Morphological Evaluation (morphological + evaluation)

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Proplatelet formation in heterozygous Bernard-Soulier syndrome type Bolzano

Summary.,Background: Although mutations of GPIb, are among the most frequent causes of inherited platelet disorders, the mechanisms for the onset of thrombocytopenia and platelet macrocytosis are still poorly defined. Objective: In this work we analyzed in vitro megakaryocyte differentiation and proplatelet formation in six subjects heterozygous for the Ala156Val mutation in the GPIb, (Bolzano mutation). Methods: Human megakaryocytes were obtained by differentiation of patient cord blood-derived CD34+ cells and peripheral blood-derived CD45+ cells. Proplatelet formation was evaluated by phase contrast and fluorescence microscopy. Results: Megakaryocyte differentiation from both cord blood (one patient) and peripheral blood (five patients) was comparable to controls. However, proplatelet formation was reduced by about 50% with respect to controls. An identical defect of proplatelet formation was observed when megakaryocytes were plated on fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor or grown in suspension. Morphological evaluation of proplatelet formation revealed an increased size of proplatelet tips, which was consistent with the increased diameters of patients' blood platelets. Moreover, ,-tubulin distribution within proplatelets was severely deranged. Conclusions: Megakaryocytes from patients carrying a Bolzano allele of GPIb, display both quantitative and qualitative abnormalities of proplatelet formation in vitro. These results suggest that a defect of platelet formation contributes to macrothrombocytopenia associated to the Bolzano mutation, and indicate a key role for GPIb, in proplatelet formation. [source]

Morphological evaluation of epitaxial GaN grown on r -plane sapphire by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy

K. Kusakabe
Abstract Morphological evaluation of epitaxial GaN films grown on r -plane sapphire substrates by atmospheric metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy was investigated. The surface frequently showed rough morphology when the GaN was grown at conventional epitaxial conditions. It was found, however, that the surface roughness was improved by using appropriate combinations of growth temperature and low-temperature GaN buffer thickness. Thereby, a peak-to-valley value of the roughness was reduced from 4 ,m to 0.8 ,m. The rotation of crystallographic orientations was observed in the flattened GaN films. (© 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) [source]

Effect of donor characteristics, technique of harvesting and in vitro processing on culturing of human marrow stroma cells for tissue engineered growth of bone

Helge Bertram
Abstract: The aim of this study was to assess the effect of donor characteristics and the technique of harvesting and in vitro processing on the efficacy of culturing of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) for tissue engineered growth of bone. Cultures of hMSCs were derived from iliac crest bone marrow aspirates (21 donors, age 11,76) and from cancellous bone grafting material (32 donors, age 13,84). Age had no significant effect on the ability to isolate and culture hMSCs, although the failure rate was 55.6% in donors beyond the age of 60, while it varied between 14.3% and 22.2% in donors under 60 years of age. Male and female donors had comparable failure rates (27.3% and 28.6%, respectively). Culturing of hMSCs was successful in 90.4% of marrow aspirates from 21 donors and in 62.5% of cancellous bone specimens from 35 donors. This difference was statistically significant (P=0.023). Regression analysis confirmed that at simultaneous testing of the three variables, only the source of cells significantly affected the result (P=0.043). Morphological evaluation of the unfractionated primary population showed a change in cell shape of the adherent cells from a triangular into thin spindle-shaped elongated form, which remains until confluence. When the cultures were exposed to osteoinductive medium, various morphotypes expressing different levels of alkaline phosphatase and secreting different amounts of mineral were evident. Morphology of marrow stroma cells (MSCs) from marrow aspirates was not different from MSCs derived from cancellous bone specimens. Expression of osteogenic markers in MSCs as shown by PCR as well, did not differ between the two sources. It is concluded that marrow aspirates and cancellous bone specimens produce comparable populations of MSCs. However, bone marrow aspirates from donors under the age of 60 years rather than cancellous bone chips are favourable for isolation and expansion of hMSCs for tissue engineered growth of bone. Résumé Le but de cette étude a été d'analyser l'effet des caractéristiques du donneur et la technique de prélèvement et du processus in vitro sur l'efficacité des cultures des cellules souches mésenchymateuses humaines (hMSC) pour la croissance tissulaire en laboratoire de l'os. Les cultures de hMSC provenaient de la moelle osseuse de la crête iliaque (21 donneurs de 11 à 76 ans) et de matériel de greffe osseuse d'os spongieux (32 donneurs de 13 à 84 ans). L'âge n'avait aucun effet significatif sur l'habilitéà isoler et à mettre en culture les hMSC bien que le taux d'échec était de 56% chez les donneurs au-dessus de 60 ans et variait de 14 à 22% chez les donneurs en-dessous de 60 ans. Les hommes et les femmes avaient des taux d'échec comparables de respectivement 27 et 28%. La mise en culture des hMSC a réussi dans 90% des prélèvements de moelle et dans 63% dans les échantillons osseux spongieux. Cette différence était statistiquement significative (P=0,023). L'analyse de régression a confirmé qu'avec un test simultané des trois variables, seul la source de cellules avait un réel effet sur le résultat (P=0,043). L'évaluation morphologique de la population primaire non-fractionnée a montré un changement dans l'apparence des cellules adhérentes depuis un aspect triangulaire à une forme allongée en forme de fuseau qui restait jusqu'à confluence. Lorsque les cultures étaient exposées à un milieu ostéoinductif différents morphotypes exprimant différents niveaux de phosphatase alcaline et secrétant différentes quantitées de minéraux étaient mis en évidence. La morphologie des MSC des prélèvements de la moelle n'était pas différente des MSC provenant des spécimens osseux spongieux. L'expression des marqueurs ostéogéniques dans les MSC ne montrait par PCR aucune différence entre ces deux sources. Les prélèvements de moelle et les spécimens osseux spongieux produisent donc des populations comparables de MSC. Cependant, les aspirations de moelle de donneurs en-dessous de 60 ans plutôt que les chips osseux spongieux sont favorables pour l'isolation et l'expansion des hMSC pour la croissance osseuse en laboratoire. Zusammenfassung Es war das Ziel dieser Studie, den Einfluss von Spender-Merkmalen, Entnahmetechnik und in vitro -Behandlung bei der erfolgreichen Kultivierung von menschlichen mesenchymalen Stammzellen (hMSCs) für das gewebsgesteuerte Knochenwachstum zu untersuchen. Die Kulturen der hMSCs gewann man aus vom Beckenkamm aspiriertem Knochenmark (21 Spender, Alter 11,76) und von Spongiosa aus Spendermaterial (32 Spender, Alter 13,84). Das Alter hatte keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die erfolgreiche Isolierung und Kultivierung von hMSCs, obgleich die Misserfolgsrate bei Spendern über 60 Jahren 55.6% betrug, währenddem sie bei Spendern unter 60 Jahren zwischen 14.3% und 22.2% variierte. Männer und Frauen hatten vergleichbare Misserfolgsraten (27.3%, beziehungsweise 28.6%). Die Kultivierung von hMSCs war bei 90.4% des aspirierten Marks von 21 Spendern und 62.5% der Spongiosa von 35 Spendern erfolgreich. Diese Differenz war statistisch signifikant (P=0.023). Die Regressionsanalyse bestätigte, dass von den drei gleichzeitig getesteten Variablen nur die Entnahmequelle der Zellen das Resultat signifikant beeinflusste (P=0.043). Die morphologische Untersuchung der unfraktionierten Primärpopulation zeigte bei den adhärenten Zellen eine Veränderung der Zellform von einer dreieckigen zu einer spindelförmigen länglichen Form. Diese blieb bis zu ihrem Zusammenwachsen erhalten. Wurden die Kulturen einem osteoinduktiven Einfluss ausgesetzt, entwickelten sich verschiedene Morphotypen, die auch verschiedene Mengen alkalischer Phosphatase und Mineralien ausschieden. Die Morphologie der MSCs aus dem aspirierten Knochenmark war nicht anders als diejenige von MSCs aus spongiösen Knochenproben. Die Ausscheidung von osteogenen Markern durch die MSCs, auch messbar durch den PCR, verhielt sich bei den Zellen aus beiden Quellen gleich. Man schloss daher, dass aspiriertes Knochenmark und Spongiosa vergleichbare Populationen von MSCs produzieren. Für die Isolation und Expansion von hMSCs zur gesteuerten Knochengewebsregeneration ist aspiriertes Knochenmark vorteilhafter als spongiöse Knochenchips und der Spendern ist von Vorteil jünger als 60 Jahre. Resumen La intención de este estudio fue valorar el efecto de las características del donante y de la técnica de recogida y del procesamiento in vivo sobre la eficacia del cultivo de células madre mesenquimales humanas (hMSCs) para crecimiento óseo por ingeniería tisular. Los cultivos de hMSCs se derivaron de aspirados de la médula ósea de la cresta iliaca (21 donantes, edad 11,76) y de material de injerto de hueso esponjoso (32 donantes, edad 13,84). La edad no tuvo un efecto significativo en la habilidad para aislar y cultivar hMSCs, aunque el índice de fracaso fue del 55.6% en donantes por encima de los 60 años, mientras que varió entre el 14.3% y el 22.2% en donantes por debajo de los 60 años. Los donantes varones y hembras tuvieron índices de fracaso comparables (27.3 y 28.6%, respectivamente). El cultivo de hMSCs tuvo éxito en el 90.4% de los aspirados medulares de 21 donantes y en 62.5% de los especímenes de hueso esponjoso de 35 donantes. Esta diferencia fue estadísticamente significativa (P=0.023). El análisis de regresión confirmó que en la prueba simultanea de las tres variables, solo el origen de las células afectó significativamente el resultado (P=0.043). La evaluación morfológica de la población primaria no fraccionada mostró un cambio en la forma celular de las células adherentes de triangular a una forma de huso fino elongado, que se mantiene hasta su confluencia. Cuando los cultivos se expusieron a un medio osteoconductivo se evidenciaron varios morfotipos manifestando diferentes niveles de fosfatasa alcalina y segregando diferentes cantidades de mineral. La morfología de las MSCs de los aspirados medulares no fue diferente de las MSCs derivadas de los especímenes de hueso esponjoso. La manifestación de marcadores osteogénicos en MSCs mostrado por PCR tampoco difirió entre las dos fuentes. Se concluye que los aspirados medulares y los especímenes de hueso esponjoso producen poblaciones comparables de MSCs. De todos modos, los aspirados de médula ósea de donantes menores de 60 años por encima de las virutas de hueso esponjoso son más favorables para el aislamiento y la expansión de hMSCs para crecimiento óseo por ingeniería tisular. [source]

Potential role of colour-Doppler cystosonography with echocontrast in the screening and follow-up of vesicoureteral reflux

G Ascenti
Primary vesicoureteral reflux is a predisposing factor for urinary tract infections in children. The first-choice technique for the diagnosis of vesicoureteral reflux is voiding cystourethrography, followed by cystoscintigraphy; cystoscintigraphy, however, has the advantage of only minor irradiation of the patient, but it does not allow the morphological evaluation of bladder and vesicoureteral reflux grading. Colour-Doppler cystosonography with echocontrast is a recently introduced method for imaging vesicoureteral reflux. The aim of our study is to evaluate the role of colour-Doppler cystosonography with echocontrast in the diagnosis of vesicoureteral reflux. Twenty children (11M, 9F) aged between 0.4 and 4.9 y underwent colour-Doppler cystosonography using a diluted solution of Levovist® (Schering, Germany), after filling up the bladder with saline. In all patients, vesicoureteral reflux diagnosis and grading had been performed previously by voiding cystourethrography within 5 d from ultrasonography. Our data showed high accuracy in the detection of medium to severe vesicoureteral reflux (grades III-V), confirmed by radiological features in 9/9 patients. Conversely, in the 11 patients with mild vesicoureteral reflux (grades I-II), this technique showed extremely low sensitivity, allowing diagnosis in only four cases. Conclusions: Colour-Doppler cystosonography, because of the absence of ionizing radiations, has great advantages, particularly in patients needing prolonged monitoring. Despite experiences reported in the literature, this technique has a role in the diagnosis of vesicoureteral reflux. Our group chooses colour-Doppler cystosonography for the follow-up of medium-severe grade vesicoureteral reflux already diagnosed by radiology and/or scintigraphy. Cystoscintigraphy is employed only to confirm cases resulting negative at ultrasonography. [source]

Quantitation of cytological parameters of malignant lymphocytes using computerized image analysis

Summary Computerized image analysis may add to morphological evaluation by turning qualitative data into quantitative values. In this study, image analysis program was used to quantitate cytological parameters of lymphocytes in B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) and B-cell prolymphocytic leukemia (B-PLL) were selected to represent typically small, medium, and large-sized lymphocytes, respectively. Image analysis was performed to determine the morphological parameters. A set of measurements was generated for quantitation of total cell area, cell diameter, cytoplasm area, nuclear area, nuclear/cell ratio, and nuclear density. The quantitated parameters substantiated morphological characteristics of the tumor cells. Comparative assessments demonstrated that CLL, MCL, and PLL can be differentiated by the quantitative descriptors. The results from image analysis may assist in defining morphological criteria and in developing quantitative cell morphology. [source]

Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Hypothalamic-Neurohypophyseal System

I. Fujisawa
Abstract Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a revolutionary advance in diagnostic imaging of the hypothalamic-neurohypophyseal system (HNS). The detailed anatomy of the sellar and parasellar region is clearly visible using MRI, because it has no bony artifacts and multidirectional capability. The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland displays a characteristic bright signal on the MR T1-weighted image (T1WI), and is distinctly separated from the anterior lobe. The bright signal is absent in patients with central diabetes insipidus, and is thought to reflect normal vasopressin storage in the posterior lobe. The signal intensity ratio of the posterior lobe to the pons on T1WI is strongly correlated with vasopressin content in the posterior lobe. In addition to the morphological evaluation, MRI provides unique information concerning the function of the HNS. The MRI findings of the HNS (normal condition, central diabetes insipidus, a depleted posterior lobe, an ectopic posterior lobe, and a damming-up phenomenon of the neurosecretory vesicles in the pituitary stalk) are demonstrated in this article. [source]

The effects of up to 240 days of tacrolimus therapy on the gingival tissues of rats , a morphological evaluation

ORAL DISEASES, Issue 1 2008
CA Nassar
Background:, Tacrolimus, an immunosuppressive drug used in organ transplantation, has been reported not to induce gingival overgrowth. However, prevalence studies are limited, and the methods used for assessing gingival overgrowth varies among studies. Objective:, The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of up to 240 days of tacrolimus therapy on gingival tissues of rats. Materials and methods:, Rats were treated for 60, 120, 180 and 240 days with daily subcutaneous injections of 1 mg/kg body weight of tacrolimus. After histological processing, the oral and connective tissue, volume densities of fibroblasts (Vf), collagen fibers (Vcf) and other structures (Vo) were assessed in the region of the lower first molar. Results:, After 60 and 120 days of treatment with tacrolimus, gingival overgrowth was not observed. The gingival epithelium, connective tissue, as well as the values for Vf, Vcf, and Vo were similar to those of the control rats (P > 0.05). After 180 and 240 days of the treatment, gingival overgrowth was associated with a significant increase in the gingival epithelium and connective tissue as well as an increase in the Vf and Vcf (P < 0.05). Conclusions:, Within the limits of the experimental study, it may be concluded that the deleterious side effects of tacrolimus on the gingival tissues of rats may be time-related. [source]

Morphologic and morphometric analyses of acetic acid-induced colitis in rats after treatment with enemas from Myracrodruon urundeuva Fr. All. (Aroeira do Sertão)

Lusmar Veras Rodrigues
Abstract The present work showed the effects of Myracrodruon urundeuva Fr. All., popularly known as ,aroeira' (AE), in the form of enemas prepared from the stem bark, on several morphologic and morphometric parameters after acetic acid-induced colitis in rats. Enemas from 5-ASA were used as standard while the vehicle, carboxymethylcellulose, was used as a control. The results of the morphological evaluation showed that on day 1 acetic acid produced significantly more necrosis in the groups treated with AE (10% and 20%) or 5-ASA than the controls. However, on day 60, there were more caliciform and absorptive cells in the treated groups compared with the controls. A significantly higher number of eosinophil and mononuclear cells and also collagen deposition in the controls compared with the treated groups were observed on day 60. However, a higher number of polymorphonuclear cells was detected on day 60 only in the AE treated group but not in the 5-ASA group. These data indicate that animals treated with AE or 5-ASA showed complete epithelial tissue regeneration, while in the controls chronic inflammatory exudate persisted and tissue regeneration occurred through fibrosis. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Computerized analysis of cytochemical reactions for dehydrogenases and oxygraphic studies as methods to evaluate the function of the mitochondrial sheath in rat spermatozoa

ANDROLOGIA, Issue 1 2001
M. Piasecka
Cytochemical reactions for mitochondrial NADH-dependent dehydrogenases (diaphorase/NADH which is related to flavoprotein), NAD-dependent dehydrogenases (isocitrate, malate) and succinate dehydrogenase were carried out in rat spermatozoa. In addition to a morphological evaluation, the intensity of the reactions was assessed using a computer image analysing system (Quantimet 600 S). The intensity of the reactions was examined in sperm midpieces by measuring integrated optical density (IOD) and mean optical density (MOD). The activity of mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes was also analysed using the polarographic method. In the population of spermatozoa studied, all whole spermatozoa midpieces were completely filled with formazans, the product of the cytochemical reaction. These morphological findings corresponded to the values obtained for IOD and MOD for the given enzymes. In the oxygraphic studies, the spermatozoa demonstrated consumption of oxygen in the presence of substrates for I, II and IV complexes and their mitochondria revealed normal integrity and sensitivity to the substrates and inhibitors. However, the oxygraphic studies revealed differences between the sperm and somatic cells. These differences concerned the stimulation of pyruvate oxidation by malate, the lack of an effect of malonic acid on phenazine methosulphate (an acceptor of electrons) oxidation and the lack of an effect of cytochrome c on ascorbate oxidation. The cytochemical method, together with densitometric measurements, enables: (1) the reaction intensity to be determined objectively; (2) subtle and dramatic differences in reaction intensity to be revealed between spermatozoa that do not differ under morphological evaluation of the intensity; (3) possible defects within the mitochondrial sheath to be located and assessed in a large number of spermatozoa. This method can be used as a screening method alongside the routine morphological examination of spermatozoa. On the other hand, the oxygraphic method in the inner membrane of mitochondria can reveal functional changes which are related to the action of respiratory chain complexes and display characteristic features of mitochondria energy metabolism. The methods used are complementary and allow the complex evaluation of mitochondria in spermatozoa. Both methods can be used in experimental and clinical studies. [source]

Experience with non-cycled artificial urinary sphincters

C.D.A. Herndon
Papers in this section review experience with artificial urinary sphincters, hypospadias, and the exstrophy/epispadias complex. Also, in keeping with a significant theme of urological trauma in this issue of the journal, authors from Mansoura evaluate the late renal functional and morphological evaluation of high-grade renal injuries in children after conservative treatment. OBJECTIVE To report our experience in children and adolescents with a non-cycled artificial urinary sphincter. While some children with the AUS can void, others require clean intermittent catheterization (CIC) through the sphincter or an alternative site for catheterization; in some of the latter we have either not cycled (pumped) an activated AUS or the AUS has failed, and there is concern about ischaemia in some adults with a non-cycled AUS. PATIENTS AND METHODS In all, 143 patients who had an AUS placed between 1980 and 2002 were reviewed retrospectively; 15 (10 boys and five girls) no longer cycled (pumped) their AUS. The mean age at AUS insertion was 11 years and the mean (range) follow-up after insertion was 10.4 (1.64,22.2) years. The diagnoses included myelomeningocele in 11, sacral agenesis in three and cloaca in one. Nine patients have an activated functioning AUS and in six the AUS does not function; in the first nine the sphincter has not routinely been cycled (pumped) for a mean (range) of 1.6 (0.6,2.9) years. In the other six with a nonfunctioning AUS the mean (range) observation period is 6.4 (1.5,10) years since the system has not functioned. RESULTS All patients were completely continent, including the six with a nonfunctioning AUS. After inserting the AUS, two patients voided in combination with CIC (one each urethral and abdominal stoma) and 13 emptied by CIC (nine abdominal stoma, four urethral). There was a mechanical complication in eight patients; three had the AUS repaired and are dry, and five are dry with no repair. In one patient the AUS was never activated. To date there has been no erosion of the cuff in any of the 15 patients with a non-cycled AUS. CONCLUSION The AUS remains an extremely reliable procedure to achieve continence in children and young adults. It is versatile and can be combined with other procedures that provide an alternative means for catheterization. While some have noted the need to routinely cycle the AUS to prevent erosion, this has not been our experience in these 15 patients. [source]

3133: Planar patch-clamping in human corneal endothelial cells: a new tool for clinical application?

Purpose Identification of apoptotic or damaged human corneal endothelial cells (HCECs) is limited to morphological evaluation such as phase contrast microscopy and vital staining. The molecular mechanisms of corneal endothelial cell loss are not fully understood. Special investigations in cellular signalling and ion channel research are necessary to elucidate the mechanisms of corneal cell loss. In this context, it is known that this cell loss is often caused by apoptosis in oxidative stress. Methods Automated planar patch-clamp has become common in drug development and safety programs because it enables efficient and systematic testing of compounds against ion channels during voltage-clamp. A particularly successful automated approach is based on planar patch-clamp chips and this is the basis for the technology used here. Routine intracellular or extracellular perfusion opens possibilities for studying the regulation and pharmacology of ion channels. Previously, these studies were available only to highly skilled and dedicated experimenters. Results Notable, definite ion channel activities could be demonstrated by conventional as well as by planar patch-clamp in HCECs for the first time. In particular, temperature-sensing transient receptor potential (TRP)-like non-selective cation channel currents as well as capsaicin-sensitive ion channel currents could be detected. The expression of TRPV1-3 ion channels in HCEC could also be confirmed by RT-PCR, Western blot analysis and fluorescence cell imaging. Conclusion The administration of this novel measuring technology opens new perspectives in the investigation of the physiology of HCEC. The findings may have direct clinical implication (eye banking procedures, keratoplasty). [source]

Preterm and at term children: morphological and functional analysis of optic nerve and visual pathway with OCT, HRT and pVEP

Purpose To compare optic nerve morphology and visual function in 14 preterm children(mean gestational age:33,38) with normal cerebral ultrasound at birth and 15 at term children (mean gestational age:39,67). Methods Mean preterm age was 7,6 years, mean at term was 9,1 years. Children underwent to complete functional and morphological evaluation of Optic Nerve Head (ONH) with Heidelberg Retinal Tomography and Optical Coherence Tomography. The same children were evaluated at birth and at the time of morphological examinations by mean of transient and steady state pVEP. Results Mean visual acuity was 9,85 in the preterm, 10 in the at term children. HRT in preterm and at term children at term(n=28) preterm(n=25) P value mean sd mean sd Disc Area 2,5 0,7 2,34 0,68 0,38 Cup Area 0,50 0,44 0,58 0,47 0,51 Rim Area 2 0,45 1,76 0,37 0,047 C/D Area Ratio 0,18 0,12 0,22 0,14 0,23 C/D Linear Ratio 0,4 0,15 0,45 0,16 0,30 Mean RNFL Thick 0,2 0,07 0,24 0,2 0,26 Tab.1 A statistically significant reduction was found in preterm children as regard rim area (p=0,047,tab 1) at HRT and superior RNFL thickness (p=0,01), temporal and inferior inner macular thickness (p=0,03) at OCT. Differences in the pVep latencies were found at 3 and 8 months after birth, but not at the time of morphological examination. Steady State pVEP amplitudes differences were not statistically significant. Conclusion Morphologic optic disk and macula differences between term and preterm children seems not functionally affect the visual pathway. [source]