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New Lessons (new + lesson)
Selected AbstractsThe dynamics of the immune response in acute hepatitis B: New lessons using new techniquesHEPATOLOGY, Issue 5 2000M.R.C.P.I, Michael P. Curry M.B. No abstract is available for this article. [source] Youth participation in public policy at the local level: New lessons from Michigan municipalitiesNATIONAL CIVIC REVIEW, Issue 4 2009Katie Richards-Schuster First page of article [source] Policy entrepreneurship for poverty reduction: bridging research and policy in international developmentJOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, Issue 6 2005Julius Court Bridging research and policy is a topic of growing practical and scholarly interest in both North and South. Contributions by four experienced practitioners and in four papers by researchers illustrate the value of existing frameworks and add four new lessons: the need for donors and research foundations to foster research capacity and to protect it from political interference; the need for researchers to use detailed case material in order to inform high-level policy debates within and across national boundaries, often by working in cross-country teams; the importance of presenting research results in such a way that they cannot be over-simplified; and the value of creating alliances between researchers and civil society advocacy groups. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source] New patients, new lessons, new thinking in inflammatory bowel disease: World Congress of Gastroenterology Symposium, Montreal, Canada, September 2005COLORECTAL DISEASE, Issue 2006D. P. Jewell No abstract is available for this article. [source] |