Nesting Sites (nesting + site)

Distribution by Scientific Domains
Distribution within Life Sciences

Kinds of Nesting Sites

  • suitable nesting site

  • Selected Abstracts

    Using underwater cameras to describe the reproductive behaviour of the endangered eastern freshwater cod Maccullochella ikei

    G. L. Butler
    Abstract,,, Underwater cameras were used to observe the breeding behaviour of the endangered eastern freshwater cod, Maccullochella ikei, over 3 years and across three areas in the Mann and Nymboida rivers, Australia. The annual breeding season for M. ikei was short and succinct, lasting only 8,10 weeks. Spawning commenced each year in the lowest altitude area during the first week of spring, and approximately 1 week later in the closest upstream area. Day-length is the primary spawning cue for M. ikei, but increasing water temperature may also be of importance. Nesting sites were located in slow-flowing pools, under cover such as large boulders and bedrock shelves, at depths of 0.9,4.0 m, and with one or two entrances only. The nesting site was vigorously cleaned by the male up to 1 week prior to spawning and was only entered by the female for spawning. Paternal care of eggs and larvae was undertaken for up to 24 days, after which larvae dispersed. Greater protection of breeding M. ikei must be a management priority to ensure long-term conservation of the species. [source]

    Habitat characteristics at bluegill spawning colonies in a South Dakota glacial lake

    N. J. C. Gosch
    Abstract,,, Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) primarily reproduce in spawning colonies. We assessed habitat characteristics at 15 bluegill spawning colonies in a South Dakota glacial lake. Nesting sites were visually identified and angling was used to verify the species of nesting fish. Habitat characteristics were measured at each nesting site and compared with those measured at 75 randomly selected sites. In Lake Cochrane, mean water depth of spawning colonies was 1.0 m. Of the 13 habitat characteristics measured, four (substrate type, substrate firmness, vegetation density and dissolved oxygen levels) were significantly different (P , 0.05) between nesting and random sites. Every bluegill nest site contained gravel substrate, despite the availability of muck, sand and rock. Substrate firmness was indexed at 0-cm penetration and vegetation density was low at all nesting sites. Additionally, bluegills selected nesting locations with relatively moderate dissolved oxygen levels. Lake Cochrane bluegill nest sites consisted of shallow, gravel areas with short, low-density, live submergent Chara vegetation. [source]

    Olfactory cues and nest recognition in the solitary bee Osmia lignaria

    Christelle Guédot
    Abstract., The use of olfactory cues for nest recognition by the solitary bee Osmia lignaria is studied in a greenhouse environment. Glass tubes are provided as nesting cavities to allow the in-nest behaviour of bees to be observed. In addition, each glass tube is cut into three sections for experimental manipulation and for subsequent chemical analysis. Nesting females drag their abdomen along the tube before exiting, spiral inside the tube, and sometimes deposit fluid droplets from the tip of the abdomen. For the manipulation, the outer section, the middle section, or both sections are removed and replaced with similar clean glass tube sections, and the behaviour exhibited by test females is recorded upon arrival in front of the nesting site and inside the nesting tubes. The resulting hesitation behaviour displayed by females after treatments appears to indicate the loss of some olfactory cues used for nest recognition inside the entire nest. Chemical analysis of the depositions inside the nesting tube, as well as analysis of the cuticular lipids of the nesting bees, reveals the presence of free fatty acids, hydrocarbons and wax esters. [source]

    Use of Premontane Moist Forest and Shade Coffee Agroecosystems by Army Ants in Western Panama

    Dina L. Roberts
    Behavioral and distributional studies of these two species have been confined largely to humid lowland forest. We conducted intensive systematic area searches at elevations between 1200 and 1800 m in western Panama to assess the distribution of both species in intact premontane moist forest, shade coffee plantations, and sun coffee plantations. Both species were repeatedly observed in forest, shade coffee plantations close to forest, and shade coffee plantations distant from forest. Neither species was observed in sun coffee plantations. We believe that retention of certain forest-like characteristics in the traditional shade coffee farm contributes to the persistence of these forest organisms in modified landscapes. Large canopy trees not only provide shade that buffers temperature extremes but also supply the ground layer with regular inputs of leaf litter and coarse woody debris from fallen trunks. Both E. burchelli and L. praedator hunt in leaf litter, and E. burchelli uses coarse woody debris as nesting sites ( bivouacs). There were significantly fewer potential bivouacs available in sun coffee plantations than in forest and shade coffee habitats. Also, litter depth was less in sun coffee than in forest and shade coffee. Our results provide the first evidence that shade coffee plantations can provide additional habitat for E. burchelli and L. praedator, top predators of the leaf litter arthropod community. E. burchelli and L. praedator act as critical links between swarm-attendant bird species and leaf-litter arthropods, providing an easily exploited food resource that would otherwise be unavailable for many birds. Continued conversion of shade coffee plantations to sun coffee plantations could have negative effects on army ants and associated biodiversity. Resumen: Las hormigas arrierras Neotropicales, Eciton burchelli y Labidus praedator ( Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ecitoninae) son especies que requieren de extensas áreas de hábitat para cazar. Los estudios conductuales y de la distribución de estas especies se han realizado principalmente en bosques húmedos en tierras bajas. Desarrollamos búsquedas sistemáticas intensivas en elevaciones entre 1200 y 1800 msnm en Panama occidental para determinar la distribución de ambas especies en bosque húmedo premontano intacto, en plantaciones de café con y sin sombra. Las dos especies fueron observadas recurrentemente en bosque y en plantaciones de café de sombra cercanos y lejanos al bosque. Consideramos que la retención de ciertas características del bosque en las plantaciones de café de sombra contribuye a la persistencia de estos organismos de bosque en ambientes modificados. Los árboles no solo proporcionan sombra que amortigua la temperatura, sino que proporcionan hojarasca y restos leñosos de troncos caídos. Tanto E. burchelli como L. praedator cazan en la hojarasca, E. burchelli utiliza restos leñosos para anidar (vivaques). Encontramos significativamente menos vivaques en plantaciones de café sin sombra al compararlos con bosque y plantaciones de café con sombra. Asimismo, la profundidad de la capa de hojarasca fue menor en plantaciones de café sin sombra en comparación con bosque y plantaciones de café con sombra. Nuestros resultados proporcionan la primera evidencia de que las plantaciones con sombra proporcionan hábitat adicional para E. burchelli y L. praedator, depredadores de la comunidad de artrópodos en la hojarasca. E. burchelli y L. praedator actúan como eslabones críticos entre especies de aves que se alimentan de hormigas y los artrópodos de la hojarasca, proporcionando un recurso alimenticio fácilmente explotado que de otra manera no estaría disponible para muchas aves. La continua transformación de plantaciones de café con sombra a plantaciones sin sombra pudiera tener efectos negativos sobre las hormigas arrieras y la biodiversidad asociada. [source]

    Developmental changes in factors limiting colony survival and growth of the leaf-cutter ant Atta laevigata

    ECOGRAPHY, Issue 3 2010
    Ernane H. M. Vieira-Neto
    Many species of leaf-cutter ants (Atta and Acromyrmex) increase in abundance following natural or anthropogenic disturbances in the vegetation. However, the mechanisms responsible for such an increase are still poorly understood. We evaluated the effects of nesting site and the availability of palatable forage on survival and growth of Atta laevigata colonies at different developmental stages. Foundress queens transplanted into man-made clearings (dirt roads) had a much higher survival than those transplanted into the adjacent undisturbed savannah vegetation. Similarly, incipient colonies (,3-months old) had significantly greater survival and growth rates in dirt roads. In contrast, nesting site did not influence performance of young colonies (,15-months old). Both incipient and young colonies responded strongly and positively to experimental supplementation of palatable forage, and this effect was independent of the nesting habitat. Colonies that received extra food grew faster and had a significantly greater survival rate than control colonies. These results suggest that performance of A. laevigata is affected by the generally greater availability of suitable nesting sites and palatable vegetation in disturbed habitats. This may explain how these ants maintain high densities in these habitats, and since the relative importance of these factors changed with colony ontogeny, our findings highlight the importance of evaluating potential limiting factors throughout the full range of an organism's developmental stages. [source]

    Seasonal polydomy in a polygynous supercolony of the odorous house ant, Tapinoma sessile

    Abstract 1.,The odorous house ant, Tapinoma sessile, is a native ant species common throughout North America. In its natural habitat, T. sessile is a low-key species that consists of small colonies. In invaded urban areas, T. sessile exhibits extreme polygyny and polydomy and becomes a dominant invasive pest. 2.,The current study examined: (i) the density, persistence, and the spatial distribution of nests in a large supercolony of T. sessile, (ii) trail abundance and overall colony connectivity as facilitated by the network of trails, (iii) the abundance and the spatial distribution of competing ant species, and (iv) the effect of environmental factors on the number and distribution of T. sessile nests. 3.,A distinct pattern of seasonal polydomy was observed, whereby the colony undergoes an annual fission-fusion cycle. The colony occupies one or a few nests during the winter, experiences rapid exponential growth in the spring to colonize available nesting sites, reaches maximum nest density in the summer, and again coalesces in the winter, returning to the same winter location year after year. The trails show spatio-temporal variation as well, depending on the location of nesting and foraging sites. Furthermore, nest movements may be driven by soil microclimate and proximity to man-made structures. 4.,In total, 119 ant nests were discovered in a 3.15 ha plot, 90 (76%) of which belonged to T. sessile. Tapinoma sessile exhibited strong colony connectivity as 78/90 (87%) of nests were connected to at least one other nest by a trail. Mean persistence time for T. sessile nests was 133 ± 5 days. 5.,Results indicate that T. sessile is a highly adaptable native ant species that exhibits a high degree of flexibility in its colony social structure. A high degree of polygyny and polydomy may contribute to its ecological dominance and pest status in urban environments. [source]

    Habitat characteristics at bluegill spawning colonies in a South Dakota glacial lake

    N. J. C. Gosch
    Abstract,,, Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) primarily reproduce in spawning colonies. We assessed habitat characteristics at 15 bluegill spawning colonies in a South Dakota glacial lake. Nesting sites were visually identified and angling was used to verify the species of nesting fish. Habitat characteristics were measured at each nesting site and compared with those measured at 75 randomly selected sites. In Lake Cochrane, mean water depth of spawning colonies was 1.0 m. Of the 13 habitat characteristics measured, four (substrate type, substrate firmness, vegetation density and dissolved oxygen levels) were significantly different (P , 0.05) between nesting and random sites. Every bluegill nest site contained gravel substrate, despite the availability of muck, sand and rock. Substrate firmness was indexed at 0-cm penetration and vegetation density was low at all nesting sites. Additionally, bluegills selected nesting locations with relatively moderate dissolved oxygen levels. Lake Cochrane bluegill nest sites consisted of shallow, gravel areas with short, low-density, live submergent Chara vegetation. [source]

    Segregation of temporal and spatial distribution between kleptoparasites and parasitoids of the eusocial sweat bee, Lasioglossum malachurum (Hymenoptera: Halictidae, Mutillidae)

    Carlo POLIDORI
    Abstract Cuckoo bees and velvet ants use different resources of their shared host bees, the former laying eggs on the host pollen stores and the latter on immature stages. We studied the activity patterns of the cuckoo bee Sphecodes monilicornis and the velvet ant Myrmilla capitata at two nesting sites of their host, the social digger bee Lasioglossum malachurum, over a 3 year period. Due to the difference in host exploitation, we expected different temporal patterns of the two natural enemies as well as a positive spatial association with host nest density for both species. At a daily level, S. monilicornis was more abundant between 10.00 and 15.00 h, while M. capitata was most active in the early morning and late afternoon; both species activities were independent from host provisioning activity. The activity of cuckoo bees was in general positively correlated with the density of open host nests (but not with the total number of nests), while that of velvet ants was rarely correlated with this factor. Sphecodes monilicornis was seen both attacking the guard bees and directly entering into the host nests or digging close to nest entrances, while M. capitata only gained access to host nests through digging. We conclude that the temporal and spatial segregation between the two species may be, at least partially, explained both by the different resources exploited and by the different dynamics of host interactions. [source]

    Changes in productivity and contaminants in bald eagles nesting along the lower Columbia River, USA

    Jeremy A. Buck
    Abstract Previous studies documented poor productivity of bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) in the lower Columbia River (LCR), USA, and elevated p,p,-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins, and furans in eagle eggs. From 1994 to 1995, we collected partially incubated eggs at 19 of 43 occupied territories along the LCR and compared productivity and egg contaminants to values obtained in the mid-1980s. We found higher productivity at new nesting sites along the river, yet productivity at 23 older breeding territories remained low and was not different (p = 0.713) between studies. Eggshell thickness at older territories had not improved (p = 0.404), and eggshells averaged 11% thinner than shells measured before dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane use. Decreases in DDE (p = 0.022) and total PCBs (p = 0.0004) in eggs from older breeding areas occurred between study periods. Productivity was not correlated to contaminants, but DDE, PCBs, and dioxin-like chemicals exceeded estimated no-effect values. Some dioxin-like contaminants in eggs were correlated to nest location, with highest concentrations occurring toward the river's mouth where productivity was lowest. Although total productivity increased due to the success of new nesting pairs in the region, egg contaminants remain high enough to impair reproduction at older territories and, over time, may alter productivity of new pairs nesting near the river's mouth. [source]

    Pair bond and breeding success in Blue Tits Parus caeruleus and Great Tits Parus major

    IBIS, Issue 1 2005
    Data from 939 nests of the Blue Tit Parus caeruleus and 1008 nests of the Great Tit P. major from nestboxes provided in superabundance in mixed forest study sites between 1976 and 2001 were analysed to examine the effects of mate retention on breeding success and the relationship between mate fidelity and site fidelity. Most birds retained their former partner (76% in Great Tits and 65% in Blue Tits). The probability of a pair divorcing was affected by male age in Great Tits, divorce being more likely in pairs with first-year males. Great Tit pairs breeding together for a second season bred earlier, but had no higher breeding success than pairs breeding together for the first time. In Blue Tits laying date and start of incubation tended to be earlier in pairs breeding together for a second season, but hatching and fledging dates were not earlier than in other pairs. Great Tit pairs breeding together for two consecutive seasons bred earlier in the second season than in the first, but breeding success did not differ significantly between years. In both species, breeding performance did not differ between pairs that divorced after a season and pairs that stayed together. Thus breeding success did not determine whether a pair divorced or bred together again. Neither Blue Tits nor Great Tits improved their breeding performance through divorce. Blue Tit females even had fewer fledglings in the year after divorce than in the year before. Mate retention affected breeding site fidelity. Blue Tit females had greater breeding dispersal distances between consecutive years when re-mating than when breeding again with the same mate. In Great Tits both males and females dispersed more when re-mating than when retaining the former partner, suggesting that mate retention increased the chance of retaining the breeding site. In both species, breeding dispersal distances did not differ between pairs that divorced and pairs in which one mate disappeared. Because no major advantage of mate retention was evident, we suggest that mate retention evolved under different conditions than those found in study sites with high breeding densities and a superabundance of artificial nesting sites. [source]

    Food provision to nestlings in the Hoopoe Upupa epops: implications for the conservation of a small endangered population in the Swiss Alps

    IBIS, Issue 1 2001
    In an attempt to recognize the possible ecological causes of the decline of a population of Hoopoes Upupa epops in the Swiss Alps, we collected data on resource exploitation. The prey provisioned to nestlings by parents was investigated at four breeding sites using photographs (n = 4353, 80% of which enabled prey identification). Molecrickets Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa and Lepidoptera (larvae and pupae) were dominant in nestling diet (93% frequency; 97% biomass). Although Molecrickets were provisioned less frequently (26%) than Lepidoptera (67%), they represented 68% of the total biomass (vs 29% for Lepidoptera). There was an overall negative relationship between the proportion of Molecricket biomass in the diet and the parents' feeding rate, whereas a comparison between broods showed that a higher provisioning activity did not lead to an increase in the biomass supplied to the chicks. A diet based on Molecrickets therefore appears to be energetically advantageous. As Molecrickets are a traditional prey of Hoopoes in central Europe, this might be relevant to other populations. In the study area, Molecrickets occur only on the intensively cultivated plain, whereas the majority of Hoopoe pairs nest at various altitudes on the foothills adjacent to the plain as the latter provides at present almost no suitable nesting sites. Hoopoes breeding higher up on the foothills seem to experience greater provisioning costs and have, on average, lower breeding success. Providing nest sites on the plain is the main conservation measure proposed for the local Hoopoe population. Further attention should also be paid to Molecrickets as these may be crucial for Hoopoes. [source]

    Estimating natal dispersal movement rates of female European ducks with multistate modelling

    Peter Blums
    Summary 1We used up to 34 years of capture,recapture data from about 22 100 new releases of day-old female ducklings and multistate modelling to test predictions about the influence of environmental, habitat and management factors on natal dispersal probability of three species of ducks within the Engure Marsh, Latvia. 2The mean natal dispersal distances were very similar (c. 0·6,0·7 km) for all three species and were on average 2·7 times greater than breeding dispersal distances recorded within the same study system. 3We were unable to confirm the kinship hypothesis and found no evidence that young first-nesting females nested closer to their relatives (either mother or sister) than to the natal nest. 4Young female northern shovelers, like adults, moved from small islands to the large island when water level was high and vice versa when water level was low before the construction of elevated small islands. Movement probabilities between the two strata were much higher for young shovelers than adults, suggesting that young birds had not yet developed strong fidelity to the natal site. Movements of young female tufted ducks, unlike those of shovelers, were not dependent on water level fluctuations and reflected substantial flexibility in choice of first nesting sites. 5Data for young birds supported our earlier conclusion that common pochard nesting habitats in black-headed gull colonies were saturated during the entire study period. Young females, like the two adult age groups, moved into and out of colonies with similar probability. Fidelity probability of female pochards to each stratum increased with age, being the lowest (0·62) for young (DK) females, intermediate (0·78) for yearlings (SY) and the highest (0·84) for adult (ASY) females. 6Young female tufted ducks, like adults, showed higher probabilities of moving from islands to emergent marshes when water levels were higher both before and after habitat management. The relationship between the spring water levels and movement was much weaker for young females than for adults. 7Young female diving ducks exhibited much stronger (compared to adults) asymmetric movement with respect to proximity to water, with higher movement probabilities to near-water locations than away from these locations. 8Local survival of day-old ducklings during the first year of life was time-specific and very low (means for different strata/states 0·01,0·08) because of high rates of emigration and prefledging mortality. [source]

    Sharing natural resources: mountain gorillas and people in the Parc National des Volcans, Rwanda

    Hein Van Gils
    Abstract The compatibility of natural resource use by people and mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) within the Parc National des Volcans was studied. The distribution of gorillas was modelled using a Maximum Entropy algorithm. Biophysical predictor variables were trained with daily GPS locations of gorillas during 2006. Elevation, as a climate surrogate, was the best predictor (58%) of the occurrence of gorillas. The mid-altitudes (2500,3500 m a.s.l.) contained the bulk of the gorilla groups. Incoming solar radiation, as proxy for comfortable nesting sites, was the second best predictor (17%). Vegetation types, as foliage provider, (13%) and slope steepness for providing security (12%) were contributing predictors. The modelled and actual gorilla distributions were together overlaid with people's resource use in the park. Both people and gorillas were congregated in the areas identified as most suitable for gorillas. However, within these areas spatial segregation was found between human natural resource-users and gorillas. Therefore, the number of gorillas is likely to be limited by the human natural resource use within the park. A perimeter fence, the introduction of community-based natural resource management, and a buffer zone are discussed as short-, medium- and long-term mitigation measures. Résumé Nous avons étudié la compatibilité entre l'utilisation des ressources naturelles par les hommes et la présence des gorilles de montagnes (Gorilla beringei beringei) dans le Parc National des Volcans. La distribution des gorilles fut modélisée en utilisant un algorithme d'entropie maximum. En 2006, on a testé des variables de prédicteurs biophysiques, avec localisation quotidienne des gorilles par GPS. L'altitude, substitut du climat, était le meilleur prédicteur (58%) de la présence de gorilles. La plupart des groupes de gorilles se trouvaient à des altitudes moyennes (2 500,3 000 m). Le rayonnement solaire, condition de sites de nidification confortables, étaient le deuxième prédicteur (17%). Les types de végétation, fournisseurs de feuilles (13%) et l'importance des pentes, gage de sécurité (12%) étaient des prédicteurs contributeurs. Les distributions modélisées et réelles des gorilles furent superposées à l'utilisation des ressources du parc par les gens. Les hommes et les gorilles étaient rassemblés dans les zones identifiées comme les plus favorables pour les gorilles. Cependant, dans ces zones, on a trouvé une ségrégation spatiale entre les utilisateurs humains des ressources naturelles et les gorilles. Le nombre de gorilles risque donc d'être limité par l'utilisation humaine des ressources naturelles dans le parc. L'on discute de la pose d'une clôture en périphérie, de l'introduction d'une gestion communautaire des ressources naturelles et de la définition d'une zone tampon comme mesures de mitigation à court, moyen et long terme. [source]

    The use of breeding sites of Tilapia congica (Thys & van Audenaerde 1960) to delineate conservation sites in the Lake Tumba, Democratic Republic of Congo: toward the conservation of the lake ecosystem

    Bila-Isia Inogwabini
    Abstract To guide the zoning process in Lake Tumba, Democratic Republic of Congo, breeding sites of Tilapia congica were studied. Physical metrics measured were: nest depths, exposure to sun rays, distance from the edges, site spreads, and habitat types. Mean nest depth = 0.23 m ± 0.08 (SD), range = 0.04,2.2 m (n = 553 nests); 100% (n = 70 sites) sites were exposed to the sun and the polynomial regression analysis showed 90% sites were within the range 51,250 m from the lake shores (y = ,1.7143x2 + 10.371x, 1.8; R2 = 0.597, n = 70 sites), with 60% clumped within the range of 51,150 m, indicating a relationship between nesting sites and the distance from edges. The largest group spread group was 300 m, and among the four breeding sites identified, one was ,10 km long, meaning a zonal spatial spread , = 300 ha and a core reproduction zone ,, = 100 ha. T. congica built 87.30% of their nest in habitats where Hippo grass Vossia cuspidata (48.20%) and Water lily Nympheae stellata (39.10%) dominated. T. congica shared 41.81% of its nesting sites with other fish species, leading to the conclusion that protecting the species habitats would provide the umbrella for the conservation of other species. Résumé Pour orienter le processus de zonage au lac Tumba, en République Démocratique du Congo, nous avons étudié les sites de reproduction de Tilapia congica. Les paramètres physiques mesurés étaient : la profondeur des nids, l'exposition aux rayons du soleil, la distance par rapport à la berge, l'étendue des sites et les types d'habitat. La profondeur moyenne des nids = 0,23 m ± 0,08 (DS), le domaine vital du nid = 0,04,2,2 m (n = 553 nids); 100% des sites (n = 70) étaient exposés au soleil, et l'analyse de la régression polynomiale a montré que 90% des sites se trouvaient entre 51 et 250 m des berges du lac (y = ,1,7143x2 + 10,371x , 1,8; R2 = 0,597; n = 70 sites) et 60% d'entre eux étaient rassemblés à une distance comprise entre 51 et 150 m des berges, ce qui indique une relation entre les sites de nidification et la distance par rapport aux berges. Le groupe le plus étendu avait 300 m et, parmi les quatre sites de reproduction identifiés, un avait , 10 km de long, ce qui signifie une dispersion spatiale zonale , = 300 ha et une zone de reproduction centrale ,' = 100 ha. Les T.congica construisent 87,30% de leurs nids dans des habitats où dominent l'herbe à hippos Vossia cuspidata (48,20%) et les nénuphars Nymphea stellata (39,10%). Les T. congica partagent 41,81% de leurs sites de nidification avec d'autres espèces de poissons, d'où la conclusion que la protection des habitats de cette espèce fournirait aussi une protection à d'autres espèces. [source]

    Inferring colonization history and dispersal patterns of a long-lived seabird by combining genetic and empirical data

    JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, Issue 4 2010
    L. C. Young
    Abstract Identifying biological trends and threats to organisms that make long distance migrations are often the limiting factors in their conservation. Indeed, Laysan albatross Phoebastria immutabilis are highly vagile seabirds, foraging throughout the North Pacific Ocean. Despite mark,recapture data indicating natal philopatry, Laysan albatross recently re-colonized several anthropogenically extirpated breeding locations. At the same time, a breeding population in the north-western Hawaiian Islands was lost to erosion and it was hypothesized that the colonization events were due to displacement rather than dispersal. Nuclear and mitochondrial markers were used in a range wide survey to test whether natal philopatry corresponded to population structure in Laysan albatross, and to determine whether recent colonization events were a result of displacement from vanishing breeding habitat. Five microsatellite loci found little population structure (FST=0.01, P=0.001), and sequences from the mitochondrial control region revealed low population structure (,ST=0.05, P<0.001). The results were consistent with male-mediated dispersal and strong, but not absolute, philopatry by females. Mixed stock analyses and banding records from the newly colonized sites indicated contributions from multiple source populations, which contradicted the displacement hypothesis of a single source population and instead supported species-wide dispersal from all source colonies. High genetic diversity (,=0.045, h=0.989), rapid colonization, and great dispersal potential bode well for the conservation of Laysan albatross. However, it may be necessary to protect high-island nesting sites, preserve genetic diversity and maintain breeding populations in the face of projected sea level rises and persistent bycatch. [source]

    Seasonal change in the nesting sites of Apodemus argenteus

    JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, Issue 3 2001
    Tsuneo Sekijima
    Abstract Effect of arboreal activity on nesting site selection in Apodemus argenteus was examined by using nest boxes, a footprint recording technique, and live-trapping. Although the breeding season of A. argenteus was from April to September, the use of nest boxes placed on the trunks of trees was observed only from late July to September when use of the arboreal habitat by A. argenteus became active. Nesting site selection of A. argenteus was closely associated with their spatial activity. [source]

    Relative Exposure Index: an important factor in sea turtle nesting distribution

    J. Santana Garcon
    Abstract 1.The threatened status of many sea turtle populations and their vulnerability to coastal development and predicted climate change emphasize the importance of understanding the role of environmental factors in their distribution and ecological processes. The factors driving the distribution of sea turtle nesting sites at a broad spatial scale is poorly understood. 2.In light of the lack of understanding about physical factors that drive the distribution of turtle nesting, the relationship between nesting site distribution and the exposure of coastal areas to wind and wind-generated waves was analysed. To achieve this, a Relative Exposure Index (REI) was developed for an extensive area in north-eastern Australia and values of the index for nesting sites of five different sea turtle species and randomly selected non-nesting sites were compared. 3.Although there are differences between species, the results show that sea turtles nest in areas of higher REI values suggesting that wind exposure is related to the spatial distribution of sea turtle nesting sites, and it may also influence nest site selection in female turtles and/or the dispersal of hatchlings towards oceanic currents. 4.The combination of these results with further research on other driving environmental factors, like oceanic currents, has the potential to allow for the identification and prediction of future nesting sites, for which conservation and management may become essential. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Modelling the occurrence of rainbow lorikeets (Trichoglossus haematodus) in Melbourne

    AUSTRAL ECOLOGY, Issue 2 2006
    Abstract Over the previous three decades, the rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus Family Psittacidae) has increased in urbanized areas of Australia. To help understand the nature of this increase, we investigated the influence of road density, tree cover and season on the occurrence of the rainbow lorikeet in the Melbourne region. Bayesian logistic regression was used to construct models to predict the occurrence of rainbow lorikeets, using Birds Australia atlas data at 207 2-ha sites. The results demonstrate a strong relationship between tree cover and urbanization and the distribution of the species. The best model incorporated quadratic terms for road density and tree cover, and interaction terms, as well as season as a categorical variable. Probability of occurrence of rainbow lorikeets was highest at medium tree cover (40% to 70% of the site covered) and medium road density (9% to 12% of the surrounding area covered by roads). There was a close correspondence between the predictions of the model and new observations from bird surveys conducted at randomly selected field sites. The increased abundance of the species in urban areas has occurred despite a paucity of hollows that would act as suitable nesting sites, suggesting that only a small proportion of the population is breeding in these areas. [source]

    Impact of Flooding on the Species Richness, Density and Composition of Amazonian Litter-Nesting Ants

    BIOTROPICA, Issue 5 2009
    Amy L. Mertl
    ABSTRACT Litter-nesting ants are diverse and abundant in tropical forests, but the factors structuring their communities are poorly known. Here we present results of the first study to examine the impact of natural variation in flooding on a highly diverse (21 genera, 77 species) litter-nesting ant community in a primary Amazonian forest. Fifty-six 3 × 3 m plots experiencing strong variation in flooding and twenty-eight 3 × 3 m terra firme plots were exhaustively searched for litter-nesting ants to determine patterns of density, species richness and species composition. In each plot, flooding, litter depth, twig availability, canopy cover, plant density, percent soil nitrogen, carbon, and phosphorus were measured. Degree of flooding, measured as flood frequency and flood interval, had the strongest impact on ant density in flooded forest. Flooding caused a linear decrease in ant abundance, potentially due to a reduction of suitable nesting sites. However, its influence on species richness varied: low-disturbance habitat had species richness equal to terra firme forest after adjusting for differences in density. The composition of ant genera and species varied among flood categories; some groups known to contain specialist predators were particularly intolerant to flooding. Hypoponera STD10 appeared to be well-adapted to highly flooded habitat. Although flooding did not appear to increase species richness or abundance at the habitat scale, low-flooding habitat contained a mixture of species found in the significantly distinct ant communities of terra firme and highly flooded habitat. [source]