Microbiological Samples (microbiological + sample)

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Selected Abstracts

Resolution of persistent periapical infection by endodontic surgery

F. B. A. Ferreira
Abstract Aim, To examine the surfaces of a root tip removed during surgical endodontic treatment for the presence of microorganisms. Summary, The present clinical case illustrates an endodontic retreatment of a maxillary premolar tooth with a fistula and periapical reaction. The case was under treatment for 1 year, during which an intracanal medicament was replaced several times. As the lesion did not decrease and exudate was persistent through the fistula and root canal, root end resection with root end filling was performed. Microbiological samples were collected from the fistula, where Propionibacterium acnes, a species associated with endodontic failures, was detected by appropriate anaerobic technique. The resected root apex was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), which revealed cocci and fungal forms surrounding one of the foramina. After 12 months, the periapical lesion had reduced. Key learning points ,,Persistent extraradicular infections are not affected by the action of antimicrobial agents such as irrigants and medicaments used during root canal treatment. ,,Apical surgery is a suitable alternative for definitive removal of an established refractory infection, promoting repair of difficult cases. [source]

Isolation of yeasts and enteric bacteria in root-filled teeth with chronic apical periodontitis

V. Peciuliene
Abstract Aims The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence and role of yeasts, enteric gram-negative rods and Enterococcus species in root-filled teeth with chronic apical periodontitis, and the antimicrobial effect of iodine potassium iodide (IKI) irrigation. Methodology Forty symptom-free root-filled teeth with chronic apical periodontitis were included in the study. The patients were divided into two groups. In group A the canals were filled with calcium hydroxide for 10,14 days after cleaning and shaping; in group B the canals were irrigated with IKI for 5 min after cleaning and shaping followed by a permanent root filling. Microbiological samples were taken from the canals before and after the chemomechanical preparation and after iodine irrigation (group B). Results Microbes were isolated from 33 of 40 teeth in the initial sampling. Yeasts were isolated from six teeth, three of them together with E. faecalis. Enteric rods (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Proteus mirabilis) were present in three teeth and E. faecalis was isolated from 21 of the 33 culture positive teeth, 11 in pure culture. Growth was detected in 10 teeth of the second samples. Six of the 10 cases were E. faecalis, with five being a pure culture. All third samples (after IKI) except one were negative. The number of microbial cells per sample did not correlate with lesion size. Two flare-ups were recorded, both in teeth with a mixed infection. Conclusion The high prevalence of enteric bacteria and yeasts in root-filled teeth with chronic apical periodontitis was established. IKI improved the antimicrobial effect of the treatment. [source]

Five-year maintenance follow-up of early-onset periodontitis patients

Joanna J. Kamma
Abstract Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical and microbiological status of patients with early-onset or aggressive periodontitis (EOP) who had received supportive periodontal care (SPC) every 3,6 months for a period of 5 years, following active periodontal treatment. Material & Methods: The study population consisted of 25 individuals with early-onset periodontitis. Clinical examination and recordings of probing pocket depth (PPD) and clinical attachment level (CAL) were performed at baseline prior to treatment (T0), 3 months following the termination of active periodontal treatment (T1) and annually at the SPC appointments (T2,T3,T4,T5). Microbiological samples were obtained at the 5-year SPC (T5). Subgingival plaque samples for each individual were collected from one deep pocket (>5 mm), based on pretreatment measurements, randomly selected in each quadrant. The levels of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Bacteroides forsythus, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Treponema denticola were determined using oligonucleotide probe hybridization. Results: During the 5-year period, the mean of SPC/patient was 12.7 sessions. A significant improvement was observed in PPD, CAL, gingival bleeding index and suppuration following treatment. However, between T1 and T5, 134 sites in 20 patients deteriorated with a CAL loss of,2 mm. Out of these 134 sites showing disease progression, microbial samples were randomly obtained in 13 sites (9.7%) from 8 patients. Among other factors, smoking and stress were found to have significant predictive value on the future attachment loss. P. gingivalis, T. denticola and total bacterial load were statistically significantly higher in patients who experienced disease progression during the 5-year maintenance period. Conclusions: For most EOP patients, regular SPC was effective in maintaining clinical and microbiological improvements attained after active periodontal therapy. However, a small percentage of sites was identified as progressive in 20 patients. Variables found to be related to periodontal progression were the presence of as well as the high bacterial counts of P. gingivalis, T. denticola and total bacterial load, number of acute episodes, number of teeth lost, smoking and stress. Zusammenfassung Erhaltungstherapie über fünf Jahre bei Patienten mit früh einsetzender Parodontitis (EOP) Ziele: Der Zweck dieser Studie war es, 5 Jahre nach aktiver Parodontalbehandlung den klinischen und mikrobiologischen Zustand von Patienten mit früh einsetzender oder aggressiver Parodontitis (EOP), bei welchen alle 3-6 Monate eine parodontale Erhaltungstherapie (SPC) erfolgte, zu evaluieren. Material & Methoden: Die Studienpopulation bestand aus 25 Individuen mit früh einsetzender Parodontitis. Die klinische Untersuchung und Aufzeichnung der Sondierungstiefe (PPD) sowie des klinischen Attachmentniveaus (CAL) erfolgten bei der Eingangsuntersuchung vor der Behandlung (T0), drei Monate nach Beendigung der aktiven Parodontalbehandlung (T1) und jährlich bei den SPC-Terminen (T2,T3,T4,T5). Die mikrobiologischen Proben wurden bei der 5-Jahres-SPC gewonnen (T5). Für jedes Individuum wurden die subgingivalen Plaqueproben in jedem Quadranten aus einer tiefen Tasche (>5mm) entnommen. Dies geschah randomisiert und auf der Grundlage der Messungen vor der Behandlung. Das Niveau von Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Bacteroides forsythus, Porphyromonas gingivalis und Treponema denticola wurden unter Verwendung der Hybridisierung mit Oligonukleotid-Sonden bestimmt. Ergebnisse: Während der 5-jährigen Periode betrug die mittlere Anzahl der SPC-Sitzungen pro Patient 12,7. Nach der Behandlung wurden bei PPD, CAL, Gingiva-Blutungs-Index und der Pusentleerung signifikante Verbesserungen beobachtet. Jedoch haben sich zwischen T1 und T5 bei 20 Patienten 134 Taschen mit einem CAL-Verlust von=2mm verschlechtert. Bei 8 Patienten wurden aus diesen 134 Taschen, mit Progression der Erkrankung, von 13 Taschen (9,7%) randomisiert mikrobiologische Proben entnommen. Innerhalb anderer Faktoren wurde bei Rauchen und Stress ein signifikanter Vorhersagewert für zukünftigen Attachmentverlust vorgefunden. Bei den Patienten, die in der 5-jährigen Erhaltungsperiode eine Progression der Erkrankung erfuhren lagen P. gingivalis, T. denticola und die bakterielle Gesamtbelastung höher. Schlussfolgerungen: Für die meisten EOP-Patienten die regelmäßig an der parodontalen Erhaltungstherapie teilnahmen war diese hinsichtlich der Aufrechterhaltung der nach der aktiven Parodontaltherapie erzielten klinischen und mikrobiologischen Verbesserungen erfolgreich. Jedoch wurde bei 20 Patienten ein geringer Prozentsatz von Taschen als fortschreitend identifiziert. Die Variablen, von denen gefunden wurde, dass sie eine Beziehung zur Progression haben waren: sowohl Vorhandensein von P. gingivalis, T. denticola als auch hohe Bakterienzahl von P. gingivalis, T. denticola und die bakterielle Gesamtbelastung, Anzahl der akuten Episoden, Anzahl verlorener Zähne, Rauchen und Stress. Résumé Suivi en maintenance sur 5 ans de patients atteints de parodontites d'apparition précoce. Objectifs: Cette étude se propose d'évaluer l'état clinique et microbiologique de patients atteints de parodontites d'apparition précoce ou agressive (EOP) qui furent suivis en maintenance (SPC) tous les 3-6 mois pendant une période de 5 ans après un traitement parodontal actif. Matériel & Méthodes: La population étudiée consistait en 25 individus atteints de parodontites d'apparition précoce. L'examen clinique et l'enregistrement des profondeurs de poche (PPD) et du niveau d'attache (CAL) furent réalisés avant le traitement (T0), 3 mois après la fin du traitement actif (T1) et chaque année aux rendez vous de maintenance (T2,T3,T4,T5). Des échantillons microbiologiques furent prélevés lors de la maintenance à 5 ans (T5). La plaque sous-gingivale de chaque patient fut prélevée d'une poche profonde (>5mm), sur la base des examens initiaux, choisis au hasard dans chaque quadrant. Les niveaux d' Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Bacteroides forsythus, Porphyromonas gingivalis et Treponema denticola furent déterminés par hybridation par sonde d'oligonucleotides. Résultats: pendant la période d'examination de 5 ans, la moyenne des SPC par patient fut de 12.7 sessions. Une amélioration significative fut observée pour PPD, CAL, l'indice de saignement gingival et la suppuration suite au traitement. Cependant, entre T1 et T5, 134 sites chez 20 patients connurent une détérioration avec une perte d'attache de 2 mm. De ces 134 sites qui présentaient une progression de la maladie, des échantillons microbiologiques furent obtenus aléatoirement dans 13 sites (9.7%) chez 8 patients. Parmi d'autres facteurs, le tabagisme et le stress furent reconnus comme ayant une significative valeur prédictive pour de futures pertes d'attache. P. gingivalis, T. denticola et la charge bactérienne totale étaient de façon statistiquement significatif plus importants chez les patients chez qui la maladie progressait au cours des 5 ans de maintenance. Conclusions: pour la plupart des patients atteints d' EOP, des soins parodontaux de soutien réguliers sont efficaces pour maintenir les améliorations cliniques et microbiologiques obtenus par le traitement actif. Cependant, un petit pourcentage de sites progressait chez 20 patients. Les variables en ralation avec cette progression étaient la présence et aussi un comptage important de P. gingivalis, T. denticola et la charge bactérienne totale, le nombre d'épisodes aigus le nombre de dents perdues le tabagisme et le stress. [source]

The periodontal abscess (I).

Clinical, microbiological findings
Background/aims: Little information is available regarding the diagnosis and microbiology of periodontal abscesses. The aim of this descriptive clinical and microbiological study was to provide more information in order to help in the characterisation of the periodontal abscess associated to periodontitis. Method: 29 consecutive patients with a periodontal abscess were studied by the assessment of clinical variables, including both subjective (pain, edema, redness and swelling) and objective (bleeding on probing, suppuration, probing pocket depth, tooth mobility and cervical lymphadenopathy) parameters. Microbiological samples were taken for anaerobic microbiology and processed by means of culture. Systemic involvement was also studied through the analysis of blood and urine samples using conventional laboratory standards. Results: 62% of the abscesses affected untreated periodontitis patients, and 69% were associated with a molar tooth. More than 75% of the abscesses had moderate-severe scores related to edema, redness and swelling, and 90% of the patients reported pain. Bleeding occurred in all abscesses, while suppuration on sampling was detected in 66%. Mean associated pocket depth was 7.28 mm, and 79% of teeth presented some degree of mobility. Cervical lymphadenopathy was seen in 10% of patients, while elevated leucocyte counts were observed in 31.6%. The absolute number of neutrophils was elevated in 42% of the patients. High prevalences of putative periodontal pathogens were found, including Fusobacterium nucleatum, Peptostreptococcus micros, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia and Bacteroides forsythus. Conclusions: The periodontal abscess has clear clinical characteristics and is usually associated with severe periodontal destruction. This condition may cause systemic involvement and the lesion generally has a large bacterial mass with a high prevalence of well-recognised periodontal pathogens. [source]

The periodontal abscess (II).

Short-term clinical, microbiological efficacy of 2 systemic antibiotic regimes
Background/aims: The aim of this short-term open parallel longitudinal clinical study was to compare the clinical and microbiological efficacy of 2 different antibiotic regimes in the treatment of acute periodontal abscesses. Method: After patient selection, a clinical examination was carried out recording the following variables: pain, edema, redness, swelling, bleeding on probing, suppuration, tooth mobility, lymphadenopathy, and probing pocket depth. Microbiological samples were taken from the lesion and the patient was randomly assigned to one of two antibiotic regimes: azithromycin or amoxicillin/clavulanate. Clinical variables were recorded, and microbiological samples were taken, at 3,5 days, 10,12 days and 30 days. Additional mechanical treatment (debridement and scaling) was performed in the third visit (10,12 days). Blood and urine samples were collected at baseline and after 10,12 days. Microbiological samples were processed by anaerobic culturing, and isolated periodontal pathogens were tested for antibiotic susceptibility by means of the spiral gradient endpoint methodology. Results: 15 patients took azithromycin, and 14 amoxicillin/clavulanate. Subjective clinical variables demonstrated statistically significant improvements with both antibiotic regimes, which lasted for at least 1 month (p<0.01). Objective clinical variables also showed clear improvements, being statistically significant after 30 days with probing pocket depth in the azithromycin group (p<0.01). Microbiologically, short-term reductions were detected with both antibiotics, however fast recolonization occurred after the third visit. No significant differences were found between both treatment regimes. Antibiotic susceptibilities demonstrated no resistances for amoxicillin/clavulanate, while 2,3 strains of each studied pathogen were resistant to azithromycin. Conclusions: However, both antibiotic regimes were effective in the short-term treatment of periodontal abscesses in periodontitis patients. [source]

Quantitative analysis of association between herpesviruses and bacterial pathogens in periodontitis

I. Saygun
Background and Objective:, The development of human periodontitis may depend upon cooperative interactions among herpesviruses, specific pathogenic bacteria and tissue-destructive inflammatory mediators. This study sought to identify associations among human cytomegalovirus, Epstein,Barr virus and six putative periodontopathic bacteria in periodontitis lesions. Material and Methods:, Fifteen periodontitis patients (nine with aggressive periodontitis and six with chronic periodontitis) and 15 periodontally normal subjects were included in the study. In each study subject, a microbiological sample was collected, using a curette, from the deepest periodontal probing depth of the dentition. A real-time TaqMan® polymerase chain reaction assay was employed to determine the subgingival counts of human cytomegalovirus, Epstein,Barr virus, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, Prevotella intermedia, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Fusobacterium nucleatum and Campylobacter rectus. Statistical analysis was performed using the Student's t -test, the Pearson correlation coefficient test and the single variable logistic regression test for odds ratio-based risk calculation. Results:, Human cytomegalovirus was detected in eight periodontitis lesions and in one normal periodontal site, Epstein,Barr virus was detected in nine periodontitis lesions and in two normal periodontal sites, and the study bacteria were detected in 6,15 periodontitis lesions and in 1,11 normal periodontal sites. Correlations were found between counts of human cytomegalovirus and Epstein,Barr virus, between counts of human cytomegalovirus and P. gingivalis, T. forsythia and C. rectus, and between counts of Epstein,Barr virus and P. gingivalis and T. forsythia. Human cytomegalovirus and Epstein,Barr virus counts were also positively associated with the level of periodontal attachment loss, probing pocket depth and gingival bleeding on probing. Conclusion:, This study confirmed that periodontal human cytomegalovirus and Epstein,Barr virus are associated with major periodontopathic bacteria and with the severity of periodontal disease. The finding of abundant herpesviruses in periodontitis lesions redefines the pathogenic paradigm of the disease. Understanding the interplay between herpesviruses and specific bacterial species in the pathogenesis of periodontitis may form the basis for new approaches to preventing, reducing or delaying tissue breakdown from periodontal infections. [source]

The periodontal abscess (II).

Short-term clinical, microbiological efficacy of 2 systemic antibiotic regimes
Background/aims: The aim of this short-term open parallel longitudinal clinical study was to compare the clinical and microbiological efficacy of 2 different antibiotic regimes in the treatment of acute periodontal abscesses. Method: After patient selection, a clinical examination was carried out recording the following variables: pain, edema, redness, swelling, bleeding on probing, suppuration, tooth mobility, lymphadenopathy, and probing pocket depth. Microbiological samples were taken from the lesion and the patient was randomly assigned to one of two antibiotic regimes: azithromycin or amoxicillin/clavulanate. Clinical variables were recorded, and microbiological samples were taken, at 3,5 days, 10,12 days and 30 days. Additional mechanical treatment (debridement and scaling) was performed in the third visit (10,12 days). Blood and urine samples were collected at baseline and after 10,12 days. Microbiological samples were processed by anaerobic culturing, and isolated periodontal pathogens were tested for antibiotic susceptibility by means of the spiral gradient endpoint methodology. Results: 15 patients took azithromycin, and 14 amoxicillin/clavulanate. Subjective clinical variables demonstrated statistically significant improvements with both antibiotic regimes, which lasted for at least 1 month (p<0.01). Objective clinical variables also showed clear improvements, being statistically significant after 30 days with probing pocket depth in the azithromycin group (p<0.01). Microbiologically, short-term reductions were detected with both antibiotics, however fast recolonization occurred after the third visit. No significant differences were found between both treatment regimes. Antibiotic susceptibilities demonstrated no resistances for amoxicillin/clavulanate, while 2,3 strains of each studied pathogen were resistant to azithromycin. Conclusions: However, both antibiotic regimes were effective in the short-term treatment of periodontal abscesses in periodontitis patients. [source]

Oral candidiasis as a clinical marker related to viral load, CD4 lymphocyte count and CD4 lymphocyte percentage in HIV-infected patients

J. Campo
Abstract Background:, High viral load is currently considered to be one of the main indicators of the progression of HIV-induced immunodepression, but few studies have analysed its relationship to the presence of oral candidiasis (OC). The aim of this cross-sectional study is to analyse the relationship between viral load, total CD4 lymphocyte count, and percentage of CD4 lymphocytes to the occurrence of OC. Methods:, The present cross-sectional study included 156 HIV-infected patients seen at a clinic for sexually transmitted diseases and HIV. We assesed the presence or absence of OC, and microbiological samples were obtained from the palatine mucosa and dorsal tongue for a smear stained with KOH (potassium hydroxide) and culture on Sabouraud's dextrose agar in all patients. Viral load was determined by quantification of viral RNA in peripheral blood with a minimum detectable level of 500 RNA copies/ml. CD4+ counts/CD4+ percentage were categorized as <200/<14%, 200,499/14,28%, and >500/>29%, and HIV viral loads were categorized as <500, 500,10,000, >10,000 copies/ml. Results:, Thirty-eight percent (37.8%) of the patients had OC. Patients with CD4+ lymphocyte counts below 200×106/l and CD4+ percentages below 14% showed a significantly higher frequency of OC (57.9% and 48.0%, respectively). Patients with a viral load over 10,000 copies/ml also had OC more frequently (44.8%). In the multiple logistic regression analysis, OC showed a statistically significant association with high viral load [>10,000 vs <500, odds ratio (OR)=11.4], low percentage of CD4+ lymphocytes (<14% vs >28%, OR=5), and injection drug use (IDU vs heterosexual transmission, OR=10.2). In HIV-infected patients, high viral load was associated with more frequent OC, regardless of CD4+ lymphocyte level. Conclusions:, These findings suggest that oral candidiasis could be a useful clinical marker of patients with high viral load. In view of these results, emphasis should be placed on the importance of systematic examination of the oral cavity in all medical follow-up examinations of HIV-infected patients. [source]