Ore Fluids (ore + fluid)

Distribution by Scientific Domains

Selected Abstracts

Genesis and Age Constraints on Gold Deposits of the Daerae Mine, Sangju Area, Central-Northern Sobaegsan Massif, Korea

Seong, Taek YUN
Abstract: Gold mineralization of the Daerae mine represents the first recognized example of the Jurassic gold mineralization in the Sangju area, Korea. It occurs as a single stage of quartz veins that fill fault fractures in Precambrian gneiss of the central-northern Sobaegsan Massif. The mineralogical characteristics of quartz veins, such as the simple mineralogy and relatively gold-rich (65,72 atomic % Au) nature of electrum, as well as the CO2,rich and low salinity nature of fluid inclusions, are consistent with the ,mesothermal-type' gold deposits previously recognized in the Youngdong area (about 50 km southwest of the Sangju area). Ore fluids were evolved mainly through CO2 immiscibility at temperatures between about 250 and 325 C. Vein sulfides characteristically have negative sulfur isotopic values (,1.9 to +0.2 %), which have been very rarely reported in South Korea, and possibly indicate the derivation of sulfur from an ilmenite-series granite melt. The calculated O and H isotopic compositions of hydrothermal fluids at Daerae (,18Owater = +5.2 to +5.9 %; ,Dwater = ,59 to ,67 %) are very similar to those from the Youngdong area, and indicate the important role of magmatic water in gold mineralization. The 40Ar,39Ar age dating of a pure alteration sericite sample yields a high-temperature plateau age of 188.3 0.1 Ma, indicating an early Jurassic age for the gold mineralization at Daerae. The lower temperature Ar-Ar plateau defines an age of 158.4 2.0 Ma (middle Jurassic), interpreted as reset by a subsequent thermal effect after quartz vein formation. The younger plateau age is the same as the previously reported K-Ar ages (145,171 Ma) for the other ,mesothermal,type' gold deposits in the Youngdong and Jungwon areas, Korea, which are too young in view of the new Jurassic Ar-Ar plateau age (around 188 Ma). [source]

Numerical modeling of hydrothermal zinc silicate and sulfide mineralization in the Vazante deposit, Brazil

Abstract The Vazante zinc deposit in central Brazil is currently the world's largest known example of a hypogene nonsulfide (i.e. willemite-dominant) zinc deposit. The mineralization is hypothesized to have formed as a result of mixing between a hot, acidic, reducing, metal-rich brine and a cool, more basic and dilute, metal-poor meteoric fluid. The present study sought to investigate this scenario by quantifying the individual effects of temperature, pH, salinity, and oxidation state on willemite and sphalerite solubility, and modeling their combined effects during mixing through reaction path and reactive transport modeling. Solubility calculations showed that in an initially hot, moderately acidic, reducing, metal-rich ore fluid saturated with respect to silica, willemite solubility is relatively insensitive to changes in temperature and log , but highly sensitive to changes in pH and salinity. In contrast, sphalerite solubility was highly sensitive to changes in temperature and log , as well as salinity, and was less sensitive than willemite to changes in pH. Reaction path models sought to extend these observations by modeling the geochemistry of mixing. The results show that mixing is able to produce most of the major zinc ore and gangue minerals observed in the field, though not necessarily at the same paragenetic stages, and that both compositional and temperature changes from mixing are needed. Reactive transport models were formulated to investigate spatial patterns of mineralization. The results showed that sphalerite deposition was strongly controlled by temperature and concentrated in the regions of greatest temperature change. Willemite deposition was concentrated along the interface between the metal-rich ore fluid and the surrounding meteoric fluid. The more rapid transport of solute than heat, in conjunction with the higher concentration of silica than sulfide in both fluids meant that willemite mineralization developed over a broader region and in greater concentrations compared with sphalerite. [source]

Precipitation of lead,zinc ores in the Mississippi Valley-type deposit at Trèves, Cévennes region of southern France

Abstract The Trèves zinc,lead deposit is one of several Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) deposits in the Cévennes region of southern France. Fluid inclusion studies show that the ore was deposited at temperatures between approximately 80 and 150°C from a brine that derived its salinity mainly from the evaporation of seawater past halite saturation. Lead isotope studies suggest that the metals were extracted from local basement rocks. Sulfur isotope data and studies of organic matter indicate that the reduced sulfur in the ores was derived from the reduction of Mesozoic marine sulfate by thermochemical sulfate reduction or bacterially mediated processes at a different time or place from ore deposition. The large range of ,34S values determined for the minerals in the deposit (12.2,19.2, for barite, 3.8,13.8, for sphalerite and galena, and 8.7 to ,21.2, for pyrite), are best explained by the mixing of fluids containing different sources of sulfur. Geochemical reaction path calculations, based on quantitative fluid inclusion data and constrained by field observations, were used to evaluate possible precipitation mechanisms. The most important precipitation mechanism was probably the mixing of fluids containing different metal and reduced sulfur contents. Cooling, dilution, and changes in pH of the ore fluid probably played a minor role in the precipitation of ores. The optimum results that produced the most metal sulfide deposition with the least amount of fluid was the mixing of a fluid containing low amounts of reduced sulfur with a sulfur-rich, metal poor fluid. In this scenario, large amounts of sphalerite and galena are precipitated, together with smaller quantities of pyrite precipitated and dolomite dissolved. The relative amounts of metal precipitated and dolomite dissolved in this scenario agree with field observations that show only minor dolomite dissolution during ore deposition. The modeling results demonstrate the important control of the reduced sulfur concentration on the Zn and Pb transport capacity of the ore fluid and the volumes of fluid required to form the deposit. The studies of the Trèves ores provide insights into the ore-forming processes of a typical MVT deposit in the Cévennes region. However, the extent to which these processes can be extrapolated to other MVT deposits in the Cévennes region is problematic. Nevertheless, the evidence for the extensive migration of fluids in the basement and sedimentary cover rocks in the Cévennes region suggests that the ore forming processes for the Trèves deposit must be considered equally viable possibilities for the numerous fault-controlled and mineralogically similar MVT deposits in the Cévennes region. [source]

Sulfur Isotope Geochemistry of the Supergiant Xikuangshan Sb Deposit, Central Hunan, China: Constraints on Sources of Ore Constituents

Dong-sheng Yang
Abstract. The supergiant Xikuangshan Sb deposit is located in the Middle to Upper Devonian limestone of central Hunan, China. Primary ores are composed of early-stage stibnite and calcite with rare pyrite, early main-stage stibnite and quartz, and late main-stage stibnite and calcite. New sulfur isotope data reveal the clustering of ,34S values (+5 , +8 %) for both early and late main-stage stibnite; a single early-stage stibnite exhibits ,34S value (+7.5 %) identical to its main ore-stage counterparts and the coexisting calcite has almost unmodified carbon isotope composition (-4.4 %). The data suggest a probable common source of sulfur for stibnite that was deposited at different paragenetic stages. A much wider variation in ,34S values for early main-stage stibnite (+3.5 to +16.3 %, av. +7.5 %) compared to that for late main-stage stibnite (+5.3 to +8.1 %, av. +6.2 %) can be interpreted to be due to local interaction of earlier ore fluid with Devonian host rocks. The previous studies show that the Precambrian basement contains elevated Sb concentrations, and two distinctive sulfur reservoirs with ,34Spyrite values at ca. +11 , +24 % and -7.0 ,-11 %. The homogenizing effect for sulfur hydrothermally leached from the two reservoirs might have provided ore constituents for the Xikuangshan fluids. [source]

Effects of host mineral re-equilibration during uplift and cooling on the fidelity of primary hydrothermal fluid inclusions: a theoretical example using Mississippi Valley-type ore fluids

Abstract At the moment of its trapping as a primary fluid inclusion, a hydrothermal fluid is typically at or near equilibrium with multiple mineral species at depth and temperature. After trapping, however, the isolated inclusion fluid can re-equilibrate only with its own host mineral species during later uplift and cooling to surface conditions. Because the solubility versus temperature behavior is unique for each host mineral species, identical inclusions trapped at the same time within different species may re-equilibrate in a disparate manner upon cooling and become variably less representative of the original trapped fluid once they reach ambient temperature. To test the significance of this effect, a series of theoretical equilibrium reaction models was constructed in which a trapped hydrothermal fluid characteristic of Mississippi Valley-type ore deposits is cooled in contact with silicate, sulfide and carbonate hosts, respectively, from 100 to 25°C. Dissolved base metal concentrations are predicted to decline by two to four orders of magnitude in inclusions in all hosts, due to the precipitation of optically undetectable masses of sulfide daughter minerals. Fluids in the calcite host show the greatest decline in dissolved base metals upon cooling, due to its retrograde solubility and consequent shift in the pH and aqueous C speciation of the fluid. ,13C values for CO2 in all hosts become depleted by 2,7, relative to the original trapped fluid, with depletions again being the greatest for the calcite host due to its retrograde dissolution. Analytical techniques that extract and analyze the complete contents of fluid inclusions at room temperature can account for the predicted precipitation of microscopic daughter minerals during cooling, but may not compensate for chemical changes caused by the retrograde dissolution of calcite. Such solubility effects are another reason to be cautious in using carbonate minerals for fluid inclusion studies, in addition to their undesirable physical properties of softness, deformability and perfect cleavage. [source]

Fluid Evolution and Metallogenic Dynamics during Tectonic Regime Transition: Example from the Jiapigou Gold Belt in Northeast China

Jun Deng
Abstract The Jiapigou gold belt, one of the most important gold-producing districts in China, is located in the northern margin of the North China Craton (NCC). The tectonic evolution of the gold belt is closely related to the Siberian Plate (SP) in the north, Yangtze Craton (YC) in the south and Pacific Plate in the east. In order to investigate the nature of the tectono-fluid-metallogenic system, the authors investigated the relationships among the tectonic regimes, fluid evolution and metallogenesis. This paper examined the corresponding spatial,temporal relationship between the ore-controlling tectonic regime and hydrothermal fluid evolution in the Jiapigou gold belt. There are two types of gold mineralization: disseminated ores that are distributed within the NW-trending main ductile shear zone and gold-bearing quartz veins and minor disseminated ores that are distant to the ductile shear zone. The fluid inclusions in quartz contain a large amount of CO2. Metamorphic fluids of middle to high temperatures and pressures and meteoric waters of low temperatures and pressures mixed together during mineralization. A proposed ore-forming model is as follows: in the pre-ore phase, the collision of SP and NCC resulted in the NS-trending compression of the ore belt. This formed the NE-trending and NW-trending shear faults and EW-trending folds. During the ore-forming phase, the collision of YC and NCC resulted in dextral shearing of the NW-trending Jiapigou fault and the NE-trending Green faults. High-pressure fluids caused by the compression flowed into the dilatant zone. This may have caused both phase separation of CO2 -bearing fluids and the mixing of meteoric waters, metamorphic waters and magmatic source fluids and finally resulted in the disequilibrium of the ore fluids and precipitation of ore minerals. [source]

Mineral Paragenesis and Fluid Inclusions of Some Pluton-hosted Vein-type Copper Deposits in the Coastal Cordillera, Northern Chile

Dania Trista
Abstract. Formation conditions of some vein-type copper deposits of the Tocopilla district (Deseada, San Jose, Santa Rosa) and the Gatico district (Yohanita, Toldo-Velarde, Argentina) in the Coastal Cordillera of northern Chile were inferred from mineral paragenesis and fluid inclusion data, and were compared with those of neighboring stratiform copper deposits. The vein-type copper deposits are hosted in Late Jurassic dioritic to quartz-dioritic plutons intruding extensively an andesite-dominant volcanic pile of the Jurassic La Negra Formation. Primary mineralization is characterized by chalcopyrite + magnetite + pyrite + bornite, and supergene alteration of these minerals produced anilite, covellite, atacamite and chrysocolla. The hypogene mineral assemblage indicates relatively high sulfur fugacity and weakly oxidized conditions, distinct from the stratiform copper deposits formed under low sulfur fugacity and moderately oxidized conditions. Furthermore, the fluid inclusion data of the vein-type deposits indicate high temperature (401,560d,C) and high salinity (39,68 wt% NaCl equiv.) ranges in contrast to the stratiform deposits, suggesting that this type of deposits formed by magma-associated hypersaline ore fluids. [source]

Geochemistry and Radioactive Potentiality of Um Naggat Apogranite, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt

Abstract: The northern part of Um Naggat granite massif (UNGM) has suffered extensive post-magmatic metasomatic reworking which results into the development of (Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, U, Th, F), and albite-enriched and greisenized apogranite body (UNAP) of 600 m thick, and more than 3 km in the strike length. Albitization produced an enrichment in Zr (av. 2384 ppm), Hf (61), Nb (419), and U (43). The Th/U ratio ranges between 1. 33 and 1. 90. Extreme albitization (i. e. the albitite rock) is characterized by sharp decrease in the rare metals contents. However, extreme greisenization (i. e. endogreisen bodies) is characterized by a considerable enrichment in Zr (av. 5464 ppm), Hf (143), Nb (2329), Ta (152), U (66) and Th (178). The Th/U ratio ranges between 1. 57 and 3. 60. In contrast to extreme greisenization, it seems that extreme albitization does not apparently change the fluid pH and therefore poor amounts of rare metals are localized in the albitites. It is suggested that the presence of Na+, H+ and F - in the ore fluids was essential to stablize complexes of Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, U, Th, and HREE during extraction and transportation. In contrast, contemporaneous decrease of temperature and increasing pH due to decreasing pressure are considered the essential factors for localization of disseminated mineralization of Zr and Nb in the apical parts of the UNAP. The enhanced uranium content in the alteration facies of UNAP coupled with the absence of significant uranium mineralization may indicate the metalliferous rather than mineralized nature for the UNAP. The high uranium contents are stabilized in refractory accessory minerals. However, with repect to Zr and Nb, the UNAP especially the albitized and greisen facies, can be categorized as a mineralized productive granite. [source]