Micro Hardness (micro + hardness)

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Selected Abstracts

Isotactic polypropylene solidification under pressure and high cooling rates.

A master curve approach
Solidification in industrial processes very often involves flow fields, high thermal gradients and high pressures: the development of a model able to describe the polymer behavior becomes complex. Recently a new equipment has been developed and improved to study the crystallization of polymers when quenched under pressure. An experimental apparatus based on a modified, special injection moulding machine has been employed. Polymer samples can be cooled at a known cooling rate up to 100°C/s and under a constant pressure up to 40 MPa. Density, Micro Hardness (MH), Wide angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), and annealing measurements were then used to characterize the obtained sample morphology. Results on one iPP sample display a lower density and a lower density dependence on cooling rate for increasing pressure. Micro hardness confirms the same trend. A deconvolution technique of WAXD patterns is used to evaluate the final phase content of samples and to assess a crystallization kinetics behavior. A master curve approach to explain iPP behavior under pressure and high cooling rates was successfully applied on density results. On the basis of this simple model it is possible to predict the final polymer density by superposition of the effect of cooling rate and the effect of pressure in a wide range of experimental conditions. [source]

Synthesis, growth and characterization of single crystals of pure and thiourea doped L-glutamic acid hydrochloride

R. Sathyalakshmi
Abstract L(+)Glutamic acid hydrochloride [HOOC (CH2)2CH(NH2) COOH·HCl], a monoamino dicarboxylic acid salt of L-Glutamic acid was synthesized and the synthesis was confirmed by FTIR analysis. Solubility of the material in water was determined. Pure and Thiourea doped L-Glutamic acid hydrochloride crystals were grown by low temperature solution growth using solvent evaporation technique. XRD, UV-Vis-NIR analyses were carried out for both pure and thiourea doped crystals. The crystals were qualitatively analyzed by EDAX analysis and the presence of thiourea was confirmed. The cell parameters of L-Glutamic acid hydrochloride have been determined as a = 5.151 Å, b = 11.79 Å, c = 13.35 Å by X-ray diffraction analysis and it crystallizes in orthorhombic space group P212121. UV-Vis-NIR spectra analysis showed good optical transmission in the entire visible region for both pure and doped crystals. Micro hardness of both pure and doped crystals has been determined using Vickers micro hardness tester. The SHG efficiencies of both pure and doped crystals were determined using Kurtz powder test and pure L-Glutamic acid hydrochloride crystal was found to possess better efficiency than thiourea doped L-Glutamic acid hydrochloride crystals. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) [source]

Isotactic polypropylene solidification under pressure and high cooling rates.

A master curve approach
Solidification in industrial processes very often involves flow fields, high thermal gradients and high pressures: the development of a model able to describe the polymer behavior becomes complex. Recently a new equipment has been developed and improved to study the crystallization of polymers when quenched under pressure. An experimental apparatus based on a modified, special injection moulding machine has been employed. Polymer samples can be cooled at a known cooling rate up to 100°C/s and under a constant pressure up to 40 MPa. Density, Micro Hardness (MH), Wide angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), and annealing measurements were then used to characterize the obtained sample morphology. Results on one iPP sample display a lower density and a lower density dependence on cooling rate for increasing pressure. Micro hardness confirms the same trend. A deconvolution technique of WAXD patterns is used to evaluate the final phase content of samples and to assess a crystallization kinetics behavior. A master curve approach to explain iPP behavior under pressure and high cooling rates was successfully applied on density results. On the basis of this simple model it is possible to predict the final polymer density by superposition of the effect of cooling rate and the effect of pressure in a wide range of experimental conditions. [source]

Untersuchungen zur Herstellung siliziumkarbid-partikelverstärkter Aluminiumpulver durch Hochenergiekugelmahlen.

Fabrication of silicon carbide reinforced aluminium powders by high-energy ball-milling
High-energy ball milling; Aluminium matrix composite; AA2017; SiC particle reinforcement; Microstructure Abstract Die Herstellung von Siliziumkarbid-Aluminium-Verbundpulver stellt die erste Stufe der pulvermetallurgischen Herstellungsroute für partikelverstärkte Aluminiumwerkstoffe dar. Der Prozess der Verbundpulverausbildung beim Mahlen in einer Hochenergiekugelmühle und der Einfluss von Prozessparametern werden anhand der Al-Legierung EN AW-2017 mit 10 und 15 Vol.-% Siliziumkarbidteilchen der Kornfraktion <2 ,m untersucht. Die Gefügeentwicklung des Pulvers wird materialografisch charakterisiert. Bestimmte Prozessparameter beeinflussen den Verbundpulverzustand zum Teil gegenläufig, so dass der erreichte Optimierungsstand als Kompromiss anzusehen ist. Lösungsvarianten für eine weitere Verbesserung werden aufgezeigt. The fabrication of aluminium silicon-carbide composite powder is the first step of the powder metallurgical production of particle-reinforced aluminium material. This paper deals with the production of silicon-carbide reinforced aluminium matrix (AA2017) composite powder through an high energy ball milling process by using simoloyer- and planetary high energy mills. The Stages of composite powder formation during the high-energy ball milling process will be shown by means of materialographic studies and by micro hardness. Major factors of influence as well as typical problems are discussed. [source]