N Recovery (n + recovery)

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Selected Abstracts

Citric acid traps to replace sulphuric acid in the ammonia diffusion of dilute water samples for 15N analysis

Patrick Schleppi
The analysis of 15N in aqueous samples requires the concentration of dissolved nitrogen (N) into a small volume that can be analysed by mass spectrometry. This is conveniently achieved by the NH3 diffusion technique, where NH is captured on small acidified filters enclosed in PTFE. NO can be analysed the same way by reducing it to NH with Devarda's alloy. H2SO4 is commonly used for the acidification of the filters. During combustion, however, this acid leads to the production of SO2 and elemental sulphur, which both have detrimental effects on the mass spectrometer. We propose here to replace H2SO4 with citric acid because it is combusted completely to CO2 and H2O in the elemental analyser before entering the mass spectrometer. Citric acid was found to give comparable results in terms of N recovery and 15N values, both for NH and for NO samples. Blank samples revealed that N contamination was slightly lower using citric instead of sulphuric acid as acidifier of the glass filters. NH samples first concentrated over cation-exchange columns were strongly acidic and several methods were tested to raise the pH for the subsequent diffusion. These samples gave incomplete N recoveries, but this problem was independent of the acid used on the filters and of the final pH of the sample. Complete recovery was achieved only by increasing the volume of the eluate from the columns. Citric acid can thus generally be recommended instead of H2SO4 for ammonia diffusion. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Effect of Different Crop Densities of Winter Wheat on Recovery of Nitrogen in Crop and Soil within the Growth Period

K. Blankenau
Previous experiments have shown that, at harvest of winter wheat, recovery of fertilizer N applied in early spring [tillering, Zadok's growth stage (GS) 25] is lower than that of N applied later in the growth period. This can be explained by losses and immobilization of N, which might be higher between GS 25 and stem elongation (GS 31). It was hypothesized that a higher crop density (i.e. more plants per unit area) results in an increased uptake of fertilizer N applied at GS 25, so that less fertilizer N is subject to losses and immobilization. Different crop densities of winter wheat at GS 25 were established by sowing densities of 100 seeds m,2 (Slow), 375 seeds m,2 (Scfp= common farming practice) and 650 seeds m,2 (Shigh) in autumn. The effect of sowing density on crop N uptake and apparent fertilizer N recovery (aFNrec = N in fertilized treatments , N in unfertilized treatments) in crops and soil mineral N (Nmin), as well as on lost and immobilized N (i.e. non-recovered N = N rate , aFNrec), was investigated for two periods after N application at GS 25 [i.e. from GS 25 to 15 days later (GS 25 + 15d), and from GS 25 + 15d to GS 31] and in a third period between GS 31 and harvest (i.e. after second and third N applications). Fertilizer N rates varied at GS 25 (0, 43 and 103 kg N ha,1), GS 31 (0 and 30 kg N ha,1) and ear emergence (0, 30 and 60 kg ha,1). At GS 25 + 15d, non-recovered N was highest (up to 33 kg N ha,1 and up to 74 kg N ha,1 at N rates of 43 and 103 kg N ha,1, respectively) due to low crop N uptake after the first N dressing. Non-recovered N was not affected by sowing density. Re-mineralization during later growth stages indicated that non-recovered N had been immobilized. N uptake rates from the second and third N applications were lowest for Slow, so non-recovered N at harvest was highest for Slow. Although non-recovered N was similar for Scfp and Shigh, the highest grain yields were found at Scfp and N dressings of 43 + 30 + 60 kg N ha,1. This combination of sowing density and N rates was the closest to common farming practice. Grain yields were lower for Shigh than for Scfp, presumably due to high competition between plants for nutrients and water. In conclusion, reducing or increasing sowing density compared to Scfp did not reduce immobilization (and losses) of fertilizer N and did not result in increased fertilizer N use efficiency or grain yields. Einfluß unterschiedlicher pflanzendichten von Winterweizen auf die Wiederfindung von Stickstoff in Pflanze und Boden während der Vegetationsperiode Aus Wintergetreideversuchen ist bekannt, daß zur Ernte die Wiederfindung von Düngerstickstoff aus der Andüngung (Bestockung, [GS-Skala nach Zadok] GS 25) im Aufwuchs und in mineralischer Form im Boden (Nmin) niedriger ist als die von Düngerstickstoff der Schosser-und Ährengaben. Dies kann auf höhere Verluste bzw. eine höhere Immobilisation von Düngerstickstoff zwischen GS 25 und Schoßbeginn zurückgeführt werden, da hier die N-Aufnahme der Pflanzen im Vergleich zu späteren Wachstumsstadien gering ist. Daraus wurde abgeleitet, daß eine Erhöhung der Pflanzendichte zu einer erhöhten Aufnahme von früh gedüngtem N führen könnte, so daß weniger Dünger-N für Verlust- und Immobilisationsprozesse im Boden verbleibt. Unterschiedliche Pflanzendichten wurden durch unterschiedliche Aussaatstärken im Herbst erreicht (Slow= 100 Körner m,2, Scfp [herkömmliche Praxis]= 375 Körner m,2, Shigh= 650 Körner m,2). In der folgenden Vegetationsperiode wurde der Einfluß der verschiedenen Aussaatstärken auf die N-Aufnahme, die apparente Wiederfindung von Dünger-N (aFNrec = N in gedüngten , N in ungedüngten Prüfgliedern) in Pflanzen und Nmin, sowie auf potentielle Verluste und Immobilisation von Dünger-N (N-Defizit = N-Düngung , aFNrec) für zwei Phasen im Zeitraum zwischen der ersten N-Gabe (GS 25) und der Schossergabe zu GS 31 (d. h. zwischen GS 25 und 15 Tagen später [GS 25 + 15d] und von GS 25 + 15d bis GS 31), sowie zwischen GS 31 und der Ernte (d. h. nach der zweiten und dritten N-Gabe) untersucht. Die N-Düngung variierte zu den Terminen GS 25 (0, 43, 103 kg N ha,1), GS 31 (0, 30 kg N ha,1) und zum Ährenschieben (0, 30, 60 kg N ha,1). Unabhängig von der Aussaatstärke war das N-Defizit zum Termin GS 25 + 15d am höchsten (bis zu 33 kg N ha,1 und 74 kg N ha,1 bei einer N-Düngung von 43 bzw. 103 kg N ha,1), da die N-Aufnahme durch die Pflanzen während der Bestockungsphase am geringsten war. Das N-Defizit zeigt vornehmlich immobilisierten N an, da zu späteren Terminen eine Re-Mobilisation von N auftrat. Zwischen GS 31 und der Ernte wurden für die Aussaatstärke Slow die geringsten Aufnahmeraten von Düngerstickstoff aus der Schosser- und Ährengabe errechnet, so daß für Slow die höchsten N-Defizitmengen ermittelt wurden. Obwohl die N-Defizitmengen für Scfp und Shigh annähernd gleich waren, wurden bei N-Düngung von 43 + 30 + 60 kg N ha,1 für Scfp die höchsten Kornerträge erzielt. Diese Kombination von Aussaatstärke und N-Düngung kann als praxisüblich bezeichnet werden. Für Shigh wurden vermutlich niedrigere Kornerträge erzielt, weil die Konkurrenz um Nährstoffe und Wasser zwischen den Pflanzen aufgrund der hohen Pflanzendichte am intensivsten war. Die Ergebnisse lassen den Schluß zu, daß eine Verringerung oder Erhöhung der Pflanzendichte über entsprechende Aussaatstärken nicht zu einer Reduktion der Dünger-N-Immobilisation (oder von N-Verlusten) führt und demnach auch nicht die Dünger-N-Ausnutzung durch die Bestände erhöht wird. [source]

Effect of the nitrification inhibitor nitrapyrin on the fate of nitrogen applied to a soil incubated under laboratory conditions

M. Kaleem Abbasi
Abstract The aim of this study was to examine the effect of the nitrification inhibitor nitrapyrin on the fate and recovery of fertilizer nitrogen (N) and on N mineralization from soil organic sources. Intact soil cores were collected from a grassland field. Diammonium phosphate (DAP) and urea were applied as N sources. Cores were equilibrated at ,5 kPa matric potential and incubated at 20,°C for 42 to 56 days. Changes in NH4+ -N, accumulation of NO3, -N, apparent recovery of applied N, and emission of N2O (acetylene was used to block N2O reductase) were examined during the study. A significant increase in NH4+ -N released through mineralization was recorded when nitrapyrin was added to the control soil without N fertilizer application. In the soils to which N was added either as urea or DAP, 50,90,% of the applied N disappeared from the NH4+ -N pool. Some of this N (8,16,%) accumulated as NO3, -N, while a small proportion of N (1,%) escaped as N2O. Addition of nitrapyrin resulted in a decrease and delay of NH4+ -N disappearance, accumulation of much lower soil NO3, -N contents, a substantial reduction in N2O emissions, and a 30,40,% increase in the apparent recovery of added N. The study indicates that N recovery can be increased by using the nitrification inhibitor nitrapyrin in grassland soils at moisture condition close to field capacity. No translation. [source]

Diffusion technique for 15N and inorganic N analysis of low-N aqueous solutions and Kjeldahl digests,

Rui Rui Chen
Diffusion of ammonia is a common sample preparation method for the stable isotope analysis of inorganic nitrogen in aqueous solution. Classical diffusion methods usually require 6,12 days of diffusion and often focus on 15N/14N analysis only. More recent studies have discussed whether complete N recovery was necessary for the precise analysis of stable N isotope ratios. In this paper we present a newly revised diffusion technique that allows correct and simultaneous determination of total N and 15N at% from aqueous solutions and Kjeldahl digests, with N concentrations down to sub-0.5-mg,N,L,1 levels, and it is tested under different conditions of 15N isotope labelling. With the modification described, the diffusion time was reduced to 72,h, while the ratios of measured and expected 15N at% were greater than 99% and the simultaneous recovery of total N was >95%. Analysis of soil microbial biomass N and its 15N/14N ratio is one of the most important applications of this diffusion technique. An experiment with soil extracts spiked with 15N-labelled yeast showed that predigestion was necessary to prevent serious N loss during Kjeldahl digestion of aqueous samples (i.e. soil extracts). The whole method of soil microbial biomass N preparation for 15N/14N analysis included chloroform fumigation, predigestion, Kjeldahl digestion and diffusion. An experiment with soil spiked with 15N-labelled yeast was carried out to evaluate the method. Results showed a highly significant correlation of recovered and added N, with the same recovery rate (0.21) of both total N and 15N. A kN value of 0.25 was obtained based on the data. In conclusion, the diffusion method works for soil extracts and microbial biomass N determination and hence could be useful in many types of soil/water studies. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Citric acid traps to replace sulphuric acid in the ammonia diffusion of dilute water samples for 15N analysis

Patrick Schleppi
The analysis of 15N in aqueous samples requires the concentration of dissolved nitrogen (N) into a small volume that can be analysed by mass spectrometry. This is conveniently achieved by the NH3 diffusion technique, where NH is captured on small acidified filters enclosed in PTFE. NO can be analysed the same way by reducing it to NH with Devarda's alloy. H2SO4 is commonly used for the acidification of the filters. During combustion, however, this acid leads to the production of SO2 and elemental sulphur, which both have detrimental effects on the mass spectrometer. We propose here to replace H2SO4 with citric acid because it is combusted completely to CO2 and H2O in the elemental analyser before entering the mass spectrometer. Citric acid was found to give comparable results in terms of N recovery and 15N values, both for NH and for NO samples. Blank samples revealed that N contamination was slightly lower using citric instead of sulphuric acid as acidifier of the glass filters. NH samples first concentrated over cation-exchange columns were strongly acidic and several methods were tested to raise the pH for the subsequent diffusion. These samples gave incomplete N recoveries, but this problem was independent of the acid used on the filters and of the final pH of the sample. Complete recovery was achieved only by increasing the volume of the eluate from the columns. Citric acid can thus generally be recommended instead of H2SO4 for ammonia diffusion. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]