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  • Selected Abstracts


    FAMILY COURT REVIEW, Issue 2 2006
    Jeremy Glicksman
    The quandary of Jewish women unable to remarry because of their husbands' refusal to grant them religious divorces is a real problem affecting real people. Husbands are wielding this lopsided power to "extort" money from their wives, obtain favorable child custody settlements, property settlements, and child support payments. The burgeoning divorce rate is certain to exacerbate this problem. Already, this situation has garnered international attention. In the wake of New York's legislative attempt to remedy this problem, countries, including the United Kingdom and Australia, have promulgated legislative solutions to this dilemma. New York is the only state in the United States to pass such a statute. Unfortunately, New York's statute is flawed because it is of limited applicability and still allows for situations in which the Jewish wife is civilly divorced but religiously married. This Note proposes amending New York's statute to make it applicable to any and all divorce proceedings and to any barrier to remarriage. This Note will further recommend that the proposed amended statute should be adopted worldwide. [source]

    Myocardial Perfusion As Assessed by Positron Emission Tomography During Long-Term Mechanical Circulatory Support

    George V. Letsou MD
    Although mechanical circulatory support (MCS) can improve myocardial function in patients with advanced heart failure, its effects on relative myocardial perfusion are unclear. Using positron emission tomographic imaging techniques, the authors assessed relative myocardial perfusion in patients with ischemic or idiopathic cardiomyopathy who were receiving chronic MCS with a left ventricular assist device (pulsatile HeartMate [n=2] [Thoratec Corporation, Pleasanton, CA] or nonpulsatile Jarvik 2000 [n=4] [Jarvik Heart, Inc., New York, NY]). Relative myocardial perfusion was compared at lower and higher levels of MCS (50 vs. 100,110 ejections/min for the HeartMate and 8000 vs. 12,000 rpm for the Jarvik 2000). The size and severity of perfusion defects at rest and after dipyridamole stress were measured objectively and subjectively by computer algorithms and visual inspection, respectively. Relative myocardial perfusion increased >5% from baseline in only one of six patients when MCS was increased. No change in relative myocardial perfusion of >5% was seen in any of the other five patients, even after subsequent dipyridamole stress positron emission tomographic imaging. These pilot study findings suggest that the decreased metabolic requirements induced by ventricular unloading correspondingly decreased blood flow requirements to physiologically inactive myocardium. [source]

    Landscape Context Moderates Edge Effects: Nesting Success of Wood Thrushes in Central New York

    We studied abundance and nesting success in Wood Thrushes (Hylocichla mustelina) breeding across a heterogeneous landscape in central New York from 1998 to 2000 to test the hypothesis that edge effects on nesting passerines are stronger in fragmented than contiguous landscapes. We monitored nests to estimate nesting success in edge and interior habitats in both fragmented and contiguously forested landscapes. In contiguous landscapes, daily survival rate did not differ between edge nests (0.963) and interior nests (0.968) (,2= 0.19, p = 0.66). In contrast, in fragmented landscapes, daily survival estimates were higher in interior (0.971) than edge (0.953) nests (,2= 3.1, p = 0.08). Our study supports the hypothesis that landscape composition moderates edge effects on actual nests of birds but does not determine the mechanisms causing these patterns. Resumen:,No obstante dos décadas de investigación sobre fragmentación de hábitat y efecto de borde sobre aves anidantes, aun se carece de información sobre el efecto de borde sobre el éxito de nidos naturales de aves migratorias neotropicales que se reproducen en pasajes heterogéneos. Estudiamos la abundancia y éxito de anidación de Hylocichla mustelina en un paisaje heterogéneo en el centro de New York de 1998 , 2000 para probar la hipótesis de que el efecto de borde sobre paserinas anidantes eran mayores en paisajes fragmentados que en continuos. Monitoreamos nidos para estimar el éxito en hábitats de borde y de interior en paisajes tanto con bosques continuos como discontinuos. En paisajes continuos, la tasa de supervivencia diaria no difirió entre nidos de borde (0.963) y nidos de interior (0.968) (,2= 0.19, p = 0.66). En contraste, en paisajes fragmentados, las estimaciones de supervivencia diaria fueron mayores en nidos del interior (0.971) que del borde (0.953) (,2= 3.1, p = 0.08). Nuestro estudio soporta la hipótesis de que la composición del paisaje modera los efectos de borde sobre nidos de aves, pero no determina los mecanismos que causan estos patrones. [source]

    Childhood predictors of adult criminality: are all risk factors reflected in childhood aggressiveness?

    L. Rowell Huesmann
    Background Early aggressive behaviour is one of the best predictors of adult criminality. Aim To assess the degree to which family background variables, parental beliefs and behaviour and child intelligence predict child aggression and adult criminality. Method Data were used from the Colombia County Longitudinal Study, a longitudinal study of 856 children in third grade in New York, in 1959,60. Adult measures of criminal behaviour, child measures taken at age eight, child peer-nominated aggression, child's peer-nominated popularity, child's IQ and parental measures at eight years were used. Results Aggressive children were less intelligent, less popular, rejected more by their parents, had parents who believed in punishment, were less identified with their parents' self-image and were less likely to express guilt. As adults, more aggressive children with parents who were less well educated, experienced more marital disharmony and who seldom attended church were most at risk for arrest. However, after the effect of early aggression was controlled, most effects disappeared and only parents having a strong belief in punishment added significantly to risk of arrest by age 30; the only fact that then reduced the risk of arrest was having parents who attended church often. Both parental authoritarianism and child IQ reduced the risk of conviction for arrested children. Discussion Level of aggression at age eight is the best predictor of criminal events over the next 22 years. A clear implication is that the risk for criminality is affected by much that happens to a boy before he is eight years old. Preventive interventions need to target risk factors that appear to influence the development of early aggression. Copyright © 2002 Whurr Publishers Ltd. [source]

    Struggle: A History of "Mere" Ideas

    CURRICULUM INQUIRY, Issue 2 2010
    An essay review of The Struggle for the American Curriculum, 1893,1958 (3rd edition). (Kliebard, Herbert M. New York: Routledge, 2004. [Original publication, 1986; 2nd edition, 1995]) [source]

    Dental trauma that require fixation in a children's hospital

    Timothy Bruns
    Complex injuries to permanent teeth and their periodontium require immediate repositioning and stabilization. Many of these emergencies are treated by pediatric dental residents at the Women and Children's Hospital of Buffalo, Buffalo, New York. The purpose of this study was to characterize these complex injuries of permanent teeth that require emergency treatment in a Children's Hospital. All of the cases of dental trauma which had involved permanent teeth and which had been treated with a splint in 2001 and 2002 were reviewed. There were 79 patients that were between 5 and 19 years of age with twice as many males (54) as females (25). The number of males increased from childhood (5,10 years) to early adolescence (11,15 years) and then decreased rapidly in late adolescence (16,19 years), whereas the number of females decreased steadily with age. Most of the incidents occurred during the summer months (72%), particularly in June and July (42%), and Fridays and Saturdays were the busiest days of the week. Most of the injuries were caused by organized and recreational sporting activities (39%) and accidental falls (33%), followed by interpersonal violence (15%) and a few motor vehicle accidents (7%). The 173 permanent tooth injuries were mostly luxations (62%) or avulsions (20%), with only a few fractures of the alveolar bone (5%) or tooth root (1%). Most of the displacements were lateral luxations (40%) or extrusions (18%) with only a few intrusions (3%). These injuries most commonly afflicted the maxillary central incisors (54%), followed by the maxillary laterals (18%) and mandibular centrals (17%). The emergency treatment that was provided at the Children's Hospital included replantation and repositioning, and the placement of a semi-rigid or flexible splint. [source]

    Beijing Plus Ten: An Ambivalent Record on Gender Justice

    Maxine Molyneux
    The 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women (the ,Beijing Conference') was a landmark in policy terms, setting a global policy framework to advance gender equality. Ten years after Beijing, in March 2005, the UN's Commission on the Status of Women presided over an intergovernmental meeting in New York to review the progress achieved on the commitments made in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. This ,Plus 10' event was decidedly low key. Its aim was not agenda setting but agenda confirming; not policy formulation but policy affirmation. Whether it proves to be part of an ongoing worldwide movement in support of gender equality, or whether it marks the decline of that process, is a question that many in international women's movements are asking. This article, drawing on research undertaken for the UNRISD report, Gender Equality: Striving for Justice in an Unequal World, reflects on the ambivalent record of progress achieved by women over the last decades and considers how the policy environment has changed over the period since the high point of global women's movements. It examines how the changing international policy and political climate over this period has given rise to new issues and challenges for those active in global women's movements. [source]

    Attention deficits, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and intellectual disabilities

    Curtis K. Deutsch
    Abstract Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and its earlier nosologic classifications have been extensively investigated since the 1960s, with PubMed listings alone exceeding 13,000 entries. Strides have been made in the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD in individuals with intellectual function in the normal range, as described in companion reviews in this special issue. In contrast, comparatively little is known about ADHD in intellectual developmental disabilities (IDD) despite the possibility that ADHD is statistically overrepresented among individuals with IDD (Pearson et al. 1997 Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in mental retardation: nature of attention deficits. In: Burack J, Enns J, editors. Attention, development, and psychopathology. New York: Guilford Press. p 205,229; Pearson et al. 2000 Am. J. Ment. Retard. 105:236,251). Here, we provide a review of diagnostic controversies in ADHD with IDD, and discuss several topics that are currently attracting research efforts in the field. These include behavioral phenotyping and attempts to come to grips with problems of behavioral and etiological heterogeneity. Additionally, we consider issues relating to methodologically sound assessment of attention disorders and evidence-based intervention procedures that may clarify and/or ameliorate attention deficits in individuals with IDD. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Dev Disabil Res Rev 2008;14:285,292. [source]

    Exploratory behavior in mice selectively bred for developmental differences in aggressive behavior

    Kathryn E. Hood
    Abstract The development and expression of exploratory behavior was assessed in the Cairns lines of Institute for Cancer Research (ICR) mice that were selectively bred for differences in aggressive behavior, with a high-aggressive 900 line, low-aggressive 100 line, and control 500 line. Four paradigms were employed. Developmental changes were evident in the complex novel arena, with older males faster to contact a novel object, and ambulating more than young males. Within the control 500 line, older males showed longer latency to emerge from the home cage, and shorter latency to contact novel objects. In the 900 line, younger males showed this same pattern. R. B. Cairns proposed that line differences in aggressive behavior arise through alterations in developmental timing [Cairns et al. [1983] Life-span developmental psychology (Vol. 5). New York: Academic Press; Gariépy et al. [2001] Animal Behaviour 61: 933,947]. The early appearance of mature patterns of exploratory behavior in 900 line males supports this interpretation. The 900 line males also appear to be behaviorally inhibited in novel settings such as the light,dark box and the neohypophagia paradigm, compared to the 500 and 100 lines (Experiments 1, 2, and 4). Moreover, in the most complex apparatus, the novel arena, 900 line males were slowest to exit the home cage, and fastest to contact a novel object. The apparent contrast in these parameters of exploratory behavior is discussed in relation to T. C. Schneirla's [1965 Advances in the study of behavior (Vol. 1). New York: PN Academic] approach,withdrawal theory. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Dev Psychobiol 50: 32,47, 2008. [source]

    Pathological gambling: an increasing public health problem

    Article first published online: 7 JUL 200
    Gambling has always existed, but only recently has it taken on the endlessly variable and accessible forms we know today. Gambling takes place when something valuable , usually money , is staked on the outcome of an event that is entirely unpredictable. It was only two decades ago that pathological gambling was formally recognized as a mental disorder, when it was included in the DSM-III in 1980. For most people, gambling is a relaxing activity with no negative consequences. For others, however, gambling becomes excessive. Pathological gambling is a disorder that manifests itself through the irrepressible urge to wager money. This disorder ultimately dominates the gambler's life, and has a multitude of negative consequences for both the gambler and the people they interact with, i.e. friends, family members, employers. In many ways, gambling might seem a harmless activity. In fact, it is not the act of gambling itself that is harmful, but the vicious cycle that can begin when a gambler wagers money they cannot afford to lose, and then continues to gamble in order to recuperate their losses. The gambler's ,tragic flaw' of logic lies in their failure to understand that gambling is governed solely by random, chance events. Gamblers fail to recognize this and continue to gamble, attempting to control outcomes by concocting strategies to ,beat the game'. Most, if not all, gamblers try in some way to predict the outcome of a game when they are gambling. A detailed analysis of gamblers' selfverbalizations reveals that most of them behave as though the outcome of the game relied on their personal ,skills'. From the gambler's perspective, skill can influence chance , but in reality, the random nature of chance events is the only determinant of the outcome of the game. The gambler, however, either ignores or simply denies this fundamental rule (1). Experts agree that the social costs of pathological gambling are enormous. Changes in gaming legislation have led to a substantial expansion of gambling opportunities in most industrialized countries around the world, mainly in Europe, America and Australia. Figures for the United States' leisure economy in 1996 show gross gambling revenues of $47.6 billion, which was greater than the combined revenue of $40.8 billion from film box offices, recorded music, cruise ships, spectator sports and live entertainment (2). Several factors appear to be motivating this growth: the desire of governments to identify new sources of revenue without invoking new or higher taxes; tourism entrepreneurs developing new destinations for entertainment and leisure; and the rise of new technologies and forms of gambling (3). As a consequence, prevalence studies have shown increased gambling rates among adults. It is currently estimated that 1,2% of the adult population gambles excessively (4, 5). Given that the prevalence of gambling is related to the accessibility of gambling activities, and that new forms of gambling are constantly being legalized throughout most western countries, this figure is expected to rise. Consequently, physicians and mental health professionals will need to know more about the diagnosis and treatment of pathological gamblers. This disorder may be under-diagnosed because, clinically, pathological gamblers usually seek help for the problems associated with gambling such as depression, anxiety or substance abuse, rather than for the excessive gambling itself. This issue of Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica includes the first national survey of problem gambling completed in Sweden, conducted by Volberg et al. (6). This paper is based on a large sample (N=9917) with an impressively high response rate (89%). Two instruments were used to assess gambling activities: the South Oaks Gambling Screen-Revised (SOGS-R) and an instrument derived from the DSM-IV criteria for pathological gambling. Current (1 year) and lifetime prevalence rates were collected. Results show that 0.6% of the respondents were classified as probable pathological gamblers, and 1.4% as problem gamblers. These data reveal that the prevalence of pathological gamblers in Sweden is significantly less than what has been observed in many western countries. The authors have pooled the rates of problem (1.4%) and probable pathological gamblers (0.6%), to provide a total of 2.0% for the current prevalence. This 2% should be interpreted with caution, however, as we do not have information on the long-term evolution of these subgroups of gamblers; for example, we do not know how many of each subgroup will become pathological gamblers, and how many will decrease their gambling or stop gambling altogether. Until this information is known, it would be preferable to keep in mind that only 0.6% of the Swedish population has been identified as pathological gamblers. In addition, recent studies show that the SOGS-R may be producing inflated estimates of pathological gambling (7). Thus, future research in this area might benefit from the use of an instrument based on DSM criteria for pathological gambling, rather than the SOGS-R only. Finally, the authors suggest in their discussion that the lower rate of pathological gamblers obtained in Sweden compared to many other jurisdictions may be explained by the greater availability of games based on chance rather than games based on skill or a mix of skill and luck. Before accepting this interpretation, researchers will need to demonstrate that the outcomes of all games are determined by other factor than chance and randomness. Many studies have shown that the notion of randomness is the only determinant of gambling (1). Inferring that skill is an important issue in gambling may be misleading. While these are important issues to consider, the Volberg et al. survey nevertheless provides crucial information about gambling in a Scandinavian country. Gambling will be an important issue over the next few years in Sweden, and the publication of the Volberg et al. study is a landmark for the Swedish community (scientists, industry, policy makers, etc.). This paper should stimulate interesting discussions and inspire new, much-needed scientific investigations of pathological gambling. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica Guido Bondolfi and Robert Ladouceur Invited Guest Editors References 1.,LadouceurR & WalkerM. The cognitive approach to understanding and treating pathological gambling. In: BellackAS, HersenM, eds. Comprehensive clinical psychology. New York: Pergamon, 1998:588 , 601. 2.,ChristiansenEM. Gambling and the American economy. In: FreyJH, ed. Gambling: socioeconomic impacts and public policy. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1998:556:36 , 52. 3.,KornDA & ShafferHJ. Gambling and the health of the public: adopting a public health perspective. J Gambling Stud2000;15:289 , 365. 4.,VolbergRA. Problem gambling in the United States. J Gambling Stud1996;12:111 , 128. 5.,BondolfiG, OsiekC, FerreroF. Prevalence estimates of pathological gambling in Switzerland. Acta Psychiatr Scand2000;101:473 , 475. 6.,VolbergRA, AbbottMW, RönnbergS, MunckIM. Prev-alence and risks of pathological gambling in Sweden. Acta Psychiatr Scand2001;104:250 , 256. 7.,LadouceurR, BouchardC, RhéaumeNet al. Is the SOGS an accurate measure of pathological gambling among children, adolescents and adults?J Gambling Stud2000;16:1 , 24. [source]

    The Declaration of Hawaii andClarence Blomquist

    J. O. Ottosson
    The international code of ethics of psychiatry, the Declaration of Hawaii was in the main the achievement of Clarence Blomquist. There were several prerequisites for the success of this work. 1. The unique profile of the education of Clarence Blomquist, combining training to be a specialist in psychiatry with a doctor's degree in practical philosophy. 2. An outstanding competence in analyzing complicated issues and in putting thoughts into words. 3. The courage to challenge the Hippocratic ethics and adapt the principles of ethics to modern health care. 4. A scholarship at the Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences, Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, where he could test his ideas in an intellectual interdisciplinary atmosphere. 5. Support from the late Professor Leo Eitinger, Norway and Professor Gerdt Wretmark, Sweden, who together with Clarence Blomquist constituted a task force on ethics of the World Psychiatric Association. 6. A continuous backing-up by Dr Denis Leigh, the then secretary general of the World Psychiatric Association. Denis Leigh was convinced that a code of ethics was the only means to reconcile the various member countries on issues of misuse of psychiatry and, in addition, would raise the quality of psychiatric care throughout the world. [source]

    Spermatogenesis in Boccardiella hamata (Polychaeta: Spionidae) from the Sea of Japan: sperm formation mechanisms as characteristics for future taxonomic revision

    ACTA ZOOLOGICA, Issue 4 2010
    Arkadiy A. Reunov
    Abstract Reunov, A.A., Yurchenko, O.V., Alexandrova, Y.N. and Radashevsky, V.I. 2009. Spermatogenesis in Boccardiella hamata (Polychaeta: Spionidae) from the Sea of Japan: sperm formation mechanisms as characteristics for future taxonomic revision. ,Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 91: 477,456. To characterize novel features that will be useful in the discussion and validation of the spionid polychaete Boccardiella hamata from the Sea of Japan, the successive stages of spermatogenesis were described and illustrated. Spermatogonia, spermatocytes and early spermatids are aflagellar cells that develop synchronously in clusters united by a cytophore. At the middle spermatid stage, the clusters undergo disintegration and spermatids produce flagella and float separately in coelomic fluid as they transform into sperm. Spermatozoa are filiform. The ring-shaped storage platelets are located along the anterior nuclear area. The nucleus is cupped by a conical acrosome. A nuclear plate is present between the acrosome and nucleus. The nucleus is a cylinder with the implantation fossa throughout its length and with the anterior part of the flagellum inside the fossa. There is only one centriole, serving as a basal body of the flagellum, situated in close vicinity of the acrosomal area. A collar of four mitochondria is located under the nuclear base. The ultrastructure of B. hamata spermatozoa from the Sea of Japan appears to be close to that of B. hamata from Florida described by Rice (Microscopic Anatomy of Invertebrates, Wiley-Liss, Inc., New York, 1992), suggesting species identity of the samples from the two regions. However, more detailed study of Florida's B. hamata sperm is required for a reliable conclusion concerning the similarity of these two polychaetes. In addition to sperm structure, features such as the cytophore-assigned pattern of spermatogenic cell development, the synchronous pattern of cell divisions, the non-flagellate early spermatogenic stages, and the vesicle amalgamation that drives meiotic cell cytokinesis and spermatid diorthosis will likely be useful in future testing of the validity of B. hamata and sibling species throughout the world. [source]

    JFK and the U.S.-Israeli Relationship

    DIPLOMATIC HISTORY, Issue 2 2005
    Zach Levey
    Book reviewed: Warren Bass. Support Any Friend: Kennedy's Middle East and the Making of the U.S.-Israel Alliance. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. 336 pp. Notes, bibliography, index. $30.00 (hardcover). [source]

    Tolerance to herbivory, and not resistance, may explain differential success of invasive, naturalized, and native North American temperate vines

    Isabel W. Ashton
    ABSTRACT Numerous hypotheses suggest that natural enemies can influence the dynamics of biological invasions. Here, we use a group of 12 related native, invasive, and naturalized vines to test the relative importance of resistance and tolerance to herbivory in promoting biological invasions. In a field experiment in Long Island, New York, we excluded mammal and insect herbivores and examined plant growth and foliar damage over two growing seasons. This novel approach allowed us to compare the relative damage from mammal and insect herbivores and whether damage rates were related to invasion. In a greenhouse experiment, we simulated herbivory through clipping and measured growth response. After two seasons of excluding herbivores, there was no difference in relative growth rates among invasive, naturalized, and native woody vines, and all vines were susceptible to damage from mammal and insect herbivores. Thus, differential attack by herbivores and plant resistance to herbivory did not explain invasion success of these species. In the field, where damage rates were high, none of the vines were able to fully compensate for damage from mammals. However, in the greenhouse, we found that invasive vines were more tolerant of simulated herbivory than native and naturalized relatives. Our results indicate that invasive vines are not escaping herbivory in the novel range, rather they are persisting despite high rates of herbivore damage in the field. While most studies of invasive plants and natural enemies have focused on resistance, this work suggests that tolerance may also play a large role in facilitating invasions. [source]

    The ability to mount multiple immune responses simultaneously varies across the range of the tree swallow

    ECOGRAPHY, Issue 1 2007
    Daniel R. Ardia
    Variation in immune responses is an important part of life history variation. When correlations between multiple immune measures are reported, studies report different patterns. I tested whether the correlation between levels of immune response was consistent across a species range. The ability of tree swallows Tachycineta bicolor to simultaneously produce immune responses to both a humoral immune response and T-cell mediated local inflammation to PHA was tested at three sites that span the breeding range. Females in Tennessee maintained stronger PHA responses than did females in either New York or Alaska. In New York and Alaska, individuals that produced strong PHA responses produced low levels of antibodies to a humoral challenge of sheep red blood cells (SRBC). However, in Tennessee, individuals that showed strong local PHA inflammation also mounted strong responses to SRBC. Increasing daily daytime temperatures led to increased PHA response, but there were no differences in the effect of temperature among sites. These results indicate spatial and/or temporal variation occurs in the ability to produce multiple immune responses simultaneously; this pattern suggests important geographic (or temporal) differences in factors driving investment in immune activity. In addition, these results suggest that studies extrapolating results across populations should be careful to consider geographic variation in immune activity. [source]

    Biogeographic effects of red fire ant invasion

    ECOLOGY LETTERS, Issue 4 2000
    N.J. Gotelli
    The red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, was accidentally introduced to North America over 60 years ago and has spread throughout the southeastern United States. We document the biogeographic consequences of this invasion. We censused ground-foraging ant communities on a 2000 km transect from Florida through New York that passed through invaded and intact biotas. Native ant species density peaks at mid-latitudes in the eastern United States, and the location of this peak corresponds to the range limit of S. invicta. In uninvaded sites, ant species co-occur less often than expected by chance. In the presence of S. invicta, community structure converges to a random pattern. Our results suggest that the effects of S. invicta on native ant communities are pervasive: not only does the presence of S. invicta reduce species density at local scales, it alters the co-occurrence patterns of surviving species at a biogeographic scale. [source]

    Changes in yellow perch (Perca flavescens) growth associated with the establishment of a walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) population in Canadarago Lake, New York (USA)

    M. H. Olson
    Abstract , Piscivorous fish can affect prey growth in two ways: directly by reducing prey density and indirectly by inducing predator-avoidance behaviors. We investigated these two pathways in yellow perch (Perca flavescens) growth responses to walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) stocking in Canadarago Lake, New York (USA) using a 25-year time series. Before walleye stocking, yellow perch growth rate was low and independent of body size. As walleye abundance increased, yellow perch growth increased and became size-dependent. The switch to size-dependent growth occurred in 1 year, indicating a rapid behavioral response to predators. Mean growth rate increased more gradually and was linearly related to walleye density, indicating a slower numerical effect of walleye on yellow perch densities. Although the net effect was an increase in perch growth, small perch growth initially decreased as walleye became established. Therefore, the combination of numerical and behavioral effects produced a complex pattern of size-dependent changes in growth of yellow perch. [source]

    Listing BRICs: Stock Issuers from Brazil, Russia, India, and China in New York, London, and Luxembourg

    ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY, Issue 3 2010
    Dariusz Wójcik
    abstract In the past decade, hundreds of companies from emerging markets have listed their shares on American and European stock markets. Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC) are the main countries of origin of issuers, and stock exchanges in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Luxembourg are the main destinations involved in the process. We use a comprehensive data set for these home and host markets for the end of 2008 to explore the intensity of foreign listings, the subnational geography of cross-listed firms, and the destinations of foreign listings. Cross-listing firms tend to be relatively large and come from capital-intensive, export-oriented, and high-growth sectors. Trading links with and industrial specialization of the host markets affect the choice of destination markets. These patterns, however, are not universal across countries. There is a high concentration of cross-listed firms in the leading financial centers of the BRIC countries, particularly in Russia and Brazil. Firms outside of the leading centers rarely cross-list, and when they do, they enter second-tier host markets. While BRIC countries have a large potential for further foreign listings, the process remains politically sensitive. Our results highlight the shortcomings of the literature on cross-listing in economics and the significance of the cross-listing phenomenon to future research in financial geographies. [source]

    Placing Progress: Contextual Inequality and Immigrant Incorporation in the United States

    ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY, Issue 3 2008
    Jamie Goodwin-White
    Abstract This article contributes to the growing body of research on the economic incorporation of immigrants by considering the relative wages of immigrants, the adult children of immigrants, and the U.S.-born children of U.S. parentage. By disaggregating these three groups racially, comparing entire wage distributions, and comparing the immigrant cities of New York and Los Angeles with the United States overall, it presents a perspective on the complicated contexts of the intergenerational progress of immigrants. In addition to comparing the groups' relative positions in 1990 and 2000, the article decomposes relative wages such that differences in the educational composition of groups can be isolated from residual wage inequality. This research is of interest because consideration of the U.S.-born or educated children of immigrants invokes questions of social mobility and the persistence of ethnic inequality more generally. The article also contributes to a theoretical debate over place and immigrants' progress by examining the second generation, for whom residence in immigrant cities is often theorized as detrimental to economic incorporation. Finally, it introduces a substantial analysis of local wage structures to questions of immigrants' intergenerational economic progress to a much greater extent than has previously been the case. The results suggest that prospects for immigrants' economic incorporation are geographically specific and should be assessed across multiple generations as a result of the continuing contexts of racial wage inequality [source]

    Managing the Transnational Law Firm: A Relational Analysis of Professional Systems, Embedded Actors, and Time,Space-Sensitive Governance

    ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY, Issue 2 2008
    James R. Faulconbridge
    Abstract This article argues that the relational approach can be particularly effective for addressing debates about the varieties of capitalism and the dynamics of institutional contexts. Using the case study of transnational law firms and data gathered through interviews with partners in London and New York, it makes two arguments. First, it suggests that the relational approach's focus on the behavior of key agents when new or different work practices are encountered helps explain the management of institutional heterogeneity by transnational corporations (TNCs). Such an approach reveals the peculiarities of professionals and professional service managers and how they affect the response of globalizing law firms when home- and host-country business practices diverge. Second, the article shows how relational approaches can help disaggregate descriptions of national institutional systems to reveal the importance of studying their constitutive practices. Understanding these microlevel variations, which is missed by macrolevel categories like Anglo-American, is essential for explaining how firms cope with institutional heterogeneity. The author therefore argues that a better understanding of the effects of TNCs on national business systems can be facilitated by further developing the actor- and practice-focused analyses promoted by relational approaches. [source]

    Road pricing: lessons from London

    ECONOMIC POLICY, Issue 46 2006
    Georgina Santos
    SUMMARY Road pricing LESSONS FROM LONDON This paper assesses the original London Congestion Charging Scheme (LCCS) and its impacts, and it simulates the proposed extension which will include most of Kensington and Chelsea. It also touches upon the political economy of the congestion charge and the increase of the charge from £5 to £8 per day. The possibility of transferring the experience to Paris, Rome and New York is also discussed. The LCCS has had positive impacts. This was despite the considerable political influences on the charge level and location. It is difficult to assess the impacts of the increase of the charge from £5 to £8, which took place in July 2005, because no data have yet been released by Transport for London. The proposed extension of the charging zone does not seem to be an efficient change on economic grounds, at least for the specific boundaries, method of charging and level of charging that is currently planned. Our benefit cost ratios computed under different assumptions of costs and benefits are all below unity. Overall, the experience shows that simple methods of congestion charging, though in no way resembling first-best Pigouvian taxes, can do a remarkably good job of creating benefits from the reduction of congestion. Nevertheless, the magnitude of these benefits can be highly sensitive to the details of the scheme, which therefore need to be developed with great care. , Georgina Santos and Gordon Fraser [source]

    EPA's college and university initiative: The city university of New York responds

    Howard N. Apsan
    First page of article [source]

    Seasonal production and molecular characterization of microcystins in Oneida Lake, New York, USA

    Amber Hotto
    Abstract Oneida Lake, northeast of Syracuse, New York, in the United States, is a shallow eutrophic lake with a well-established toxic cyanobacterial population. Samples for DNA, toxin, and phycological analyses were collected from six stations throughout the summers of 2002 (78 samples) and 2003 (95 samples). DNA was amplified by PCR using primer sets specific to the nonribosomal microcystin synthetase complex (mcyB and mcyD). PCR analysis in 2002 indicated that the microcystin genes were present in the water column from mid-June through October, as 88% of the samples tested positive for mcyB and 79% of the samples tested positive for mcyD. In both years the onset of microcystin production was detected as early as mid-July by the protein phosphatase inhibition assay, reaching a maximum in 2002 of 2.9 ,g L,1 and in 2003 of 3.4 ,g L,1. Beginning in mid- to late August of both years the microcystin level at all six stations was in excess of the World Health Organization (WHO) advisory level of 1.0 ,g L,1. In the present study we compared microcystin occurrence and potential production at the six stations using protein phosphatase inhibition assay, high-performance liquid chromatography, and polymerase chain reaction analyses. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Environ Toxicol 20: 243,248, 2005. [source]

    Patterns of organic contaminants in eggs of an insectivorous, an omnivorous, and a piscivorous bird nesting on the Hudson River, New York, USA

    Christine M. Custer
    Abstract Belted kingfisher (Ceryle alcyon), spotted sandpiper (Actitus macularia), and tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) eggs were collected in 2004 from the upper Hudson River, New York, USA. This area is one of the most polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-contaminated locations in North America. Multivariate analyses indicated among species differences in the concentration and composition of PCB congeners, polychlorinated dibenzo- p -dioxin (PCDD), and dibenzofuran (PCDF, PCDD-F when combined with PCDDs) congeners, and chlorinated pesticides. Total PCB concentrations followed the typical food chain biomagnification paradigm of higher concentrations in piscivorous bird eggs and lower concentrations in eggs of species that feed at lower trophic levels. Concentrations in the insectivorous swallows (geometric mean,=,6.8,µg/g wet wt) were approximately half the concentrations present in the piscivorous kingfisher (11.7,µg/g) or omnivorous sandpiper (12.6,µg/g). In contrast, PCB toxic equivalents (TEQs) were higher in swallows (1,790,pg/g wet wt) than in either kingfishers (776,pg/g) or sandpipers (881,pg/g). This difference can be mainly attributed to higher PCB77 concentrations in swallows relative to the other two species. Also contrary to the accepted food-chain paradigm, the sum of PCDD-F concentrations and the sum of their TEQs were higher in swallows than in either sandpipers or kingfishers. Metabolic pathway differences in the respective food chains of the three species probably accounted for the differences observed in PCB TEQ, total PCDD-F, and PCDD-F TEQ concentrations among species. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 2010;29:2286,2296. © 2010 SETAC [source]

    Long-term trends in liver neoplasms in brown bullhead in the Buffalo River, New York, USA

    Darrel J. Lauren
    Abstract The Buffalo River area of concern (AOC) was assigned an impaired status for the fish tumors and other deformities beneficial use impairment category by the New York State Department of Environmental Protection in 1989. This was initially based on an inadequately documented brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) feeding study using river sediment extracts. The presence of liver tumors was subsequently supported by reports of a 19 to 27% prevalence in wild brown bullhead between 1983 and 1988 and a 4.8% prevalence in 1998. However, neither fish size (or age) nor sample locations were given, and histopathological definitions were inconsistent in these previous studies. Therefore, in 2008, we re-evaluated the prevalence of hepatocellular and chloangiocellular tumors (as well as other gross indicators of fish health) in brown bullhead averaging 25,cm in length collected from three reaches of the Buffalo River and recorded our collection sites by global positioning system. Among the 37 fish of appropriate size collected, only three exhibited liver tumors (8%). The tumors were evenly distributed within the three reaches, and only hepatocellular tumors were found. There were no differences in the prevalence of hepatic foci of alteration, body weight, length, or hepatosomatic index among the three reaches, but the conditions factor was significantly lower in fish from reach 2. Natural attenuation of water and sediment quality are the most likely causes for the decrease in liver tumors. The prevalence of liver tumors between 1998 and 2008 in the Buffalo River is similar to that found in recovery-stage AOCs and some Great Lakes reference areas. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 2010; 29:1748,1754. © 2010 SETAC [source]

    An evaluation of the etiology of reduced CYP1A1 messenger RNA expression in the Atlantic tomcod from the Hudson River, New York, USA, using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction analysis

    Nirmal K. Roy
    Abstract Adult Atlantic tomcod, Microgadus tomcod, from the Hudson River, New York State, USA, exhibit reduced inducibility of hepatic cytochrome P4501A1 (CYP1A1) mRNA compared with adult tomcod from the cleaner Miramichi River, New Brunswick, Canada, when treated with coplanar polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners or 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo- p -dioxin. In contrast, little difference in CYP1A1 inducibility is observed between tomcod from these two rivers when treated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). We sought to determine if impaired hepatic CYP1A1 inducibility in Hudson River tomcod results from a multigenerational, genetic adaptation or a single generational, physiological acclimation. Embryos and larvae from controlled experimental crosses of Hudson River and Miramichi River parents were exposed for 24 h to water-borne PCB congener 77 (10 ppm), benzo[a]pyrene (BaP; 10 ppm), or dimethysulfoxide, and CYP1A1 expression was assessed in individual larva using competitive reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis. The CYP1A1 mRNA was significantly induced in larvae from both populations by BaP (47- and 52-fold) and PCB 77 (9- and 22-fold), although levels of expression were higher in offspring of Miramichi matings. Most important, CYP1A1 mRNA was significantly induced by PCB 77 in larvae from Hudson River parents. Concentrations of dioxin, furan, and PCB congeners were measured in livers and eggs of female tomcod from these two locales to quantify the extent of maternal transfer of contaminants. For both rivers, wet-weight contaminant concentrations were significantly higher (4,7 times) in livers than in eggs of the same females, suggesting that a threshold level of contaminants may have to be reached before CYP1A1 transcription is impaired. We conclude that reduced inducibility of hepatic CYP1A1 mRNA in adult tomcod from the Hudson River is most consistent with single-generational acclimation. [source]

    Cocaine Rapid Efficacy Screening Trial (CREST): a paradigm for the controlled evaluation of candidate medications for cocaine dependence

    ADDICTION, Issue 2005
    Deborah B. Leiderman
    ABSTRACT Aim Development of effective medications for the treatment of cocaine dependence remains a major priority for the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) at the National Institutes of Health. The Cocaine Rapid Efficacy Screening Trial (CREST) paradigm was developed by the Division of Treatment Research and Development (DT R&D) at NIDA with the goal of enhancing pilot clinical trial validity when systematically assessing a range of medications and drug classes for potential utility in treatment of cocaine dependence. Design CREST utilizes a randomized, controlled, parallel group, blinded methodology for comparing one or more marketed medications against a standard, pharmaceutical grade placebo. The trial design is comprised of a flexible 2,4-week screening/baseline period followed by randomization to an 8-week treatment period. Measures Standard measures of outcomes for the CREST included urinary benzoylecgonine (primary metabolite of cocaine), retention, cocaine craving, depression, clinical global impression and HIV-risk behaviors. In order to facilitate comparisons of data from the CREST studies across sites, drug classes and time, standardized procedures, measures and psychosocial counseling were used. Results A total of 19 medications were evaluated in out-patient treatment research clinics in Boston, Cincinnati, Los Angeles, New York and Philadelphia. Conclusions Findings supported decisions to move forward three medications (cabergoline, reserpine, tiagabine) using full-scale, adequately powered, randomized placebo-controlled trial designs. Lessons learned from the CREST experience continue to shape cocaine pharmacotherapy trial design and execution. [source]

    Interest in Preventive Health Topics Changed in New York after the Disaster on September 11, 2001

    Ingrid Llovera MD
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    Phonology and Geographic Song Discrimination in Song Sparrows

    ETHOLOGY, Issue 1 2003
    William A. Searcy
    We investigated whether song sparrows discriminate foreign from local songs using specific phonologic markers, a mechanism of geographic discrimination previously described for some other songbirds. Song sparrows from Linesville, Pennsylvania (PA) respond more strongly to local songs than to songs from Millbrook, New York (NY). We identify 61 note categories in PA and NY songs, of which 13 are unique to PA, 17 are unique to NY, and 31 are shared. The most common note category in PA song, ,buzz BO5', is present in 89% of PA songs and only in 8% of NY songs; this difference in percentage representation is the largest we found for any note category. Substituting this potential PA marker into NY songs, however, did not make those songs more salient to PA sparrows; instead, PA males tested with territorial playback responded significantly less aggressively to NY/PA hybrid songs than to NY songs. A series of control experiments showed that song sparrows do not detect substitution of PA notes into PA songs or of NY notes into NY songs. The results weigh against the hypothesis that geographic discrimination in song sparrows is accomplished simply by recognition of a small number of phonologic markers. [source]

    Rain or Shine: Where is the Weather Effect?

    William N. Goetzmann
    G12; G14 Abstract There is considerable empirical evidence that emotion influences decision-making. In this paper, we use a database of individual investor accounts to examine the weather effects on traders. Our analysis of the trading activity in five major US cities over a six-year period finds virtually no difference in individuals' propensity to buy or sell equities on cloudy days as opposed to sunny days. If the association between cloud cover and stock returns documented for New York and other world cities is indeed caused by investor mood swings, our findings suggest that researchers should focus on the attitudes of market-makers, news providers or other agents physically located in the city hosting the exchange. NYSE spreads widen on cloudy days. When we control for this, the weather effect becomes smaller and insignificant. We interpret this as evidence that the behaviour of market-makers, rather than individual investors, may be responsible for the relation between returns and weather. [source]