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Kinds of New Zealand Terms modified by New Zealand Selected AbstractsTHE IMPACT OF REGULATORY COMPETITION ON THE INVESTMENT OF AUSTRALIAN UNIVERSITIES IN NEW ZEALANDECONOMIC PAPERS: A JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMICS AND POLICY, Issue 2 2005Malcolm Abbott In this paper the regulatory differences between Australia and New Zealand in higher education are examined to determine if they have encouraged the entry of Australian universities into the New Zealand education market. Some general observations are also made about the nature of regulatory competition and the manner in which it influences the development of the international education export industry. [source] CLOSER ECONOMIC RELATIONS BETWEEN AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND: SPECIALSIATION, COMPETITIVENESS, COMPLEMENTARITYECONOMIC PAPERS: A JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMICS AND POLICY, Issue 3 2003ELIZABETH PETERSEN First page of article [source] GLACIATION OF MT ALLEN, STEWART ISLAND (RAKIURA): THE SOUTHERN MARGIN OF LGM GLACIATION IN NEW ZEALANDGEOGRAFISKA ANNALER SERIES A: PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, Issue 2 2009MARTIN S. BROOK ABSTRACT. The origin of two ridges on the eastern slopes of Mt Allen, southern Stewart Island, has remained equivocal, with differences of opinion over the exact process-mechanisms of formation. A variety of approaches was used to test a number of possible hypotheses about the origin of the ridges. These include topographic and spatial positioning, geomorphology, sedimentology and palaeoclimatological extrapolations to reconstruct two small former cirque glaciers with equilibrium line altitudes (ELAs) of c. 600 m. It would appear the two ridges reflect a glacial origin, the glaciers interpreted as forming during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in New Zealand. Whilst glaciation during this time (18,19 ka) was extensive in the Southern Alps, the restricted nature of glaciation on Mt Allen suggests the low altitude restricted glaciation to niche sites on the lee side of upland areas. [source] MORE HEALTH SECTOR CHANGES IN NEW ZEALANDINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING PRACTICE, Issue 5 2000Alison Dixon Professor [source] FILLING HISTORY OF THE MAUI B FIELD, NEW ZEALAND: NEW INFORMATION FROM OIL INCLUSIONS IN AUTHIGENIC MINERALS FROM THE OIL LEG IN THE MAUI-B1 WELL F SANDSJOURNAL OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGY, Issue 3 2009S. D. Killops A study of the molecular composition of oil inclusions in the Maui field, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand, reveals compositional variation in oil during the filling history of the Paleocene reservoir. The homogenization temperatures of aqueous inclusions in quartz suggest that oil in genetically associated inclusions first reached the proto-Maui structure about 7.0,7.5 Ma ago, and that an effective trap was present at the Paleocene F-sands level, given the abundant oil inclusions. This date coincides with what is believed to represent the early stages of structural development of the trap. The Maui or Pihama sub-basin appears the most likely kitchen for this early charge. The quartz-included oil exhibits a biomarker distribution with a slightly more marine-influenced signature than an oil stain from the same core plug, oil included in authigenic feldspar, and oil-production samples from the overlying Eocene D sands as well as the F sands. The greater similarity of the feldspar-included oil to the production oils together with its possibly slightly lower maturity suggest that the feldspar inclusions formed later than the quartz inclusions. Otherwise, all oil samples examined (inclusion oil, oil / bitumen in sandstones and producible oil) are of similar maturity. [source] KINETICS OF NITRATE, AMMONIUM, AND UREA UPTAKE BY FOUR INTERTIDAL SEAWEEDS FROM NEW ZEALAND,JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY, Issue 3 2004Julia C. Phillips The competitive ability for N uptake by four intertidal seaweeds, Stictosiphonia arbuscula (Harvey) King et Puttock, Apophlaea lyallii Hook. f. et Harvey, Scytothamnus australis Hook. f. et Harvey, and Xiphophora gladiata (Labillardière) Montagne ex Harvey, from New Zealand is described by the uptake kinetics for NO3,, NH4+, and urea. This is the first study to report uptake kinetics for N uptake by a range of southern hemisphere intertidal seaweeds in relation to season and zonation. Species growing at the highest shore positions had higher NO3, and urea uptake at both high and low concentrations and had unsaturable NH4+ uptake in both summer and winter. Although there was evidence of some feedback inhibition of Vmax for NO3, uptake by Stictosiphonia arbuscula growing at the lower vertical limits of its range, rates were high compared with species growing lower on the shore. Our results highlight the superior competitive ability for N uptake of certain high intertidal seaweeds, and consistent with our previous findings we can conclude that intertidal seaweeds in southeast New Zealand are adapted to maximizing N acquisition in a potentially N-limiting environment. [source] COMPARATIVE MORPHOLOGY AND MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS OF THREE NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS KARENIA (DINOPHYCEAE) FROM NEW ZEALAND,JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY, Issue 1 2004Allison J. Haywood Three new dinoflagellate species, Karenia papilionacea sp. nov., Karenia selliformis sp. nov., and Karenia bidigitata sp. nov., were compared with the toxic species Karenia mikimotoi (Miyake & Kominami ex Oda) G. Hansen & Moestrup, Karenia brevis (Davis) G. Hansen & Moestrup, and Karenia brevisulcata (Chang) G. Hansen & Moestrup using the same fixative. Distinguishing morphological characters for the genus Karenia included a smooth theca and a linear apical groove. The new species can be distinguished on the basis of morphological characters of vegetative cells that include the location and shape of the nucleus; the relative excavation of the hypotheca; the characteristics of apical and sulcal groove extensions on the epitheca; the cellular shape, size, and symmetry; the degree of dorsoventral compression; and the presence of an apical protrusion or carina. Species with pronounced dorsoventral compression swim in a distinctive fluttering motion. An intercingular tubular structure traversing the proximal and distal ends of the cingulum is common to the species of Karenia, Karlodinium micrum (Leadbeater & Dodge) J. Larsen, Gymnodinium pulchellum J. Larsen, and Gyrodinium corsicum Paulmier. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of rDNA sequence alignments show that the new species are phylogenetically distinct but closely related to K. mikimotoi and K. brevis. [source] THE SHORT-TERM BEHAVIORAL REACTIONS OF BOTTLENOSE DOLPHINS TO INTERACTIONS WITH BOATS IN DOUBTFUL SOUND, NEW ZEALANDMARINE MAMMAL SCIENCE, Issue 4 2006David Lusseau Abstract Doubtful Sound is home to one of the southernmost resident populations of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.). This population regularly interacts with scenic cruises. During these interactions, dolphins tend to horizontally and vertically avoid vessels, especially when the behavior of these vessels is intrusive. This study aimed at understanding the behavioral reactions of individuals to these interactions that lead to the disruption of the school's behavioral state. Observing the behavioral events performed by individuals during an interaction can help define the short-term reactions elicited by the boat presence. I recorded the behavioral events performed by all individuals of focal schools. The frequency of occurrence of all events was compared depending on the presence of vessels, their behavior, and the behavioral state of the focal school. Dolphins tended to perform more side flops while interacting with powerboats, a behavior which may be used as a non-vocal communication tool. Moreover, the movement of dolphins became more erratic during interactions with all types of vessels. These effects increased when the boats were more intrusive while interacting. This study shows that the impact of interaction with boats can be minimized if the vessels respect the guidelines in place. [source] CAPTURE-RECAPTURE ESTIMATES OF HECTOR'S DOLPHIN ABUNDANCE AT BANKS PENINSULA, NEW ZEALANDMARINE MAMMAL SCIENCE, Issue 2 2005Andrew M. Gormley Abstract Capture-recapture techniques have been extensively used to estimate survival rates of Hector's dolphins at Banks Peninsula, but not abundance. We analyzed nine seasons of photo-identification data using a model-fitting approach in the computer program MARK, and then used MARK's estimates of capture probabilities to calculate the abundance of distinctive individuals. We extrapolated these estimates to include unmarked individuals using five seasons of data on the proportion of identifiable individuals in this population, obtained from "random photography." This capture-recapture approach suggests a 1996 population of about 1,100 (CV = 0.21). This is very similar to the 1997 line-transect estimate of about 900 (CV = 0.28), especially considering that the two techniques do not necessarily measure the same thing. An important advantage of the capture-recapture approach stems from the inherent versatility of photo-ID data. If the sampling design is appropriate, an unbiased abundance estimate can be achieved as a spin-off from work directed at other questions. However, in our view, line-transect estimates are easier to interpret because the sampling design is explicit. [source] MINISTERIAL ADVISERS, POLITICIZATION AND THE RETREAT FROM WESTMINSTER: THE CASE OF NEW ZEALANDPUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, Issue 3 2007CHRIS EICHBAUM Political advisers are an established third element in a number of Westminster-styled jurisdictions, as they are in New Zealand's institution of executive government. In this paper we report the initial findings of a research project focusing on the role and accountabilities of ministerial advisers in New Zealand. We locate these findings in the context of a growing body of international and comparative research on the role and accountabilities of non civil- or public-service advisers within political executives and comment on the extent to which the findings affirm or refute the view that the ,third element' constitutes a threat to the continued application of Westminster principles and practices in New Zealand's system of government , once described as more Westminster than Westminster. In doing so, we highlight deficiencies in standard conceptions of politicization and argue that there is a need to more clearly differentiate between its procedural and substantive dimensions. [source] LIVER TRANSPLANTATION IN AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALANDANZ JOURNAL OF SURGERY, Issue 8 2008DPhil (Oxon), FRACS, Justin A. Roake MBChB No abstract is available for this article. [source] WEEKDAY-ONLY POLLING AND PARTISAN SUPPORT LEVELS: EVIDENCE FROM NEW ZEALANDAUSTRALIAN & NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF STATISTICS, Issue 1 2009Rob Salmond Summary Some scholars have argued that opinion polls conducted only on weekday evenings are likely to be biased in favour of right-wing parties, but there is no scholarly consensus on this. This paper presents evidence from New Zealand suggesting that weekday-only polling consistently increases the reported support levels for right-wing parties. Polls conducted only on weekdays in New Zealand give estimated support levels for the major right-leaning party approximately five percentage points higher than do concurrent polls that survey voters both on weekdays and during the weekend. Results for left-leaning parties are also broadly consistent with this effect. [source] ,LONG SLOW BOOM'?: MANUFACTURING IN NEW ZEALAND, 1945,70AUSTRALIAN ECONOMIC HISTORY REVIEW, Issue 1 2006Article first published online: 8 MAR 200, Jim McAloon industrialisation; management; New Zealand; productivity change Many studies of post-war New Zealand economy are highly critical both of economic policy and of the business sector, emphasising protection, complacency and sclerosis. This article argues that such accounts are excessively simplistic and, by analysing the structure and performance of New Zealand manufacturing during 1945,70, suggests that there was considerable innovation in both technological and organisational spheres. The result was that, to a greater extent than current accounts allow, New Zealand manufacturing pursued efficiency and international competitiveness. [source] COINTEGRATION OF STOCK MARKETS BETWEEN NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA AND THE G7 ECONOMIES: SEARCHING FOR CO-MOVEMENT UNDER STRUCTURAL CHANGEAUSTRALIAN ECONOMIC PAPERS, Issue 3 2005PARESH KUMAR NARAYAN This paper examines whether the New Zealand equity market is integrated with the equity markets of Australia and the G7 economies by applying both the Johansen (1988) and Gregory and Hansen (1996) approaches to cointegration. The Johansen (1988) test suggests that there is no long-run relationship between the New Zealand stock market and any of the other stock markets considered in the study. The Gregory and Hansen (1996) test finds that the New Zealand and United States stock market is cointegrated, but the New Zealand stock market is not cointegrated with the other stock markets in the study. This suggests that in order to avoid some of the risk through international portfolio diversification there is potential for investors to purchase shares in the New Zealand market and either the Australian market or most of the world's leading equity markets. [source] TAXING TIMES: STATE-LED INCOME REDISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND'S ,GOLDEN AGE'AUSTRALIAN ECONOMIC HISTORY REVIEW, Issue 3 2006Article first published online: 20 OCT 200, James Reveley income redistribution; labour; net-tax; New Zealand Welfarism has been posited as central to how the state fostered the integration of the working class into the post-war economic order. However, analysis of national accounts data from 1949 to 1975 shows that New Zealand's welfare state redistributed income primarily from one fraction of the working class to another. That is, wage-earners financed their own collective consumption. This finding suggests that system integration effects of state welfare expenditure are predicated less on economic gains that accrue to labour, than they are on state-sponsored welfare discourse. Future research should therefore concentrate on both economic and discursive aspects of the welfare state. [source] Conflict resolution education in the Asian PacificCONFLICT RESOLUTION QUARTERLY, Issue 1 2007Bruce E. Barnes Conflict Resolution Education (CRE) is taking hold in the Oceania-Island Pacific-East Asia and Southeast Asia region. This article highlights several promising programs from New Zealand-Aotearoa, Singapore, Hong Kong, Fiji, and Australia. Peer mediation programs range from the Cool Schools programs present in more than half of all the schools in New Zealand to newer programs in Singapore. Restorative justice programs are operating in New Zealand, Australia, and Hong Kong. International efforts in both CR and CRE by universities in the region are discussed, highlighting regional centers in South Australia (uniSA) and Queensland (ACPACS). Information is also given about the Asia Pacific Mediation Forum, which will be presenting its third regional conference in June 2008 in Malaysia. [source] Responses of Tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus) to Removal of Introduced Pacific Rats from IslandsCONSERVATION BIOLOGY, Issue 4 2007DAVID R. TOWNS erradicación de rata del Pacífico; especie invasora; índice de condición corporal; tuatara Abstract:,Invasive mammalian predators such as rats are now widespread on islands, but hypotheses about their effects have rarely been tested. Circumstantial evidence from New Zealand indicates that, when introduced to islands, Pacific rats (Rattus exulans) have negative effects on endemic plants, invertebrates, birds, and reptiles, including the tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus). We tested the effects of Pacific rats on tuatara by comparing the demographic structure and body condition of tuatara populations on three islands before and after removal of rats and on a fourth island where rats remained. In the presence of rats, juvenile tuatara constituted on average 0,5% of the sample tuatara populations. When Pacific rats were removed after at least 200 years' occupancy, the proportion of juvenile tuatara increased 3.5- to 17-fold and body condition of adult males and females also improved (sometimes dramatically). We predict that, unless Pacific rats are removed from Taranga Island, the tuatara population will collapse because of low population density and the lack of juvenile recruitment. Our results demonstrate that when invasive species exert subtle effects on recruitment and body condition, the effects on populations of long-lived endemic species may only become apparent long after the invasion. Resumen:,Actualmente, los depredadores mamíferos invasores, como las ratas, están ampliamente extendidos en islas, pero las hipótesis sobre sus efectos han sido probadas pocas veces. Evidencia circunstancial de Nueva Zelanda indica que, cuando son introducidas a islas, las ratas del Pacífico (Rattus exulans) tienen un efecto negativo sobre plantas, invertebrados, aves y reptiles endémicos, incluyendo el tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus). Probamos los efectos de ratas del Pacífico sobre tuatara mediante la comparación de la estructura demográfica y la condición corporal de poblaciones de tuatara en tres islas antes y después de la remoción de ratas y en una cuarta isla donde permanecían las ratas. En la presencia de ratas, tuatara juveniles constituían, en promedio, 0,5% de las poblaciones de tuatara. Cuando las ratas eran removidas después de por lo menos 200 años de ocupación, la proporción de tuatara juveniles incremento entre 3.5 y 17 veces y la condición corporal de los machos y hembras adultas también mejoró (algunas veces dramáticamente). Pronosticamos que, a menos que las ratas del Pacífico sean removidas de la Isla Taranga, las poblaciones de tuatara se colapsarán debido a una densidad poblacional baja y por la ausencia de reclutamiento de juveniles. Nuestros resultados demuestran que cuando las especies invasoras ejercen efectos sutiles sobre el reclutamiento y la condición corporal, los efectos sobre las poblaciones de especies endémicas longevas se vuelven aparentes mucho tiempo después de la invasión. [source] A Review of Feral Cat Eradication on IslandsCONSERVATION BIOLOGY, Issue 2 2004MANUEL NOGALES efecto de depredación; erradicación; Felis catus; gato asilvestrado; islas Abstract:,Feral cats are directly responsible for a large percentage of global extinctions, particularly on islands. We reviewed feral cat eradication programs with the intent of providing information for future island conservation actions. Most insular cat introductions date from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, whereas successful eradication programs have been carried out in the last 30 years, most in the last decade. Globally, feral cats have been removed from at least 48 islands: 16 in Baja California (Mexico), 10 in New Zealand, 5 in Australia, 4 in the Pacific Ocean, 4 in Seychelles, 3 in the sub-Antarctic, 3 in Macaronesia (Atlantic Ocean), 2 in Mauritius, and 1 in the Caribbean. The majority of these islands (75%; n= 36) are small (,5 km2). The largest successful eradication campaign took place on Marion Island (290 km2), but cats have been successfully removed from only 10 islands (21%) of ,10 km2. On Cousine Island (Seychelles) cat density reached 243 cats/km2, but on most islands densities did not exceed 79.2 cats/km2 (n= 22; 81%). The most common methods in successful eradication programs were trapping and hunting (often with dogs; 91% from a total of 43 islands). Frequently, these methods were used together. Other methods included poisoning (1080; monofluoracetate in fish baits; n= 13; 31%), secondary poisoning from poisoned rats (n= 4; 10%), and introduction of viral disease (feline panleucopaenia; n= 2; 5%). Impacts from cat predation and, more recently, the benefits of cat eradications have been increasingly documented. These impacts and benefits, combined with the continued success of eradication campaigns on larger islands, show the value and role of feral cat eradications in biodiversity conservation. However, new and more efficient techniques used in combination with current techniques will likely be needed for success on larger islands. Resumen:,Los gatos asilvestrados han sido responsables directos de un gran número de extinciones, particularmente en islas. En este estudio, se revisan los programas de erradicación de este felino con el fin de ofrecer información de utilidad en futuras acciones de conservación en islas. La mayor parte de las introducciones datan de los siglos diecinueve y veinte, mientras que las erradicaciones han sido realizadas básicamente durante los últimos 30 años, y sobre todo en la última década. Los gatos asilvestrados han sido erradicados de al menos 48 islas: 16 de ellas en Baja California (México), 10 en Nueva Zelanda, 5 en Australia, 4 en el Océano Pacífico, 4 en Seychelles, 3 en la Región Subantártica, 3 en Macaronesia (Océano Atlántico), 2 en Mauricio, y una en el Caribe. La mayoría de éstas (75%; n= 36) son de reducidas dimensiones (,5 km2), mientras que la más extensa es Marion Island (290 km2). En tan sólo 10 islas (21%) , 10 km2 se ha podido erradicar este depredador. En Cousine Island (Seychelles) la densidad de gatos alcanzó 243 individuos/km2; sin embargo, en la mayoría de las islas, las densidades no excedieron los 79,2 individuos/km2 (n= 22; 81%). Los métodos más comúnmente empleados fueron el trampeo y la caza, a menudo con perros (91% de un total de 43 islas). Con frecuencia dichas prácticas fueron empleadas conjuntamente. Otros métodos incluyeron venenos (1080, monofluoracetato de sodio en cebos de pescado: n= 13; 31%), envenenamiento secundario con ratas envenenadas (n= 4; 10%) y el virus de la leucemia felina (n= 2; 5%). La información sobre el efecto negativo de los gatos en islas y, más recientemente, el beneficio de su erradicación, se ha ido dando a conocer paulatinamente, poniendo de manifiesto su importancia en la conservación de la biodiversidad insular. No obstante, la combinación de técnicas nuevas y más eficientes junto con las habituales, será necesaria para el éxito de la erradicación de los gatos en islas de grandes dimensiones. [source] Business partnerships with nonprofits: working to solve mutual problems in New Zealand,CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, Issue 6 2009Gabriel Eweje Abstract This paper examines partnerships between business organizations and nonprofits. Collaboration is becoming increasingly essential as organizations grow in both size and influence, and public pressure intensifies for organizations to address pressing social issues and environmental concerns. Social partnerships between business and nonprofits are widely promoted as an important new strategy which will bring significant benefits to society. A key concern in business/nonprofits collaboration is how organizations might collaborate to achieve mutually beneficial objectives that also align with corporate social responsibility. This research seeks to extend our understanding of social partnerships using an unexamined contextual setting , New Zealand. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. [source] PATHWAYS TO SEX-BASED DIFFERENTIATION IN CRIMINAL COURT SENTENCINGCRIMINOLOGY, Issue 2 2003SAMANTHA JEFFRIES Using a matched sampling method, this research examined the process of sex-based differentiation in sentencing outcomes for 194 men and 194 women, sentenced over a seven-year period in Christchurch, New Zealand. Consistent with past research, our results showed that judicial processing treated women more leniently than men. Path analyses revealed that judges were less likely to sentence women than men to imprisonment terms because of gendered information and decisions made earlier in the judicial process, such as criminal history, length of custodial remands, and pre-sentence recommendations by probation officers. In contrast, judges exercised considerable leniency towards women (compared with men) in setting the length of prison terms, even after statistically controlling for all sex-differentiated factors such as criminal history. Explanations and implications are discussed. [source] In-hospital breast feeding rates among women with gestational diabetes and pregestational Type 2 diabetes in South AucklandDIABETIC MEDICINE, Issue 2 2005D. Simmons Abstract Aim To describe the uptake of breast feeding in mothers with either Type 2 diabetes or gestational diabetes (GDM) in a hospital serving a multiethnic community in South Auckland, New Zealand. Research design and methods A retrospective study of all women attending the Diabetes in Pregnancy clinic over a 4-year period was undertaken: 30 women had Type 2 diabetes and 373 GDM. Results Compared with mothers with GDM, mothers with Type 2 diabetes were less likely to breast feed in any way as the first feed (41.4% vs. 68.0%, P = 0.011) or at discharge (69.0% vs. 84.0%, P = 0.039). In the combined group, there were no differences in uptake of breast feeding by ethnicity, age, parity, body mass index, smoking or antenatal glycaemia, use of insulin or presence of hypertension. Breast feeding on discharge was associated with a higher APGAR score, breast feeding as the first feed (78.2% vs. 19.4%, P < 0.001) and lower rates of delivery by Caesarean section (17.0% vs. 31.8%, P = 0.006). Logistic regression showed breast feeding as the first feed, the major determinant for breast feeding on discharge. Conclusions Factors delaying breast feeding as the first feed are the major determinant of breast feeding on discharge. Strategies to increase breast feeding as the first feed among women with Type 2 diabetes, and those having a Caesarean section, may be useful in increasing the uptake of breast feeding in the longer term. [source] Community forensic psychiatry: restoring some sanity to forensic psychiatric rehabilitationACTA PSYCHIATRICA SCANDINAVICA, Issue 2002J. Skipworth Objective:, To review clinical and legal paradigms of community forensic mental health care, with specific focus on New Zealand, and to develop a clinically based set of guiding principles for service development in this area. Method:, The general principles of rehabilitating mentally disordered offenders, and assertive community care programmes were reviewed and applied to the law and policy in a New Zealand forensic mental health setting. Results: There is a need to develop comprehensive community treatment programmes for mentally disordered offenders. The limited available research supports assertive community treatment models, with specialist forensic input. Ten clinically based principles of care provision important to forensic mental health assertive community treatment were developed. Conclusion:, Deinstitutionalization in forensic psychiatry lags behind the rest of psychiatry, but can only occur with well-supported systems in place to assess and manage risk in the community setting. The development of community-based forensic rehabilitation services in conjunction with general mental health is indicated. [source] Inferring historical introduction pathways with mitochondrial DNA: the case of introduced Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) into New ZealandDIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS, Issue 5 2007Steve E. Corin ABSTRACT The threat imposed by invasive species and difficulties associated with control and management places more impetus on trying to prevent their introduction. The identification of introduction pathways is a vital component towards this goal. In this study, we use a genetic marker-based approach to retrospectively investigate the pathway of origin of the invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) into New Zealand. We intensively sample the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b, from the entire known range of Argentine ants in New Zealand. No genetic variation was found in New Zealand. In order to identify likely introduction pathways, we use two alternative genetic analyses and suggest that a tcs approach that collapses identical haplotypes and calculates the probability of parsimony is superior to standard phylogenetic tree-building algorithms. A minimum spanning network allowed relationships to be examined among sequences collated from previous international studies. The cytochrome b sequence, when compared to a global database, matched that from an Australian population. That Australia is the potential source of Argentine ants is in agreement with the New Zealand interception record, as goods from Australia have the highest number of interception records of Argentine ants. Our approach can easily be duplicated for other organisms and the methodology can be more widely applied to help aid further efforts to identify the routes of transmission for other invasive species and allow us to efficiently direct our biosecurity monitoring effort. [source] Determinants for the successful establishment of exotic ants in New ZealandDIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS, Issue 4 2005Philip J. Lester ABSTRACT Biological invasions can dramatically alter ecosystems. An ability to predict the establishment success for exotic species is important for biosecurity and conservation purposes. I examine the exotic New Zealand ant fauna for characteristics that predict or determine an exotic species' ability to establish. Quarantine records show interceptions of 66 ant species: 17 of which have established, 43 have failed to establish, whereas nests of another six are periodically observed but have failed to establish permanently (called ,ephemeral' establishment). Mean temperature at the highest latitude and interception variables were the only factors significantly different between established, failed or ephemeral groups. Aspects of life history, such as competitive behaviour and morphology, were not different between groups. However, in a stepwise discriminant analysis, small size was a key factor influencing establishment success. Interception rate and climate were also secondarily important. The resulting classification table predicted establishment success with 71% accuracy. Because not all exotic species are represented in quarantine records, a further discriminant model is described without interception data. Though with less accuracy (65%) than the full model, it still correctly predicted the success or failure of four species not used in the previous analysis. Techniques for improving the prediction accuracy are discussed. Predicting which species will establish in a new area appears an achievable goal, which will be a valuable tool for conservation biology. [source] Youth retention: Factors associated with treatment drop-out from youth alcohol and other drug treatmentDRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW, Issue 6 2009RIA SCHRODER Abstract Introduction and Aims. This study examined factors associated with treatment drop-out among young people aged 13,19 years attending alcohol and other drug (AOD) treatment. Design and Methods. Data were gathered from structured interviews (n = 79) and a clinical file search of 184 randomly selected young people who had attended youth specific AOD treatment services in Aotearoa, New Zealand during 2003 or 2004. Results. The median length of stay was 2.7 months for those attending day/residential services (n = 42) and 4.0 sessions for those attending outpatient services (n = 37) 16.7% of participants from day/residential services dropped out of treatment early (within the first month) and 32.4% of participants from outpatient treatment services dropped out of treatment early (before the third session). Fixed client characteristics, such as age, sex, ethnicity, substance use and mental health diagnoses were not found to be associated with treatment retention. Dynamic client characteristics, such as motivation to attend treatment and expectations about treatment outcomes and program characteristics, such as positive experiences with treatment staff and feeling involved in the treatment process were found to be associated with treatment retention. Discussion and Conclusions. The findings of this study support previous research indicating that fixed client characteristics are not sufficient to explain youth retention in AOD treatment. Of more use are dynamic client characteristics and program variables. These findings stress the potential for improving treatment retention by creating more youth appropriate services.[Schroder R, Sellman D, Frampton C, Deering D. Youth retention: Factors associated with treatment drop-out from youth alcohol and other drug treatment. Drug Alcohol Rev 2009] [source] Warnings on alcohol containers and advertisements: International experience and evidence on effectsDRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW, Issue 4 2009CLAIRE WILKINSON Abstract Issues. In light of possible introduction of alcohol warning labels in Australia and New Zealand, this paper discusses the international experience with and evidence of effects of alcohol warning labels. Approach. The report describes international experience with providing information and warnings concerning the promotion or sale of alcoholic beverages, and considers the evidence on the effects of such information and warnings. The experience with and evaluations of the effects of tobacco warning labels are also considered. Key Findings. The most methodologically sound evaluations of alcohol warning labels are based on the US experience. Although these evaluations find little evidence that the introduction of the warning label in the USA had an impact on drinking behaviour, there is evidence that they led to an increase in awareness of the message they contained. In contrast, evaluations of tobacco warning labels find clear evidence of effects on behaviour. Implications. There is a need and opportunity for a rigorous evaluation of the impacts of introducing alcohol warning labels to add to the published work on their effectiveness. The experience with tobacco labels might guide the way for more effective alcohol warning labels. Conclusion. Alcohol warning labels are an increasingly popular alcohol policy initiative. It is clear that warning labels can be ineffective, but the tobacco experience suggests that effective warning labels are possible. Any introduction of alcohol warning labels should be evaluated in terms of effects on attitudes and behaviour.[Wilkinson C, Room R. Warnings on alcohol containers and advertisements: International experience and evidence on effects. Drug Alcohol Rev 2009;28:426,435] [source] Two ways of estimating the euro value of the illicit market for cannabis in FranceDRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW, Issue 5 2008STEPHANE LEGLEYE Abstract Introduction. The most recent health surveys in general population are used in order to estimate the annual market size for cannabis in France in 2005. Methods. Two methods for arriving at an estimate are proposed: the first based on reported consumption, the other on reported expenditure on cannabis. Results. The annual sales figure for cannabis in France is between746 and 832 million euros. Men's expenditure accounts for between 80 and 85% of total expenditure and those aged between 15 and 24 years account for the greatest part of the size of the cannabis market, between 57 and 60%, depending upon the method. Conclusions. According to these estimates, consumers' average annual expenditure on cannabis is around ,202 in France, compared to estimates obtained for New Zealand and Holland (,124) and the United States (,362). [source] Ready to drinks are associated with heavier drinking patterns among young femalesDRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW, Issue 4 2008TAISIA HUCKLE Abstract Aim. To report patterns of use of ready to drinks (RTDs) and to assess if RTD consumers have heavier drinking patterns. RTDs were introduced in 1995. Method. Data from a general population sample of 7201 respondents aged 14,65 years, in New Zealand in 2004, were modelled. Results. Nineteen per cent of respondents consumed RTDs. Respondents aged 14,17 and 18,24 years and females were the largest consumers of RTDs. Compared to beer, wine or spirits, being an RTD consumer predicted (1) higher typical occasion quantities for respondents aged 14,17, 18,24 and 25+ years and (2) heavier drinking for those aged 14,17 and 18,24 years. When amounts of beverages consumed were modelled, quantity of RTDs predicted higher typical occasion quantities among females of all ages. Among males beer was more predictive. Similar results were found for the heavier drinking measure. For 14,17-year-old females, RTDs consumption predicted higher annual frequency, but for the other females and males the amount of wine or beer consumed predicted higher frequency. Conclusion. RTDs were most popular among young people aged 14,17 years, and females. RTDs predicted higher typical occasion alcohol consumption and heavier drinking better than any other beverage for females aged 14,17 years. For the other age and gender groups, other beverages predicted higher quantity and frequency consumption. [source] Legal piperazine-containing party pills-a new trend in substance misuseDRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW, Issue 3 2007JANIE SHERIDAN In this Harm Reduction Digest Sheridan, Butler, Wilkins and Russell address the emergent phenomenon of so-called ,legal party pills' which have become a significant drug issue in New Zealand and elsewhere. Although banned in a number of countries, they are currently legally available in New Zealand where they are marketed as ,safe' alternatives' to ,illicit' drugs often used in the dance scene such as MDMA and amphetamines. The authors describe the availability and use of these substances in New Zealand, summarize what is known about their effects, and speculate on harm reduction interventions and mechanisms of control and their possible sequelae. The paper provides a timely account of an emerging drug issue of relevance to harm reduction internationally. [source] Poppy seed tea and opiate abuse in New ZealandDRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW, Issue 2 2007KLARE BRAYE Abstract The opium poppy Papaver somniferum contains an array of opiates. There is a variety of methods of preparation that can be used by people with opiate dependence, with patterns of use determined by numerous factors including cost, safety, potency and legal status. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency and nature of poppy seed tea (PST) use by opiate-dependent patients in the form of a written questionnaire. The study took place at the Community Alcohol and Drug Clinic, Wellington, New Zealand, and comprised 24 opiate-dependent patients attending the clinic. A total of 11 of 24 (46%) patients reported having used PST. In five patients currently using PST it represented the major source of opiates, and two had managed to withdraw from use of other opiates with regular PST use. Patients reported a median onset of action of 15 minures and an effect lasting a median of 24 hours. The major limitation of PST use was the foul taste. PST is used commonly by opiate-dependent patients attending an alcohol and drug clinic in New Zealand. The use of PST as the major source of opiates could be considered favourably within ,harm reduction' philosophies, because of its low cost, legal availability and oral route of administration. Conversely, there is the potential for PST to act as a ,gateway drug' by inducing opioid dependence and introducing people to the culture of drug abuse. [source] |