Paediatric Patients (paediatric + patient)

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Selected Abstracts

Investigating moderate to severe paediatric trauma in the Auckland region

Louise Couch
Abstract Objective: To investigate differences between paediatric patients with moderate to severe trauma admitted from two paediatric ED, with respect to: demographics, patterns of presentation, mechanism of injury, injury severity scores (ISS), interventions and outcome. Method: Retrospective cohort study. Moderate to severe trauma was defined as ISS >9. Paediatric patients admitted to hospital via Starship Children's Emergency or KidzFirst ED, with trauma from 1 May 2003 to 30 April 2004, with ISS >9 were identified using multiple databases. The charts were reviewed and data collected included: demographics, hospital of first presentation, diagnoses, ISS, Paediatric trauma score (PTS), Glasgow coma score (GCS), ventilator hours, length of admission, survival and discharge destination. Descriptive statistics with 95% confidence intervals, Mann,Whitney U -test, ,2 -test and Fisher's exact test were used as appropriate. Results: A total of 393 children with moderate to severe trauma were identified using initial search strategies. Of these, 82 children met the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the study; 42 children were admitted via KidzFirst ED and 40 via Starship Children's ED. There was no statistically significant difference in ISS (P= 0.86), PTS (P= 0.11), GCS (P= 0.62), hours on a ventilator (P= 0.28) and length of stay (P= 0.87) between children admitted from Starship or KidzFirst ED. Conclusion: This study suggests that there are no differences in the numbers or severity of paediatric trauma patients admitted from the Starship and KidzFirst ED. This indicates triage is to the closest ED despite having a tertiary referral centre for paediatric trauma available in Auckland City. [source]

Extemporaneous product use in paediatric patients: a systematic review

Ms Jennifer A Giam pharmacist, postgraduate student
Objective To identify the relative extent of extemporaneous product use reported in the paediatric population and the implications for pharmacy practice. Method A systematic literature review was undertaken to identify the prevalence of extemporaneous product use in paediatric patients including those studies examining both ,off-label' and unlicensed medicine use from which extemporaneous products were separately identified and compared to licensed drug use. Key findings Twenty studies were identified and evaluated in which extemporaneous products prepared by a pharmacy or licensed manufacturer could be identified. Although prescribing of unlicensed drugs and licensed drugs used ,off-label' occurs more frequently in younger children and for more serious conditions, the use of extemporaneous products is consistent across all age groups and therapeutic areas. Studies using pharmacy dispensing records identified details of extemporaneous products more accurately than studies using prescribing records. Despite efforts to improve the availability of suitable licensed medicine products for children, extemporaneously prepared products are still needed to ensure that optimal drug therapy is available to children in accurate and effective doses and dosage forms. Conclusions Paediatric patients have a continuing need for extemporaneously prepared medicines when suitable dose forms are unavailable from manufacturers. Pharmacists require access to stability, compatibility and formulation information, as well as appropriate training to ensure patients are supplied with high-quality, safe and effective preparations. [source]

Application of novel dual wave meal bolus and its impact on glycated hemoglobin A1c level in children with type 1 diabetes

Ewa Pa, kowska
Background: An insulin pump is an advanced technology offering new options of bolus , normal (N), dual wave (D-W) or square wave (S-W) bolus to deliver mealtime insulin. Objectives: To assess the impact of D-W/S-W boluses on metabolic control (glycated haemoglobin A1c, HbA1c) and to estimate the paediatric patients compliance with implementation of this system in daily practice. Methods: The cross-sectional study included 499 records of patients aged 0,18 yr. Data from the insulin pump memory provided information on the number of D-W/S-W boluses during a 2-wk period, the insulin requirement (U/kg/d) and the percentage of basal insulin. The HbA1c value (%) and the patient's weight were determined during medical examinations. Mealtime dose of insulin in D-W/S-W bolus was calculated based on the amount of carbohydrate and fat/protein products. Results: The number of applied D-W/S-W boluses was 16.6 ± 0.77/14 d (ranged 0,95), while 18.8% of patients did not program D-W/S-W boluses. The lowest HbA1c value was found in the group using two and/or more D-W/S-W boluses per day (p = 0.001) compared with the group administrating less than one D-W/S-W bolus/d. Patients with HbA1c level <7.5% had a statistically higher relevant number of D-W/S-W boluses, 19.55 (95% CI: 17.44,21.65) vs. 12.42 (95% CI: 10.22,14.61) (p < 0.001), while there was no correlation between the number of boluses and HbA1c in patients in the remission phase (<0.5 IU/kg/d) (r = 0.012, p = 0.930). Conclusions: Patients using at least one D-W/S-W bolus per day achieved a recommended level of HbA1c. Paediatric patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus were found to be able to apply D-W/S-W boluses in daily self-treatment process based on food counting. [source]

Prophylactic steroids for paediatric open-heart surgery: a systematic review

Suzi Robertson-Malt BHSc PhD
Background, The immune response to cardiopulmonary bypass in infants and children can lead to a series of post-operative morbidities and mortality, that is, hemodynamic instability, increased infection and tachyarrhythmias. Administration of prophylactic doses of corticosteroids is sometimes used to try and ameliorate this pro-inflammatory response. However, the clinical benefits and harms of this type of intervention in the paediatric patient remain unclear. Objectives, To systematically review the beneficial and harmful effects of the prophylactic administration of corticosteroids, compared with placebo, in paediatric open-heart surgery. Search strategy, The trials registry of the Cochrane Heart Group, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials in The Cochrane Library (Issue 4, 2006), MEDLINE (1966 to January 2007), EMBASE (1980 to January 2007) were searched. An additional hand-search of the EMRO database for Arabic literature was performed. Grey literature was searched, and experts in the field were contacted for any unpublished material. No language restrictions were applied. Selection criteria, All randomised and quasi-randomised controlled trials of open-heart surgery in the paediatric population that received corticosteroids pre-, peri- or post-operatively, with reported clinical outcomes in terms of morbidity and mortality. Data collection and analysis, Eligible studies were abstracted and evaluated by two independent reviewers. All meta-analyses were completed using RevMan4.2.8. Weighted mean difference (WMD) was the primary summary statistic with data pooled using a random-effects model. Main results, All cause mortality could not be assessed as the data reports were incomplete. There was weak evidence in favour of prophylactic corticosteroid administration for reducing intensive care unit stay, peak core temperature and duration of ventilation (WMD (95% confidence intervals) ,0.50 h (,1.41 to 0.41); ,0.20°C (,1.16 to 0.77) and ,0.63 h (,4.02 to 2.75) respectively). [source]

Hypercapnia: what is the limit in paediatric patients?

A case of near-fatal asthma successfully treated by multipharmacological approach
Summary We describe a case of prolonged severe hypercapnia with respiratory acidosis occurring during an episode of near-fatal asthma in an 8-year-old boy, followed by complete recovery. After admission to the intensive care unit, despite treatment with maximal conventional bronchodilatative therapy, the clinical picture deteriorated with evident signs of respiratory muscle fatigue. The child was sedated, intubated and mechanically ventilated. Magnesium sulphate, ketamine and sevoflurane were gradually introduced together with deep sedation, curarization and continuous bronchodilatative therapy. Ten hours after admission, arterial pCO2 reached 39 kPa (293 mmHg), pH was 6.77 and pO2 8.6 kPa (65 mmHg). Chest radiograph showed severe neck subcutaneous emphysema, with signs of mediastinal emphysema. No episode of haemodynamic instability was seen despite severe prolonged hypercapnia lasting more than 14 h. Oxygenation was maintained and successful recovery followed without neurological or cardiovascular sequelae. This case shows the cardiovascular and neurological tolerance of a prolonged period of supercarbia in a paediatric patient. The most important lesson to be learned is the extreme importance of maintaining adequate tissue perfusion and oxygenation during an asthma attack. The second lesson is that when conventional bronchodilators fail, the intensivist may resort to the use of drugs such as ketamine, magnesium sulphate and inhalation anaesthesia. In this context deep sedation and curarization are important not only to improve oxygenation, but also to reduce cerebral metabolic requirements. [source]

Rapid sequence induction for penetrating head injury from a chopstick in a paediatric patient

No abstract is available for this article. [source]

Paediatric pseudophakia: analysis of intraocular lens power and myopic shift

William F Astle MD
Abstract Background: At the Alberta Children's Hospital, the authors have been performing paediatric cataract extraction with intraocular lens (IOL) implant for over 10 years. The authors examined the amount of myopic shift that occurs in various age groups and cataract types, in order to evaluate the success of predicting the appropriate power of IOL to implant. Methods: This study is a retrospective review children undergoing small incision posterior chamber foldable IOL implantation between age 1 month and 18 years, from 1995 to 2005. 163 eyes of 126 patients underwent surgery. All patients were followed for a minimum of 6 months postoperatively. The children were divided into four groups at time of surgery: Group A: 1,24 months, Group B: 25,48 months, Group C: 49,84 months, Group D: 85 months,18 years. Results: The mean target refraction for the groups were: Group A: +6.37 D, Group B: +4.66 D, Group C: +1.95 D, and Group D: +0.97 D. Children under 4 years experienced the most myopic shift and the largest mean rate of refractive change per year. Mean change Group A: ,5.43 D, Group B: ,4.16 D, Group C: ,1.58 D, Group D: ,0.71 D. Eighty-nine per cent of patients with unilateral cataracts had a postoperative refraction within 3.00 D of the fellow eye at last follow-up visit (mean = 3.16 years). Conclusions: The rate of myopic shift is high in children under age 4 years at time of surgery, shifting as much as ,12.00 D. The mean postoperative target refraction should probably be increased from previous literature recommendations. The patient's age at time of cataract surgery and the refractive power of fellow eye are all factors to consider when deciding what power IOL to surgically implant in a paediatric patient. [source]

Intracranial germinoma: A rare but important differential diagnosis in children with growth retardation

Sven Gottschling
Abstract Aim: Intracranial germinoma is a rare malignant tumour in childhood with an excellent prognosis under adequate therapy. Finding the right diagnosis at an early stage is difficult because of the slow-growing tumour and the resulting lack of clinical symptoms. Methods: Our patients with histologically secured germinoma were retrospectively assessed concerning growth retardation, pituitary hormone status, magnetic resonance imaging scan results and clinical symptoms to find out whether there is a leading parameter. Results: In all our patients, the leading symptom was growth retardation of at least 2 y before being diagnosed. Conclusion: Growth retardation seems to be a very early sign of germinoma in the suprasellar region. Therefore, early neuroradiological imaging combined with pituitary hormone status should be considered in every paediatric patient with a history of secondary growth retardation. [source]

Pamidronate treatment of bone fibrous dysplasia in nine children with McCune-Albright syndrome

R Lala
McCune-Albright syndrome is a rare genetic disorder consisting of skin and bone dysplasia and peripheral endocrinopathies. Little data have been collected regarding bisphosphonate treatment of bone fibrous dysplasia in paediatric patients with this syndrome. The aim of our study was to investigate the therapeutic efficacy of pamidronate in these patients. Nine patients with moderate to severe forms of bone fibrous dysplasia were treated with pamidronate intravenously (0.5-1 mg/ kg/daily for 2-3 d) at 0.5-1-y intervals. Patients were treated over a time period of 0.5-3.5 y. During treatment no spontaneous fracture occurred. Bone pain and gait abnormality due to pain disappeared after 2-3 therapeutic cycles. Cranial asymmetry and limb length discrepancy remained unchanged. Elevated serum alkaline phosphatase and urine hydroxyproline values were reduced by the treatment, demonstrating drug activity at the lesional level. The effectiveness of pamidronate was also seen at the non-lesional level through an increase in bone density. Radiographic and scintigraphic evidence of lesion healing was not attained. Pamidronate treatment can ameliorate the course of bone fibrous dysplasia in children and adolescents with McCune-Albright syndrome. [source]

Gastrostomy placement in paediatric patients with neuromuscular disorders: indications and outcome

Gian Paolo Ramelli MD
Studies of children with neurodevelopmental disorders have shown that receiving nutrition through a gastrostomy can improve clinical outcomes and quality of life. However, there is little information on gastrostomy and its effect in patients with neuromuscular disorders. A retrospective casenote review of all patients with a gastrostomy, followed-up at the Hammersmith Hospital, London, was undertaken to assess the indications for, and outcomes of, gastrostomy placement. Notes for 32 patients (17 males, 15 females) were reviewed (age range 32mo,31y; median age 12y 5mo). We found three main groups of diagnoses: congenital muscular dystrophy (n=15), structural congenital myopathies (n=11), and other neuromuscular disorders (n=6). Two main patterns of feeding problems were identified before gastrostomy: swallowing difficulties, and nutrition and growth problems. The follow-up period after gastrostomy was from 12 months to 19 years (mean 5y). Weight faltering was reversed in 17 out of 22 patients, and height faltering in 9 out of 14, where data were available. Twenty-six patients had a reduced frequency of chest infections. No significant complication of gastrostomy placement was documented. Twenty-eight patients or their families were happy with the results of the gastrostomy. Gastrostomy seems to have a substantial positive impact in patients with neuromuscular disease and feeding difficulties. [source]

Palatal tremor in childhood: clinical and therapeutic considerations

J Campistol-Plana PhD
Palatal tremor (PT) is a rhythmic movement of the soft palate that often causes an ear click. PT can be symptomatic (SPT) or essential (EPT). The symptomatic form usually occurs in adults and the essential form mainly occurs in children. Several different treatments for EPT in children appear in the literature with variable reported efficacy. This report details four paediatric patients with EPT (three males, one female; mean age 6y 4mo [SD 6mo]; age at onset 6,7y) treated with piracetam (2-oxo-1-pyrrolidine acetamide). Piracetam was used to treat EPT because of its antimyoclonic properties. All children showed a good response to doses of 100 to 300mg/kg/day. EPT relapsed on withdrawal of piracetam and remitted on reintroduction. Piracetam's effect on EPT was sustained. It is concluded that piracetam is an effective drug for the treatment of EPT in children. [source]

Comparison of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) and multiple daily injections (MDI) in paediatric Type 1 diabetes: a multicentre matched-pair cohort analysis over 3 years

B. I. Jakisch
Abstract Aims To conduct a multicentre, matched-pair cohort analysis comparing glycaemic control and adverse events of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) with multiple daily injections (MDI) in paediatric patients. Methods Using standardized computer-based prospective documentation, HbA1c, insulin dose, body mass index,standard deviation score (BMI,SDS), rate of hypoglycaemia, rate of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and intensity of care were analysed in 434 matched pairs during a follow-up period of 3 years after initiation of MDI or CSII. Results HbA1c was significantly lower in the CSII group during the first year of new regimen (CSII 7.5 ± 0.05 vs. MDI 7.7 ± 0.06; P < 0.05), but rose to the same level as in the MDI group during year 3. Insulin requirement remained significantly lower in the CSII group. The BMI,SDS increased in both study groups, with no significant difference. The rate of severe hypoglycaemia decreased significantly after the change of regimen (CSII 17.87 ± 2.85 vs. MDI 25.14 ± 3.79; P < 0.05) and during year 3 of the regimen, particularly when compared with baseline (,21% vs. ,16%). The rate of DKA was lower at baseline in the CSII group and remained significantly lower over all 3 years. Intensity of care was the same in both subsets. Conclusions Employing a large cohort, this matched-pair analysis has demonstrated over a 3-year study period that CSII is a safe form of intensive insulin therapy with similar glycaemic effects, but with significantly reduced rates of hypoglycaemia and DKA and a lower insulin requirement when compared with MDI. [source]

A randomized controlled trial of Sweet Talk, a text-messaging system to support young people with diabetes

V. L. Franklin
Abstract Aims To assess Sweet Talk, a text-messaging support system designed to enhance self-efficacy, facilitate uptake of intensive insulin therapy and improve glycaemic control in paediatric patients with Type 1 diabetes. Methods One hundred and twenty-six patients fulfilled the eligibility criteria; Type 1 diabetes for > 1 year, on conventional insulin therapy, aged 8,18 years. Ninety-two patients were randomized to conventional insulin therapy (n = 28), conventional therapy and Sweet Talk (n = 33) or intensive insulin therapy and Sweet Talk (n = 31). Goal-setting at clinic visits was reinforced by daily text-messages from the Sweet Talk software system, containing personalized goal-specific prompts and messages tailored to patients' age, sex and insulin regimen. Results HbA1c did not change in patients on conventional therapy without or with Sweet Talk (10.3 ± 1.7 vs. 10.1 ± 1.7%), but improved in patients randomized to intensive therapy and Sweet Talk (9.2 ± 2.2%, 95% CI ,1.9, ,0.5, P < 0.001). Sweet Talk was associated with improvement in diabetes self-efficacy (conventional therapy 56.0 ± 13.7, conventional therapy plus Sweet Talk 62.1 ± 6.6, 95% CI +2.6, +7.5, P = 0.003) and self-reported adherence (conventional therapy 70.4 ± 20.0, conventional therapy plus Sweet Talk 77.2 ± 16.1, 95% CI +0.4, +17.4, P = 0.042). When surveyed, 82% of patients felt that Sweet Talk had improved their diabetes self-management and 90% wanted to continue receiving messages. Conclusions Sweet Talk was associated with improved self-efficacy and adherence; engaging a classically difficult to reach group of young people. While Sweet Talk alone did not improve glycaemic control, it may have had a role in supporting the introduction of intensive insulin therapy. Scheduled, tailored text messaging offers an innovative means of supporting adolescents with diabetes and could be adapted for other health-care settings and chronic diseases. [source]

Investigating moderate to severe paediatric trauma in the Auckland region

Louise Couch
Abstract Objective: To investigate differences between paediatric patients with moderate to severe trauma admitted from two paediatric ED, with respect to: demographics, patterns of presentation, mechanism of injury, injury severity scores (ISS), interventions and outcome. Method: Retrospective cohort study. Moderate to severe trauma was defined as ISS >9. Paediatric patients admitted to hospital via Starship Children's Emergency or KidzFirst ED, with trauma from 1 May 2003 to 30 April 2004, with ISS >9 were identified using multiple databases. The charts were reviewed and data collected included: demographics, hospital of first presentation, diagnoses, ISS, Paediatric trauma score (PTS), Glasgow coma score (GCS), ventilator hours, length of admission, survival and discharge destination. Descriptive statistics with 95% confidence intervals, Mann,Whitney U -test, ,2 -test and Fisher's exact test were used as appropriate. Results: A total of 393 children with moderate to severe trauma were identified using initial search strategies. Of these, 82 children met the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the study; 42 children were admitted via KidzFirst ED and 40 via Starship Children's ED. There was no statistically significant difference in ISS (P= 0.86), PTS (P= 0.11), GCS (P= 0.62), hours on a ventilator (P= 0.28) and length of stay (P= 0.87) between children admitted from Starship or KidzFirst ED. Conclusion: This study suggests that there are no differences in the numbers or severity of paediatric trauma patients admitted from the Starship and KidzFirst ED. This indicates triage is to the closest ED despite having a tertiary referral centre for paediatric trauma available in Auckland City. [source]

Paracetamol versus ibuprofen: A randomized controlled trial of outpatient analgesia efficacy for paediatric acute limb fractures

Michael Shepherd
Abstract Paediatric limb fracture is a common injury that presents frequently to the ED. The primary objective of the present study was to determine whether ibuprofen provides better analgesia than paracetamol for paediatric patients discharged with acute limb fractures. A prospective, randomized controlled study was conducted in a children's ED. Children aged 5,14 years with an acute limb fracture were randomized to be prescribed paracetamol 15 mg/kg/dose every 4 h or ibuprofen 10 mg/kg/dose every 8 h. Objective (child-reported) pain scores using the ,Faces' pain scale were measured over a 48 h period. Child-reported pain did not differ significantly between the paracetamol and ibuprofen groups (mean pain score paracetamol 2.8 [95% CI 2.4,3.4]vs 2.7 [95% CI 2.1,3.3], P= 0.73). Parent-reported sleep quality did not differ between the two groups (P= 0.78). Child-reported pain score decreased over the 48 h of measurement (P < 0.0001). There were no significant differences in side-effects detected between the two groups. The present study shows that in the outpatient paediatric population, ibuprofen does not provide better analgesia than paracetamol. Pain from an acute fracture can be managed by regular simple oral analgesia and immobilization. [source]

Neurophysiological tests and neuroimaging procedures in non-acute headache: guidelines and recommendations

G. Sandrini
The use of instrumental examinations in headache patients varies widely. In order to evaluate their usefulness, the most common instrumental procedures were evaluated, on the basis of evidence from the literature, by an EFNS Task Force (TF) on neurophysiological tests and imaging procedures in non-acute headache patients. The conclusions of the TF regarding each technique are expressed in the following guidelines for clinical use. 1Interictal electroencephalography (EEG) is not routinely indicated in the diagnostic evaluation of headache patients. Interictal EEG is, however, indicated if the clinical history suggests a possible diagnosis of epilepsy (differential diagnosis). Ictal EEG could be useful in certain patients suffering from hemiplegic and basilar migraine. 2Recording of evoked potentials is not recommended for the diagnosis of headache disorders. 3There is no evidence to justify the recommendation of autonomic tests for the routine clinical examination of headache patients. 4Manual palpation of pericranial muscles, with standardized palpation pressure, can be recommended for subdividing patient groups but not for diagnosis. Pressure algometry and electromyography (EMG) cannot be recommended as clinical diagnostic tests. 5In adult and paediatric patients with migraine, with no recent change in attack pattern, no history of seizures, and no other focal neurological signs or symptoms, the routine use of neuroimaging is not warranted. In patients with atypical headache patterns, a history of seizures and/or focal neurological signs or symptoms, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be indicated. 6If attacks can be fully accounted for by the standard headache classification [International Headache Society (IHS)], a positron emission tomography (PET) or single-photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT) and scan will generally be of no further diagnostic value. 7Nuclear medicine examinations of the cerebral circulation and metabolism can be carried out in subgroups of headache patients for diagnosis and evaluation of complications, when patients experience unusually severe attacks, or when the quality or severity of attacks has changed. 8Transcranial Doppler examination is not helpful in headache diagnosis. Although many of the examinations described are of little or no value in the clinical setting, most of the tools have a vast potential for further exploring the pathophysiology of headaches and the effects of pharmacological treatment. [source]

Treatment-related aggravations, complications and improvements attributed to chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy of paediatric patients: a practice-based survey of practitioners

J Alcantara

Central venous access devices for paediatric patients with haemophilia: a single-institution experience

HAEMOPHILIA, Issue 1 2009
Summary., Use of a central venous access device (CVAD) can facilitate early introduction of home-based infusion of factor concentrate for long-term prophylaxis or immune tolerance therapy in children with bleeding disorders. The aim was to review outcomes associated with use of CVAD. Retrospective review of paediatric patients with bleeding disorders was observed at the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Hemophilia Center. Thirty-seven CVAD were placed in 18 patients (haemophilia A [n = 15], type 3 von Willebrand disease [n = 2] and haemophilia B [n = 1]). Follow-up was for 45 952 CVAD days, and median time that CVAD remained in place was 1361 days per device. Factor VIII (FVIII) inhibitors were present in 4 of the 15 patients. Ten CVAD-related infections occurred (median, 672 days; range, 72,1941 days), of which six were in one patient with FVIII inhibitors. Overall infection rate was 0.22 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.10,0.40) per 1000 CVAD days, with 0.11 infections in patients without FVIII inhibitors compared with a pooled incidence of 0.66 (95% CI, 0.44,0.97) reported in the literature. Indications for removal of 27 CVAD were blockage, change to peripheral venous access, catheter displacement, infection, leak in the port septum, short catheter and skin erosion. No clinically apparent thrombosis or sequelae of thrombosis were observed. Infection is the most common complication associated with CVAD use and is increased in patients who have inhibitors. The low rate of clinically apparent thrombosis reflects our practice of not screening for thrombosis. The low infection rate reflects our practice of using and reinforcing the aseptic technique. [source]

Seroprevalence of HIV infection in hospitalized paediatric patients at a tertiary care centre in western India

HIV MEDICINE, Issue 4 2007
I Shah
The prevalence of HIV infection in children in India is not known. In this study, a total of 270 children admitted to paediatric wards in Mumbai were screened for HIV infection by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Eight patients (2.96%) had a positive HIV ELISA. Of these two patients (25%) were less than 15 months of old and hence HIV infection in them could not be confirmed. The prevalence of HIV was 2.3%. Three out of 11 patients with tuberculosis (27.3%) and four out of 15 patients with nutritional anaemia (26.7%) had HIV infection (P<0.0001 in each case). Vertical transmission was the cause in all children, suggesting that implementation of Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission of HIV (PPTCT) is required to reduce the rate of paediatric HIV infection. [source]

Surgical approach of pulmonary hydatidosis in childhood

I.C. Kurkcuoglu
Summary To review the results of different surgical treatment in hydatid disease of the lung in paediatric patients. A total of 102 children with pulmonary hydatid cysts were treated at the our clinic in the period from 1990 to 2001. There were 59 boys and 43 girls and their age ranged from 4 to 16 years (mean 10.2). Chest radiography, computed tomography and abdominal ultrasonography were the most commonly used diagnostic techniques. The cysts were located in the right lung in 68 patients (66.6%), in the left lung in 30 patients (29.4%), in both lungs in four patients (3.9%). Concomitant liver cyst hydatid was also detected in 12 patients that were located at right lung, and two patients with bilateral lung involvement. All cases were managed surgically. Of 14 cases with concomitant liver and intrathoracic hydatid cysts, right thoracophrenotomy was performed in 12, median sternotomy in one, and phrenotomy in other. Partial cystectomy and capitonnage were the most commonly used surgical methods. Post-operative complication was seen in 10 (9.8%) patients. Infection at the incision site occurred in four patients and air leakage in three. Complications of capitonnage were seen in three patients. One patient (1%) died at fourth post-operative day due to sepsis. Parenchyma protective operations should be performed especially in children living in endemic areas because of the possibility of recurrence of the disease in the future. Single stage operations in suitable cases decrease the cost of treatment and make surgical therapy suitable in both children and young adults, by reducing the hospital in-patient time and morbidity. [source]

Cuffed endotracheal tubes in children reduce sevoflurane and medical gas consumption and related costs

Background: This study aims to evaluate sevoflurane and anaesthetic gas consumption using uncuffed vs. cuffed endotracheal tubes (ETT) in paediatric surgical patients. Methods: Uncuffed or cuffed ETT were used in paediatric patients (newborn to 5 years) undergoing elective surgery in a randomized order. Duration of assessment, lowest possible fresh gas flow (minimal allowed FGF: 0.5 l/min) and sevoflurane concentrations used were recorded. Consumption and costs for sevoflurane and medical gases were calculated. Results: Seventy children (35 uncuffed ETT/35 cuffed ETT), aged 1.73 (0.01,4.80) years, were enrolled. No significant differences in patient characteristics, study period and sevoflurane concentrations used were found between the two groups. Lowest possible FGF was significantly lower in the cuffed ETT group [1.0 (0.5,1.0) l/min] than in the uncuffed ETT group [2.0 (0.5,4.3) l/min], P<0.001. Sevoflurane consumption per patient was 16.1 (6.4,82.8) ml in the uncuffed ETT group and 6.2 (1.1,14.9) ml in the cuffed ETT group, P=0.003. Medical gas consumption was 129 (53,552) l in the uncuffed ETT group vs. 46 (9,149) l in the cuffed ETT group, P<0.001. The total costs for sevoflurane and medical gases were 13.4 (6.0,67.3),/patient in the uncuffed ETT group and 5.2 (1.0,12.5),/patient in the cuffed ETT group, P<0.001. Conclusions: The use of cuffed ETT in children significantly reduced the costs of sevoflurane and medical gas consumption during anaesthesia. Increased costs for cuffed compared with uncuffed ETT were completely compensated by a reduction in sevoflurane and medical gas consumption. [source]

The praxis of clinical knowledge: Learning to care for paediatric patients with a congenital heart anomaly

Suzi Robertson-Malt RN PhD BN(Hons)
In Saudi Arabia, the major tertiary care unit for the treatment of cardiovascular disease is the King Faisal Heart Institute (KFHI). Its state of the art technology and patient profile facilitates nurses to become highly knowledgeable in the diversity of treatment modalities and nursing care of a range of paediatric pathology. Like many global nursing organizations, the KFHI is experiencing nursing shortages and nurses coming to work in this highly specialized area are lacking some of the basic understanding and skills development necessary to work efficiently and effectively in the area. This paper describes the work of the cardiovascular education team in developing a praxis-based curriculum that equips nurses to not only function at a high level in the cardiovascular area but also facilitate success in their future careers when they leave Saudi Arabia. [source]

Paediatric intraoral mucoepidermoid carcinoma mimicking a bone lesion

Background., Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the salivary glands occurs most frequently in adults during the fifth and sixth decades of life. Although uncommon, it is the main malignant salivary gland tumour in children, particularly adolescents. Case report., A 14-year-old girl presented with a mass in her palate that had had a duration of one year. On panoramic X-ray, a well-delimited radiolucent area was observed on the left maxillary sinus region. The initial clinical diagnostic hypothesis was that this was a central giant cell granuloma. An incisional biopsy was performed and the final microscopic diagnosis was mucoepidermoid carcinoma. The tumour was removed by a wide transoral resection and the patient has been asymptomatic for 4 years. Conclusion., Mucoepidermoid carcinoma in paediatric patients is uncommon, but it must be considered in differential diagnoses of intraoral submucosal mass/nodules in children, particularly in the palate. [source]

Administering local anaesthesia to paediatric dental patients , current status and prospects for the future

D. Ram
Summary .,Fear-related behaviours have long been recognized as the most difficult aspect of patient management and can be a barrier to good care. Anxiety is one of the major issues in the dental treatment of children, and the injection is the most anxiety-provoking procedure for both children and adults. There is a constant search for ways to avoid the invasive, and often painful, nature of the injection, and to find more comfortable and pleasant means for anaesthesia before dental procedures. Objective. The purpose of the present review is to summarize relevant data on topics connected with the administration of local anaesthesia. Methods. The review will survey the current available methods, viz. electronic anaesthesia, lidocaine patch, computerized anaesthesia (the Wand), and the syrijet as well as the conventional injection, used for paediatric patients. Conclusions. Usually new techniques for locally anaesthetizing dental patients are tested on adults. However, despite recent research in the field, the injection remains the method of choice. It is necessary to continue to conduct studies using new techniques on adults and children, so that a more acceptable technique can be found. [source]

Extemporaneous product use in paediatric patients: a systematic review

Ms Jennifer A Giam pharmacist, postgraduate student
Objective To identify the relative extent of extemporaneous product use reported in the paediatric population and the implications for pharmacy practice. Method A systematic literature review was undertaken to identify the prevalence of extemporaneous product use in paediatric patients including those studies examining both ,off-label' and unlicensed medicine use from which extemporaneous products were separately identified and compared to licensed drug use. Key findings Twenty studies were identified and evaluated in which extemporaneous products prepared by a pharmacy or licensed manufacturer could be identified. Although prescribing of unlicensed drugs and licensed drugs used ,off-label' occurs more frequently in younger children and for more serious conditions, the use of extemporaneous products is consistent across all age groups and therapeutic areas. Studies using pharmacy dispensing records identified details of extemporaneous products more accurately than studies using prescribing records. Despite efforts to improve the availability of suitable licensed medicine products for children, extemporaneously prepared products are still needed to ensure that optimal drug therapy is available to children in accurate and effective doses and dosage forms. Conclusions Paediatric patients have a continuing need for extemporaneously prepared medicines when suitable dose forms are unavailable from manufacturers. Pharmacists require access to stability, compatibility and formulation information, as well as appropriate training to ensure patients are supplied with high-quality, safe and effective preparations. [source]

Collection of peripheral progenitor cells in paediatric patients with a new programme for the collection of mononuclear cells

R. Moog
Abstract When harvesting peripheral progenitor cells (PPC) in children, the special situation of their circulatory system has to be taken into account. Therefore, extracorporeal blood volume and product volume should be small to avoid side effects. Nine children (age 2,14 years, weight 12.8,58.5 kg) with malignancies underwent 10 PPC collections with the MNC programme of the Amicus blood cell separator. The disposable kit was primed with red blood cells (RBCs) or human albumin to avoid circulatory side effects. The children were monitored for blood pressure and heart rate during the whole apheresis procedure. A median blood volume of 4,577 ml (range 3,536,8,596 ml) was processed in a separation time of 270 min (range 176,331 min). The median product weight was 81 g (range 53,107 g) and the yield of CD 34 antigen expressing cells was 12.5 × 106/kg body weight (range 1.8,26 × 106/kg body weight). Only one child had to undergo a second apheresis to collect the desired transplantation dose. The median platelet contamination of the product was 0.32 × 1011 (0.13,0.85 × 1011). No circulatory side effects were observed. Blood flow alarms occurred in seven of ten aphereses and one collection had to be terminated due to insufficient flow. PPC can be efficiently collected in children with the MNC programme without circulatory side effects. The platelet contamination of the product was low due to the elutriation principle of the collection process, thereby avoiding thrombocytopenic bleeding episodes in the patients. J. Clin. Apheresis, 18:111,114, 2003. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Review of upper airway resistance syndrome: nursing and clinical management

Tara B Giblin
Aims., This study aims to help nurses and nurse practitioners identify and manage paediatric patients with upper airway resistance syndrome. A review of upper airway resistance syndrome is provided, including the signs and symptoms of upper airway resistance syndrome, criteria for diagnosis, recommendations for treatment and implications for nursing in paediatric primary care. Background., Nurses often encounter sleep-related problems in the paediatric primary care setting. Commonly, these problems are well known and include snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea. Upper airway resistance syndrome is a relatively new diagnosis among sleep-related breathing disorders with which nurses and nurse practitioners should be familiar. Upper airway resistance syndrome is characterised by incomplete obstruction of the airway during sleep, leading to increased respiratory efforts and frequent arousals despite normal oxygen saturations. Design., Systematic review. Method. A review of the sleep literature identified articles regarding sleep and/or sleep-related breathing disorders and paediatrics, and upper airway resistance syndrome. Articles published since 2002 were prioritised; however, all articles describing upper airway resistance syndrome since 1993 were considered. Conclusion., Timely recognition of sleep-disordered breathing is crucial to ensuring that patients receive effective and appropriate treatment. Upper airway resistance syndrome should be a part of the differential diagnosis when assessing a child with a sleep-related breathing disorder. Relevance to clinician practice., Nurses and nurse practitioners should become comfortable and skilled in performing a thorough sleep history and physical examination to help identify when a child should receive a sleep study or referral to a specialist. [source]

Is brimonidine ophthalmic a safe therapy for infants?

G. P. Daubert MD
Summary Brimonidine is a topical alpha-2 agonist commonly used in the treatment of glaucoma. Brimonidine toxicity resembles that of clonidine overdose and is probably due to both imidazoline and alpha-2 adrenergic receptor effects. We report a case of a 6-week-old infant with congenital glaucoma who developed bradycardia and hypotension following the administration of brimonidine 0·15% ophthalmic solution. There are occasional reports of brimonidine toxicity in the paediatric population but its overall safety profile in children <2 years of age remains uncertain. Brimonidine is not dosed by weight and therefore paediatric patients may be at increased risk for systemic toxicity. It is recommended that the use of this medication be carefully considered in children <2 years of age. Physicians should be aware of its side effect profile because of its general use in the paediatric population. [source]

Treatment of chronic hepatitis B virus infection in special groups of patients: decompensated cirrhosis, immunosuppressed and paediatric patients

Ismail Merican

Equal effects of gelatin and hydroxyethyl starch (6% HES 130/0.42) on modified thrombelastography in children

Background: Artificial colloids are frequently used to prevent or treat circulatory failure due to hypovolaemia. Whereas gelatin has been shown not to affect coagulation besides its haemodilutional effect, hydroxyethyl starches (HES) have additional negative effects on haemostasis. The third-generation HES solutions have been developed to minimise these effects. We therefore conducted a prospective, randomised study, to verify the hypothesis that a 6% HES 130/0.42/6 : 1 and a 4% gelatin infusion influences modified thrombelastography (TEM) parameters in children in the same manner and to the same extent. Methods: A total of 50 paediatric patients aged 0,12 years scheduled for surgery were assigned to receive either 10 ml/kg HES 130/0.42 or gelatin. Blood gas analysis, haemodynamic parameters and TEM measurements were performed before and after colloid administration. Results: Patient characteristics, indications/surgical procedures and the main results obtained from blood gas analysis were comparable between the two groups. After administration of either gelatin or HES, all TEM parameters, except for clotting time, indicated impaired coagulation whereas the mean values of all TEM parameters remained within the normal ranges. Comparing the gelatin and HES 130/0.42/6 : 1 groups, none of the measured TEM parameters was found to show between-group differences at baseline or after colloid infusion. Conclusion: In conclusion, we could demonstrate that the investigational product, HES 130/0.42/6 : 1 solution, administered at a dosage of 10 ml/kg to children, had comparable effects on coagulation monitored with TEM as a gelatin solution. Perioperative administration of HES 130/0.42/6 : 1 does not alter coagulation to an extent above and beyond the effect of haemodilution. [source]