Orb-web Spiders (orb-web + spider)

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Selected Abstracts

Web building flexibility of an orb-web spider in a heterogeneous agricultural landscape

ECOGRAPHY, Issue 5 2008
Dries Bonte
Intensification of land-use in agricultural landscapes is responsible for a decline of biodiversity which provide important ecosystem services like pest-control. Changes in landscape composition may also induce behavioural changes of predators in response to variation in the biotic or abiotic environment. By controlling for environmentally confounding factors, we here demonstrate that the orb web spider Araneus diadematus alters its web building behaviour in response to changes in the composition of agricultural landscapes. Thereby, the species increases its foraging efficiency (i.e. investments in silk and web asymmetry) with an increase of agricultural land-use at intermediate spatial scales. This intensification is also related to a decrease in the abundance of larger prey. A negative effect of landscape properties at similar spatial scales on spider fitness was recorded when controlling for relative investments in capture thread length. This study consequently documents the web building flexibility in response to changes in landscape composition, possibly due to changes in prey availability. [source]

Is optimal foraging a realistic expectation in orb-web spiders?

Abstract 1.,Explanations for web relocation invoking optimal foraging require reliable differentiation between individual sites and overall habitat quality. We characterised natural conditions of resource variability over 20 days in artificial webs of the orb-web spider Gasteracantha fornicata to examine this requirement. 2.,Variability in catch success was high. Day-to-day catch success in 90% (18/20) catch sites fitted negative binomial distributions, whereas 10% fitted Poisson distributions. Considered across trap sites (overall habitat), variance in catch success increased proportionally faster than the mean (i.e. Taylor's Power Law, variance = 0.54mean1.764). 3.,We compared the confidence intervals for the expected cumulative catch in randomly drawn sequential samples from a frequency distribution representing the overall habitat (based on the parameters for Taylor's power law) and the frequency distribution of expected cumulative catch within each individual catch site [via randomisation based on the mean and negative binomial exponent (k)]. 4.,In all cases and across all sample sizes, median values for the power to differentiate habitat and catch sites never exceeded 0.2, suggesting that principles involved in optimal foraging, if operating, must be accompanied by a very high degree of uncertainty. 5.,Under conditions of high resource variability, many days must be spent in a single catch site if movement decisions are based on an ability to differentiate current catch site from overall habitat. Empirical evidence suggests this is never met. This may explain why proximal mechanisms that illicit quickly resolved behavioural responses have been more successful in describing web relocation patterns than those associated with optimal foraging. [source]

Fine Structural Analysis of the Silk Apparatus in the Funnel-web Spider, Agelena limbata (Araneae: Agelenidae)

Jong-Gu PARK
ABSTRACT Silk apparatus of the funnel-web spider, Agelena limbata was located at the ventral end of the abdominal part, and was composed of internal silk glands and external spinnerets. Among the three pairs of spinnerets, the posterior pairs were highly elongated along the body axis. By the light and electron microscopic inspections, it was found that four types of silk glands were connected through the typical spinning tubes of each spinneret. Anterior spinnerets comprise 2 pairs of the ampullate and 125 to 150 pairs (female) or 110 to 114 (male) of pyriform glands. Another 2 pairs of ampullate glands in both sexes, 5 to 8 pairs of tubuliform glands in females, and 20 to 26 pairs (female) or 15 to 17 pairs (male) of aciniform glands were connected on the median spinnerets. Additional 8 to 10 pairs of tubuliforms in female and 41 to 53 pairs (female) or 27 to 32 pairs (male) of aciniform glands were on the posterior spinnerets, respectively. While the ampullate and tubuliform glands were connected with the spigot-type spinning tubes, the pyriform and aciniform glands with that of spool-type tubes. It has been also revealed that the tubuliform glands were only observed in female spiders, however the flagelliform and aggregate glands which had the function of adhesive thread production in orb-web spiders were not observed at both sexes of this spiders. [source]

The effects of morphology and substrate diameter on climbing and locomotor performance in male spiders

John Prenter
Summary 1.,Spiders are the most sexually size dimorphic terrestrial animals and the evolution of this dimorphism is controversial. Patterns of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in spiders have been related to individual performance and size. In 2002 Moya-Laraņo, Halaj & Wise proposed the ,gravity hypothesis' to explain patterns of sexual size dimorphism in spiders whereby species building webs high in the vegetation are predicted to show greater SSD than those that build lower down. They advocated an advantage in climbing speed in smaller males searching for females in high places. The gravity hypothesis predicts a negative relationship between male size and climbing speed. In 2007 Brandt & Andrade questioned this interpretation and proposed that the pattern of SSD in spiders is better explained by an advantage for larger males of low-dwelling species to run faster along the ground. 2.,We induced male spiders to run a standard distance up vertical poles of different diameters to examine the predicted relationship between size and climbing speed. We tested two species of extremely size-dimorphic orb-web spiders, Argiope keyserlingi and Nephila plumipes, that differ in the height at which females tend to build webs, and one species of jumping spider, Jacksonoides queenslandica, with low levels of size dimorphism. We also examined morphological determinants of horizontal motility by inducing males to run along a raceway. 3.,Substrate diameter was consistently found to influence climbing performance. In N. plumipes, climbing speed was slowest on the widest diameter substrate. In A. keyserlingi, size-adjusted leg length and substrate diameter interacted to determine climbing speed, while in J. queenslandica, there was an interaction between body size and substrate diameter on climbing speed. In the effect of substrate diameter, we have identified a potential bias in previous tests of the gravity hypothesis. 4.,Our results do not support the prediction of the gravity hypothesis. There was no evidence of a negative relationship between body size and climbing speed in the two orb-web species with high levels of SSD. Our results are also not consistent with a recent modification of the gravity hypothesis that suggests a curvilinear relationship between climbing speed and size. 5.,Body size was positively associated with maximum running speed only in the cursorial hunter J. queenslandica. For this spider, results are more consistent with Brandt & Andrade's explanation for variation in SSD in spiders, that larger males are selected for superior running ability in low-dwelling species, rather than selection for smaller size for climbing to females in high-dwelling species. [source]

Signalling conflict between prey and predator attraction

M. J. Bruce
Predators may utilize signals to exploit the sensory biases of their prey or their predators. The inclusion of conspicuous silk structures called decorations or stabilimenta in the webs of some orb-web spiders (Araneae: Araneidae, Tetragnathidae, Uloboridae) appears to be an example of a sensory exploitation system. The function of these structures is controversial but they may signal to attract prey and/or deter predators. Here, we test these predictions, using a combination of field manipulations and laboratory experiments. In the field, decorations influenced the foraging success of adult female St. Andrew's Cross spiders, Argiope keyserlingi: inclusion of decorations increased prey capture rates as the available prey also increased. In contrast, when decorations were removed, prey capture rates were low and unrelated to the amount of available prey. Laboratory choice experiments showed that significantly more flies (Chrysomya varipes; Diptera: Calliphoridae) were attracted to decorated webs. However, decorations also attracted predators (adult and juvenile praying mantids, Archimantis latistylus; Mantodea: Mantidae) to the web. St. Andrew's Cross spiders apparently resolve the conflicting nature of a prey- and predator-attracting signal by varying their decorating behaviour according to the risk of predation: spiders spun fewer decorations if their webs were located in dense vegetation where predators had greater access, than if the webs were located in sparse vegetation. [source]