Mountain Forests (mountain + forest)

Distribution by Scientific Domains

Kinds of Mountain Forests

  • mediterranean mountain forest

  • Selected Abstracts

    Soil conservation in Polylepis mountain forests of Central Argentina: Is livestock reducing our natural capital?

    AUSTRAL ECOLOGY, Issue 4 2010
    Abstract Mountain forests and their soils provide ecological services such as maintenance of biodiversity, provision of clean water, carbon capture and forage for livestock rearing, which is one of the principal economic activities in mountain areas. However, surprisingly little is known about livestock impact in South American mountain forest soils. With the aim of understanding how livestock and topography influence patterns of forest cover, soil compaction, soil loss and soil chemical properties, we analysed these parameters in 100 Polylepis australis woodland plots situated in the humid subtropical mountains of Central Argentina. We used distance from the nearest ranch as an objective index of historical livestock impact and measured standard topographic variables. Our main results reveal that distance from ranch in all cases partly explains tree canopy cover, soil loss, soil compaction and soil chemical properties; suggesting a strong negative effect of livestock. Intermediate altitudes had more tree canopy cover, while landscape roughness , a measure of the variability in slope inclination and aspect , was negatively associated to soil impedance and acidity, and positively associated to soil organic matter content. Finally, flatter areas were more acid. We conclude that livestock has had a substantial influence on forest soil degradation in the Mountains of Central Argentina and possibly other similar South American mountains. Soil degradation should be incorporated into decision making when considering long-term forest sustainability, or when taking into account retaining livestock for biodiversity conservation reasons. Where soil loss and degradation are ongoing, we recommend drastic reductions in livestock density. [source]

    A multilocus study of pine grosbeak phylogeography supports the pattern of greater intercontinental divergence in Holarctic boreal forest birds than in birds inhabiting other high-latitude habitats

    Sergei V. Drovetski
    Abstract Aim, Boreal forest bird species appear to be divided into lineages endemic to each northern continent, in contrast to Holarctic species living in open habitats. For example, the three-toed woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus) and the winter wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) have divergent Nearctic and Palaearctic mitochondrial DNA clades. Furthermore, in these species, the next closest relative of the Nearctic/Palaearctic sister lineages is the Nearctic clade, suggesting that the Palaearctic may have been colonized from the Nearctic. The aim of this study is to test this pattern of intercontinental divergence and colonization in another Holarctic boreal forest resident , the pine grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator). Location, The Holarctic. Methods, We sequenced the mitochondrial ND2 gene and Z -specific intron 9 of the ACO1 gene for 74 pine grosbeaks collected across the Holarctic. The sequences were used to reconstruct the phylogeographical history of this species using maximum likelihood analysis. Results, We discovered two distinct mitochondrial and Z -specific lineages in the Nearctic and one in the Palaearctic. The two Nearctic mtDNA lineages, one in the northern boreal forest and one in south-western mountain forest, were more closely related to each other than either was to the Palaearctic clade. Two Nearctic Z-chromosome clades were sympatric in the boreal and south-western mountain forests. Unlike the topology of the mtDNA tree, the relationship among the Z-chromosome clades was the same as in the three-toed woodpecker and winter wren [Nearctic (Nearctic, Palaearctic)]. The Palaearctic Z-chromosome clade had much lower genetic diversity and a single-peak mismatch distribution with a mean < 25% of that for either Nearctic region, both of which had ragged mismatch distributions. Main conclusions, Our data suggest that, similar to the other boreal forest species, the pine grosbeak has divergent lineages in each northern continent and could have colonized the Palaearctic from the Nearctic. Compared with many Holarctic birds inhabiting open habitats, boreal forest species appear to be more differentiated, possibly because the boreal forests of the Nearctic and Palaearctic have been isolated since the Pliocene (3.5 Ma). [source]

    Response of pine natural regeneration to small-scale spatial variation in a managed Mediterranean mountain forest

    Ignacio Barbeito
    Abstract Questions: What influence do management practices and previous tree and shrub stand structure have on the occurrence and development of natural regeneration of Pinus sylvestris in Mediterranean mountain forests? How are the fine-scale and environmental patterns of resources affected and what impact does this have on the distribution of the regeneration? Location: A Pinus sylvestris Mediterranean mountain forest in central Spain. Methods: Upperstory trees and regeneration (seedlings and saplings) were mapped in four 0.5-ha plots located in two types of stand with different management intensities (even-aged and uneven-aged stands). Environmental variables were recorded at the nodes of a grid within the plots. The relationships between the upperstory and regeneration were evaluated by bivariate point pattern analysis; redundancy analysis ordination and variation partitioning were performed to characterize regeneration niches and the importance of the spatial component. Results: Seedlings and saplings presented a clumped structure under both types of management and their distribution was found to be related to the spatial distribution of favourable microsites. Regeneration was positively related to conditions of partial cover with high soil water content during the summer. More than half of the explained variance was spatially structured in both types of stand. This percentage was particularly high in the even-aged stands where the pattern of regeneration was highly influenced by the gaps created by harvesting. Conclusions: The spatial distribution of the tree and shrub upperstory strongly influences regeneration patterns of P. sylvestris. Current management practices, promoting small gaps, partial canopy cover and moderate shade in even-aged stands, or favouring tree and shrub cover in the case of uneven-aged stands, appears to provide suitable conditions for the natural regeneration of P. sylvestris in a Mediterranean climate. [source]

    Recolonisation of natural landslides in tropical mountain forests of Southern Ecuador

    FEDDES REPERTORIUM, Issue 3-4 2004
    (corresp. author) C. Ohl Dr.
    The regeneration of the vegetation of natural landslides was studied at Estación Científica San Francisco (ECSF) in a tropical mountain forest area of Southern Ecuador, north of Podocarpus National Park. The study focused on the process of regeneration on natural landslides and the vegetation change along an altitudinal gradient using space-for-time substitution. The most important plant families present on the landslides during the first stages of succession are Gleicheniaceae (Pteridophyta), Melastomataceae, Ericaceae and Orchidaceae. Species of the genus Sticherus (Gleicheniaceae) are dominant, and species composition varies with altitude and soil conditions. Colonisation of landslides is not homogeneous. Zones with bare ground, sparsely vegetated patches and densely covered areas may be present within the same slide. This small scale spatial heterogeneity is often created by local ongoing sliding processes and different distances towards undisturbed areas. Therefore, the duration of the successional process is highly variable. The initial stage of the succession is a community of non vascular plants interspersed with scattered individuals of vascular plants. By means of runner-shoots they form vegetation patches which start growing into each other. The second stage is dominated by Gleicheniaceae (species composition varying in altitude and soil chemistry). In the third stage, bushes and trees colonise, sheltered by the ferns, and a secondary forest develops with pioneer species that are not found in the primary forest vegetation. The common phenomenon of the natural landslides leads to an increase in structural and species diversity on a regional scale. (© 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) Rekolonisation auf natürlichen Hangrutschungen in tropischen Bergwäldern Südecuadors Im tropischen Bergwald Südecuadors (nördlich des Podocarpus Nationalparks im Gebiet der Estación Científica San Francisco, ECSF) wurden Artenzusammensetzung und Rekolonisationsprozesse früher Sukzessionsstadien entlang eines Höhengradienten auf natürlichen Hangrutschungen untersucht. Besonders Gleicheniaceae, Melastomataceae, Ericaceae und Orchidaceae sind von Bedeutung. Arten der Gattung Sticherus (Gleicheniaceae) sind sehr zahlreich vertreten. Die Artenzusammensetzung wechselt entlang des Höhengradienten und in Abhängigkeit von den Bodenbedingungen. Die mosaikartige Verteilung der Vegetation auf den Rutschungen (gänzlich unbedeckte bis stark überwucherte Zonen) ist auf häufige lokale Nachrutschungen sowie auf unterschiedliche Geschwindigkeiten der Wiederbesiedlung entsprechend der Distanz zu ungestörter Vegetation zurückzuführen. Die Dauer der Sukzession ist daher sehr variabel. Das Initialstadium wird von Moosen und Flechten gebildet. Im weiteren Verlauf führt die überwiegend vegetative Ausbreitung einzelner Gefäßpflanzen zum zweiten Sukzessionsstadium. Dieses ist durch die Dominanz von Gleicheniaceae gekennzeichnet, während im dritten Stadium im Schutze der Farne erste Büsche und Bäume heranwachsen und den Pionierwald bilden. Da diese Arten nicht im Primärwald vertreten sind, kommt es regional zu einer beträchtlichen Erhöhung der Artenzahl und der strukturellen Diversität. [source]

    A multilocus study of pine grosbeak phylogeography supports the pattern of greater intercontinental divergence in Holarctic boreal forest birds than in birds inhabiting other high-latitude habitats

    Sergei V. Drovetski
    Abstract Aim, Boreal forest bird species appear to be divided into lineages endemic to each northern continent, in contrast to Holarctic species living in open habitats. For example, the three-toed woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus) and the winter wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) have divergent Nearctic and Palaearctic mitochondrial DNA clades. Furthermore, in these species, the next closest relative of the Nearctic/Palaearctic sister lineages is the Nearctic clade, suggesting that the Palaearctic may have been colonized from the Nearctic. The aim of this study is to test this pattern of intercontinental divergence and colonization in another Holarctic boreal forest resident , the pine grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator). Location, The Holarctic. Methods, We sequenced the mitochondrial ND2 gene and Z -specific intron 9 of the ACO1 gene for 74 pine grosbeaks collected across the Holarctic. The sequences were used to reconstruct the phylogeographical history of this species using maximum likelihood analysis. Results, We discovered two distinct mitochondrial and Z -specific lineages in the Nearctic and one in the Palaearctic. The two Nearctic mtDNA lineages, one in the northern boreal forest and one in south-western mountain forest, were more closely related to each other than either was to the Palaearctic clade. Two Nearctic Z-chromosome clades were sympatric in the boreal and south-western mountain forests. Unlike the topology of the mtDNA tree, the relationship among the Z-chromosome clades was the same as in the three-toed woodpecker and winter wren [Nearctic (Nearctic, Palaearctic)]. The Palaearctic Z-chromosome clade had much lower genetic diversity and a single-peak mismatch distribution with a mean < 25% of that for either Nearctic region, both of which had ragged mismatch distributions. Main conclusions, Our data suggest that, similar to the other boreal forest species, the pine grosbeak has divergent lineages in each northern continent and could have colonized the Palaearctic from the Nearctic. Compared with many Holarctic birds inhabiting open habitats, boreal forest species appear to be more differentiated, possibly because the boreal forests of the Nearctic and Palaearctic have been isolated since the Pliocene (3.5 Ma). [source]

    Facilitation of tree saplings by nurse plants: Microhabitat amelioration or protection against herbivores?

    Lorena Gómez-Aparicio
    Abstract Question: Positive interactions are predicted to be common in communities developing under high physical stress or high herbivory pressure due to neighbour amelioration of limiting physical and consumer stresses, respectively. However, when both stress sources meet in the same community, the relative importance of the two facilitation mechanisms is poorly understood. We ask: What is the relative importance of abiotic vs. biotic mechanisms of facilitation of tree saplings by shrubs in Mediterranean mountain forests? Location: Sierra Nevada, SE Spain (1800,1850 m a.s.l.) Methods: Saplings of four tree taxa (Acer opalus ssp. grana-tense, Quercus ilex, Pinus nigra ssp. salzmanii and P. sylvestris var. nevadensis) were planted following a 2 × 2 factorial design: two levels of herbivory (control and ungulate exclusion) and two microhabitats (under shrubs and in open areas). Sapling survival and growth were monitored for five years. Results: Shrubs had positive effects on sapling survival both in control and ungulate excluded plots. This effect was species-specific, with shrubs increasing the survival of Acer opalus and Quercus ilex three and twofold, respectively, but having a minor effect on the Pinus species. Herbivory damage was also species-specific, being much higher for Acer opalus than for any other species. Shrubs did not protect saplings of any species against ungulates. Thus, all Acer saplings (the most damaged species) suffered herbivory outside the exclosures, which largely reduced sapling height. Conclusions: Protection from abiotic stress (summer drought and winter frost) was much more relevant than protection from biotic stress (herbivory). However, we propose that the final balance between the two mechanisms can be expected to vary strongly between sites, depending on the relative magnitude of the different sources of stress and the intrinsic traits (e.g. palatability) of the species interacting. [source]

    Response of pine natural regeneration to small-scale spatial variation in a managed Mediterranean mountain forest

    Ignacio Barbeito
    Abstract Questions: What influence do management practices and previous tree and shrub stand structure have on the occurrence and development of natural regeneration of Pinus sylvestris in Mediterranean mountain forests? How are the fine-scale and environmental patterns of resources affected and what impact does this have on the distribution of the regeneration? Location: A Pinus sylvestris Mediterranean mountain forest in central Spain. Methods: Upperstory trees and regeneration (seedlings and saplings) were mapped in four 0.5-ha plots located in two types of stand with different management intensities (even-aged and uneven-aged stands). Environmental variables were recorded at the nodes of a grid within the plots. The relationships between the upperstory and regeneration were evaluated by bivariate point pattern analysis; redundancy analysis ordination and variation partitioning were performed to characterize regeneration niches and the importance of the spatial component. Results: Seedlings and saplings presented a clumped structure under both types of management and their distribution was found to be related to the spatial distribution of favourable microsites. Regeneration was positively related to conditions of partial cover with high soil water content during the summer. More than half of the explained variance was spatially structured in both types of stand. This percentage was particularly high in the even-aged stands where the pattern of regeneration was highly influenced by the gaps created by harvesting. Conclusions: The spatial distribution of the tree and shrub upperstory strongly influences regeneration patterns of P. sylvestris. Current management practices, promoting small gaps, partial canopy cover and moderate shade in even-aged stands, or favouring tree and shrub cover in the case of uneven-aged stands, appears to provide suitable conditions for the natural regeneration of P. sylvestris in a Mediterranean climate. [source]

    Soil conservation in Polylepis mountain forests of Central Argentina: Is livestock reducing our natural capital?

    AUSTRAL ECOLOGY, Issue 4 2010
    Abstract Mountain forests and their soils provide ecological services such as maintenance of biodiversity, provision of clean water, carbon capture and forage for livestock rearing, which is one of the principal economic activities in mountain areas. However, surprisingly little is known about livestock impact in South American mountain forest soils. With the aim of understanding how livestock and topography influence patterns of forest cover, soil compaction, soil loss and soil chemical properties, we analysed these parameters in 100 Polylepis australis woodland plots situated in the humid subtropical mountains of Central Argentina. We used distance from the nearest ranch as an objective index of historical livestock impact and measured standard topographic variables. Our main results reveal that distance from ranch in all cases partly explains tree canopy cover, soil loss, soil compaction and soil chemical properties; suggesting a strong negative effect of livestock. Intermediate altitudes had more tree canopy cover, while landscape roughness , a measure of the variability in slope inclination and aspect , was negatively associated to soil impedance and acidity, and positively associated to soil organic matter content. Finally, flatter areas were more acid. We conclude that livestock has had a substantial influence on forest soil degradation in the Mountains of Central Argentina and possibly other similar South American mountains. Soil degradation should be incorporated into decision making when considering long-term forest sustainability, or when taking into account retaining livestock for biodiversity conservation reasons. Where soil loss and degradation are ongoing, we recommend drastic reductions in livestock density. [source]

    Estimating Fine Root Turnover in Tropical Forests along an Elevational Transect using Minirhizotrons

    BIOTROPICA, Issue 5 2008
    Sophie Graefe
    ABSTRACT Growth and death of fine roots represent an important carbon sink in forests. Our understanding of the patterns of fine root turnover is limited, in particular in tropical forests, despite its acknowledged importance in the global carbon cycle. We used the minirhizotron technique for studying the changes in fine root longevity and turnover along a 2000-m-elevational transect in the tropical mountain forests of South Ecuador. Fine root growth and loss rates were monitored during a 5-mo period at intervals of four weeks with each 10 minirhizotron tubes in three stands at 1050, 1890, and 3060 m asl. Average root loss rate decreased from 1.07 to 0.72 g/g/yr from 1050 to 1890 m, indicating an increase in mean root longevity with increasing elevation. However average root loss rate increased again toward the uppermost stand at 3060 m (1.30 g/g/yr). Thus, root longevity increased from lower montane to mid-montane elevation as would be expected from an effect of low temperature on root turnover, but it decreased further upslope despite colder temperatures. We suggest that adverse soil conditions may reduce root longevity at high elevations in South Ecuador, and are thus additional factors besides temperature that control root dynamics in tropical mountain forests. [source]