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Kinds of Milestones

  • developmental milestone
  • important milestone
  • major milestone
  • motor milestone
  • significant milestone

  • Selected Abstracts

    The Mutome and the 100,000 Mutation Milestone

    HUMAN MUTATION, Issue 6 2010
    Richard G.H. Cotton
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    Editorial: Milestones in Corporate Governance: An International Review

    Christine Mallin
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    Milestones for Irv DeVore and the Simian Seminar

    Sarah Blaffer Hrdy
    No abstract is available for this article. [source]

    Headache Progress in Canada Over the Decades

    HEADACHE, Issue 5 2008
    Werner J. Becker MD
    As elsewhere in the world, migraine and other headache disorders have always produced very significant disability amongst Canadians. Over the last 50 years, progress has been made by health professionals to improve the care received by patients with headache, and to reduce the headache-related burden carried by patients and their families. Milestones in this progress have included programs for better education for the public, for neurologists, and for other physicians about migraine. Highlights in the Canadian battle against migraine and other headaches include those listed below: [source]

    IDEC's History: Important Milestones 1963,1978

    Buie Harwood M. F. A.
    IDEC began to compile its history in 1972, and later had anniversary celebrations at its annual conferences in 1982, 1987, 1992, and 2008. When the first efforts began, members recognized that IDEC had a significant history and that the history was important internally as well as externally to the profession as a whole. Without these early efforts and continuing ones by IDEC members, IDEC would not have its developmental footprint, historical archives, historical identity, or milestone markers charted herein. In essence, its history served as its memory keeper and its foundation for growth. [source]

    Milestones in ecological thought , A canon for plant ecology

    Paul A. Keddy
    Abstract. Scientific progress in plant ecology is at risk of being obscured by increasing ignorance of major works in the field. The driving force seems to be the twin seductions of novelty and crowd psychology. I illustrate this tendency with three examples from plant community ecology that span the past thirty years of ecological research. I offer, as one solution, the concept of a canon: a short list of essential books that we assume all students and co-workers have read, a short list that summarizes the wisdom of the discipline. A canon can be likened to DNA, be it in music, art, or science, as it carries forward through time the key ideas that have worked in the past. Without a canon, there is no memory of past achievement, no context for appreciating current work, and no way of judging the quality of newer productions. I suggest 20 essential books (the short canon), and 22 complementary readings, for a total of 42 books needed in any young professional's library on plant ecology. [source]

    Regenerative Medicine for Cardiovascular Disorders-New Milestones: Adult Stem Cells

    ARTIFICIAL ORGANS, Issue 4 2006
    A. Ruchan Akar
    Abstract:, Cardiovascular disorders are the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in the developed world. Cell-based modalities have received considerable scientific attention over the last decade for their potential use in this clinical arena. This review was intended as a brief overview on the subject of therapeutic potential of adult stem cells in cardiovascular medicine with basic science findings and the current status of clinical applications. The historical perspective and basic concepts are reviewed and a description of current applications and potential adverse effects in cardiovascular medicine is given. Future improvements on cell-based therapies will likely provide remarkable improvement in survival and quality of life for millions of patients with cardiovascular disorders. [source]

    The LSIE Report and IMLS: Supporting Learning in the Informal Environments of Museums and Libraries

    Marsha L. Semmel
    Learning Science in Informal Environments: People, Places, and Pursuits (LSIE) is a milestone in a continuing quest to understand and articulate the impact of informal learning experiences. Its recommendations identify significant issues for future research and practice, with implications beyond science learning. This article places the report in the context of previous and future IMLS work, including increased agency focus on,and resources for,research, evaluation, collaborative projects, and professional development. [source]

    New and emerging treatments in dermatology: acne

    A. Katsambas
    ABSTRACT:, Topical retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid, and topical and oral antibiotics remain the milestone of treatment for mild to moderate acne vulgaris. Oral isotretinoin is useful for the treatment of severe nodular acne, treatment-resistant acne, and acne with a risk of physical or psychological scarring. Hormonal treatment in female acne is useful in resistant or late-onset acne. With increasing concerns regarding teratogenicity of isotretinoin and increasing antibiotic resistance, there is a clear need for therapeutic alternatives to these long-used treatments. Research in the pathogenesis of acne has allowed for new therapies and future perspectives regarding acne to evolve. They include low-dose long-term isotretinoin regimens, insulin-sensitizing agents, 5,-reductase type 1 inhibitors, topical photodynamic therapy, new combination formulations, dietary interventions, and antiinflammatory agents such as lipoxygenase inhibitors. [source]

    Our Common European Model of Agriculture

    EUROCHOICES, Issue 3 2006
    Juha Korkeaoja
    Our Common European Model of Agriculture Future internal and external forces on European agriculture mean that the CAP may look very different after 2013. However large these changes, the CAP will need to retain its common principles based on the European Model of Agriculture (EMA). This became clear in an informal September meeting of EU agriculture ministers in Oulu, arranged by the Finnish Presidency. A strong CAP will be needed in the future but it will have to evolve to meet upcoming challenges. Work on the future CAP will need to start soon and the Oulu meeting may become known as the starting point for those discussions. The CAP will have to provide a reasonable environment for practicing agriculture for very different farmers in very diverse conditions, and facilitate the supply of a wide variety of goods and services to consumers and taxpayers as only truly multifunctional agriculture can. If the CAP can maintain these characteristics it has an important role to play in a future Europe. The meeting in Oulu was also an important milestone for a very special reason: for the first time, all ten New Member States took an active part in the EMA-debate with full rights and responsibilities as part of the Union. Once again this underlines the central role of our common European Model of Agriculture. Unser gemeinsames Europäisches Land wirts chafts modell Die zukünftigen internen und externen Einflüsse auf die europäische Landwirtschaft könnten zur Folge haben, dass die GAP nach dem Jahr 2013 ganz anders aussieht. Wie umwälzend diese Veränderungen auch sein mögen, die GAP wird ihre allgemeinen, auf dem Europäischen Landwirtschaftsmodell (EMA) beruhenden Grundsätze beibehalten müssen. Dies wurde im September bei einem von der finnischen Präsidentschaft arrangierten informellen Treffen der EU-Landwirtschaftsminister in Oulu deutlich. In der Zukunft brauchen wir eine starke GAP, die jedoch weiterentwickelt werden muss, um den kommenden Herausforderungen gerecht zu werden. Die Arbeit an der zukünftigen GAP muss in nächster Zeit beginnen, und das Treffen in Oulu könnte möglicherweise als Ausgangspunkt dieser Diskussionen gelten. Die GAP wird ein angemessenes Umfeld schaffen müssen, um sehr unterschiedlichen Landwirten mit sehr unterschiedlichen Arbeitsbedingungen die Ausübung der Landwirtschaft sowie Verbrauchern und Steuerzahlern die Versorgung mit einer großen Vielfalt an Waren und Dienstleistungen zu ermöglichen, wie es nur eine wirklich multifunktionale Landwirtschaft zu leisten vermag. Wenn es der GAP gelingt, diese Merkmale beizubehalten, wird ihr im zukünftigen Europa eine wichtige Rolle zukommen. Bei dem Treffen in Oulu handelt es sich auch aus einem ganz besonderen Grund um einen bedeutenden Meilenstein: Zum ersten Mal beteiligte sich jeder der zehn neuen Mitgliedsstaaten mit allen Rechten und voller Verantwortung als Teil der Union aktiv an der Debatte zum Europäischen Landwirtschaftsmodell. Wieder einmal unterstreicht dies die zentrale Rolle unseres gemeinsamen Europäischen Landwirtschaftsmodells. Ce modèle agricole européen qui nous est commun Du fait des forces internes et externes qui vont bientôt s'exercer sur l'agriculture européenne, la physionomie de la PAC après 2013 pourrait bien être très différente de ce qu'elle est maintenant. Quelque soit cependant l'importance de ces changements, la PAC devra conserver sa base commune actuelle, qui repose sur le « modèle agricole européen » (MAE). La chose est apparue clairement lors d'une réunion informelle des ministres de l'agriculture européens organisée par la présidence finnoise à Oulu, en septembre dernier. Une politique agricole musclée sera nécessaire à l'avenir, mais elle devra évoluer pour répondre à de nouveaux défis. Il va bientôt falloir commencer à travailler cette nouvelle PAC, et la réunion d'Oulu restera peut être comme le point de départ des discussions sur le sujet. La PAC devra fournir un environnement convenable pour la pratique d'agricultures diverses, par des agriculteurs différents les uns des autres, dans un vaste éventail de conditions. Elle devra permettre la production d'une grande variété de biens et de services financés par le consommateur ou le contribuable, comme seule une agriculture multifonctionnelle peut le faire. Si la PAC arrive à conserver ces caractéristiques, elle aura un grand rôle à jouer dans l'Europe de demain. Il y a encore une raison plus spécifique pour marquer d'une pierre blanche la réunion d'Oulu : pour la première fois, les dix nouveaux membres de l'Union ont activement participé et de plein droit aux discussions sur le MAE. Cela, une fois de plus, souligne le rôle essentiel du « modèle agricole européen » qui nous est commun. [source]

    The Space Mission MIR'97: operational aspects

    R. Ewald
    Background A German astronaut visited the MIR space station between 10 February and 2 March 1997. Together with his Russian colleagues, he conducted a series of scientific investigations before, during and after his stay aboard the MIR station. Research performed during this flight was part of a global space life sciences programme and focused on metabolic homeostasis, fluid balance, calcium homeostasis and cardiovascular regulatory mechanisms. The main goal of the scientific experiments was to use this mission as a milestone to establish international networks of scientific collaboration using space research as a tool for focused research in respective fields. Thus, in most cases the results obtained from the astronaut complemented a series of results obtained on ground and from other flights. In other cases, they extended previous results and opened new fields for future research. Participants Human space flight with astronauts serving as operators and at the same time as test subjects is very complex. Many people, including mission control, a science management team, medical operations, ethics committees and a medical board, participated to harmonize the different requirements, thus making a maximal scientific outcome possible. Conclusion In summary, this space mission may be seen as a model for focused long-term multidisciplinary international research, and demonstrates that space medicine is no longer adventure but science. [source]

    The Evolution of Zinjanthropus boisei

    Paul Constantino
    Abstract Many people assume that OH 5, the type specimen of Paranthropus boisei, collected in 1959, was the first evidence of that taxon to be found, but OH 3, recovered in 1955, predated the discovery of OH 5 by four years. Thus, Paranthropus boisei recently celebrated the equivalent of its fiftieth birthday. This review marks that milestone by examining the way our understanding of this taxon has changed during its fifty, or so, year history. [source]

    Assessment of Fuel-Cell-Based Passenger Cars

    FUEL CELLS, Issue 3 2004
    T. Grube
    Abstract Highly efficient energy conversion systems with fuel cells for vehicles, as well as for stationary and portable applications, are currently being discussed all over the world. Fuel cell technology is expected to help reduce primary energy demand and emissions of limited and climate-relevant pollutants. The high flexibility of fuel cell systems with respect to energy carriers opens up possibilities of modifying the energy sector in the long term. Introducing new fuels based on low-carbon, or in the long term carbon-free, energy carriers can contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions as well as locally and regionally active atmospheric pollutants. The use of hydrogen as feed gas for fuel cells on the basis of it being a non-fossil, renewable energy, leads to special benefits with respect to conserving resources and climate protection, but at present still represents a medium- to long-term prospect. A major milestone on the road to market success for all energy conversion systems with fuel cells is the reduction of costs. The definition of the ,appropriate" fuel represents a serious obstacle to the market introduction of fuel-cell-powered vehicles. Presenting data from a well-to-wheel analysis of various vehicle fuel systems at FZJ this article aims to discuss the potential benefits of future vehicle concepts with fuel cells in terms of primary energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. Results from a comparison of international studies on this subject will be used to identify relevant assumptions that lead to different answers in the evaluation process. [source]

    Proceedings of the Tunnel Day 2008

    Article first published online: 20 FEB 200
    Abstract The construction of the first tube of the Tauern tunnels in the years 1970 to 1975 was a milestone in the development of the NATM and of modern tunnelling. The driving of the second tube of the Tauern tunnel between 2006 and 2008 has shown that the basics of the NATM are still valid (see pages 14 ff and 24 ff). Der Bau der ersten Röhre des Tauerntunnels Anfang von 1970 bis 1975 war ein Meilenstein in der Entwicklung der NÖT und des modernen Tunnelbaus. Der Vortrieb der zweiten Röhre des Tauerntunnels von 2006 bis 2008 hat gezeigt, dass die Grundsätze der NÖT unverändert ihre Gültigkeit haben (siehe Seite 14 ff und 24 ff.). [source]

    Capital Market Integration in Euroland: The Role of Banks

    Claudia M. Buch
    The introduction of the euro marks a milestone in the process of European financial market integration. This paper analyzes the implications of the euro for cross-border banking activities. A portfolio model is used which captures the role of banks as providers of informational and of risk-diversification services. By eliminating exchange rate risks, the euro enhances the incentives of banks to expand within Euroland. Yet, while the currency bias in bank portfolios will be eliminated, the home bias will remain. Implications of market integration for the risk-taking and the monitoring of banks are not clear-cut. [source]

    Sorafenib: Where do we go from here?,

    HEPATOLOGY, Issue 1 2010
    Abby B. Siegel
    The approval of sorafenib as the first effective drug for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) represents a milestone in the treatment of this disease. A better understanding of HCC pathogenesis has led to the development of several novel targeted treatments. HCC is treated in a uniquely multidisciplinary way requiring surgeons, hepatologists, interventional radiologists, and oncologists. This review describes the molecular pathogenesis of HCC, explores current and future treatments based on these pathways, and describes how these new therapies may augment existing approaches to HCC treatment.(HHEPATOLOGY 2010;) [source]

    ,-Interferons and the single nucleotide polymorphisms: A milestone to tailor-made therapy for chronic hepatitis C

    Yasuhito Tanaka
    Type III interferons (IFN) (IFN-,1, -,2, -,3/interleukin [IL]-29, -28A, -28B) are cytokines with type I IFN-like antiviral activities. Most cells have expressed both type I and III IFN following Toll-like receptor (TLR) stimulation or viral infection, whereas the ability of cells to respond to IFN-, was restricted to a specific subset of cells. It was reported that signal transduction pathway of IFN-, was similar to that of IFN-,/, although a receptor adapted by IFN-, were distinct from that of IFN-,/,. However, the clinical significance and the role of each IFN-, were unclear. Recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of the human whole genome revealed several single nucleotide polymorphism sites (SNP) strongly associated with the response to pegylated IFN-, (PEG-IFN) plus ribavirin (RBV) treatment in chronic hepatitis C patients. The SNP, which are located near the IL-28B gene of chromosome 19, were discovered simultaneously by three independent studies opening a new prospective in hepatitis C research. The present review highlights significant insights that can be derived from the GWAS approach, and summarizes current knowledge of in vitro and in vivo study on the role of IFN-, in antiviral effect. [source]

    Two-Terminal Carbon Nanotube Programmable Devices for Adaptive Architectures

    ADVANCED MATERIALS, Issue 6 2010
    Guillaume Agnus
    Carbon nanotube field-effect transistors functionalized with photoconducting polymer act as very efficient and non-volatile two-terminal programmable devices (see figure). Their optoelectronic programmability allows compensating for the critical issue of variability among as-built devices in prototype multi-input circuits, an important milestone toward the realistic use of nano-objects in complex functional circuits such as neuromorphic adaptive nanoarchitectures. [source]

    Political and social drivers for access to the countryside: the need for research on birds and recreational disturbance

    IBIS, Issue 2007
    The introduction of a statutory right of access to open country and registered common land in England and Wales in 2005 was a major milestone in a campaign traceable to the 19th century, with views strongly polarized between social classes and political parties, and between land owners and campaigners. More recently, access has also been recognized as a factor contributing to quality-of-life, public health, social diversity and rural economic issues. The mapping of access land revealed that 55% of it is also designated Site of Special Scientific Interest, where wildlife is legally conserved. This has generated a need to assess the implications of access in each case, and take measures to ensure nationally and internationally important features are protected, drawing on sound scientific principles. Early research, although competently undertaken, often failed to address population-scale effects significant at the designated-site level, enabling disputes and polarized ,beliefs' to be articulated. Hence, in addition to drawing up formal and transparent procedures for evaluating impacts and resolving difficulties, funds were released and a major programme initiated, commissioning applied research of direct relevance to the implementation of the legislation. This has pushed forward the boundaries of knowledge in a field which is both difficult and expensive to study. By gradually replacing ,belief' with evidence, this represents a case study in resolving environmental disputes. [source]

    Ceramic Matrix Composites: A Challenge in Space-Propulsion Technology Applications

    Stephan Schmidt
    Various technology programs in Europe are concerned, besides developing reliable and rugged, low-cost, throwaway equipment, with preparing for future reusable propulsion technologies. One of the key roles for realizing reusable engine components is the use of modern and innovative materials. One of the key technologies that concerns various engine manufacturers worldwide is the development of fiber-reinforced ceramics,CMCs (ceramic matrix composites). The advantages for the developers are obvious,the low specific weight, the high specific strength over a large temperature range, and their great damage tolerance compared with monolithic ceramics make this material class extremely interesting as a construction material. Over the past few years, the EADS-ST Company (formerly DASA) has, together with various partners, worked intensively on developing components for hypersonic engines and liquid rocket propulsion systems. In the year 2000, various hot-firing tests with subscale (scale 1:5) and full-scale nozzle extensions were conducted. In this year, a further decisive milestone was achieved in the sector of small thrusters, and long-term tests served to demonstrate the extraordinary stability of the C/SiC material. Besides developing and testing radiation-cooled nozzle components and small-thruster combustion chambers, EADS-ST worked on the preliminary development of actively cooled structures for future reusable propulsion systems. In order to get one step nearer to this objective, the development of a new fiber composite was commenced within the framework of a regionally sponsored program. The objective here is to create multidirectional (3D) textile structures combined with a cost-effective infiltration process. Besides material and process development, the project also encompasses the development of special metal/ceramic and ceramic/ceramic joining techniques as well as studying and verifying nondestructive investigation processes for the purpose of testing components. [source]

    Why International Organizations Should Bring Basic Needs Back in

    Nita Rudra
    An important milestone in the development debate is the recognition of poverty as a multidimensional phenomenon via the capabilities approach. However, a challenge remains in that many governments in less-developed countries continue to avoid prioritizing issues of absolute deprivation. This paper demonstrates how and why existing efforts to operationalize capabilities may distract policy makers from giving sufficient weight to issues of basic survival. We propose that international organizations can address this challenge through a method of triangulation: (1) identify how countries rank on universal goals of human development; (2) identify how countries rank on universal goals of basic needs provision; and (3) promote participatory poverty assessments. This approach ensures that absolute deprivation issues are addressed, and it establishes an acceptable (and necessary) balance between standardization and local complexity. [source]

    Black Economic Empowerment in the South African Wine Industry

    KWV has been at the centre of the South African Wine Industry since 1918. In July 2004, KWV agreed that a broadly based Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) consortium would acquire 25.1 per cent of the shares of the KWV Group. The South African Wine Industry Trust, whose trustees are nominated by the Minister of Agriculture and Land Affairs and by KWV, facilitated the deal. The agreement has features specific to the wine industry; it is also a milestone and a precedent for black economic empowerment in agriculture. This paper situates the politics of black economic empowerment in the context of the legacies inherited by the wine industry. It examines the complex political processes by which the participants mobilized funds and negotiated decisions to reconcile their objectives and realize their goals. By examining carefully the details of the sequences of events, the paper sheds light on the peculiar features of this case and raises questions about the nature, implications and significance of black economic empowerment in South Africa. [source]

    From sextant to GPS: Twenty-five years of mapping the genome with ChIP

    David A. Wacker
    Abstract Since its inception, ChIP technology has evolved immensely. Technological advances have improved its specificity and sensitivity, its scale has expanded to a genome-wide level, and its relative ease of use has made it a virtually ubiquitous tool. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the development of ChIP. In honor of this milestone, we briefly revisit its history, offer a review of recent articles employing ChIP on a genome-wide scale, and lay out our views for the future of ChIP. J. Cell. Biochem. 107: 6,10, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

    ,Accelerated aging': a primrose path to insight?

    AGING CELL, Issue 2 2004
    Richard A. Miller
    Summary Organism envy afflicts most researchers who work on aging in mice; how frustrating it is to see the worm and fly biologists nail down milestone after milestone, citation after citation! Surely genetic trickery can produce mice that age in a comparable jiffy? Alas, our near-total ignorance of what times the aging process makes it hard to guess what genes to tweak, if indeed aging can be mimicked a presto. Building a case that a given short-lived mutant ages quickly is a steep and thorny path, requiring more than just plucking a symptom here and there from a list of things that sometimes go wrong in old people or old mice. The hallmark of aging is that a lot goes wrong more or less at the same time, in 2-year-old mice, 10-year-old dogs and 70-year-old people. Finding ways to damage one or two systems in a 6-week or 6-month-old mouse is not too hard to do, but the implications of such studies for improved understanding of aging per se are at best indirect and at worst imaginary and distracting. [source]

    Survey of the year 2004 commercial optical biosensor literature

    Rebecca L. Rich
    Abstract The year 2004 represents a milestone for the biosensor research community: in this year, over 1000 articles were published describing experiments performed using commercially available systems. The 1038 papers we found represent a ,10% increase over the past year and demonstrate that the implementation of biosensors continues to expand at a healthy pace. We evaluated the data presented in each paper and compiled a ,top 10' list. These 10 articles, which we recommend every biosensor user reads, describe well-performed kinetic, equilibrium and qualitative/screening studies, provide comparisons between binding parameters obtained from different biosensor users, as well as from biosensor- and solution-based interaction analyses, and summarize the cutting-edge applications of the technology. We also re-iterate some of the experimental pitfalls that lead to sub-optimal data and over-interpreted results. We are hopeful that the biosensor community, by applying the hints we outline, will obtain data on a par with that presented in the 10 spotlighted articles. This will ensure that the scientific community at large can be confident in the data we report from optical biosensors. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

    Spherical ordered mesoporous silicas and silica monoliths as stationary phases for liquid chromatography

    Anne Galarneau
    Abstract Ordered mesoporous silicas such as micelle-templated silicas (MTS) feature unique textural properties in addition to their high surface area (,1000 m2/g): narrow mesopore size distributions and controlled pore connectivity. These characteristics are highly relevant to chromatographic applications for resistance to mass transfer, which has never been studied in chromatography because of the absence of model materials such as MTS. Their synthesis is based on unique self-assembly processes between surfactants and silica. In order to take advantage of the perfectly adjustable texture of MTS in chromatographic applications, their particle morphology has to be tailored at the micrometer scale. We developed a synthesis strategy to control the particle morphology of MTS using the concept of pseudomorphic transformation. Pseudomorphism was recognized in the mineral world to gain a mineral that presents a morphology not related to its crystallographic symmetry group. Pseudomorphic transformations have been applied to amorphous spherical silica particles usually used in chromatography as stationary phases to produce MTS with the same morphology, using alkaline solution to dissolve progressively and locally silica and reprecipitate it around surfactant micelles into ordered MTS structures. Spherical beads of MTS with hexagonal and cubic symmetries have been synthesized and successfully used in HPLC in fast separation processes. MTS with a highly connected structure (cubic symmetry), uniform pores with a diameter larger than 6 nm in the form of particles of 5 ,m could compete with monolithic silica columns. Monolithic columns are receiving strong interest and represent a milestone in the area of fast separation. Their synthesis is a sol-gel process based on phase separation between silica and water, which is assisted by the presence of polymers. The control of the synthesis of monolithic silica has been systematically explored. Because of unresolved yet cladding problems to evaluate the resulting macromonoliths in HPLC, micromonoliths were synthesized into fused-silica capillaries and evaluated by nano-LC and CEC. Only CEC allows to gain high column efficiencies in fast separation processes. Capillary silica monolithic columns represent attractive alternatives for miniaturization processes (lab-on-a chip) using CEC. [source]

    TV-Anytime Phase 1 and MPEG-7

    Jean-Pierre Evain
    Personal video recorders have the capability to change the media delivery industry fundamentally, and in this context, many believe the real international age of personal digital recorders (PDRs) will arrive with the use of "open" systems. The world reached an important milestone with the publication of the TV-Anytime Phase 1 specifications for unidirectional broadcast and metadata services over bidirectional networks. TV-Anytime is a worldwide prestandardization body; this article gives an overview of the main features of TV-Anytime's metadata specification and its relationship to MPEG-7 and provides insight into ways two organizations concerned with standards work together. Phase 2 has since been completed and TV-Anytime has been adopted by various international standards organizations dealing with telecommunications and is now in the implementation phase. [source]

    Infertility, infertility treatment and psychomotor development: the Danish National Birth Cohort

    Jin Liang Zhu
    Summary Babies born of infertile couples, regardless of treatment, have a higher risk of preterm birth and low birthweight, conditions associated with delayed development. We examined developmental milestones in singletons as a function of parental infertility [time to pregnancy (TTP) > 12 months] and infertility treatment. From the Danish National Birth Cohort (1997,2003), we identified 37 897 singletons born of fertile couples (TTP , 12 months), 4351 born of infertile couples conceiving naturally (TTP > 12 months), and 3309 born after infertility treatment. When the children were about 18 months old, mothers reported 12 developmental milestones by responding to structured questions. We defined a failure to achieve the assessed milestone or the minimal numbers of milestones in a summary (motor, or cognitive/language skills) as delay. Naturally conceived children born of infertile couples had a pattern of psychomotor development similar to that of children born of fertile couples, but increasing TTP correlated with a modest delay. When the analysis was restricted to infertile couples (treated and untreated), children born after treatment showed a slight delay in cognitive/language development (odds ratio 1.24, [95% confidence interval 1.01, 1.53]) for not meeting at least three out of six cognitive/language milestones); children born after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) had the highest estimated relative risk of delay for most milestones, especially motor milestones. These results suggest that a long TTP may be associated with a modest developmental delay. Infertility treatment, especially ICSI, may be associated with a slight delay for some of these early milestones. [source]

    The orderly use of experience: Pragmatism and the development of hospital industry self-regulation

    Joseph V. Rees
    Abstract This article focuses on the origins and the development of American hospital industry self-regulation. Drawing on extensive archival research, this article suggests that the American College of Surgeon's Hospital Standardization Program was closely linked to the American pragmatist tradition. So understood, the Program represents a major milestone in the history of American regulation, perhaps the first self-regulatory system steeped in pragmatist principles of social ordering, a Progressive-era model of governance that long ago foreshadowed some of today's most significant regulatory innovations. [source]

    ORIGINAL RESEARCH,ENDOCRINOLOGY: ANDROTEST©: A Structured Interview for the Screening of Hypogonadism in Patients with Sexual Dysfunction

    Giovanni Corona MD
    ABSTRACT Introduction., Detecting hypogonadism, which is important in the general population, becomes crucial in patients with sexual dysfunctions, because hypogonadism can have a causal role for them and testosterone (T) substitution represents a milestone for the therapy. Aim., No inventories are available for the screening of hypogonadism in patients with sexual dysfunction. We wished to set up a brief structured interview providing scores useful for detecting hypogonadism defined as low total T (<10.4 nmol/L, 300 ng/dL) in a symptomatic population (sexual dysfunction). Methods., A minimum set of items was identified within a larger structured interview through iterative receiver-operating characteristic curve analysis, with assessment of sensitivity and specificity for hypogonadism in a sample of 215 patients. Main Outcome Measures., Sensitivity and specificity were verified in a further sample of 664 patients. Correlation of test scores with prostate-specific antigen (PSA), testis volume, and others clinical and psychological parameters, was assessed for concurrent validity. Results., In the validation sample, the final 12-item version of the interview (ANDROTEST,©) had a sensitivity and specificity of 68% and 65%, in detecting low total T (<10.4 nmol/L) and of 71% and 65%, in the screening for low free T (<37 pmol/L). Furthermore, patients with a pathological test (i.e., score >8) showed higher prevalence of hypogonadism-related signs, such as lower testis volume and higher depressive symptoms. Finally, when only younger patients (<54 years, which represents the median age of the sample) were considered, Log10 [PSA] levels were significantly lower in those with ANDROTEST,© score >8. Conclusion., ANDROTEST,© is a quick and easy-to-administer interview that provides scores for the screening of male hypogonadism in patients with sexual dysfunction. Corona G, Mannucci E, Petrone L, Balercia G, Fisher AD, Chiarini V, Forti G, and Maggi M. ANDROTEST,©: A structured interview for the screening of hypogonadism in patients with sexual dysfunction. J Sex Med 2006;3:706,715. [source]