Migration Studies (migration + studies)

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Selected Abstracts

Gender Matters: Ethnographers Bring Gender from the Periphery toward the Core of Migration Studies

Sarah J. Mahler
Ethnographers from anthropology, sociology, and other disciplines have been at the forefront of efforts to bring gender into scholarship on international and transnational migration. This article traces the long and often arduous history of these scholars' efforts, arguing that though gender is now less rarely treated merely as a variable in social science writing on migration, it is still not viewed by most researchers in the field as a key constitutive element of migrations. The article highlights critical advances in the labor to engender migration studies, identifies under-researched topics, and argues that there have been opportunities when, had gender been construed as a critical force shaping migrations, the course of research likely would have shifted. The main example developed is the inattention paid to how gendered recruitment practices structure migrations , the fact that gender sways recruiters' conceptions of appropriate employment niches for men versus women. [source]

A Tale of Two Solitudes: Comparing Conflict and Development-induced Internal Displacement and Involuntary Resettlement

Robert Muggah
Development projects and war regularly lead to the internal displacement and involuntary resettlement of tens of millions of people each year. Though most "internally displaced people" settle spontaneously, a significant proportion is involuntarily resettled into planned "camps" and "settlements". This article is primarily concerned with a relatively understudied category of forced migration studies: resettlement. It contends that until very recently, the theory, policy, and practice of resettlement for people internally displaced by development and war have been treated as intellectually and practically exclusive. Decision makers and scholars working on the subject are frequently beholden to narrow disciplinary and bureaucratic interests and are unable or unwilling to look across institutional boundaries. As a result, policies and programmes intended to resettle populations have been clustered into two discrete (and disparate) narratives. Each of these draw from distinct normative moorings, government and non-governmental interpretations of "success" and "failure" and a division of labour closely tailored to the disciplines and expertise of those in the development and humanitarian communities. Though arising from separate traditions and conceived exclusively by donors, policy makers, and scholars, this article contends that they actually share many common features. Drawing on a vast and rapidly growing literature, this article seeks to frame the key debates on development and war-induced internal displacement and resettlement. It begins with an overview of definitional issues , including "internal displacement" and "resettlement", two concepts that are regularly contested and misunderstood. The article observes that the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement have, to some extent, clarified the rights of development and conflict-induced internally displaced people, as well as the responsibilities of states. It notes that in practice, however, resettlement of both types of populations is treated separately. The article then turns to a number of seminal theoretical contributions to the study of development and conflict-induced internal displacement and involuntary resettlement (DIDR and CIDR, respectively). The article highlights their separate evolution in theory and practice over time. It closes with a brief treatment of some of the common features of DIDR and CIDR, including their political economy, their institutional and bureaucratic logic, and similar patterns of impoverishment risks. [source]

Organized International Asylum-Seeker Networks: Formation and Utilization by Chinese Students1

Jia Gao
This article examines the formation and role of international networks formed by Chinese students living in the West in the late 1980s and early 1990s as part of their efforts to obtain the right to remain in Western countries in the immediate aftermath of the Tiananmen Square violence of June 4, 1989. Various forms of migrant social networks have been a research focus in international refugee and migration studies, but international networks formed by asylum seekers themselves, and their role in asylum-seeking processes, have been largely ignored. This article is based on a multi-method comparative study of Chinese students living in Australia and the United States at the time. Their experience provides data for examining and conceptualizing the role of organized international asylum-seeker networks in the asylum-seeking process. The analysis focuses on Chinese student lobbying in 1989, led by an independent Chinese student union, which helped "the Pelosi Bill" to be passed by the U.S. Congress. The main strategies adopted by Chinese students in the United States and Australia, as well as their internationally coordinated actions, are compared. Also examined is the role of two politicized international Chinese student organizations, the Chinese Alliance for Democracy and the Federation for Democratic China, in assisting students with obtaining residence. [source]

Geographies of Gender and Migration: Spatializing Social Difference1

Rachel Silvey
This article provides a review of the contributions that the discipline of geography is making to gender and migration research. In geographic analyses of migration, gender differences are examined most centrally in relation to specific spatialities of power. In particular, feminist geographers have developed insight into the gender dimensions of the social construction of scale, the politics of interlinkages between place and identity, and the socio-spatial production of borders. Supplementing recent reviews of the gender and migration literature in geography, this article examines the potential for continued cross-fertilization between feminist geography and migration research in other disciplines. The advances made by feminist geographers to migration studies are illustrated through analysis of the findings and debates tied to the subfield's central recent conceptual interventions. [source]

A Cross-Atlantic Dialogue: The Progress of Research and Theory in the Study of International Migration

Alejandro Portes
The articles included in this issue were originally presented at a conference on Conceptual and Methodological Developments in the Study of International Migration held at Princeton University in May 2003. The conference was jointly sponsored by the Committee on International Migration of the Social Science Research Council (SSRC), the Center for Migration and Development (CMD) at Princeton, and this journal. Its purpose was to review recent innovations in this field, both in theory and empirical research, across both sides of the Atlantic. The conference was deliberately organized as a sequel to a similar event convened by the SSRC on Sanibel Island in January 1996 in order to assess the state of international migration studies within the United States from an inter-disciplinary perspective. A selection of articles from that conference was published as a special issue of International Migration Review (Vol. 31, No. 4, Winter), and the full set of articles was published as the Handbook of International Migration: The American Experience (Hirschman, Kasinitz and DeWind, 1999). [source]

Methodological Nationalism, the Social Sciences, and the Study of Migration: An Essay in Historical Epistemology,

Andreas Wimmer
The article examines methodological nationalism, a conceptual tendency that was central to the development of the social sciences and undermined more than a century of migration studies. Methodological nationalism is the naturalization of the global regime of nation-states by the social sciences. Transnational studies, we argue, including the study of transnational migration, is linked to periods of intense globalization such as the turn of the twenty-first century. Yet transnational studies have their own contradictions that may reintroduce methodological nationalism in other guises. In studying migration, the challenge is to avoid both extreme fluidism and the bounds of nationalist thought. [source]

IN FOCUS: Partial migration in tropical birds: the frontier of movement ecology

Cagan H. Sekercioglu
A. E. Jahn, D. J. Levey, J. A. Hostetler & A. M. Mamani (2010) Determinants of partial bird migration in the Amazon Basin. Journal of Animal Ecology, 79, 983,992. Partial migration, in which only some individuals of a species migrate, might be central to the evolution of migratory behaviour and is likely to represent an evolutionary transition between sedentariness and complete migration. In one of the few detailed, individual-based migration studies of tropical birds, Jahn et al. study the partial migration system of a South American bird species for the first time. Food limitation forces the large adult males and small, young females to migrate, contrary to the expectations of the body size and dominance hypotheses. This study confirms the importance of food variability as the primary driver of migratory behaviour. There is urgent need for similar studies on the movement ecology of understudied tropical bird species, whose diversity of migratory behaviour can shed light on the evolution of bird migration. [source]

Remitting the gift: Zambian mobility and anthropological insights for migration studies

Lisa Cliggett
Abstract This article brings together anthropological theories of gift exchange and ethnographic data on migrant gifting (,remitting') in order to understand the core of investing in social relations through remitting practices. Migration literature from throughout the developing world documents important patterns of remitting that furthers our understanding of how migrants' earnings help rural investment. In contrast to the majority of migration literature, scholars working in different regions of Zambia have documented migration patterns and remittance practices that do not echo the documented findings from other regions of the developing world. In Zambian migration, remittances consist more of food, ,town goods' or cash, rather than the larger sums of money or durable goods that other migration studies describe. The Zambian literature also documents cases of non-remitting. Rather than provide significant support to relatives in sending communities, Zambian migrants invest in social networks over time through ,gift-remitting'. These ,gift-remittances' facilitate options to return to home communities, or to maintain mutually beneficial social ties for both migrants and relatives in home villages. These findings compel policies directed towards enhancing migrants' remitting power to consider the core social foundation of their ties to home, and how investing in social relations can be incorporated into policy development. The article draws on fieldwork with the Gwembe Tonga people of Zambia's Southern Province since 1994, and recent ethnographic literature from Zambia. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Semisynthesis of unnatural amino acid mutants of paxillin: Protein probes for cell migration studies

Elizabeth M. Vogel
Abstract Caged phosphopeptides and phosphoproteins are valuable tools for dissecting the dynamic role of phosphorylation in complex signaling networks with temporal and spatial control. Demonstrating the broad scope of phosphoamino acid caging for studying signaling events, we report here the semisynthesis of a photolabile precursor to the cellular migration protein paxillin, which is a complex, multidomain phosphoprotein. This semisynthetic construct provides a powerful probe for investigating the influence that phosphorylation of paxillin at a single site has on cellular migration. The 61-kDa paxillin construct was assembled using native chemical ligation to install a caged phosphotyrosine residue at position 31 of the 557-residue protein, and the probe includes all other binding and localization determinants in the paxillin macromolecule, which are essential for creating a native environment to investigate phosphorylation. Following semisynthesis, paxillin variants were characterized through detailed biochemical analyses and by quantitative uncaging studies. [source]

ORIGINAL ARTICLE: Two Different Homing Pathways Involving Integrin ,7 and E-selectin Significantly Influence Trafficking of CD4 Cells to the Genital Tract Following Chlamydia muridarum Infection

Kathleen A. Kelly
Problem,Chlamydia trachomatis causes STI and reproductive dysfunction worldwide which is not preventable with antibiotics. Identifying a population of endocervical T cells to target in vaccine development would enhance efficacy. Method of study, Trafficking of murine CD4+ lymphocytes to Chlamydia muridarum infected genital tract (GT) tissue in vivo was measured using adoptive transfer studies of fluorescent CD4+ T cells from integrin ,7,/, mice or mice which lack E-selectin on endothelial cells. Results, Murine in vivo migration studies showed that lack of ,4,7 or E-selectin significantly reduced trafficking of CD4 T cells to the GT of mice infected with C. muridarum. Conclusion, CD4+ T cells use at least two different adhesive mechanisms involving an integrin of the mucosal homing pathway and selectin pathway to accumulate in the GT during C. muridarum infection. [source]