Nursing Model (nursing + model)

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Improving Diagnostic Accuracy Using an Evidence-Based Nursing Model

Rona F. Levin PhD
Diagnósticos de enfermagem; prática baseada em evidências; precisão diagnóstica Exactitud diagnóstica; práctica basada en la evidencia; diagnósticos de enfermería PURPOSE. To propose an evidence-based model (EBM) to improve diagnostic accuracy in nursing. DATA SOURCES. Published literature, experience, and expertise of authors. DATA SYNTHESIS. Using an EBM directs clinicians on how to use the best available evidence from the literature to determine the best fit between cues and diagnoses, integrate this evidence with clinician expertise and patient preferences, and conduct a self-evaluation of the process. CONCLUSIONS. Use of an EBM to teach nurses how to ask relevant diagnostic questions and provide a framework for nurse educators to teach evidenced-based practice may lead to developing more competent diagnosticians and improving diagnostic accuracy in nursing. OBJETIVO. Propor um modelo baseado em evidências (MBE) para melhorar a precisão diagnóstica na enfermagem. FONTE DE DADOS. Literatura publicada, experiência e conhecimento das autoras. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS. A utilização de um BEM orienta as enfermeiras clínicas sobre como utilizar a melhor evidência disponível na literatura para determinar o melhor ajuste entre as pistas obtidas e os diagnósticos, integrando esta evidência com o conhecimento clínico da enfermeira e as preferências do paciente, e conduzindo a uma auto-avaliação do processo. CONCLUSÕES. O uso de um modelo de prática baseado em evidências para ensinar as enfermeiras a formular perguntas relevantes e oferecer aos educadores de enfermagem uma estrutura para o ensino da prática baseada em evidências pode levar ao desenvolvimento de dianosticadoras mais competentes e melhorar a precisão diagnóstica na enfermagem. PROPÓSITO. Proponer un modelo basado en la evidencia (MBE) para mejorar la exactitud diagnóstica en enfermería. FUENTES DE DATOS. Bibliografía publicada, experiencia y especialización de los autores. SÍNTESIS DE LOS DATOS. Utilizando un MBE guía a los clínicos en cómo utilizar la mejor evidencia disponible en la bibliografía para determinar el mejor encaje entre los datos y los diagnósticos, integrar esta evidencia con la especialidad clínica y las preferencias del paciente y llevar a cabo una auto-evaluación del proceso. CONCLUSIONES. El uso de un modelo de práctica basada en la evidencia para enseñar a las enfermeras cómo hacer preguntas diagnósticas pertinentes y proporcionar un marco de trabajo para que las enfermeras docentes enseñen la práctica basada en la evidencia, puede llevar a desarrollar mayor competencia al diagnosticar y mejoras en la exactitud diagnóstica. [source]

Geriatric rehabilitation nursing: Developing a model

Pirkko Routasalo RN PhD
In this paper, we describe a geriatric rehabilitation nursing model developed on the basis of the nursing and rehabilitation literature. That literature comprised some 120 articles addressing the rehabilitation of elderly patients and the work done by nurses in that process, various philosophical questions and the results of geriatric rehabilitation. One-third of these articles has been evaluated on the strength of the articles' evidence, and these are discussed in this paper. The findings show that the main factors in geriatric rehabilitation nursing are the patient with health or functional problems and the nurse with professional values, knowledge and skills. The patient is part of a family and the nurse works as part of a multidisciplinary team. In the geriatric rehabilitation process, the patient and the nurse work in close interaction. The aims of rehabilitation depend upon the patient's commitment to the objective and upon the nurse's commitment to help the patient achieve that objective. A health orientation, goal-oriented work, nursing decision-making and a rehabilitative approach to work are all central to this effort. Work is organized in multidisciplinary teams where nurses have equal responsibilities with other professional staff. Testing and development of the model is ongoing. [source]

Effectiveness of the implementation of an evidence-based nursing model using participatory action research in oncohematology: research protocol

Eva Abad-Corpa
abad-corpa e., meseguer-liza c., martínez-corbalán j.t., zárate-riscal l., caravaca-hernández a., paredes-sidrach de cardona a., carrillo-alcaraz a., delgado-hito p. & cabrero-garcía j. (2010) Effectiveness of the implementation of an evidence-based nursing model using participatory action research in oncohematology: research protocol. Journal of Advanced Nursing,66(8), 1845,1851. Abstract Title.,Effectiveness of the implementation of an evidence-based nursing model using participatory action research in oncohematology: research protocol. Aim., To generate changes in nursing practice introducing an evidence-based clinical practice (EBCP) model through a participatory process. To evaluate the effectiveness of the changes in terms of nurse-sensitive outcome (NSO). Background., For international nursing science, it is necessary to explore the reasons for supporting EBCP and evaluate the real repercussions and effectiveness. Methods., A mixed methods study with a sequential transformative design will be conducted in the bone marrow transplant unit of a tertiary-level Spanish hospital, in two time periods >12 months (date of approval of the protocol: 2006). To evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention, we will use a prospective quasi-experimental design with two non-equivalent and non-concurrent groups. NSO and patient health data will be collected: (a) impact of psycho-social adjustment; (b) patient satisfaction; (c) symptom control; (d) adverse effects. All patients admitted during the period of time will be included, and all staff working on the unit during a participatory action research (PAR). The PAR design will be adopted from a constructivist paradigm perspective, following Checkland's "Soft Systems" theoretical model. Qualitative techniques will be used: 2-hour group meetings with nursing professionals, to be recorded and transcribed. Field diaries (participants and researchers) will be drawn up and data analysis will be carried out by content analysis. Discussion., PAR is a rigorous research method for introducing changes into practice to improve NSO. [source]

Leadership in Nursing Informatics

Patricia Robin McCartney RNC
Nursing informatics is a 21st century science with great potential for improving the quality, safety, and efficiency of health care. Perinatal, neonatal, and women's health nurses have an opportunity to contribute and lead in informatics. Leaders must learn about current informatics issues from essential resources, including the literature, professional organizations, and education programs, to develop successful strategies for innovation, collaboration, and implementation. Most important, nurses must be accountable for humanizing the use of technology using a nursing model. [source]

A community-oriented primary care nursing model in an international setting that emphasizes partnerships

Elizabeth Sloand BSN
Purpose To present an interdisciplinary, community-oriented primary care nursing model that effectively draws upon the strengths of advanced practice nurses (APNs), both nurse practitioners and community health nurses. Data sources Articles in professional nursing journals, international data sources, and the clinical experiences of the authors, both domestic and international. Conclusions The model, developed domestically, was utilized successfully by APNs internationally in a medical mission endeavor in rural Haiti. Many partners, domestic and Haitian, worked as an interdisciplinary team to deliver quality health care to an impoverished population. Graduate nursing students participated in the program, which offered opportunities and challenges for both novice and expert nurses. Implications for practice Nurse practitioners, community health nurses, and nursing faculty members can use this model to enhance their professional practice. They can learn that clients can be optimally cared for whether the community served is domestic or international. Nursing faculty can teach graduate nursing students about the value of partnerships and collaboration. [source]