley area but urges caution in long-distance (>100 km) correlation because of geographic variability in surface weathering. Surficial geologic mapping aided by archaeological age control allows improved understanding of the rates of landscape change important to the development of complex irrigation-based societies in the Peruvian Desert. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. [source] Bacterial formation of phosphatic laminites off PeruGEOBIOLOGY, Issue 3 2009E. T. ARNING Authigenic phosphatic laminites enclosed in phosphorite crusts from the shelf off Peru (10°01, S and 10°24, S) consist of carbonate fluorapatite layers, which contain abundant sulfide minerals including pyrite (FeS2) and sphalerite (ZnS). Low ,34Spyrite values (average ,28.8,) agree with bacterial sulfate reduction and subsequent pyrite formation. Stable sulfur isotopic compositions of sulfate bound in carbonate fluorapatite are lower than that of sulfate from ambient sea water, suggesting bacterial reoxidation of sulfide by sulfide-oxidizing bacteria. The release of phosphorus and subsequent formation of the autochthonous phosphatic laminites are apparently caused by the activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria and associated sulfide-oxidizing bacteria. Following an extraction,phosphorite dissolution,extraction procedure, molecular fossils of sulfate-reducing bacteria (mono- O -alkyl glycerol ethers, di- O -alkyl glycerol ethers, as well as the short-chain branched fatty acids i/ai -C15:0, i/ai -C17:0 and 10MeC16:0) are found to be among the most abundant compounds. The fact that these molecular fossils of sulfate-reducing bacteria are distinctly more abundant after dissolution of the phosphatic laminite reveals that the lipids are tightly bound to the mineral lattice of carbonate fluorapatite. Moreover, compared with the autochthonous laminite, molecular fossils of sulfate-reducing bacteria are: (1) significantly less abundant and (2) not as tightly bound to the mineral lattice in the other, allochthonous facies of the Peruvian crusts consisting of phosphatic coated grains. These observations confirm the importance of sulfate-reducing bacteria in the formation of the phosphatic laminite. Model calculations highlight that organic matter degradation by sulfate-reducing bacteria has the potential to liberate sufficient phosphorus for phosphogenesis. [source] Development Section, April 2008GEOGRAPHY COMPASS (ELECTRONIC), Issue 3 2008Cheryl McEwan EDITORIAL It is a great privilege to serve as Editor for the Development section of Geography Compass. The journal is an exciting new venture in electronic publishing that aims to publish state-of-the-art peer-reviewed surveys of key contemporary issues in geographical scholarship. As the first Editor of this section, it is my responsibility to establish the key aims and innovations for this section of the journal. These include: publishing reviews of scholarship on topics of contemporary relevance that are accessible and useful to researchers, teachers, students and practitioners; developing the range of topics covered across the spectrum of development geography; helping to set agendas in development geography by identifying gaps in existing empirical and conceptual research; commissioning articles from both established and graduate/early career researchers who are working at the frontiers of development geography; and communicating the distinctiveness of Geography Compass. Part of this distinctiveness is in publishing articles that are both of scholarly excellence and accessible to a wide audience. The first volume of Geography Compass was published in 2007, covering a wide range of topics (e.g. migration, children, technology, grassroots women's organizations, civil society, biodiversity, tourism, inequality, agrarian change, participatory development, disability, spirituality) in a number of specific geographical areas (e.g. Africa/southern Africa, Caribbean, China, Peru). Forthcoming in 2008/2009 are articles on the Gambia, Latin America, the Philippines, Southeast Asia, Bangladesh and South Africa, focusing on topics such as food security, comparative post-socialism, foreign aid and fair trade. Building on these diverse and excellent articles, I plan to communicate the distinctiveness of Development in a number of ways. First, I encourage an ecumenical approach to the notion of ,development geography' and welcome contributions from scholars across a range of social science disciplines whose work would be useful to a geography audience. This is important, not least because both development and geography, in disciplinary terms, are largely European inventions. Many scholars in Latin America, Africa and Asia, for example, do not refer to themselves as either development specialists or geographers but are producing important research in areas of direct relevance to students and researchers of ,development geography'. As the first editions illustrate, I also seek to publish articles that reflect ,development' in its broadest sense, encompassing economic, (geo)political, social, cultural and environmental issues. 2008 will be an interesting year for development, with a number of important issues and events shaping discourse and policy. These include: the Beijing Olympics and increasing focus on China's role in international development; political change in a number of African countries (Kenya, Zimbabwe, South Africa); the US presidential elections and potential shifts in policy on climate change, trade and security; the impacts of the Bali roadmap on climate change in the current economic context; the increasing number of impoverished people in Asia (notably China and India), sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America (notably Brazil) that even the World Bank has acknowledged; the implications of the increasing role of philanthropic foundations (e.g. the Gates Foundation and those emerging in India and Russia) in international development. I hope to see some of these issues covered in this journal. Second, I am keen to break down the association between ,development' and parts of the world variously categorized as ,Third World', ,Global South' or ,Developing World' by publishing articles that cut across North and South, East and West. The intellectual and disciplinary practices within (Western) geography that separate those researching issues in the South and post-socialist contexts from those researching similar issues in advanced capitalist economies are, it seems, no longer sustainable or sensible. Moreover, while studies of transnational and ethical trade, neoliberalism, household economies and ,commodity chains', for example, incorporate a multitude of case studies from across the world, these tend to be understood through conceptual lenses that almost always have their theoretical antecedents in Western theorization. The notion of ,learning from' debates, policy and practice in other parts of the world is still relatively alien within the discipline. There are thus issues in how we research and teach ethically and responsibly in and about different parts of the world, and in which this journal might make a contribution. Third, and related, part of my responsibility is to ensure that Compass reflects the breadth of debate about ,development' by publishing articles written by a truly international range of scholars. This has proved to be a challenge to date, in part reflecting the newness of the journal and the difficulties posed by English language publication. However, an immediate aim is to publish the work and ideas of scholars based outside of Anglophone contexts, in the Global South and in post-socialist contexts, and to use international referees who are able to provide valuable commentaries on the articles. A longer-term aim is to also further internationalize the Editorial Board. Currently, one-third of the Editorial Board is non-UK and I plan to increase this to at least 50% in future. Fourth, I plan to ensure that the Development section takes full advantage of electronic publication and the opportunities this offers. Thus, while I am keen to retain a word limit in the interest of publishing accessible articles, the lack of constraint regarding page space enables authors to include a wide range of illustrative and other material that is impossible in print journals. I plan to encourage authors to make greater use of visual materials (maps, photographs/photo-essays, video, sound recordings, model simulations and datasets) alongside text as well as more innovative forms of presentation where this might be appropriate. Finally, in the coming year, I intend to work more closely with other Compass section Editors to realize the potential for fostering debate that cuts across subdisciplinary and even disciplinary boundaries. The journal publishes across the full spectrum of the discipline and there is thus scope for publishing articles and/or special issues on development-related topics that might best be approached through dialogue between the natural and social sciences. Such topics might include resources (e.g. water, oil, bio-fuels), hazard and risk (from environmental issues to human and state security), and sustainability and quality of life (planned for 2008). Part of the distinctiveness of Compass is that electronic-only publication ensures that articles are published in relatively quick time , in some cases less than 3 months from initial submission to publication. It thus provides an important outlet for researchers working in fast-changing contexts and for those, such as graduate and early-career researchers, who might require swift publication for career purposes. Of course, as Editor I am reliant on referees both engaging with Manuscript Central and providing reports on articles in a relatively short space of time to fully expedite the process. My experience so far has been generally very positive and I would like to thank the referees for working within the spirit of the journal. Editing a journal is, of course, a collaborative and shared endeavour. The Development Editorial Board has been central to the successful launch of Development by working so generously to highlight topics and potential authors and to review articles; I would like to take this opportunity to thank Tony Bebbington, Reg Cline-Cole, Sara Kindon, Claire Mercer, Giles Mohan, Warwick Murray, Richa Nagar, Rob Potter, Saraswati Raju, Jonathan Rigg, Jenny Robinson and Alison Stenning. The Editors-in-Chief , Mike Bradshaw and Basil Gomez , have provided invaluable advice while adding humour (and colour) to the editorial process. Colleagues at Wiley-Blackwell have provided superb support, in particular, Helen Ashton who is constantly on hand to provide advice and assistance. I look forward to working closely with these people again in the coming year, as well as with the authors and readers who are vital to ensuring that Geography Compass fulfils its remit. [source] Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) graptolite faunas of the Sandia Region, southern PeruGEOLOGICAL JOURNAL, Issue 4 2010Jörg Maletz Abstract Ordovician graptolite faunas of Peru are restricted to a short interval in the Middle to basal Upper Ordovician, found in three regions of the country. All Peruvian graptolite faunas are strongly dominated by shallow water elements of the Atlantic Faunal Realm, represented largely by Didymograptus s. str. and Aulograptus, but a number of faunal elements of the pandemic isograptid biofacies have recently been discovered in the Sandia Region of SE Peru. Peruvian graptolite faunas are reviewed and the new records from the Sandia Region are discussed in detail. The faunas from the Purumpata and Iparo members of the San José Formation range in age approximately from the Undulograptus austrodentatus Biozone to the Holmograptus lentus Biozone (early to middle Darriwilian). The faunas provide a better understanding of faunal composition and diversity in this region and help to correlate shallow water and deeper water graptolite faunas from this time interval. Biserial graptolites are rare in most samples and usually indeterminable, but a single identifiable specimen of Undulograptus austrodentatus was found, indicating a level close to the base of the Darriwilian. A number of specimens of the genera Isograptus and Arienigraptus from the Sandia Region represent pandemic graptolite faunas of the isograptid biofacies, described for the first time from this region. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source] |