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Natural Scenes (natural + scene)
Selected AbstractsThe Synthesis of Rock Textures in Chinese Landscape PaintingCOMPUTER GRAPHICS FORUM, Issue 3 2001Der-Lor Way In Chinese landscape painting, rock textures portray the orientation of mountains and contribute to the atmosphere. Many landscape-painting skills are required according to the type of rock. Landscape painting is the major theme of Chinese painting. Over the centuries, masters of Chinese landscape painting developed various texture strokes. Hemp-fiber and axe-cut are two major types of texture strokes. A slightly sinuous and seemingly broken line, the hemp-fiber stroke is used for describing the gentle slopes of rock formations whereas the axe-cut stroke best depicts hard, rocky surfaces. This paper presents a novel method of synthesizing rock textures in Chinese landscape painting, useful not only to artists who want to paint interactively, but also in automated rendering of natural scenes. The method proposed underwrites the complete painting process after users have specified only the contour and parameters. [source] Rapid categorization of achromatic natural scenes: how robust at very low contrasts?EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, Issue 7 2005Marc J.-M. Abstract The human visual system is remarkably good at categorizing objects even in challenging visual conditions. Here we specifically assessed the robustness of the visual system in the face of large contrast variations in a high-level categorization task using natural images. Human subjects performed a go/no-go animal/nonanimal categorization task with briefly flashed grey level images. Performance was analysed for a large range of contrast conditions randomly presented to the subjects and varying from normal to 3% of initial contrast. Accuracy was very robust and subjects were performing well above chance level (, 70% correct) with only 10,12% of initial contrast. Accuracy decreased with contrast reduction but reached chance level only in the most extreme condition (3% of initial contrast). Conversely, the maximal increase in mean reaction time was ,,60 ms (at 8% of initial contrast); it then remained stable with further contrast reductions. Associated ERPs recorded on correct target and distractor trials showed a clear differential effect whose amplitude and peak latency were correlated respectively with task accuracy and mean reaction times. These data show the strong robustness of the visual system in object categorization at very low contrast. They suggest that magnocellular information could play a role in ventral stream visual functions such as object recognition. Performance may rely on early object representations which lack the details provided subsequently by the parvocellular system but contain enough information to reach decision in the categorization task. [source] Detection of animals in natural images using far peripheral visionEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, Issue 5 2001Simon J. Thorpe Abstract It is generally believed that the acuity of the peripheral visual field is too poor to allow accurate object recognition and, that to be identified, most objects need to be brought into foveal vision by using saccadic eye movements. However, most measures of form vision in the periphery have been done at eccentricities below 10° and have used relatively artificial stimuli such as letters, digits and compound Gabor patterns. Little is known about how such data would apply in the case of more naturalistic stimuli. Here humans were required to categorize briefly flashed (28 ms) unmasked photographs of natural scenes (39° high, and 26° across) on the basis of whether or not they contained an animal. The photographs appeared randomly in nine locations across virtually the entire extent of the horizontal visual field. Accuracy was 93.3% for central vision and decreased almost linearly with increasing eccentricity (89.8% at 13°, 76.1% at 44.5° and 71.2% at 57.5°). Even at the most extreme eccentricity, where the images were centred at 70.5°, subjects scored 60.5% correct. No evidence was found for hemispheric specialization. This level of performance was achieved despite the fact that the position of the image was unpredictable, ruling out the use of precued attention to target locations. The results demonstrate that even high-level visual tasks involving object vision can be performed using the relatively coarse information provided by the peripheral retina. [source] Functional brain mapping during free viewing of natural scenesHUMAN BRAIN MAPPING, Issue 2 2004Andreas Bartels Abstract Previous imaging studies have used mostly perceptually abstracted, idealized, or static stimuli to show segregation of function in the cerebral cortex. We wanted to learn whether functional segregation is maintained during more natural, complex, and dynamic conditions when many features have to be processed simultaneously, and identify regions whose activity correlates with the perception of specific features. To achieve this, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure brain activity when human observers viewed freely dynamic natural scenes (a James Bond movie). The intensity with which they perceived different features (color, faces, language, and human bodies) was assessed psychometrically in separate sessions. In all subjects different features were perceived with a high degree of independence over time. We found that the perception of each feature correlated with activity in separate, specialized areas whose activity also varied independently. We conclude that even in natural conditions, when many features have to be processed simultaneously, functional specialization is preserved. Our method thus opens a new way of brain mapping, which allows the localization of a multitude of brain areas based on a single experiment using uncontrolled, natural stimuli. Furthermore, our results show that the intensity of activity in a specialized area is linearly correlated with the intensity of its perceptual experience. This leads us to suggest that each specialized area is directly responsible for the creation of a feature-specific conscious percept (a microconsciousness). Hum. Brain Mapp. 21:75,83, 2004. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source] Cones perform a non-linear transformation on natural stimuliTHE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY, Issue 3 2010D. Endeman Visual information in natural scenes is distributed over a broad range of intensities and contrasts. This distribution has to be compressed in the retina to match the dynamic range of retinal neurons. In this study we examined how cones perform this compression and investigated which physiological processes contribute to this operation. M- and L-cones of the goldfish were stimulated with a natural time series of intensities (NTSI) and their responses were recorded. The NTSI displays an intensity distribution which is skewed towards the lower intensities and has a long tail into the high intensity region. Cones transform this skewed distribution into a more symmetrical one. The voltage responses of the goldfish cones were compared to those of a linear filter and a non-linear biophysical model of the photoreceptor. The results show that the linear filter under-represents contrasts at low intensities compared to the actual cone whereas the non-linear biophysical model performs well over the whole intensity range used. Quantitative analysis of the two approaches indicates that the non-linear biophysical model can capture 91 ± 5% of the coherence rate (a biased measure of information rate) of the actual cone, where the linear filter only reaches 48 ± 8%. These results demonstrate that cone photoreceptors transform an NTSI in a non-linear fashion. The comparison between current clamp and voltage clamp recordings and analysis of the behaviour of the biophysical model indicates that both the calcium feedback loop in the outer segment and the hydrolysis of cGMP are the major components that introduce the specific non-linear response properties found in the goldfish cones. [source] Receptive fields and functional architecture in the retinaTHE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY, Issue 12 2009Vijay Balasubramanian Functional architecture of the striate cortex is known mostly at the tissue level , how neurons of different function distribute across its depth and surface on a scale of millimetres. But explanations for its design , why it is just so , need to be addressed at the synaptic level, a much finer scale where the basic description is still lacking. Functional architecture of the retina is known from the scale of millimetres down to nanometres, so we have sought explanations for various aspects of its design. Here we review several aspects of the retina's functional architecture and find that all seem governed by a single principle: represent the most information for the least cost in space and energy. Specifically: (i) why are OFF ganglion cells more numerous than ON cells? Because natural scenes contain more negative than positive contrasts, and the retina matches its neural resources to represent them equally well; (ii) why do ganglion cells of a given type overlap their dendrites to achieve 3-fold coverage? Because this maximizes total information represented by the array , balancing signal-to-noise improvement against increased redundancy; (iii) why do ganglion cells form multiple arrays? Because this allows most information to be sent at lower rates, decreasing the space and energy costs for sending a given amount of information. This broad principle, operating at higher levels, probably contributes to the brain's immense computational efficiency. [source] |