Nursing Practice (nursing + practice)

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  • advanced nursing practice
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  • nursing practice environment

  • Selected Abstracts

    An Exemplar of the Use of NNN Language in Developing Evidence-Based Practice Guidelines

    CRRN-A, Donald D. Kautz PhD
    PURPOSE. To explore the use of standardized language, NNN, in the development of evidence-based practice (EBP). DATA SOURCES. Published research and texts on family interventions, nursing diagnoses (NANDA-I), nursing interventions (NIC), and nursing outcomes (NOC). DATA ANALYSIS. Research literature was summarized and synthesized to determine levels of evidence for the NIC intervention Family Integrity Promotion. CONCLUSIONS. The authors advocate that a "standards of practice" category of levels of evidence be adopted for interventions not amenable to randomized controlled trials or for which a body of research has not been developed. Priorities for nursing family intervention research are identified. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE. The use of NANDA-I nursing diagnoses, NIC interventions, and NOC outcomes (NNN language) as research frameworks will facilitate the development of EBP guidelines and the use of appropriate outcome measures. [source]

    Symptom burden in inflammatory bowel disease: Rethinking conceptual and theoretical underpinnings

    Dawn Farrell BSC RGN
    Farrell D, Savage E. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16: 437,442 Symptom burden in inflammatory bowel disease: Rethinking conceptual and theoretical underpinnings Symptom control is fundamental to the nursing management of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, symptom control can be problematic for individuals with IBD, which could result in symptom burden. Symptom burden is an evolving concept in the discipline of nursing and to date little is known about how the defining characteristics of this concept have been applied to symptom research in IBD. In this discussion paper, the concept of symptom burden and the theory of unpleasant symptoms are explored as a basis for understanding symptom research in IBD. This is followed by a critical examination of previous symptom research in IBD. Our conclusion is that there is a need to rethink conceptual and theoretical underpinnings of symptom burden when researching IBD to take account of its defining characteristics, namely symptom severity, frequency and duration, quality and distress. Research knowledge on these defining characteristics will be important to inform nursing assessment of symptom burden in clinical practice. [source]

    Demands of immigration among Chinese immigrant nurses

    Ma AX, Quinn Griffin MT, Capitulo KL, Fitzpatrick JJ. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16: 443,453 Demands of immigration among Chinese immigrant nurses The purpose of this study was to identify the demands of immigration among Chinese nurses that have immigrated to the USA. The relationship between the demands of immigration and length of stay in the USA was investigated also. A descriptive correlational study design was used. A convenience sample of 128 nurses was recruited. A self-administered survey was conducted using the demands of immigration scale developed by Aroian, along with a demographic questionnaire. The results showed Chinese immigrant nurses have high demands of immigration. There were significant negative relationships between the demands of immigration and length of stay in the USA. Immigration demands decreased as length of stay increased but remained high even for those who had been in the USA for > 5 years. This information is vital to health-care agencies designing and implementing adaptation programmes targeting these demands to facilitate Chinese nurses' adaptation process. [source]

    The first Australian nurse practitioner census: A protocol to guide standardized collection of information about an emergent professional group

    Sandy Middleton RN PhD
    Middleton S, Gardner G, Gardner A, Della P, Gibb M, Millar L. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16: 517,524 The first Australian nurse practitioner census: A protocol to guide standardized collection of information about an emergent professional group Internationally, collection of reliable data on new and evolving health-care roles is crucial. We describe a protocol for design and administration of a national census of an emergent health-care role, namely nurse practitioners in Australia using databases held by regulatory authorities. A questionnaire was developed to obtain data on the role and scope of practice of Australian nurse practitioners. Our tool comprised five sections and included a total of 56 questions, using 28existing items from the National Nursing and Midwifery Labour Force Census and nine items recommended in the Nurse Practitioner Workforce Planning Minimum Data Set. Australian Nurse Registering Authorities (n = 6) distributed the survey on our behalf. This paper outlines our instrument and methods. The survey was administered to 238 authorized Australian nurse practitioners (85% response rate). Rigorous collection of standardized items will ensure health policy is informed by reliable and valid data. We will re-administer the survey 2 years following the first survey to measure change over time. [source]

    Fatigue after myocardial infarction: Relationships with indices of emotional distress, and sociodemographic and clinical variables

    Pia Alsén RN PhD
    Alsén P, Brink E, Brändström Y, Karlson BW, Persson L-O. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16: 326,334 Fatigue after myocardial infarction: Relationships with indices of emotional distress, and sociodemographic and clinical variables Fatigue and depressive symptoms are relatively common among patients recovering from myocardial infarction (MI). The symptoms of depression and fatigue overlap. The present study aimed at identifying patient fatigue and at examining the incidence of fatigue, particularly without coexisting depression, after MI. The sample comprised 204 consecutive patients who had completed the questionnaires Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory,20 after MI (1 week and 4 months). The results showed that fatigue had decreased after 4 months compared with the time of MI onset. Compared with the general population, patients reported significantly higher levels of fatigue. Furthermore, fatigue was associated with depression, but 33% of the sample reported fatigue without coexisting depression after 4 months. In order to prevent or treat patients' symptoms of fatigue after MI, the concepts of fatigue and depression should be assessed separately so as to exclude overlapping effects. [source]

    Determining the professional behaviour of nurse executives

    Filiz Hisar PhD RN
    Hisar F, Karada, A. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16: 335,341 Determining the professional behaviour of nurse executives This study was carried out with the aim of determining the professional behaviour of nurse executives. The sample of the study included 104 nurse executives working in university, state and private hospitals in Turkey. Data were collected using a questionnaire, which included demographic characteristics of nurses and a Behavioral Inventory Form for Professionalism in Nursing (BIPN). The questionnaire was filled out by the nurses. The BIPN results showed that the mean score of nurse executives was low. Although the scores of nurse executives who had completed postgraduate studies in nursing were the highest, those who had only completed an associate degree programme were the lowest. In conclusion, the professionalism scores for Turkish nurse executives were found to be low; recommendations for improving these scores were made. [source]

    Conducting rehabilitation groups for people suffering from chronic pain

    Elin Dysvik RN PhD
    Dysvik E, Stephens P. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16: 233,240 Conducting rehabilitation groups for people suffering from chronic pain The aim of this study was to offer guidelines for counsellors who work with rehabilitation groups of patients with chronic pain. The sample involved nine counsellors engaged in a multidisciplinary pain management programme. Two focus group interviews were conducted. Data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. These indicate that main challenges facing counsellors were related to maintaining constructive group processes and being mentally prepared. The counsellors reported that knowledge concerning self-awareness, theoretical frameworks and counselling techniques was important. Personal learning included: group leadership, teamwork, grasping the inside story and obtaining supervision. The results show how important it is to have trained counsellors that are well prepared to prevent and deal with challenging group processes. Counsellors need to understand the concept of pain and be acquainted with cognitive behavioural framework and group processes. The results indicate that counsellors perceive regular supervision as supportive and is likely to promote good team functioning. [source]

    Embodied reflection in practice,,Touching the core of caring'

    Albertine Ranheim RN PhD-student
    Ranheim A, Kärner A, Arman M, Rehnsfeldt AW, Berterö C. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16: 241,247 Embodied reflection in practice,,Touching the core of caring' A study was performed with the aim of clarifying the integration of the caring act of touch with reflection on caring theory. Seven participant nurses in elderly care volunteered as ,coresearchers' and performed a caring act called Rhythmical Embrocation, together with reflective dialogues on caring theory. The project lasted for 6 months and at the end qualitative interviews with participants were used to evaluate the study. The findings showed an opening of awareness, embodied moments of presence and an extended ability to act creatively in caring. In this study, the movement between theory and practice was the integration of the caring act with reflection on basic caring concepts. Implications for praxis development are that implementation and reflection by teams over certain caring acts might open the door to an expanded view of one's own caring ability that in the long run will benefit the patient. [source]

    Depression among mothers of children and adults with an intellectual disability in Turkey

    Hatice Yildirim Sari PhD RN
    Yildirim Sari H, Ba,bakkal Z. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16: 248,253 Depression among mothers of children and adults with an intellectual disability in Turkey The aim of this study was to determine sociodemographic factors that play a role in depression among mothers of children and adult with an intellectual disability. The research was conducted in 24 special education and rehabilitation centres in Izmir (in Turkey) provincial centre in which intellectually disabled individuals are taught. A total of 355 mothers were reached in the research. Data were collected using face-to-face interviews. Two forms were used for data collection in the research: Family Description Questionnaire Form and Beck Depression Inventory. The mothers included in the study had mean depression scores of 16.7 ± 10.06 (minimum: 0, maximum: 49). There was a significant relation between depression scores of the mothers and education level of the mothers and their spouses and financial status of the families. Mothers with insufficient income and lower education levels were found to be at risk of depression. [source]

    Overcrowding in medium-volume emergency departments: Effects of aged patients in emergency departments on wait times for non-emergent triage-level patients

    Mary Knapman MN BHScN GCEd RN
    Knapman M, Bonner A. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16: 310,317 Overcrowding in medium-volume emergency departments: Effects of aged patients in emergency departments on wait times for non-emergent triage-level patients This study aims to examine patient wait times from triaging to physician assessment in the emergency department (ED) for non-emergent patients, and to see whether patient flow and process (triage) are impacted by aged patients. A retrospective study method was used to analyse 185 patients in three age groups. Key data recorded were triage level, wait time to physician assessment and ED census. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine the strength of association with increased wait time. A longer average wait time for all patients occurred when there was an increase in the number of patients aged , 65 years in the ED. Further analysis showed 12.1% of the variation extending ED wait time associated with the triage process was explained by the number of patients aged , 65 years. In addition, extended wait time, overcrowding and numbers of those who left without being seen were strongly associated (P < 0.05) with the number of aged patients in the ED. The effects of aged patients on ED structure and process have significant implications for nursing. Nursing process and practice sets clear responsibilities for nursing to ensure patient safety. However, the impact of factors associated with aged patients in ED, nursing's role and ED process can negatively impact performance expectations and requires further investigation. [source]

    The status and perspective of diabetes health education in China: Inspiration from Australia

    Anne Wilson PhD MN BN FRCNA
    Wilson A, Gyi AA. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16: 92,98 The status and perspective of diabetes health education in China: Inspiration from Australia This paper discusses possible approaches to improving diabetes care and developing effective education models in China based on the experience of diabetes education in Australia. The prevalence of diabetes mellitus in China is increasing rapidly. China is currently second on the list of the top 10 countries with the highest diabetes burden. Enormous impact of diabetes on China health system is daunting and the urgent action is needed. Diabetes education is the keystone of diabetes care and structured self-management education is considered to be the key to successful outcomes. Although many diabetes education programmes have been initiated in China, barriers have been identified for implementation of the programmes. These include: lack of public awareness of diabetes; lack of standards of practice for diabetes educators; and lack of evaluation programmes to assess their performance. We suggest four possible approaches to addressing the current problems of diabetes education in China. [source]

    Caregivers' strong commitment to their relationship with older people

    Elisabeth Häggström RNT PhD
    Häggström E, Mamhidir, A-G, Kihlgren A. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16: 99,105 Caregivers' strong commitment to their relationship with older people The aim of the present study was to describe caregivers' good as well as bad experiences of working with older people. The study was based on five focus group interviews. One theme emerged from a latent content analysis: strong commitment to the relationship. This theme functioned as a thread of underlying meaning throughout the entire interpretative process of 48 caregivers' experiences of work. A delicate relationship existed that could be vulnerable and could reveal itself in feelings of lack of knowledge, guilt and fear. The caregivers' committed relationship to the older adults created independency in the ways in which they protected the older people's needs. Further studies are needed that focus on caregivers' transition from dependency to independency. The findings highlight the importance of clinical supervision to personal development and identity, and to promoting caregivers' self-esteem and maintaining a committed relationship. Commitment is a deep human feeling, and it should be promoted in order to maintain and further develop quality care for older adults. [source]

    Prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers in a university hospital centre: A correlational study examining nurses' knowledge and best practice

    Gallant Claudia RN MSc
    Claudia G, Diane M, Daphney SG, Danièle D. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16: 183,187 Prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers in a university hospital centre: A correlational study examining nurses' knowledge and best practice This descriptive correlational study had the goal of exploring if relationships existed between the level of knowledge of nurses concerning pressure ulcers, certain nurses' characteristics and the preventive care they applied. A multi-method approach was taken using a questionnaire to measure the level of knowledge of nurses (n = 256) and chart audits (n = 235) to identify the preventive care applied. The results show that the level of knowledge of the nurses is insufficient. They also show a correlation between a higher level of knowledge and (i) the sector of activities in which the nurses are working, (ii) the training periods provided by the university hospital centre, and a (iii) good perception by the nurses of their level of knowledge. However, training on its own cannot guarantee the provision of quality health care, as there is a wide discrepancy between what nurses know and what they put into practice. [source]

    Workplace violence: Differences in perceptions of nursing work between those exposed and those not exposed: A cross-sector analysis

    Desley Hegney RN PhD
    Hegney D, Tuckett A, Parker D, Eley RM. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16: 188,202 Workplace violence: Differences in perceptions of nursing work between those exposed and those not exposed: A cross-sector analysis Nurses are at high risk of incurring workplace violence during their working life. This paper reports the findings on a cross-sectional, descriptive, self-report, postal survey in 2007. A stratified random sample of 3000 of the 29 789 members of the Queensland Nurses Union employed in the public, private and aged care sectors resulted in 1192 responses (39.7%). This paper reports the differences: between those nurses who experienced workplace violence and those who did not; across employment sectors. The incidence of workplace violence is highest in public sector nursing. Patients/clients/residents were the major perpetrators of workplace violence and the existence of a workplace policy did not decrease levels of workplace violence. Nurses providing clinical care in the private and aged care sectors experienced more workplace violence than more senior nurses. Although workplace violence was associated with high work stress, teamwork and a supportive workplace mitigated workplace violence. The perception of workplace safety was inversely related to workplace violence. With the exception of public sector nursing, nurses reported an inverse relationship with workplace violence and morale. [source]

    Consumer participation: Ensuring suicide postvention research counts for end users

    Anne Wilson PhD RN BN MN
    Wilson A. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16: 7,13 Consumer participation: Ensuring suicide postvention research counts for end users Primary health-care research is about working with those who have a vested interest in the outcomes of that research, including consumers, service providers and service organizations. This article describes how consumers were included in the research processes of a South Australian study into suicide postvention services, and illustrates important principles to consider when including consumers in research. A concurrent mixed-method approach facilitated the collection of mixed data through the application of questionnaires. The study was conducted in an Australian metropolitan area. Because of media releases, a large number of people rang to enquire and volunteer their participation. From over 200 expressions of interest, 161 individuals participated. The participation of consumers in the research process ensured the findings were relevant for end users. A number of recommendations for the care and support of those bereaved through suicide were developed as a result. [source]

    Prevalence of frailty on clinical wards: Description and implications

    Richt M Andela PhD RN
    Andela RM, Dijkstra A, Slaets JPJ, Sanderman R. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16: 14,19 Prevalence of frailty on clinical wards: Description and implications This paper describes the prevalence and frailty level of patients aged , 75 years upon admission to various clinical wards. The data collection took place on five clinical wards of different clinical specialisms: Geriatric Centre, traumatology, pulmonology/rheumatology, internal medicine and surgical medicine. The Groningen Frailty Indicator was used to assess the frailty of newly admitted patients. The presence of number and kind of the various frailty indicators was different for the clinical wards, because of clinical diagnose, age and gender. On the Geriatric Centre, almost all patients were indicated as frail. On the other wards, 50,80% of the patients were indicated as frail with most frailty indicators on the scale ,psychosocial'. The study show a high prevalence of frail elderly on some wards and gives an indication of the various needs for other disciplines within the framework of the care for frail elderly people. [source]

    An analysis of narratives to identify critical thinking contexts in psychiatric clinical practice

    Mi Suk Mun PhD RN
    Mun MS. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16: 75,80 An analysis of narratives to identify critical thinking contexts in psychiatric clinical practice The development of students' critical thinking abilities is one of the greatest challenges facing contemporary nursing educators. Nursing educators should know about what kind of contents or situations need critical thinking. The research was undertaken to identify the critical thinking contexts that nursing students confront in psychiatric clinical practices. Students were asked to document their everyday experience. The narratives were analysed and interpreted from the philosophical notion of hermeneutics. Four themes emerged as critical thinking contexts: anxiety, conflict, hyper-awareness, dilemmas. Writing narratives appear to provide opportunities for reflection in addition to facilitating critical thinking and communicative skills in students. Also, for the instructor, students' clinical narratives could provide insight to understand how students are thinking and to share student's personal difficulties. [source]

    What is the matter with crushing pills and opening capsules?

    Øyvind Kirkevold RN MPH PhD
    Kirkevold Ø, Engedal K. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16: 81,85 What is the matter with crushing pills and opening capsules? This study aims to map out to what degree medication is being crushed and mixed into the patients' food and beverages and how often this practice included medication, which has a statement in the Norwegian pharmaceutical compendium that this should not be done (inappropriately altered medication (IAM)). Data from a total of 2108 patients in 151 wards in 65 nursing homes were collected. The data contained information about the kind of drugs the patient received, in which form it was given and how it was given. Patient characteristics and ward characteristics were also recorded. Twenty-three per cent were given at least one drug mixed into their food or beverages and 10% were given at least one IAM. This study shows a malpractice regarding one aspect of medication in nursing homes. Even though we need more knowledge, we know enough to take action to raise the quality of the administration of medicines in nursing homes. [source]

    A Dialogue on the Future of Nursing Practice

    APRN-BC, Mary Ann Lavin ScD
    PURPOSE.,The challenges of health care; its safety, effectiveness, and efficiency; the quality of care; and the outcomes patients experience are issues central to nursing practice. This centrality needs to be affirmed as the profession shapes its practice over the next 50 years. The purpose of this article is to initiate a dialogue on the future of nursing practice. METHODS.,The methods used are observation, reflection, dialogue, and proposed actions. FINDINGS.,The results of this process are preliminary. They suggest that the establishment of nursing hospitals is a distinct possibility. CONCLUSIONS.,This article concludes with a series of arguments for and against this position along with an invitation for your participation in this dialogue. NURSING IMPLICATIONS.,The major implications of this article are not "nursing" implications per se but client and patient implications and the future contribution of nursing to improved health and patient care. [source]

    Standardized Care Planning: Evaluation of ICNP Beta in the Areas of Nutrition and Skin Care in a Practice Setting

    Jan Florin
    PURPOSE To evaluate completeness, granularity, multiple axial content, and clinical utility of the beta version of the International Classification of Nursing Practice (ICNP®). METHODS Standardized care plans were developed based on research in the areas of nutrition and skin care and clinically tested in a 35-bed infectious disease unit at a Swedish university hospital. A convenience sample of 56 computerized and manual patient records were content analyzed and mapped to the terms in ICNP® beta. FINDINGS A total of 1,771 phrases were identified. Approximately 60% of the record content describing nursing phenomena and about one third of the nursing interventions in the areas of nutrition and skin care could be expressed satisfactorily using the terminology of ICNP® beta. For about 25% of the content describing both nursing phenomena and interventions, no corresponding term was found. The most common deficiencies were focus terms for stating patient perspective or collaboration, nonhuman focus, normal findings, more qualitative judgments, and different expressions for stating duration. Some terms are available in the ICNP beta as a whole, but the organization of axes impedes or restricts the use of terms beyond the ICNP categories. Terms needed to express nursing phenomena could sometimes be found in nursing actions axes. CONCLUSIONS The ICNP® beta needs to be further developed to capture relevant data in nursing care. The axial structure needs to be evaluated, and completeness and granularity of terms need to be addressed further before ICNP beta can be used on a daily basis in the clinical setting. Terms need to be developed to express patient participation and preferences, normal conditions, qualitative dimensions and characteristics, nonhuman focuses as well as duration. Empirical studies covering the complexity of information in nursing care are needed. [source]

    Evaluation of NOC Measures in Home Care Nursing Practice

    Gail M. Keenan
    PURPOSE To evaluate the reliability, validity, usefulness, and sensitivity of 89 NOC outcomes in two Visiting Nurse Associations in Michigan. METHODS Of a total 190 NOC outcomes 89 were assigned for testing. Interrater reliability and criterion validity were assessed a total of 50 times per outcome (on 50 different patients) across the study units. The total number of times the reliability and validity were assessed for each of the 89 measures studied ranged from 5,45. Three RN research assistants (RNRAs) oversaw and participated in data collection with the help of 15 clinicians. Convenience sampling was used to identify subjects. A roster of outcomes to be studied was maintained and matched with patient conditions whenever possible until the quota of outcomes assigned had been evaluated. Clinicians and RNRAs independently rated the outcomes and indicators applicable to the patient. NANDA diagnoses, NIC interventions, and medical diagnoses were recorded. FINDINGS A total of 258 patients (mean age 62) enrolled; 60% were women, 23% were from minority groups, and 78% had no college degree. Thirty-six of the 89 NOC measures were designated "clinically useful." The 10 outcomes with the highest interrater reliability were Caregiver Home Care Readiness; Caregiver Stressors; Caregiving Endurance Potential; Infection Status; Mobility Level; Safety Status: Physical Injury; Self-Care: Activities of Daily Living; Self-Care: Bathing; Self-Care: Hygiene; and Wound Healing: Secondary Intention. Criterion measurement and repeated ratings provided evidence to support the validity and sensitivity of the NOC outcomes. Evidence also suggested that NOC label level ratings could be a feasible, reliable, and valid method of evaluating nursing outcomes under actual use. For some measures, adjustments in the scales and anchors are needed to enhance reliability. For others, it may be unrealistic to reliably score in one encounter, thus scoring should be deferred until the clinician has adequate knowledge of the patient. CONCLUSIONS Continued study and refinement that are coordinated and integrated systematically strongly recommended. Comprehensive study in an automated system with a controlled format will increase the efficiency of future studies. [source]

    Applicability of the International Classification of Nursing Practice (ICNP®) in the Areas of Nutrition and Skin Care

    Margareta Ehnfors PhD
    PURPOSE. To evaluate completeness, granularity, multiple axial content, and clinical utility of the beta version of the ICNP® in the context of standardized nursing care planning in a clinical setting. METHODS. An 35-bed acute care ward for infectious diseases at a Swedish university hospital was selected for clinical testing. A convenience sample of 56 patient records with data on nutrition and skin care was analyzed and mapped to the ICNP. FINDINGS. Using the ICNP terminology, 59%-62% of the record content describing nursing phenomena and 30%-44% of the nursing interventions in the areas of nutrition and skin care could be expressed satisfactorily. For about a quarter of the content describing nursing phenomena and interventions, no corresponding ICNP term was found. CONCLUSIONS. The ICNP needs to be further developed to allow representation of the entire range of nursing care. Terms need to be developed to express patient participation and preferences, normal conditions, qualitative dimensions and characteristics, nonhuman focus, and duration. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS. The practical usefulness of the ICNP needs further testing before conclusions about its clinical benefits can be determined. Search terms: ICNP®, nursing classification, standardized terminology, VIPS [source]

    Use of Nursing Diagnoses and Interventions in Public Health Nursing Practice

    Jennifer C. Rivera MSN
    PURPOSE. To determine the frequency of use of NANDA diagnoses and the Nursing Interventions Classification in care plans written by public health nurses (PHNs) in Orange County, CA. METHODS.Retrospective chart review. FINDINGS. The frequency pattern of nursing diagnoses and nursing interventions used in care plans is consistent with the scope of practice of the PHN, whose emphasis is on health promotion and disease prevention. CONCLUSIONS. The most commonly used diagnoses and interventions provide evidence of a core set of interventions useful for PHN practice. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE.Linking diagnoses and interventions allow PHNs to build a body of knowledge based on patient care and improve clinical decision-making process. Search terms:Interventions, nursing diagnosis, public health nursing Utilisation des diagnostics infirmiers et interventions en santé publique BUT.Déterminer la fréquence des diagnostics infirmiers (ANADI) et des interventions (NIC) dans les plans de soins rédigés par les infirmières de santé publique dans le Comté d'Orange, CA. METHODE.Étude rétrospective des dossiers. RÉSULTATS.La répartition des diagnostics infirmiers et des interventions utilisés dans les plans de soin est cohérente avec la pratique des infirmières en santé publique, c'est-à-dire qu'elle souligne l'importance de la promotion de la santé et la prévention de la maladie. CONCLUSIONS.Les diagnostics et interventions les plus fréquemment utilisés permettent d'identifier le groupe d'interventions au centre de la pratique des soins en santé publique. IMPLICATIONS POUR LA PRATIQUE.L'articulation des diagnostics et interventions de soins permet de construire un corpus de connaissances en santé publique basée sur le soin des patients et d'améliorer le processus de décision clinique. Mots-clés:Diagnostics infirmiers, interventions, soins infirmiers en santé publique Utilización de los diagnósticos e intervenciones de enfermería en la práctica de enfermería de salud pública PROPÓSITO.Determinar la frecuencia del uso de los diagnósticos de la NANDA y de la clasificación de las intervenciones enfermeras (NIC), en planes del cuidados escritos por enfermeras de salud pública en el Condado de Orange, California. MÉTODOS.Revisión retrospectiva de gráficos. RESULTADOS. El patrón de frecuencia de diagnósticos de enfermería y de intervenciones enfermeras utilizados en los planes del cuidados, es consistente con el ámbito asistencial de las enfermeras de salud pública, cuyo énfasis está en la promoción de salud y la prevención de la enfermedad. CONCLUSIÓN.Los diagnósticos e intervenciones más comúnmente utilizados, proporcionan evidencia de un grupo nuclear de intervenciones útiles a la práctica de enfermería de salud pública. IMPLICACIONES PARA LA PRÁCTICA.Conectar los diagnósticos y las intervenciones permite a las Enfermeras de Salud Pública construir un cuerpo de conocimientos basado en el cuidado de los pacientes y mejorar el proceso de toma de decisiones en la práctica clínica. Términos de búsqueda:Diagnóstico enfermero, enfermería de salud pública, intervenciones Uso de diagnósticos e intervenções de enfermagem na prótica de enfermagem em Saúde Pública OBJETIVO.Determinar a freqüência de uso dos diagnósticos da NANDA e da Classificação de Intervenções de Enfermagem (NIC) em planos de cuidados escritos por enfermeiras da área de Saúde Pública no Condado de Orange, Califórnia. MÉTODO.Revisão retrospectiva de fichas. ACHADOS.O padrão de freqüência de diagnósticos de enfermagem e intervenções de enfermagem utilizados em planos de cuidados é compatível com o escopo da prática das enfermeiras da área de Saúde Pública, cuja ênfase está na promoção da saúde e prevenção de doenças. CONCLUSãO.Os diagnósticos e intervenções mais comumente utilizados evidenciam a existência de um conjunto de intervenções principais, que éútil para a prática destas enfermeiras. IMPLICAÇõES PARA A PRÁTICA. A ligação entre diagnósticos e intervenções permite às enfermeiras da área de saúde pública construírem um corpo de conhecimentos baseado no cuidado do paciente e melhora o processo de tomada de decisão. Palavras para busca:Diagnóstico de enfermagem, enfermagem em saúde publica, intervenções [source]

    Characteristics of and interventions for fever in Japan

    Y. Ikematsu rn
    Abstract Purpose:, As part of a larger multinational validation study of the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®) alpha version, a survey was conducted in Japan to determine characteristics of ,fever' and interventions to treat febrile patients. Sample:, Three hundred and fifty-six acute and critical care Japanese nurses participated in this study. Method:, The major and minor characteristics of ,fever' perceived by Japanese nurses and interventions used by the nurses in managing febrile patients were identified using the Diagnostic Content Validity (DCV) model. Results:, Two characteristics, ,increased body temperature' and ,chills' were selected as major characteristics from the standardized list of the ICNP® alpha version validation study. Nine characteristics among the standardized list of characteristics were rated as minor characteristics, and six of the ICNP® characteristics were rejected. ,Shivering' and ,infectious lab data' were added with a level of representativeness similar to a major characteristic by nine of the nurses. A variety of interventions to treat fever were reported. The most frequently reported intervention was cooling, followed by warming and medication. Nine dimensions were derived from all reported interventions. Discussion:, As well as perceived characteristics of fever, these interventions may have aspects unique to Japanese nursing practice and to the acute and critical care settings. These results can be compared to those of other populations in future studies. [source]

    Rehabilitation in Adult Nursing Practice

    Rehabilitation in Adult Nursing Practice by Mike Smith (Ed).

    Evidence-Based Forensic Nursing Practice: Benefits and Challenges

    Louanne Lawson

    Toward a Theory of Self-Reconciliation Following Mistakes in Nursing Practice

    Nancy J. Crigger
    Purpose: To explore nurses' responses to making mistakes in hospital-based practice in the US. Methods: A grounded theory approach was used to explore the process that occurs after nurses perceive that they have made mistakes in practice. Theoretical sampling was used and data were collected until saturation occurred. Ten participants, who were registered nurses, described 17 personal mistakes. The mistakes they described occurred in hospitals. All participants were practicing nursing either in hospitals or in other work settings. Findings: A process of "Self-Reconciliation After Making Mistakes in Hospital Practice" was identified, with four distinct categories: reality hitting, weighing in, acting, and reconciling. The core category was reconciliation of the self, personally and professionally. Conclusions: This research was a first step toward the development of a theory of mistake making in nursing practice. This response to making mistakes is consistent with previous research and is related to cognitive dissonance theory. The responses to mistakes varied from less healthy responses of blaming and silence to healthier responses that included disclosure, apologizing, and making amends. Further research to develop the theory and to determine helpful interventions is suggested. [source]

    Is Evidence-Based Nursing Practice an Attainable Goal?

    Nancy K. Lowe Editor
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    Concept Analysis: Malpractice and Modern-Day Nursing Practice

    NURSING FORUM, Issue 1 2009
    Konstantine Keian Weld BSN (RN)
    TOPIC.,The concept of malpractice can mean different things depending upon the context in which the term is used. This can lead to confusion about the standard of care required for nurses engaged in modern-day nursing practice. PURPOSE.,This paper examines the attributes and characteristics of the concept of malpractice using Walker and Avant's (2005) eight-step methodology. SOURCES OF INFORMATION.,CINAHL, PubMed, and PsychINFO. CONCLUSIONS.,Exposure to malpractice liability is an unfortunate consequence of modern-day nursing practice. An understanding of malpractice will assist nurses in identifying situations that may expose them to legal liability and hopefully lead to improved patient care. [source]

    A Model to Describe the Relationship Between Knowledge, Skill, and Judgment in Nursing Practice

    NURSING FORUM, Issue 4 2006
    PNC(C), PhD(c), Robin J. Evans BScN
    This paper explores the relationship between knowledge, skill, and judgment and proposes a model to describe that relationship. Through illustration of the components and interrelationships within this model one can more clearly understand the nature of nursing work. Drawing on Benner's work on novice to expert, the model shows the interrelationship and the evolution of knowledge, skill, and judgment in a nurse's practice. [source]