Northern Poland (northern + poland)

Distribution by Scientific Domains

Selected Abstracts

Similarities and distinctions in Y chromosome gene pool of Western Slavs

Marcin Wo, niak
Abstract Analysis of Y chromosome Y-STRs has proven to be a useful tool in the field of population genetics, especially in the case of closely related populations. We collected DNA samples from 169 males of Czech origin, 80 males of Slovakian origin, and 142 males dwelling Northern Poland. We performed Y-STR analysis of 12 loci in the samples collected (PowerPlex Y system from Promega) and compared the Y chromosome haplotype frequencies between the populations investigated. Also, we used Y-STR data available from the literature for comparison purposes. We observed significant differences between Y chromosome pools of Czechs and Slovaks compared to other Slavic and European populations. At the same time we were able to point to a specific group of Y-STR haplotypes belonging to an R1a haplogroup that seems to be shared by Slavic populations dwelling in Central Europe. The observed Y chromosome diversity may be explained by taking into consideration archeological and historical data regarding early Slav migrations. Am J Phys Anthropol 142:540,548, 2010. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Hepatotoxic cyanobacterial blooms in the lakes of northern Poland

Joanna Mankiewicz
Abstract The lakes of northern Poland are among the recreational sites most valued by Polish and German holiday makers. Given the socioeconomic importance of these lakes, water quality should be maintained at high levels for such intensive recreational purposes. In 2002 studies of species composition, biomass, and toxin production by phytoplankton and the attendant physicochemical variables were performed in order to assess the risk of cyanobacterial blooms in selected northern lakes: Lakes Jeziorak, Jagodne, Szymoneckie, Szymon, Taltowisko, Siecino, and Trzesiecko. The research showed that total phosphorus (0.1 mg P/L) and total nitrogen (1.5 mg N/L) in the studied lakes almost exceeded the permissible limits for eutrophication of water bodies. Most phytoplankton samples were taken in late summer, when cyanobacteria were expected to reach their highest biomass. At the time of sampling most of the lakes were dominated by oscillatorialean and nostocalean species. Average chlorophyll-a concentration was higher than 10 ,g/L in almost all the lakes studied, which corresponded with an average microcystin concentration in the range of 4,5 ,g/L. The main microcystins in the analyzed samples were dmMC-RR, MC-RR, MC-YR, and MC-LR. The results demonstrated a potential for intensive cyanobacterial blooms to appear during the summer in northern Polish lakes. The levels of cyanobacteria found in the lakes investigated indicated that toxicity had reached the first-alert level according to World Health Organization recommendations. If microcystin-producing cyanobacteria dominate, with a microcystin concentration of 2,4 ,g/L, symptoms of toxicity can appear in the swimmers most sensitive to exposure. Analysis of cyanobacterial assemblages in northern Polish lakes also indicated a significant presence of Aphanizomenon species including a Scandinavian species, A. skujae (Skuja) Kom.-Legn. & Cronb. Future investigations of Polish lakes also should assess neurotoxins and study the biology of their producers. This study was the first attempt to evaluate the potential danger of toxic cyanobacterial blooms in the lakes of northern Poland. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Environ Toxicol 20: 499,506, 2005. [source]

Differentiation and Genetic Structure of Sclerophoma pythiophila Strains on Pinus sylvestris in Poland

Wojciech Kraj
Abstract Between 1996 and 2006, 97 strains of Sclerophoma pythiophila were isolated from 3 to 10-year-old trees of Pinus sylvestris from three regions of Poland differing by climatic conditions and geographic location. On the basis of 56 random amplified microsatellites (RAMS) markers obtained with the use of five primers, very high level of genetic variability of strains (mean Jaccard's coefficient 0.56) was ascertained. Among the analysed markers only one was completely monomorphic, whereas six were monomorphic in 90%. Greater genetic similarity was ascertained for strains in southern Poland (0.58) in comparison with strains deriving from northern Poland (0.52). Correlation between the percentage share of polymorphic loci and the average annual temperature of places of strain isolation (r = 0.62) were shown, as well as the number of days with snow cover (r = 0.79). On the basis of the amova analysis, it was ascertained that 11.6% of genetic variability was located between regions of the strains origin and 88.4% within the regions. [source]