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Kinds of Methods. Selected AbstractsDeficient Knowledge Nursing Diagnosis: Identifying the Learning Needs of Patients With Cardiac DiseaseINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 3 2010Luzia Elaine Galdeano PhD Assistência ao paciente; avaliação de processos; conhecimento; doença das coronárias; enfermagem OBJECTIVES., To identify the learning needs of patients with cardiac disease and the aspects of the disease and anesthetic and surgical procedures about which Brazilian patients have the greatest gaps in knowledge. METHODS., Eighty preoperative patients answered a General Evaluation Questionnaire, a Questionnaire to Evaluate Patient Knowledge, and the Mini-Mental State Exam. FINDINGS., Fifty-nine patients had learning needs. More than 50% of the patients were mistaken or unable to answer questions about the disease, and the goals of and type of surgery to be performed and anesthesia to be used. CONCLUSIONS., Most patients had poor performance on the questionnaire that assessed their knowledge about coronary artery disease and its treatment. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS., This study can contribute to health professionals' assessment of patients' knowledge. OBJETIVOS., Identificar as necessidades de aprendizagem de pacientes com doença cardíaca e os aspectos da doença arterial coronariana e da revascularização do miocárdio do nos quais os pacientes brasileiros apresentam conhecimento deficiente. MÉTODO., Oitenta pacientes responderam o Questionário para avaliação geral, o Questionário para avaliar o conhecimento e o Mini-Exame do Estado Mental. RESULTADOS., Cinqüenta e nove pacientes apresentaram necessidade de aprendizagem. Mais de 50% dos pacientes erraram ou não souberam responder as questões referentes ao nome da doença, aos sinais e sintomas de complicação da doença, aos objetivos e tipo de cirurgia e anestesia. CONCLUSÃO., Muitos pacientes não apresentaram bom desempenho no questionário para medir conhecimento em relação à Doença Arterial Coronária e seu tratamento. IMPLICAÇÕES PRÁTICAS., Este estudo poderá contribuir para a avaliação do conhecimento dos pacientes por profissionais da saúde. [source] Prevalence of Sedentary Lifestyle in Individuals With High Blood PressureINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 2 2010Nirla Gomes Guedes RN OBJECTIVE., To identify the prevalence of a sedentary lifestyle in individuals with high blood pressure. METHODS., This cross-sectional study was conducted among 310 individuals with high blood pressure. RESULTS., The prevalence of the diagnosis of sedentary lifestyle was 60%. The more common defining characteristics were "lack of physical conditioning" and "lack of practice for physical exercises." The nursing diagnosis was associated with age and presence of diabetes. Individuals who presented with a sedentary lifestyle related to lack of motivation were significantly younger. CONCLUSIONS., This study showed a high prevalence of "sedentary lifestyle" and its associations with age and the presence of diabetes. IMPLICATIONS TO NURSING PRACTICE., The acknowledgement of "sedentary lifestyle" contributes to the choice for nursing interventions that promote physical activity centered on the subject and the surroundings. [source] The Use of Nursing Diagnoses in Perioperative DocumentationINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 2 2010Kristiina Junttila PhD Hoitotyön kirjaaminen; hoitotyön diagnoosit; perioperatiivinen hoitotyö; Perioperative Nursing Data Set PURPOSE., To clinically validate the nursing diagnoses of the first Finnish version of Perioperative Nursing Data Set (PNDS) by using them in perioperative documentation. METHODS., Nursing diagnoses were used in documentation in four operating departments with 250 patients. In analysis, nonparametric tests were applied. FINDINGS., While intraoperatively nursing diagnoses focused on physiological concerns, postoperatively the focus shifted to that of recovery. CONCLUSIONS., The findings revealed the importance of safety-related routines in perioperative care. Nursing diagnoses in the Finnish version of PNDS are sensitive in describing the rationales for perioperative care. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE., Nursing classifications illustrate the nursing process in a structured form. Nursing diagnosis is an early step in the decision-making process that aims to achieve expected outcomes in nursing care. TARKOITUS:, Validoida PNDS-luokituksen suomalaisen version diagnoositermit käyttämällä niitä perioperatiivisen hoitotyön kirjaamisessa. MENETELMÄT:, Hoitotyön diagnooseja käytettiin kirjaamisessa 250 potilaan kohdalla. Aineiston analyysissä käytettiin ei-parametrisiä testejä. TULOKSET:, Hoidon intraoperatiivisessa vaiheessa korostuvat potilaan fysiologiaan liittyvät ja postoperatiivisessa vaiheessa potilaan toipumiseen liittyvät hoitotyön diagnoosit. JOHTOPÄÄTÖKSET:, Perioperatiivisessa hoitotyössä painottuvat potilaan hoidon turvallisuuteen tähtäävät rutiinit. PNDS-luokituksen suomalaisen version diagnoositermejä voidaan käyttää kuvaamaan leikkauspotilaiden hoidon tarpeita. TULOSTEN HYÖDYNNETTÄVYYS:, Hoitotyön prosessia voidaan kuvata rakenteisesti hoitotyön luokituksilla. Hoitotyön diagnoosin määrittäminen on osa päätöksentekoprosessia tavoitteena tunnistaa ja saavuttaa toivotut tulokset potilaan hoidossa. [source] Determining Critical Incident Nursing Interventions for the Critical Care Setting: A Pilot StudyINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 3 2009Elizabeth Wong CRNA PURPOSE., The purpose of this research survey was to determine which Adult Critical Care Core Nursing Interventions (ACCCNIs) in the Nursing Interventions Classification constitutes a critical incident nursing intervention (CINI). A CINI is defined as any indirect or direct care registered nurse (RN)-initiated treatment performed in response to a life-threatening nursing diagnosis. METHODS., A list of ACCCNIs were sent to 50 critical care RNs in two survey rounds. Responses >80% for each ACCCNI was determined to be a CINI. FINDINGS., Forty-one ACCCNIs were determined to be CINIs. CONCLUSIONS., It is recommended that CINIs be included as a separate Nursing Intervention Classification category to reflect current nursing practice. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE., CINIs can enhance RN competency, education, and vigilance, thereby preventing or decreasing the number of deaths that occur from critical incidents. [source] Using Nursing Interventions Classification as a Framework to Revise the Belgian Nursing Minimum Data SetINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 3 2009Koen Van den Heede PhD Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC); Minimale Verpleegkundige Gegevens; ontwikkeling van consensus PURPOSE., To develop the revised Belgian nursing minimum data set (B-NMDS). METHODS., The Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC, 2nd edition) was used as a framework. Six expert nurse panels (cardiology, oncology, intensive care, pediatrics, geriatrics, chronic care) were consulted. Seventy-nine panelists completed standardized e-mail questionnaires and discussed results in face-to-face meetings. FINDINGS., We initially selected 256 of 433 NIC interventions. After panel discussions, plenary meetings, and pretesting, the revised B-NMDS (alpha version) contained 79 items covering 22 NIC classes and 196 NIC interventions. CONCLUSIONS., Consensus building promoted acceptance of the B-NMDS, while the NIC provided a good theoretical basis and guaranteed international comparability. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE., The revised B-NMDS instrument can be used to visualize nursing activities in different applications (e.g., financing, staffing allocation). DOELSTELLING., Ontwikkeling van een nieuwe versie van de Minimale Verpleegkundige Gegevens (MVG). METHODE., De Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC, 2nd editie) werd gebruikt als raamwerk. Zes experten panels (cardiologie, oncologie, intensieve zorgen, pediatrie, geriatrie, chronische zorg) werden geraadpleegd. Zeven-en-negentig panelleden vulden gestandaardiseerde e-mail vragenlijsten in en bediscussieerden de resultaten in werkgroepvergaderingen. RESULTATEN., We selecteerden initieel 256 van de 433 NIC-interventies. Na panel-discussies, plenaire vergaderingen, en pre-tests, bevatte de herziene MVG (alpha versie) 79 items uit 22 NIC klassen en 196 NIC-interventies. CONCLUSIES., Het draagvlak voor de herziene versie van MVG werd gecreëerd door het nastreven van consensus. Het gebruik van NIC vormde hierbij een geode theoretische basis en verhoogt het internationaal karakter van de nieuwe MVG. IMPLICATIES VOOR DE VERPLEEGKUNDIGE PRAKTIJK., De nieuwe MVG kan gebruikt worden om de dagelijkse verpleegkundige praktijk zichtbaar te maken in verschillende beleidsdomeinen (e.g., financiering, toewijzing personeel). [source] Evaluation of the Implementation of Nursing Diagnoses, Interventions, and OutcomesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 1 2009Maria Müller-Staub PhD PURPOSE.,This paper aims to provide insight into nursing classifications and to report the effects of nursing diagnostics implementation. This paper summarizes the results of six studies. METHODS.,Two systematic reviews, instrument development and testing, a pre,post intervention study, and a cluster-randomized trial were performed. FINDINGS.,The NANDA International classification met most of the literature-based classification criteria, and results showed the Quality of Nursing Diagnoses, Interventions and Outcomes (Q-DIO) to be a reliable instrument to measure the documented quality of nursing diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes. Implementation of standardized nursing language significantly improved the quality of documented nursing diagnoses, related interventions, and patient outcomes. As a follow-up measure, Guided Clinical Reasoning (GCR) was effective in supporting nurses' clinical reasoning skills. CONCLUSIONS.,Carefully implementing classifications led to enhanced, accurately stated nursing diagnoses, more effective nursing interventions, and better patient outcomes. IMPLICATIONS.,Rethinking implementation methods for standardized language and using GCR is recommended. Based on the results of this study, the inclusion of NANDA International diagnoses with related interventions and outcomes in electronic health records is suggested. [source] Accuracy and Efficiency of Computer-Aided Nursing DiagnosisINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 3 2008Sachiko Kurashima MSN PURPOSE.,This study aims to determine whether a computer-aided nursing (CAN) diagnosis system improves diagnostic accuracy and efficiency. METHODS.,A randomized crossover trial was performed using two kinds of case studies with 42 nurses as subjects. The subjects were divided into a group using the CAN diagnosis system and a group using a handbook of nursing diagnosis. Degree of accuracy was judged by using Lunney's seven-point interval scale, while efficiency was evaluated by time required for diagnosis. FINDINGS.,There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of diagnostic accuracy; however, time required for diagnosis was significantly shorter for subjects who used the CAN diagnosis system than for those who did not. Multiple regression analysis showed that the use of the CAN diagnosis system was the only factor associated with the time required for making the nursing diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS.,The use of the CAN diagnosis system improved the efficiency of the diagnostic process without reducing the level of accuracy of nursing diagnoses. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,The use of a computerized system should be a useful tool for implementation of standardized nursing terminologies. [source] Measuring the Dose of Nursing InterventionINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 4 2007David Reed PhD PURPOSE.,To increase awareness of the many issues involved in measuring the dose of nursing intervention in nursing interventions effectiveness research. METHODS.,Identify critical issues in measurement of the dose of nursing intervention and discuss decisions regarding dosage measurement made in a study of the effectiveness of nursing interventions. FINDINGS.,A single method can be applied to resolve two critical issues in intervention dosage measurement. CONCLUSIONS.,Those conducting nursing interventions effectiveness research must think explicitly about how intervention dosage will be measured and reported so that dosage can be replicated in research and practice. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,,Measuring and reporting the dose of nursing intervention in research is essential to the development of an evidence base adequate to support practice. [source] A Dialogue on the Future of Nursing PracticeINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 3 2007APRN-BC, Mary Ann Lavin ScD PURPOSE.,The challenges of health care; its safety, effectiveness, and efficiency; the quality of care; and the outcomes patients experience are issues central to nursing practice. This centrality needs to be affirmed as the profession shapes its practice over the next 50 years. The purpose of this article is to initiate a dialogue on the future of nursing practice. METHODS.,The methods used are observation, reflection, dialogue, and proposed actions. FINDINGS.,The results of this process are preliminary. They suggest that the establishment of nursing hospitals is a distinct possibility. CONCLUSIONS.,This article concludes with a series of arguments for and against this position along with an invitation for your participation in this dialogue. NURSING IMPLICATIONS.,The major implications of this article are not "nursing" implications per se but client and patient implications and the future contribution of nursing to improved health and patient care. [source] Stress Overload: A New DiagnosisINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 4 2006Margaret Lunney PhD PURPOSE.,To describe the phenomenon of stress overload as a nursing diagnosis. METHODS.,A qualitative study using case study method was conducted with nine adults experiencing stress overload to fully describe the experience and identify possible defining characteristics. Current literature sources on stress and its related factors were examined to support stress overload as a nursing diagnosis for inclusion in the NANDA International classification. FINDINGS.,Stress overload, defined as excessive amounts and types of demands that require action, is a human response that is experienced as a problem and contributes to the development of other problems. The proposed defining characteristics are perceives situational stress as excessive, expresses a feeling of tension or pressure, expresses difficulty in functioning as usual, expresses problems with decision-making, demonstrates increased feelings of anger and impatience, and reports negative effects from stress such as physical symptoms or psychological distress. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,Nursing interventions such as active listening and decision-making support are needed to help people reduce stress levels. Studies are needed to further validate the defining characteristics and related factors of this new diagnosis. [source] Using NANDA, NIC, and NOC (NNN) Language for Clinical Reasoning With the Outcome-Present State-Test (OPT) ModelINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 3 2006CRRN-A, Donald D. Kautz RN PURPOSE.,To analyze the degree to which standardized nursing language was used by baccalaureate nursing students completing Outcome-Present State-Test (OPT) model worksheets in a clinical practicum. METHODS.,A scoring instrument was developed and 100 worksheets were retrospectively analyzed. FINDINGS.,NANDA nursing diagnoses were correctly stated in 92% of the OPT models. Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) outcomes were explicitly stated in 22%, and implied in 72%. Interventions matched appropriate Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) activities in 61%. CONCLUSIONS.,NANDA, NIC, and NOC (NNN) language was used inconsistently by students in this sample. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE.,If NNN language is to advance nursing knowledge, its promotion, representation in curriculum development, and active use is necessary. Educational research is needed on the facilitators and barriers to NNN language use. [source] Ineffective Peripheral Tissue Perfusion: Clinical Validation in Patients With Hypertensive CardiomiopathyINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 2 2006Rita de Cassia Gengo de Silva MS PURPOSE.,To validate defining characteristics of ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion using vasomotor function assessment. METHODS.,Twenty-four patients with hypertensive cardiomiopathy were evaluated for 18 defining characteristics of ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion and underwent vasomotor function assessment with induction of reactive hyperemia, intra-arterial infusion of acetylcholine, and pulse wave velocity measurement. The Student's t test and Kruskall,Wallis test were used to assess the significance of relationships between defining characteristics and vasomotor function data. FINDINGS.,Diminished lower extremity pulses were associated with diminished forearm blood flow during acetylcholine infusion; left ventricular overload, intermittent claudication, and diminished skin moisture were associated with elevated pulse wave velocity values. CONCLUSION.,The defining characteristics of ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion were highly associated with vasomotor function data as "gold standards" for that diagnosis. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,Nurses should be able to accurately assess diminished lower extremity pulses, intermittent claudication, and diminished skin moisture as relevant characteristics of ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion in patients with hypertensive cardiomiopathy. Irrigation Tissulaire Périphérique Inefficace: Validation Clinique Chez les Patients Atteints de Cardiomyopathie Hypertensive BUT.,Valider les caractéristiques de Irrigation tissulaire périphérique inefficace en utilisant l'évaluation de la fonction vasomotrice. MÉTHODES.,Vingt-quatre patients souffrant de cardiomyopathie hypertensive furent évalués au regard des 18 caractéristiques du diagnostic Irrigation vasculaire périphérique inefficace et de la fonction vasomotrice par induction d'une hyperémie réactionnelle, la perfusion intra-artérielle d'acétylcholine, et la mesure de la vélocité de l'onde du pouls. Les tests "Student t et Kruskall,Wallis" furent utilisés pour déterminer l'importance des liens entre les caractéristiques et les valeurs de la fonction vasomotrice. RÉSULTATS.,La diminution des pulsations périphériques des membres inférieurs fut associée à une diminution du flot sanguin pendant la perfusion d'acétylcholine; une surcharge ventriculaire gauche, de la claudication intermittente et une diminution de l'hydratation de la peau furent associées à des valeurs élevées de la vélocité de l'onde du pouls. CONCLUSION.,,Les caractéristiques de Irrigation tissulaire périphérique inefficace qui furent associées de manière significative à la fonction vasomotrice peuvent être considérées comme les "étalons or" de ce diagnostic. IMPLICATIONS POUR LA PRATIQUE.,Les infirmières devraient être capables d'évaluer correctement la diminution des pouls périphériques, la claudication intermittente, et la diminution de l'hydratation de la peau, car ce sont des caractéristiques pertinentes de l'irrigation tissulaire périphérique inefficace chez les patients atteints de cardiomyopathie hypertensive. Translation by Cécile Boisvert, MSN, RN Perfusão Tissular Periférica Ineficaz: Validação Clínica em Pacientes com Miocardiopatia Hipertensiva PROPÓSITO.,Validar as caraterísticas definidoras do diagnóstico de perfusão tissular periférica ineficaz usando a avaliação da função vasomotora. MÉTODO.,Vinte e quatro pacientes com miocardiopatia hipertensiva foram avaliados segundo 18 características definidoras de perfusão tissular periférica ineficaz e submetidos a avaliação da função vasomotora por indução de hiperemia reativa, infusão intra-arterial de acetilcolina e por mensuração da velocidade da onda de pulso. Testes T de Student e de Kruskall,Wallis foram aplicados para avaliar a significância das relações entre as características definidoras e os dados da função vasomotora. RESULTADOS.,Diminuição de pulso nas extremidades inferiores foi associada com o menor fluxo de sangue no antebraço durante a infusão de acetilcolina; sobrecarga ventricular esquerda, claudicação intermitente e diminuição da hidratação da pele foram associados com valores elevados de velocidade de onda de pulso. CONCLUSÃO.,Quatro características definidoras de perfusão tissular periférica ineficaz foram altamente associadas com função vasomotora alterada como "padrão ouro" para este diagnóstico. IMPLICAÇÕES PARA A PRÁTICA.,As enfermeiras devem ser capazes de avaliar com precisão a diminuição dos pulsos das extremidades inferiores, claudicação intermitente e diminuição na hidratação da pele como características definidoras relevantes da perfusão tissular periférica ineficaz em pacientes com miocardiopatia hipertensiva. Translation by Alba Leite de Barros, PhD, RN Perfusión Tisular Periférica Inefectiva: Validación Clínica en Pacientes que Presentan Miocardiopatía Hipertensiva PROPÓSITO.,Validar las características definitorias del diagnóstico Perfusión tisular periférica inefectiva utilizando una valoración de la función vasomotora. METODOLOGÍA.,Veinticuatro pacientes diagnosticados de Miocardiopatía Hipertensiva fueron evaluados con respecto a las 18 características definitorias del diagnóstico Perfusión tisular periférica inefectiva y sometidos a una valoración de la función vasomotora con inducción de Hiperemia reactiva, infusión intra-arterial de acetilcolina, y medida de la velocidad de la onda del pulso. Se utilizaron los análisis estadísticos de t-Student y Kruskall,Wallis para valorar el significado de las relaciones entre las características definitorias y los datos obtenidos de la valoración de la función vasomotora. HALLAZGOS.,Durante la infusión de acetilcolina se detectó disminución de los pulsos en la extremidad inferior relacionado con la disminución del volumen de sangre en el antebrazo; la sobrecarga ventricular izquierda, claudicación intermitente y disminución de la hidratación de la piel fueron asociadas con la elevación de los valores de la velocidad de la onda del pulso. CONCLUSIÓN.,Las características definitorias del diagnóstico Perfusión tisular periférica inefectiva estaban fuertemente asociadas a los datos procedentes de la valoración de la función vasomotora identificándose como "estándares fundamentales" para este diagnóstico. IMPLICACIONES PARA LA PRÁCTICA.,Las enfermeras deberían ser capaces de valorar cuidadosamente la presencia de pulsos disminuidos en las extremidades inferiores, y la disminución de la hidratación de la piel ya que son características relevantes del diagnóstico Perfusión tisular periférica inefectiva en pacientes que presentan Miocardiopatía Hipertensiva. Translation by Adolf Guirao, RN [source] Comparison of Nursing Interventions Performed by Medical-Surgical Nurses in Korea and the United StatesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 2 2006Eunjoo Lee PhD PURPOSE.,To compare the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) interventions used in two countries, Korea and the United States. METHODS.,Data were collected from 167 nurses working in eight hospitals in Korea and analyzed with descriptive statistics. FINDINGS.,Korean nurses selected 202 interventions, nine of which were used by more than 50% of nurses surveyed. In comparison, the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN) in the United States identified 68 interventions as core interventions. Among the top ranked 68 interventions selected by Korean nurses, 29 (43%) matched those selected by U.S. nurses. CONCLUSION.,The nursing interventions selected by Korean nurses were more heavily focused on the physiologic domain than those selected by the U.S. nurses. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,The identified intervention lists can be used to develop nursing information systems, staff education, competency evaluation, referral networks, certification and licensing exams, and educational curricula for nursing students. Comparaison des interventions réalisées par les infirmières de Médecine-Chirurgie en Corée et aux Etats-Unis BUTS.,Comparer les interventions (tirées de la Classification des Interventions) utilisées dans deux pays: La Corée et les Etats-Unis. MÉTHODES.,Les données furent collectées auprès de 167 infirmières travaillant dans huit hôpitaux Coréens et furent analysées à l'aide de statistiques descriptives. RÉSULTATS.,Les infirmières Coréennes ont choisi 202 interventions, neuf d'entre elles furent utilisées par plus de 50% des infirmières incluses dans l'étude. En comparaison, l'Académie des Infirmières en Médecine-Chirurgie (E.U.) ont identifié 68 interventions clés. Parmi les 68 premières interventions choisies par les infirmières Coréennes, 29 (43%) correspondent à celles qui ont été choisies par les infirmières Américaines. CONCLUSION.,Les interventions de soins choisies par les infirmières Coréennes furent plus fortement centrées sur les domaines physiologiques que celles choisies par leurs collègues Américaines. IMPLICATIONS POUR LA PRATIQUE.,Les listes d'interventions identifées peuvent être utilisées pour développer des systèmes d'information, la formation du personnel, l'évaluation de la compétence, les réseaux de soin, les examens de certification et les programmes de formation des étudiantes infirmières. Translation by Cécile Boisvert, MSN, RN Comparação das Intervenções Realizadas por Enfermeiras Médico-Cirúrgicas na Coréia e nos Estados Unidos OBJETIVO.,Comparar as intervenções contidas na classificação de intervenções de Enfermagem (NIC) usadas nos dois paises, Coréia e Estados Unidos. MÉTODOS.,Os dados foram coletados com 167 enfermeiras que trabalhavam em oito hospitais na Coréia e analisadas com estaticista descritiva. RESULTADOS.,As enfermeiras coreanas selecionaram 202 intervenções, nas quais foram usadas por mais de 50% das enfermeiras entrevistadas. Em comparação, a Academia de enfermeiras médico-cirúrgicas (AMSN) nos Estados Unidos identificaram 68 intervenções como principais. Dentre as 68 intervenções como principais. Dentre as 68 intervenções mais importantes selecionadas pelas enfermeiras coreanas, 29 (43%) coincidiram com aquelas selecionadas pelas enfermeiras americanas. CONCLUSÃO.,As intervenções selecionadas pelas enfermeiras coreanas foram mais fortemente focadas no domínio fisiológico do que aquelas selecionadas pelas enfermeiras americanas. IMPLICAÇÕES PARA A PRÁTICA.,As listas das intervenções identificadas pode ser usada para o desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação de enfermagem, educação-permanente da equipe, avaliação da competência, rede de referências, exames de certificação e licença e currículo educacional para estudantes de enfermagem. Translation by Alba Leite de Barros, PhD, RN Estudio Comparativo de las Intervenciones Enfermeras Realizadas por Enfermeras Especialistas Médico-Quirúrgicas en Korea y Estados Unidos (EUA) PROPÓSITO.,Realizar un estudio comparativo entre las intervenciones enfermeras de la taxonomía NIC (Clasificación de las Intervenciones Enfermeras) utilizadas en dos países, Korea y EUA. METODOLOGÍA.,Los datos fueron recogidos entre 167 enfermeras que trabajaban en ocho hospitales de Korea y fueron analizadas utilizando medidas estadísticas descriptivas. HALLAZGOS.,Las enfermeras koreanas seleccionaron 202 intervenciones, nueve de las cuales fueron utilizadas por más del 50% de las enfermeras estudiadas. A diferencia, la Academia de Enfermeras especialistas Médico-quirúrgicas (AMSN) de los EUA, había identificado 68 intervenciones enfermeras. Entre las 68 intervenciones seleccionadas más frecuentemente por las enfermeras koreanas, 29 (43%) coincidían con las seleccionadas por las enfermeras americanas. CONCLUSIÓN.,Las intervenciones seleccionadas por las enfermeras koreanas estaban más centradas en el dominio fisiológico que las seleccionadas por las enfermeras americanas. IMPLICACIONES PARA LA PRÁCTICA.,La lista de intervenciones identificadas puede ser utilizada para desarrollar sistemas de información enfermeros, programas de formación, evaluación de la competencia, redes de enfermeras de referencia, exámenes de certificación y obtención de licencias, y currícula de formación para los estudiantes de enfermería. Translation by Adolf Guirao, RN [source] Nursing Diagnoses and Interventions of Japanese Patients with End-Stage Breast Cancer Admitted for Different Care PurposesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 3-4 2005Chie Ogasawara RN PURPOSE.,To clarify actual nursing diagnoses for and interventions given to patients with end-stage breast cancer admitted for different care purposes. METHODS.,Nursing diagnoses, defining characteristics, related/risk factors, and nursing interventions were analyzed in a convenience sample of 150 patient records. FINDINGS.,A total of 539 nursing diagnoses (96 labels) were documented. Frequently listed diagnoses were chronic pain, risk for infection, and activity intolerance. The most frequently used nursing diagnosis for the chemotherapy group was risk for infection. The nurses in this study rarely report any diagnoses related to death and dying. CONCLUSIONS.,Nursing diagnoses and interventions differed depending on the purpose of admission. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,Oncology nurses need to consider the reasons for admission when making nursing diagnoses and interventions for patients with end-stage breast cancer. [source] Nursing Diagnoses Identified During Parent Group Meetings in a Neonatal Intensive Care UnitINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 3-4 2005Ianê Nogueira Do Vale RN PURPOSE.,To identify nursing diagnoses in the reports of parents obtained during parent support group meetings in a neonatal intensive care unit. METHODS.,An explorative descriptive study using records obtained during 29 meetings over a period of 11 months with parents and family members. FINDINGS.,Six NANDA-approved nursing diagnoses were identified from parent group data: fear, risk for impaired parent/infant attachment, parental role conflict, risk for ineffective breastfeeding, impaired home maintenance, and risk for caregiver role strain. Diagnoses were not validated with parents. DISCUSSION.,Support groups helped the parents express their thoughts and feelings and provided nurses with opportunities to identify nursing diagnoses and interventions. The identification of nursing diagnoses showed that nursing interventions that are focused on improved parent outcomes should be implemented for parents and other family members. IMPLICATIONS.,Nursing care in neonatal units should focus on interventions for parents and other family members in addition to providing the necessary care of newborns. [source] Development of Two Search Strategies for Literature in MEDLINE,PubMed: Nursing Diagnoses in the Context of Evidence-Based NursingINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 2 2005Almuth Berg Dipl.-PGW PURPOSE.,To develop and validate search filters for MEDLINE via PubMed according to two categories of the NLINKS-EBN matrix. METHODS.,The search results of the search filters were compared to a gold standard. FINDINGS.,The usage of nursing classification terms for the literature search in evidence-based nursing (EBN) is still limited because taxonomies are neither widely used in nursing literature nor applied for indexing by MEDLINE. The proposed filters achieved a sensitivity of 96% and a specificity of 94% for "secondary data" and a sensitivity of 87% and a specificity of 73% for "diagnostic tests." CONCLUSIONS.,The usage of database-specific search filters are a reliable and valid method to search for nursing classification terms in medical databases. [source] Quality of Nursing Diagnoses: Evaluation of an Educational InterventionINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING TERMINOLOGIES AND CLASSIFICATION, Issue 2 2005Jan Florin RN PURPOSE.,To investigate the effects on the quality of nursing diagnostic statements in patient records after education in the nursing process and implementation of new forms for recording. METHODS.,Quasi-experimental design. Randomly selected patient records reviewed before and after intervention from one experimental unit (n = 70) and three control units (n = 70). A scale with 14 characteristics pertaining to nursing diagnoses was developed and used together with the instrument (CAT-CH-ING) for record review. FINDINGS.,Quality of nursing diagnostic statements improved in the experimental unit, whereas no improvement was found in the control units. Serious flaws in the use of the etiology component were found. CONCLUSION.,Nurses must be more concerned with the accuracy and quality of the nursing diagnoses and the etiology component needs to be given special attention. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,Education of RNs in nursing diagnostic statements and peer review using standardized evaluation instruments can be means to further enhance RNs' documentation practice. [source] Psychosocial Experiences of Parents of a Child With Imperforate AnusJOURNAL FOR SPECIALISTS IN PEDIATRIC NURSING, Issue 4 2009Margret Nisell PURPOSE., This study aims to examine the psychosocial experiences of parents of children with imperforate anus (IA) and to describe their potential positive experiences. DESIGN AND METHODS., Parents of IA children and a comparison group answered a questionnaire, which was analyzed quantitatively and with manifest content analysis. RESULTS., Social relationships and respect for the child's will were more affected among IA mothers. Positive experiences were revealed in relation to the child, the parent, and the family. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS., Support to parents in caring for a child with IA should be individualized and occasionally undertaken through collaboration with experts from child and adolescent psychiatry. [source] The Association Between Internet Use and Depressive Symptoms Among South Korean AdolescentsJOURNAL FOR SPECIALISTS IN PEDIATRIC NURSING, Issue 4 2009Sunhee ParkArticle first published online: 28 APR 200 PURPOSE., This study explores the cross-sectional relationship between Internet use and depressive symptoms in South Korean adolescents. DESIGN AND METHODS., Existing data, the three-wave Korean Youth Panel Survey, were analyzed. The sample was a cohort representing the population of second-year students at Korean middle schools in 2003 (N = 3,449). Multivariate logistic regression was used. RESULTS., A one-unit increase in Internet use was positively associated with a 20.7% increase in risk for depressive symptoms. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS., It may be worthwhile for nursing professionals to inquire about Internet use as part of a measure of screening for depressive symptoms in teens. [source] Parenting Stress in Mothers of Children With Autism Spectrum DisordersJOURNAL FOR SPECIALISTS IN PEDIATRIC NURSING, Issue 3 2009Supapak Phetrasuwan PURPOSE., The purpose of this paper is to describe the sources of parenting stress in mothers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and examine the relationship between parenting stress and maternal psychological status (depression and well-being). DESIGN AND METHODS., A descriptive correlational design was used. Data were collected via mailed questionnaires. RESULTS., Behavioral symptoms were the primary source of parenting stress for mothers. There was no relationship between child characteristics and parenting stress. Mothers reporting more parenting stress had more depressive symptoms and lower levels of well-being. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS., Our findings have implications for interventions with mothers to help them manage their children's behavior and focus on stress reduction and well-being. [source] Development of a Clinical Practice Guideline for Testing Nasogastric Tube PlacementJOURNAL FOR SPECIALISTS IN PEDIATRIC NURSING, Issue 1 2009Sue Peter PURPOSE.,A Perth metropolitan hospital group standardized changes to nasogastric tube placement, including removal of the "whoosh test" and litmus paper, and introduction of pH testing. DESIGN AND METHODS.,,Two audits were conducted: bedside data collection at a pediatric hospital and a point-prevalence audit across seven hospitals. RESULTS.,,Aspirate was obtained for 97% of all tests and pH was , 5.5 for 84%, validating the practice changes. However, patients on continuous feeds and/or receiving acid-inhibiting medications had multiple pH testing fails. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,Nasogastric tube placement continues to present a challenge for those high-risk patients on continuous feeds and/or receiving acid-inhibiting medications. [source] Exploring Youth Development With Diverse Children: Correlates of Risk, Health, and Thriving BehaviorsJOURNAL FOR SPECIALISTS IN PEDIATRIC NURSING, Issue 1 2009Laureen H. Smith PURPOSE.,This study explored the relationships between internal and external assets, risk behaviors, health behaviors, and thriving behaviors in diverse children. DESIGN AND METHODS.,The strength of relationships existing between measures, differences between group means based on gender, grades earned, and school, and confidence interval (p , .05) were tested in a sample of 61 urban sixth graders. RESULTS.,Few assets were related to substance use. Assets were related to delinquency acts, health behaviors, and thriving indicators. Group differences between schools and gender and the total number of assets were noted. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,Supporting assets are important to consider when nurses perform assessments and design interventions to support youths in their maturation processes. [source] The Effect of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Adolescent Pregnancy: An Integrative Research ReviewJOURNAL FOR SPECIALISTS IN PEDIATRIC NURSING, Issue 4 2008Melissa A. Francisco PURPOSE.,This study aims to describe the current research literature on the relationship of childhood sexual abuse and adolescent pregnancy and highlight the potential cross-cutting risk factors. DESIGN AND METHODS.,Thirteen articles were identified as the basis of this review using Cooper's methodology (1998) for synthesizing research. Articles were categorized according to the levels of evidence proposed by Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt (2005). RESULTS.,The majority of the studies identified a relationship between childhood sexual abuse and adolescent pregnancy (n = 9). Cross-cutting risk factors included female gender, younger age, substance use/abuse, family constellation, parent,child conflict, and mother disengagement. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,Strategies for nurses to identify pregnant and parenting adolescents who have been sexually victimized are important for early intervention. Resiliency factors of young people who report positive outcomes are highlighted. [source] Family-Based Weight Management With Latino Mothers and ChildrenJOURNAL FOR SPECIALISTS IN PEDIATRIC NURSING, Issue 4 2008Kathy Shadle James PURPOSE.,This paper aims to design a culturally appropriate weight management intervention for high-risk Latino families and to examine the feasibility of recruiting program participants. DESIGN AND METHODS.,A descriptive design using qualitative and quantitative data collected during preliminary phases of an ongoing intervention study. RESULTS.,From the preliminary works, a curriculum was revised for Latino families who have overweight children. The curriculum was modified to include suggestions from the focus groups, including helping mothers set limits with their children and make the transition to lighter foods and a more active family life. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,The information will aid professionals in the process of program design for Latino families who have weight concerns. [source] Evaluation of a Pilot Hospital-Based Community Program Implementing Fitness and Nutrition Education for Overweight ChildrenJOURNAL FOR SPECIALISTS IN PEDIATRIC NURSING, Issue 3 2008Karen Gabel Speroni PhD PURPOSE.,Evaluate the effect of the Kids Living FitÔ hospital-based intervention on body mass index (BMI) percentile, adjusted for age (months) and gender in children ages 8,12 years with BMI percentiles , 85. DESIGN AND METHODS.,Twelve weekly exercise sessions and three nutrition presentations were held. Nurses recorded BMI and waist circumference at baseline, week 12, and week 24. Participants completed food and activity diaries. RESULTS.,Of the 32 participants enrolled, 16 completed all outcome measures and experienced a decrease in average BMI, BMI percentile, and waist circumference between baseline and weeks 12 and 24. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,Hospitals can offer exercise and nutrition programs to decrease childhood obesity in their communities. [source] Ecological Differences in Weight, Length, and Weight for Length of Mexican American Children in the WIC ProgramJOURNAL FOR SPECIALISTS IN PEDIATRIC NURSING, Issue 3 2008Elizabeth Reifsnider PhD, WHNP PURPOSE.,Examine factors common in the environments of children who obtain services from a WIC program to determine if differences in ecological/environmental factors can be found in the children who differ in weight, length, and weight for length. DESIGN AND METHODS.,Cross-sectional study of 300 children, 100 each who were stunted, normal weight for length, or overweight. Instruments used were NCATS, ARSMA II, 24-hr diet recall, and Baecke Activity Questionnaire. RESULTS.,Significant differences were present in children's diet, parents' BMI, parents' generation in United States, parents' activity levels, and maternal,child relationship. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,Encourage parents to adopt family approaches to encourage normal body size in children. [source] Collaborative Childcare Health Consultation: A Conceptual ModelJOURNAL FOR SPECIALISTS IN PEDIATRIC NURSING, Issue 2 2008Angela A. Crowley PhD PURPOSE.,This study explored the nature of consultation between childcare providers and nurse childcare health consultants and identified factors that promote a collaborative relationship. DESIGN AND METHODS.,A qualitative study using semistructured, individual interviews of five collaborative and five conflicted pairs of nurse childcare health consultants and childcare center directors. Data were analyzed following principles of grounded theory and applying the constant comparative method of analysis. RESULTS.,Establishing a collaborative relationship was influenced by previous experiences and four themes in the relationship: open and active communication, commitment, respect, and congruent philosophies. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,Preparation in developing collaborative relationships should be incorporated into the education of nurse consultants and childcare directors and providers. [source] Parents' Concerns About Issues Related to Their Children's Genetic ConditionsJOURNAL FOR SPECIALISTS IN PEDIATRIC NURSING, Issue 1 2008Agatha M. Gallo PURPOSE.,The purpose of this analysis was to examine parents' (N = 142) concerns about issues (i.e., privacy of information, insurance, healthcare costs, employment, school) related to their children's genetic conditions. DESIGN AND METHODS.,Using a series of matrices, thematic analysis was conducted focusing on parents' concerns. RESULTS.,Parents were less concerned with privacy and more concerned with insurance, healthcare costs, employment, and school issues. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,Nurses and other healthcare professionals need to give parents the opportunity to discuss their concerns and to assist parents with strategies and resources to meet the needs of their children and families. [source] Children's Expectations of Pain, Perceptions of Analgesic Efficacy, and Experiences With Nonpharmacologic Pain Management Strategies at Home Following TonsillectomyJOURNAL FOR SPECIALISTS IN PEDIATRIC NURSING, Issue 3 2007Kimberly A. Sutters PURPOSE.,To document children's (ages 6,15 years) descriptions of their pain management at home following tonsillectomy. DESIGN AND METHODS.,Audio-taped interviews of 80 children were transcribed and coded. Data for each response category were tabulated. RESULTS.,Children reported they had more pain after surgery than expected, the pain medicine helped to take their pain away, taking the pain medicine was associated with a negative response by some children, and cold liquids/food by mouth provided pain relief. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,Findings provide insight into children's perspective of pain management at home following tonsillectomy and methods for relieving their pain. [source] Pain-Sensitive Temperament and Postoperative PainJOURNAL FOR SPECIALISTS IN PEDIATRIC NURSING, Issue 3 2007Charmaine Kleiber PURPOSE.,To describe the relationship between pain-sensitive temperament and self-report of pain intensity following surgery. DESIGN AND METHODS.,Fifty-nine adolescents and young adults (average age 14 years) undergoing spinal fusion for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis completed the Sensitivity Temperament Inventory for Pain,Child version (STIP-C). The Pearson correlation between STIP-C scores and the highest pain intensity for each of the first three postoperative days was investigated. RESULTS.,There was a small but significant correlation between the Perceptual Sensitivity and Symptom Reporting subscales of the STIP-C and pain intensity measured on the third postoperative day. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,Aspects of the pain-sensitive temperament may be important in understanding the variability in postoperative pain. This is the first investigation of the relationship between pain-sensitive temperament and surgical pain. More research is needed in this area. [source] |