Mean PPD (mean + ppd)

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Selected Abstracts

Periodontal dressing (Vocopac®) influences outcomes in a two-step treatment procedure

B. W. Sigusch
Abstract Objectives: It is not clear if periodontal dressing influences the long-term results in a non-surgical treatment procedure. Material and Methods: The periodontal parameters (pre-baseline) of 36 patients with aggressive periodontitis were obtained before the patients were treated initially (1st step) by a dental hygienist, who completely removed the supra- and subgingival concrements. Baseline parameters were raised 3 weeks after the 1st step, before the 2nd therapy step was conducted. It consisted of a non-surgical procedure, which comprised a closed full-mouth manual root curettage (root planing), immediate systemic application of metronidazole, and the placement of a periodontal dressing (Vocopac®, Voco). The patients were randomized to two test groups having their periodontal packs removed after 3,4 days (group 1, n=12) and 7,8 days (group 2, n=12), respectively and a control group (n=12) without periodontal dressing. Clinical parameters were raised again after 6 and 24 months. Results: Six and 24 months later, changes in probing pocket depth (PPD) and probing attachment level (PAL) were observed in all three groups compared with baseline, but the difference was significant in group 2 only. In addition, group 2 showed a greater reduction in mean PPD and also a significantly greater gain of attachment in comparison with the controls. Conclusion: Wound dressing has a positive effect on clinical long-term results using a two-step non-surgical procedure. Moreover, removing the dressing after 7,8 days leads to clearly better results than removing it earlier. [source]

Long-term stability of periodontal conditions achieved following guided tissue regeneration with bioresorbable membranes: case series results after 6,7 years

Andreas Stavropoulos
Abstract Objectives: To evaluate the results of guided tissue regeneration (GTR) treatment of intrabony defects with bioresorbable membranes after 6,7 years, and to disclose factors that may influence the long-term outcome of the treatment. Methods: Twenty-five defects in 19 patients were treated by means of polylactic acid/citric acid ester copolymer bioresorbable membranes. At baseline and after 1 and 6,7 years, the following parameters were recorded: (1) probing pocket depth (PPD), (2) gingival recession (REC), (3) probing attachment level (PAL)=PPD+REC, (4) presence/absence of plaque (PI), (5) presence/absence of bleeding on probing (BOP). Smoking habits and frequency of dental-control visits were also recorded. Significance of differences between categorical variables was evaluated with McNemar's test, and between numerical variables with the t -test for paired observations. Generalized linear models were constructed to evaluate the influence of various factors on PAL gain and PPD changes from 1 to 6,7 years. Association of smoking, frequency of dental controls, oral hygiene, and BOP with sites losing 2 mm in PAL was evaluated with Fisher's exact test. Results: At baseline, a mean PPD of 8.7±1.1 mm and a mean PAL of 9.8±1.5 mm was recorded. Statistically significant clinical improvements were observed at 1 and 6,7 years after GTR treatment. An average residual PPD of 3.8±1.1 mm and a mean PAL gain of 3.8±1.4 mm were observed after 1 year. After 6,7 years the corresponding values were 4.7±1.3 and 3.6±1.4 mm, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences between the 1- and the 6,7-year values. At the 6,7-year control, only 16% of the sites had lost 2 mm (maximum 3 mm), of the PAL gain obtained 1 year after GTR treatment. None of the sites had lost all of the attachment gained 1 year after treatment. Smoking, frequency of dental controls, oral hygiene, and BOP did not seem to influence the change of PPD and PAL gain, or the stability of PAL gain (i.e. losing PAL or not) from 1 to 6,7 years from treatment. Conclusion: Clinical improvements achieved by GTR treatment of intrabony defects by means of bioresorbable membranes can be maintained on a long-term basis. [source]

Periodontal attachment loss over 14 years in cleft lip, alveolus and palate (CLAP, CL, CP) subjects not enrolled in a supportive periodontal therapy program

Giovanni E. Salvi
Abstract Objectives: (i) To assess the overall and (ii) cleft-associated rate of periodontal disease (PD) progression in subjects with cleft lip, alveolus and palate (CLAP) and (iii) to compare these rates with those of subjects with cleft lip (CL) and cleft palate (CP). Material and methods: Twenty-six subjects not enrolled in a supportive periodontal therapy (SPT) program were examined in 1979, 1987 and 1993. PD progression was assessed as increase in pocket probing depth (PPD in mm) and probing attachment loss (PAL in mm). Results: Extensive plaque accumulation and high frequencies of gingival units bleeding on probing were observed at all three examinations. A statistically significant increase in mean PPD of 0.57±0.21 mm (SD) in both groups as well as a statistically significant loss of PAL of 1.85±0.23 mm (SD) in the CLAP group and of 1.72±0.21 mm (SD) in the CL/CP group occurred over the observation period (p<0.05). In subjects with CLAP, statistically significant increases in PPD and loss of PAL were recorded over time at sites adjacent to the cleft as well as at control sites (p<0.05). Over 14 years, however, PPD increased 1.72±1.08 mm (SD) at cleft sites versus 0.72±1.14 mm (SD) at control sites (p<0.05), and PAL amounted to 3.19±1.35 mm (SD) at cleft sites versus 2.41±1.52 mm (SD) at control sites (p<0.05). Conclusion: Both the CLAP and the CL/CP subjects are at high risk for PD progression if no SPT program is provided. This also suggests that alveolar cleft sites in subjects with high plaque and gingival inflammation scores underwent more periodontal tissue destruction than control sites over a 14-year period. Zusammenfassung Ziele: 1. Beurteilung der gesamten und 2. der mit der Spalte assoziierten Progressionsrate der Parodontalerkrankung (PD) bei Patienten mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten (CLAP) und 3. der Vergleich dieser Progressionsraten mit denen von Patienten mit Lippenspalten (CL) sowie Gaumenspalten (CP). Material und Methoden: 26 Patienten, die nicht an einem SPT-Programm teilnahmen wurden in 1979, 1987 und 1993 untersucht. Die PD-Progression wurde über die Zunahme der Sondierungstiefe (PPD in mm) und den klinischen Attachmentverlust (PAL in mm) beurteilt. Ergebnisse: Bei allen drei Untersuchungszeitpunkten wurde eine ausgedehnte Plaqueakkumulation und eine große Häufigkeit von Gingivabereichen, die bei Sondierung bluteten beobachtet. Während der Beobachtungsperiode fand in beiden Gruppen ein statistisch signifikanter Anstieg der mittleren PPD von 0.57±0.21 mm (SD) als auch ein statistisch signifikanter Attachmentverlust von 1.85±0.23 mm (SD) in der CLAP-Gruppe sowie von 1.72±0.21 mm (SD) in der CL/CP-Gruppe statt (p<0.05). Bei den Patienten mit CLAP wurde im Laufe der Zeit sowohl an den Parodontien neben der Spalte als auch an den Kontrollstellen (p<0.05) ein statistisch signifikanter Anstieg der PPD und Attachmentverlust registriert. Während der 14 Jahre jedoch nahm die PPD an Stellen mit Spalte um 1.72±1.08 mm (SD) zu im Gegensatz zu den Kontrollstellen (p<0.05) wo dieser Wert 0.72±1.14 mm (SD) betrug. Für den Attachmentverlust lag dieser Wert bei 3.19±1.35 mm (SD) an den Stellen mit Spalte im Gegensatz zu den Kontrollstellen (p<0.05) mit 2.41±1.52 mm (SD). Schlussfolgerung: Wenn keine parodontale Erhaltungstherapie zur Verfügung gestellt wird haben beide Personen, die mit CLAP und die mit CL/CP ein hohes Risiko hinsichtlich der Parodontitisprogression. Dies läßt annehmen, dass bei Personen mit viel Plaque und ausgeprägter Entzündung der Gingiva, die Stellen mit Kieferspalten während einer 14-jährigen Zeitperiode eine stärkere Zerstörung der parodontalen Gewebe erfahren als die Kontrollstellen. Résumé Les buts de cette étude ont été de suivre la progression du taux de la maladie parodontale associée au bec de lièvre (CLAP) et de comparer ces taux avec ceux de sujets ayant lèvre fendue (CL) et palais fendu (CP). Vingt-six sujets non-soumis à un programme parodontal de maintien (SPT) ont été examinés en 1979, 1987 et 1993. La progression PD a été enregistrée telle une augmentation de la profondeur au sondage (PPD en mm) et une perte d'attache au sondage (PAL en mm). Une énorme accumulation de plaque dentaire et de très hautes fréquences dans les nombres d'unités gingivales avec saignement au sondage ont été observées lors des trois examens. Une augmentation statistiquement significative dans la moyenne PPD de 0.57±0.21 mm (SD) dans les deux groupes ainsi qu'une perte significative de PAL de 1.85±0.23 mm (SD) dans le groupe CLAP et de 1.72±0.21 mm (SD) dans le groupe CL/CP apparaîssaient durant cette période d'observation (p<0.05). Chez les sujets avec CLAP, les augmentations statistiquement significatives de PPD et la perte de PAL ont été enregistrées avec le temps sur les sites adjacents au bec de lièvre ainsi qu'au niveau des sites contrôles (p<0.05). Sur les quatorze années, cependant, PPD augmentait de 1.72±1.08 mm (SD) au niveau des sites bec de lièvre vs 0.72±1.14 mm (SD) au niveau des contrôles (p<0.05), et PAL s'élevait à 3.19±1.35 mm (SD) au niveau des sites bec de lièvre vs 2.41±1.52 mm au niveau des contrôles (p<0.05). Tant les sujets CLAP que les CL/CP étaient à haut risque pour la progression PD si un programme SPT n'était pas suivi. Ceci suggère également que les sites alvéolaires associés au bec de lièvre avec des scores de plaque et de gingivite importants s'accompagnaient de plus de destruction que les sites contrôles sur une période de quatorze années. [source]

Association between metabolic syndrome and periodontal disease

OM Andriankaja
Abstract Background:, Metabolic syndrome has been suggested as a potential risk factor for periodontal disease. Data based on NHANES III, with 7431 subjects aged 20 years or older, were analysed to confirm the association between metabolic syndrome and periodontal disease, and identify which components of metabolic syndrome might play a role in this association. Methods:, Clinical criteria for metabolic syndrome included: (1) abdominal obesity; (2) increased triglycerides; (3) decreased HDL cholesterol; (4) hypertension or current use of hypertension medication; and (5) high fasting plasma glucose. Periodontal disease was evaluated by probing pocket depth (PPD) and was defined as mean PPD ,2.5 mm. Results:, Women with two or more metabolic components had significantly increased odds of having periodontal disease as compared to those with no component [(two components, OR = 5.6 (95% CI: 2.2,14.4); three or more, OR = 4.7 (2.0,11.2)]. Using the definition of metabolic syndrome as having three to five metabolic components (reference group with <3 components), the adjusted odds ratios were 1.0 (0.7,1.6) for men and 2.1 (1.2,3.7) for women. Abdominal obesity was the largest contributory factor in both genders. Conclusions:, While the association between metabolic syndrome and periodontal disease was particularly significant for women, abdominal obesity appeared to be the contributing metabolic factor for both genders. [source]