Ocular Trauma (ocular + trauma)

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Selected Abstracts

Retinal detachment after ocular trauma

Purpose To discuss the clinical characteristics and treatmentoptions for retinal detachment after ocular trauma Methods The various types of ocular trauma and the different types of retinal detachments occurring as a complication of ocular trauma will be presented and comapred with each other Results The surgical treatment options for retinal detachment after ocular trauma will be presented. Conclusion Due to the high variability of ocular traumata and the reulting high high variability in the type and extent of retinal detachments after ocular traumata, the decision on the type of surgical treatment will usually be rather indivudual according to the special clincal situation. [source]

Effect on corneal endothelial cell count of traumatic microhyphaema and hyphaema

Jeffrey Pong
Abstract. Purpose:, This study investigates changes in the corneal endothelial count in patients after non-penetrating ocular trauma (NPOT) with associated microhyphaema or hyphaema. Methods:, A total of 48 patients were recruited and divided into grade 1 (microhyphaema) and grade 2 (hyphaema) injury groups. Both central and inferior corneal endothelial counts were measured with specular microscopy. Results:, Neither central nor inferior corneal endothelial counts on the injured eye showed significant decrease compared to the normal contralateral eye across the two injury groups. The mean cell count of the central cornea of the hyphaema group showed a drop of 1.9% compared to the normal controls. Conclusion:, The duration and severity of non-penetrating ocular trauma with microhyphaema or hyphaema did not appear to show a statistically significant loss in corneal endothelial cell count compared to the normal control. [source]

Childhood ocular trauma in the Copenhagen area from 1998 to 2003: eye injuries caused by airsoft guns are twice as common as firework-related injuries

Jon Peiter Saunte

A 7-year follow-up of severe ocular trauma following a bomb explosion

Kan Koizumi
No abstract is available for this article. [source]

Emergency treatment of chemical and thermal eye burns

Ralf Kuckelkorn
ABSTRACT. Chemical and thermal eye burns account for a small but significant fraction of ocular trauma. The speed at which initial irrigation of the eye begins, has the greatest influence on the prognosis and outcome of eye burns. Water is commonly recommended as an irrigation fluid. However, water is hypotonic to the corneal stroma. The osmolarity gradient causes an increased water influx into the cornea and the invasion of the corrosive substance into deeper corneal structures. We therefore recommend higher osmolarities for the initial rinsing to mobilize water and the dissolved corrosives out of the burnt tissue. Universal systems such as amphoteric solutions, which have an unspecific binding with bases and acids, provide a convenient solution for emergency neutralisation. Both conservative anti-inflammatory therapy and early surgical intervention are important to reduce the inflammatory response of the burnt tissue. In most severe eye burns, tenonplasty re-establishes the conjunctival surface and limbal vascularity and prevents anterior segment necrosis. [source]

Epidemiology of open- and closed-globe trauma presenting to Cairns Base Hospital, Queensland

Andrew RE Smith MBBS MSc
Abstract Purpose:, To review the epidemiology of serious ocular trauma presenting to Cairns Base Hospital, from the far north Queensland health districts. Methods:, A retrospective study of cases from January 1995 to November 2002 inclusive. Cases were analysed with respect to demographics, cause and nature of injury, method of transport and time to and type of ophthalmic treatment, and visual outcomes. Results:, There were 226 cases identified, including 71 open-globe and 155 closed-globe injuries. The annual rate of injury was 3.7 per 100 000 for open-globe and 11.8 per 100 000 in total. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population from the far north Queensland districts showed a disproportionate incidence, with 38% of the total number of injuries, despite representing only 12.3% of the population. Assault in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population resulted in 69.6% of injuries in men and 75.8% of injuries in women. Of all assaults 76.2% were alcohol-related. The majority (71.5%) of injuries in the Caucasian population were due to accidental blunt and sharp trauma. In total, 77.4% of injuries occurred in men, with an average age of 31 years. Of all open and closed injuries in the study, a final visual acuity of 6/12 or better was achieved in 47.8% of eyes and a final visual acuity of 6/60 or less occurred in 17.7% of patients, 20.8% patients were lost to follow up. In total, 14.1% of open injuries required enucleation/evisceration. Conclusions:, The incidence of ocular trauma in far north Queensland is equal to other Australian populations. However, there is a disproportionately high incidence in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population. Alcohol-related assault is a significant cause of visual loss in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population. Closed-globe injuries are more common than open globe; however, the latter have poorer visual prognosis. Initial visual acuity of all injuries correlated with final visual acuity. [source]

Contact lenses as a drug delivery device for epidermal growth factor in the treatment of ocular wounds

Clyde L Schultz PhD
Background:, This work was conducted to investigate the uptake and release of epidermal growth factor (EGF) from hydrogel contact lenses and to determine whether the released protein would be therapeutically active in a rabbit corneal epithelial defect model of ocular trauma, prior to use in humans. Methods:, The uptake and release of EGF from hydrogel contact lens materials were determined by high-pressure liquid chromatography. Contact lenses composed of vasurfilcon A or lotrafilcon A (containing silicone) were incubated in a source solution containing 0.4 ppm EGF for seven hours. To determine the kinetics of drug uptake into the contact lens matrix, drug concentration in the source solution was measured at zero, one, 60, 240 and 420 minutes. To determine the kinetics of release, loaded contact lenses were immersed in a recipient solution of phosphate-buffered saline. Therapeutic activity in vivo was investigated by placing prepared lenses on the surface of abraded corneas of New Zealand White rabbits, with abraded corneas of contralateral eyes used as controls. Control eyes were treated with contact lenses placed in saline for injection. Wound closure was assessed hourly. Results:, Uptake and release of EGF were demonstrated for vasurfilcon A but not lotrafilcon A contact lens materials. The retention time of EGF released from vasurfilcon A contact lenses was similar to control EGF not exposed to contact lens polymers. The greatest adsorption of EGF into the lens material occurred within approximately 120 minutes, with a flattening of the rate of uptake thereafter. Abraded eyes in rabbits showed a significantly higher overall healing rate for EGF-treated contact lenses compared with control eyes (p < 0.0001). Conclusions:, EGF can be delivered from some but not all hydrogel materials. Lens materials composed of silicone may not be useful for delivering EGF to the eye. EGF-treated contact lenses may be a useful device to facilitate healing of ocular wounds. [source]

Morbidity figures from general practice: sex differences in traumatology

Toine Lagro-Janssen MD PhD
Abstract Background, Trauma prevention starts with to find out the extent of the problem and who it affects. Insight into morbidity figures is therefore necessary. Aim, To explore sex differences in traumatology and secondary medical care utilization in primary care related to age and socio-economic status (SES). Methods, Data were obtained from an academic continuous morbidity registration project in the Netherlands in the period from 1996 to 2006, in which 13 000 patients were followed in 10 successive years. Results, Sex differences showed a male excess from childhood to 45 years and women showing almost double trauma rates in the elderly. Low SES was associated with the greatest incidence of traumas. The largest sex difference in incidence above 65 years appeared in the high SES with more traumas in women compared with men. From this age on, female morbidity in traumatology outnumbered male morbidity regardless of SES. Considering use of referrals, we found that in the age group 15,45 years men made a greater use of secondary medical care. However, the vastest gender influence in medical care utilization was noticed in the age group over 65 years, outnumbered with women. Conclusion, Young men and old women are the most at risk for traumatic health problems: men presenting with traumata of the skull, the tibia and ocular trauma's and women with fractures of the femur, humerus and wrist. For both men and women the greatest incidence is in the low SES. Family physicians can play a pivotal role in prevention to focus on their patients with high risks. [source]

Retinal detachment after ocular trauma

Purpose To discuss the clinical characteristics and treatmentoptions for retinal detachment after ocular trauma Methods The various types of ocular trauma and the different types of retinal detachments occurring as a complication of ocular trauma will be presented and comapred with each other Results The surgical treatment options for retinal detachment after ocular trauma will be presented. Conclusion Due to the high variability of ocular traumata and the reulting high high variability in the type and extent of retinal detachments after ocular traumata, the decision on the type of surgical treatment will usually be rather indivudual according to the special clincal situation. [source]