Methodological Contribution (methodological + contribution)

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Selected Abstracts

Modélisation spatiale de la pauvretéà Montréal: apport méthodologique de la régression géographiquement pondérée

Spatial Modeling of Poverty in Montréal: Methodological Contribution of the Geographically Weighted Regression The Island of Montréal is particularly concerned with the issue of poverty. In 2000, 29 percent of its inhabitants lived under the low income cut-offs as defined by Statistics Canada. However, poverty is not a homogeneous phenomenon at the intra-urban scale, and identifying and categorizing spaces of poverty has become a main concern for ongoing researches. According to this way of thinking, this paper proposes an analysis of the factors influencing the geographical distribution of poverty on the Island of Montréal. To be able to identify properly the various profiles of poverty, this analysis uses a specific methodology, the geographically weighted regression (GWR), and compares its results with the ones of a classical regression model. At the global level, the most important factors to explain poverty are in order: unemployment, lone-parent families, one person households, recent immigrants, part time or part year workers, school dropouts. At the local level, L'île de Montréal est particulièrement touchée par la pauvreté, puisqu'en 2000 29 pour cent de sa population vivait sous le seuil de faible revenu tel que défini par Statistique Canada. La pauvreté ne constituant pas toutefois un phénomène homogène à l'échelle intra-urbaine, l'identification et la qualification des zones de pauvreté deviennent des enjeux de recherche de première importance. Dans cette perspective, cet article propose une analyse des facteurs qui déterminent la distribution spatiale de la pauvreté au niveau des secteurs de recensement de l'île de Montréal. Pour ce faire, l'analyse mobilise un outil méthodologique particulier: la régression géographiquement pondérée, et en compare les résultats avec un modèle de régression multiple global. Au niveau global, on constate que les facteurs classiques conduisant à la pauvreté sont à l',uvre sur le territoire de l'île de Montréal. Dans l'ordre, ces facteurs sont: le chômage, la monoparentalité, le fait de vivre seul, le fait d'être un immigrant récent, le travail atypique et la non-fréquentation scolaire des jeunes de 15 à 24 ans. Au niveau local, s'il est vrai we observe that variables employment and lone-parents families play significantly in almost all the census tracts, the four other factors are significant only in some census tracts in the center of the Island. At the end of this analysis, the advantages of the GWR methodology appear clearly, as its capacity to take into account the geographical variations of the phenomenon allows a better identification and categorization of poverty areas in Montréal. que le chômage et la monoparentalité agissent significativement dans presque tous les secteurs, les quatre autres facteurs sont uniquement significatifs dans certains secteurs du centre de l'île. Au terme de l'analyse, les avantages de la régression géographiquement pondérée apparaissent clairement, sa plus grande sensibilité aux variations spatiales du phénomène permettant de mieux identifier et qualifier les zones de pauvreté montréalaises. [source]

Facial expressions of emotions: a methodological contribution to the study of spontaneous and dynamic emotional faces,

Anna Tcherkassof
This paper addresses methodological considerations relevant to nonverbal communication of emotion research. In order to gather more information about the interpretations given to spontaneous and dynamic facial expressions, two main objectives guide the present exploratory research. The first one is to obtain naturalistic recordings of emotional expressions in realistic settings that are ,emotional enough'. The second one is to address the issue of dynamic judgments of facial expressions of emotion, that is real-time emotional recognition. An innovative device has been created for this specific purpose. Results show that, although the social nature of the eliciting situation is minimal, the experience of some emotions is reflected on the encoders' faces while being covertly videotaped in natural conditions. Moreover, results show the utility to investigate dynamic emotional judgments of spontaneous and dynamic expressions since observers seem to be sensitive to the slightest facial expression change in making their emotional judgments. A promising paradigm is thus proposed for the study of the dynamics of real-time nonverbal emotional interaction. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]

Optimal Stabilization Policy in the Presence of Learning by Doing

Philippe Martin
This paper analyses the optimal stabilization policy when growth is driven by learning by doing. If benefits of learning by doing are not fully internalized, the optimal policy is to tax labor during expansions and to subsidize it during recessions. The long-term impact of this policy depends critically on initial conditions: If stabilization starts during an expansion, it has a positive effect on long-term production. When stabilization starts during a recession, its long-term effect is negative. The paper makes a methodological contribution in its analytical derivation of the optimal policy along the transition path as well as in the steady state. [source]

Burning and cutting: Identifying the traits of individuals with an enduring propensity to tan and to undergo cosmetic surgery

John C. Mowen
The research investigated the trait predictors of the propensity to use two beautification procedures that have the potential to harm health , the propensities to tan and to obtain cosmetic surgery. The results of a survey of 231 adult consumers revealed that a different combination of hierarchically arranged traits was predictive of the two procedures. These results suggest that different strategies are required in order to market or demarket tanning and plastic surgery. The research also made methodological contributions by revealing that two forms of vanity identified in the literature , physical view vanity and physical concern vanity , represent two different constructs rather than two dimensions of an underlying construct. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]