Natural Communities (natural + community)

Distribution by Scientific Domains

Selected Abstracts

Tracking Fragmentation of Natural Communities and Changes in Land Cover: Applications of Landsat Data for Conservation in an Urban Landscape (Chicago Wilderness)

Yeqiao Wang
Within the metropolis survive some of the world's best remaining examples of eastern tallgrass prairie, oak savanna, open oak woodland, and prairie wetland. Chicago Wilderness is more than 81,000 ha of protected areas in the urban and suburban matrix. It also is the name of the coalition of more than 110 organizations committed to the survival of these natural lands. The long-term health of these imperiled communities depends on proper management of the more extensive, restorable lands that surround and connect the patches of high-quality habitat. Information critical to the success of conservation efforts in the region includes (1) a current vegetation map of Chicago Wilderness in sufficient detail to allow quantitative goal setting for the region's biodiversity recovery plan; (2) quantified fragmentation status of the natural communities; and (3) patterns of land-cover change and their effects on the vitality of communities under threat. We used multispectral data from the Landsat thematic mapper (October 1997) and associated ground truthing to produce a current vegetation map. With multitemporal remote-sensing data (acquired in 1972, 1985, and 1997), we derived land-cover maps of the region at roughly equivalent intervals over the past 25 years. Analyses with geographic information system models reveal rapid acceleration of urban and suburban sprawl over the past 12 years. Satellite images provide striking visual comparisons of land use and health. They also provide banks of geographically referenced data that make quantitative tracking of trends possible. The data on habitat degradation and fragmentation are the biological foundation of quantitative goals for regional restoration. Resumen: En Chicago hay una concentración de comunidades naturales globalmente significativas sorprendentemente alta. En la metrópolis sobreviven algunos de los mejores ejemplos mundiales remanentes de praderas de pastos orientales, sabanas de roble, bosques abiertos de roble y humedales de pradera. Chicago Wilderness es más de 81,000 ha de áreas protegidas en la matriz urbana y suburbana. También es el nombre de una coalición de más de 110 organizaciones dedicadas a la supervivencia de esas tierras naturales. La salud a largo plazo de estas comunidades amenazadas depende del manejo adecuado de las tierras, más extensas y restaurables, que rodean y conectan a los fragmentos de hábitat de alta calidad. La información crítica para el éxito de los esfuerzos de conservación en la región incluye: (1) un mapa actualizado de la vegetación de Chicago Wilderness con suficiente detalle para que la definición de metas cuantitativas para el plan de recuperación de la región sea posible; (2) cuantificación de la fragmentación de las comunidades naturales y (3) patrones de cambio de cobertura de suelo y sus efectos sobre la vitalidad de las comunidades amenazadas. Utilizamos datos multiespectrales del mapeador temático Landsat (octubre 1997) y verificaciones de campo asociadas para producir el mapa actualizado de vegetación. Con datos de percepción remota multitemporales (obtenidos en 1972, 1985 y 1997), derivamos los mapas de cobertura de suelo en la región en intervalos equivalentes en los últimos 25 años. El análisis de los modelos SIG revela una rápida aceleramiento del crecimiento urbano y suburbano en los últimos 12 años. Las imágenes de satélite proporcionan comparaciones visuales notables del uso y condición del suelo. También proporcionan bancos de datos referenciados geográficamente que hacen posible el rastreo de tendencias cuantitativas. Los datos de degradación y fragmentación del hábitat son la base biológica de metas cuantitativas para la restauración regional. [source]

Genetic Variation and Differentiation Within a Natural Community of Five Oak Species (Quercus spp.)

PLANT BIOLOGY, Issue 1 2007
A. L. Curtu
Abstract: Chloroplast DNA and two categories of nuclear markers - isozymes and microsatellites - were used to examine a very rich natural community of oaks (Quercus spp.) situated in west-central Romania. The community consists of five oak species: Q. robur, Q. petraea, Q. pubescens, and Q. frainetto - that are closely related -, and Q. cerris. A total of five chloroplast haplotypes was identified. Q. cerris was fixed for a single haplotype. The other four species shared the two most common haplotypes. One haplotype was confined to Q. robur and a very rare one was restricted to Q. petraea. Both types of nuclear markers revealed a larger genetic variation for Q. pubescens and Q. petraea than for Q. frainetto and Q. robur, although the differences between species are in most cases not significant. At the nuclear level, Q. cerris could be clearly separated from the other four oak species confirming the taxonomic classification. Regardless of the estimate used, the levels of polymorphism revealed by microsatellites were much higher than those based on isozymes. For the four closely related species the overall genetic differentiation was significant at both categories of nuclear markers. Several loci, such as Acp-C for isozymes, and ssrQpZAG36 and ssrQrZAG96 for microsatellites were very useful to discriminate among species. However, the level of differentiation varied markedly between pairs of species. The genetic affinities among the species may reflect different phylogenetic distances and/or different rates of recurrent gene flow at this site. [source]

Temporal variability of disturbances: is this important for diversity and structure of marine fouling assemblages?

MARINE ECOLOGY, Issue 3 2007
Heather Sugden
Abstract Natural communities are constantly changing due to a variety of interacting external processes and the temporal occurrence and intensity of these processes can have important implications for the diversity and structure of marine sessile assemblages. In this study, we investigated the effects of temporal variation in a disturbance regime, as well as the specific timing of events within different regimes, on the composition and diversity of marine subtidal fouling assemblages. We did this in a multi-factorial experiment using artificial settlement tiles deployed at two sites on the North East coast of England. We found that although there were significant effects of disturbances on the composition of assemblages, there were no effects of either the variation in the disturbance regime or the specific timing of events on the diversity or assemblage composition at either site. In contrast to recent implications we conclude that in marine fouling assemblages, the variability in disturbance regimes (as a driving force) is unimportant, while disturbance itself is an important force for structuring robust ecosystems. [source]

Combining Strategies to Select Reserves in Fragmented Landscapes

These criteria are assumed to be reasonable surrogates for the true network objectives. Caution is warranted, however, because the relationships between the selection criteria and the reserve-network objectives may be inconsistent. Conflicts are also likely to arise because no single reserve network will be optimal with respect to multiple objectives (or selection criteria) simultaneously. Instead, reserve planners must compromise between conflicting demands. We field tested the relationships between a variety of selection criteria and the objectives of a reserve network for the sandplain natural communities on Martha's Vineyard Island, Massachusetts (U.S.A.). Selection criteria that correlated with the reserve-network objectives were used in a multi-objective integer program to identify the 10-patch reserve networks that were optimal with each objective independently and those that offered optimal tradeoffs between the reserve-network objectives. From these 10-patch networks, one can select a final reserve network that provides the preferred compromise between the objectives. Resumen:,La utilización de criterios de selección, como el tamaño de parche, para clasificar el valor de conservación de los parches de hábitat y evaluar redes de reservas alternativas es un método para identificar redes de reservas en paisajes fragmentados con datos especie-específicos limitados,. Se asume que estos criterios son sustitutos razonables de los verdaderos objetivos de la red. Sin embargo, se requiere cuidado porque las relaciones entre los criterios de selección y los objetivos de la red de reservas pueden ser inconsistentes. Es probable que surjan conflictos porque ninguna red de reservas seráóptima con respecto a objetivos (o criterios de selección) múltiples simultáneamente. Más bien, los planificadores de reservas deben transigir entre demandas conflictivas. Probamos las relaciones entre una variedad de criterios de selección y los objetivos de una red de reservas para comunidades arenícolas naturales en la Isla Martha's Vineyard, Massachussets (E.U.A.). Los criterios de selección que se correlacionaron con los objetivos de la red de reservas fueron utilizados en un programa multi-objetivo integral para identificar las 10 redes de reservas de fragmentos óptimas con cada objetivo independientemente y las que ofrecían compensaciones óptimas entre los objetivos de la red de reservas. De estas 10 redes de reservas de fragmentos, se puede seleccionar una red de reservas final que proporcione el compromiso preferido entre los objetivos. [source]

Tracking Fragmentation of Natural Communities and Changes in Land Cover: Applications of Landsat Data for Conservation in an Urban Landscape (Chicago Wilderness)

Yeqiao Wang
Within the metropolis survive some of the world's best remaining examples of eastern tallgrass prairie, oak savanna, open oak woodland, and prairie wetland. Chicago Wilderness is more than 81,000 ha of protected areas in the urban and suburban matrix. It also is the name of the coalition of more than 110 organizations committed to the survival of these natural lands. The long-term health of these imperiled communities depends on proper management of the more extensive, restorable lands that surround and connect the patches of high-quality habitat. Information critical to the success of conservation efforts in the region includes (1) a current vegetation map of Chicago Wilderness in sufficient detail to allow quantitative goal setting for the region's biodiversity recovery plan; (2) quantified fragmentation status of the natural communities; and (3) patterns of land-cover change and their effects on the vitality of communities under threat. We used multispectral data from the Landsat thematic mapper (October 1997) and associated ground truthing to produce a current vegetation map. With multitemporal remote-sensing data (acquired in 1972, 1985, and 1997), we derived land-cover maps of the region at roughly equivalent intervals over the past 25 years. Analyses with geographic information system models reveal rapid acceleration of urban and suburban sprawl over the past 12 years. Satellite images provide striking visual comparisons of land use and health. They also provide banks of geographically referenced data that make quantitative tracking of trends possible. The data on habitat degradation and fragmentation are the biological foundation of quantitative goals for regional restoration. Resumen: En Chicago hay una concentración de comunidades naturales globalmente significativas sorprendentemente alta. En la metrópolis sobreviven algunos de los mejores ejemplos mundiales remanentes de praderas de pastos orientales, sabanas de roble, bosques abiertos de roble y humedales de pradera. Chicago Wilderness es más de 81,000 ha de áreas protegidas en la matriz urbana y suburbana. También es el nombre de una coalición de más de 110 organizaciones dedicadas a la supervivencia de esas tierras naturales. La salud a largo plazo de estas comunidades amenazadas depende del manejo adecuado de las tierras, más extensas y restaurables, que rodean y conectan a los fragmentos de hábitat de alta calidad. La información crítica para el éxito de los esfuerzos de conservación en la región incluye: (1) un mapa actualizado de la vegetación de Chicago Wilderness con suficiente detalle para que la definición de metas cuantitativas para el plan de recuperación de la región sea posible; (2) cuantificación de la fragmentación de las comunidades naturales y (3) patrones de cambio de cobertura de suelo y sus efectos sobre la vitalidad de las comunidades amenazadas. Utilizamos datos multiespectrales del mapeador temático Landsat (octubre 1997) y verificaciones de campo asociadas para producir el mapa actualizado de vegetación. Con datos de percepción remota multitemporales (obtenidos en 1972, 1985 y 1997), derivamos los mapas de cobertura de suelo en la región en intervalos equivalentes en los últimos 25 años. El análisis de los modelos SIG revela una rápida aceleramiento del crecimiento urbano y suburbano en los últimos 12 años. Las imágenes de satélite proporcionan comparaciones visuales notables del uso y condición del suelo. También proporcionan bancos de datos referenciados geográficamente que hacen posible el rastreo de tendencias cuantitativas. Los datos de degradación y fragmentación del hábitat son la base biológica de metas cuantitativas para la restauración regional. [source]

Resolving the biodiversity paradox

James S. Clark
Abstract The paradox of biodiversity involves three elements, (i) mathematical models predict that species must differ in specific ways in order to coexist as stable ecological communities, (ii) such differences are difficult to identify, yet (iii) there is widespread evidence of stability in natural communities. Debate has centred on two views. The first explanation involves tradeoffs along a small number of axes, including ,colonization-competition', resource competition (light, water, nitrogen for plants, including the ,successional niche'), and life history (e.g. high-light growth vs. low-light survival and few large vs. many small seeds). The second view is neutrality, which assumes that species differences do not contribute to dynamics. Clark et al. (2004) presented a third explanation, that coexistence is inherently high dimensional, but still depends on species differences. We demonstrate that neither traditional low-dimensional tradeoffs nor neutrality can resolve the biodiversity paradox, in part by showing that they do not properly interpret stochasticity in statistical and in theoretical models. Unless sample sizes are small, traditional data modelling assures that species will appear different in a few dimensions, but those differences will rarely predict coexistence when parameter estimates are plugged into theoretical models. Contrary to standard interpretations, neutral models do not imply functional equivalence, but rather subsume species differences in stochastic terms. New hierarchical modelling techniques for inference reveal high-dimensional differences among species that can be quantified with random individual and temporal effects (RITES), i.e. process-level variation that results from many causes. We show that this variation is large, and that it stands in for species differences along unobserved dimensions that do contribute to diversity. High dimensional coexistence contrasts with the classical notions of tradeoffs along a few axes, which are often not found in data, and with ,neutral models', which mask, rather than eliminate, tradeoffs in stochastic terms. This mechanism can explain coexistence of species that would not occur with simple, low-dimensional tradeoff scenarios. [source]

Magnitude and variability of process rates in fungal diversity-litter decomposition relationships

ECOLOGY LETTERS, Issue 11 2005
Christian K. Dang
Abstract There is compelling evidence that losses in plant diversity can alter ecosystem functioning, particularly by reducing primary production. However, impacts of biodiversity loss on decomposition, the complementary process in the carbon cycle, are highly uncertain. By manipulating fungal decomposer diversity in stream microcosm experiments we found that rates of litter decomposition and associated fungal spore production are unaffected by changes in decomposer diversity under benign and harsher environmental conditions. This result calls for caution when generalizing outcomes of biodiversity experiments across systems. In contrast to their magnitude, the variability of process rates among communities increased when species numbers were reduced. This was most likely caused by a portfolio effect (i.e. statistical averaging), with the uneven species distribution typical of natural communities tending to weaken that effect. Curbing species extinctions to maintain ecosystem functioning thus can be important even in situations where process rates are unaffected. [source]

Searching for phylogenetic pattern in biological invasions

GLOBAL ECOLOGY, Issue 1 2008
erban Proche
Abstract It has been suggested that alien species with close indigenous relatives in the introduced range may have reduced chances of successful establishment and invasion (Darwin's naturalization hypothesis). Studies trying to test this have in fact been addressing four different hypotheses, and the same data can support some while rejecting others. In this paper, we argue that the phylogenetic pattern will change depending on the spatial and phylogenetic scales considered. Expectations and observations from invasion biology and the study of natural communities are that at the spatial scale relevant to competitive interactions, closely related species will be spatially separated, whereas at the regional scale, species in the same genera or families will tend to co-occur more often than by chance. We also argue that patterns in the relatedness of indigenous and naturalized plants are dependent on the continental/island setting, spatial occupancy levels, and on the group of organisms under scrutiny. Understanding how these factors create a phylogenetic pattern in invasions will help us predict which groups are more likely to invade where, and should contribute to general ecological theory. [source]

Making better biogeographical predictions of species' distributions

Summary 1Biogeographical models of species' distributions are essential tools for assessing impacts of changing environmental conditions on natural communities and ecosystems. Practitioners need more reliable predictions to integrate into conservation planning (e.g. reserve design and management). 2Most models still largely ignore or inappropriately take into account important features of species' distributions, such as spatial autocorrelation, dispersal and migration, biotic and environmental interactions. Whether distributions of natural communities or ecosystems are better modelled by assembling individual species' predictions in a bottom-up approach or modelled as collective entities is another important issue. An international workshop was organized to address these issues. 3We discuss more specifically six issues in a methodological framework for generalized regression: (i) links with ecological theory; (ii) optimal use of existing data and artificially generated data; (iii) incorporating spatial context; (iv) integrating ecological and environmental interactions; (v) assessing prediction errors and uncertainties; and (vi) predicting distributions of communities or collective properties of biodiversity. 4Synthesis and applications. Better predictions of the effects of impacts on biological communities and ecosystems can emerge only from more robust species' distribution models and better documentation of the uncertainty associated with these models. An improved understanding of causes of species' distributions, especially at their range limits, as well as of ecological assembly rules and ecosystem functioning, is necessary if further progress is to be made. A better collaborative effort between theoretical and functional ecologists, ecological modellers and statisticians is required to reach these goals. [source]

Phyllosphere microbiology with special reference to diversity and plant genotype

J.M. Whipps
Summary The phyllosphere represents the habitat provided by the aboveground parts of plants, and on a global scale supports a large and complex microbial community. Microbial interactions in the phyllosphere can affect the fitness of plants in natural communities, the productivity of agricultural crops, and the safety of horticultural produce for human consumption. The structure of phyllosphere communities reflects immigration, survival and growth of microbial colonists, which is influenced by numerous environmental factors in addition to leaf physico-chemical properties. The recent use of culture-independent techniques has demonstrated considerable previously unrecognized diversity in phyllosphere bacterial communities. Furthermore, there is significant recent evidence that plant genotype can play a major role in determining the structure of phyllosphere microbial communities. The main aims of this review are: (i) to discuss the diversity of phyllosphere microbial populations; (ii) to consider the processes by which microbes colonize the phyllosphere; (iii) to address the leaf characteristics and environmental factors that determine the survival and growth of colonists; (iv) to discuss microbial adaptations that allow establishment in the phyllosphere habitat and (v) to evaluate evidence for plant genotypic control of phyllosphere communities. Finally, we suggest approaches and priority areas for future research on phyllosphere microbiology. [source]

Characterizing the phylogenetic structure of communities by an additive partitioning of phylogenetic diversity

Summary 1Analysing the phylogenetic structure of natural communities may illuminate the processes governing the assembly and coexistence of species in ecological communities. 2Unifying previous works, we present a statistical framework to quantify the phylogenetic structure of communities in terms of average divergence time between pairs of individuals or species, sampled from different sites. This framework allows an additive partitioning of the phylogenetic signal into alpha (within-site) and beta (among-site) components, and is closely linked to Simpson diversity. It unifies the treatment of intraspecific (genetic) and interspecific diversity, leading to the definition of differentiation coefficients among community samples (e.g. IST, PST) analogous to classical population genetics coefficients expressing differentiation among populations (e.g. FST, NST). 3Two coefficients which express community differentiation among sites from species identity (IST) or species phylogeny (PST) require abundance data (number of individuals per species per site), and estimators that are unbiased with respect to sample size are given. Another coefficient (,ST) expresses the gain of the mean phylogenetic distance between species found in different sites compared with species found within sites, and requires only incidence data (presence/absence of each species in each site). 4We present tests based on phylogenetic tree randomizations to detect community phylogenetic clustering (PST > IST or ,ST > 0) or phylogenetic overdispersion (PST < IST or ,ST < 0). In addition, we propose a novel approach to detect phylogenetic clustering or overdispersion in different clades or at different evolutionary time depths using partial randomizations. 5IST, PST or ,ST can also be used as distances between community samples and regressed on ecological or geographical distances, allowing us to investigate the factors responsible for the phylogenetic signal and the critical scales at which it appears. 6We illustrate the approach on forest tree communities in Equatorial Guinea, where a phylogenetic clustering signal was probably due to phylogenetically conserved adaptations to the elevation gradient and was mostly contributed to by ancient clade subdivisions. 7The approach presented should find applications for comparing quantitatively phylogenetic patterns of different communities, of similar communities in different regions or continents, or of populations (within species) vs. communities (among species). [source]

Linking physiological traits to impacts on community structure and function: the role of root hemiparasitic Orobanchaceae (ex-Scrophulariaceae)

Summary 1The hemiparasitic Orobanchaceae (ex-Scrophulariaceae) are characterized by a distinctive suite of ecophysiological traits. These traits have important impacts on host plants and non-host plants, and influence interactions with other trophic levels. Ultimately, they can affect community structure and functioning. Here, we review these physiological traits and discuss their ecological consequences. 2The root hemiparasitic Orobanchaceae form a convenient subset of the parasitic angiosperms for study because: they are the most numerous and most widely distributed group of parasitic angiosperms; their physiological characteristics have been well studied; they are important in both agricultural and (semi)natural communities; and they are tractable as experimental organisms. 3Key traits include: high transpiration rates; competition with the host for nutrients and haustorial metabolism of host-derived solutes; uptake of host-derived secondary metabolites; dual autotrophic and heterotrophic carbon nutrition; distinct carbohydrate biochemistry; high nutrient concentrations in green leaf tissue and leaf litter; and small (often hairless and non-mycorrhizal) roots. 4Impacts on the host are detrimental, which can alter competitive balances between hosts and non-hosts and thus result in community change. Further impacts may result from effects on the abiotic environment, including soil water status, nutrient cycling and leaf/canopy temperatures. 5However, for non-host species and for organisms that interact with these (e.g. herbivores and pollinators) or for those that benefit from changes in the abiotic environment, the parasites may have an overall positive effect, suggesting that at the community level, hemiparasites may also be considered as mutualists. 6It is clear that through their distinctive suite of physiological traits hemiparasitic Orobanchaceae, have considerable impacts on community structure and function, can have both competitive and positive interactions with other plants, and can impact on other trophic levels. Many community level effects of parasitic plants can be considered analogous to those of other parasites, predators or herbivores. [source]


Keith H. Nislow
ABSTRACT: Understanding the effects of dams on the inundation regime of natural floodplain communities is critical for effective decision making on dam management or dam removal. To test the implications of hydrologic alteration by dams for floodplain natural communities, we conducted a combined field and modeling study along two reaches in the Connecticut River Rapids Macrosite (CRRM), one of the last remaining flowing water sections of the Upper Connecticut River. We surveyed multiple channel cross sections at both locations and concurrently identified and surveyed the elevations of important natural communities, native species of concern, and nonnative invasive species. Using a hydrologic model, HEC-RAS, we routed estimated pre-and post-impoundment discharges of different design recurrence intervals (two year through 100 year floods) through each reach to establish corresponding reductions in elevation and effective wetted perimeter following post-dam discharge reductions. By comparing (1) the frequency and duration of flooding of these surfaces before and after impoundment and (2) the total area flooded at different recurrence intervals, our goal was to derive a spatially explicit assessment of hydrologic alteration, directly relevant to natural floodplain communities. Post-impoundment hydrologic alteration profoundly affected the subsequent inundation regime, and this impact was particularly true of higher floodplain terraces. These riparian communities, which were flooded, on average, every 20 to 100 years pre-impoundment, were predicted to flood at 100 , 100 year intervals, essentially isolating them completely from riverine influence. At the pre-dam five to ten year floodplain elevations, we observed smaller differences in predicted flood frequency but substantial differences in the total area flooded and in the average flood duration. For floodplain forests in the Upper Connecticut River, this alteration by impoundment suggests that even if other stresses facing these communities (human development, invasive exotics) were alleviated, this may not be sufficient to restore intact natural communities. More generally, our approach provides a way to combine site specific variables with long term gage records in assessing the restorative potential of dam removal. [source]

The Impact of Human Recreational Activities in Marine Protected Areas: What Lessons Should Be Learnt in the Mediterranean Sea?

Marco Milazzo
Abstract. The aesthetic appeal of marine reserves and the facilities provided, together with the increased public awareness of nature, all contribute to creating massive tourism in MPAs. Human activities are being changed inside MPAs in two ways: humans as top predators are generally being removed, but in turn they could come back at great numbers as visitors. Many authors have studied the impact of visitors, and the results highlight that the consequences can be very substantial and may represent a severe threat to the overall diversity of marine communities. To date, the documented effects of human recreational activities on natural communities are restricted to assessing the consequences of trampling over intertidal and upper infralittoral areas, boat anchoring in seagrass meadows and tropical reefs, or SCUB A-diving. In this paper we review the available literature world-wide on the effects of human recreational activities in marine communities. The objective is to address the extent of these impacts and to highlight the gaps of knowledge to be filled in order to optimise decision making on research, monitoring, and management of Mediterranean MPAs. A specific plan for managing tourism use in each Mediterranean MPA should be designated. These strategies should be implemented through education, training, and changes in legislation and policy. [source]

Effects of diversity on diversity: consequences of competition and facilitation

OIKOS, Issue 7 2008
Mark Vellend
Diversity in one group of species or genotypes is often correlated with diversity in a second group , prominent examples including native vs exotic species, and genetic diversity in a focal species vs species diversity in the rest of the community. I used simulation models to investigate the roles of competition and facilitation among species or genotypes in creating diversity,diversity relationships, with a focus on facilitation, which has received little theoretical attention. When competitive interactions dominate, increasing diversity in one group reduces diversity in the second group via filling of available niche space. Facilitation can create positive diversity,diversity relationships via a sampling effect, whereby a strong facilitator of the second group is more likely to be present as diversity increases in the first group, and also via one group acting as a source of biotic heterogeneity (i.e. diversifying selection) on the second group. However, the biotic heterogeneity effect is expected only under restricted conditions , with asymmetric facilitation, only during a transient period, or only over a small range of species diversity levels , and therefore seems unlikely to operate within trophic levels in natural communities. More generally, the simultaneous operation of competition and facilitation results in several different diversity,diversity relationships and underlying mechanisms. The results clarify the potential roles of positive and negative interactions in creating diversity,diversity relationships, and in determining the outcome of community dynamics in general. This study also highlights some important difficulties in incorporating facilitation into ecological theory for communities with many species. [source]

Trophic supplements to intraguild predation

OIKOS, Issue 4 2007
Matthew P. Daugherty
Intraguild predation (IGP) is a dominant community module in terrestrial food webs that occurs when multiple consumers feed both on each other and on a shared prey. This specific form of omnivory is common in terrestrial communities and is of particular interest for conservation biology and biological control given its potential to disrupt management of threatened or pest species. Extensive theory exists to describe the dynamics of three-species IGP, but these models have largely overlooked the potential for other, exterior interactions, to alter the dynamics within the IGP module. We investigated how three forms of feeding outside of the IGP module by intraguild predators (i.e. trophic supplementation) affect the dynamics of the predators (both IG predator and IG prey) and their shared resource. Specifically, we examined how the provision of a constant donor-controlled resource, the availability of an alternative prey species, and predator plant-feeding affect the dynamics of IGP models. All three forms of trophic supplements modified the basic expectations of IGP theory in two important ways, and their effects were similar. First, coexistence was possible without the IG prey being a superior competitor for the original shared resource if the IG prey could effectively exploit one of the types of trophic supplements. However, supplements to the IG predator restricted the potential for coexistence. Second, supplements to the IG prey ameliorated the disruptive effects of the IG predator on the suppression of the shared resource, promoting effective control of the resource in the presence of both predators. Consideration of these three forms of trophic supplementation, all well documented in natural communities, adds substantial realism and predictive power to intraguild predation theory. [source]

Effects of species diversity on the primary productivity of ecosystems: extending our spatial and temporal scales of inference

OIKOS, Issue 3 2004
Bradley J. Cardinale
The number of studies examining how species diversity influences the productivity of ecosystems has increased dramatically in the past decade as concern about global loss of biodiversity has intensified. Research to date has greatly improved our understanding of how, when, and why species loss alters primary production in ecosystems. However, because experiments have been performed at rather small spatial and short temporal scales, it is unclear whether conclusions can be readily extrapolated to the broader scales at which natural communities are most likely to influence ecosystem functioning. Here we develop a simple patch-dynamics model to examine some of the scale-dependent and independent qualities of the diversity-productivity relationship. We first simulate a typical diversity-productivity experiment and show that the influence of species richness on productivity is temporally dynamic, growing stronger through successional time. This holds true irrespective of whether resource partitioning or a sampling effect is the underlying mechanism. We then increase the spatial scale of the simulation from individual patches to a region consisting of many patch types. Results suggest that the diversity-productivity relationship is not influenced by spatial scale per se, but that the mechanism producing the relationship can change from sampling effects within individual patches to resource partitioning across patch types composing the region. This change occurs even though model dynamics are the same at both scales, suggesting that sampling effects and resource partitioning can represent different descriptions of the same biological processes operating concurrently at differing scales of observation. Lastly, we incorporate regional processes of dispersal and disturbance into the model and show that these processes can amplify the effect of species richness on productivity, resulting in patterns not easily anticipated from experiments. We conclude that the relative control of community structure by local versus regional processes may be a primary determinant of the diversity-productivity relationship in natural ecosystems. Therefore, past experiments having focused only on local processes might not reflect patterns and processes underlying diversity-productivity relationships in communities where disturbance and dispersal regulate species biomasses. [source]

Land-cover/use transitions in the binational Tijuana River watershed during a period of rapid industrialization

L. Ojeda-Revah
Abstract Question: How do differing social and economic systems affect the dynamics and trajectory of land cover / land use change on similar, neighbouring ecosystems in a time span when an economic industrialization program was enforced? Location: Tijuana River watershed, located on the border between Baja California, Mexico and California, United States. Methods: We quantified land use changes between 1970 and 1994 in the Tijuana River watershed. Using aerial photographs and geographic information systems, we elaborated land-cover/use maps and calculated transition probability matrices to describe natural land-cover changes at the landscape level on both sides of the border. Results: Land cover / land use transitions are mainly driven by urban development on both sides of the border, but exhibit different patterns in each country. The processes seem to be more complex in the Mexican part of the basin, where itinerant land use may revert induced grasslands and rain-fed agriculture into natural communities, than on the US side, where the transition pathways are few and unidirectional. Conclusions: Despite the need for an integrated planning and management of binational basins and shared water resources, in practice, these goals may be hampered by different economic and social factors triggering land use change within each country. [source]

Linking vegetation heterogeneity and functional attributes of temperate grasslands through remote sensing

Roxana Aragón
Abstract Question: How are plant communities of the Flooding Pampa grasslands spatially distributed? How do canopy dynamics of the different communities vary among seasons and years? Location: Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Methods: We characterized the distribution of communities through a supervised classification based on four Landsat 5TM images. We sampled species composition of 200 sites, with 130 of them corresponding to natural communities. Of the sampling areas 60% were used to classify, and the remaining areas to assess classification accuracy. We characterized the seasonal and interannual variability of canopy dynamics using NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) data provided by MODIS /Terra images. Results: Overall accuracy of the classification was satisfactory. The resulting maps showed a landscape formed by a matrix of extended lowlands with small patches of mesophytic and humid mesophytic meadows. The October scene (near the peak of productivity) was particularly important in discriminating among communities. The seasonal pattern of NDVI differed among communities and years. Mesophytic meadows had the highest NDVI mean and the lowest interannual coefficient of variation, halophytic steppes had the lowest mean, and vegetated ponds were the most variable. Conclusions: These grasslands have a fine-grained heterogeneity at the landscape scale. Each plant community has distinct seasonal and interannual canopy dynamics. These two features of grassland structure and functioning represent key information for rangeland management that may be obtained through a combination of minor field sampling and remote sensing. [source]

Patterns of Seed Dispersal and Dispersal Failure in a Hawaiian Dry Forest Having Only Introduced Birds

BIOTROPICA, Issue 4 2010
Charles G. Chimera
ABSTRACT Dry forests are among the most endangered natural communities in the Hawaiian Islands. Most have been reduced to isolated trees and small forest fragments in which native tree species reproduce poorly. The replacement of native birds by introduced generalists may be contributing to dry forest decline through modification of seed dispersal patterns. To document seed dispersal by introduced birds, we conducted foraging observations on fleshy-fruited trees and measured seed rain under trees and in adjacent open areas for 1 year in a dry forest dominated by native trees. Although trees covered only 15.2 percent of the study area, 96.9 percent of the bird-dispersed seeds were deposited beneath them. The Japanese white-eye (Zosterops japonicus) was the principal dispersal agent. Among bird-dispersed seeds, those of the invasive tree Bocconia frutescens accounted for 75 percent of all seeds collected beneath trees (14.8 seeds/m2/yr) and the invasive shrub Lantana camara accounted for 17 percent. Although nearly 60 percent of the reserve's native woody species possess fleshy fruits, introduced birds rarely disperse their seeds. Native trees accounted for <8 percent of all bird-dispersed seeds and are consequently experiencing dispersal failure by falling directly under parent trees. Smaller-seeded non-native plants, in contrast, may be benefiting from dispersal by introduced birds. Current dispersal patterns suggest that these readily disseminated non-native plants may eventually replace the remaining native flora. [source]

Multiple displacement amplification as a pre-polymerase chain reaction (pre-PCR) to process difficult to amplify samples and low copy number sequences from natural environments

Juan M. Gonzalez
Summary Microbial assessment of natural biodiversity is usually achieved through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequences from natural samples are often difficult to amplify because of the presence of PCR inhibitors or to the low number of copies of specific sequences. In this study, we propose a non-specific preamplification procedure to overcome the presence of inhibitors and to increase the number of copies prior to carrying out standard amplification by PCR. The pre-PCR step is carried out through a multiple displacement amplification (MDA) technique using random hexamers as priming oligonucleotides and ,29 DNA polymerase in an isothermal, whole-genome amplification reaction. Polymerase chain reaction amplification using specific priming oligonucleotides allows the selection of the sequences of interest after a preamplification reaction from complex environmental samples. The procedure (MDA-PCR) has been tested on a natural microbial community from a hypogean environment and laboratory assemblages of known bacterial species, in both cases targeting the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequences. Results from the natural community showed successful amplifications using the two steps protocol proposed in this study while standard, direct PCR amplification resulted in no amplification product. Amplifications from a laboratory assemblage by the two-step proposed protocol were successful at bacterial concentrations ,,10-fold lower than standard PCR. Amplifications carried out in the presence of different concentrations of fulvic acids (a soil humic fraction) by the MDA-PCR protocol generated PCR products at concentrations of fulvic acids over 10-fold higher than standard PCR amplifications. The proposed procedure (MDA-PCR) opens the possibility of detecting sequences represented at very low copy numbers, to work with minute samples, as well as to reduce the negative effects on PCR amplifications of some inhibitory substances commonly found in environmental samples. [source]

Soil microorganisms in coastal foredunes control the ectoparasitic root-feeding nematode Tylenchorhynchus ventralis by local interactions

Anna M. Pi, kiewicz
Summary 1In natural grassland ecosystems, root-feeding nematodes and insects are the dominant below-ground herbivores. In coastal foredunes, the ectoparasitic nematode Tylenchorhynchus ventralis would be a major root herbivore if not strongly controlled by soil microorganisms. Here, we examined if the suppressive effects of the microbial enemies of T. ventralis act by local interactions such as predation, parasitism or antagonism, or local induction of plant defence, or by non-local interactions, such as systemic effects when microorganisms in one section of the plant roots can affect nematode control in another section of the root system. We show that abundance of T. ventralis in the root zone of the grass Ammophila arenaria is suppressed by local interactions. 2We compared local vs. non-local control of nematodes by a natural community of soil microorganisms in a split-root experiment, where nematodes and microbes were inoculated to the same, or to opposite root compartments. 3The split-root experiment revealed that microorganisms affected T. ventralis numbers only when present in the same root compartment. Therefore, the effects of microorganisms on T. ventralis are due to local interactions and not due to induction of a systemic defence mechanism in the plant host. 4When inoculated together with microorganisms, the nematodes were heavily infected with unknown bacteria and with fungi that resembled the genus Catenaria, suggesting that microorganisms control nematodes through parasitism. However, local defence induction cannot be completely excluded. 5Besides microbial enemies of nematodes, the root zone of A. arenaria also contains plant pathogens. Root biomass was reduced by nematode infection, but also by the combination of nematodes and microorganisms, most likely because the soil pathogens overwhelmed the effects of nematode control on plant production. 6We conclude that there may be a trade-off between beneficial effects of soil microorganisms on the plant host due to nematode control vs. pathogenic effects of soil microorganisms on the plant host. We propose that such trade-offs require more attention when studying below-ground multitrophic interactions. [source]

Genetic Variation and Differentiation Within a Natural Community of Five Oak Species (Quercus spp.)

PLANT BIOLOGY, Issue 1 2007
A. L. Curtu
Abstract: Chloroplast DNA and two categories of nuclear markers - isozymes and microsatellites - were used to examine a very rich natural community of oaks (Quercus spp.) situated in west-central Romania. The community consists of five oak species: Q. robur, Q. petraea, Q. pubescens, and Q. frainetto - that are closely related -, and Q. cerris. A total of five chloroplast haplotypes was identified. Q. cerris was fixed for a single haplotype. The other four species shared the two most common haplotypes. One haplotype was confined to Q. robur and a very rare one was restricted to Q. petraea. Both types of nuclear markers revealed a larger genetic variation for Q. pubescens and Q. petraea than for Q. frainetto and Q. robur, although the differences between species are in most cases not significant. At the nuclear level, Q. cerris could be clearly separated from the other four oak species confirming the taxonomic classification. Regardless of the estimate used, the levels of polymorphism revealed by microsatellites were much higher than those based on isozymes. For the four closely related species the overall genetic differentiation was significant at both categories of nuclear markers. Several loci, such as Acp-C for isozymes, and ssrQpZAG36 and ssrQrZAG96 for microsatellites were very useful to discriminate among species. However, the level of differentiation varied markedly between pairs of species. The genetic affinities among the species may reflect different phylogenetic distances and/or different rates of recurrent gene flow at this site. [source]