Necrotic Areas (necrotic + area)

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Selected Abstracts

Gravitational unloading inhibits the regenerative potential of atrophied soleus muscle in mice

Y. Matsuba
Abstract Aim:, The present study was performed to investigate the influence of unloading on the regeneration of atrophied and injured skeletal muscle. Methods:, Male mice (C57BL/6J), aged 8 weeks, were used. Cardiotoxin (CTX) was injected into soleus muscles bilaterally. Gravitational unloading on soleus muscle was performed by hind limb suspension for 2 weeks before and additionally 6 weeks after CTX injection in one group. Soleus muscles in the remaining groups were loaded keeping the mice in the cages and were dissected 14, 28 and 42 days after the injection. Results:, Recovery of the wet weight and protein content of soleus in the CTX-injected group was inhibited by unloading. Increase in satellite cell number, induced by CTX injection and loading, was also inhibited by unloading. Disappearance of infiltration of mononucleated cells into the necrotic area was also delayed. This phenomenon suggests that regeneration, which is indicated by the appearance of fibres with central nuclei, was inhibited by unloading. Conclusion:, Results suggested that loading plays an important role in the activation of the regenerating potential of injured skeletal muscle. [source]

Association of Pepino mosaic virus with Tomato Collapse

S. Soler-Aleixandre
Abstract Since 1998 collapse of tomato plants has been producing significant losses in protected tomato crops along the Spanish Mediterranean coast. Affected plants show sudden and progressive wilt followed by total collapse and death. Analysis of the distribution and accumulation of Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) in collapsed and non-collapsed plants and the presence of the virus in all analysed collapsed plants suggests a relationship of this Potexvirus with tomato collapse. The fact that collapse does not occur on PepMV-free farms reinforces this hypothesis. PepMV-infected plants showed a necrotic area in the vascular system, mainly in the basal area of the stem. This necrosis was more pronounced in collapsed plants and in the areas with higher viral concentration. Our hypothesis is that tomato collapse would be associated with necrosis of the vascular system caused by PepMV accumulation. [source]

Real-time MR temperature mapping of rabbit liver in vivo during thermal ablation

Claudia Weidensteiner
Abstract It has been shown that quantitative MRI thermometry using the proton resonance frequency (PRF) method can be used to noninvasively monitor the evolution of tissue temperature, and to guide minimally-invasive tumor ablation based on local hyperthermia. Although hepatic tumors are among the main targets for thermal ablation, PRF-based temperature MRI of the liver is difficult to perform because of motion artifacts, fat content, and low T. In this study the stability of real-time thermometry was tested on a clinical 1.5 T scanner for rabbit liver in vivo. The fast segmented EPI principle was used together with respiratory gating to limit respiratory motion artifacts. Lipid signal suppression was achieved with a binomial excitation pulse. Saturation slabs were applied to suppress artifacts due to flowing blood. The respiratory-gated MR thermometry in the rabbit liver in vivo showed a standard deviation (SD) of 1,3°C with a temporal resolution of 3 s per slice and 1.4 mm × 1.9 mm spatial resolution in plane (slice thickness = 5 mm). The method was used to guide thermal ablation experiments with a clinical infrared laser. The estimated size of the necrotic area, based on the thermal dose calculated from MR temperature maps, corresponded well with the actual lesion size determined by histology and conventional MR images obtained 5 days posttreatment. These results show that quantitative MR temperature mapping can be obtained in the liver in vivo, and can be used for real-time control of thermal ablation and for lesion size prediction. Magn Reson Med 50:322,330, 2003. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Anti-inflammatory actions of aprotinin provide dose-dependent cardioprotection from reperfusion injury

J M Carter
Background and purpose: Myocardial injury following ischaemia and reperfusion has been attributed to activation and transmigration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) with release of mediators including oxygen-derived radicals and proteases causing damage. Experimental approach: We studied the serine protease inhibitor aprotinin in an in vivo rabbit model of 1 h of myocardial ischaemia followed by 3 h of reperfusion (MI+R). Aprotinin (10 000 Ukg,1) or its vehicle were injected 5 min prior to the start of reperfusion. Key results: Myocardial injury was significantly reduced with aprotinin treatment as indicated by a reduced necrotic area (11±2.7% necrosis as percentage of area at risk after aprotinin; 24±3.1% after vehicle; P<0.05) and plasma creatine kinase activity (12.2±1.5 and 17.3±2.3 IU g,1 protein in aprotinin and vehicle groups, respectively, P<0.05). PMN infiltration (assessed by myeloperoxidase activity) was significantly decreased in aprotinin-treated animals compared to vehicle (P<0.01). Histological analysis also revealed a substantial increase in PMN infiltration following MI+R and this was significantly reduced by aprotinin therapy (44±15 vs 102±2 PMN mm2 in aprotinin vs vehicle-treated animals, P<0.05). In parallel in vitro experiments, aprotinin inhibited neutrophil-endothelium interaction by reducing PMN adhesion on isolated, activated aortic endothelium. Finally, immunohistochemical analysis illustrated aprotinin significantly reduced myocardial apoptosis following MI+R. Conclusions and implications: Inhibition of serine proteases by aprotinin inhibits an inflammatory cascade initiated by MI+R. The cardioprotective effect appears to be at least partly due to reduced PMN adhesion and infiltration with subsequently reduced myocardial necrosis and apoptosis. British Journal of Pharmacology (2008) 155, 93,102; doi:10.1038/bjp.2008.223; published online 9 June 2008 [source]


Leonardo Dos Santos
SUMMARY 1Because in ischaemia there is a critical lack of O2, it has been reasoned that increasing O2 delivery to the ischaemic myocardium could serve as adjunctive therapy for acute myocardial infarction (MI). Accordingly, in the present study, the effect of early hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) on mortality and MI size after coronary occlusion was examined in rats. 2After coronary occlusion, male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to receive either HBO for 1 h in a hyperbaric chamber (100% O2 at 253 kPa; n = 106) or ambient O2 as the control (n = 111). The extent of myocardial necrosis was assessed (triphenyltetrazolium) immediately after treatment in the HBO (n = 50) and control (n = 47) groups. The remaining rats were evaluated 24 h after occlusion to enable calculation of MI size and mortality. 3Immediately after therapy, the size of the MI was significantly greater in the control group compared with that in the HBO group (40 ± 3 vs 27 ± 2% of the left ventricle (LV), respectively; P < 0.001). The 24 h mortality of control rats was higher than that of HBO rats (34 vs 16%, respectively; P = 0.02). Control rats that survived 24 h had a larger MI than did HBO rats that survived 24 h (40 ± 4 vs 29 ± 3% of the LV, respectively; P = 0.005). Furthermore, large necrotic areas (> 40% of the LV) were more frequent in control than HBO rats (55 vs 27% of infarcted hearts, respectively; P = 0.01). There was less pulmonary congestion observed in HBO rats compared with control rats. 4In conclusion, early therapy with HBO during the onset of an acute ischaemic event decreases the necrotic area and reduces acute mortality. These data support further investigation of HBO as an adjuvant therapy for acute MI. [source]

Pathogenicity of fungi isolated from Quercus suber in Catalonia (NE Spain)

J. Luque
Summary Thirty-four fungal species isolated from cork oak (Quercus suber) in Catalonia (NE Spain) during 1992,95 were tested for pathogenicity either in stem, leaf or root inoculations. Eleven species were found to be pathogenic on stem: Biscogniauxia mediterranea, Botryosphaeria stevensii, Diatrype cf. stigma, Endothia gyrosa, Fusarium solani, Graphium sp., Ophiostoma quercus, Phomopsis sp., Phytophthora cinnamomi, Sporendocladia bactrospora and an unidentified Coelomycete. Three fungi showed pathogenic effects on leaves: Dendrophoma myriadea, Lembosia quercina and Phomopsis quercella. No clear pathogenic effects were detected in the root inoculation experiment. Trunk pathogens were differentiated into two groups according to the effects induced in the inoculated plants; B. stevensii, Phomopsis sp. and P. cinnamomi caused the death of the inoculated plants and induced the formation of large cankers and vascular necroses. The other pathogenic species also produced severe cankers and vascular lesions, but no significant mortality was detected. Water stress increased the lesions caused by B. mediterranea and Phomopsis sp., but limited those of P. cinnamomi and the rest of the inoculated fungi. However, water stress did not significantly affect the damage caused by B. stevensii, which was the most virulent of the species tested. Leaf pathogens only showed their effects if the leaf cuticle was previously damaged. Lembosia quercina caused small dark lesions whereas D. myriadea and P. quercella produced large necrotic areas in well-watered plants. The lesions caused by the last two fungi were reduced by water stress. Résumé Le pouvoir pathogène de trente-quatre espèces fongiques isolées de chêne liège en Catalogne (nord-est de l'Espagne) de 1992 à 1995 a été testé par inoculation sur tronc, feuilles et racines. Onze espèces se sont montrées pathogènes sur tronc: Biscogniauxia mediterranea, Botryosphaeria stevensii, Diatrype cf. stigma, Endothia gyrosa, Fusarium solani, Graphium sp., Ophiostoma quercus, Phomopsis sp., Phytophthora cinnamomi, Sporendocladia bactrospora et un Coelomycète non identifié. Trois champignons ont eu un effet pathogène sur feuilles: Dendrophoma myriadae, Lembosia quercina et Phomopsis quercella. Aucun effet clair n'a été détecté chez les inoculations de racines. Les pathogènes de tronc se répartissaient en deux groupes selon leurs effets en inoculation; B. stevensii, Phomopsis sp. et P. cinnamomi provoquaient la mort des plants et induisaient le formation de grands chancres et des nécroses vasculaires. Les autres espèces pathogènes produisaient aussi des chancres graves et des lésions vasculaires, mais pas de mortalité significative. Un stress hydrique augmentait les lésions provoquées par B. mediterranea et Phomopsis sp. mais limitait ceux de P. cinnamomi et des autres champignons inoculés. Cependant, le stress hydrique n'affectait pas significativement les dégâts par B. stevensii qui était la plus agressive des espèces testées. Les pathogènes foliaires n'avaient d'effet que si la cuticule foliaire était préalablement endommagée. Lembosia quercina provoquait de petites lésions sombres et D. myriadea et P. quercella provoquaient de grandes plages nécrotiques chez les plants bien arrosés; les lésions causées par ces deux derniers champignons étaient réduites par le stress hydrique. Zusammenfassung Die Pathogenität von 34 Pilzarten, die im Zeitraum 1992,1995 von Korkeichen (Quercus suber) in Katalonien (NO-Spanien) isoliert wurden, wurden mit Hilfe von Trieb-, Blatt- oder Wurzelinokulationen untersucht. Am Stamm erwiesen sich 11 Arten als pathogen: Biscogniauxia mediterranea, Botryosphaeria stevensii, Diatrype cf. stigma, Endothia gyrosa, Fusarium solani, Graphium sp., Ophiostoma quercus, Phomopsis sp., Phytophthora cinnamomi, Sporendocladia bactrospora und ein nicht identifizierter Coelomycet. Drei Arten verursachten Symptome auf Bla¨ttern: Dendrophoma myriadea, Lembosia quercina und Phomopsis quercella. Bei den Wurzelinokulationen wurden keine pathogenen Effekte beobachtet. Bei den Stammpathogenen wurden nach den von ihnen an den inokulierten Pflanzen verursachten Symptomen zwei Gruppen unterschieden: B. stevensii, Phomopsis sp. und P. cinnamomi verursachten den Tod der Pflanzen und induzierten die Bildung von grossen Rinden- und Xylemnekrosen. Die anderen pathogenen Arten verursachten ebenfalls starke Rindennekrosen und Gefa¨ssla¨sionen, es wurde jedoch keine auffallende Mortalita¨t beobachtet. Unter Wasserstress war die durch B. mediterranea und Phomopsis sp. induzierte Nekrosebildung versta¨rkt, dagegen war sie bei P. cinnamomi und den u¨brigen inokulierten Pilzen reduziert. Wasserstress beeinflusst jedoch das Ausmass der Scha¨digung durch B. stevensii, der virulentesten der untersuchten Arten, nicht. Die Blattpathogene verursachten nur dann Symptome, wenn zuvor die Blattcuticula bescha¨digt worden war. Lembosia quercina verursachte kleine dunkle La¨sionen, wa¨hrend D. myriadea und P. quercella bei gut bewa¨sserten Pflanzen grosse Nekrosen verursachten. Diese Symptome waren unter Wasserstress weniger stark ausgepra¨gt. [source]

Dynamic T1-weighted monitoring of vascularization in human carcinoma heterotransplants by magnetic resonance imaging,

Fabian Kiessling
Abstract Studies on tumor angiogenesis and antiangiogenic therapies are commonly performed with tumor heterotransplants in nude mice. To monitor therapeutic effects, improved noninvasive analyses of functional data are required, in addition to the assessment of tumor volume and histology. Here, we report on sequential monitoring of vascularization of human squamous cell carcinomas growing as heterotransplants in nude mice using MRI. Using a custom-developed animal coil in a conventional whole-body 1.5 T MRI scanner, dynamic T1w sequences were recorded after i.v. injection of Gd-DTPA in tumors grown for 17, 21, 25, 29 and 33 days. Amplitude and the exchange rate constant (kep) were calculated according to a 2-compartment model, discriminating intravascular and interstitial spaces, and correlated with tumor size and histology. High-resolution imaging of small heterotransplants from 100 to 1,000 mm3 was achieved, clearly discriminating vital and necrotic areas. Preceding the development of necroses, which were hyperintense in T2w images and confirmed with histology, a local decrease of amplitude and kep values was observed. Significantly higher amplitudes were found in tumor periphery than in central parts, correlating well with the vascular pattern obtained by immunocytochemistry. Tumor size correlated negatively with amplitude, probably as a result of increasing necrotic areas, whereas the reason for the observed increase of kep value with tumor size remains unclear. These data demonstrate that dynamic MRI is an excellent method for noninvasive assessment of tumor vascularization in small animals using a clinical whole-body scanner with little technical modifications. This technique provides functional data characterizing essential features of tumor biology and is thus appropriate for monitoring antiangiogenic therapies. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Occurrence of Alfalfa Bacterial Stem Blight Disease in Kurdistan Province, Iran

B. Harighi
Abstract During spring and summer of 2004 and 2005, a new disease of alfalfa was observed for the first time in some areas of the Kurdistan province in Iran. Symptoms were initially yellowed area on leaves, within which water-soaked, irregular spots developed. These spots eventually coalesced to produce large necrotic areas. Symptoms on petiole and stem include water-soaked lesions, which later turned brown. Gram negative and rod-shaped bacteria were isolated from infected tissues. From the results of LOPAT tests (levan production, oxidase reaction, potato soft rot, arginine dihydrolase and tobacco hypersensitivity) and other phenotypic, biochemical and physiological properties investigated, the causal bacterium have been identified as Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae. Pathogenicity of selected strains was confirmed by injecting a bacterial suspension into leaf tissue from the underside of leaves. [source]

Tobacco blue mould disease caused by Peronospora hyoscyami f. sp. tabacina

SUMMARY Blue mould [Peronospora hyoscyami f. sp. tabacina (Adam) Skalicky 1964] is one of the most important foliar diseases of tobacco that causes significant losses in the Americas, south-eastern Europe and the Middle East. This review summarizes the current knowledge of the mechanisms employed by this oomycete pathogen to colonize its host, with emphasis on molecular aspects of pathogenicity. In addition, key biochemical and molecular mechanisms involved in tobacco resistance to blue mould are discussed. Taxonomy: Kingdom: Chromista (Straminipila); Phylum: Heterokontophyta; Class: Oomycete; Order: Peronosporales; Family: Peronosporaceae; Genus: Peronospora; Species: Peronospora hyoscyami f. sp. tabacina. Disease symptoms: The pathogen typically causes localized lesions on tobacco leaves that appear as single, or groups of, yellow spots that often coalesce to form light-brown necrotic areas. Some of the leaves exhibit grey to bluish downy mould on their lower surfaces. Diseased leaves can become twisted, such that the lower surfaces turn upwards. In such cases, the bluish colour of the diseased plants becomes quite conspicuous, especially under moist conditions when sporulation is abundant. Hence the name of the disease: tobacco blue mould. Infection process: The pathogen develops haustoria within plant cells that are thought to establish the transfer of nutrients from the host cell, and may also act in the delivery of effector proteins during infection. Resistance: Several defence responses have been reported to occur in the Nicotiana tabacum,P. hyoscyami f. sp. tabacina interaction. These include the induction of pathogenesis-related genes, and a correlated increase in the activities of typical pathogenesis-related proteins, such as peroxidases, chitinases, ,-1,3-glucanases and lipoxygenases. Systemic acquired resistance is one of the best characterized tobacco defence responses activated on pathogen infection. [source]

Correlation between the occurrence of 1H-MRS lipid signal, necrosis and lipid droplets during C6 rat glioma development

Sonja Zoula
Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the possible correlation between the 1H MRS mobile lipid signal, necrosis and lipid droplets in C6 rat glioma. First, the occurrence of necrosis and lipid droplets was determined during tumor development, by a histological analysis performed on 34 rats. Neither necrosis nor lipid droplets were observed before 18 days post-implantation. At later stages of development, both necrosis and lipid droplets were apparent, the lipid droplets being mainly located within the necrotic areas. Using a second group of eight rats, a temporal correlation was evidenced between mobile lipid signal detected by in vivo single-voxel one- (136,ms echo time) and two-dimensional J -resolved 1H MR spectroscopy, and the presence of necrosis and lipid droplets on the histological sections obtained from the brains of the same rats. Finally, spatial distribution of the mobile lipid signal was analyzed by chemical-shift imaging performed on a third group of eight animals, at the end of the tumor growth. The spectroscopic image corresponding to the resonance of mobile lipids had its maximum intensity in the center of the tumor where necrotic regions were observed on the histological sections. These necrotic areas contained large amounts of lipid droplets. All these results suggest that mobile lipids detected in vivo by 1H MRS (136,ms echo time) in C6 rat brain glioma arise mainly from lipid droplets located in necrosis. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]


Leonardo Dos Santos
SUMMARY 1Because in ischaemia there is a critical lack of O2, it has been reasoned that increasing O2 delivery to the ischaemic myocardium could serve as adjunctive therapy for acute myocardial infarction (MI). Accordingly, in the present study, the effect of early hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) on mortality and MI size after coronary occlusion was examined in rats. 2After coronary occlusion, male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to receive either HBO for 1 h in a hyperbaric chamber (100% O2 at 253 kPa; n = 106) or ambient O2 as the control (n = 111). The extent of myocardial necrosis was assessed (triphenyltetrazolium) immediately after treatment in the HBO (n = 50) and control (n = 47) groups. The remaining rats were evaluated 24 h after occlusion to enable calculation of MI size and mortality. 3Immediately after therapy, the size of the MI was significantly greater in the control group compared with that in the HBO group (40 ± 3 vs 27 ± 2% of the left ventricle (LV), respectively; P < 0.001). The 24 h mortality of control rats was higher than that of HBO rats (34 vs 16%, respectively; P = 0.02). Control rats that survived 24 h had a larger MI than did HBO rats that survived 24 h (40 ± 4 vs 29 ± 3% of the LV, respectively; P = 0.005). Furthermore, large necrotic areas (> 40% of the LV) were more frequent in control than HBO rats (55 vs 27% of infarcted hearts, respectively; P = 0.01). There was less pulmonary congestion observed in HBO rats compared with control rats. 4In conclusion, early therapy with HBO during the onset of an acute ischaemic event decreases the necrotic area and reduces acute mortality. These data support further investigation of HBO as an adjuvant therapy for acute MI. [source]