Open Landscapes (open + landscapes)

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Selected Abstracts

Fossil fruits of Salsola L. s.l. and Halanthium K.Koch (Chenopodiaceae) from Lower Pleistocene lacustrine sediments in Armenia,

Janna Akopian Dr.
For the first time imprints of fossil fruits of Salsola L. s.l. and Halanthium K.Koch (Chenopodiaceae, Salsoloideae,) are reported from the territory of Armenia, the latter being the first fossil record of the Southwest Asian genus worldwide. They were collected from fluvio-lacustrine diatomite layers of the Lower Pleistocene (Sisian series) in the upper-middle Vorotan river valley recently dated at 1.4,0.935 my (Early Pleistocene). The fossils are described, figured and compared with recent relatives. Due to poor preservation, the identity of the Salsola fruit cannot be specified but the similar genus Kochia can be excluded. The Halanthium fruit seems to differ from those of extant species. Both are also discussed in the context of the very poor fossil Salsoloideae record and of the actual and lower Pleistocene vegetation and environment. The findings of truly semidesert species underline the presence of open landscapes and extremely semiarid to arid conditions. However, stratigraphically more refined analyses are needed to draw conclusions about the former vegetation and the duration of arid periods because most macrofossils reported from the same strata indicate semiarid and even humid environments. (© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) Fossile Früchte von Salsola L. und Halanthium K.Koch (Chenopodiaceae) aus unterpleistozänen lakustrischen Sedimenten in Armenien Erstmals wird über Funde fossiler Früchte der Gattungen Salsola L. s.l. und Halanthium K.Koch (Chenopodiaceae, Salsoloideae) aus Armenien berichtet. Für die letztere Gattung handelt es sich weltweit um einen Erstfund. Die nur mäßig guten Abdrucke stammen aus fluvio-lakustrischen Diatomiten der Sisian Serie vom oberen Vorotan-Tal, die nach neuesten Datierungen 1,4,0,935 Millionen Jahre alt sind und damit in das Unterpleistozän gehören. Die Fossilien werden beschrieben, abgebildet und mit den nächsten rezenten Verwandten verglichen. Während bei der Salsola -Frucht wegen Beschädigungen vor der Einbettung keine Artbestimmung möglich ist, die Zugehörigkeit zu Kochia aber ausgeschlossen werden kann, stimmt die besser erhaltene Halanthium- Frucht mit keiner rezenten Art überein. Beide Arten werden im Zusammenhang mit dem bisher äußerst spärlichen Fossilbefund und im Hinblick auf ihren möglichen ökologischen und vegetationskundlichen Indikatorwert diskutiert. Die Nachweise dieser Halbwüstenpflanzen sprechen für eine waldfreie Umgebung und ein extremsemiarides oder arides Klima zur Zeit der Einbettung. Die gleichen Schichten enthalten aber vor allem Makrofossilien mesophytischer Gehölze, die an ein semiarides bis humides Klima gebunden sind. Weitergehende Rückschlüsse sind erst dann möglich, wenn eine feinstratigraphische Analyse vorliegt, durch die größere klimatische Fluktuationen nachgewiesen werden könnten. [source]

Butterfly life history and temperature adaptations; dry open habitats select for increased fecundity and longevity

Summary 1Evidence suggests that changes of temperature-related performance curves can trigger a selective response in life-history traits. Hence, it should be expected that insects adapted to different temperature regimes should exhibit optimal performance at the temperature to which they are adapted. 2To test this idea we investigated how fecundity and longevity are influenced by ambient temperatures in a set of satyrine butterflies adapted to live in dry open landscapes or in closed forest landscapes, respectively, by keeping egg-laying adult females at five different constant temperatures ranging between 20 and 40 °C. 3We studied four species, two of which are confined to dry and hot open habitats, namely the grayling (Hipparchia semele) and the small heath (Coenonympha pamphilus), and two of which are shade dwelling, namely the ringlet (Aphantopus hyperantus) and the speckled wood butterfly (Pararge aegeria). 4As predicted, the results showed that lifetime fecundity exhibited bell-shaped curves in relation to temperature with the open landscape group peaking at a higher temperature, 30 °C, compared with the shade-dwelling group that peaked at 25 °C. Longevity decreased with increasing temperatures among all species, but the open landscape living species survived better at higher temperatures. Moreover, although the magnitude of reproductive effort measured as lifetime egg mass did not differ between the two ecological groups, lifetime fecundity did with open landscape species laying more and smaller eggs than the shade-dwelling species. 5This difference in life-history character traits suggests either that dry and relatively warm open habitats open life-history opportunities in terms of higher fecundity and longevity that remain closed to butterflies adapted to cooler temperatures, or that life in dry open habitats actively selects for higher fecundity and survival as a result of increased offspring mortality. [source]

Single host trees in a closed forest canopy matrix: a highly fragmented landscape?

J. Müller
Abstract:, Whether trees represent habitat islands and therefore are influenced by similar biogeographic processes as ,real' islands is controversial. For trees in highly fragmented landscapes the impacts of spatial isolation on arthropod communities have already been demonstrated. However, we have almost no evidence that in large forests the arthropod communities on single trees in a closed canopy matrix are influenced by similar processes. In the present study the influence of spatial isolation on the specialized oak crown fauna was analysed in a large broadleaved forest area in northern Bavaria, Germany. The dependence of specialists on the proportion of oaks in the surrounding forest was investigated by using flight interception traps (67 on oak, 19 on beech). As target species, saproxylic and herbivorous Coleoptera and Heteroptera were sampled. The following two hypotheses were tested: (1) The proportion of oak specialists differs for oaks in beech forests and oaks in oak forests. (2) The proportion of oak specialists increases with the proportion of oaks in the surrounding forest. For all species groups, the proportion of oak specialists was higher in oak crowns than in beech crowns. Herbivorous beetles and true bugs showed a higher proportion of specialists in oak forests than on single oaks in beech forests. The proportion of herbivorous oak specialists increased significantly with increasing numbers of adjacent oak trees, while saproxylic Coleoptera showed no relationship to oak density. For herbivorous Coleoptera a threshold of higher proportion occurred where >30% oak was present, and for Heteroptera a first threshold was identified at values >70% and a second at >30%. This indicates that larger habitat patches within a closed forest canopy matrix support larger populations of herbivorous oak specialists. Hence, similar effects of spatial isolation might occur in a closed forest as have already been shown for highly fragmented open landscapes. [source]

Forest change and stream fish habitat: lessons from ,Olde' and New England

K. H. Nislow
The North Atlantic region has a long history of land use change that has influenced and will continue to influence stream ecosystems and fisheries production. This paper explores and compares the potential consequences of changes in forest cover for fish production in upland, coldwater stream environments in New England, U.S.A. and the British Isles, two regions which share important similarities with respect to overall physical, biotic and socio-economic setting. Both regions were extensively deforested and essentially no extensive old-growth forest stands remain. In New England, recovering forests, consisting almost entirely of naturally-regenerated native species, now cover >60% of the landscape. Associated with this large-scale reforestation, open landscapes, common in the 19th and first half the 20th century, are currently rare and declining in this region. In the British Isles, forests still cover <20% of the landscape, and existing forests largely consist of exotic conifer plantations stocked at high stand densities and harvested at frequent rotations. While forest restoration and conservation is frequently recommended as a fisheries habitat conservation and restoration tool, consideration of the way in which forests affect essential aspects of fish habitat suggests that response of upland stream fish to landscape change is inherently complex. Under certain environmental settings and reforestation practices, conversion of open landscapes to young-mature forests can negatively impact fish production. Further, the effects of re-establishing old-growth forests are difficult to predict for the two regions (due to the current absence of such landscapes), and are likely to depend strongly on the extent to which critical ecosystem attributes (large-scale disturbances, fish migrations, keystone species, large woody debris recruitment) are allowed to be re-established. Understanding these context-dependencies is critical for predicting fish responses, and should help managers set realistic conservation, management and restoration goals. Management may best be served by promoting a diversity of land cover types in a way that emulates natural landscape and disturbance dynamics. This goal presents very different challenges in New England and the British Isles due to differences in current and predicted land use trajectories, along with differences in ecological context and public perception. [source]