Olfactory Epithelium (olfactory + epithelium)

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Selected Abstracts

Pathology of the Olfactory Epithelium: Smoking and Ethanol Exposure,

J Vent MD
Abstract Objective: To investigate the effects of tobacco smoke on the olfactory epithelium. Cigarette smoking has been associated with hyposmia; however, the pathophysiology is poorly understood. The sense of smell is mediated by olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) exposed to the nasal airway, rendering them vulnerable to environmental injury and death. As a consequence, a baseline level of apoptotic OSN death has been demonstrated even in the absence of obvious disease. Dead OSNs are replaced by the mitosis and maturation of progenitors to maintain sufficient numbers of neurons into adult life. Disruption of this balance has been suggested as a common cause for clinical smell loss. This current study will evaluate the effects of tobacco smoke on the olfactory mucosa, with emphasis on changes in the degree of OSN apoptosis. Study Design: A rat model was used to assess the olfactory epithelium after exposure to tobacco smoke. Methods: Rats were exposed to tobacco smoke alone (for 12 weeks), smoke plus dietary ethanol (for the final 5 weeks), or to neither (control). Immunohistochemical analysis of the olfactory epithelium was performed using an antibody to the active form of caspase-3. Positive staining for this form of the caspase-3 enzyme indicates a cell undergoing apoptotic proteolysis. Results: Control rats demonstrated a low baseline level of caspase-3 activity in the olfactory epithelium. In contrast, tobacco smoke exposure triggered a dramatic increase in the degree of OSN apoptosis that affected all stages of the neuronal lineage. Conclusions: These results support the following hypothesis: smell loss in smokers is triggered by increased OSN death, which eventually overwhelms the regenerative capacity of the epithelium. [source]

NADPH-Diaphorase Activity and NO Synthase Expression in the Olfactory Epithelium of the Bovine

S. Wenisch
With 2 figures Summary NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d) staining of the bovine olfactory epithelium was compared with the immunohistochemical localization of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), soluble guanylyl cyclase, and cGMP (cyclic guanosine 3,,5,-monophosphate). Out of the three isoforms, only the inducible NOS (NOS-II) was found at the epithelial surface correlating with the strong labelling for NADPH-d. In contrast, light diaphorase staining associated with deeper epithelial regions did not coincide with any NOS immunoreactivity. As there is overlapping expression of NOS-II, soluble guanylyl cyclase and cGMP at the luminal surface morphologically occupied by dendritic knobs of olfactory receptor neurons and microvillar endings of supporting cells, the nitric oxide (NO)/cGMP pathway is likely to be involved in modulating the odour signals during olfactory transduction. [source]

Olfactory epithelium influences the orientation of mitral cell dendrites during development

Laura López-Mascaraque
Abstract We have established previously that, although the olfactory epithelium is absent in the homozygous Pax-6 mutant mouse, an olfactory bulb-like structure (OBLS) does develop. Moreover, this OBLS contains cells that correspond to mitral cells, the primary projection neurons in the olfactory bulb. The current study aimed to address whether the dendrites of mitral cells in the olfactory bulb or in the OBLS mitral-like cells, exhibit a change in orientation in the presence of the olfactory epithelium. The underlying hypothesis is that the olfactory epithelium imparts a trophic signal on mitral and mitral-like cell that influences the growth of their primary dendrites, orientating them toward the surface of the olfactory bulb. Hence, we cultured hemibrains from wild-type and Pax 6 mutant mice from two different embryonic stages (embryonic days 14 and 15) either alone or in coculture with normal olfactory epithelial explants or control tissue (cerebellum). Our results indicate that the final dendritic orientation of mitral and mitral-like cells is directly influenced both by age and indeed by the presence of the olfactory epithelium. Developmental Dynamics 232:325,335, 2005. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Role of interleukin-15 in the development of mouse olfactory nerve

Tsuyoshi Umehara
ABSTRACT Interleukin (IL)-15 interacts with components of the IL-2 receptor (R) and exhibits T cell-stimulating activity similar to that of IL-2. In addition, IL-15 is widely expressed in many cell types and tissues, including the central nervous system. We provide evidence of a novel role of IL-15 in olfactory neurogenesis. Both IL-15 and IL-15R, were expressed in neuronal precursor cells of the developing olfactory epithelium in mice. Adult IL-15R, knockout mice had fewer mature olfactory neurons and proliferating cells than wild-type. Our results suggest that IL-15 plays an important role in regulating cell proliferation in olfactory neurogenesis. [source]

Development of olfactory epithelium in the human fetus: Scanning electron microscopic observations

Mitsuhiro Kimura
ABSTRACT Aims:, Human olfactory epithelium becomes functional at birth, but prenatal development remains unclear. In the present study, we aimed to clarify the development of human olfactory epithelium using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Methods:, The development of human olfactory epithelium was observed in 24 externally normal fetuses, which were formalin-fixed and long-preserved, with a crown-rump length (CRL) of 102,336 mm (gestational week 14,38). The olfactory mucosa in the superior wall of the nasal septum near the choana were dissected and observed under SEM. We examined the number of olfactory vesicles per unit area, diameter of olfactory vesicles, and number and length of cilia on olfactory vesicles. Results:, At circa (ca) CRL 100 mm (ca 14 weeks), olfactory epithelium displayed several olfactory vesicles with 1,2 short cilia per unit area. At ca CRL 150 mm (ca 18 weeks), olfactory vesicles were present in small clusters, and cilia were longer. At CRL lager than 225 mm (ca 26 weeks), olfactory vesicles became located separately from each other, while length and number of cilia per olfactory vesicle were further increased. Conclusion:, The present findings suggest that fetal olfactory epithelium becomes morphologically almost the same as that in adults in late gestation, much later than previously thought. [source]

Cloning and characterization of voltage-gated calcium channel alpha1 subunits in Xenopus laevis during development

Brittany B. Lewis
Abstract Voltage-gated calcium channels play a critical role in regulating the Ca2+ activity that mediates many aspects of neural development, including neural induction, neurotransmitter phenotype specification, and neurite outgrowth. Using Xenopus laevis embryos, we describe the spatial and temporal expression patterns during development of the 10 pore-forming alpha1 subunits that define the channels' kinetic properties. In situ hybridization indicates that CaV1.2, CaV2.1, CaV2.2, and CaV3.2 are expressed during neurula stages throughout the neural tube. These, along with CaV1.3 and CaV2.3, beginning at early tail bud stages, and CaV3.1 at late tail bud stages, are detected in complex patterns within the brain and spinal cord through swimming tadpole stages. Additional expression of various alpha1 subunits was observed in the cranial ganglia, retina, olfactory epithelium, pineal gland, and heart. The unique expression patterns for the different alpha1 subunits suggests they are under precise spatial and temporal regulation and are serving specific functions during embryonic development. Developmental Dynamics 238:2891,2902, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Olfactory sensory axon growth and branching is influenced by sonic hedgehog

Qizhi Gong
Abstract Olfactory sensory neuron (OSN) axons extend from the olfactory epithelium to the olfactory bulb without branching until they reach their target region, the glomerulus. In this report, we present evidence to support the involvement of sonic hedgehog in promoting rat olfactory sensory axons to branch and to enter into the glomerulus. Sonic hedgehog (Shh) protein is detected in the glomeruli of the olfactory bulb, whereas its transcript is expressed in the mitral and tufted cells, suggesting that Shh in the glomeruli is produced by mitral and tufted cells. In primary OSN cultures, Shh-N peptide promotes olfactory axon branching. When Shh function is neutralized in vivo by its antibody, growth of newly generated OSN axons into the glomeruli is vastly reduced. Developmental Dynamics 238:1768,1776, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Dynamic expression of neurogenic markers in the developing chick olfactory epithelium

Esther Maier
Abstract Neurogenesis in the olfactory epithelium begins in early embryos and proceeds throughout life. A comparison of neurogenic marker expression at different developmental stages and at different axes of the olfactory epithelium has not been reported in a coordinated way. In this study, we have in detail compared the temporal and spatial expression patterns of the precursor markers Hes5, Cash1, Ngn1, and the neuronal markers Gap43, HuC/D, Lhx2 in the developing olfactory placode and epithelium in chick embryos from HH10 to HH34. We show that Hes5 starts to be expressed in cells of the prospective olfactory placode at HH10, earlier then previously reported. During olfactory pit stages, the expression of Hes5, Cash1, Ngn1, Gap43, HuC/D, and Lhx2 varies throughout the anterior-posterior and superior-inferior axis of the olfactory epithelium. By HH34, expression of the precursor and neuronal markers show the first signs of apical-basal stratification of the epithelium. Developmental Dynamics 238:1617,1625, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Olfactory epithelium influences the orientation of mitral cell dendrites during development

Laura López-Mascaraque
Abstract We have established previously that, although the olfactory epithelium is absent in the homozygous Pax-6 mutant mouse, an olfactory bulb-like structure (OBLS) does develop. Moreover, this OBLS contains cells that correspond to mitral cells, the primary projection neurons in the olfactory bulb. The current study aimed to address whether the dendrites of mitral cells in the olfactory bulb or in the OBLS mitral-like cells, exhibit a change in orientation in the presence of the olfactory epithelium. The underlying hypothesis is that the olfactory epithelium imparts a trophic signal on mitral and mitral-like cell that influences the growth of their primary dendrites, orientating them toward the surface of the olfactory bulb. Hence, we cultured hemibrains from wild-type and Pax 6 mutant mice from two different embryonic stages (embryonic days 14 and 15) either alone or in coculture with normal olfactory epithelial explants or control tissue (cerebellum). Our results indicate that the final dendritic orientation of mitral and mitral-like cells is directly influenced both by age and indeed by the presence of the olfactory epithelium. Developmental Dynamics 232:325,335, 2005. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

The proto-oncogene BCL6 promotes survival of olfactory sensory neurons

Joji M. Otaki
Abstract For the mammalian olfactory epithelium to continually detect odorant, neuronal survival, apoptosis, and regeneration must be coordinated. Here, we showed that the proto-oncogene BCL6, which encodes a transcriptional repressor required for lymphocyte terminal differentiation, contributes to the survival of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs). In the olfactory epithelia of the BCL6 null mutant mice, many OSNs were positive for both OMP and GAP43. The epithelium was relatively thinner, showing many apoptotic signals. These characters were phenotypically similar to those of the wild-type mice treated with nasal lectin irrigation, which acutely induces apoptosis of OSNs. Odorant receptors were expressed normally in the epithelia of the mutant mice, and their overall expression profile based on DNA microarray analyses was roughly similar to that of the apoptosis-induced olfactory epithelia of the wild-type mice. Experimental increase of BCL6 together with green fluorescent protein in OSNs using adenovirus-mediated gene transfer made the epifluorescence last longer than the control fluorescence without exogenous BCL6 after the nasal lectin irrigation, indicating that BCL6 made the infected neurons survive longer. We conclude that BCL6 plays an active role in the survival of OSNs as an anti-apoptotic factor and confers immature OSNs enough time to fully differentiate into mature ones. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 70: 424-435, 2010 [source]

Development and topography of the lateral olfactory tract in the mouse: Imaging by genetically encoded and injected fluorescent markers

Andreas Walz
Abstract In mammals, conventional odorants are detected by OSNs located in the main olfactory epithelium of the nose. These neurons project their axons to glomeruli, which are specialized structures of neuropil in the olfactory bulb. Within glomeruli, axons synapse onto dendrites of projection neurons, the mitral and tufted (M/T) cells. Genetic approaches to visualize axons of OSNs expressing a given odorant receptor have proven very useful in elucidating the organization of these projections to the olfactory bulb. Much less is known about the development and connectivity of the lateral olfactory tract (LOT), which is formed by axons of M/T cells connecting the olfactory bulb to central neural regions. Here, we have extended our genetic approach to mark M/T cells of the main olfactory bulb and their axons in the mouse, by targeted insertion of IRES-tauGFP in the neurotensin locus. In NT-GFP mice, we find that M/T cells of the main olfactory bulb mature and project axons as early as embryonic day 11.5. Final innervation of central areas is accomplished before the end of the second postnatal week. M/T cell axons that originate from small defined areas within the main olfactory bulb, as visualized by localized injections of fluorescent tracers in wild-type mice at postnatal days 1 to 3, follow a dual trajectory: a branch of tightly packed axons along the dorsal aspect of the LOT, and a more diffuse branch along the ventral aspect. The dorsal, but not the ventral, subdivision of the LOT exhibits a topographical segregation of axons coming from the dorsal versus ventral main olfactory bulb. The NT-GFP mouse strain should prove useful in further studies of development and topography of the LOT, from E11.5 until 2 weeks after birth. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2006 [source]

Conditional ablation of neurones in transgenic mice

Anthony R. Isles
Abstract Conditional targeted ablation of specific cell populations in living transgenic animals is a very powerful strategy to determine cell functions in vivo. This approach would be of particular value to study the functions of distinct neuronal populations; however, the transgene of choice for conditional cell ablation studies in mice, the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene, cannot be used to ablate neurones as its principal mode of action relies on cell proliferation. Here we report that expression of the E.coli nitroreductase gene (Ntr) and metabolism of the prodrug CB1954 (5-aziridin-1-yl-2-4-dinitrobenzamide) to its cytotoxic derivative can be used to conditionally and acutely ablate specific neuronal populations in vivo. As proof of principal, we have ablated olfactory and vomeronasal receptor neurones by expressing Ntr under the control of the olfactory marker protein (OMP) gene promoter. We demonstrate that following CB1954 administration, olfactory and vomeronasal receptor neurones expressing the transgene were selectively eliminated from the olfactory epithelium (OE), and projections to the olfactory bulb (OB) were lost. The functional efficacy of cell ablation was demonstrated using a highly sensitive behavioural test to show that ablated mice had lost the olfactory ability to discriminate distinct odors and were consequently rendered anosmic. Targeted expression of Ntr to specific neuronal populations using conventional transgenes, as described here, or by "knock-in" gene targeting using embryonic stem cells may be of significant value to address the functions of distinct neuronal populations in vivo. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 47: 183,193, 2001 [source]

Lactosamine modulates the rate of migration of GnRH neurons during mouse development

Elizabeth Bless
Abstract Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons are derived from progenitor cells in the olfactory placodes and migrate from the vomeronasal organ (VNO) across the cribriform plate into the forebrain. At embryonic day (E)12 in the mouse most of these neurons are still in the nasal compartment but by E15 most GnRH neurons have migrated into the forebrain. Glycoconjugates with carbohydrate chains containing terminal lactosamine are expressed by neurons in the main olfactory epithelium and in the VNO. One of the key enzymes required to regulate the synthesis and expression of lactosamine, ,1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-1 (,3GnT1), is strongly expressed by neurons in the olfactory epithelium and VNO, and on neurons migrating out of the VNO along the GnRH migratory pathway. Immunocytochemical analysis of lactosamine and GnRH in embryonic mice reveals that the percentage of lactosamine+,GnRH+ double-labeled neurons decreases from >,80% at E13, when migration is near its peak, to ,,30% at E18.5, when most neurons have stopped migrating. In ,3GnT1,/, mice, there is a partial loss of lactosamine expression on GnRH neurons. Additionally, a greater number of GnRH neurons were retained in the nasal compartment of null mice at E15 while fewer GnRH neurons were detected later in embryonic development in the ventral forebrain. These results suggest that the loss of lactosamine on a subset of GnRH neurons impeded the rate of migration from the nose to the brain. [source]

Neuropeptide Y in the olfactory microvillar cells

Giorgia Montani
Abstract This paper examines a possible role of microvillar cells in coordinating cell death and regeneration of olfactory epithelial neurons. The olfactory neuroepithelium of mammals is a highly dynamic organ. Olfactory neurons periodically degenerate by apoptosis and as a consequence of chemical or physical damage. To compensate for this loss of cells, the olfactory epithelium maintains a lifelong ability to regenerate from a pool of resident multipotent stem cells. To assure functional continuity and histological integrity of the olfactory epithelium over a period of many decades, apoptosis and regeneration require to be precisely coordinated. Among the factors that have been implicated in mediating this regulation is the neuropeptide Y (NPY). Knockout mice that lack functional expression of this neurogenic peptide show defects in embryonic development of the olfactory epithelium and in its ability to regenerate in the adult. Here we show that, in postnatal olfactory epithelia, NPY is exclusively expressed by a specific population of microvillar cells. We previously characterized these cells as a novel type of putative chemosensory cells, which are provided with a phosphatidyl-inositol-mediated signal transduction cascade. Our findings allow for the first time to suggest that microvillar cells are involved in connecting apoptosis to neuronal regeneration by stimulus-induced release of NPY. [source]

ATP activates both receptor and sustentacular supporting cells in the olfactory epithelium of Xenopus laevis tadpoles

Dirk Czesnik
Abstract Nucleotides and amino acids are acknowledged categories of water-borne olfactory stimuli. In previous studies it has been shown that larvae of Xenopus laevis are able to sense amino acids. Here we report on the effect of ATP in the olfactory epithelium (OE) of Xenopus laevis tadpoles. First, ATP activates a subpopulation of cells in the OE. The ATP-sensitive subset of cells is almost perfectly disjoint from the subset of amino acid-activated cells. Both responses are not mediated by the well-described cAMP transduction pathway as the two subpopulations of cells do not overlap with a third, forskolin-activated subpopulation. We further show that, in contrast to amino acids, which act exclusively as olfactory stimuli, ATP appears to feature a second role. Surprisingly it activated a large number of sustentacular supporting cells (SCs) and, to a much lower extent, olfactory receptor neurons. The cells of the amino acid- and ATP-responding subsets featured differences in shape, size and position in the OE. The latencies to activation upon stimulus application differed markedly in these subsets. To obtain these results two technical points were important. We used a novel dextran-tetramethylrhodamine-backfilled slice preparation of the OE and we found out that an antibody to calnexin, a known molecular chaperone, also labels SCs. Our findings thus show a strong effect of ATP in the OE and we discuss some of the possible physiological functions of nucleotides in the OE. [source]

Developmental elimination of ectopic projection sites for the transgenic OR gene that has lost zone specificity in the olfactory epithelium

Hiroko Nakatani
Abstract In rodents, olfactory receptor (OR) genes are expressed in one of four zones in the olfactory epithelium (OE), and olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) expressing the same OR project their axons to a specific set of glomeruli on the olfactory bulb (OB). Using the yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) transgenic system, we have analysed the expression of the murine OR gene MOR29A of the MOR28 cluster located on chromosome 14. Although expression of the endogenous MOR29A was restricted to the most dorsomedial zone, the transgenic MOR29A (Tg MOR29A) was expressed in all four zones of the OE. When the OB of the transgenic mouse was analysed, the axons of the OSNs expressing Tg MOR29A were found to project not only to the dorsal side but also to the ventral side of the OB as well. The ectopic projection sites on the ventral side gradually disappear during postnatal development. Naris occlusion prevents this elimination, suggesting that odorant stimulation is involved in eliminating the ectopic projection sites. [source]

Odour-evoked [Ca2+] transients in mitral cell dendrites of frog olfactory glomeruli

Kerry Delaney
Abstract We measured Ca2+ concentration, [Ca2+], transients in mitral cell distal apical dendritic tufts produced by physiological odour stimulation of the olfactory epithelium and electrical stimulation of the olfactory nerve (ON) using two-photon scanning and conventional wide-field microscopy of Ca2+ -Green-1 dextran in an in vitro frog nose,brain preparation. Weak or strong ON shock-evoked fluorescence transients always had short latency with an onset 0,10 ms after the onset of the bulb local field potential, rapidly increasing to a peak of up to 25% fractional fluorescence change (,F/F) in 10,30 ms, were blocked by 10 µm CNQX, decaying with a time constant of about 1 s. With stronger ON shocks that activated many receptor axons, an additional, delayed, sustained AP5-sensitive component (peak at ,,0.5 s, up to 40% ,F/F maximum) could usually be produced. Odour-evoked [Ca2+] transients sometimes displayed a rapid onset phase that peaked within 50 ms but always had a sustained phase that peaked 0.5,1.5 s after onset, regardless of the strength of the odour or the amplitude of the response. These were considerably larger (up to 150% ,F/F) than those evoked by ON shock. Odour-evoked [Ca2+] transients were also distinguished from ON shock-evoked transients by tufts in different glomeruli responding with different delays (time to onset differed by up to 1.5 s between different tufts for the same odour). Odour-evoked [Ca2+] transients were increased by AMPA-kainate receptor blockade, but substantially blocked by AP5. Electrical stimulation of the lateral olfactory tract (5,6 stimuli at 10 Hz) that evoked granule cell feedback inhibition, blocked 60,100% of the odour-evoked [Ca2+] transient in tufts when delivered within about 0.5 s of the odour. LOT-mediated inhibition was blocked by 10 µm bicuculline. [source]

A novel brain receptor is expressed in a distinct population of olfactory sensory neurons

Sidonie Conzelmann
Abstract Three novel G-protein-coupled receptor genes related to the previously described RA1c gene have been isolated from the mouse genome. Expression of these genes has been detected in distinct areas of the brain and also in the olfactory epithelium of the nose. Developmental studies revealed a differential onset of expression: in the brain at embryonic stage 17, in the olfactory system at stage E12. In order to determine which cell type in the olfactory epithelium expresses this unique receptor type, a transgenic approach was employed which allowed a coexpression of histological markers together with the receptor and thus visualization of the appropriate cell population. It was found that the receptor-expressing cells were located very close to the basal membrane of the epithelium; however, the cells extended a dendritic process to the epithelial surface and their axons projected into the main olfactory bulb where they converged onto two or three glomeruli in the dorsal and posterior region of the bulb. Thus, these data provide evidence that this unique type of receptor is expressed in mature olfactory neurons and suggests that it may be involved in the detection of special odour molecules. [source]

Olfactory ensheathing cell membrane properties are shaped by connectivity

GLIA, Issue 6 2010
Lorena Rela
Abstract Olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) have been repeatedly implicated in mediating plasticity, particularly in situ in the olfactory nerve in which they support the extension of olfactory sensory neuron (OSN) axons from the olfactory epithelium to the olfactory bulb (OB). OECs are specialized glia whose processes surround OSN axon fascicles within the olfactory nerve and across the OB surface. Despite their purported importance in promoting axon extension, and following transplants, little is known about either morphology or biophysical properties of OECs in situ. In particular, cell,cell interactions that may influence OEC function are largely unexplored. Here, we studied OEC connectivity and morphology in slice preparations, preserving tissue structure and cell,cell interactions. Our analyses showed that OECs form a matrix of cellular projections surrounding axons, unique among glia, and express high levels of connexin-43. Lucifer Yellow injections revealed selective dye coupling among small subgroups of OECs. Two types of OECs were biophysically distinguished with whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings: (1) with low-input resistance (Ri), linear current profiles, and frequently dye coupled; and (2) with high Ri, nonlinear current profiles, and infrequent dye coupling. Pharmacological blockade of gap junctions changed OEC membrane properties such that linear OECs became nonlinear. Double recordings indicated that the appearance of the nonlinear current profile was associated with the loss of electrical coupling between OECs. We conclude that the diversity of OEC current profiles can be explained by differences in gap-junction connectivity and discuss implications of this diversity for OEC influences on axon growth and excitability. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Nucleotide-induced Ca2+ signaling in sustentacular supporting cells of the olfactory epithelium

GLIA, Issue 15 2008
Thomas Hassenklöver
Abstract Extracellular purines and pyrimidines are important signaling molecules acting via purinergic cell-surface receptors in neurons, glia, and glia-like cells such as sustentacular supporting cells (SCs) of the olfactory epithelium (OE). Here, we thoroughly characterize ATP-induced responses in SCs of the OE using functional Ca2+ imaging. The initial ATP-induced increase of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration [Ca2+]i always occurred in the apical part of SCs and subsequently propagated toward the basal lamina, indicating the occurrence of purinergic receptors in the apical part of SCs. The mean propagation velocity of the Ca2+ signal within SCs was 17.10 ± 1.02 ,m/s. ATP evoked increases in [Ca2+]i in both the presence and absence of extracellular Ca2+. Depletion of the intracellular Ca2+ stores abolished the responses. This shows that the ATP-induced [Ca2+]i increases were in large part, if not entirely, due to the activation of G protein-coupled receptors followed by Ca2+ mobilization from intracellular stores, suggesting an involvement of P2Y receptors. The order of potency of the applied purinergic agonists was UTP > ATP > ATP,S (with all others being only weakly active or inactive). The ATP-induced [Ca2+]i increases could be reduced by the purinergic antagonists PPADS and RB2, but not by suramin. Our findings suggest that extracellular nucleotides in the OE activate SCs via P2Y2/P2Y4 -like receptors and initiate a characteristic intraepithelial Ca2+ wave. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Chronic toxicity/oncogenicity study of styrene in cd-1 mice by inhalation exposure for 104 weeks

George Cruzan
Abstract Groups of 70 male and 70 female Charles River CD-1 mice were exposed whole body to styrene vapor at 0, 20, 40, 80 or 160 ppm 6 h per day 5 days per week for 98 weeks (females) or 104 weeks (males). The mice were observed daily; body weights, food and water consumption were measured periodically, a battery of hematological and clinical pathology examinations were conducted at weeks 13, 26, 52, 78 and 98 (females)/104 (males). Ten mice of each gender per group were pre-selected for necropsy after 52 and 78 weeks of exposure and the survivors of the remaining 50 of each gender per group were necropsied after 98 or 104 weeks. An extensive set of organs from the control and high-exposure mice were examined histopathologically, whereas target organs, gross lesions and all masses were examined in all other groups. Styrene had no effect on survival in males. Two high-dose females died (acute liver toxicity) during the first 2 weeks; the remaining exposed females had a slightly higher survival than control mice. Levels of styrene and styrene oxide (SO) in the blood at the end of a 6 h exposure during week 74 were proportional to exposure concentration, except that at 20 ppm the SO level was below the limit of detection. There were no changes of toxicological significance in hematology, clinical chemistry, urinalysis or organ weights. Mice exposed to 80 or 160 ppm gained slightly less weight than the controls. Styrene-related non-neoplastic histopathological changes were found only in the nasal passages and lungs. In the nasal passages of males and females at all exposure concentrations, the changes included respiratory metaplasia of the olfactory epithelium with changes in the underlying Bowman's gland; the severity increased with styrene concentration and duration of exposure. Loss of olfactory nerve fibers was seen in mice exposed to 40, 80 or 160 ppm. In the lungs, there was decreased eosinophilia of Clara cells in the terminal bronchioles and bronchiolar epithelial hyperplasia extending into alveolar ducts. Increased tumor incidence occurred only in the lung. The incidence of bronchioloalveolar adenomas was significantly increased in males exposed to 40, 80 or 160 ppm and in females exposed to 20, 40 and 160 ppm. The increase was seen only after 24 months. In females exposed to 160 ppm, the incidence of bronchiolo-alveolar carcinomas after 24 months was significantly greater than in the controls. No difference in lung tumors between control and styrene-exposed mice was seen in the intensity or degree of immunostaining, the location of tumors relative to bronchioles or histological type (papillary, solid or mixed). It appears that styrene induces an increase in the number of lung tumors seen spontaneously in CD-1 mice. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Lectin histochemical studies on the olfactory epithelium and vomeronasal organ in the Japanese striped snake, Elaphe quadrivirgata

Daisuke Kondoh
Abstract The olfactory epithelium and the vomeronasal organ of the Japanese striped snake were examined by lectin histochemistry. Of the 21 lectins used in the study, all lectins except succinylated-wheat germ agglutinin (s-WGA) showed similar binding patterns in the vomeronasal receptor cells and the olfactory receptor cells with varying intensities. The binding patterns of s-WGA varied among individuals in the vomeronasal and olfactory receptor cells, respectively. Four lectins, Bandeiraea simplicifolia lectin-II (BSL-II), Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA), Sophora japonica agglutinin (SJA), and Erythrina cristagalli lectin (ECL) stained secretory granules and the organelles in the olfactory supporting cells and did not stain them in the vomeronasal supporting cells. These results suggest that the glycoconjugate moieties are similar in the vomeronasal and olfactory receptor cells of the Japanese striped snake. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Olfactory metamorphosis in the Coastal Giant Salamander (Dicamptodon tenebrosus)

Jeremy T. Stuelpnagel
Abstract This study examined the gross morphology and ultrastructure of the olfactory organ of larvae, neotenic adults, and terrestrial adults of the Coastal Giant Salamander (Dicamptodon tenebrosus). The olfactory organ of all aquatic animals (larvae and neotenes) is similar in structure, forming a tube extending from the external naris to the choana. A nonsensory vestibule leads into the main olfactory cavity. The epithelium of the main olfactory cavity is thrown into a series of transverse valleys and ridges, with at least six dorsal and nine ventral valleys lined with olfactory epithelium, and separated by ridges of respiratory epithelium. The ridges enlarge with growth, forming large flaps extending into the lumen in neotenes. The vomeronasal organ is a diverticulum off the ventrolateral side of the main olfactory cavity. In terrestrial animals, by contrast, the vestibule has been lost. The main olfactory cavity has become much broader and dorsoventrally compressed. The prominent transverse ridges are lost, although small diagonal ridges of respiratory epithelium are found in the lateral region of the ventral olfactory epithelium. The posterior and posteromedial wall of the main olfactory cavity is composed of respiratory epithelium, in contrast to the olfactory epithelium found here in aquatic forms. The vomeronasal organ remains similar to that in large larvae, but is now connected to the mouth by a groove that extends back through the choana onto the palate. Bowman's glands are present in the main olfactory cavity at all stages, but are most abundant and best developed in terrestrial adults. They are lacking in the lateral olfactory epithelium of the main olfactory cavity. At the ultrastructural level, in aquatic animals receptor cells of the main olfactory cavity can have cilia, short microvilli, a mix of the two, or long microvilli. Supporting cells are of two types: secretory supporting cells with small, electron-dense secretory granules, and ciliated supporting cells. Receptor cells of the vomeronasal organ are exclusively microvillar, but supporting cells are secretory or ciliated, as in the main olfactory cavity. After metamorphosis two distinct types of sensory epithelium occur in the main olfactory cavity. The predominant epithelium, covering most of the roof and the medial part of the floor, is characterized by supporting cells with large, electron-lucent vesicles. The epithelium on the lateral floor of the main olfactory cavity, by contrast, resembles that of aquatic animals. Both types have both microvillar and ciliated receptor cells. No important changes are noted in cell types of the vomeronasal organ after metamorphosis. A literature survey suggests that some features of the metamorphic changes described here are characteristic of all salamanders, while others appear unique to D. tenebrosus. J. Morphol. © 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Delivery of nerve growth factor to brain via intranasal administration and enhancement of brain uptake

Siva Ram Kiran Vaka
Abstract The main objective of the study was to investigate the efficacy of chitosan to facilitate brain bioavailability of intranasally administered nerve growth factor (NGF). In vitro permeability studies and electrical resistance studies were carried out across the bovine olfactory epithelium using Franz diffusion cells. The bioavailability of intranasally administered NGF in rat hippocampus was determined by carrying out brain microdialysis in Sprague,Dawley rats. The in vitro permeation flux across the olfactory epithelium of NGF solution without chitosan (control) was found to be 0.37,±,0.06 ng/cm2/h. In presence of increasing concentration of chitosan (0.1%, 0.25%, and 0.5%, w/v) the permeation flux of NGF was found to be 2.01,±,0.12, 3.88,±,0.19, and 4.12,±,0.21 ng/cm2/h respectively. Trans-olfactory epithelial electrical resistance decreased ,34.50,±,4.06% in presence of 0.25% (w/v) chitosan. The Cmax in rats administered with 0.25% (w/v) chitosan and NGF was 1008.62,±,130.02 pg/mL, which was significantly higher than that for rats administered with NGF only 97.38,±,10.66 pg/mL. There was ,14-fold increase in the bioavailability of intranasally administered NGF with chitosan than without chitosan. Chitosan can enhance the brain bioavailability of intranasally administered NGF. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 98:3640,3646, 2009 [source]

The terminal nerve and its relation with extrabulbar "olfactory" projections: Lessons from lampreys and lungfishes

Christopher S. Von BartheldArticle first published online: 29 NOV 200
Abstract The definition of the terminal nerve has led to considerable confusion and controversy. This review analyzes the current state of knowledge as well as diverging opinions about the existence, components, and definition of terminal nerves or their components, with emphasis on lampreys and lungfishes. I will argue that the historical terminology regarding this cranial nerve embraces a definition of a terminal nerve that is compatible with its existence in all vertebrate species. This review further summarizes classical and more recent anatomical, developmental, neurochemical, and molecular evidence suggesting that a multitude of terminalis cell types, not only those expressing gonadotropin-releasing hormone, migrate various distances into the forebrain. This results in numerous morphological and neurochemically distinct phenotypes of neurons, with a continuum spanning from olfactory receptor-like neurons in the olfactory epithelium to typical large ganglion cells that accompany the classical olfactory projections. These cell bodies may lose their peripheral connections with the olfactory epithelium, and their central projections or cell bodies may enter the forebrain at several locations. Since "olfactory" marker proteins can be expressed in bona fide nervus terminalis cells, so-called extrabulbar "olfactory" projections may be a collection of disguised nervus terminalis components. If we do not allow this pleiomorphic collection of nerves to be considered within a terminal nerve framework, then the only alternative is to invent a highly species- and stage-specific, and, ultimately, thoroughly confusing nomenclature for neurons and nerve fibers that associate with the olfactory nerve and forebrain. Microsc. Res. Tech. 65:13,24, 2004. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Odor discrimination by G protein-coupled olfactory receptors

Kazushige Touhara
Abstract The vertebrate olfactory system possesses a remarkable capacity to recognize and discriminate a variety of odorants by sending the coding information from peripheral olfactory sensory neurons in the olfactory epithelium to the olfactory bulb of the brain. The recognition of odorants appear to be mediated by a G protein-coupled receptor superfamily that consists of ,1% of total genes in vertebrates. Since the first discovery of the olfactory receptor gene superfamily in the rat, similar chemosensory receptors have been found in various species across different phyla. The functions of these receptors, however, had been uncharacterized until the recently successful functional expression and ligand screening of some olfactory receptors in various cell expression systems. The functional cloning of odorant receptors from single olfactory neurons allowed for the identification of multiple receptors that recognized a particular odorant of interest. Reconstitution of the odorant responses demonstrated that odorant receptors recognized various structurally-related odorant molecules with a specific molecular receptive range, and that odor discrimination is established based on a combinatorial receptor code model in which the identities of different odorants are encoded by a combination of odorant receptors. The receptor code for an odorant changes at different odorant concentrations, consistent with our experience that perceived quality of an odorant changes at different concentrations. The molecular bases of odor discrimination at the level of olfactory receptors appear to correlate well with the receptive field in the olfactory bulb where the input signal is further processed to create the specific odor maps. Microsc. Res. Tech. 58:135,141, 2002. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

The electroolfactogram: A review of its history and uses

John W. Scott
Abstract The electroolfactogram (EOG) is a negative electrical potential recorded at the surface of the olfactory epithelium of vertebrates. It represents primarily, if not exclusively, the summated generator potential in the olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs). While a number of studies suggest that secretory or inhibitory events may also contribute to the EOG, these are not well established. This review outlines (1) the cellular and physiological nature of the EOG response; (2) methodological considerations regarding odor selection and delivery, surgical preparation, response descriptions, and analysis; and (3) application of the EOG in human, fish, and insect olfaction and pheromonal responsivity. A number of technical issues associated with EOG recording are also discussed. Microsc. Res. Tech. 58:152,160, 2002. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Appearance of Crypt Neurons in the Olfactory Epithelium of the Skate Raja clavata During Development

Sara Ferrando
Abstract Crypt neurons are olfactory receptor cells located in the olfactory epithelium of fishes. They exhibit a peculiar and well-recognizable morphology, although their odorant specificity is still unknown. Data on their appearance during development are few and far between. This study set out to identify the time at which crypt neurons appeared in the skate, Raja clavata, using histological and immunohistochemical methods. For this purpose, embryos and juveniles at different stages of development, from 13 weeks after laying (11 weeks before hatching) to 24 weeks after hatching, were examined. The crypt neurons were identified on a morphological basis. An anti,,-tubulin antibody and two lectins (wheat germ agglutinin and peanut agglutinin) were used to highlight morphological details. The olfactory marker protein was detected by immunohistochemistry, because this protein is a marker of neuronal maturity in vertebrates. The crypt neurons could be detected by their morphology at 15 weeks after laying and became strongly olfactory marker protein immunoreactive 22 weeks after laying. Although involvement of crypt neurons in reproductive behavior has been inferred in various studies on bony fishes, their early presence in skate embryos and juveniles may suggest that they are not exclusively involved in sexual behavior. Anat Rec, 290:1268-1272, 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Rodlet cells and the sensory systems in zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Bahram Sayyaf Dezfuli
Abstract This preliminary work was designed to study, using routine procedures for light and transmission electron microscopy, the presence of rodlet cells (RCs) in or near the sensory systems of 12 adult specimens (4.0 ± 1.2 cm, LT ± SD) of zebrafish, Danio rerio Hamilton, 1822. Rodlet cells, characterized by a distinctive cell cortex (range, 0.4,1.5 ,m in thickness) and conspicuous inclusions named "rodlets," have a round to ovoid nucleus with irregular outline. Mature RCs are 11.5 ± 1.2 ,m (mean ± SD) long and 7.8 ± 1.1 ,m (mean ± SD) wide. These cells are more numerous near neuromasts enclosed by an epithelial roof and/or ossified canal wall. In contrast, very few RCs were noticed near superficial neuromasts. Based on the presence of RCs around the two cranial neuromasts of each fish, a variable number from 1 to 15 rodlet cells was found (10.4 ± 3.6, mean ± SD). The RCs were located 1.5 ,m (minimal) to 73.3 ,m (maximal) from the neuromast (27.9 ± 17.2, mean ± SD). Moreover, RCs were found in olfactory epithelium and in proximity to some taste buds. Interestingly, RCs were absent in the inner ear, eye, and brain. Anat Rec, 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Scaling of the first ethmoturbinal in nocturnal strepsirrhines: Olfactory and respiratory surfaces

Timothy D. Smith
Abstract Turbinals (scroll bones, turbinates) are projections from the lateral wall of the nasal fossa. These bones vary from simple folds to branching scrolls. Conventionally, maxilloturbinals comprise the respiratory turbinals, whereas nasoturbinals and ethmoturbinals comprise olfactory turbinals, denoting the primary type of mucosa that lines these conchae. However, the first ethmoturbinal (ETI) appears exceptional in the variability of it mucosal covering. Recently, it was suggested that the distribution of respiratory versus olfactory mucosae varies based on body size or age in strepsirrhine primates (lemurs and lorises). The present study was undertaken to determine how the rostrocaudal distribution of olfactory epithelium (OE) versus non-OE scales relative to palatal length in strepsirrhines. Serially sectioned heads of 20 strepsirrhines (10 neonates, 10 adults) were examined for presence of OE on ETI, rostral to its attachment to the nasal fossa wall (lateral root). Based on known distances between sections of ETI, the rostrocaudal length of OE was measured and compared to the length lined solely by non-OE (primarily respiratory epithelium). In 13 specimens, the total surface area of OE versus non-OE was calculated. Results show that the length of non-OE scales nearly isometrically with cranial length, while OE is more negatively allometric. In surface area, a lesser percentage of non-OE exists in smaller species than larger species and between neonates and adults. Such results are consistent with recent suggestions that the olfactory structures do not scale closely with body size, whereas respiratory structures (e.g., maxilloturbinals) may scale close to isometry. In primates and perhaps other mammals, variation in ETI morphology may reflect dual adaptations for olfaction and endothermy. Anat Rec, 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]