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Nursing Diagnoses (nursing + diagnosis)
Selected AbstractsThe Use of Nursing Diagnoses in Perioperative DocumentationINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 2 2010Kristiina Junttila PhD Hoitotyön kirjaaminen; hoitotyön diagnoosit; perioperatiivinen hoitotyö; Perioperative Nursing Data Set PURPOSE., To clinically validate the nursing diagnoses of the first Finnish version of Perioperative Nursing Data Set (PNDS) by using them in perioperative documentation. METHODS., Nursing diagnoses were used in documentation in four operating departments with 250 patients. In analysis, nonparametric tests were applied. FINDINGS., While intraoperatively nursing diagnoses focused on physiological concerns, postoperatively the focus shifted to that of recovery. CONCLUSIONS., The findings revealed the importance of safety-related routines in perioperative care. Nursing diagnoses in the Finnish version of PNDS are sensitive in describing the rationales for perioperative care. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE., Nursing classifications illustrate the nursing process in a structured form. Nursing diagnosis is an early step in the decision-making process that aims to achieve expected outcomes in nursing care. TARKOITUS:, Validoida PNDS-luokituksen suomalaisen version diagnoositermit käyttämällä niitä perioperatiivisen hoitotyön kirjaamisessa. MENETELMÄT:, Hoitotyön diagnooseja käytettiin kirjaamisessa 250 potilaan kohdalla. Aineiston analyysissä käytettiin ei-parametrisiä testejä. TULOKSET:, Hoidon intraoperatiivisessa vaiheessa korostuvat potilaan fysiologiaan liittyvät ja postoperatiivisessa vaiheessa potilaan toipumiseen liittyvät hoitotyön diagnoosit. JOHTOPÄÄTÖKSET:, Perioperatiivisessa hoitotyössä painottuvat potilaan hoidon turvallisuuteen tähtäävät rutiinit. PNDS-luokituksen suomalaisen version diagnoositermejä voidaan käyttää kuvaamaan leikkauspotilaiden hoidon tarpeita. TULOSTEN HYÖDYNNETTÄVYYS:, Hoitotyön prosessia voidaan kuvata rakenteisesti hoitotyön luokituksilla. Hoitotyön diagnoosin määrittäminen on osa päätöksentekoprosessia tavoitteena tunnistaa ja saavuttaa toivotut tulokset potilaan hoidossa. [source] Evaluation of the Implementation of Nursing Diagnoses, Interventions, and OutcomesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 1 2009Maria Müller-Staub PhD PURPOSE.,This paper aims to provide insight into nursing classifications and to report the effects of nursing diagnostics implementation. This paper summarizes the results of six studies. METHODS.,Two systematic reviews, instrument development and testing, a pre,post intervention study, and a cluster-randomized trial were performed. FINDINGS.,The NANDA International classification met most of the literature-based classification criteria, and results showed the Quality of Nursing Diagnoses, Interventions and Outcomes (Q-DIO) to be a reliable instrument to measure the documented quality of nursing diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes. Implementation of standardized nursing language significantly improved the quality of documented nursing diagnoses, related interventions, and patient outcomes. As a follow-up measure, Guided Clinical Reasoning (GCR) was effective in supporting nurses' clinical reasoning skills. CONCLUSIONS.,Carefully implementing classifications led to enhanced, accurately stated nursing diagnoses, more effective nursing interventions, and better patient outcomes. IMPLICATIONS.,Rethinking implementation methods for standardized language and using GCR is recommended. Based on the results of this study, the inclusion of NANDA International diagnoses with related interventions and outcomes in electronic health records is suggested. [source] Nursing Diagnoses in Children With Congenital Heart Disease: A Survival AnalysisINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 4 2007Viviane Martins Da Silva RN First page of article [source] Contamination: Nursing Diagnoses with Outcome and Intervention LinkagesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 2 2007Laura V. Polk DNSc PURPOSE.,To relate the collaborative processes involved in the evolution of environmental nursing diagnoses and the linkages between two new nursing diagnoses and their associated interventions and outcomes; to describe the environmental health implications of contamination. DATA SOURCES.,Published research articles, official reports, textbooks, and collaborative discussion with experts in community and global health. DATA SYNTHESIS.,Reflection following review of the literature and collaboration with experts led to the development of a new schema for environmental diagnoses and development of two new diagnoses, allowing for greater clarity and distinction between the contamination diagnoses and risk for poisoning diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS.,An environmental nursing diagnosis schema, with its emphasis on contamination, infection, and violence, provides nurses with a holistic framework for making judgments about environmental influences related to individual, family, community, and global health. The diagnoses of Contamination and Risk for Contamination provide necessary language to describe human responses and risk states that may arise following exposure to environmental contaminants. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,Development of environmental diagnostic labels and delineation of the linkages to nursing outcomes and interventions will allow nurses to take active roles in identifying environmental components that affect health and planning care that responds to environmental health needs. Greater clarity in the use of language will allow nurses to incorporate environmental concepts appropriately in nursing assessments and improve the accuracy of the diagnostic process and selection of distinct interventions and outcomes. This will result in better outcomes for patients and communities and permit greater accountability of nursing's contribution to environmental health. [source] Nursing Diagnoses in a Brazilian Intensive Care UnitINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 3 2006Amália De Fátima Lucena PURPOSE.,To identify the nursing diagnoses and their most frequent related factors or risk factors in patients admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU). METHOD.,Descriptive cross-sectional study with information from 991 admissions to an ICU during a 6-month period. FINDINGS.,Sixteen nursing diagnoses resulting from hospitalization were most frequently identified; six had percentages greater than 40% with 29 related/risk factors. The resulting averages were 6.9 diagnoses per hospitalization and 1.2 related/risk factors per nursing diagnoses. CONCLUSIONS.,The nursing diagnoses identified seemed to be common to the clinical practice of nursing and their fundamental related/risk factors to precise clinical judgment, thus providing a basis for interventions for a desired outcome. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,The findings have contributed to the development of the standardized nursing language usage in Brazilian nursing practices. Diagnósticos de Enfermagem em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Brasileira OBJETIVO.,Identificar os diagnósticos de enfermagem e os seus fatores relacionados/risco mais freqüentemente estabelecidos aos pacientes internados numa unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI). MÉTODO.,Estudo descritivo, transversal, com informações de 991 admissões numa UTI, durante seis meses. RESULTADOS.,Dezesseis diagnósticos de enfermagem foram mais freqüentes, seis deles com percentuais acima de 40% por internação e com 29 fatores relacionados ou de risco. As médias foram de 6,9 diagnósticos de enfermagem por internação e 1,2 fatores relacionados ou de risco por diagnóstico de enfermagem. CONCLUSÕES.,Os diagnósticos de enfermagem identificados parecem ser comuns à prática clínica de enfermagem e os seus fatores relacionados ou de risco fundamentais ao julgamento clínico preciso, que subsidia à escolha da intervenção para um resultado esperado. IMPLICAÇÕES PARA A PRÁTICA.,Os resultados têm colaborado para o desenvolvimento do uso da linguagem padronizada de enfermagem no Brasil. [source] Nursing Diagnoses and Interventions of Japanese Patients with End-Stage Breast Cancer Admitted for Different Care PurposesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 3-4 2005Chie Ogasawara RN PURPOSE.,To clarify actual nursing diagnoses for and interventions given to patients with end-stage breast cancer admitted for different care purposes. METHODS.,Nursing diagnoses, defining characteristics, related/risk factors, and nursing interventions were analyzed in a convenience sample of 150 patient records. FINDINGS.,A total of 539 nursing diagnoses (96 labels) were documented. Frequently listed diagnoses were chronic pain, risk for infection, and activity intolerance. The most frequently used nursing diagnosis for the chemotherapy group was risk for infection. The nurses in this study rarely report any diagnoses related to death and dying. CONCLUSIONS.,Nursing diagnoses and interventions differed depending on the purpose of admission. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,Oncology nurses need to consider the reasons for admission when making nursing diagnoses and interventions for patients with end-stage breast cancer. [source] Nursing Diagnoses Identified During Parent Group Meetings in a Neonatal Intensive Care UnitINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 3-4 2005Ianê Nogueira Do Vale RN PURPOSE.,To identify nursing diagnoses in the reports of parents obtained during parent support group meetings in a neonatal intensive care unit. METHODS.,An explorative descriptive study using records obtained during 29 meetings over a period of 11 months with parents and family members. FINDINGS.,Six NANDA-approved nursing diagnoses were identified from parent group data: fear, risk for impaired parent/infant attachment, parental role conflict, risk for ineffective breastfeeding, impaired home maintenance, and risk for caregiver role strain. Diagnoses were not validated with parents. DISCUSSION.,Support groups helped the parents express their thoughts and feelings and provided nurses with opportunities to identify nursing diagnoses and interventions. The identification of nursing diagnoses showed that nursing interventions that are focused on improved parent outcomes should be implemented for parents and other family members. IMPLICATIONS.,Nursing care in neonatal units should focus on interventions for parents and other family members in addition to providing the necessary care of newborns. [source] Development of Two Search Strategies for Literature in MEDLINE,PubMed: Nursing Diagnoses in the Context of Evidence-Based NursingINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 2 2005Almuth Berg Dipl.-PGW PURPOSE.,To develop and validate search filters for MEDLINE via PubMed according to two categories of the NLINKS-EBN matrix. METHODS.,The search results of the search filters were compared to a gold standard. FINDINGS.,The usage of nursing classification terms for the literature search in evidence-based nursing (EBN) is still limited because taxonomies are neither widely used in nursing literature nor applied for indexing by MEDLINE. The proposed filters achieved a sensitivity of 96% and a specificity of 94% for "secondary data" and a sensitivity of 87% and a specificity of 73% for "diagnostic tests." CONCLUSIONS.,The usage of database-specific search filters are a reliable and valid method to search for nursing classification terms in medical databases. [source] Quality of Nursing Diagnoses: Evaluation of an Educational InterventionINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 2 2005Jan Florin RN PURPOSE.,To investigate the effects on the quality of nursing diagnostic statements in patient records after education in the nursing process and implementation of new forms for recording. METHODS.,Quasi-experimental design. Randomly selected patient records reviewed before and after intervention from one experimental unit (n = 70) and three control units (n = 70). A scale with 14 characteristics pertaining to nursing diagnoses was developed and used together with the instrument (CAT-CH-ING) for record review. FINDINGS.,Quality of nursing diagnostic statements improved in the experimental unit, whereas no improvement was found in the control units. Serious flaws in the use of the etiology component were found. CONCLUSION.,Nurses must be more concerned with the accuracy and quality of the nursing diagnoses and the etiology component needs to be given special attention. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,Education of RNs in nursing diagnostic statements and peer review using standardized evaluation instruments can be means to further enhance RNs' documentation practice. [source] Nursing Diagnosis Extension and Classification: Ongoing PhaseINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 2003Martha Craft-Rosenberg BACKGROUND The Nursing Diagnosis Extension and Classification Project (NDEC) has been active for almost a decade. The team began with the formation of a team of investigators at The University of Iowa College of Nursing. From 1994 until 2000 the research team consisted of 16 investigators who were experts in nursing care across the lifespan. They also represented expertise in both qualitative and quantitative research. The aims of the NDEC research are to evaluate and revise NANDA diagnoses, to validate the diagnoses using a clinical information system, and to develop candidate diagnoses. MAIN CONTENT POINTS Phase 1 of the NDEC research has yielded 116 refined and developed nursing diagnoses that have been submitted to NANDA. Of these, 65 have been approved and 54 appeared in Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions and Classification, 1999,2000 along with 39 NDEC products. In the 2000,2001 edition, 7 diagnoses refined by NDEC and 7 new diagnoses submitted by NDEC are included. As only about half the NDEC products have appeared in NANDA publications, the three-level review process (Diagnosis Review Committee, membership, and Board) has been discussed with the NANDA board. This request is currently being honored by the Diagnosis Review Committee; however, review by the membership and review by the NANDA board is just beginning to move in this direction. Phase 2, clinical validation of the NDEC work, is being conducted at a long-term care facility. It will also be conducted at a large teaching hospital. All the NDEC refinement and development work has been submitted for clinical validation. Currently validation is planned at the label level only. Phase 3 involves identification of candidate diagnoses. Many of the candidate diagnoses were developed during the concept analysis phase, when NDEC team members identified the need for additional diagnoses. Nurses in practice have submitted other candidate diagnoses. In total 195 candidate diagnoses have been identified and placed into a database. In order for the NDEC team to make decisions regarding priorities for diagnosis development, the diagnoses in the candidate database are compared to diagnoses in other classifications that have already been developed. Several classifications are used for comparison including the Omaha System and the Home Health Care Classification. A large table is used to compare candidate label to other labels. Candidate diagnosis included in other classifications will be given lower priority for development by NDEC. CONCLUSIONS The NDEC work plan includes work on diagnoses to be resubmitted to the NANDA Diagnosis Review Committee. It is hoped that the Web site for NLINKS will facilitate the work of diagnosis refinement and development. NDEC will continue to work with any investigator who is seeking assistance. The last part of the work plan is resource acquisition and recruitment of investigators to continue the refinement and development of diagnoses. [source] Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Acute Wards in Switzerland and AustriaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 2003Harald Stefan PURPOSE To examine the frequency and quality of documented nursing diagnoses and to compare the diagnoses regarding ward and patient characteristics. METHODS The following data were collected from 11 acute care wards in five psychiatric hospitals in Switzerland and Austria: documented nursing diagnoses, demographic characteristics of an unselected sample of 30 consecutively discharged patients in each ward, ward data, and data from three randomly selected complete charts from each ward. Free-text diagnoses were recoded into NANDA terminology. Frequencies were calculated and compared across settings and regarding patient and ward characteristics. Diagnoses were examined for quality and structure of the diagnostic statements. FINDINGS Mean age of patients was 40 ± 13 years, and the main psychiatric diagnoses were schizophrenia, mood disorders, substance abuse, and neurotic and personality disorders. Of the 664 nursing diagnoses located in 330 nursing records, 635 were proper nursing diagnoses; 83% of patients had at least 1 nursing diagnosis (X,= 2). The number of diagnoses correlated weakly with patient length of stay. Of the nursing diagnoses, 20% were made on admission day, and the majority of nursing diagnoses was active at discharge. Ninety percent of the diagnoses were formulated using NANDA terminology. The most frequently used categories were coping-related diagnoses,disturbed thought processes and self-care deficits. Numerous problem,etiology,symptom (PES)formatted diagnoses had diagnostic labels nested within the etiology. Countryand setting-specific similarities and differences were found with a significantly higher number of nursing diagnoses in Austria where use is mandated. In Austria, more somatic nursing diagnoses were found. The most frequent nursing diagnoses were similar in both countries. DISCUSSION The number of diagnoses corresponds to results reported in the international literature suggesting the justification for international comparison. Ten categories represent 60% of nursing diagnoses. Approximately 50% of nursing diagnoses were made in the first days after hospitalization, rendering their use practicable. A minority of nursing diagnoses were discontinued, possibly suggesting that some problems are difficult to solve or evaluate. The PES format and the NANDA terminology are used quite extensively even when not mandatory. NANDA terminology is deemed useful and practical, but problems occur when nursing diagnoses CONCLUSIONS Nursing diagnoses represent the main areas of nursing, but cultural differences exist regarding the diagnostic process. Thus, research is needed to test the appropriateness of nursing diagnoses to characterize nursing populations. [source] Environmental Nursing Diagnoses: A Proposal for Further Development of Taxonomy IIINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 1 2003Pauline M. Green PhD PURPOSE. To propose further development of environmental diagnoses and to offer recommendations for expanding Taxonomy II to include more diagnostic labels that encompass the environmental domain. SOURCES. Literature in the disciplines of nursing, biology, toxicology, public health, sociology, and anthropology. DATA SYNTHESIS. Nurses need language to describe the human responses of individuals, families, communities, and global society to environmental health threats. CONCLUSIONS. New environmental diagnoses will lead to refinement of language that describes the contribution of nursing to an emerging international and community health priority. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS. Environmental diagnostic labels will allow nurses to name responses and plan interventions that respond to instances or risks of exposure to threats from the physical and sociocultural environment. Search terms: Environmental contamination, environmental health threats, exposure, nursing diagnoses [source] Application of Nursing Diagnoses, Interventions, and Outcomes to Patients Undergoing Abdominal Surgery in KoreaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 3 2002RN Associate Professor, Young-Hee Yom PhD First page of article [source] Use of Nursing Diagnoses and Interventions in Public Health Nursing PracticeINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 1 2002Jennifer C. Rivera MSN PURPOSE. To determine the frequency of use of NANDA diagnoses and the Nursing Interventions Classification in care plans written by public health nurses (PHNs) in Orange County, CA. METHODS.Retrospective chart review. FINDINGS. The frequency pattern of nursing diagnoses and nursing interventions used in care plans is consistent with the scope of practice of the PHN, whose emphasis is on health promotion and disease prevention. CONCLUSIONS. The most commonly used diagnoses and interventions provide evidence of a core set of interventions useful for PHN practice. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE.Linking diagnoses and interventions allow PHNs to build a body of knowledge based on patient care and improve clinical decision-making process. Search terms:Interventions, nursing diagnosis, public health nursing Utilisation des diagnostics infirmiers et interventions en santé publique BUT.Déterminer la fréquence des diagnostics infirmiers (ANADI) et des interventions (NIC) dans les plans de soins rédigés par les infirmières de santé publique dans le Comté d'Orange, CA. METHODE.Étude rétrospective des dossiers. RÉSULTATS.La répartition des diagnostics infirmiers et des interventions utilisés dans les plans de soin est cohérente avec la pratique des infirmières en santé publique, c'est-à-dire qu'elle souligne l'importance de la promotion de la santé et la prévention de la maladie. CONCLUSIONS.Les diagnostics et interventions les plus fréquemment utilisés permettent d'identifier le groupe d'interventions au centre de la pratique des soins en santé publique. IMPLICATIONS POUR LA PRATIQUE.L'articulation des diagnostics et interventions de soins permet de construire un corpus de connaissances en santé publique basée sur le soin des patients et d'améliorer le processus de décision clinique. Mots-clés:Diagnostics infirmiers, interventions, soins infirmiers en santé publique Utilización de los diagnósticos e intervenciones de enfermería en la práctica de enfermería de salud pública PROPÓSITO.Determinar la frecuencia del uso de los diagnósticos de la NANDA y de la clasificación de las intervenciones enfermeras (NIC), en planes del cuidados escritos por enfermeras de salud pública en el Condado de Orange, California. MÉTODOS.Revisión retrospectiva de gráficos. RESULTADOS. El patrón de frecuencia de diagnósticos de enfermería y de intervenciones enfermeras utilizados en los planes del cuidados, es consistente con el ámbito asistencial de las enfermeras de salud pública, cuyo énfasis está en la promoción de salud y la prevención de la enfermedad. CONCLUSIÓN.Los diagnósticos e intervenciones más comúnmente utilizados, proporcionan evidencia de un grupo nuclear de intervenciones útiles a la práctica de enfermería de salud pública. IMPLICACIONES PARA LA PRÁCTICA.Conectar los diagnósticos y las intervenciones permite a las Enfermeras de Salud Pública construir un cuerpo de conocimientos basado en el cuidado de los pacientes y mejorar el proceso de toma de decisiones en la práctica clínica. Términos de búsqueda:Diagnóstico enfermero, enfermería de salud pública, intervenciones Uso de diagnósticos e intervenções de enfermagem na prótica de enfermagem em Saúde Pública OBJETIVO.Determinar a freqüência de uso dos diagnósticos da NANDA e da Classificação de Intervenções de Enfermagem (NIC) em planos de cuidados escritos por enfermeiras da área de Saúde Pública no Condado de Orange, Califórnia. MÉTODO.Revisão retrospectiva de fichas. ACHADOS.O padrão de freqüência de diagnósticos de enfermagem e intervenções de enfermagem utilizados em planos de cuidados é compatível com o escopo da prática das enfermeiras da área de Saúde Pública, cuja ênfase está na promoção da saúde e prevenção de doenças. CONCLUSãO.Os diagnósticos e intervenções mais comumente utilizados evidenciam a existência de um conjunto de intervenções principais, que éútil para a prática destas enfermeiras. IMPLICAÇõES PARA A PRÁTICA. A ligação entre diagnósticos e intervenções permite às enfermeiras da área de saúde pública construírem um corpo de conhecimentos baseado no cuidado do paciente e melhora o processo de tomada de decisão. Palavras para busca:Diagnóstico de enfermagem, enfermagem em saúde publica, intervenções [source] Environmental Nursing Diagnoses for Aggregates and CommunityINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 1 2001Pauline M. Green PhD PURPOSE. To describe the application of group-appropriate methods to derive actual nursing diagnoses for a community. METHODS. A triangulation method using multiple sources of data, including an environmental survey, fish consumption survey, government reports, publications, and community assessments FINDINGS. Three priority community environmental nursing diagnoses for aggregates within the community: Knowledge deficit among community residents related to lack of awareness of contaminants in the Anacostia River; "risk for adverse human health effects" among pregnant and nursing women and preschoolers related to consumption of chemically contaminated fish; and knowledge deficit among community residents related to lack of awareness of health effects of consuming chemically contaminated fish. CONCLUSIONS. The diagnoses serve as the basis for community education and other interventions. The methods are practical and useful for this type of research. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS. The nursing profession is experiencing a growing awareness of the close relationship between environmental health and the health of individuals and communities. There is a need for diagnostic labels to describe the responses of aggregates and communities to environmental hazards and conditions. [source] Nursing Diagnoses and Interventions Used in Home Care in KoreaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 3 2000Hea Kung Hur PhD, RN Assistant Professor First page of article [source] Deficient Knowledge Nursing Diagnosis: Identifying the Learning Needs of Patients With Cardiac DiseaseINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 3 2010Luzia Elaine Galdeano PhD Assistência ao paciente; avaliação de processos; conhecimento; doença das coronárias; enfermagem OBJECTIVES., To identify the learning needs of patients with cardiac disease and the aspects of the disease and anesthetic and surgical procedures about which Brazilian patients have the greatest gaps in knowledge. METHODS., Eighty preoperative patients answered a General Evaluation Questionnaire, a Questionnaire to Evaluate Patient Knowledge, and the Mini-Mental State Exam. FINDINGS., Fifty-nine patients had learning needs. More than 50% of the patients were mistaken or unable to answer questions about the disease, and the goals of and type of surgery to be performed and anesthesia to be used. CONCLUSIONS., Most patients had poor performance on the questionnaire that assessed their knowledge about coronary artery disease and its treatment. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS., This study can contribute to health professionals' assessment of patients' knowledge. OBJETIVOS., Identificar as necessidades de aprendizagem de pacientes com doença cardíaca e os aspectos da doença arterial coronariana e da revascularização do miocárdio do nos quais os pacientes brasileiros apresentam conhecimento deficiente. MÉTODO., Oitenta pacientes responderam o Questionário para avaliação geral, o Questionário para avaliar o conhecimento e o Mini-Exame do Estado Mental. RESULTADOS., Cinqüenta e nove pacientes apresentaram necessidade de aprendizagem. Mais de 50% dos pacientes erraram ou não souberam responder as questões referentes ao nome da doença, aos sinais e sintomas de complicação da doença, aos objetivos e tipo de cirurgia e anestesia. CONCLUSÃO., Muitos pacientes não apresentaram bom desempenho no questionário para medir conhecimento em relação à Doença Arterial Coronária e seu tratamento. IMPLICAÇÕES PRÁTICAS., Este estudo poderá contribuir para a avaliação do conhecimento dos pacientes por profissionais da saúde. [source] A 10-Year Retrospective Study of Teaching Nursing Diagnosis to Baccalaureate Students in ItalyINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 2 2009Alvisa Palese MSN First page of article [source] Accuracy and Efficiency of Computer-Aided Nursing DiagnosisINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 3 2008Sachiko Kurashima MSN PURPOSE.,This study aims to determine whether a computer-aided nursing (CAN) diagnosis system improves diagnostic accuracy and efficiency. METHODS.,A randomized crossover trial was performed using two kinds of case studies with 42 nurses as subjects. The subjects were divided into a group using the CAN diagnosis system and a group using a handbook of nursing diagnosis. Degree of accuracy was judged by using Lunney's seven-point interval scale, while efficiency was evaluated by time required for diagnosis. FINDINGS.,There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of diagnostic accuracy; however, time required for diagnosis was significantly shorter for subjects who used the CAN diagnosis system than for those who did not. Multiple regression analysis showed that the use of the CAN diagnosis system was the only factor associated with the time required for making the nursing diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS.,The use of the CAN diagnosis system improved the efficiency of the diagnostic process without reducing the level of accuracy of nursing diagnoses. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,The use of a computerized system should be a useful tool for implementation of standardized nursing terminologies. [source] Nursing Diagnosis: Is It Time for a New Definition?INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 1 2008T. Heather Herdman PhD PURPOSE. The Diagnosis Development Committee (DDC) of NANDA International frequently receives proposed "physiologic" and "surveillance diagnosis" submissions that may not meet the current definition of nursing diagnosis (NANDA, 2007, p. 332). There has been a request for a vote on newly proposed definitions of nursing diagnosis, risk diagnosis, and syndromes. The purpose of this article is to provide information which enables members and interested nurses to continue the dialogue and to share their thoughts and also to consider the thoughts and information generated by the participants in the NANDA-I interest survey on the definition of nursing diagnoses. DATA SOURCES. An electronic survey of the current NANDA-I definitions, and potential changes to those definitions, was distributed via the NANDA-I Web site. This article summarizes the overall findings of that survey and provides an overview of commentary received from the 269 participants. CONCLUSIONS. It is necessary to continue the dialogue on this important decision and to provide a mechanism for input from members and interested nurses before reaching any conclusions on this subject. NURSING IMPLICATIONS. NANDA-I has been recognized as the leader in the development and implementation of nursing diagnoses and must act responsibly in assessing the changing and emerging trends in nursing practice and in responding to these trends. [source] Is It Time for a New Category of Nursing Diagnosis?INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 2 2007Geralyn A. Meyer PhD Professional vigilance, the art of "watching out," is the essence of nursing. Vigilance is the mental process that makes the informed nursing actions of assessment, diagnosis, intervention, and evaluation possible and meaningful. Nursing vigilance must be described in our nursing terminology or it risks remaining invisible to others. We propose that the current definition of nursing diagnosis be expanded to include surveillance diagnoses for which the nurse has the responsibility for problem identification and ongoing monitoring. Inclusion of surveillance diagnoses in the NANDA International taxonomy will better reflect the breadth and depth of nursing practice. [source] Nursing Diagnosis in Medical-Surgical PatientsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 2003Márcia Paschoalina Volpato PURPOSE. To identify nursing diagnoses identified in patients in a medical-surgical unit. METHODS. Data were collected through interviews and physical examination of 60 patients on a female ward in order to formulate NANDA diagnoses. The data collection tool was based on Gordon's 11 Functional Health Patterns. Four researchers with medical-surgical nursing expertise reached the nursing diagnosis through consensus. FINDINGS. A total of 338 diagnoses were identified from 49 different categories. Nineteen categories were identified in more than 10% of the sample: risk for infection (58%), pain (50%), constipation (42%), activity intolerance (35%), sleep pattern disturbance (28%), altered physical mobility (27%), impaired skin integrity (27%), fatigue (25%), sexual pattern dysfunction (23%), anxiety (23%), risk for ineffective manipulation of therapeutic regimen (20%), risk for trauma (20%), risk for impaired skin integrity (18%), ineffective coping (18%), altered nutrition: more than body requirements (12%), impaired communication (12%), urinary incontinence (10%), fluid volume excess (10%), and altered nutrition: less than body requirements (10%). The most frequent diagnoses related to Health Functional Patterns were identified in health control and perception, with 28% of the 338 formulated diagnoses, activity-exercise and nutritional-metabolic with 20% each. CONCLUSIONS. There was great diversity in the quality of the reported needs in the studied sample, which demands extensive knowledge and a wide range of abilities to identify needs as well as implement care in the affected patients. Studies such as this one will enhance delineation of the nursing knowledge base in order to justify allocation of human resources in specific areas. [source] Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Theory: Exploration of Factors Inhibiting and Supporting Simultaneous UseINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 2 2002FAAN, Noreen C. Frisch PhD PURPOSE. To explore the values and philosophies of nursing theories that inhibit the simultaneous use of nursing diagnosis and nursing theory. SOURCES.Published articles, books, book chapters. DATA SYNTHESIS. Four factors in the literature and reflected in practice may have had a negative influence on the use of nursing diagnoses: (a) commitment to the uniqueness of each person, (b) an abandonment of the nursing process, (c) a perspective that nursing care is an evolving interaction, and (d) a belief that theory-derived language is more articulate and precise than standard classifications. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.Strategies for combining theory and diagnoses include emphasizing the diagnostic terms as professional shorthand and permitting flexibility in modifying diagnoses as needed; widely disseminating the concept that classification can be used effectively with newer iterations of the nursing process reflecting circular, simultaneous, and intuitive processes; developing classification language based on concepts of hypothesis and perception; and including diagnostic categories associated with theoretical perspectives. Search terms:Nursing classifications, nursing diagnoses, nursing theory Diagnostics infirmiers et théories de soins: Exploration des facteurs qui freinent et soutiennent leur utilisation simultanée BUT.Explorer les valeurs et les conceptions à la base des théories de soins qui inhibent I'utilisation des diagnostics infirmiers avec les théories de soin. SOURCES.Articles, manuels, chapitres d'ouvrages. SYNTHÈSE DES DONNÉES.Les données de la littérature professionnelle et l'examen de la pratique ont permis d'identifier quatre facteurs qui ont pu avoir une influence négative sur l'utilisation des diagnostics infirmiers: (a) l'importance donnée au caractère unique de chaque personne; (b) l'abandon de la démarche de soins; (c) l'idée que le soin est fait d'interactions en évolution constante; (d) la croyance que le langage découlant de la théorie est plus précis et articulé que les classifications normalisées. IMPLICATIONS POUR LA PRATIQUE.Quelques stratégies pourraient faciliter la combinaison de la théorie et des diagnostics, notamment: souligner le fait que les termes des diagnostics constituent une sorte de sténographie professionnelle et permettre la flexibilité pour les modifier; disséminer le fait que les classifications peuvent être utiles dans une démarche de soin rénovée, reflétant les aspects circulaires, simultanés et intuitifs du raisonnement; développer un langage basé sur les concepts d'hypothéses et de perceptions et inclure des catégories diagnostiques associées à des courants théoriques. Mots-clés:Classifications de soins, diagnostics infirmiers, théories de soins Diagnóstico de enfermagem e teoria de enfermagem: Exploração dos fatores inibidores e estimuladores do seu uso simultâneo OBJETIVO.Explorar os valores e filosofias das teorias de enfermagem que inibem o uso simultâneo dos diagnósticos de enfermagem e das teorias de enfermagem. FONTES.Artigos publicados, livros, capítulos de livros. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS.Quatro fatores citados na literatura e refletidos na prática podem ter tido uma influência negativa no uso dos diagnóstics de enfermagem: (a) compromisso com a singularidade de cada pessoa, (b) um abandono do processo de enfermagem, (c) uma perspectiva de que o cuidado de enfermagem é uma interação que evolui e (d) uma crença de que uma linguagem derivada da teoria é mais articulada e precisa do que classificações padronizadas. IMPLICAÇÕES PARA A PRÁTICA.Estratégias para combinar teoria e diagnósticos incluem enfatizar os termos diagnóstics como uma taquigrafia profissional e permitir flexibilidade para modificar diagnósticos sempre que necessário, disseminando amplamente o conceito de que a classificação pode ser usada efetivamente com novas repetições do processo de enfermagem, refletindo processos circulares, simultâneos e intuitivos; desenvolver uma linguagem de classificação baseada em conceitos de hipótese e percepção; e incluir categorias diagnósticas associadas com perspectivas teóricas. Palavras para busca:Classificações de enfermagem, diagnóstico de enfermagem, teoria de enfermagem Diagnóstico enfermero y teoría enfermera: Exploración de factores que inhiben y apoyan una utilización simultánea PROPÓSITO.Explorar los valores y filosofías de teorías enfermeras, que inhiben la utilización simultánea de diagnósticos y teorías enfermeras. FUENTES.Artículos publicados, libros, capítulos de libros. SÍNTESIS DE LOS DATOS.Cuatro factores reflejados en la práctica y en la bibliografía, pueden haber tenido una influencia negativa en la utilizatión de los diagnósticos de enfermería: (a) compromiso a la singularidad de cada persona, (b) abandono del proceso de enfermería, (c) una perspectiva de que los cuidados de enfermería son una interacción que evoluciona y (d) una creencia de que el lenguaje derivado de la teoría, es más preciso y expresa mejor que las clasificaciones estándar. IMPLICACIONES PARA LA PRÁCTICA.Las estrategias para combinar la teoría y los diagnósticos enfermeros, incluyen: Dar énfasis a los términos diagnósticos como una abreviatura profesional, permitir ser flexible al modificar diagnósticos si es necesario, diseminar ampliamente el concepto de que la clasificación puede usarse eficazmente con nuevas iteraciones del proceso enfermero que reflejen procesos circulares, simultáneos e intuitivos, desarrollar lenguajes de clasificación basados en los conceptos de hipótesis y percepción, Incluir categorías diagnósticas asociadas con perspectivas teóricas. Términos de búsqueda:Diagnósticos enfermeros, clasificaciones enfermeras y teoría enfermera [source] Ineffective Family Participation in Professional Care: A Concept Analysis of a Proposed Nursing DiagnosisINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 1 2002Aeran Lee MS PURPOSE. To discuss the label, definition, defining characteristics, and related factors of a proposed nursing diagnosis, "ineffective family participation in professional care." DATA SOURCES. Published research articles, clinical handbooks, textbooks. DATA SYNTHESIS. Although a number of familyrelated nursing diagnoses exist, none really addresses the problems encountered if family members are unwilling or unable to participate in patient care. This is critical because the bulk of care occurs outside the hospital setting. CONCLUSIONS. A new nursing diagnosis, "Ineffective family participation in professional care" is needed. This diagnosis has been submitted to the Nursing Diagnosis Extension and Classification for consideration. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS. With this diagnosis nurses could encourage family participation in care more effectively by focusing on assessment and interventions. Participation familiale inefficace aux soins professionnels: Analyse conceptuelle d'un diagnostic infirmier proposé BUTS. Discuter du titre, de la définition, des caractéristiques et des facteurs favorisants d'un nouveau diagnostic infirmier: "participation familiale inefficace aux soins professionnels". SOURCES. Articles de recherche, extraits d'ouvrages cliniques. RÉSULTATS. Malgré la présence d'un certain nombre de diagnostics infirmiers centrés sur la famille, aucun d'entre eux ne désigne les problèmes posés par les familles qui ne souhaitent pas ou ne sont pas capables de participer aux soins du patient. Ce phénomène est important, compte tenu de la grande quantité de soins extrahospitaliers. CONCLUSIONS. II semble nécessaire de disposer d'un nouveau diagnostic infirmier "Participation familiale inefficace aux soins professionnels". Ce diagnostic a été soumis au Groupe d'Extension et de Classification des Diagnostics Infirmiers, afin qu'il soit étudié. IMPLICATIONS PRATIQUES. L'utilisation de ce diagnostic devrait permettre aux infirmières de focaliser l'évaluation et les interventions de soins, afin d'impliquer plus efficacement la famille dans les soins. Participação familiar ineficaz no cuidado profissional: Análise de conceito de um diagnóstico de enfermagem proposto OBJETIVO. Discutir o titulo, definição, características definidoras e fatores relacionados de um diagnóstico de enfermagem proposto, "participação familiar ineficaz no cuidado profissional". FONTES DE DADOS.Artigos de pesquisa publicados, manuais clínicos, livros-texto. ACHADOS.Embora exista um certo número de diagnósticos de enfermagem relacionados à família, nenhum deles trata realmente dos problemas encontrados quando membros da família não desejam ou não conseguem participar do cuidado do paciente. Isto é crítico, porque uma grande parte dos cuidados ocorre fora do ambiente hospitalar. CONCLUSãO.É necessário um novo diagnóstico de "Participação familiar eficaz no cuidado profissional". Este diagnóstico foi submetido à apreciação da Extensão e Classificação de Diagnósticos de Enfermagem. IMPLICAÇõES PARA A PRÁTICA.Com este diagnóstico, as enfermeiras podem encorajar a participação da família no cuidado de maneira mais efetiva, com enfoque em levantamento de dados e intervenções. Palavras para busca:Análise de conceito, diagnóstico de enfermagem, participação familiar Participación familiar ineficaz en cuidados profesionales: Análisis de concepto de este diagnóstico enfermero que se ha propuesto PROPÓSITO.Discutir la etiqueta, definición, características definitorias y factores relacionados del diagnóstico propuesto "participation familiar ineficaz en cuidados profesionales." FUENTES DE DATOS.Artículos de investigación publicados, manuales clínicos, libros de texto. RESULTADOS.Aunque existen varios diagnóstics enfermeros relacionados con la familia, ninguno realmente enfoca los problemas encontrados, si las familias no quieren o no pueden participar en el cuidado del paciente. Esto es crítico, porque la mayor parte de los cuidados tienen lugarfuera del entorno del hospital. CONCLUSIONES.Se necesita un nuevo diagnóstico de enfermería "participación familiar ineficaz en cuidados profesionales". Este diagnóstico ha sido presentado a Nursing Diagnosis Extension and Classification para su consideración. IMPLICACIONES PARA LA PRÁCTICA.Con este diagnóstico, las enfermeras podrían animar la participación familiar en los cuidados más eficazmente, centrándose en la valoración y las intervenciones. Términos de búsqueda:Análisis de concepto, diagnóstico enfermero, participación familiar [source] Chronic Pain: Nursing Diagnosis or Syndrome?INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 4 2001Diná Almeida Lopes Monteiro Cruz PhD PROBLEM. To explore the existence of a pattern of nursing diagnoses that represents a chronic pain syndrome. METHODS. The nursing diagnoses of 68 oncologic and 46 nononcologic patients with chronic pain were submitted to univariate and multivariate analyses. Diagnoses ranked above the 75th percentile, without association with pain etiology, and presenting a pattern in cluster analyses and multidimensional scaling was accepted as possible components of chronic pain syndrome. FINDINGS. The possible components of chronic pain syndrome were disturbed sleep pattern,a constipation or risk for constipation, deficient knowledge,a impaired physical mobility, and anxiety/fear. CONCLUSIONS. Although a pattern of diagnoses has been proposed, confirmation will require further studies and the exploration of the clinical usefulness of the concept of chronic pain as a syndrome. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS. Increased skill in the assessment and understanding of chronic pain can result in improved relief strategies. Douleur chronique: Diagnostic infirmier ou syndrome? PROBLÈME. Explorer l'existence d'un regroupement de diagnostics infirmiers représentant le syndrome de douleur chronique (SDC). MÉTHODES. Les diagnostics infirmiers présents chez 68 patients cancéreux et 46 patients non-cancéreux, souffrant de douleur chronique furent soumis à des analyses unidimensionnelles et multidimensionnelles. Les diagnostics qui furent retenus comme composantes possibles du SDC se situaient au dessus du 75e percentile, n'étaient pas associés à l'étiologie et représentaient un ensemble dans les analyses de regroupement et l'échelle multidimensionnelle. RÉSULTATS. Les composantes possibles du SDC furent perturbation des habitudes de sommeil, constipation ou risque de constipation, manque de connaissances, altération de la mobilité et anxiété/peur. CONCLUSIONS. Même si un schéma de diagnostics infirmiers a été proposé, il faudrait encore entreprendre plusieurs recherches et explorer l'utilité clinique du concept syndrome de douleur chronique, avant de confirmer la pertinence de ce syndrome. IMPLICATIONS PRATIQUES. L'amélioration de l'évaluation et de la compréhension de la douleur chronique peut conduire à de meilleures stratégies pour soulager la douleur. PROBLEMA. Explorar a existência de um padrão de diagnósticos de enfermagem que represente uma síndrome de dor crônica. MÉTODOS. Diagnóstics de enfermagem de 68 pacientes com dor crônica oncológica e 46 pacientes com dor crônica não oncológica foram submetidos a análises univariadas e multivariadas. Os diagnóstics posicionados acima do Percentil 75, sem associação com a etiologia da dor e que apresentaram um padrão na Análise de Cluster e no Escalonamento Multidimensional foram aceitos como possíveis componentes da síndrome de dor crónica. RESULTADOS. Os possíveis componentes da síndrome de dor crônica foram: distúrbio do padrão de sono, cnstipação ou risco para constipação, déficit de conhecimento, mobilidade física prejudicada e ansiedade/medo. CONCLUSÕES. Apesar de um padrão de diagnósticos ter sido proposto, a sua confirmação requer outros estudos e a exploração da utilidade clínica de se conceituar a dor crônica como uma síndrome. IMPLIAÇÕES PRÁTICAS. Melhorar a compreensão e as habilidades na avaliação da dor crônica pode resultar em melhores estratégias de alívio. Dolor crónico: Diagnóstico enfermero o síndrome? PROBLEMA. Explorar la existencia de un patrón diagnóstico de enfermería que represente el síndrome de dolor crónico (SDC). MÉTODOS. Los diagnósticos enfermeros de 68 pacientes oncológicos y 46 no-oncológicos con dolor crónico, se sometieron a análisis variable y multivariable. Se aceptaron como posibles componentes del SDC, los diagnósticos que estaban sobre el percentil 75, sin asociación con etiología de dolor y que presentaban un patrón agrupado al hacer el análisis y en la escala multidimensional. RESULTADOS. Los posibles componentes de SDC fueron alteración del patrón del sueño, estreñimiento o riesgo de estreñimiento, déficit de conocimientos, trastorno de la movilidad física y ansiedad/temor. CONCLUSIONES. Aunque un patrón de diagnósticos ha sido propuesto, la confirmación requerirá que se llevan más allá los estudios y la exploración de la utilidad clínica del concepto del dolor crónico, como un síndrome. IMPLICACIONES PARA LA PRÁCTICA. Mejorar la habilidad en la valoración y comprensión del dolor crónico pueden producir mejoras en las estrategias de alivio. [source] The Use of Nursing Diagnoses in Perioperative DocumentationINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 2 2010Kristiina Junttila PhD Hoitotyön kirjaaminen; hoitotyön diagnoosit; perioperatiivinen hoitotyö; Perioperative Nursing Data Set PURPOSE., To clinically validate the nursing diagnoses of the first Finnish version of Perioperative Nursing Data Set (PNDS) by using them in perioperative documentation. METHODS., Nursing diagnoses were used in documentation in four operating departments with 250 patients. In analysis, nonparametric tests were applied. FINDINGS., While intraoperatively nursing diagnoses focused on physiological concerns, postoperatively the focus shifted to that of recovery. CONCLUSIONS., The findings revealed the importance of safety-related routines in perioperative care. Nursing diagnoses in the Finnish version of PNDS are sensitive in describing the rationales for perioperative care. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE., Nursing classifications illustrate the nursing process in a structured form. Nursing diagnosis is an early step in the decision-making process that aims to achieve expected outcomes in nursing care. TARKOITUS:, Validoida PNDS-luokituksen suomalaisen version diagnoositermit käyttämällä niitä perioperatiivisen hoitotyön kirjaamisessa. MENETELMÄT:, Hoitotyön diagnooseja käytettiin kirjaamisessa 250 potilaan kohdalla. Aineiston analyysissä käytettiin ei-parametrisiä testejä. TULOKSET:, Hoidon intraoperatiivisessa vaiheessa korostuvat potilaan fysiologiaan liittyvät ja postoperatiivisessa vaiheessa potilaan toipumiseen liittyvät hoitotyön diagnoosit. JOHTOPÄÄTÖKSET:, Perioperatiivisessa hoitotyössä painottuvat potilaan hoidon turvallisuuteen tähtäävät rutiinit. PNDS-luokituksen suomalaisen version diagnoositermejä voidaan käyttää kuvaamaan leikkauspotilaiden hoidon tarpeita. TULOSTEN HYÖDYNNETTÄVYYS:, Hoitotyön prosessia voidaan kuvata rakenteisesti hoitotyön luokituksilla. Hoitotyön diagnoosin määrittäminen on osa päätöksentekoprosessia tavoitteena tunnistaa ja saavuttaa toivotut tulokset potilaan hoidossa. [source] Nursing Diagnoses and Interventions of Japanese Patients with End-Stage Breast Cancer Admitted for Different Care PurposesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 3-4 2005Chie Ogasawara RN PURPOSE.,To clarify actual nursing diagnoses for and interventions given to patients with end-stage breast cancer admitted for different care purposes. METHODS.,Nursing diagnoses, defining characteristics, related/risk factors, and nursing interventions were analyzed in a convenience sample of 150 patient records. FINDINGS.,A total of 539 nursing diagnoses (96 labels) were documented. Frequently listed diagnoses were chronic pain, risk for infection, and activity intolerance. The most frequently used nursing diagnosis for the chemotherapy group was risk for infection. The nurses in this study rarely report any diagnoses related to death and dying. CONCLUSIONS.,Nursing diagnoses and interventions differed depending on the purpose of admission. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,Oncology nurses need to consider the reasons for admission when making nursing diagnoses and interventions for patients with end-stage breast cancer. [source] Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Acute Wards in Switzerland and AustriaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 2003Harald Stefan PURPOSE To examine the frequency and quality of documented nursing diagnoses and to compare the diagnoses regarding ward and patient characteristics. METHODS The following data were collected from 11 acute care wards in five psychiatric hospitals in Switzerland and Austria: documented nursing diagnoses, demographic characteristics of an unselected sample of 30 consecutively discharged patients in each ward, ward data, and data from three randomly selected complete charts from each ward. Free-text diagnoses were recoded into NANDA terminology. Frequencies were calculated and compared across settings and regarding patient and ward characteristics. Diagnoses were examined for quality and structure of the diagnostic statements. FINDINGS Mean age of patients was 40 ± 13 years, and the main psychiatric diagnoses were schizophrenia, mood disorders, substance abuse, and neurotic and personality disorders. Of the 664 nursing diagnoses located in 330 nursing records, 635 were proper nursing diagnoses; 83% of patients had at least 1 nursing diagnosis (X,= 2). The number of diagnoses correlated weakly with patient length of stay. Of the nursing diagnoses, 20% were made on admission day, and the majority of nursing diagnoses was active at discharge. Ninety percent of the diagnoses were formulated using NANDA terminology. The most frequently used categories were coping-related diagnoses,disturbed thought processes and self-care deficits. Numerous problem,etiology,symptom (PES)formatted diagnoses had diagnostic labels nested within the etiology. Countryand setting-specific similarities and differences were found with a significantly higher number of nursing diagnoses in Austria where use is mandated. In Austria, more somatic nursing diagnoses were found. The most frequent nursing diagnoses were similar in both countries. DISCUSSION The number of diagnoses corresponds to results reported in the international literature suggesting the justification for international comparison. Ten categories represent 60% of nursing diagnoses. Approximately 50% of nursing diagnoses were made in the first days after hospitalization, rendering their use practicable. A minority of nursing diagnoses were discontinued, possibly suggesting that some problems are difficult to solve or evaluate. The PES format and the NANDA terminology are used quite extensively even when not mandatory. NANDA terminology is deemed useful and practical, but problems occur when nursing diagnoses CONCLUSIONS Nursing diagnoses represent the main areas of nursing, but cultural differences exist regarding the diagnostic process. Thus, research is needed to test the appropriateness of nursing diagnoses to characterize nursing populations. [source] Nursing diagnoses, interventions and outcomes , application and impact on nursing practice: systematic reviewJOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING, Issue 5 2006Maria Müller-Staub Head of Pflege PBS EdN MNS RN Aim., This paper reports a systematic review on the outcomes of nursing diagnostics. Specifically, it examines effects on documentation of assessment quality; frequency, accuracy and completeness of nursing diagnoses; and on coherence between nursing diagnoses, interventions and outcomes. Background., Escalating healthcare costs demand the measurement of nursing's contribution to care. Use of standardized terminologies facilitates this measurement. Although several studies have evaluated nursing diagnosis documentation and their relationship with interventions and outcomes, a systematic review has not been carried out. Method., A Medline, CINAHL, and Cochrane Database search (1982,2004) was conducted and enhanced by the addition of primary source and conference proceeding articles. Inclusion criteria were established and applied. Thirty-six articles were selected and subjected to thematic content analysis; each study was then assessed, and a level of evidence and grades of recommendations assigned. Findings., Nursing diagnosis use improved the quality of documented patient assessments (n = 14 studies), identification of commonly occurring diagnoses within similar settings (n = 10), and coherence among nursing diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes (n = 8). Four studies employed a continuing education intervention and found statistically significant improvements in the documentation of diagnoses, interventions and outcomes. However, limitations in diagnostic accuracy, reporting of signs/symptoms, and aetiology were also reported (14 studies). One meta-analysis of eight trials including 1497 patients showed no evidence that standardized electronic documentation of nursing diagnosis and related interventions led to better nursing outcomes. Conclusion., Despite variable results, the trend indicated that nursing diagnostics improved assessment documentation, the quality of interventions reported, and outcomes attained. The study reveals deficits in reporting of signs/symptoms and aetiology. Consequently, staff educational measures to enhance diagnostic accuracy are recommended. The relationships among diagnoses, interventions and outcomes require further evaluation. Studies are needed to determine the relationship between the quality of documentation and practice. [source] The Use of Nursing Diagnoses in Perioperative DocumentationINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 2 2010Kristiina Junttila PhD Hoitotyön kirjaaminen; hoitotyön diagnoosit; perioperatiivinen hoitotyö; Perioperative Nursing Data Set PURPOSE., To clinically validate the nursing diagnoses of the first Finnish version of Perioperative Nursing Data Set (PNDS) by using them in perioperative documentation. METHODS., Nursing diagnoses were used in documentation in four operating departments with 250 patients. In analysis, nonparametric tests were applied. FINDINGS., While intraoperatively nursing diagnoses focused on physiological concerns, postoperatively the focus shifted to that of recovery. CONCLUSIONS., The findings revealed the importance of safety-related routines in perioperative care. Nursing diagnoses in the Finnish version of PNDS are sensitive in describing the rationales for perioperative care. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE., Nursing classifications illustrate the nursing process in a structured form. Nursing diagnosis is an early step in the decision-making process that aims to achieve expected outcomes in nursing care. TARKOITUS:, Validoida PNDS-luokituksen suomalaisen version diagnoositermit käyttämällä niitä perioperatiivisen hoitotyön kirjaamisessa. MENETELMÄT:, Hoitotyön diagnooseja käytettiin kirjaamisessa 250 potilaan kohdalla. Aineiston analyysissä käytettiin ei-parametrisiä testejä. TULOKSET:, Hoidon intraoperatiivisessa vaiheessa korostuvat potilaan fysiologiaan liittyvät ja postoperatiivisessa vaiheessa potilaan toipumiseen liittyvät hoitotyön diagnoosit. JOHTOPÄÄTÖKSET:, Perioperatiivisessa hoitotyössä painottuvat potilaan hoidon turvallisuuteen tähtäävät rutiinit. PNDS-luokituksen suomalaisen version diagnoositermejä voidaan käyttää kuvaamaan leikkauspotilaiden hoidon tarpeita. TULOSTEN HYÖDYNNETTÄVYYS:, Hoitotyön prosessia voidaan kuvata rakenteisesti hoitotyön luokituksilla. Hoitotyön diagnoosin määrittäminen on osa päätöksentekoprosessia tavoitteena tunnistaa ja saavuttaa toivotut tulokset potilaan hoidossa. [source] |